
Defines functions sun daily_single daily activity_single activity disp presence_single presence move_single move visits inout_single summarize_inout inout

Documented in activity daily disp inout move presence sun visits

#' Summarize trips when RFID loggers define in/out
#' When RFID loggers are set up in sequence to capture movements in or out of an
#' area (nest box, hive, etc.). This function assumes that if an individual
#' enters by A -> B then it must exit B -> A.
#' Specify `type` to indicate what the trip of interest is (either time
#' out, or time in, the area of interest). Assume loggers A follwed by B
#' indicates an exit. A full "out" trip must have an exit followed eventually by
#' an entry. The trip starts the moment an individual finishes exiting (ie.
#' arrives at B if the last read was at A) and ends the moment an individual
#' starts to enter (ie. arrives at A if the next read is at B). A full "in" trip
#' must have an entry follwed eventually by an exit. The trip starts the moment
#' an individual finishes entering (ie. arrives at A if the last read was at B)
#' and ends the moment an individual starts to exit (ie. arrives at B if the
#' next read is at A).
#' `trip_length` indicates the total time between the start of a trip and
#' the end of a trip. Sometimes an individual may exit (or enter), but might not
#' leave the area around the outside (or inside) logger. The
#' `max_time_away` column indicates the maximum amount of time the
#' individual was not detected by a logger during the trip. Where the
#' trip_length is roughly equivalent to the max_time_away, the individual likely
#' left the immediate area. Where the max_time_away is very small, the
#' individual may have spent much of the time hovering around the the logger.
#' Note that duplicate enters or exits (i.e. two or more successive exits/enters) are
#' ignored. Only the final exit followed by an entry (or the final entry,
#' followed by an exit) is considered. This means that some trips may not be
#' detected. It is less likely that a detected trip represents more than one
#' trip, however, as both an exit and an entry would have had to be missed.
#' @param r Data frame. Raw data frame.
#' @param dir_in Character vector. A vector in the format of 'id1_id2' where id1
#'   is the outer RFID logger and id2 is the inner RFID logger for specifying
#'   direction 'enter' as id1 to id2.
#' @param type Character. Either 'out' or 'in' depending on whether to
#'   concentrate on time spent out or time spent in.
#' @param all Logical. Include all individuals even those that did not complete
#'   any trips.
#' @param pass Logical. Pass 'extra' columns through the function and append
#'   them to the output.
#' @export

inout <- function(r, dir_in, type = "out", all = FALSE, pass = TRUE){

  # Check for correct formatting
  check_name(r, c("animal_id", "logger_id", "date", "time"))
  check_time(r, n = "time")

  if(type == "out") {
    dir_from <- "exit"
    dir_to <- "enter"
  } else if(type == "in"){
    dir_from <- "enter"
    dir_to <- "exit"

  # Check direction options
  id_opts <- paste0("(", paste0(unique(r$logger_id), collapse = ")|("), ")")
  if(!is.character(dir_in) |
     !all(grepl(paste0("(", id_opts,")", "_", "(", id_opts, ")"), dir_in))) {
    stop("dir_in must be a character vector in the format of 'id1_id2' ",
         "where id1 is the outer RFID logger and id2 is the inner RFID ",
         "logger. id1 and id2 must be in logger_ids. You can include ",
         "multiple sets of RFID loggers.", call. = FALSE)

  # Get factor levels for whole dataset
  if(is.factor(r$animal_id)) {
    animal_id <- levels(r$animal_id)
  } else animal_id <- unique(r$animal_id)

  if(is.factor(r$logger_id)) {
    logger_id <- levels(r$logger_id)
  } else logger_id <- unique(r$logger_id)

  # Remove factors to allow silent joins between different levels
  r$animal_id <- as.character(r$animal_id)
  r$logger_id <- as.character(r$logger_id)

  # Exclude loggers which not involved
  if(any(exclude <- !stringr::str_detect(dir_in, r$logger_id))) {
    r <- r[!exclude, ]

  # Get extra columns
  if(pass == TRUE) extra <- keep_extra(r, n = c("time", "logger_id"),
                                       only = c("animal_id", "date"))

  # Apply individually to each animal
  i <- r %>%
    dplyr::group_by(.data$animal_id) %>%
    dplyr::do(inout_single(., dir_in = dir_in, all = all)) %>%

  if(nrow(i) > 0){

    i <- i %>%
      dplyr::group_by(.data$animal_id, .data$inout_id) %>%
      dplyr::filter((.data$direction == !!dir_from &
                       .data$time == max(.data$time)) |
                      (.data$direction == !!dir_to &
                         .data$time == min(.data$time))) %>%

    i <- i %>%
      tidyr::nest(data = c(-"animal_id")) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(data = purrr::map(data, ~remove_edges(.x, dir_to, dir_from))) %>%
      tidyr::unnest(cols = c("data"))

    # Maybe report number of problems, amount of time, etc.?
    i <- i %>%
      dplyr::group_by(.data$animal_id) %>%
        inout_dir = .data$inout_dir[.data$inout_dir %in% !!dir_in][1],
        problem_next = dplyr::if_else(
          .data$direction == dplyr::lead(.data$direction), TRUE, FALSE),
        problem_prev = dplyr::if_else(
          .data$direction == dplyr::lag(.data$direction), TRUE, FALSE),
        problem = .data$problem_next & .data$problem_prev) %>%
      dplyr::filter(.data$problem != TRUE) %>%
      dplyr::group_by(.data$animal_id, .data$direction) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(trip_id = seq_along(.data$animal_id))

    i_sum <- summarize_inout(i, r, dir_in, dir_from, dir_to, type = "out")

    i <- i %>%
      dplyr::select(-"date", -"logger_id", -"inout_id", -"problem_next",
                    -"problem_prev", -"problem") %>%
      tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = "direction", values_from = "time") %>%
      dplyr::select("animal_id", "trip_id", "inout_dir", "exit", "enter") %>%
      dplyr::ungroup() %>%
      dplyr::left_join(i_sum, by = c("animal_id", "inout_dir", "trip_id"))

    # Remove trips where exit/enter times are identical
    # (i.e. only one read on one of the loggers)
    i <- dplyr::filter(i, .data$exit != .data$enter)

    # Re-calculate date from enter/exit and organize
    if(type == "out") {
      i <- dplyr::arrange(i, .data$animal_id, .data$exit) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(date = lubridate::as_date(.data$exit))
    if(type == "in") {
      i <- dplyr::arrange(i, .data$animal_id, .data$enter) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(date = lubridate::as_date(.data$enter))

    # Add in extra cols
    if(pass == TRUE) i <- merge_extra(i, extra)


  i$animal_id <- factor(i$animal_id, levels = animal_id)


summarize_inout <- function(i, r, dir_in, dir_from, dir_to, type = "out"){
  # Calculate place/in times and amount of hovering time
  i_raw <- r %>%
    dplyr::select("animal_id", "logger_id", "time") %>%
    dplyr::mutate(inout_dir = purrr::map_chr(
      .data$logger_id, ~dir_in[stringr::str_detect(dir_in, .x)])) %>%
      i[, c("animal_id", "time", "direction", "trip_id", "inout_dir")],
      by = c("animal_id", "time", "inout_dir")) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(.data$animal_id, .data$inout_dir) %>%
      trip_idx = .data$trip_id,
      trip_idx = replace(.data$trip_idx, .data$direction == !!dir_to, "NOID"),
      trip_id2 = fill_trips(.data$trip_idx),
      trip_id2 = replace(
        !is.na(.data$direction) & .data$direction == !!dir_to,
        .data$trip_id[!is.na(.data$direction) & .data$direction == !!dir_to]),
      trip_id2 = as.numeric(replace(.data$trip_id2, .data$trip_id2 == "NOID", NA))) %>%
    dplyr::select("animal_id", "inout_dir", "time", "trip_id" = "trip_id2") %>%
    dplyr::filter(!is.na(.data$trip_id)) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(.data$animal_id, .data$inout_dir, .data$trip_id) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(diff_time = as.numeric(difftime(dplyr::lead(.data$time),
                                                  .data$time, units = "secs"))) %>%
    dplyr::summarize(trip_length = as.numeric(difftime(max(.data$time), min(.data$time), units = "secs")),
                     max_time_away = max(.data$diff_time, na.rm = TRUE))

  if(length(s <- setdiff(unique(r$animal_id), unique(i_raw$animal_id))) > 0) {
    i_raw <- dplyr::bind_rows(i_raw,
                              tibble::tibble(animal_id = as.character(s),
                                             inout_dir = as.character(NA),
                                             trip_id = as.numeric(NA),
                                             trip_length = as.numeric(NA),
                                             max_time_away = as.numeric(NA)))

# inout function for single animal
inout_single <- function(r1, dir_in, all = FALSE){

  if(length(unique(r1$logger_id)) > 1) { # Only proceed if there are actual data!

    # If there are movements, calculate events
    e1 <- r1 %>%
      dplyr::ungroup() %>%
      dplyr::select("animal_id", "date", "time", "logger_id") %>%
      dplyr::arrange(.data$time) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(first = .data$logger_id != dplyr::lead(.data$logger_id),
                    second = .data$logger_id != dplyr::lag(.data$logger_id)) %>%
      dplyr::filter(.data$first | .data$second) %>%
      tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = c("first", "second"),
                          names_to = "direction", values_to = "value") %>%
      dplyr::filter(.data$value) %>%
      dplyr::select(-"value") %>%
      dplyr::arrange(.data$time) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(inout_id = sort(rep(1:(length(.data$animal_id)/2),2))) %>%
      dplyr::group_by(.data$inout_id) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(inout_dir = paste0(as.character(.data$logger_id),
                                       collapse = "_")) %>%
      dplyr::ungroup() %>%
      dplyr::mutate(direction = "exit",
                    direction = replace(.data$direction,
                                        .data$inout_dir %in% !!dir_in, "enter"))

  } else if (all == TRUE) {
    # Create the movement data frame for animals that didn't move between loggers
    e1 <- tibble::tibble(animal_id = r1$animal_id[1],
                         date = lubridate::as_date(NA),
                         time = as.POSIXct(NA),
                         logger_id = as.character(NA),
                         direction = as.character(NA),
                         inout_id = as.numeric(NA),
                         inout_dir = as.character(NA))
  } else {
    # If there are no movements and all == FALSE, return an empty data frame
    e1 <- tibble::tibble()

#' Visits
#' Raw data from RFID loggers contain multiple reads per individual simply
#' because the individual sat there long enough. In `visits()` these reads
#' are collapsed into one visit.
#' Visits are defined by three pieces of data:
#' \itemize{
#' \item How much time has passed between reads (`bw`)
#' \item A change in identity between two successive reads (`animal_id`)
#' \item A change in logger for a single individual (`logger_id`)
#' }
#' The function will return an error if impossible visits are detected (unless
#'   `allow_imp = TRUE`) . A visit is deemed impossible if a single animal
#'   travels between loggers in less time than specified by `bw`.
#' @param r Dataframe. Contains raw reads from an RFID reader with colums
#'   `animal_id`, `logger_id`, `time`.
#' @param bw Numerical. The minimum interval, in seconds, between reads for two
#'   successive reads to be considered separate visits.
#' @param allow_imp Logical. Whether impossible visits should be allowed (see
#'   details).
#' @param bw_imp Numerical. The minimum number of seconds required to travel
#'   between loggers. If quicker, visits considered impossible.
#' @param na_rm Logical. Whether NA values should be automatically omited.
#'   Otherwise an error is returned.
#' @param pass Logical. Pass 'extra' columns through the function and append
#'   them to the output.
#' @param allow.imp,na.rm Depreciated.
#' @return A data frame with visits specifying `animal_id` and
#'   `logger_id` as well as the `start` and `end` of the visit.
#'   Any extra columns that are unique at the level of animal_id or logger_id will
#'   also be passed through (i.e. age, sex, logger location, etc.).
#' @examples
#' v <- visits(finches)
#' head(v)
#' v <- visits(finches, bw = 30)
#' head(v)
#' # Calculate across different experiments:
#' library(dplyr)
#' v <- chickadees %>%
#'   group_by(experiment) %>%
#'   do(visits(.))
#' @export
visits <- function(r, bw = 3, allow_imp = FALSE, bw_imp = 2, na_rm = FALSE,
                   pass = TRUE, allow.imp, na.rm){
  if (!missing(allow.imp)) {
    warning("Argument allow.imp is deprecated; please use allow_imp instead.",
            call. = FALSE)
    allow_imp <- allow.imp

  if (!missing(na.rm)) {
    warning("Argument na.rm is deprecated; please use na_rm instead.",
            call. = FALSE)
    na_rm <- na.rm

  # Confirm that expected columns and formats are present
  check_name(r, n = c("animal_id", "logger_id", "time"), "raw RFID")
  check_time(r, n = "time", internal = FALSE)

  # Check for NAs, remove if specified by na_rm = TRUE
  if(any(is.na(r[, c("animal_id", "logger_id", "time")]))){
    if(na_rm == FALSE) {
      stop("NAs found. To automatically remove NAs, specify 'na_rm = TRUE'.",
           call. = FALSE)
    if(na_rm == TRUE) r <- r[rowSums(is.na(r)) == 0,]

  ## Make factors and get date
  # r <- dplyr::mutate(r,
  #                    #date = lubridate::as_date(time),
  #                    logger_id = factor(logger_id),
  #                    animal_id = factor(animal_id))

  # Grab unique extra cols
  if(pass == TRUE) extra <- keep_extra(r, n = "time")

  # Grab the timezone
  tz <- attr(r$time, "tzone")

  # Get spacing between visits, whether same animal or not, and whether same logger or not

  # Diff animal_id AT SAME LOGGER
  # Diff time < bw PER ID
  # Diff logger PER ID

  v <- r %>%
    dplyr::arrange(.data$time) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(.data$logger_id) %>%
    #dplyr::mutate(diff_animal = dplyr::lead(logger_id) == logger_id & dplyr::lead(animal_id) != animal_id) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(diff_animal = dplyr::lead(.data$animal_id) != .data$animal_id) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(.data$animal_id) %>%
      diff_time = difftime(dplyr::lead(.data$time), time, units = "sec") > bw,
      diff_logger = dplyr::lead(.data$logger_id) != .data$logger_id)

  # Check for impossible combos: where less than bw, still the same animal, but a different logger
  if(!allow_imp) {

    impos <- v %>%
        diff_imp = difftime(dplyr::lead(.data$time),
                            .data$time, units = "sec"),
        diff_imp = .data$diff_imp < !!bw_imp,
        diff_imp = .data$diff_imp & .data$diff_logger) %>%
      dplyr::arrange(.data$animal_id) %>%
      dplyr::filter(.data$diff_imp | dplyr::lag(.data$diff_imp)) %>%

    if(nrow(impos) > 0) {
      impos <- impos %>%
        dplyr::arrange(.data$animal_id, .data$time) %>%
        dplyr::select("animal_id", "time", "logger_id")

      rows <- nrow(impos)
      if(nrow(impos) > 6) {
        rows <- 6
      stop("Impossible visits found (n = ", nrow(impos),
           "), no specification for how to handle:",
           "\n\nIndividual(s) detected at 2+ loggers within ", bw_imp, "s.",
           "\nDecrease the `bw_imp` argument, remove these reads, or\n",
           "allow impossible visits (allow_imp = TRUE) and try again.\n\n",
           "First 6 impossible visits:\n",
           paste0(utils::capture.output(as.data.frame(impos[1:rows, ])),
                  collapse = "\n"), call. = FALSE)

  # End if
  # - for same animal:
  #     - next logger diff OR next time > bw  ==> diff_logger OR diff_bw
  #     - final obs
  # - next animal diff (at same logger)       ==> diff_animal

  # Start if
  # All PER ANIMAL (i.e. keep grouping)
  # - first obs is an include
  # - previous obs was an end

  # Start/End if (only one obs in visit)
  # - first obs is an end
  # - end, but previous obs was also an end

  v <- v %>%
    # Assign end points
    dplyr::mutate(new = "include") %>%
      new = replace(new,
                    .data$diff_logger | .data$diff_time | .data$diff_animal,
      new = replace(new, is.na(dplyr::lead(.data$new)), "end"),
      # Assign start or start-end points for each individual
      new = replace(new, new == "include" &
                      (is.na(dplyr::lag(.data$new)) |
                         dplyr::lag(.data$new) == "end"), "start"),
      new = replace(new, new == "end" &
                      (is.na(dplyr::lag(.data$new)) |
                         dplyr::lag(.data$new) == "end"), "start-end")) %>%
    dplyr::ungroup() %>%
    dplyr::filter(new != "include") %>%
      start = as.POSIXct(NA, tz = !!tz),
      end = as.POSIXct(NA, tz = !!tz),
      start = replace(
        stringr::str_detect(.data$new, "start"),
        .data$time[stringr::str_detect(.data$new, "start")]),
      end = replace(.data$end, stringr::str_detect(.data$new, "end"),
                    .data$time[stringr::str_detect(.data$new, "end")])) %>%
    dplyr::select("logger_id", "animal_id", "start", "end") %>%
    tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = c("start", "end"),
                        names_to = "variable", values_to = "value") %>%
    dplyr::filter(!is.na(.data$value)) %>%
    dplyr::arrange(.data$value) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(.data$logger_id, .data$animal_id, .data$variable) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(n = 1:length(.data$value)) %>%
    tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = "variable", values_from = "value") %>%
    dplyr::select(-"n") %>%
    dplyr::ungroup() %>%
    dplyr::mutate(animal_n = length(unique(.data$animal_id)),# Get sample sizes
                  logger_n = length(unique(.data$logger_id)),
                  date = lubridate::as_date(.data$start))

  # Set timezone attributes
  attr(v$start, "tzone") <- tz
  attr(v$end, "tzone") <- tz

  # Order data frame
  v <- v %>%
    dplyr::select("animal_id", "date", "start", "end",
                  "logger_id", "animal_n", "logger_n") %>%
    dplyr::arrange(.data$animal_id, .data$start)

  # Add in extra variables
  if(pass == TRUE) v <- merge_extra(v, extra)


#' Movements
#' Turns visits to mulitple loggers into movements between loggers
#' @param v Dataframe. A visits data frame (may contain multiple animal_ids). From
#'   the output of `visits`. Must contain columns `animal_id`,
#'   `logger_id`, `start`, and `end`.
#' @param all Logical. Should all animal_ids be returned, even if the animal made no
#'   movements? If TRUE, a data frame with NAs for all columns except
#'   `animal_id` will be returned, if FALSE, an empty data frame will be
#'   returned.
#' @param pass Logical. Pass 'extra' columns through the function and append
#'   them to the output.
#' @return A data frame of movements. These are defined as the bout of time from
#'   leaving one logger to arriving at a second one. Each movement bout consists
#'   of two rows of data containing:
#'   \itemize{
#'   \item ID of the animal (`animal_id`)
#'   \item Date of event (`date`)
#'   \item Time of event (`time`)
#'   \item The ID of loggers involved (`logger_id`)
#'   \item The movement path including direction (`move_dir`)
#'   \item The movement path independent of direction (`move_path`)
#'   \item The 'strength' of the connection (inverse of time taken to move
#'   between; `strength`)
#'   \item Information on whether left/arrived (`direction`)
#'   \item The ID of a single move event for a particular individual (`move_id`)
#'   \item Any extra columns `pass`ed through
#'   }
#' @examples
#' v <- visits(finches)
#' m <- move(v)
#' # Summarize (divide by 2 because 2 rows per event)
#' library(dplyr)
#' m.totals <- m %>%
#'   group_by(animal_id, move_path) %>%
#'   summarize(n_path = length(move_path) /2)
#' # Calculate across different experiments:
#' v <- chickadees %>%
#'   group_by(experiment) %>%
#'   do(visits(.))
#' m <- v %>%
#'   group_by(experiment) %>%
#'   do(move(.))

#' @export
move <- function(v, all = FALSE, pass = TRUE){

  # Check for correct formatting
  check_name(v, c("animal_id", "logger_id", "date", "start", "end"))

  # Get factor levels for whole dataset
  if(is.factor(v$animal_id)) animal_id <- levels(v$animal_id) else animal_id <- unique(v$animal_id)
  if(is.factor(v$logger_id)) logger_id <- levels(v$logger_id) else logger_id <- unique(v$logger_id)

  # Remove factors to allow silent joins between different levels
  v$animal_id <- as.character(v$animal_id)
  v$logger_id <- as.character(v$logger_id)

  # Get extra columns
  if(pass == TRUE) extra <- keep_extra(v, n = c("start", "end"))

  # Get movement options
  move_dir <- expand.grid(logger_left = logger_id, logger_arrived = logger_id)
  move_dir <- move_dir[move_dir$logger_left != move_dir$logger_arrived,]
  move_dir <- paste0(move_dir$logger_left, "_", move_dir$logger_arrived)
  move_path <- unique(sapply(move_dir, FUN = mp))

  # Apply individually to each animal
  m <- v %>%
    dplyr::group_by(animal_id) %>%
    dplyr::do(move_single(., move_dir = move_dir, move_path = move_path, all = all)) %>%

  if(nrow(m) > 0){
    # Order
    m <- m %>%
      dplyr::select(animal_id, date, time, logger_id, direction, move_id, move_dir, move_path, strength) %>%
      dplyr::arrange(animal_id, time)

    # Add in extra cols
    if(pass == TRUE) m <- merge_extra(m, extra)

    # Apply factors
    m$logger_id <- factor(m$logger_id, levels = logger_id)
  m$animal_id <- factor(m$animal_id, levels = animal_id)


# Movement function for single animal
move_single <- function(v1, move_dir, move_path, all = FALSE){

  if(length(unique(v1$logger_id)) > 1) { # Only proceed if there are actual data!

    # If there are movements, calculate events
    v1 <- v1[, c("animal_id", "date", "start", "end", "logger_id")]
    v1 <- v1[order(v1$start),]
    diff <- v1$logger_id[-1] != v1$logger_id[-nrow(v1)]
    v1$arrived <- v1$left <- FALSE
    v1$left[c(diff, FALSE)] <- TRUE
    v1$arrived[c(FALSE, diff)] <- TRUE

    m <- v1 %>%
      dplyr::filter(left | arrived) %>%
      tidyr::gather(direction, value, left, arrived) %>%
      dplyr::filter(value) %>%
      tidyr::gather(type, time, start, end) %>%
      dplyr::filter((direction == "arrived" & type == "start") |
                    (direction == "left" & type == "end")) %>%
      dplyr::select(-value, -type) %>%
      dplyr::arrange(time) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(move_id = sort(rep(1:(length(animal_id)/2),2))) %>%
      dplyr::group_by(move_id) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(move_dir = factor(paste0(logger_id, collapse = "_"), levels = move_dir),
                    move_path = factor(paste0(sort(logger_id), collapse = "_"), levels = move_path),
                    strength = 1 / as.numeric(difftime(time[direction == "arrived"], time[direction == "left"], units = "hours"))) %>%
  } else if (all == TRUE) {
    # Create the movement data frame for animals that didn't move between loggers
    m <- tibble::tibble(animal_id = v1$animal_id[1],
                        date = lubridate::as_date(NA),
                        time = as.POSIXct(NA),
                        logger_id = as.character(NA),
                        direction = as.character(NA),
                        move_id = as.numeric(NA),
                        move_dir = factor(NA, levels = move_dir),
                        move_path = factor(NA, levels = move_path),
                        strength = as.numeric(NA))
  } else {
    # If there are no movements and all == FALSE, return an empty data frame
    m <- tibble::tibble()

#' Presence
#' Turns multiple visits at specific loggers into overall presence events.
#' Presence is different from a visit in that a visit is considered a specific
#' period of time in which the individual was in range of a logger to the
#' exclusion of others. In contrast, presence reflects a period of time where
#' the individual was making regular visits to the logger but not necessarily in
#' range at all times, or to the exclusion of other individuals. Presence can be
#' considered a less precise 'smoothing' of the data.
#' The start and end of a period of presence is determined by either switching
#' loggers (when `bw = NULL`) or by both switching loggers and by a cutoff
#' time of `bw` minutes.
#' @param v Dataframe. A visits data frame from the output of [visits()] (may
#'   contain more than one animal_id). Must contain columns `animal_id`,
#'   `logger_id`, `start`, and `end`.
#' @param bw Numeric. The maximum number of minutes between visits for them to
#'   be considered the same event. When `bw` = NULL only
#'   visits to another logger are scored as a separate event.
#' @param pass Logical. Pass 'extra' columns through the function and append
#'   them to the output.
#' @return A data frame of presence events. This data frame has the following
#'   columns:
#'   \itemize{
#'   \item ID of the animal (`animal_id`)
#'   \item ID of the logger(`logger_id`)
#'   \item Time of the start of the event (`start`)
#'   \item Time of the end of the event (`end`)
#'   }
#' @examples
#' v <- visits(finches)
#' p <- presence(v)
#' # Summarize a movement dataframe (get total time present per logger per animal)
#' library(dplyr)
#' p_totals <- p %>%
#'     group_by(animal_id, logger_id) %>%
#'     summarize(length = sum(length))
#' # Calculate across different experiments (expect warnings about unequal factor levels):
#' library(dplyr)
#' v <- chickadees %>%
#'   group_by(experiment) %>%
#'   do(visits(.))
#' p <- v %>%
#'   group_by(experiment) %>%
#'   do(presence(.))
#' @export

presence <- function(v, bw = 15, pass = TRUE){

  ## Check for correct formatting
  check_name(v, c("animal_id","logger_id", "date", "start", "end"))

  # Get factor levels for whole dataset
  if(is.factor(v$animal_id)) animal_id <- levels(v$animal_id) else animal_id <- unique(v$animal_id)
  if(is.factor(v$logger_id)) logger_id <- levels(v$logger_id) else logger_id <- unique(v$logger_id)

  # Remove factors for now
  v$animal_id <- as.character(v$animal_id)
  v$logger_id <- as.character(v$logger_id)

  # Keep extra cols
  if(pass == TRUE) extra <- keep_extra(v, n = c("start", "end"))

  # Calculate for each individual
  p <- v %>%
    dplyr::group_by(animal_id) %>%
    dplyr::do(presence_single(., bw = bw)) %>%

  # Get extra columns and add in
  if(pass == TRUE) p <- merge_extra(p, extra)
  p <- p[order(p$animal_id, p$start, p$logger_id), ]

  # Apply factors
  p$animal_id <- factor(p$animal_id, levels = animal_id)
  p$logger_id <- factor(p$logger_id, levels = logger_id)


# Calculate presence bouts for single animal
presence_single <- function(v1, bw = bw){

  v1 <- v1[order(v1$start),]
  v1$start_orig <- v1$start
  v1$end_orig <- v1$end
  diff_logger <- v1$logger_id[-1] != v1$logger_id[-nrow(v1)]
  v1$end <- v1$start <- FALSE

    diff_time <- difftime(v1$start_orig[-1], v1$end_orig[-nrow(v1)], units = "min")
    v1$start[c(TRUE, (diff_time > bw | diff_logger))] <- TRUE
    v1$end[c((diff_time > bw | diff_logger), TRUE)] <- TRUE
  } else {
    v1$start[c(TRUE, diff_logger)] <- TRUE
    v1$end[c(diff_logger, TRUE)] <- TRUE

  ## Create the presence data frame.
  tibble::tibble(animal_id = v1$animal_id[1],
                 date = v1$date[v1$start == TRUE],
                 logger_id = v1$logger_id[v1$start == TRUE],
                 start = v1$start_orig[v1$start == TRUE],
                 end = v1$end_orig[v1$end == TRUE],
                 length = as.numeric(difftime(v1$end_orig[v1$end == TRUE],
                                              v1$start_orig[v1$start == TRUE],
                                              units = "mins")))

#' Displacements
#' For an entire `visits` data frame, identifies displacement events.
#' Displacements are events when one animal leaves the logger right before the
#' arrival of another.
#' The first and last visits on the record are automatically assumed to be
#' non-displacer and non-displacee, respectively.
#' In some species displacements can be used to infer dominance. Displacements
#' The interactions data frame returned by the `disp()` function can be
#' passed directly to the [Perc::as.conflictmat()] function of the
#' Perc package to be transformed into a conflict matrix, ready for
#' analysis of dominance using percolation and conductance. Finally, the
#' displacements data frame can also be converted using the
#' [convert_anidom()] function to a data frame for use by the
#' aniDom package's [elo_scores][aniDom::elo_scores] function.
#' @param v Dataframe. A visits data frame containing **all** visits from
#'   **all** animals. From the output of `visits`. Must contain columns
#'   `animal_id`, `logger_id`, `start`, and `end`.
#' @param bw Numeric. The maximum interval in seconds between visits by two
#'   different animals for the interaction to be considered a displacement.
#' @param pass Logical. Pass 'extra' columns through the function and append
#'   them to the output.
#' @return A list with the following named items: \enumerate{ \item
#'   `displacements`: A data frame of individual displacement events,
#'   including the following columns: \itemize{ \item `logger_id`: ID of
#'   the logger at which the event occurred \item ID of the animal being displaced
#'   (`displacee`) \item ID of the animal doing the displacing
#'   (`displacer`) \item Time of the departure of the displacee
#'   (`left`) \item Time of the arrival of the displacer (`arrived`) }
#'   \item `summaries`: A data frame of overall wins/lossess per
#'   individual, containing the following columns: \itemize{ \item ID of the
#'   animal (`animal_id`) \item No. of times the animal was displaced
#'   (`displacee`) \item No. of times the animal was a displacer
#'   (`displacer`) \item Proportion of wins (`p_win`) } \item
#'   `interactions`: A data frame of interaction summaries, containing the
#'   following columns: \itemize{ \item ID of the displacee (`displacee`)
#'   \item ID of the displacer (`displacer`) \item No. of times this
#'   interaction occurred (`n`) } }
#' @examples
#' # Look at displacements for chickadees in experiment 2
#'  v <- visits(chickadees[chickadees$experiment == "exp2",])
#'  d <- disp(v)
#'  # Look at displacement events:
#'  d[['displacements']] #or
#'  d$displacements
#'  # Look at summaries (identical methods):
#'  d[['summaries']] #or
#'  d$summaries
#'  # Look at interactions (identical methods):
#'  d[['interactions']] #or
#'  d$interactions
#'  # Calculate across different experiments (expect warnings about unequal factor levels):
#' library(dplyr)
#' v <- chickadees %>%
#'   group_by(experiment) %>%
#'   do(visits(.))
#' d <- v %>%
#'   group_by(experiment) %>%
#'   do(data = disp(.))
#' # Look at the data stored in the 2nd experiment:
#' d$data[d$experiment == "exp2"][[1]] #or
#' d[["data"]][[1]] #or
#' d$data[[1]]
#' # Access the displacements from the 3rd experiment:
#' d$data[d$experiment == "exp3"][[1]]$displacements #or
#' d[["data"]][[2]]$displacements #or
#' d$data[[2]]$displacements

#' @export
disp <- function(v, bw = 2, pass = TRUE){

  ## Check for correct formatting
  check_name(v, c("animal_id", "logger_id", "date", "start", "end"))

  # Get factor levels for whole dataset
  if(is.factor(v$animal_id)) animal_id <- levels(v$animal_id) else animal_id <- unique(v$animal_id)
  if(is.factor(v$logger_id)) logger_id <- levels(v$logger_id) else logger_id <- unique(v$logger_id)

  v <- v[order(v$start), ]

  # Keep extra columns
  if(pass == TRUE) extra <- keep_extra(v, n = c("start", "end"))

  ## Define displacee and displacer by
  #  (a) whether subsequent visit was a different animal, AND
  #  (b) the arrival of the 2nd animal occurred within 'bw' seconds of the
  #      departure of the 1st
  #  (c) all of this occurs at the same logger
  diff_animal <- v$animal_id[-1] != v$animal_id[-nrow(v)]
  diff_time <- difftime(v$start[-1], v$end[-nrow(v)], units = "sec") < bw
  diff_logger <- v$logger_id[-1] == v$logger_id[-nrow(v)]

  d <- rbind(v[c(diff_animal & diff_time & diff_logger, FALSE),
               c("animal_id", "logger_id", "date", "start", "end")],
             v[c(FALSE, diff_animal & diff_time & diff_logger),
               c("animal_id", "logger_id", "date", "start", "end")])

  if(nrow(d) > 0) {
    d <- d %>%
      dplyr::arrange(.data$start) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(role = rep(c("displacee", "displacer"), dplyr::n()/2)) %>%
      dplyr::arrange(.data$role, .data$start)

    d$left <- rep(v$end[c(diff_animal & diff_time & diff_logger, FALSE)], 2)
    d$arrived <- rep(v$start[c(FALSE, diff_animal & diff_time & diff_logger)], 2)

    d <- d %>%
      dplyr::select("animal_id", "date", "left", "arrived", "logger_id", "role") %>%
      dplyr::arrange(.data$left, .data$logger_id, .data$role)

    if(pass == TRUE) d <- merge_extra(d, extra)

    ## Summarize totals
    s <- d %>%
      dplyr::group_by(role, animal_id) %>%
      dplyr::summarize(n = length(animal_id)) %>%
      tidyr::complete(animal_id, role, fill = list("n" = 0)) %>%
      tidyr::spread(role, n) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(p_win = displacer / (displacee + displacer)) %>%

    ## Summarize interactions
    t <- d %>%
      dplyr::select(left, animal_id, role) %>%
      tidyr::spread(role, animal_id) %>%
      dplyr::group_by(displacer, displacee) %>%
      dplyr::summarize(n = length(displacee)) %>%

    t$displacee <- factor(t$displacee, levels = animal_id)
    t$displacer <- factor(t$displacer, levels = animal_id)

    t <- t %>%
      tidyr::complete(displacer, displacee, fill = list("n" = 0)) %>%
      dplyr::filter(displacee != displacer)

    t <- t[order(match(t$displacer, s$animal_id)),]  ##Sort according to the p_win value from s

    d <- list("displacements" = d, "summaries" = s, "interactions" = t)
  } else {
    message("There are no displacement events with a bw = ", bw)
    d <- list("displacements" = data.frame(),
              "summaries" = data.frame(),
              "interactions" = data.frame())

#' Activity
#' Calculate activity status (active vs. inactive) at a resolution of `res`
#' from [presence()] data.
#' A message will alert you to when the `res` is larger than the 50\% of
#' the presence bout lengths. This may result in missed activity, and it may be
#' better to choose a smaller `res`.
#' The `missing` data frame should have columns `start` and `end`
#' corresponding to the start and end times of the missing data. Any activity between
#' those start/end times will be scored as unknown, regardless of the
#' `logger_id`. However, if `by_logger` is TRUE, `missing` may
#' also include the column `logger_id`. In this case, only activity for the
#' logger with the missing start/end times will be scored as unknown. If
#' `by_logger` is TRUE but `missing` does not contain the column
#' `logger_id`, all activity between the start and end times will be scored
#' as unknown, regardless of the logger. See examples.
#' @param p Dataframe. A [presence()] data frame (may contain multiple
#'   animal_ids).
#' @param res Numeric. The resolution over which to calculate activity in
#'   minutes.
#' @param by_logger Logical. Should the activity be calculated overall, or
#'   individually for each logger visited? If there is only one logger,
#'   by_logger will automatically revert to TRUE to enable passing of
#'   logger-related variables.
#' @param missing Data frame. (NOT AVAILABLE) If there are known times for a
#'   particular logger for which activity can't be recorded (i.e. times during
#'   which a logger was inactive).
#' @param sun Logical. Calculate sun rise/set? If by_logger = FALSE, returns
#'   median sun rise/set across all loggers for each day.
#' @param keep_all Logical. Keep all individuals, even ones with less than 24hrs of data.
#' @param pass Logical. Pass 'extra' columns through the function and append them to the output.
#' @param f Depreciated. Use `p`.
#' @examples
#' v <- visits(chickadees)
#' p <- presence(v)
#' a <- activity(p, res = 1)
#' # By logger (may take a while)
#' \dontrun{
#' a <- activity(p, res = 1, by_logger = TRUE)
#' @export

activity <- function(p, res = 15, by_logger = FALSE, missing = NULL, sun = TRUE, keep_all = FALSE, pass = TRUE, f){

  if (!missing(f)) {
    warning("Argument f is deprecated; please use p instead.",
            call. = FALSE)
    p <- f

  check_name(p, c("animal_id", "logger_id", "start", "end"), "presence")
  check_time(p, c("start", "end"))

    message("missing argument not yet implemented")
    # if(!is.data.frame(missing)) {
    #   if(!is.character(missing) | length(missing) != 1) {
    #     stop("'missing' must be data frame or string with location of a csv file.")
    #   } else {
    #     missing <- utils::read.csv(missing)
    #   }
    # }

    #if(sum(names(missing) %in% c("start", "end")) != 2) stop("'missing' must have columns 'start' and 'end'.")

    #missing$start <- lubridate::parse_date_time(missing$start, orders = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", truncated = 3, tz = tz)
    #missing$end <- lubridate::parse_date_time(missing$end, orders = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", truncated = 3, tz = tz)

    # if(any(!lubridate::is.POSIXct(c(missing$start, missing$end)))) {
    #   stop("'missing' start or end cannot be converted to date/time, be sure it is in a standard date/time format (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS is best).")
    # }

  # Get factor levels for whole dataset
  if(is.factor(p$animal_id)) animal_id <- levels(p$animal_id) else animal_id <- unique(p$animal_id)
  loggers <- unique(tibble::as_tibble(p[, names(p) %in% c("logger_id", "lat", "lon")]))

  # Keep extra cols
  if(pass) {
    if(by_logger == FALSE) only <- c("animal_id", "date") else only <- c("logger_id", "animal_id", "date")
    extra <- keep_extra(p, n = c("start", "end", "length"), only = only)

  if(any(!lubridate::is.POSIXct(c(p$start, p$end)))) {
    stop("Cannot define start and end times of the presence data set, make sure this is the output from presence().")

  # Apply individually to each animal
  a <- p %>%
    dplyr::group_by(animal_id) %>%
    dplyr::do(activity_single(., loggers = loggers, res = res, by_logger = by_logger, missing = missing, sun = sun, keep_all = keep_all)) %>%

  if(pass) a <- merge_extra(a, extra)

  a <- dplyr::arrange(a, animal_id, date, time, logger_id)

  # Apply factors
  a$animal_id <- factor(a$animal_id, levels = animal_id)
  a$logger_id <- factor(a$logger_id, levels = levels(loggers$logger_id))



activity_single <- function(p1, loggers, res = 15, by_logger = FALSE, missing = NULL, sun = TRUE, keep_all = FALSE){


  if(nrow(p1) == 0) {
    message(paste0(p1$animal_id[1], ": Skipping. Individual has no data"))
  } else {

    # Grab the timezone
    tz <- attr(p1$start, "tzone")

    start <- lubridate::floor_date(min(p1$start), "day")
    end <- lubridate::ceiling_date(max(p1$end), "day")

    # Calculate Activity only if > 24hrs of data
    if((max(p1$end) - min(p1$start)) < lubridate::dhours(24) & keep_all == FALSE) {
      message(paste0(p1$animal_id[1], ": Skipping. Individual has less than 24hrs of data"))
    } else if (all(p1$length == 0))  {
      message(paste0(p1$animal_id[1], ": Skipping. All bouts are 0 min. Consider increasing 'bw' in presence()"))
    } else {

      # Check proportion of time active, warn if really low
      p_active <- as.numeric(sum(p1$length)) / as.numeric(difftime(max(p1$end), min(p1$start), units = "mins"))
      if(p_active < 0.05) message(paste0(p1$animal_id[1], ": Active less than 5% of the total time period..."))

      # Override by_logger if only one logger_id to keep extra columns
      #if(length(unique(p1$logger_id)) == 1) by_logger <- TRUE

      # Get activity
      prob <- round(length(p1$length[p1$length < res]) / nrow(p1) * 100, 2)
      if(prob > 50) {
        message(paste0(p1$animal_id[1], ": ", prob, "% of obs are shorter than 'res' (", res, " min). Median obs is ", round(median(p1$length), 2), " min."))

      # Prep activity data frame
      res <- res * 60
      a <- tibble::tibble(
        animal_id = p1$animal_id[1],
        time = seq(start, end, by = paste0(res, " sec")),
        activity_c = factor("inactive",
                            levels = c("active", "inactive", "unknown")))

      a$date <- lubridate::as_date(lubridate::floor_date(a$time, unit = "day"))

      # Get by individual only, or by individual for each logger
      if(by_logger == FALSE){
        a$logger_id <- NA
      } else {
        temp <- tibble::tibble()
        for(i in levels(loggers$logger_id)){
          temp <- rbind(temp, cbind(a, logger_id = i))
        a <- temp

      # Fill with active/inactive
      for(p_id in unique(p1$logger_id)){
        p <- p1[p1$logger_id == p_id, ]
        for(i in 1:nrow(p)) {
          if(by_logger == FALSE) {
            a$activity_c[a$time >= p$start[i] & a$time <= p$end[i]] <- "active"
          } else {
            a$activity_c[a$logger_id == p_id & a$time >= p$start[i] & a$time <= p$end[i]] <- "active"

      # if(!is.null(missing)) {
      #   for(i in 1:nrow(missing)){
      #     if(by_logger == FALSE){
      #       a$activity_c[a$time >= missing$start[i] & a$time <= missing$end[i]] <- "unknown"
      #     } else {
      #       a$activity_c[a$logger_id == missing$logger_id[i] & a$time >= missing$start[i] & a$time <= missing$end[i]] <- "unknown"
      #     }
      #   }
      # }

      # Create plotting column
      a$activity <- as.numeric(a$activity_c == "active")
      a$activity[a$activity_c == "unknown"] <- NA

      # Calculate sunrise/sunset times
      if(sun == TRUE) {
        if(!all(c("lat", "lon") %in% names(p1))) {
          message(paste0(p1$animal_id[1], ": Skipping sunrise/sunset, no lat/lon information"))
        } else {

          s <- expand.grid(logger_id = loggers$logger_id,
                           date = lubridate::as_date(seq(start, end, by = "1 day"))) %>%
            dplyr::left_join(unique(loggers[, c("logger_id", "lon", "lat")]), by = "logger_id")

          s <- dplyr::bind_cols(s, sun(s[, c("lon", "lat")], s$date, tz = tz))

          if(by_logger == TRUE) {
            a <- dplyr::left_join(a, s[, c("logger_id", "date", "rise", "set")],
                                  by = c("logger_id", "date"))
          } else {
            s <- s %>%
              dplyr::group_by(date) %>%
              dplyr::summarize(rise = median(rise),
                               set = median(set))
            a <- dplyr::left_join(a, s[, c("date", "rise", "set")], by = "date")

      # Select
      n <- c("animal_id", "date", "time", "activity", "activity_c", "logger_id", "rise", "set")
      n <- n[n %in% names(a)]
      a <- dplyr::select(a, dplyr::all_of(n))


#' Daily activity
#' Summarizes and averages activity data over a 24-hr period, generating a 24-hr
#' daily activity pattern for plotting. The resulting data set contains four
#' columns reflecting the proportions of time blocks scored as active, inactive,
#' unknonw, or total.
#' Output dates are irrelevant, as the data is tied to times, not
#' dates. Therefore the dates are all assigned to 1970-01-01. When
#' plotting, omit the date part of the label to accurately portray time only.
#' Resolution of the data is automatically detected as the same as that
#' specified in `activity()`.
#' @param a Data frame. Data from output of `activity()`.
#' @param pass Logical. Pass 'extra' columns through the function and append them to the output.
#' @export

daily <- function(a, pass = TRUE){

  check_name(a, c("animal_id", "date", "time", "activity", "activity_c", "logger_id"), "activity")
  check_time(a, c("time"))

  # Get extra
    if(all(is.na(a$logger_id))) only <- "animal_id" else only <- c("logger_id", "animal_id")
    extra <- keep_extra(a, c("time", "activity", "activity_c"), only = only)

  a$time_c <- format(a$time, "%H:%M:%S")

  # Apply single function

  d <- a %>%
    dplyr::group_by(animal_id) %>%
    dplyr::do(daily_single(., pass = pass)) %>%

  if(pass) d <- merge_extra(d, extra)


daily_single <- function(a1, pass = TRUE){


  # Grab the timezone
  tz <- attr(a1$time, "tzone")

  d <- a1 %>%
    dplyr::group_by(animal_id, logger_id, time_c) %>%
    dplyr::summarize(p_active = length(activity_c[activity_c == "active"]) / length(activity_c[activity_c != "unknown"]),
                     p_inactive = length(activity_c[activity_c == "inactive"]) / length(activity_c[activity_c != "unknown"]),
                     p_unknown = length(activity_c[activity_c == "unknown"]) / length(activity_c),
                     p_total = 1 - p_unknown)

  d$time <- as.POSIXct(paste0(lubridate::origin, " ", d$time_c), tz = tz)
  #lubridate::tz(d$time) <- "UTM"

  # Get sun/rise set if exist, and average
  if(all(c("rise", "set") %in% names(a1))) {
    sun <- unique(a1[, c("date", "logger_id", "rise", "set")])

    sun <- sun %>%
      dplyr::group_by(logger_id) %>%
      dplyr::summarize(rise = mean_clock(rise, origin = TRUE),
                       set = mean_clock(set, origin = TRUE))
    d <- merge(d, sun, by = "logger_id", all.x = TRUE, all.y = FALSE)

  # Order
  n <- c("animal_id", "time", "time_c", "p_active", "p_inactive", "p_unknown", "p_total", "logger_id", "rise", "set")
  n <- n[n %in% names(d)]

  dplyr::select(d, dplyr::all_of(n)) %>%
    dplyr::arrange(animal_id, time)

#' Get sunrise/sunset times
#' Calculate times of sunrise and sunset depending on the location and the date.
#' @param loc Vector/Data frame. Longitude and Latitude coordinates for location
#'   of sun rise/set
#' @param date Vector. Date(s) to cacluate sun rise/set for.
#' @param tz Timezone of the dates.
#' @export
sun <- function(loc, date, tz) {
  if(class(loc) == "numeric") loc <- matrix(loc, nrow = 1)
  if(class(loc) %in% c("data.frame", "matrix")) loc <- as.matrix(loc)
  date <- as.POSIXct(as.character(date), tz = tz)
  s <- data.frame(rise = maptools::sunriset(loc, date, direction = "sunrise", POSIXct.out = TRUE)$time,
                  set = maptools::sunriset(loc, date, direction = "sunset", POSIXct.out = TRUE)$time)

animalnexus/feedr documentation built on Feb. 2, 2023, 1:12 a.m.