## NOT-YET-Export:
inla.sparse.det.bym = function(Q, rankdef,
adjust.for.con.comp = TRUE, log=TRUE, eps = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
## compute the (log-)determinant. If rankdef > 0, then assume a
## sum to zero constraint on each connected component.
Q = inla.as.sparse(Q)
n = dim(Q)[1]
constr = NULL
if (adjust.for.con.comp) {
g = inla.read.graph(Q)
nc = g$cc$n
constr = list(A = matrix(0, nc, n), e = rep(0, nc))
for(k in 1:nc) {
constr$A[k, g$cc$nodes[[k]]] = 1
} else {
nc = 1
constr = list(A = matrix(1, nc, n), e = rep(1, nc))
if (missing(rankdef)) {
rankdef = nc
d = diag(Q)
diag(Q) = d + max(d) * eps
res = inla.qsample(n=1, Q=Q, sample = matrix(0, n, 1), constr = constr)
logdet = 2.0 * (res$logdens + (n-rankdef)/2.0*log(2.0*pi))
return (if (log) logdet else exp(logdet))
inla.scale.model.bym = function(Q, eps = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), adjust.for.con.comp = TRUE)
Q = inla.as.sparse(Q)
n = dim(Q)[1]
constr = NULL
g = inla.read.graph(Q)
if (adjust.for.con.comp) {
nc = g$cc$n
constr = list(A = matrix(0, nc, n), e = rep(0, nc))
for(k in 1:nc) {
constr$A[k, g$cc$nodes[[k]]] = 1
} else {
nc = 1
constr = list(A = matrix(1, nc, n), e = rep(0, nc))
res = inla.qinv(Q + Diagonal(n) * max(diag(Q)) * eps, constr = constr)
fac = exp(mean(log(diag(res))))
Q = fac * Q
return (Q)
inla.scale.model = function(Q, constr, eps = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
if (missing(constr)) {
stop("Argument missing: constr = list(A=matrix(...), e=c(...))")
Q = inla.as.sparse(Q)
n = dim(Q)[1]
res = inla.qinv(Q + Diagonal(n) * max(diag(Q)) * eps, constr = constr)
fac = exp(mean(log(diag(res))))
Q = fac * Q
return (Q)
inla.pc.bym.Q = function(graph)
Q = -inla.graph2matrix(graph)
diag(Q) = 0
diag(Q) = -rowSums(Q)
return (Q)
## also used for the rw2d+iid model (eigenvalues/marginal.variances
## arguments...)
inla.pc.bym.phi = function(
eigenvalues = NULL,
marginal.variances = NULL,
## if alpha is not set, it will be computed from alpha.min
u = 1/2,
## use this option with care, as this only applied to the case
## where Q is already scaled.
scale.model = TRUE,
return.as.table = FALSE,
adjust.for.con.comp = TRUE,
## where to switch to alternative strategy
dim.limit = 1000L,
eps = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps),
debug = FALSE)
my.debug = function(...) if (debug) cat("*** debug *** inla.pc.bym.phi: ", ... , "\n")
if (missing(eigenvalues) && missing(marginal.variances)) {
## computes the prior for the mixing parameter `phi'.
if (missing(graph) && !missing(Q)) {
Q = inla.as.sparse(Q)
} else if (!missing(graph) && missing(Q)) {
Q = inla.pc.bym.Q(graph)
} else if (missing(graph) && missing(Q)) {
stop("Either <Q> or <graph> must be given.")
} else {
stop("Only one of <Q> and <graph> can be given.")
g = NULL
if (missing(rankdef)) {
if (adjust.for.con.comp) {
g = inla.read.graph(Q)
nc = g$cc$n
} else {
nc = 1
rankdef = nc
n = dim(Q)[1]
if (n >= dim.limit) {
if (scale.model) {
Q = inla.scale.model.bym(Q, adjust.for.con.comp = adjust.for.con.comp)
if (rankdef > 0) {
if (adjust.for.con.comp) {
if (is.null(g)) g = inla.read.graph(Q) ## if 'g' exists...
nc = g$cc$n
constr = list(A = matrix(0, nc, n), e = rep(0, nc))
for(k in 1:nc) {
constr$A[k, g$cc$nodes[[k]]] = 1
} else {
nc = 1
constr = list(A = matrix(1, nc, n), e = rep(0, nc))
Qinv.d = diag(inla.qinv(Q + Diagonal(n) * max(diag(Q)) * eps, constr))
} else {
Qinv.d = diag(inla.qinv(Q))
f = mean(Qinv.d) - 1.0
use.eigenvalues = FALSE
} else {
if (scale.model) {
fac = exp(mean(log(diag(inla.ginv(x=as.matrix(Q), rankdef=rankdef)))))
Q = fac * Q
e = eigen(as.matrix(Q))
gamma.inv = c(1/e$values[1:(n-rankdef)], rep(0, rankdef))
gamma.invm1 = gamma.inv - 1.0
Qinv.d = c(diag(e$vectors %*% diag(gamma.inv) %*% t(e$vectors)))
f = mean(Qinv.d) - 1.0
use.eigenvalues = TRUE
} else {
n = length(eigenvalues)
eigenvalues = pmax(0, sort(eigenvalues, decreasing=TRUE))
gamma.invm1= c(1/eigenvalues[1:(n-rankdef)], rep(0, rankdef)) - 1.0
f = mean(marginal.variances) - 1.0
use.eigenvalues = TRUE
if (use.eigenvalues) {
## this is fast for low dimension where we can compute the
## eigenvalues
phi.s = 1/(1+exp(-seq(-12, 12, len = 1000)))
d = numeric(length(phi.s))
k = 1
for(phi in phi.s) {
aa = n*phi*f
##bb = sum(log(1-phi + phi*gamma.inv))
bb = sum(log1p(phi*gamma.invm1))
##bb = sum(log(1+phi*gamma.invm1))
## sometimes we *might* experience numerical problems, so we need
## to remove (if any) small phi's.
if (aa >= bb) {
d[k] = sqrt(aa - bb)
} else {
d[k] = NA
k = k + 1
} else {
## alternative strategy for larger matrices
phi.s = 1/(1+exp(-seq(-12, 12, len=40)))
d = numeric(length(phi.s))
log.q1.det = inla.sparse.det.bym(Q, adjust.for.con.comp = adjust.for.con.comp)
d = unlist(inla.mclapply(phi.s,
function(phi) {
aa = n*phi*f
## add eps for stability for small phi. This is
## hack to get it close to the eigenvalue
## solution...
if (phi <= 0.5) {
eps = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
rdef = 0
} else {
eps = 0
rdef = 1
bb = n * log((1.0 - phi)/phi) +
inla.sparse.det.bym(Q + (phi/(1-phi) + eps) * Diagonal(n), rankdef = rdef,
adjust.for.con.comp = adjust.for.con.comp) -
(log.q1.det - (n-rankdef) * log(phi))
return (if (aa >= bb) sqrt(aa-bb) else NA)
## remove phi's that failed, if any
remove = is.na(d)
d = d[!remove]
phi.s = phi.s[!remove]
phi.intern = log(phi.s/(1-phi.s))
ff.d = splinefun(phi.intern, d)
f.d = splinefun(phi.s, d)
if (length(phi.s) < 1000) {
## short lengths needs more care
phi.intern = seq(min(phi.intern), max(phi.intern), len = 1000)
phi.s = 1/(1+exp(-phi.intern))
f.d = splinefun(c(0, phi.s), c(0, ff.d(phi.intern)))
d = f.d(phi.s)
d.max = f.d(1.0)
if (missing(lambda)) {
## Prob(phi < u) = alpha
alpha.min = f.d(u)/d.max
my.debug("compute alpha.min = ", alpha.min)
if (missing(alpha) || (alpha <= 0.0 || alpha >= 1.0)) {
## set the default value a little over the minimum one.
fac = 0.975
alpha = alpha.min * fac + 1 * (1-fac)
my.debug("missing(alpha) == TRUE. set alpha = ", alpha, "using u=", u)
## initial value
if (!(alpha > alpha.min)) {
my.debug("This must be true: alpha > ", alpha.min)
stopifnot(alpha > alpha.min)
f.target = function(lam, alpha, d.u, d.max) {
value = ((1-exp(-lam*d.u)/(1-exp(-lam*d.max)) - alpha)^2)
##my.debug("lam=", lam, "value=", value)
return (value)
## do the screning in two rounds
lam = exp(seq(-10, 3, len=25))
idx = which.min(f.target(lam, alpha, f.d(u), d.max))
lam = exp(seq(log(lam[idx-1]), log(lam[idx+1]), len=25))
idx = which.min(f.target(lam, alpha, f.d(u), d.max))
## then call the optimiser...
r = optimise(f.target, interval = c(lam[idx-1], lam[idx+1]),
maximum = FALSE,
alpha = alpha, d.u = f.d(u), d.max = d.max)
stopifnot(abs(r$objective) < 1e-3)
lambda = r$minimum
my.debug("found lambda = ", lambda)
## do the derivative wrt the internal scale, phi.intern, and add
## the kernel-term '-log(phi.s*(1-phi.s))'
h = 1e-5
log.jac = log(abs(ff.d(phi.intern + h) - ff.d(phi.intern - h))/(2*h)) - log(phi.s*(1-phi.s))
log.prior = log(lambda) - lambda * d + log.jac - log(1-exp(-lambda * d.max))
if (return.as.table) {
## return this prior as a "table:" converted to the internal
## scale for phi.
my.debug("return prior as a table on phi.internal")
theta = log(phi.s/(1-phi.s))
log.prior.theta = log.prior + log(exp(-theta)/(1+exp(-theta))^2)
theta.prior.table = paste(c("table:", cbind(theta, log.prior.theta)),
sep = "", collapse = " ")
return (theta.prior.table)
} else {
## return a function which evaluates the log-prior as a
## function of phi.
my.debug("return prior as a function of phi")
## do the interpolation in the internal scale
theta = log(phi.s/(1-phi.s))
prior.theta.1 = splinefun(theta, log.prior)
prior.phi = function(phi) prior.theta.1(log(phi/(1.0-phi)))
return (prior.phi)
inla.pc.rw2diid.phi = function(
u = 1/2,
return.as.table = FALSE,
debug = FALSE)
## not all functions here are used, but...
DFT2 = function(x)
IDFT2 = function(x)
make.base.1 = function(size, delta = 0)
if (length(size) == 1) size = c(size, size)
base = matrix(data=0, nrow=size[1], ncol=size[2])
base[1,1] = 4 + delta
base[1,2] = base[2,1] = base[size[1],1] = base[1,size[2]] = -1
eigenvalues = function(base)
return (Re(sqrt(length(base))*DFT2(base)))
eigenvalues.rw2d = function(base)
n = dim(base)[1]
outer(0:(n-1), 0:(n-1),
function(i, j) {
two.pi = 2*pi
return (base[1, 1]
+ base[2, 1] * cos(two.pi * i / n)
+ base[1, 2] * cos(two.pi * j / n)
+ base[n, n] * cos(two.pi * ((n-1) * i / n + (n-1) * j / n))
+ base[n, 1] * cos(two.pi * (n-1) * i / n)
+ base[1, n] * cos(two.pi * (n-1) * j / n))
make.base = function(size, delta = 0)
base = make.base.1(size, delta)
base2 = Re(IDFT2(DFT2(base)^2)) * sqrt(length(base))
inverse = function(base, rankdef, factor = 100)
eig = Re(DFT2(base))
eig.max = max(eig)
if (missing(rankdef)) {
pos = eig > eig.max * factor * .Machine$double.eps
} else {
eig.sort = sort(eig)
if (rankdef > 0) {
pos = eig > eig.sort[rankdef]
} else {
pos = eig > 0
eig[pos] = 1/eig[pos]
eig[!pos] = 0
base.inv = Re(IDFT2(eig))/length(base)
return (base.inv)
tozero = function(base, factor = 100)
elm.max = max(abs(base))
base[abs(base) < factor*.Machine$double.eps*elm.max] = 0
mult = function(base, bbase)
a = Re(DFT2(base))
b = Re(DFT2(bbase))
ab = a*b
xx = Re(IDFT2(ab)) * sqrt(length(base))
check.inla = function(size)
if (length(size) == 1) size = c(size, size)
n = prod(size)
y = numeric(n)
y[] = 0
idx = 1:n
r = inla(y ~ -1 + f(idx, model="rw2d", nrow = size[1], ncol=size[2], scale.model=TRUE, fixed=TRUE),
data = data.frame(y, idx),
family = "gaussian",
control.family = list(hyper = list(prec = list(initial = 8, fixed=TRUE))))
return(r$logfile[ grep(" prec_scale", r$logfile) ])
if (length(size) == 1) {
size = rep(size, 2)
size = size * 1.55
## numbers of the form 2^i*3^j*5^k
good.size = c(8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16, 18, 20, 24, 25, 27, 30, 32,
36, 40, 45, 48, 50, 54, 60, 64, 72, 75, 80, 81, 90, 96,
100, 108, 120, 125, 128, 135, 144, 150, 160, 162, 180,
192, 200, 216, 225, 240, 243, 250, 256, 270, 288, 300,
320, 324, 360, 375, 384, 400, 405, 432, 450, 480, 486,
500, 512, 540, 576, 600, 625, 640, 648, 675, 720, 729,
750, 768, 800, 810, 864, 900, 960, 972, 1000, 1024, 1080,
1125, 1152, 1200, 1215, 1250, 1280, 1296, 1350, 1440,
1458, 1500, 1536, 1600, 1620, 1728, 1800, 1875, 1920,
1944, 2000, 2025, 2048, 2160, 2187, 2250, 2304, 2400,
2430, 2500, 2560, 2592, 2700, 2880, 2916, 3000, 3072,
3125, 3200, 3240, 3375, 3456, 3600, 3645, 3750, 3840,
3888, 4000, 4050, 4096)
for(k in 1:length(size)) {
size[k] = good.size[min(which(size[k] <= good.size))]
base = make.base(size)
base = base * inverse(base, rankdef = 1L)[1, 1]
marg.var = 1.0
e.values = pmax(0, eigenvalues(base))
return (inla.pc.bym.phi(
eigenvalues = c(e.values),
marginal.variances = marg.var,
return.as.table = return.as.table,
debug = debug,
alpha = alpha,
u = u,
lambda = lambda,
rankdef = 1L))
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