#' User-interface for importing files
#' Launches an interactive shiny app for importing data interactively. Also
#' available online at \url{http://animalnexus.ca} or by launching the local
#' animalnexus app through \code{\link{animalnexus}}. Users can also import data by hand using the R base \code{\link[utils]{read.csv}} function coupled with \code{feedr}'s \code{\link{load_format}} function. Alternatively, for raw data collected directly from data loggers, check out the \code{\link{load_raw}} and \code{\link{load_raw_all}} functions.
#' @return An imported data frame formatted and ready to be transformed.
#' @seealso \code{\link{load_format}}, \code{\link{load_raw}}, \code{\link{load_raw_all}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' my_data <- ui_import()
#' }
#' @export
ui_import <- function() {
ui_app(name = "data_import")
## Get current data
#' @import shiny
#' @import magrittr
mod_UI_data_import <- function(id) {
ns <- NS(id)
tz_sys <- feedr:::check_tz(Sys.timezone())
h4("File Setup", actionButton(ns("help_file"), "?", class = "help")),
fileInput(ns('file1'), 'Choose CSV File(s)',
multiple = TRUE),
radioButtons(ns("format"), "Data Format",
choices = c("Preformatted" = "all",
"Logger download" = "logger")),
h4("Options", actionButton(ns("help_options"), "?", class = "help")),
selectInput(ns("tz"), "Data Timezone", choices = OlsonNames(), selected = tz_sys, width = "200px"),
radioButtons(ns("dst"), "Use Daylight Savings Time?", choices = c("No DST" = FALSE, "Use DST" = TRUE), selected = FALSE),
shinyjs::disabled(actionButton(ns("get_data"), "Import"))
h4("File Preview"),
h4("Data Preview"),
#' @import shiny
#' @import magrittr
mod_data_import <- function(input, output, session, type = NULL) {
ns <- session$ns
vars <- reactiveValues(data = NULL,
pre_data = NULL,
quality = FALSE)
## UIs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
output$UI_time <- renderUI({
if(input$format == "all") s <- "ymd HMS" else s <- "mdy HMS"
selectInput(ns('time'), "Date/Time format",
choices = c("Year Month Day" = "ymd HMS",
"Month Day Year" = "mdy HMS",
"Day Month Year" = "dmy HMS"), selected = s,
width = "150px")
output$UI_details <- renderUI({
req(input$format == "logger")
radioButtons(ns('details'), 'Lat/Lon Information',
choices = c("None" = "1",
"Logger index" = "file1",
"Data files" = "inline2"),
selected = "1", inline = TRUE)
output$UI_id_pattern <- renderUI({
req(input$format == "logger")
selectInput(ns("id_pattern"), "Logger id pattern",
choices = c("As is" = NA,
"TRU loggers" = "[GPR]{2,3}[0-9]{1,2}"),
selected = "", width = "150px")
# output$UI_id_custom <- renderUI({
# req(input$id_pattern == "custom")
# textInput(ns("id_custom"),
# label = "Custom id regex pattern",
# value = "[GPR]{2,3}[0-9]{1,2}")
# })
output$UI_sep <- renderUI({
req(input$format == "all")
radioButtons(ns('sep'), 'Separator',
choices = c(Comma = ',',
Semicolon = ';',
Tab = '\t'))
output$UI_skip <- renderUI({
numericInput(ns('skip'), "Skip", min = 0, max = 39, value = 0, width = "100px")
# Timezones ---------------------------------------------------------------
tz <- reactive({
validate(need(input$tz %in% OlsonNames(), "Timezone does not match any from Olson database. See OlsonNames() in R."))
tz <- feedr:::check_tz(input$tz)
# Preview File -----------------------------------------------------
output$preview_file <- renderText({
validate(need(path(), "No data"))
d <- readLines(path()[1], n = 10)
paste0(d, collapse = "\r\n")
## File details ----------------------------------------------------
path <- reactive({
input$file1$datapath[!grepl("logger_index", input$file1$name)]
logger <- reactive({
input$file1$datapath[grepl("logger_index", input$file1$name)]
## Preview Data ----------------------------------------------------
preview_data <- reactive({
req(input$file1, input$format, tz(), path())
vars$get_data <- FALSE
## Import previews
if(input$format == "logger") d <- import_logger(path(), logger(), tz(), input)
if(input$format == "all") d <- import_all(path(), tz(), input)
## Check validations
vars$get_data <- TRUE
output$preview <- DT::renderDataTable({
validate(need(preview_data(), "No data"))
d <- preview_data()
if(nrow(d) < 10) n <- nrow(d) else n <- 10
if(any(names(d) == "time")) d$time <- as.character(d$time)
filter = "none",
rownames = FALSE, list(searching = FALSE,
paging = FALSE,
info = FALSE))
}, server = FALSE)
## Buttons and Reset ----------------------------------------------------
## Toggle get data button
shinyjs::toggleState("get_data", vars$get_data)
## Reset data selection if input$file1 changes
observeEvent(input$file1, {
vars$data <- NULL
vars$pre_data <- NULL
## Get Data ----------------------------------------------------
##Import data
observeEvent(input$get_data, {
req(preview_data(), vars$get_data)
#if(input$format == "logger") vars$pre_data <- import_logger(path(), logger(), tz(), input)
#if(input$format == "all") vars$pre_data <- import_all(path(), tz(), input)
if(input$format == "logger") vars$pre_data <- preview_data()
if(input$format == "all") vars$pre_data <- preview_data()
}, message = "Importing...")
## Check Data
output$validations <- renderText({
vars$quality <- TRUE
## Export data if clears checks
observeEvent(vars$quality, {
req(vars$quality == TRUE, vars$pre_data)
if(ns("") == "standalone-") {
message("Data successfully imported")
stopApp(returnValue = vars$pre_data)
} else {
vars$data = vars$pre_data
vars$pre_data <- NULL
vars$quality <- FALSE
## Help dialogues ----------------------------------------------------
observeEvent(input$help_file, {
showModal(modalDialog(size = "l",
title = "File setup",
easyClose = TRUE,
if(ns("") != "standalone-") {"After the session any data you have imported will be deleted (we do not keep your data)."},
h4("Selecting files", style = "font-weight: bold;"),
tags$li("Browse your local hard-drive for a file to import"),
tags$li("Hold down SHIFT or CTRL to select more than one file")),
h4("Data Format - Preformatted", style = "font-weight: bold;"),
"This format is for data that has already been processed to some degree",
tags$li("Expects at least 3 columns", strong("with headers"), ":", code("animal_id"),"*, ", code("logger_id"),"*, and", code("time"), "(may have more columns)"),
tags$li(code("lat"), " and ", code("lon"), " in decimal degrees are optional columns, but required for mapping"),
tags$li("If column names upper case will be renamed to lowercase"),
tags$li("If column names are: ", code("latitude/longditude"), " or ", code("long"), " will be renamed to ", code("lat"), " and ", code("lon")),
tags$li("Multiple files will be joined together by column name. If a column does not not exist in one file, it will be filled with 'NA' values")),
div(strong("Example of a", a("data file", href = "assets/preformatted_example.csv", target = "blank")), style = "text-align: center;"),
0620000500,2015-09-11 14:32:22,2100,House Finch,F,-120.3624278,50.66895556
0620000500,2015-09-11 14:32:25,2100,House Finch,F,-120.3624278,50.66895556
0620000500,2015-09-11 14:45:06,2100,House Finch,F,-120.3624278,50.66895556", style = "width:80%; margin: auto;"),
h4("Data Format - Logger Download", style = "font-weight: bold;"),
"This format is for raw data exported from RFID loggers.",
tags$li("Each file corresponds to a different logger, but there can be multiple files per logger"),
tags$li("Logger ids must be provided in the first line of each data file"),
tags$li("Each data row must contain three columns", strong("without headers"), "corresponding to", code("animal_id, date"), "and", code("time"), "separated by whitespace"),
tags$li("Multiple files will be joined together after adding a", code("logger_id"), "and, optionally,", code("lat"), "and", code("lon"), "columns (see below)."),
tags$li("Logger ids can be extracted following a pattern specified by", strong("Logger id pattern")),
tags$li("'As is' returns the logger id as is (matching the first line of the file)"),
tags$li("'TRU loggers' return GPR or GP plus two digits (e.g. GPR10DATA becomes GPR10)"))),
div(strong("Example of a", a("data file", href = "assets/logger_example1.txt", target = "blank")), style = "text-align: center;"),
06200004BB 02/06/16 12:39:24
0700EE19CE 02/06/16 12:40:49
0700EE0E42 02/06/16 12:40:52", style = "width:80%; margin: auto;"),
h4("Providing Lat/Lon for each logger"),
div(p("Lat/Lon can be provide either by supplying a logger_index file, or by placing the lat/lon of a logger directly in the data file.")),
strong("1) In a logger_index file"),
tags$li("Choose 'logger_index file' under", strong("Lat/Lon Information")),
tags$li("The file must be a comma-separated file called 'logger_index' with columns:", code("logger_id"), "*", code("lat"), "and", code("lon")),
tags$li("Any other columns will be ignored")),
div(strong("Example of", a("logger_index file", href = "assets/logger_index_example.csv", target = "blank")), style = "text-align: center;"),
pre("logger_id, lat, lon
GR10DATA, 53.914484, -122.769248
GR11DATA, 53.88821, -122.8205
GR13DATA, 53.88689, -122.8208", style = "width:80%; margin: auto;"),
p("Note: Logger ids must match between the data file and the index file (i.e. pay attention to the logger id pattern!)"),
strong("2) In the data file"),
tags$li("Choose 'data file' under", strong("Lat/Lon Information")),
tags$li("In addition to the logger id on the first line, the lat/lon information must be on the second line of each data file")),
div(strong("Example of a", a("data file", href = "assets/logger_example2.txt", target = "blank"), "with inline lat/lon"), style = "text-align: center;"),
53.914484, -122.769248
06200004BB 02/06/16 12:39:24
0700EE19CE 02/06/16 12:40:49
0700EE0E42 02/06/16 12:40:52", style = "width:80%; margin: auto;"),
"* For compatibility with earlier versions,", code("bird_id"), "and", code("feeder_id"), "are also accepted, but will be renamed to", code("animal_id"), "and", code("logger_id"), "respectively")
observeEvent(input$help_options, {
showModal(modalDialog(size = "m",
title = "Other Options",
easyClose = TRUE,
tags$li(strong("Date/Time Format:"), "The ", em("order"), " of Day, Month, Year in the data. The exact ", em("format"), " (i.e. 2017-01-01 vs. 17-01-01) doesn't matter"),
tags$li(strong("Data Timezone:"),"Timezone that the data was recorded in."),
tags$li(strong("Data DST:"), "Whether or not data includes daylight savings (assumed not)."),
tags$li(strong("Separator:"), "For pre-formatted files, how are the columns separated?"),
tags$li(strong("Skip:"), "Extra lines to skip at the top of all data files. For Logger files, this is", em("in addition"), "to the first (or first two) rows which will be automatically skipped.")))
# Return ----------------------------------------------------
c(r = reactive({vars$data}),
time = reactive({if(is.null(vars$data)) NULL else Sys.time()}),
name = reactive({input$file1$name}))
import_logger <- function(path, logger, tz, input) {
d <- try(load_raw_all(r_list = path,
tz = tz,
dst = as.logical(input$dst),
logger_pattern = if(input$id_pattern == "NA") NA else input$id_pattern,
time_format = input$time,
details = as.numeric(stringr::str_extract(input$details, "[012]")),
skip = input$skip),
silent = TRUE)
if(class(d) == "try-error") validate(need(!grepl("Expecting one pair of lat/lon", d), "Expecting one pair of lat/lon on second line of the file(s). Check format or change 'details' (Format should be e.g., 53.91448, -122.76925)."))
validate(need(class(d) != "try-error", "Error importing data, try a different format or settings."))
if(input$details == "file1") {
validate(need(logger, "Expected file 'logger_index' not in files. Re-select files or choose a different location for logger details."))
ld <- utils::read.csv(logger)
if("feeder_id" %in% names(ld)) ld <- dplyr::rename(ld, logger_id = feeder_id)
validate(need("logger_id" %in% names(ld), "'logger_index' does not contain column logger_id (also accepts feeder_id"))
suppressWarnings(d <- dplyr::left_join(d, ld, by = "logger_id"))
#' @import magrittr
import_all <- function(path, tz, input, nrows = -1) {
req(!is.null(input$sep), !is.null(input$skip))
d <- try({
dplyr::bind_rows(lapply(path, utils::read.csv,
colClasses = "character",
sep = input$sep,
skip = input$skip,
nrows = nrows)) %>%
load_format(tz = tz, dst = as.logical(input$dst),
time_format = input$time, verbose = FALSE)
}, silent = TRUE)
check_data <- function(d) {
#validate(need(class(d) != "try-error", "Error importing data, try a different format or settings."))
validate(need(is.data.frame(d), "Error importing data, try a different format or settings."))
validate(need(sum(names(d) %in% c("time", "bird_id", "feeder_id")) == 3 |
sum(names(d) %in% c("time", "animal_id", "logger_id")) == 3,
"Cannot proceed: Required columns aren't present (require 'animal_id', 'logger_id', and 'time'). Try a different format or modify your column names."))
validate(need(all(!is.na(d$logger_id)), "Cannot proceed: Some or all of your logger ids are missing (i.e. NA)"))
validate(need(all(!is.na(d$time)), "Cannot proceed: NA times detected, check your time format"))
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For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.