
Defines functions mplnDataGenerator ICLFunction BICFunction AIC3Function AICFunction randomInitfunction varMPLNInitClustering varMPLNInitialization varMPLNClustering mplnVariational stanRun removeZeroCounts mplnCluster initializationRun callingClustering calcZvalue calcParameters calcLikelihood mplnMCMCNonParallel mplnMCMCParallel

Documented in AIC3Function AICFunction BICFunction ICLFunction mplnDataGenerator mplnMCMCNonParallel mplnMCMCParallel mplnVariational

#' Clustering Using MPLN With MCMC-EM Via Parallel Performance
#' Performs clustering using mixtures of multivariate Poisson-log
#' normal (MPLN) distribution with Markov chain Monte Carlo
#' expectation-maximization algorithm (MCMC-EM) for parameter
#' estimation. Coarse grain parallelization is employed, such that
#' when a range of components/clusters (g = 1,...,G) are considered, each
#' G is run on a different processor. This can be performed because
#' each component/cluster size is independent from another. All
#' components/clusters in the range to be tested have been parallelized
#' to run on a seperate core using the *parallel* R package. The number of
#' nodes to be used for clustering can be specified or calculated using
#' *parallel::detectCores() - 1*. Model selection is performed using
#' AIC, AIC3, BIC and ICL.
#' @param dataset A dataset of class matrix and type integer such that
#'    rows correspond to observations and columns correspond to variables.
#'    The dataset have dimensions n x d, where n is the total number of
#'    observations and d is the dimensionality. If rowSums are zero,
#'    these rows will be removed prior to cluster analysis.
#' @param membership A numeric vector of length nrow(dataset) containing the
#'    cluster membership of each observation. If not available,
#'    leave as "none".
#' @param gmin A positive integer specifying the minimum number of components
#'    to be considered in the clustering run.
#' @param gmax A positive integer, >= gmin, specifying the maximum number of
#'    components to be considered in the clustering run.
#' @param nChains A positive integer specifying the number of Markov chains.
#'    Default is 3, the recommended minimum number.
#' @param nIterations A positive integer specifying the number of iterations
#'    for each MCMC chain (including warmup). The value should be greater than
#'    40. The upper limit will depend on size of dataset.
#' @param initMethod An algorithm for initialization. Current options are
#'    "kmeans", "random", "medoids", "clara", or "fanny". Default is "kmeans".
#' @param nInitIterations A positive integer or zero, specifying the number
#'    of initialization runs to be performed. This many runs, each with 10
#'    iterations, will be performed via MPLNClust and values from the run with
#'    highest log-likelihood will be used as initialization values. Default is 0.
#' @param normalize A string with options "Yes" or "No" specifying
#'     if normalization should be performed. Currently, normalization factors
#'     are calculated using TMM method of edgeR package. Default is "Yes".
#' @param numNodes A positive integer indicating the number of nodes to be
#'     used from the local machine to run the clustering algorithm. Else
#'     leave as NA, so default will be detected as
#'     parallel::makeCluster(parallel::detectCores() - 1).
#' @return Returns an S3 object of class mplnMCMCParallel with results.
#' \itemize{
#'   \item dataset - The input dataset on which clustering is performed.
#'   \item dimensionality - Dimensionality of the input dataset.
#'   \item normalizationFactors - A vector of normalization factors used
#'      for input dataset.
#'   \item gmin - Minimum number of components considered in the clustering
#'      run.
#'   \item gmax - Maximum number of components considered in the clustering
#'      run.
#'   \item initalizationMethod - Method used for initialization.
#'   \item allResults - A list with all results.
#'   \item logLikelihood - A vector with value of final log-likelihoods for
#'      each cluster size.
#'   \item numbParameters - A vector with number of parameters for each
#'      cluster size.
#'   \item trueLabels - The vector of true labels, if provided by user.
#'   \item ICLresults - A list with all ICL model selection results.
#'   \item BICresults - A list with all BIC model selection results.
#'   \item AICresults - A list with all AIC model selection results.
#'   \item AIC3results - A list with all AIC3 model selection results.
#'   \item slopeHeuristics - If more than 10 models are considered, slope heuristic
#'      results as obtained via capushe::capushe().
#'   \item DjumpModelSelected - If more than 10 models are considered, slope heuristic
#'      results as obtained via capushe::capushe().
#'   \item DDSEModelSelected - If more than 10 models are considered, slope heuristic
#'      results as obtained via capushe::capushe().
#'   \item totalTime - Total time used for clustering and model selection.
#' }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' trueMu1 <- c(6.5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6)
#' trueMu2 <- c(2, 2.5, 2, 2, 2, 2)
#' trueSigma1 <- diag(6) * 2
#' trueSigma2 <- diag(6)
#' # Generating simulated data
#' sampleData <- MPLNClust::mplnDataGenerator(nObservations = 40,
#'                                              dimensionality = 6,
#'                                              mixingProportions = c(0.79, 0.21),
#'                                              mu = rbind(trueMu1, trueMu2),
#'                                              sigma = rbind(trueSigma1, trueSigma2),
#'                                              produceImage = "No")
#' # Clustering
#' mplnResults <- MPLNClust::mplnMCMCParallel(dataset = sampleData$dataset,
#'                                              membership = sampleData$trueMembership,
#'                                              gmin = 1,
#'                                              gmax = 1,
#'                                              nChains = 3,
#'                                              nIterations = 400,
#'                                              initMethod = "kmeans",
#'                                              nInitIterations = 0,
#'                                              normalize = "Yes",
#'                                              numNodes = 2)
#' }
#' @author {Anjali Silva, \email{anjali@alumni.uoguelph.ca}, Sanjeena Dang,
#'          \email{sanjeenadang@cunet.carleton.ca}. }
#' @references
#' Aitchison, J. and C. H. Ho (1989). The multivariate Poisson-log normal distribution.
#' \emph{Biometrika} 76.
#' Akaike, H. (1973). Information theory and an extension of the maximum likelihood
#' principle. In \emph{Second International Symposium on Information Theory}, New York, NY,
#' USA, pp. 267–281. Springer Verlag.
#' Arlot, S., Brault, V., Baudry, J., Maugis, C., and Michel, B. (2016).
#' capushe: CAlibrating Penalities Using Slope HEuristics. R package version 1.1.1.
#' Biernacki, C., G. Celeux, and G. Govaert (2000). Assessing a mixture model for
#' clustering with the integrated classification likelihood. \emph{IEEE Transactions
#' on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence} 22.
#' Bozdogan, H. (1994). Mixture-model cluster analysis using model selection criteria
#' and a new informational measure of complexity. In \emph{Proceedings of the First US/Japan
#' Conference on the Frontiers of Statistical Modeling: An Informational Approach:
#' Volume 2 Multivariate Statistical Modeling}, pp. 69–113. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands.
#' Robinson, M.D., and Oshlack, A. (2010). A scaling normalization method for differential
#' expression analysis of RNA-seq data. \emph{Genome Biology} 11, R25.
#' Schwarz, G. (1978). Estimating the dimension of a model. \emph{The Annals of Statistics}
#' 6.
#' Silva, A. et al. (2019). A multivariate Poisson-log normal mixture model
#' for clustering transcriptome sequencing data. \emph{BMC Bioinformatics} 20.
#' \href{https://bmcbioinformatics.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12859-019-2916-0}{Link}
#' @export
#' @import coda
#' @importFrom capushe capushe
#' @import cluster
#' @import clusterGeneration
#' @importFrom edgeR calcNormFactors
#' @import MASS
#' @importFrom mclust unmap
#' @importFrom mclust map
#' @importFrom mvtnorm rmvnorm
#' @import Rcpp
#' @importFrom rstan sampling
#' @importFrom rstan stan_model
#' @import parallel
#' @import stats
#' @importFrom utils tail
#' @importFrom utils write.csv
mplnMCMCParallel <- function(dataset,
                             membership = "none",
                             gmin = 1,
                             gmax = 2,
                             nChains = 3,
                             nIterations = 1000,
                             initMethod = "kmeans",
                             nInitIterations = 0,
                             normalize = "Yes",
                             numNodes = NA) {

  # Keeping track of time
  ptm <- proc.time()

  # Performing checks of user input
  if (typeof(dataset) != "double" & typeof(dataset) != "integer") {
    stop("Dataset type needs to be integer.")

  if (any((dataset %% 1 == 0) == FALSE)) {
    stop("Dataset should be a matrix of counts.")

  if (is.matrix(dataset) != TRUE) {
    stop("Dataset needs to be a matrix.")

  if (any(colSums(dataset) <= 0)) {
    stop("Column sums cannot be less than or equal to 0. Double check dataset.")

  dimensionality <- ncol(dataset)
  nObservations <- nrow(dataset)

  if(is.numeric(gmin) != TRUE || is.numeric(gmax) != TRUE) {
    stop("Class of gmin and gmin should be numeric.")

  if (gmax < gmin) {
    stop("gmax cannot be less than gmin.")

  if (gmax > nObservations) {
    stop("gmax cannot be larger than nrow(dataset).")

  if (is.numeric(nChains) != TRUE) {
    stop("nChains should be a positive integer of class numeric specifying
      the number of Markov chains.")

  if(nChains < 3) {
    cat("nChains is less than 3. Note: recommended minimum number of
      chains is 3.")

  if(is.numeric(nIterations) != TRUE) {
    stop("nIterations should be a positive integer of class numeric,
      specifying the number of iterations for each Markov chain
      (including warmup).")

  if(is.numeric(nIterations) == TRUE && nIterations < 40) {
    stop("nIterations argument should be greater than 40.")

  if(all(membership != "none") && is.numeric(membership) != TRUE) {
    stop("membership should be a numeric vector containing the
      cluster membership. Otherwise, leave as 'none'.")

  if(all(membership != "none") &&
      all((diff(sort(unique(membership))) == 1) != TRUE) ) {
    stop("Cluster memberships in the membership vector
      are missing a cluster, e.g. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 is missing cluster 2.")

  if(all(membership != "none") && length(membership) != nObservations) {
    stop("membership should be a numeric vector, where length(membership)
      should equal the number of observations. Otherwise, leave as 'none'.")

  # Remove rows with only zeros, if present
  removezeros <- removeZeroCounts(dataset = dataset, membership = membership)
  dataset <- removezeros$dataset
  membership <- removezeros$membership
  dimensionality <- ncol(dataset)
  nObservations <- nrow(dataset)

  if (is.character(initMethod) == TRUE) {
    initMethodsUsed <- c("kmeans", "random", "medoids", "clara", "fanny")
    if(all((initMethod == initMethodsUsed) == FALSE)) {
      stop("initMethod should of class character, specifying
        either: kmeans, random, medoids, clara, or fanny.")
    } else if (is.character(initMethod) != TRUE) {
      stop("initMethod should of class character, specifying
        either: kmeans, random, medoids, clara, or fanny.")

  if (is.numeric(nInitIterations) != TRUE) {
    stop("nInitIterations should be positive integer or zero, specifying
      the number of initialization runs to be considered.")

  if (is.character(normalize) != TRUE) {
    stop("normalize should be a string of class character specifying
      if normalization should be performed.")

  if (normalize != "Yes" && normalize != "No") {
    stop("normalize should be a string indicating Yes or No, specifying
      if normalization should be performed.")

  # Check numNodes and calculate the number of cores and initiate cluster
  if(is.na(numNodes) == TRUE) {
    cl <- parallel::makeCluster(parallel::detectCores() - 1)
  } else if (is.numeric(numNodes) == TRUE) {
    cl <- parallel::makeCluster(numNodes)
  } else {
    stop("numNodes should be a positive integer indicating the number of
      nodes to be used from the local machine. Else leave as NA, so the
      numNodes will be determined by
      parallel::makeCluster(parallel::detectCores() - 1).")

  # Calculating normalization factors
  if(normalize == "Yes") {
    normFactors <- log(as.vector(edgeR::calcNormFactors(as.matrix(dataset),
      method = "TMM")))
  } else if(normalize == "No") {
    normFactors <- rep(0, dimensionality)
  } else{
    stop("normalize should be 'Yes' or 'No' ")

  # Construct a Stan model
  # Stan model was developed with help of Sanjeena Dang
  # <sanjeenadang@cunet.carleton.ca>
  stancode <- 'data{int<lower=1> d; // Dimension of theta
  int<lower=0> N; //Sample size
  int y[N,d]; //Array of Y
  vector[d] mu;
  matrix[d,d] Sigma;
  vector[d] normfactors;
  matrix[N,d] theta;
  model{ //Change values for the priors as appropriate
  for (n in 1:N){
  for (n in 1:N){
  for (k in 1:d){
  real z;

  mod <- rstan::stan_model(model_code = stancode, verbose = FALSE)

  # Constructing parallel code
  mplnParallelCode <- function(g) {
    ## ** Never use set.seed(), use clusterSetRNGStream() instead,
    # to set the cluster seed if you want reproducible results
    # clusterSetRNGStream(cl = cl, iseed = g)
    mplnParallelRun <- callingClustering(data = dataset,
                                         gmin = g,
                                         gmax = g,
                                         nChains = nChains,
                                         initMethod = initMethod,
                                         nInitIterations = nInitIterations,
                                         nIterations = nIterations,
                                         normFactors = normFactors,
                                         model = mod)

  # Doing clusterExport
  parallel::clusterExport(cl = cl,
    varlist = c(
    envir = environment())

  # Doing clusterEvalQ
  parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl, library(parallel))
  parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl, library(rstan))
  parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl, library(Rcpp))
  parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl, library(mclust))
  parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl, library(mvtnorm))
  parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl, library(edgeR))
  parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl, library(capushe))
  parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl, library(clusterGeneration))
  parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl, library(coda))

  parallelRun <- list()
  cat("\nRunning parallel code now.")
  parallelRun <- parallel::clusterMap(cl = cl,
    fun = mplnParallelCode,
    g = gmin:gmax)
  cat("\nDone parallel code.")

  BIC <- ICL <- AIC <- AIC3 <- Djump <- DDSE <- nParameters <- logLikelihood <- vector()

  for(g in seq_along(1:(gmax - gmin + 1))) {
    # save the final log-likelihood
    logLikelihood[g] <- unlist(tail(parallelRun[[g]]$allResults$logLikelihood,
      n = 1))

    if(length(1:(gmax - gmin + 1)) == gmax) {
      clustersize <- g
    } else if(length(1:(gmax - gmin + 1)) < gmax) {
      clustersize <- seq(gmin, gmax, 1)[g]

    nParameters[g] <- calcParameters(numberG = clustersize,
      dimensionality = dimensionality)

    if (g == max(1:(gmax - gmin + 1))) { # starting model selection
      bic <- BICFunction(logLikelihood = logLikelihood,
                         nParameters = nParameters,
                         nObservations = nObservations,
                         clusterRunOutput = parallelRun,
                         gmin = gmin,
                         gmax = gmax,
                         parallel = TRUE)

      icl <- ICLFunction(logLikelihood = logLikelihood,
                         nParameters = nParameters,
                         nObservations = nObservations,
                         gmin = gmin,
                         gmax = gmax,
                         clusterRunOutput = parallelRun,
                         parallel = TRUE)

      aic <- AICFunction(logLikelihood = logLikelihood,
                          nParameters = nParameters,
                          clusterRunOutput = parallelRun,
                          gmin = gmin,
                          gmax = gmax,
                          parallel = TRUE)

      aic3 <- AIC3Function(logLikelihood = logLikelihood,
                          nParameters = nParameters,
                          clusterRunOutput = parallelRun,
                          gmin = gmin,
                          gmax = gmax,
                          parallel = TRUE)

  # for Djump and DDSE
  if((gmax - gmin + 1) > 10 ) {
    # adapted based on HTSCluster package 2.0.8 (25 Oct 2016)
    Kchoice <- gmin:gmax # all the cluster/component sizes considered
    message("Note: diagnostic plots for results corresponding
      to model selection via slope heuristics (Djump and DDSE)
      should be examined to ensure that sufficiently complex
      models have been considered.")
    mat <- cbind(Kchoice, nParameters / nObservations, nParameters / nObservations, - logLikelihood)
    ResCapushe <- capushe::capushe(mat, nObservations)
    DDSEmodel<- ResCapushe@DDSE@model
    Djumpmodel<- ResCapushe@Djump@model
    final <- proc.time() - ptm

    RESULTS <- list(dataset = dataset,
                    dimensionality = dimensionality,
                    normalizationFactors = normFactors,
                    gmin = gmin,
                    gmax = gmax,
                    initalizationMethod = initMethod,
                    allResults = parallelRun,
                    logLikelihood = logLikelihood,
                    numbParameters = nParameters,
                    trueLabels = membership,
                    ICLresults = icl,
                    BICresults = bic,
                    AICresults = aic,
                    AIC3results = aic3,
                    slopeHeuristics = ResCapushe,
                    DjumpModelSelected = ResCapushe@Djump@model,
                    DDSEModelSelected = ResCapushe@DDSE@model,
                    totalTime = final)

  } else {
    final <- proc.time() - ptm
    RESULTS <- list(dataset = dataset,
                    dimensionality = dimensionality,
                    normalizationFactors = normFactors,
                    gmin = gmin,
                    gmax = gmax,
                    initalizationMethod = initMethod,
                    allResults = parallelRun,
                    logLikelihood = logLikelihood,
                    numbParameters = nParameters,
                    trueLabels = membership,
                    ICLresults = icl,
                    BICresults = bic,
                    AICresults = aic,
                    AIC3results = aic3,
                    slopeHeuristics = "Not used",
                    totalTime = final)

  class(RESULTS) <- "mplnMCMCParallel"

#' Clustering Using MPLN  With MCMC-EM Via Non-Parallel Performance
#' Performs clustering using mixtures of multivariate Poisson-log
#' normal (MPLN) distribution with Markov chain Monte Carlo
#' expectation-maximization algorithm (MCMC-EM) for parameter
#' estimation. No internal parallelization, thus code is run in
#' serial. Model selection is performed using AIC, AIC3, BIC
#' and ICL.
#' @param dataset A dataset of class matrix and type integer such that
#'    rows correspond to observations and columns correspond to variables.
#'    The dataset have dimensions n x d, where n is the total number of
#'    observations and d is the dimensionality. If rowSums are zero,
#'    these rows will be removed prior to cluster analysis.
#' @param membership A numeric vector of length nrow(dataset) containing the
#'    cluster membership of each observation. If not available,
#'    leave as "none".
#' @param gmin A positive integer specifying the minimum number of components
#'    to be considered in the clustering run.
#' @param gmax A positive integer, >= gmin, specifying the maximum number of
#'    components to be considered in the clustering run.
#' @param nChains A positive integer specifying the number of Markov chains.
#'    Default is 3, the recommended minimum number.
#' @param nIterations A positive integer specifying the number of iterations
#'    for each chain (including warmup). The value should be greater than 40.
#'    The upper limit will depend on size of dataset.
#' @param initMethod An algorithm for initialization. Current options are
#'    "kmeans", "random", "medoids", "clara", or "fanny". Default is "kmeans"
#' @param nInitIterations A positive integer or zero, specifying the number
#'    of initialization runs to be performed. This many runs, each with 10
#'    iterations, will be performed via MPLNClust and values from the run with
#'    highest log-likelihood will be used as initialization values. Default is 0.
#' @param normalize A string with options "Yes" or "No" specifying
#'     if normalization should be performed. Currently, normalization factors
#'     are calculated using TMM method of edgeR package. Default is "Yes".
#' @return Returns an S3 object of class mplnMCMCNonParallel with results.
#' \itemize{
#'   \item dataset - The input dataset on which clustering is performed.
#'   \item dimensionality - Dimensionality of the input dataset.
#'   \item normalizationFactors - A vector of normalization factors used
#'      for input dataset.
#'   \item gmin - Minimum number of components considered in the clustering
#'      run
#'   \item gmax - Maximum number of components considered in the clustering
#'      run
#'   \item initalizationMethod - Method used for initialization.
#'   \item allResults - A list with all results.
#'   \item logLikelihood - A vector with value of final log-likelihoods for
#'      each cluster size.
#'   \item numbParameters - A vector with number of parameters for each
#'      cluster size.
#'   \item trueLabels - The vector of true labels, if provided by user.
#'   \item ICLresults - A list with all ICL model selection results.
#'   \item BICresults - A list with all BIC model selection results.
#'   \item AICresults - A list with all AIC model selection results.
#'   \item AIC3results - A list with all AIC3 model selection results.
#'   \item slopeHeuristics - If more than 10 models are considered, slope heuristic
#'      results as obtained via capushe::capushe().
#'   \item DjumpModelSelected - If more than 10 models are considered, slope heuristic
#'      results as obtained via capushe::capushe().
#'   \item DDSEModelSelected - If more than 10 models are considered, slope heuristic
#'      results as obtained via capushe::capushe().
#'   \item totalTime - Total time used for clustering and model selection.
#' }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' trueMu1 <- c(6.5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6)
#' trueMu2 <- c(2, 2.5, 2, 2, 2, 2)
#' trueSigma1 <- diag(6) * 2
#' trueSigma2 <- diag(6)
#' # Generating simulated data
#' sampleData <- MPLNClust::mplnDataGenerator(nObservations = 40,
#'                                  dimensionality = 6,
#'                                  mixingProportions = c(0.79, 0.21),
#'                                  mu = rbind(trueMu1, trueMu2),
#'                                  sigma = rbind(trueSigma1, trueSigma2),
#'                                  produceImage = "No")
#' # Clustering
#' mplnResults <- MPLNClust::mplnMCMCNonParallel(dataset = sampleData$dataset,
#'                                                membership = sampleData$trueMembership,
#'                                                gmin = 1,
#'                                                gmax = 1,
#'                                                nChains = 3,
#'                                                nIterations = 700,
#'                                                initMethod = "kmeans",
#'                                                nInitIterations = 0,
#'                                                normalize = "Yes")
#' }
#' @author {Anjali Silva, \email{anjali@alumni.uoguelph.ca}, Sanjeena Dang,
#'          \email{sanjeenadang@cunet.carleton.ca}. }
#' @references
#' Aitchison, J. and C. H. Ho (1989). The multivariate Poisson-log normal distribution.
#' \emph{Biometrika} 76.
#' Akaike, H. (1973). Information theory and an extension of the maximum likelihood
#' principle. In \emph{Second International Symposium on Information Theory}, New York, NY,
#' USA, pp. 267–281. Springer Verlag.
#' Arlot, S., Brault, V., Baudry, J., Maugis, C., and Michel, B. (2016).
#' capushe: CAlibrating Penalities Using Slope HEuristics. R package version 1.1.1.
#' Biernacki, C., G. Celeux, and G. Govaert (2000). Assessing a mixture model for
#' clustering with the integrated classification likelihood. \emph{IEEE Transactions
#' on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence} 22.
#' Bozdogan, H. (1994). Mixture-model cluster analysis using model selection criteria
#' and a new informational measure of complexity. In \emph{Proceedings of the First US/Japan
#' Conference on the Frontiers of Statistical Modeling: An Informational Approach:
#' Volume 2 Multivariate Statistical Modeling}, pp. 69–113. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands.
#' Robinson, M.D., and Oshlack, A. (2010). A scaling normalization method for differential
#' expression analysis of RNA-seq data. \emph{Genome Biology} 11, R25.
#' Schwarz, G. (1978). Estimating the dimension of a model. \emph{The Annals of Statistics}
#' 6.
#' Silva, A. et al. (2019). A multivariate Poisson-log normal mixture model
#' for clustering transcriptome sequencing data. \emph{BMC Bioinformatics} 20.
#' \href{https://bmcbioinformatics.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12859-019-2916-0}{Link}
#' @export
#' @import coda
#' @import cluster
#' @importFrom capushe capushe
#' @importFrom edgeR calcNormFactors
#' @import MASS
#' @importFrom mclust unmap
#' @importFrom mclust map
#' @importFrom mvtnorm rmvnorm
#' @import Rcpp
#' @importFrom rstan sampling
#' @importFrom rstan stan_model
#' @import parallel
#' @import stats
#' @importFrom utils tail
#' @importFrom utils write.csv
mplnMCMCNonParallel <- function(dataset,
                                membership = "none",
                                gmin = 1,
                                gmax = 2,
                                nChains = 3,
                                nIterations = 1000,
                                initMethod = "kmeans",
                                nInitIterations = 0,
                                normalize = "Yes") {
  ptm <- proc.time()

  # Performing checks
  if (typeof(dataset) != "double" & typeof(dataset) != "integer") {
    stop("Dataset type needs to be integer.")

  if (any((dataset %% 1 == 0) == FALSE)) {
    stop("Dataset should be a matrix of counts.")

  if (is.matrix(dataset) != TRUE) {
    stop("Dataset needs to be a matrix.")

  if (any(colSums(dataset) <= 0)) {
    stop("Column sums cannot be less than or equal to 0. Double check dataset.")

  dimensionality <- ncol(dataset)
  nObservations <- nrow(dataset)

  if(is.numeric(gmin) != TRUE || is.numeric(gmax) != TRUE) {
    stop("Class of gmin and gmin should be numeric.")

  if (gmax < gmin) {
    stop("gmax cannot be less than gmin.")

  if (gmax > nObservations) {
    stop("gmax cannot be larger than nrow(dataset).")

  if (is.numeric(nChains) != TRUE) {
    stop("nChains should be a positive integer of class numeric specifying
      the number of Markov chains.")

  if(nChains < 3) {
    cat("nChains is less than 3. Note: recommended minimum number of
      chains is 3.")

  if(is.numeric(nIterations) != TRUE) {
    stop("nIterations should be a positive integer of class numeric,
      specifying the number of iterations for each Markov chain
      (including warmup).")

  if(is.numeric(nIterations) == TRUE && nIterations < 40) {
    stop("nIterations argument should be greater than 40.")

  if(all(membership != "none") && is.numeric(membership) != TRUE) {
    stop("membership should be a numeric vector containing the
      cluster membership. Otherwise, leave as 'none'.")

  if(all(membership != "none") &&
      all((diff(sort(unique(membership))) == 1) != TRUE) ) {
    stop("Cluster memberships in the membership vector
      are missing a cluster, e.g. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 is missing cluster 2.")

  if(all(membership != "none") && length(membership) != nObservations) {
    stop("membership should be a numeric vector, where length(membership)
      should equal the number of observations. Otherwise, leave as 'none'.")

  # Remove rows with zeros, if present
  removezeros <- removeZeroCounts(dataset = dataset,
                                  membership = membership)
  dataset <- removezeros$dataset
  membership <- removezeros$membership
  dimensionality <- ncol(dataset)
  nObservations <- nrow(dataset)

  if (is.character(initMethod) == TRUE) {
    initMethodsUsed <- c("kmeans", "random", "medoids", "clara", "fanny")
    if(all((initMethod == initMethodsUsed) == FALSE)) {
      stop("initMethod should of class character, specifying
        either: kmeans, random, medoids, clara, or fanny.")
    } else if (is.character(initMethod) != TRUE) {
      stop("initMethod should of class character, specifying
        either: kmeans, random, medoids, clara, or fanny.")

  if (is.numeric(nInitIterations) != TRUE) {
    stop("nInitIterations should be positive integer or zero, specifying
      the number of initialization runs to be considered.")

  if (is.character(normalize) != TRUE) {
    stop("normalize should be a string of class character specifying
      if normalization should be performed.")

  if (normalize != "Yes" && normalize != "No") {
    stop("normalize should be a string indicating Yes or No, specifying
      if normalization should be performed.")

  # Calculating normalization factors
  if(normalize == "Yes") {
    normFactors <- log(as.vector(edgeR::calcNormFactors(as.matrix(dataset),
      method = "TMM")))
  } else if(normalize == "No") {
    normFactors <- rep(0, dimensionality)
  } else {
    stop("normFactors should be 'Yes' or 'No' ")

  # Construct a Stan model
  # Stan model was developed with help of Sanjeena Dang
  # <sanjeenadang@cunet.carleton.ca>
  stancode <- 'data{int<lower=1> d; // Dimension of theta
  int<lower=0> N; //Sample size
  int y[N,d]; //Array of Y
  vector[d] mu;
  matrix[d,d] Sigma;
  vector[d] normfactors;
  matrix[N,d] theta;
  model{ //Change values for the priors as appropriate
  for (n in 1:N){
  for (n in 1:N){
  for (k in 1:d){
  real z;

  mod <- rstan::stan_model(model_code = stancode,
    verbose = FALSE)
  nonParallelRun <- list()

  # Constructing non parallel code
  for (gmodel in seq_along(1:(gmax - gmin + 1))) {

    if(length(1:(gmax - gmin + 1)) == gmax) {
      clustersize <- gmodel
    } else if(length(1:(gmax - gmin + 1)) < gmax) {
      clustersize <- seq(gmin, gmax, 1)[gmodel]

    if(nInitIterations != 0) {
      # cat("\nRunning initialization for G =", clustersize)
      initializeruns <- initializationRun(gmodel = clustersize,
                                          dataset = dataset,
                                          initMethod = initMethod,
                                          initIterations = nInitIterations,
                                          nChain = nChains,
                                          numbIterations = nIterations,
                                          initialization = NA,
                                          normalizefactors = normFactors,
                                          mod = mod)
      # cat("\nInitialization done for G =", clustersize)
      # cat("\nRunning clustering for G =", clustersize)
      nonParallelRun[[gmodel]] <- mplnCluster(dataset = dataset,
                                              z = NA,
                                              G = clustersize,
                                              nChains = nChains,
                                              nIterations = nIterations,
                                              initialization = initializeruns,
                                              normalizefac = normFactors,
                                              mod = mod)
      # cat("\nClustering done for G =", clustersize)
    } else if(nInitIterations == 0) {
      # cat("\nNo initialization done for G =", clustersize)
      # cat("\nRunning clustering for G =", clustersize)
      nonParallelRun[[gmodel]] <- mplnCluster(dataset = dataset,
                                              z = mclust::unmap(stats::kmeans(log(dataset + 1 / 3),
                                              G = clustersize,
                                              nChains = nChains,
                                              nIterations = nIterations,
                                              initialization = NA,
                                              normalizefac = normFactors,
                                              mod = mod)
      # cat("\nClustering done for G =", clustersize)

  BIC <- ICL <- AIC <- AIC3 <- Djump <- DDSE <- nParameters <- logLikelihood <- vector()

  for(g in seq_along(1:(gmax - gmin + 1))) {
    # save the final log-likelihood
    logLikelihood[g] <- unlist(utils::tail(nonParallelRun[[g]]$logLikelihood, n = 1))

    if(length(1:(gmax - gmin + 1)) == gmax) {
      clustersize <- g
    } else if(length(1:(gmax - gmin + 1)) < gmax) {
      clustersize <- seq(gmin, gmax, 1)[g]

    nParameters[g] <- calcParameters(numberG = clustersize, dimensionality = dimensionality)

    if (g == max(1:(gmax - gmin + 1))) { # starting model selection
      bic <- BICFunction(logLikelihood = logLikelihood,
                        nParameters = nParameters,
                        nObservations = nObservations,
                        clusterRunOutput = nonParallelRun,
                        gmin = gmin,
                        gmax = gmax,
                        parallel = FALSE)

      icl <- ICLFunction(logLikelihood = logLikelihood,
                        nParameters = nParameters,
                        nObservations = nObservations,
                        gmin = gmin,
                        gmax = gmax,
                        clusterRunOutput = nonParallelRun,
                        parallel = FALSE)

      aic <- AICFunction(logLikelihood = logLikelihood,
                        nParameters = nParameters,
                        clusterRunOutput = nonParallelRun,
                        gmin = gmin,
                        gmax = gmax,
                        parallel = FALSE)

      aic3 <- AIC3Function(logLikelihood = logLikelihood,
                          nParameters = nParameters,
                          clusterRunOutput = nonParallelRun,
                          gmin = gmin,
                          gmax = gmax,
                          parallel = FALSE)

  # for Djump and DDSE
  if((gmax - gmin + 1) > 10 ) {
    # adapted based on HTSCluster package 2.0.8 (25 Oct 2016)
    Kchoice <- gmin:gmax # all the cluster/component sizes considered
    message("Note: diagnostic plots for results corresponding
      to model selection via slope heuristics (Djump and DDSE)
      should be examined to ensure that sufficiently complex
      models have been considered.")
    mat <- cbind(Kchoice, nParameters / nObservations, nParameters / nObservations, - logLikelihood)
    ResCapushe <- capushe ::capushe(mat, nObservations)
    DDSEmodel<- ResCapushe@DDSE@model
    Djumpmodel<- ResCapushe@Djump@model
    final <- proc.time() - ptm

    RESULTS <- list(dataset = dataset,
                    dimensionality = dimensionality,
                    normalizationFactors = normFactors,
                    gmin = gmin,
                    gmax = gmax,
                    initalizationMethod = initMethod,
                    allResults = nonParallelRun,
                    logLikelihood = logLikelihood,
                    numbParameters = nParameters,
                    trueLabels = membership,
                    ICLresults = icl,
                    BICresults = bic,
                    AICresults = aic,
                    AIC3results = aic3,
                    slopeHeuristics = ResCapushe,
                    DjumpModelSelected = ResCapushe@Djump@model,
                    DDSEModelSelected = ResCapushe@DDSE@model,
                    totalTime = final)

  } else {# end of Djump and DDSE
    final <- proc.time() - ptm
    RESULTS <- list(dataset = dataset,
                    dimensionality = dimensionality,
                    normalizationFactors = normFactors,
                    gmin = gmin,
                    gmax = gmax,
                    initalizationMethod = initMethod,
                    allResults = nonParallelRun,
                    logLikelihood = logLikelihood,
                    numbParameters = nParameters,
                    trueLabels = membership,
                    ICLresults = icl,
                    BICresults = bic,
                    AICresults = aic,
                    AIC3results = aic3,
                    slopeHeuristics = "Not used",
                    totalTime = final)

  class(RESULTS) <- "mplnMCMCNonParallel"

# Log likelihood calculation
calcLikelihood <- function(z,
                           normFactors) {

  nObservations <- nrow(dataset)
  like <- matrix(NA, nrow = nObservations, ncol = G)
  for (g in seq_along(1:G)) {
    for (i in seq_along(1:nObservations)) {
      x <- thetaStan[[g]][i, ]
      dimensionality <- ncol(dataset)
      like[i, g] <- (z[i, g] * (log(PI[g]) +
          t(dataset[i, ]) %*% (x + normFactors) -
          sum(exp(x + normFactors)) -
          sum(lfactorial(dataset[i, ])) -
          dimensionality / 2 * log(2 * pi) -
          0.5 * log(det(sigmaG[((g - 1) *
              dimensionality + 1):(g * dimensionality), ])) -
          0.5 * t(x - muG[g, ]) %*%
          solve(sigmaG[((g - 1) *
              dimensionality + 1):(g * dimensionality), ]) %*%
          (x - muG[g, ])))
  loglike <- sum(rowSums(like))
  # Developed by Anjali Silva

# Parameter calculation
calcParameters <- function(numberG,
                           dimensionality) {

  muPara <- dimensionality * numberG

  sigmaPara <- (dimensionality * ((dimensionality + 1) / 2)) * numberG
  # because if you have numberG-1 parameters,
  # you can do 1-these to get the last one

  piPara <- numberG - 1

  # total parameters
  paraTotal <- muPara + sigmaPara + piPara

  # Developed by Anjali Silva

# Zvalue calculation
calcZvalue <- function(thetaStan,
                       normalizefactors) {

  dimensionality <- ncol(dataset)
  nObservations <- nrow(dataset)
  forz <- matrix(NA,ncol = G, nrow = nObservations)

  for (g in seq_along(1:G)) {
    for (i in seq_along(1:nObservations)) {
      x <- thetaStan[[g]][i, ]
      # for zig calculation (the numerator part)
      forz[i, g] <- PI[g] * exp(t(dataset[i, ]) %*%
          (x + normalizefactors) -
          sum(exp(x + normalizefactors)) -
          sum(lfactorial(dataset[i, ])) -
          dimensionality / 2 * log(2 * pi) - 0.5 *
          log(det(sigmaG[((g - 1) *
              dimensionality + 1):(g*dimensionality), ])) -
          0.5 * t(x - muG[g, ]) %*%
          solve(sigmaG[((g - 1) *
              dimensionality + 1):(g * dimensionality), ]) %*%
          (x - muG[g, ]))

    # check which forz == 0 and rowSums(forz)==0 and which of these
    # have both equalling to 0 (because 0/0 =NaN)
    if (G == 1) {
      errorpossible <- Reduce(intersect,
        list(which(forz == 0),
          which(rowSums(forz) == 0)))
      zvalue <- forz / rowSums(forz)
      zvalue[errorpossible, ] <- 1
    } else {
      zvalue <- forz / rowSums(forz)

  # Developed by Anjali Silva

# Calling clustering
callingClustering <- function(data,
                              nIterations = NA,
                              initMethod = NA,
                              nInitIterations = NA,
                              model) {

  ptmInner = proc.time()

  for (gmodel in seq_along(1:(gmax - gmin + 1))) {

    if(length(1:(gmax - gmin + 1)) == gmax) {
      clustersize <- gmodel
    } else if(length(1:(gmax - gmin + 1)) < gmax) {
      clustersize <- seq(gmin, gmax, 1)[gmodel]

    if(nInitIterations != 0) {
      # cat("\nRunning initialization for G =", clustersize)
      initializeruns <- initializationRun(gmodel = clustersize,
                                          dataset = data,
                                          initMethod = initMethod,
                                          initIterations = nInitIterations,
                                          nChain = nChains,
                                          numbIterations = nIterations,
                                          initialization = NA,
                                          normalizefactors = normFactors,
                                          mod = model)
      # cat("\nInitialization done for G =", clustersize)
      # cat("\nRunning clustering for G =", clustersize)
      allruns <- mplnCluster(dataset = data,
                            z = NA,
                            G = clustersize,
                            nChains = nChains,
                            nIterations = nIterations,
                            initialization = initializeruns,
                            normalizefac = normFactors,
                            mod = model)
      # cat("\nClustering done for G =", clustersize)
    } else if(nInitIterations == 0) {
      # cat("\nNo initialization done for G =", clustersize)
      # cat("\nRunning clustering for G =", clustersize)
      allruns <- mplnCluster(dataset = data,
                             z = mclust::unmap(stats::kmeans(log(data + 1 / 3),
                             G = clustersize,
                             nChains = nChains,
                             nIterations = nIterations,
                             initialization = NA,
                             normalizefac = normFactors,
                             mod = model)
      # cat("\nClustering done for G =", clustersize)

  finalInner <- proc.time() - ptmInner

  RESULTS <- list(gmin = gmin,
                  gmax = gmax,
                  initalizationMethod = initMethod,
                  allResults = allruns,
                  totalTime = finalInner)

  class(RESULTS) <- "mplnCallingClustering"
  # Developed by Anjali Silva

# Initialization
initializationRun <- function(gmodel,
                              initialization = NA,
                              mod) {

  z <- initRuns <- list()
  logLinit <- vector()
  nObservations <- nrow(dataset)
  dimensionality <- ncol(dataset)

  for(iterations in seq_along(1:initIterations)) {
    # setting seed, to ensure if multiple iterations are selected by
    # user, then each run will give a different result.
    if (initMethod == "kmeans" | is.na(initMethod)) {
      z[[iterations]] <- mclust::unmap(stats::kmeans(log(dataset + 1 / 3),
    } else if (initMethod == "random") {
      z[[iterations]] <- randomInitfunction(gmodel = gmodel, nObservations = nObservations)

    } else if (initMethod == "medoids") {
      z[[iterations]] <- mclust::unmap(cluster::pam(log(dataset + 1 / 3),
        k = gmodel)$cluster)
      # if z generated has less columns than gmodel, then use random initialization
      if(ncol(z[[iterations]]) < gmodel) {
        z[[iterations]] <- randomInitfunction(gmodel = gmodel, nObservations = nObservations)

    } else if (initMethod == "clara") {
      z[[iterations]] <- mclust::unmap(cluster::clara(log(dataset + 1 / 3),
        k = gmodel)$cluster)
      # if z generated has less columns than gmodel, then use random initialization
      if(ncol(z[[iterations]]) < gmodel) {
        z[[iterations]] <- randomInitfunction(gmodel = gmodel, nObservations = nObservations)

    } else if (initMethod == "fanny") {
      z[[iterations]] <- mclust::unmap(cluster::fanny(log(dataset + 1 / 3),
        k = gmodel)$cluster)
      # if z generated has less columns than gmodel, then use random initialization
      if(ncol(z[[iterations]]) < gmodel) {
        z[[iterations]] <- randomInitfunction(gmodel = gmodel, nObservations = nObservations)

    initRuns[[iterations]] <- mplnCluster(dataset = dataset,
                                           z = z[[iterations]],
                                           G = gmodel,
                                           nChains = nChain,
                                           nIterations = numbIterations,
                                           initialization = "init",
                                           normalizefac = normalizefactors,
                                           mod = mod)
    logLinit[iterations] <-
      unlist(utils::tail((initRuns[[iterations]]$logLikelihood), n = 1))

  initialization <- initRuns[[which(logLinit == max(logLinit, na.rm = TRUE))[1]]]
  # Developed by Anjali Silva

# Clustering function
mplnCluster <- function(dataset,
                        mod) {

  dimensionality <- ncol(dataset)
  nObservations <- nrow(dataset)

  # for convergence calculation
  normMuOuter <- normSigmaOuter <- vector()
  medianMuOuter <- medianSigmaOuter <- list()
  # for saving mu and sigma values
  muAllOuter <- sigmaAllOuter <- list()
  obs <- PI <- logL <- vector()
  nIterationsOuter <- 2 # the starting value of interation for outer loop
  convOuter <- 0

  if (all(is.na(initialization)) == TRUE || all(initialization == "init")) {
    # mean for both t and normal distribution
    muAllOuter[[1]] <- muG <- matrix(log(mean(dataset)),
      ncol = dimensionality,
      nrow = G)
    # sig for sigma of t distribtuion
    sigmaAllOuter[[1]] <- sigmaG <- do.call("rbind",
      rep(list(cov(log(dataset + 1)) *
          dimensionality), G))
  } else {
    muAllOuter[[1]] <- muG <- initialization$finalmu
    sigmaAllOuter[[1]] <- sigmaG <- initialization$finalsigma
    z <- initialization$probaPost

  while(! convOuter) {
    for(g in seq_along(1:G)) {
      obs[g] <- sum(z[, g]) # number of observations in each group
      PI[g] <- obs[g] / nObservations  # obtain probability of each group

    thetaStan <- ExpTheta2 <- list()
    rstanResults <- stanRun(model = mod,
                             gmin = 1,
                             gmax = G,
                             dataset = dataset,
                             muAllOuter = muAllOuter,
                             nIterationsOuter = nIterationsOuter,
                             sigmaAllOuter = sigmaAllOuter,
                             numbIterations = nIterations,
                             nChain = nChains,
                             normalizefacs = normalizefac)

    fit <- rstanResults$fitrstan
    nIterations <- rstanResults$numbIterations

    for (g in seq_along(1:G)) {
      tt <- as.matrix(fit[[g]])
      thetaStan[[g]] <- matrix(NA, nrow = nObservations, ncol = dimensionality)
      ExpTheta2[[g]] <- list()

      for (i in seq_along(1:nObservations)) {
        zz <- c(1:(dimensionality - 1)) * nObservations + i
        thetaMatrix <- tt[, c(i, zz)]
        thetaStan[[g]][i, ] <- colMeans(thetaMatrix)
        ExpTheta2[[g]][[i]] <- z[i, g] * t(tt[, c(i, zz)]) %*% tt[, c(i, zz)]/
          ((0.5 * nIterations) * nChains)

      muG[g, ] <- colSums(z[, g] * thetaStan[[g]]) / sum(z[, g])
      sigmaG[((g - 1) * dimensionality + 1):(g * dimensionality), ] <-
        Reduce("+", ExpTheta2[[g]]) / sum(z[, g]) - muG[g, ] %*% t(muG[g, ])

    muAllOuter[[nIterationsOuter]] <- muG
    sigmaAllOuter[[nIterationsOuter]] <- sigmaG

    logL[nIterationsOuter] <- calcLikelihood(z = z,
                                    PI = PI,
                                    dataset = dataset,
                                    muG = muAllOuter[[nIterationsOuter]],
                                    G = G,
                                    sigmaG = sigmaAllOuter[[nIterationsOuter]],
                                    thetaStan = thetaStan,
                                    normFactors = normalizefac)

    # convergence of outer loop
    normMuOuter[nIterationsOuter] <- norm((muAllOuter[[nIterationsOuter]] -
                                           muAllOuter[[nIterationsOuter - 1]]),
                                           type = "F")
    normSigmaOuter[nIterationsOuter] <- norm(sigmaAllOuter[[nIterationsOuter]] -
                                             sigmaAllOuter[[nIterationsOuter - 1]],
                                             type = "F")
    medianMuOuter[[nIterationsOuter]] <- median(normMuOuter, na.rm = TRUE)
    medianSigmaOuter[[nIterationsOuter]] <- median(normSigmaOuter, na.rm = TRUE)
    # par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
    # plot(normMuOuter, main = paste0("Norm outer mean, G=", G),
    # type = "l", ylab = "median(normMuOuter)", xlab = "iterations")
    # plot(normSigmaOuter, main = paste0("Norm outer sigma, G = ", G),
    # type = "l", ylab = "median(normSigmaOuter)", xlab = "iterations")

    thresholdOuter <- 2
    if(nIterationsOuter > (thresholdOuter + 1)) {

      # cat("\nMedian difference of mean and sigma in outer loop respectively ",
      # c(abs(medianMuOuter[[nIterationsOuter - thresholdOuter]]-
      # medianMuOuter[[nIterationsOuter]])))
      if( ( (abs(medianMuOuter[[nIterationsOuter - thresholdOuter]] -
          medianMuOuter[[nIterationsOuter]]) < 5) &&
          (abs(medianSigmaOuter[[nIterationsOuter - thresholdOuter]] -
              medianSigmaOuter[[nIterationsOuter]]) < 5) ) || nIterationsOuter > 100) {
        # cat("\nConvergence of mu and sigma at outer loop
        # iteration ", nIterationsOuter)
        # take out absolute value
        programclust <- vector()
        programclust <- mclust::map(z)

        # checking for spurious clusters and getting rid of them
        # keep <- as.numeric(names(which(table(programclust) > 5)))
        # if ((length(keep) != length(unique(programclust))) &&
        # (length(keep) != 0)) {
        #  z <- as.matrix(z[ , keep])
        #  z <- z / rowSums(z)
        #  programclust <- map(z)

        # checking for empty clusters
        J <- 1:ncol(z)
        K <- as.logical(match(J, sort(unique(programclust)), nomatch = 0))
        if(length(J[! K]) > 0) { # J[!K] tells which are empty clusters
          z <- z[, - J[! K]]
          programclust <- mclust::map(z)
        convOuter <- 1

    # if running for initialization, need to stop after 10 iterations
    if(nIterationsOuter == 10 && all(is.na(initialization) != TRUE)) {
      if(all(initialization == "init")) {
        programclust <- vector()
        programclust <- mclust::map(z)
        convOuter <- 1

    if(convOuter != 1) { # only update until convergence, not after
      z <- calcZvalue(thetaStan = thetaStan,
                      dataset = dataset,
                      G = G,
                      muG = muG,
                      sigmaG = sigmaG,
                      PI = PI,
                      normalizefactors = normalizefac)
      nIterationsOuter <- nIterationsOuter + 1 # updating outer loop iteration
      nIterations <- nIterations + 10
  } # end of outer loop

  results <- list(finalmu = muAllOuter[[nIterationsOuter]] +
                      byrow = TRUE, ncol =
                  finalsigma = sigmaAllOuter[[nIterationsOuter]],
                  allmu = lapply(muAllOuter, function(x)
                    (x + matrix(rep(normalizefac,
                      byrow = TRUE,
                      ncol = ncol(muAllOuter[[nIterationsOuter]])))),
                  allsigma = sigmaAllOuter,
                  clusterlabels = programclust,
                  iterations = nIterationsOuter,
                  proportion = PI,
                  logLikelihood = logL,
                  probaPost = z,
                  stanresults = fit)

  class(results) <- "MPLNcluster"
  # Developed by Anjali Silva

# Calculate and remove rows with zeros
#' @author {Anjali Silva, \email{anjali@alumni.uoguelph.ca}}
removeZeroCounts <- function(dataset,
                             membership = "none") {

  zeroSUMrows <- which(rowSums(dataset) == 0)

  if (length(zeroSUMrows) > 0 && is.numeric(membership) == TRUE) {
    dataset <- dataset[- zeroSUMrows, ]
    membership <- membership[- zeroSUMrows]
  } else if(length(zeroSUMrows) > 0 && all(membership == "none")) {
    dataset <- dataset[- zeroSUMrows, ]
    membership <- "none"

  RESULTS <- list(dataset = dataset,
                  membership = membership)
  class(RESULTS) <- "MPLNZerosRemoved"

# Stan sampling
stanRun <- function(model,
                    nChain = nChain,
                    normalizefacs) {

  fitrstan <- list()
  dimensionality <- ncol(dataset)

  for (g in seq_along(gmin:gmax)) {
    data1 <- list(d = ncol(dataset),
                  N = nrow(dataset),
                  y = dataset,
                  mu = muAllOuter[[nIterationsOuter - 1]][g, ],
                  Sigma = sigmaAllOuter[[nIterationsOuter - 1]][((g - 1) *
                      dimensionality + 1):(g*dimensionality), ],
                  normfactors = as.vector(normalizefacs))
    stanproceed <- 0
    try <- 1

    while (! stanproceed) {

      # cat("\nRstan generating sample at outer iteration",
      # nIterationsOuter, "for g: ",g , "try: ", try)
      # cat("\nNumber of iterations is", numbIterations, "\n")
      fitrstan[[g]] <- rstan::sampling(object = model,
                                       data = data1,
                                       iter = numbIterations,
                                       chains = nChain,
                                       verbose = FALSE,
                                       refresh = -1)

      # Checking convergence
      if (all(rstan::summary(fitrstan[[g]])$summary[, "Rhat"] < 1.1) == TRUE &&
          all(rstan::summary(fitrstan[[g]])$summary[, "n_eff"] > 100) == TRUE) {
        stanproceed <- 1
      } else if(all(rstan::summary(fitrstan[[g]])$summary[, "Rhat"] < 1.1) != TRUE ||
          all(rstan::summary(fitrstan[[g]])$summary[, "n_eff"] > 100) != TRUE) {
        if(try == 10) { # Stop after 10 attempts
          stanproceed <- 1
        numbIterations <- numbIterations + 100
        try <- try + 1

  results <- list(fitrstan = fitrstan,
                  numbIterations = numbIterations)
  class(results) <- "MPLNRStan"
  # Developed by Anjali Silva

#' Clustering Using MPLN Via Variational-EM
#' Performs clustering using mixtures of multivariate Poisson-log
#' normal (MPLN) distribution with variational expectation-maximization
#' (EM) for parameter estimation. Model selection is performed using
#' AIC, AIC3, BIC and ICL. If more than 10 models are considered, Djump
#' and DDSE is also applied for model selection. No internal
#' parallelization, thus code is run in serial.
#' @param dataset A dataset of class matrix and type integer such that
#'    rows correspond to observations and columns correspond to variables.
#'    The dataset have dimensions n x d, where n is the total number of
#'    observations and d is the dimensionality. If rowSums are zero, these
#'    rows will be removed prior to cluster analysis.
#' @param membership A numeric vector of length nrow(dataset) containing the
#'    cluster membership of each observation. If not available,
#'    leave as "none".
#' @param gmin A positive integer specifying the minimum number of components
#'    to be considered in the clustering run.
#' @param gmax A positive integer, >= gmin, specifying the maximum number of
#'    components to be considered in the clustering run.
#' @param initMethod An algorithm for initialization. Current options are
#'    "kmeans", "random", "medoids", "clara", or "fanny". Default is "kmeans".
#' @param nInitIterations A positive integer or zero, specifying the number
#'    of initialization runs to be performed. This many runs, each with 10
#'    iterations, will be performed via MPLNClust and values from the run with
#'    highest log-likelihood will be used as initialization values. Default is 2.
#' @param normalize A string with options "Yes" or "No" specifying
#'     if normalization should be performed. Currently, normalization factors
#'     are calculated using TMM method of edgeR package. Default is "Yes".
#' @return Returns an S3 object of class mplnVariational with results.
#' \itemize{
#'   \item dataset - The input dataset on which clustering is performed.
#'   \item dimensionality - Dimensionality of the input dataset.
#'   \item normalizationFactors - A vector of normalization factors used
#'      for input dataset.
#'   \item gmin - Minimum number of components/clusters considered in the clustering
#'      run.
#'   \item gmax - Maximum number of components/clusters considered in the clustering
#'      run.
#'   \item initalizationMethod - Method used for initialization.
#'   \item allResults - A list with all results.
#'   \item logLikelihood - A vector with value of final log-likelihoods for
#'      each component/cluster size.
#'   \item numbParameters - A vector with number of parameters for each
#'      component/cluster size.
#'   \item trueLabels - The vector of true labels, if provided by user.
#'   \item ICLresults - A list with all ICL model selection results.
#'   \item BICresults - A list with all BIC model selection results.
#'   \item AICresults - A list with all AIC model selection results.
#'   \item AIC3results - A list with all AIC3 model selection results.
#'   \item slopeHeuristics - If more than 10 models are considered, slope heuristic
#'      results as obtained via capushe::capushe().
#'   \item DjumpModelSelected - If more than 10 models are considered, slope heuristic
#'      results as obtained via capushe::capushe().
#'   \item DDSEModelSelected - If more than 10 models are considered, slope heuristic
#'      results as obtained via capushe::capushe().
#'   \item totalTime - Total time used for clustering and model selection.
#' }
#' @examples
#' # Example 1
#' trueMu1 <- c(6.5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6)
#' trueMu2 <- c(2, 2.5, 2, 2, 2, 2)
#' trueSigma1 <- diag(6) * 2
#' trueSigma2 <- diag(6)
#' # Generating simulated data
#' sampleData <- MPLNClust::mplnDataGenerator(nObservations = 1000,
#'                      dimensionality = 6,
#'                      mixingProportions = c(0.79, 0.21),
#'                      mu = rbind(trueMu1, trueMu2),
#'                      sigma = rbind(trueSigma1, trueSigma2),
#'                      produceImage = "No")
#' # Clustering
#' mplnResults <- MPLNClust::mplnVariational(
#'                      dataset = sampleData$dataset,
#'                      membership = sampleData$trueMembership,
#'                      gmin = 1,
#'                      gmax = 2,
#'                      initMethod = "kmeans",
#'                      nInitIterations = 2,
#'                      normalize = "Yes")
#' names(mplnResults)
#' # Example 2
#' # Use an external dataset
#' if (requireNamespace("MBCluster.Seq", quietly = TRUE)) {
#' library(MBCluster.Seq)
#' data("Count")
#' dim(Count)
#' # Clustering subset of data
#' mplnResultsMBClust <- MPLNClust::mplnVariational(
#'                             dataset = as.matrix(Count[c(1:100), ]),
#'                             membership = "none",
#'                             gmin = 1,
#'                             gmax = 5,
#'                             initMethod = "kmeans",
#'                             nInitIterations = 2,
#'                             normalize = "Yes")
#' names(mplnResultsMBClust)
#' @author {Anjali Silva, \email{anjali@alumni.uoguelph.ca}, Sanjeena Dang,
#'          \email{sanjeenadang@cunet.carleton.ca}. }
#' @references
#' Aitchison, J. and C. H. Ho (1989). The multivariate Poisson-log normal distribution.
#' \emph{Biometrika} 76.
#' Akaike, H. (1973). Information theory and an extension of the maximum likelihood
#' principle. In \emph{Second International Symposium on Information Theory}, New York, NY,
#' USA, pp. 267–281. Springer Verlag.
#' Arlot, S., Brault, V., Baudry, J., Maugis, C., and Michel, B. (2016).
#' capushe: CAlibrating Penalities Using Slope HEuristics. R package version 1.1.1.
#' Biernacki, C., G. Celeux, and G. Govaert (2000). Assessing a mixture model for
#' clustering with the integrated classification likelihood. \emph{IEEE Transactions
#' on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence} 22.
#' Bozdogan, H. (1994). Mixture-model cluster analysis using model selection criteria
#' and a new informational measure of complexity. In \emph{Proceedings of the First US/Japan
#' Conference on the Frontiers of Statistical Modeling: An Informational Approach:
#' Volume 2 Multivariate Statistical Modeling}, pp. 69–113. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands.
#' Robinson, M.D., and Oshlack, A. (2010). A scaling normalization method for differential
#' expression analysis of RNA-seq data. \emph{Genome Biology} 11, R25.
#' Schwarz, G. (1978). Estimating the dimension of a model. \emph{The Annals of Statistics}
#' 6.
#' Silva, A. et al. (2019). A multivariate Poisson-log normal mixture model
#' for clustering transcriptome sequencing data. \emph{BMC Bioinformatics} 20.
#' \href{https://bmcbioinformatics.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12859-019-2916-0}{Link}
#' Subedi, S., and R. Browne (2020). A parsimonious family of multivariate Poisson-lognormal
#' distributions for clustering multivariate count data. arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.06857.
#' \href{https://arxiv.org/pdf/2004.06857.pdf}{Link}
#' @export
#' @importFrom capushe capushe
#' @importFrom edgeR calcNormFactors
#' @importFrom mclust unmap
#' @importFrom mclust map
#' @import stats
#' @import cluster
mplnVariational <- function(dataset,
                            membership = "none",
                            initMethod = "kmeans",
                            nInitIterations = 2,
                            normalize = "Yes") {

  initialTime <- proc.time()

  # Performing checks
  if (typeof(dataset) != "double" & typeof(dataset) != "integer") {
    stop("Dataset type needs to be integer.")

  if (any((dataset %% 1 == 0) == FALSE)) {
    stop("Dataset should be a matrix of counts.")

  if (is.matrix(dataset) != TRUE) {
    stop("Dataset needs to be a matrix.")

  if (any(colSums(dataset) <= 0)) {
    stop("Column sums cannot be less than or equal to 0. Double check dataset.")

  dimensionality <- ncol(dataset)
  nObservations <- nrow(dataset)

  if(is.numeric(gmin) != TRUE || is.numeric(gmax) != TRUE) {
    stop("Class of gmin and gmin should be numeric.")

  if (gmax < gmin) {
    stop("gmax cannot be less than gmin.")

  if (gmax > nObservations) {
    stop("gmax cannot be larger than nrow(dataset).")

  if(all(membership != "none") && is.numeric(membership) != TRUE) {
    stop("membership should be a numeric vector containing the
      cluster membership. Otherwise, leave as 'none'.")

  if(all(membership != "none") &&
     all((diff(sort(unique(membership))) == 1) != TRUE) ) {
    stop("Cluster memberships in the membership vector
      are missing a cluster, e.g. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 is missing cluster 2.")

  if(all(membership != "none") && length(membership) != nObservations) {
    stop("membership should be a numeric vector, where length(membership)
      should equal the number of observations. Otherwise, leave as 'none'.")

  # Remove rows with only zeros, if present
  removezeros <- removeZeroCounts(dataset = dataset, membership = membership)
  dataset <- removezeros$dataset
  membership <- removezeros$membership
  dimensionality <- ncol(dataset)
  nObservations <- nrow(dataset)

  if (is.character(initMethod) == TRUE) {
    initMethodsUsed <- c("kmeans", "random", "medoids", "clara", "fanny")
    if(all((initMethod == initMethodsUsed) == FALSE)) {
      stop("initMethod should of class character, specifying
        either: kmeans, random, medoids, clara, or fanny.")
  } else if (is.character(initMethod) != TRUE) {
    stop("initMethod should of class character, specifying
        either: kmeans, random, medoids, clara, or fanny.")

  if (is.numeric(nInitIterations) != TRUE) {
    stop("nInitIterations should be positive integer or zero, specifying
      the number of initialization runs to be considered.")

  if (is.character(normalize) != TRUE) {
    stop("normalize should be a string of class character specifying
      if normalization should be performed.")

  if ((normalize != "Yes") && (normalize != "No")) {
    stop("normalize should be a string indicating Yes or No, specifying
      if normalization should be performed.")

  if(normalize == "Yes") {
    normFactors <- as.vector(edgeR::calcNormFactors(as.matrix(dataset),
                                                    method = "TMM"))
  } else if(normalize == "No") {
    normFactors <- rep(1, dimensionality)
  } else{
    stop("normalize should be 'Yes' or 'No'.")

  clusterResults <- list() # to save cluster output
  for (gmodel in seq_along(1:(gmax - gmin + 1))) {

    if(length(1:(gmax - gmin + 1)) == gmax) {
      clustersize <- gmodel
    } else if(length(1:(gmax - gmin + 1)) < gmax) {
      clustersize <- seq(gmin, gmax, 1)[gmodel]
    cat("\n Running for g =", clustersize)
    clusterResults[[gmodel]] <- varMPLNClustering(dataset = dataset,
                                                  initMethod = initMethod,
                                                  nInitIterations = nInitIterations,
                                                  G = clustersize,
                                                  maxIterations = 1000,
                                                  normFactors = normFactors)
    # cat("\n Legnth of clusterResults is ", length(clusterResults))

  names(clusterResults) <- paste0(rep("G=", length(seq(gmin, gmax, 1))), seq(gmin, gmax, 1))

  BIC <- ICL <- AIC <- AIC3 <- Djump <- DDSE <- nParameters <- logLikelihood <- vector()

  for(g in seq_along(1:(gmax - gmin + 1))) {
    # save the final log-likelihood

    if(length(1:(gmax - gmin + 1)) == gmax) {
      clustersize <- g
    } else if(length(1:(gmax - gmin + 1)) < gmax) {
      clustersize <- seq(gmin, gmax, 1)[g]

    if(all(is.na(clusterResults[[g]])) != TRUE) {
      logLikelihood[g] <- unlist(utils::tail(clusterResults[[g]]$logLikelihood, n = 1))
    } else if(all(is.na(clusterResults[[g]])) == TRUE){
      logLikelihood[g] <- NA

    if(all(is.na(clusterResults[[g]])) != TRUE) {
      nParameters[g] <- calcParameters(numberG = clustersize, dimensionality = dimensionality)
    } else if(all(is.na(clusterResults[[g]])) == TRUE){
      nParameters[g] <- NA

    if (g == max(1:(gmax - gmin + 1))) { # starting model selection
      bic <- BICFunction(logLikelihood = logLikelihood,
                         nParameters = nParameters,
                         nObservations = nObservations,
                         clusterRunOutput = clusterResults,
                         gmin = gmin,
                         gmax = gmax,
                         parallel = FALSE)
      # cat("\n Done BIC")

      icl <- ICLFunction(logLikelihood = logLikelihood,
                         nParameters = nParameters,
                         nObservations = nObservations,
                         gmin = gmin,
                         gmax = gmax,
                         clusterRunOutput = clusterResults,
                         parallel = FALSE)
      # cat("\n Done ICL")

      aic <- AICFunction(logLikelihood = logLikelihood,
                         nParameters = nParameters,
                         clusterRunOutput = clusterResults,
                         gmin = gmin,
                         gmax = gmax,
                         parallel = FALSE)
      # cat("\n Done AIC")

      aic3 <- AIC3Function(logLikelihood = logLikelihood,
                           nParameters = nParameters,
                           clusterRunOutput = clusterResults,
                           gmin = gmin,
                           gmax = gmax,
                           parallel = FALSE)
      # cat("\n Done AIC3")

  # for Djump and DDSE
  if((gmax - gmin + 1) > 10 ) {
    # adapted based on HTSCluster package 2.0.8 (25 Oct 2016)
    Kchoice <- gmin:gmax # all the cluster/component sizes considered
    message("Note: diagnostic plots for results corresponding
      to model selection via slope heuristics (Djump and DDSE)
      should be examined to ensure that sufficiently complex
      models have been considered.")
    mat <- cbind(Kchoice, nParameters / nObservations, nParameters / nObservations, - logLikelihood)
    ResCapushe <- capushe::capushe(mat, nObservations)
    DDSEmodel<- ResCapushe@DDSE@model
    Djumpmodel<- ResCapushe@Djump@model

    finalTime <- proc.time() - initialTime

    RESULTS <- list(dataset = dataset,
                    dimensionality = dimensionality,
                    normalizationFactors = normFactors,
                    gmin = gmin,
                    gmax = gmax,
                    initalizationMethod = initMethod,
                    allResults = clusterResults,
                    logLikelihood = logLikelihood,
                    numbParameters = nParameters,
                    trueLabels = membership,
                    ICLresults = icl,
                    BICresults = bic,
                    AICresults = aic,
                    AIC3results = aic3,
                    slopeHeuristics = ResCapushe,
                    DjumpModelSelected = ResCapushe@Djump@model,
                    DDSEModelSelected = ResCapushe@DDSE@model,
                    totalTime = finalTime)

  } else {
    finalTime <- proc.time() - initialTime

    RESULTS <- list(dataset = dataset,
                    dimensionality = dimensionality,
                    normalizationFactors = normFactors,
                    gmin = gmin,
                    gmax = gmax,
                    initalizationMethod = initMethod,
                    allResults = clusterResults,
                    logLikelihood = logLikelihood,
                    numbParameters = nParameters,
                    trueLabels = membership,
                    ICLresults = icl,
                    BICresults = bic,
                    AICresults = aic,
                    AIC3results = aic3,
                    slopeHeuristics = "Not used",
                    totalTime = finalTime)

  class(RESULTS) <- "mplnVariational"

varMPLNClustering <- function(dataset,
                              normFactors) {

  nObservations <- nrow(dataset)
  dimensionality <- ncol(dataset)

  # If no intialization is requested by user
  if (nInitIterations == 0) {

    # basic initialization performed for parameters
    mu <- sigma <- isigma <- list()
    m <- S <- list() # variational parameters

    ###Other intermediate items initialized
    Sk <- array(0, c(dimensionality, dimensionality, G))
    mPreviousValue <- GX <- dGX <- zSValue <- list()

    zValue <- mclust::unmap(stats::kmeans(log(dataset + 1 / 6),
                                          centers = G, nstart = 100)$cluster )

    piG <- colSums(zValue) / nObservations

    for (g in 1:G) {
      obs <- which(zValue[ , g] == 1)
      if(length(obs) > 1) {
        mu[[g]] <- colMeans(log(dataset[obs, ] + 1 / 6)) # starting value for mu
        # starting value for sample covariance matrix
        sigma[[g]] <- cov(log(dataset[obs, ] + 1 / 6))
        # starting value for inverse of sample covariance matrix
        # If the inverse is not present for covariance matrix, handle that
        isigma[[g]] <- tryCatch(solve(sigma[[g]]), error = function(err) NA)
        if(all(is.na(isigma[[g]]))) {
          isigma[[g]] <- diag(ncol(dataset[obs, ])) # if error with inverse
      } else if(length(obs) == 1) {
        mu[[g]] <- log(dataset[obs, ] + 1 / 6) # starting value for mu
        # starting value for sample covariance matrix
        sigma[[g]] <- diag(ncol(dataset))
        # starting value for inverse of sample covariance matrix
        # If the inverse is not present for covariance matrix, handle that
        isigma[[g]] <- tryCatch(solve(sigma[[g]]), error = function(err) NA)
        if(all(is.na(isigma[[g]]))) {
          isigma[[g]] <- diag(ncol(dataset)) # if error with inverse

    for (g in 1:G) {
      mPreviousValue[[g]] <- m[[g]] <- log(dataset + 1 / 6)
      # mPreviousValue = starting value for m
      S[[g]] <- list() # starting value for S
      for (i in 1:nObservations) {
        S[[g]][[i]] <- diag(dimensionality) * 0.000000001
  } else if (nInitIterations != 0) {
    # if initialization is requested by user

    initializationResults <- varMPLNInitialization(dataset = dataset,
                                                   numbG = G,
                                                   initMethod = initMethod,
                                                   nInitIterations = nInitIterations,
                                                   normFactors = normFactors)

    mu <- initializationResults$mu
    sigma <- initializationResults$sigma
    isigma <- initializationResults$isigma
    mPreviousValue <- m <- initializationResults$m # variational parameters
    S <- initializationResults$S # variational parameters
    zValue <- initializationResults$zValue
    piG <- colSums(zValue) / nObservations

    ###Other intermediate items initialized
    Sk <- array(0, c(dimensionality, dimensionality, G))
    GX <- dGX <- zSValue <- list()


  # Start clustering
  itOuter <- 1
  aloglik <- logLikelihood <- NULL
  checks <- aloglik[c(1, 2, 3)] <- 0

  while (checks == 0) {

    for (g in 1:G) {
      GX[[g]] <- list()
      dGX[[g]] <- list()
      zSValue[[g]] <- list()
      for (i in 1:nObservations) {
        dGX[[g]][[i]] <- diag(exp((log(normFactors) + mPreviousValue[[g]][i, ]) +
                                    0.5 * diag(S[[g]][[i]])), dimensionality) + isigma[[g]]
        S[[g]][[i]] <- solve(dGX[[g]][[i]]) # update S
        # update S; will be used for updating sample covariance matrix
        # S[[g]][[i]] <- tryCatch(solve(dGX[[g]][[i]]), error = function(err) NA)
        # if(all(is.na(S[[g]][[i]]))) {
        #   S[[g]][[i]] <- diag(ncol(dGX[[g]][[i]])) # if error with inverse
        # }
        zSValue[[g]][[i]] <- zValue[i, g] * S[[g]][[i]] # will be used for updating sample covariance matrix
        GX[[g]][[i]] <- dataset[i, ] - exp(mPreviousValue[[g]][i, ] +
                                             log(normFactors) + 0.5 * diag(S[[g]][[i]])) -
          (isigma[[g]]) %*% (mPreviousValue[[g]][i, ] - mu[[g]])
        m[[g]][i , ] <- mPreviousValue[[g]][i , ] + S[[g]][[i]] %*% GX[[g]][[i]] # update m

      mPreviousValue[[g]] <- m[[g]]

      # Updating mu
      mu[[g]] <- colSums(zValue[ , g] * m[[g]]) / sum(zValue[ , g])

      # Updating sample covariance
      muMatrix <- matrix(rep(mu[[g]], nObservations), nrow = nObservations, byrow = TRUE)
      res <- m[[g]] - muMatrix
      # Calculate weighted covariance
      temp <- stats::cov.wt(res, wt = zValue[ , g], center = FALSE, method = "ML")
      Sk[ , , g] <- temp$cov
      sigma[[g]] <- temp$cov + Reduce("+", zSValue[[g]]) / sum(zValue[ , g])
      isigma[[g]] <- solve(sigma[[g]])

    piG <- colSums(zValue) / nObservations

    # Matrix containing normaization factors
    normFactorsAsMatrix <- matrix(rep(normFactors, nObservations), nrow = nObservations, byrow = TRUE)

    # A useful function
    zvalueFuncTerm <- function(x, y = isigma[[g]]) {
      sum(diag(x %*% y))

    # # Zvalue calculation
    forz <- matrix(NA, ncol = G, nrow = nObservations)

    for (g in 1:G) {
      # exp(m_igj + 0.5 S_ig,jj)
      two <- rowSums(exp(m[[g]] + log(normFactorsAsMatrix) +
                           0.5 * matrix(unlist(lapply(S[[g]], diag)), ncol = dimensionality, byrow = TRUE)))
      five <- 0.5 * unlist(lapply(S[[g]], zvalueFuncTerm)) # trace(isigma x S_ig)
      six <- 0.5 * log(unlist(lapply(S[[g]], det))) # 0.5 * log|S_ig|

      # For zig calculation (the numerator part)
      forz[ , g] <- piG[g] *
        exp(rowSums(m[[g]] * dataset) - two - rowSums(lfactorial(dataset)) +
              rowSums(log(normFactorsAsMatrix) * dataset) -
              0.5 * mahalanobis(m[[g]], center = mu[[g]], cov = sigma[[g]]) -
              five + six - 0.5 * log(det(sigma[[g]])) - dimensionality / 2)

    # Calculate zValue value
    # check which forz == 0 and rowSums(forz)==0 and which of these
    # have both equalling to 0 (because 0/0 =NaN)
    if (G == 1) {
      errorpossible <- Reduce(intersect,
                              list(which(forz == 0),
                                   which(rowSums(forz) == 0)))
      forz[errorpossible] <- 1e-100
      zvalue <- forz / rowSums(forz)
    } else {

      # check for error, if rowsums are zero
      rowSumsZero <- which(rowSums(forz) == 0)
      if(length(rowSumsZero) > 0) {
        forz[rowSumsZero, ] <- mclust::unmap(stats::kmeans(log(dataset + 1 / 6),
                                                           centers = G,
                                                           nstart = 100)$cluster)[rowSumsZero, ]
        zvalue <- forz / rowSums(forz)
      } else {
        zvalue <- forz / rowSums(forz)

    # if z generated has less clusters than numbG, then use random initialization
    # checkClusters <- 0
    # if(length(unique(mclust::map(zvalue))) < G) {
    #   while(! checkClusters) {
    #     zvalue <- randomInitfunction(gmodel = G, nObservations = nObservations)
    #     if(length(unique(mclust::map(zvalue))) == G) {
    #       checkClusters <- 1
    #       # cat("\n checkClusters", checkClusters)
    #     }
    #   }
    # }

    # if z generated has less clusters than numbG, then NA
    if(length(unique(mclust::map(zvalue))) < G) {
      cat("\n length(unique(mclust::map(zvalue))) < G for G =", G)
      checks <- 2

    } else { # if z generated clusters == numbG

      # Calculate log-likelihood
      logLikelihood[itOuter] <- sum(log(rowSums(forz)))

      # Stopping criterion
      if (itOuter > 2) {

        if ((logLikelihood[itOuter - 1] - logLikelihood[itOuter - 2]) == 0) {
          checks <-1
        } else {
          # Aitken stopping criterion
          termAitkens <- (logLikelihood[itOuter]- logLikelihood[itOuter - 1]) /
            (logLikelihood[itOuter - 1] - logLikelihood[itOuter - 2])
          term2Aitkens <- (1 / (1 - termAitkens) * (logLikelihood[itOuter] -
                                                      logLikelihood[itOuter - 1]))
          aloglik[itOuter] <- logLikelihood[itOuter - 1] + term2Aitkens
          if (abs(aloglik[itOuter] - logLikelihood[itOuter - 1]) < 0.001) {
            # If this critera, as per Böhning et al., 1994 is achieved
            # convergence is achieved
            checks <- 1
          } else {
            checks <- checks}
      # print(itOuter)
      itOuter <- itOuter + 1
      if (itOuter == maxIterations) {
        checks <- 1

  if(checks == 1) {
    # Naming parameters
    names(mu) <- names(sigma) <- paste0(rep("G=", G), 1:G)

    # Saving results for output
    Results <- list(piG = piG,
                    mu = mu,
                    sigma = sigma,
                    probaPost = zvalue,
                    clusterlabels = mclust::map(zvalue),
                    logLikelihood = logLikelihood)

    class(Results) <- "varMPLNClustering"
  } else if(checks == 2) {
    # if z generated has less clusters than numbG, then NA


varMPLNInitialization <- function(dataset,
                                  normFactors) {

  dimensionality <- ncol(dataset)
  nObservations <- nrow(dataset)

  zValue <- initRuns <- list()
  logLinit <- vector()

  for(iterations in seq_along(1:nInitIterations)) {
    # setting seed, to ensure if multiple iterations are selected by
    # user, then each run will give a different result.
    if (initMethod == "kmeans" | is.na(initMethod)) {
      zValue[[iterations]] <- mclust::unmap(stats::kmeans(log(dataset + 1 / 6),
                                                          centers = numbG, nstart = 100)$cluster )
      # if z generated has less clusters than numbG, then use random initialization
      checkClusters <- 0
      if(length(unique(mclust::map(zValue[[iterations]]))) < numbG) {
        while(! checkClusters) {
          zValue[[iterations]] <- randomInitfunction(gmodel = numbG, nObservations = nObservations)
          if(length(unique(mclust::map(zValue[[iterations]]))) == numbG) {
            checkClusters <- 1
            # cat("\n checkClusters", checkClusters)

    } else if (initMethod == "random") {
      zValue[[iterations]] <- randomInitfunction(gmodel = numbG, nObservations = nObservations)

    } else if (initMethod == "medoids") {
      zValue[[iterations]] <- mclust::unmap(cluster::pam(log(dataset + 1 / 3),
                                                         k = numbG,  cluster.only = TRUE))
      # if z generated has less clusters than numbG, then use random initialization
      checkClusters <- 0
      if(length(unique(mclust::map(zValue[[iterations]]))) < numbG) {
        while(! checkClusters) {
          zValue[[iterations]] <- randomInitfunction(gmodel = numbG, nObservations = nObservations)
          if(length(unique(mclust::map(zValue[[iterations]]))) == numbG) {
            checkClusters <- 1
            # cat("\n checkClusters", checkClusters)

    } else if (initMethod == "clara") {
      zValue[[iterations]] <- mclust::unmap(cluster::clara(log(dataset + 1 / 3),
                                                           k = numbG)$cluster)
      # if z generated has less clusters than numbG, then use random initialization
      checkClusters <- 0
      if(length(unique(mclust::map(zValue[[iterations]]))) < numbG) {
        while(! checkClusters) {
          zValue[[iterations]] <- randomInitfunction(gmodel = numbG, nObservations = nObservations)
          if(length(unique(mclust::map(zValue[[iterations]]))) == numbG) {
            checkClusters <- 1
            # cat("\n checkClusters", checkClusters)

    } else if (initMethod == "fanny") {
      zValue[[iterations]] <- mclust::unmap(cluster::fanny(log(dataset + 1 / 3),
                                                           k = numbG, memb.exp = numbG, cluster.only = TRUE)$clustering)
      # if z generated has less clusters than numbG, then use random initialization
      checkClusters <- 0
      if(length(unique(mclust::map(zValue[[iterations]]))) < numbG) {
        while(! checkClusters) {
          zValue[[iterations]] <- randomInitfunction(gmodel = numbG, nObservations = nObservations)
          if(length(unique(mclust::map(zValue[[iterations]]))) == numbG) {
            checkClusters <- 1
            # cat("\n checkClusters", checkClusters)

    initRuns[[iterations]] <- varMPLNInitClustering(dataset = dataset,
                                                    G = numbG,
                                                    zValue = zValue[[iterations]],
                                                    normFactors = normFactors,
                                                    maxIterations = 10)

    # maxIterations set to 10 for initialization
    logLinit[iterations] <-
      unlist(utils::tail((initRuns[[iterations]]$logLikelihood), n = 1))

  # select the initialization run with highest loglikelihood
  initializationResults <- initRuns[[which(logLinit == max(logLinit, na.rm = TRUE))[1]]]

  class(initializationResults) <- "varMPLNInitialization"

varMPLNInitClustering <- function(dataset,
                                  maxIterations = 10) {
  # if running for initialization, need to stop after 10 iterations

  dimensionality <- ncol(dataset)
  nObservations <- nrow(dataset)

  # basic initialization performed for parameters
  mu <- sigma <- isigma <- list()
  m <- S <- list() # variational parameters

  ###Other intermediate items initialized
  Sk <- array(0, c(dimensionality, dimensionality, G))
  mPreviousValue <- GX <- dGX <- zSValue <- list()

  piG <- colSums(zValue) / nObservations

  for (g in 1:G) {
    obs <- which(zValue[ , g] == 1)
    if(length(obs) > 1) {
      mu[[g]] <- colMeans(log(dataset[obs, ] + 1 / 6)) # starting value for mu
      # starting value for sample covariance matrix
      sigma[[g]] <- cov(log(dataset[obs, ] + 1 / 6))
      # starting value for inverse of sample covariance matrix
      # If the inverse is not present for covariance matrix, handle that
      isigma[[g]] <- tryCatch(solve(sigma[[g]]), error = function(err) NA)
      if(all(is.na(isigma[[g]]))) {
        isigma[[g]] <- diag(ncol(dataset[obs, ])) # if error with inverse
    } else if(length(obs) == 1) {
      mu[[g]] <- log(dataset[obs, ] + 1 / 6) # starting value for mu
      # starting value for sample covariance matrix
      sigma[[g]] <- diag(ncol(dataset))
      # starting value for inverse of sample covariance matrix
      # If the inverse is not present for covariance matrix, handle that
      isigma[[g]] <- tryCatch(solve(sigma[[g]]), error = function(err) NA)
      if(all(is.na(isigma[[g]]))) {
        isigma[[g]] <- diag(ncol(dataset)) # if error with inverse

  for (g in 1:G) {
    # mPreviousValue = starting value for m
    mPreviousValue[[g]] <- m[[g]] <- log(dataset + 1 / 6)
    S[[g]] <- list() # starting value for S
    for (i in 1:nObservations) {
      S[[g]][[i]] <- diag(dimensionality) * 0.000000001

  # Start clustering
  itOuter <- 1
  aloglik <- logLikelihood <- NULL
  checks <- aloglik[c(1, 2, 3)] <- 0

  while (checks == 0) {

    for (g in 1:G) {
      GX[[g]] <- list()
      dGX[[g]] <- list()
      zSValue[[g]] <- list()
      for (i in 1:nObservations) {
        dGX[[g]][[i]] <- diag(exp((log(normFactors) + mPreviousValue[[g]][i, ]) +
                                    0.5 * diag(S[[g]][[i]])), dimensionality) + isigma[[g]]
        # update S; will be used for updating sample covariance matrix
        S[[g]][[i]] <- tryCatch(solve(dGX[[g]][[i]]), error = function(err) NA)
        if(all(is.na(S[[g]][[i]]))) {
          S[[g]][[i]] <- diag(ncol(dGX[[g]][[i]])) # if error with inverse

        zSValue[[g]][[i]] <- zValue[i, g] * S[[g]][[i]]
        GX[[g]][[i]] <- dataset[i, ] - exp(mPreviousValue[[g]][i, ] +
                                             log(normFactors) + 0.5 * diag(S[[g]][[i]])) -
          (isigma[[g]]) %*% (mPreviousValue[[g]][i, ] - mu[[g]])
        m[[g]][i , ] <- mPreviousValue[[g]][i , ] + S[[g]][[i]] %*% GX[[g]][[i]] # update m

      mPreviousValue[[g]] <- m[[g]]

      # Updating mu
      mu[[g]] <- colSums(zValue[ , g] * m[[g]]) / sum(zValue[ , g])

      # Updating sample covariance
      muMatrix <- matrix(rep(mu[[g]], nObservations), nrow = nObservations, byrow = TRUE)
      res <- m[[g]] - muMatrix
      # Calculate weighted covariance
      temp <- stats::cov.wt(res, wt = zValue[ , g], center = FALSE, method = "ML")
      Sk[ , , g] <- temp$cov
      sigma[[g]] <- temp$cov + Reduce("+", zSValue[[g]]) / sum(zValue[ , g])
      isigma[[g]] <- solve(sigma[[g]])

    piG <- colSums(zValue) / nObservations

    # Matrix containing normaization factors
    normFactorsAsMatrix <- matrix(rep(normFactors, nObservations), nrow = nObservations, byrow = TRUE)

    # A useful function
    zvalueFuncTerm <- function(x, y = isigma[[g]]) {
      sum(diag(x %*% y))

    # # Zvalue calculation
    forz <- matrix(NA, ncol = G, nrow = nObservations)

    for (g in 1:G) {
      # exp(m_igj + 0.5 S_ig,jj)
      two <- rowSums(exp(m[[g]] + log(normFactorsAsMatrix) +
                           0.5 * matrix(unlist(lapply(S[[g]], diag)), ncol = dimensionality, byrow = TRUE)))
      five <- 0.5 * unlist(lapply(S[[g]], zvalueFuncTerm)) # trace(isigma x S_ig)
      six <- 0.5 * log(unlist(lapply(S[[g]], det))) # 0.5 * log|S_ig|

      # For zig calculation (the numerator part)
      forz[ , g] <- piG[g] *
        exp(rowSums(m[[g]] * dataset) - two - rowSums(lfactorial(dataset)) +
              rowSums(log(normFactorsAsMatrix) * dataset) -
              0.5 * mahalanobis(m[[g]], center = mu[[g]], cov = sigma[[g]]) -
              five + six - 0.5 * log(det(sigma[[g]])) - dimensionality / 2)

    # Calculate zValue value
    # check which forz == 0 and rowSums(forz)==0 and which of these
    # have both equalling to 0 (because 0/0 =NaN)
    if (G == 1) {
      errorpossible <- Reduce(intersect,
                              list(which(forz == 0),
                                   which(rowSums(forz) == 0)))
      forz[errorpossible] <- 1e-100
      zvalue <- forz / rowSums(forz)
    } else {

      # check for error, if rowsums are zero
      rowSumsZero <- which(rowSums(forz) == 0)
      if(length(rowSumsZero) > 0) {
        forz[rowSumsZero, ] <- mclust::unmap(stats::kmeans(log(dataset + 1 / 6),
                                                           centers = G,
                                                           nstart = 100)$cluster)[rowSumsZero, ]
        zvalue <- forz / rowSums(forz)
      } else {
        zvalue <- forz / rowSums(forz)

      # if z generated has less clusters than numbG, then use random initialization
      checkClusters <- 0
      if(length(unique(mclust::map(zvalue))) < G) {
        while(! checkClusters) {
          zvalue <- randomInitfunction(gmodel = G, nObservations = nObservations)
          if(length(unique(mclust::map(zvalue))) == G) {
            checkClusters <- 1
            # cat("\n checkClusters", checkClusters)


    # Calculate log-likelihood
    logLikelihood[itOuter] <- sum(log(rowSums(forz)))

    # Stopping criterion
    if (itOuter > 2) {

      if ((logLikelihood[itOuter - 1] - logLikelihood[itOuter - 2]) == 0) {
        checks <-1
      } else {
        # Aitken stopping criterion
        termAitkens <- (logLikelihood[itOuter]- logLikelihood[itOuter - 1]) /
          (logLikelihood[itOuter - 1] - logLikelihood[itOuter - 2])
        term2Aitkens <- (1 / (1 - termAitkens) * (logLikelihood[itOuter] - logLikelihood[itOuter - 1]))
        aloglik[itOuter] <- logLikelihood[itOuter - 1] + term2Aitkens
        if (abs(aloglik[itOuter] - logLikelihood[itOuter - 1]) < 0.001) {
          # If this critera, as per Böhning et al., 1994 is achieved
          # convergence is achieved
          checks <- 1
        } else {
          checks <- checks}
    # print(itOuter)
    itOuter <- itOuter + 1
    if (itOuter == maxIterations) {
      checks <- 1

  # Naming parameters
  names(mu) <- names(sigma) <- paste0(rep("G=", G), 1:G)

  # Saving results for output
  Results <- list(piG = piG,
                  mu = mu,
                  sigma = sigma,
                  isigma = isigma,
                  zValue = zvalue,
                  m = m,
                  S = S,
                  clusterlabels = mclust::map(zvalue),
                  logLikelihood = logLikelihood)

  class(Results) <- "varMPLNInitClustering"

# Internal function for random initialization
randomInitfunction <- function(gmodel, nObservations) {
  if(gmodel == 1) { # generating z if g = 1
    zvalueRandomInit <- as.matrix(rep.int(1, times = nObservations),
                   ncol = gmodel,
                   nrow = nObservations)
  } else { # generating z if g > 1
    zValueConv <- 0
    while(! zValueConv) {
      # ensure that dimension of z is same as G (i.e.,
      # if one column contains all 0s, then generate z again)
      zvalueRandomInit <- t(stats::rmultinom(nObservations, size = 1,
                              prob = rep(1 / gmodel, gmodel)))
      if(length(which(colSums(zvalueRandomInit) > 0)) == gmodel) {
        zValueConv <- 1

#' Model Selection Via Akaike Information Criterion
#' Performs model selection using Akaike Information Criterion (AIC).
#' Formula: - 2 * logLikelihood + 2 * nParameters.
#' @param logLikelihood A vector with value of final log-likelihoods for
#'      each cluster size.
#' @param nParameters A vector with number of parameters for each
#'      cluster size.
#' @param clusterRunOutput Output from mplnVariational, mplnMCMCParallel, or
#'    mplnMCMCNonParallel, if available. Default value is NA. If provided,
#'    the vector of cluster labels obtained by mclust::map() for best model
#'    will be provided in the output.
#' @param gmin A positive integer specifying the minimum number of components
#'    to be considered in the clustering run.
#' @param gmax A positive integer, >gmin, specifying the maximum number of
#'    components to be considered in the clustering run.
#' @param parallel TRUE or FALSE indicating if MPLNClust::mplnMCMCParallel
#'    has been used.
#' @return Returns an S3 object of class MPLN with results.
#' \itemize{
#'   \item allAICvalues - A vector of AIC values for each cluster size.
#'   \item AICmodelselected - An integer specifying model selected by AIC.
#'   \item AICmodelSelectedLabels - A vector of integers specifying cluster labels
#'     for the model selected. Only provided if user input clusterRunOutput.
#'   \item AICMessage - A character vector indicating if spurious clusters are
#'     detected. Otherwise, NA.
#' }
#' @examples
#' trueMu1 <- c(6.5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6)
#' trueMu2 <- c(2, 2.5, 2, 2, 2, 2)
#' trueSigma1 <- diag(6) * 2
#' trueSigma2 <- diag(6)
#' # Generating simulated data
#' sampleData <- MPLNClust::mplnDataGenerator(nObservations = 100,
#'                                  dimensionality = 6,
#'                                  mixingProportions = c(0.79, 0.21),
#'                                  mu = rbind(trueMu1, trueMu2),
#'                                  sigma = rbind(trueSigma1, trueSigma2),
#'                                  produceImage = "No")
#' # Clustering
#' mplnResults <- MPLNClust::mplnVariational(dataset = sampleData$dataset,
#'                                 membership = sampleData$trueMembership,
#'                                 gmin = 1,
#'                                 gmax = 2,
#'                                 initMethod = "kmeans",
#'                                 nInitIterations = 2,
#'                                 normalize = "Yes")
#' # Model selection
#' AICmodel <- MPLNClust::AICFunction(logLikelihood = mplnResults$logLikelihood,
#'                          nParameters = mplnResults$numbParameters,
#'                          clusterRunOutput = mplnResults$allResults,
#'                          gmin = mplnResults$gmin,
#'                          gmax = mplnResults$gmax,
#'                          parallel = FALSE)
#' @author {Anjali Silva, \email{anjali@alumni.uoguelph.ca}}
#' @references
#' Akaike, H. (1973). Information theory and an extension of the maximum likelihood
#' principle. In \emph{Second International Symposium on Information Theory}, New York, NY,
#' USA, pp. 267–281. Springer Verlag.
#' @export
AICFunction <- function(logLikelihood,
                        clusterRunOutput = NA,
                        parallel = FALSE) {

  # Performing checks
  if(is.numeric(gmin) != TRUE || is.numeric(gmax) != TRUE) {
    stop("Class of gmin and gmin should be numeric.")

  if (gmax < gmin) {
    stop("gmax cannot be less than gmin.")

  if(is.numeric(nParameters) != TRUE) {
    stop("nParameters should be a vector of integers indicating
      number of parameters for each cluster size.")

  if(is.numeric(logLikelihood) != TRUE) {
    stop("logLikelihood should be a vector of numeric values.")

  if(length(logLikelihood) != (gmax - gmin + 1)) {
    stop("logLikelihood should be a vector of length (gmax - gmin + 1).")

  if(is.logical(parallel) != TRUE) {
    stop("Should be logical, TRUE or FALSE indicating if
          MPLNClust::mplnMCMCParallel has been used.")

  AIC <- (- 2 * logLikelihood) + (2 * nParameters)
  AICmodel <- seq(gmin, gmax, 1)[grep(min(AIC, na.rm = TRUE), AIC)]
  AICMessage <- NA # For spurious clusters

  # Obtain cluster labels for best model if clusterRunOutput is provided
  if(all(is.na(clusterRunOutput)) == FALSE) {
    if(isTRUE(parallel) == "FALSE") {
      # If non parallel MCMC-EM or Variational EM run
      AICmodelLabels <- clusterRunOutput[[grep(min(AIC, na.rm = TRUE), AIC)]]$clusterlabels
    } else {
      # If parallel MCMC-EM run
      AICmodelLabels <- clusterRunOutput[[grep(min(AIC, na.rm = TRUE), AIC)]]$allResults$clusterlabels

    # Check for spurious clusters, only possible if cluster labels provided
    if (max(AICmodelLabels) != AICmodel) {
      AICmodel <- max(AICmodelLabels)
      AICMessage <- "Spurious or empty cluster resulted."
  } else {
    AICmodelLabels <- "clusterRunOutput not provided"

  AICresults <- list(allAICvalues = AIC,
                     AICmodelselected = AICmodel,
                     AICmodelSelectedLabels = AICmodelLabels,
                     AICMessage = AICMessage)
  class(AICresults) <- "AIC"

#' Model Selection Via Akaike Information Criterion by Bozdogan (1994)
#' Performs model selection using Akaike Information Criterion by
#' Bozdogan (1994), called AIC3. Formula: - 2 * logLikelihood + 3 * nParameters.
#' @param logLikelihood A vector with value of final log-likelihoods for
#'      each cluster size.
#' @param nParameters A vector with number of parameters for each
#'      cluster size.
#' @param clusterRunOutput Output from mplnVariational, mplnMCMCParallel, or
#'    mplnMCMCNonParallel, if available. Default value is NA. If provided,
#'    the vector of cluster labels obtained by mclust::map() for best model
#'    will be provided in the output.
#' @param gmin A positive integer specifying the minimum number of components
#'    to be considered in the clustering run.
#' @param gmax A positive integer, >gmin, specifying the maximum number of
#'    components to be considered in the clustering run.
#' @param parallel TRUE or FALSE indicating if MPLNClust::mplnMCMCParallel
#'    has been used.
#' @return Returns an S3 object of class MPLN with results.
#' \itemize{
#'   \item allAIC3values - A vector of AIC3 values for each cluster size.
#'   \item AIC3modelselected - An integer specifying model selected by AIC3.
#'   \item AIC3modelSelectedLabels - A vector of integers specifying cluster labels
#'     for the model selected. Only provided if user input clusterRunOutput.
#'   \item AIC3Message - A character vector indicating if spurious clusters are
#'     detected. Otherwise, NA.
#' }
#' @examples
#' trueMu1 <- c(6.5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6)
#' trueMu2 <- c(2, 2.5, 2, 2, 2, 2)
#' trueSigma1 <- diag(6) * 2
#' trueSigma2 <- diag(6)
#' # Generating simulated data
#' sampleData <- MPLNClust::mplnDataGenerator(nObservations = 100,
#'                                  dimensionality = 6,
#'                                  mixingProportions = c(0.79, 0.21),
#'                                  mu = rbind(trueMu1, trueMu2),
#'                                  sigma = rbind(trueSigma1, trueSigma2),
#'                                  produceImage = "No")
#' # Clustering
#' mplnResults <- MPLNClust::mplnVariational(dataset = sampleData$dataset,
#'                                 membership = sampleData$trueMembership,
#'                                 gmin = 1,
#'                                 gmax = 2,
#'                                 initMethod = "kmeans",
#'                                 nInitIterations = 2,
#'                                 normalize = "Yes")
#' # Model selection
#' AIC3model <- MPLNClust::AIC3Function(logLikelihood = mplnResults$logLikelihood,
#'                            nParameters = mplnResults$numbParameters,
#'                            clusterRunOutput = mplnResults$allResults,
#'                            gmin = mplnResults$gmin,
#'                            gmax = mplnResults$gmax,
#'                            parallel = FALSE)
#' @author {Anjali Silva, \email{anjali@alumni.uoguelph.ca}}
#' @references
#' Akaike, H. (1973). Information theory and an extension of the maximum likelihood
#' principle. In \emph{Second International Symposium on Information Theory}, New York, NY,
#' USA, pp. 267–281. Springer Verlag.
#' #' Bozdogan, H. (1994). Mixture-model cluster analysis using model selection criteria
#' and a new informational measure of complexity. In \emph{Proceedings of the First US/Japan
#' Conference on the Frontiers of Statistical Modeling: An Informational Approach:
#' Volume 2 Multivariate Statistical Modeling}, pp. 69–113. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands.
#' @export
AIC3Function <- function(logLikelihood,
                         clusterRunOutput = NA,
                         parallel = FALSE) {

  # Performing checks
  if(is.numeric(gmin) != TRUE || is.numeric(gmax) != TRUE) {
    stop("Class of gmin and gmin should be numeric.")

  if (gmax < gmin) {
    stop("gmax cannot be less than gmin.")

  if(is.numeric(nParameters) != TRUE) {
    stop("nParameters should be a vector of integers indicating
      number of parameters for each cluster size.")

  if(is.numeric(logLikelihood) != TRUE) {
    stop("logLikelihood should be a vector of numeric values.")

  if(length(logLikelihood) != (gmax - gmin + 1)) {
    stop("logLikelihood should be a vector of length (gmax - gmin + 1).")

  if(is.logical(parallel) != TRUE) {
    stop("Should be logical, TRUE or FALSE indicating if
      MPLNClust::mplnMCMCParallel has been used.")

  AIC3 <- (- 2 * logLikelihood) + (3 * nParameters)
  AIC3model <- seq(gmin, gmax, 1)[grep(min(AIC3,na.rm = TRUE), AIC3)]
  AIC3Message <- NA # For spurious clusters

  # Obtain cluster labels for best model if clusterRunOutput is provided
  if(all(is.na(clusterRunOutput)) == FALSE) {
    if(isTRUE(parallel) == "FALSE") {
      # If non parallel MCMC-EM or Variational EM run
      AIC3modelLabels <- clusterRunOutput[[grep(min(AIC3,na.rm = TRUE), AIC3)]]$clusterlabels
    } else {
      # If parallel MCMC-EM run
      AIC3modelLabels <- clusterRunOutput[[grep(min(AIC3,na.rm = TRUE), AIC3)]]$allResults$clusterlabels
    # Check for spurious clusters, only possible if cluster labels provided
    if (max(AIC3modelLabels) != AIC3model) {
      AIC3model <- max(AIC3modelLabels)
      AIC3Message <- "Spurious or empty cluster resulted."
  } else {
    AIC3modelLabels <- "clusterRunOutput not provided"

  AIC3results <- list(allAIC3values = AIC3,
                      AIC3modelselected = AIC3model,
                      AIC3modelSelectedLabels = AIC3modelLabels,
                      AIC3Message = AIC3Message)
  class(AIC3results) <- "AIC3"

#' Model Selection Via Bayesian Information Criterion
#' Performs model selection using Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) by
#' Schwarz (1978). Formula: - 2 * logLikelihood + (nParameters * log(nObservations)).
#' @param logLikelihood A vector with value of final log-likelihoods for
#'      each cluster size.
#' @param nParameters A vector with number of parameters for each
#'      cluster size.
#' @param nObservations A positive integer specifying the number of observations
#'      in the dataset analyzed.
#' @param clusterRunOutput Output from mplnVariational, mplnMCMCParallel, or
#'    mplnMCMCNonParallel, if available. Default value is NA. If provided,
#'    the vector of cluster labels obtained by mclust::map() for best model
#'    will be provided in the output.
#' @param gmin A positive integer specifying the minimum number of components
#'    to be considered in the clustering run.
#' @param gmax A positive integer, >gmin, specifying the maximum number of
#'    components to be considered in the clustering run.
#' @param parallel TRUE or FALSE indicating if MPLNClust::mplnMCMCParallel
#'    has been used.
#' @return Returns an S3 object of class MPLN with results.
#' \itemize{
#'   \item allBICvalues - A vector of BIC values for each cluster size.
#'   \item BICmodelselected - An integer specifying model selected by BIC
#'   \item BICmodelSelectedLabels - A vector of integers specifying cluster labels
#'     for the model selected. Only provided if user input clusterRunOutput.
#'   \item BICMessage - A character vector indicating if spurious clusters are
#'     detected. Otherwise, NA.
#' }
#' @examples
#' trueMu1 <- c(6.5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6)
#' trueMu2 <- c(2, 2.5, 2, 2, 2, 2)
#' trueSigma1 <- diag(6) * 2
#' trueSigma2 <- diag(6)
#' # Generating simulated data
#' sampleData <- MPLNClust::mplnDataGenerator(nObservations = 100,
#'                                  dimensionality = 6,
#'                                  mixingProportions = c(0.79, 0.21),
#'                                  mu = rbind(trueMu1, trueMu2),
#'                                  sigma = rbind(trueSigma1, trueSigma2),
#'                                  produceImage = "No")
#' # Clustering
#' mplnResults <- MPLNClust::mplnVariational(dataset = sampleData$dataset,
#'                                 membership = sampleData$trueMembership,
#'                                 gmin = 1,
#'                                 gmax = 2,
#'                                 initMethod = "kmeans",
#'                                 nInitIterations = 2,
#'                                 normalize = "Yes")
#' # Model selection
#' BICmodel <- MPLNClust::BICFunction(logLikelihood = mplnResults$logLikelihood,
#'                          nParameters = mplnResults$numbParameters,
#'                          nObservations = nrow(mplnResults$dataset),
#'                          clusterRunOutput = mplnResults$allResults,
#'                          gmin = mplnResults$gmin,
#'                          gmax = mplnResults$gmax,
#'                          parallel = FALSE)
#' @author {Anjali Silva, \email{anjali@alumni.uoguelph.ca}}
#' @references
#' Schwarz, G. (1978). Estimating the dimension of a model. \emph{The Annals of Statistics}
#' 6.
#' @export
BICFunction <- function(logLikelihood,
                        clusterRunOutput = NA,
                        parallel = FALSE) {

  # Performing checks
  if(is.numeric(gmin) != TRUE || is.numeric(gmax) != TRUE) {
    stop("Class of gmin and gmin should be numeric.")

  if (gmax < gmin) {
    stop("gmax cannot be less than gmin.")

  if(is.numeric(nParameters) != TRUE) {
    stop("nParameters should be a vector of integers indicating
      number of parameters for each cluster size.")

  if(is.numeric(logLikelihood) != TRUE) {
    stop("logLikelihood should be a vector of numeric values.")

  if(length(logLikelihood) != (gmax - gmin + 1)) {
    stop("logLikelihood should be a vector of length (gmax - gmin + 1).")

  if(is.logical(parallel) != TRUE) {
    stop("Should be logical, TRUE or FALSE indicating if
      MPLNClust::mplnMCMCParallel has been used.")

  BIC <- (- 2 * logLikelihood) + (nParameters * log(nObservations))
  BICmodel <- seq(gmin, gmax, 1)[grep(min(BIC, na.rm = TRUE), BIC)]
  BICMessage <- NA # For spurious clusters

  # Obtain cluster labels for best model if clusterRunOutput is provided
  if(all(is.na(clusterRunOutput)) == FALSE) {
    if(isTRUE(parallel) == "FALSE") {
      # If non parallel MCMC-EM or Variational EM run
      BICmodelLabels <- clusterRunOutput[[grep(min(BIC, na.rm = TRUE),
    } else {
      # If parallel MCMC-EM run
      BICmodelLabels <- clusterRunOutput[[grep(min(BIC, na.rm = TRUE),
    # Check for spurious clusters, only possible if cluster labels provided
    if (max(BICmodelLabels) != BICmodel) {
      BICmodel <- max(BICmodelLabels)
      BICMessage <- "Spurious or empty cluster resulted."
  } else {
    BICmodelLabels <- "clusterRunOutput not provided"

  BICresults <- list(allBICvalues = BIC,
                     BICmodelselected = BICmodel,
                     BICmodelSelectedLabels = BICmodelLabels,
                     BICMessage = BICMessage)
  class(BICresults) <- "BIC"

#' Model Selection Via Integrated Completed Likelihood
#' Performs model selection using integrated completed likelihood (ICL) by
#' Biernacki et al., (2000).
#' @param logLikelihood A vector with value of final log-likelihoods for
#'      each cluster size.
#' @param nParameters A vector with number of parameters for each
#'      cluster size.
#' @param nObservations A positive integer specifying the number of observations
#'      in the dataset analyzed.
#' @param clusterRunOutput Output from MPLNClust::mplnVariational,
#'    MPLNClust::mplnMCMCParallel, or MPLNClust::mplnMCMCNonParallel functions.
#'    Either clusterRunOutput or probaPost must be provided.
#' @param probaPost A list that is length (gmax - gmin + 1) containing posterior
#'    probability at each g, for g = gmin:gmax. This argument is useful if
#'    clustering output have been generated non-serially, e.g., g = 1:5 and
#'    g = 6:10 rather than g = 1:10. Either clusterRunOutput or probaPost
#'    must be provided.
#' @param gmin A positive integer specifying the minimum number of components
#'    to be considered in the clustering run.
#' @param gmax A positive integer, > gmin, specifying the maximum number of
#'    components to be considered in the clustering run.
#' @param parallel TRUE or FALSE indicating if MPLNClust::mplnMCMCParallel
#'    has been used.
#' @return Returns an S3 object of class MPLN with results.
#' \itemize{
#'   \item allICLvalues - A vector of ICL values for each cluster size.
#'   \item ICLmodelselected - An integer specifying model selected by ICL.
#'   \item ICLmodelSelectedLabels - A vector of integers specifying cluster labels
#'     for the model selected. Only provided if user input clusterRunOutput.
#'   \item ICLMessage - A character vector indicating if spurious clusters are
#'     detected. Otherwise, NA.
#' }
#' @examples
#' trueMu1 <- c(6.5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6)
#' trueMu2 <- c(2, 2.5, 2, 2, 2, 2)
#' trueSigma1 <- diag(6) * 2
#' trueSigma2 <- diag(6)
#' # Generating simluated data
#' sampleData <- MPLNClust::mplnDataGenerator(nObservations = 100,
#'                                            dimensionality = 6,
#'                                            mixingProportions = c(0.79, 0.21),
#'                                            mu = rbind(trueMu1, trueMu2),
#'                                            sigma = rbind(trueSigma1, trueSigma2),
#'                                            produceImage = "No")
#' # Clustering
#' mplnResults <- MPLNClust::mplnVariational(dataset = sampleData$dataset,
#'                                           membership = sampleData$trueMembership,
#'                                           gmin = 1,
#'                                           gmax = 2,
#'                                           initMethod = "kmeans",
#'                                           nInitIterations = 2,
#'                                           normalize = "Yes")
#' # Model selection
#' ICLmodel <- MPLNClust::ICLFunction(logLikelihood = mplnResults$logLikelihood,
#'                                    nParameters = mplnResults$numbParameters,
#'                                    nObservations = nrow(mplnResults$dataset),
#'                                    clusterRunOutput = mplnResults$allResults,
#'                                    gmin = mplnResults$gmin,
#'                                    gmax = mplnResults$gmax,
#'                                    parallel = FALSE)
#' @author {Anjali Silva, \email{anjali@alumni.uoguelph.ca}}
#' @references
#' Biernacki, C., G. Celeux, and G. Govaert (2000). Assessing a mixture model for
#' clustering with the integrated classification likelihood. \emph{IEEE Transactions
#' on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence} 22.
#' @export
#' @importFrom mclust unmap
ICLFunction <- function(logLikelihood,
                        clusterRunOutput = NA,
                        probaPost = NA,
                        parallel = FALSE) {

  # Performing checks
  if (gmax < gmin) {
    stop("gmax cannot be less than gmin.")

  if(is.numeric(nParameters) != TRUE) {
    stop("nParameters should be a vector of integers indicating
      number of parameters for each cluster size.")

  if(is.numeric(logLikelihood) != TRUE) {
    stop("logLikelihood should be a vector of numeric values.")

  if(length(logLikelihood) != (gmax - gmin + 1)) {
    stop("logLikelihood should be a vector of length (gmax - gmin + 1).")

  if(is.logical(parallel) != TRUE) {
    stop("Should be logical, TRUE or FALSE indicating if
      MPLNClust::mplnMCMCParallel has been used.")

  if(all(is.na(probaPost)) != TRUE) {
    if(length(probaPost) != (gmax - gmin + 1)) {
      stop("probaPost must be a list of length (gmax - gmin + 1)
      containing posterior probability at each g.")

  if(all(is.na(clusterRunOutput)) == TRUE && all(is.na(probaPost)) == TRUE) {
    stop("Either clusterRunOutput or probaPost must be provided.")

  BIC <- (- 2 * logLikelihood) + (nParameters * log(nObservations))

  ICL <- vector()

  # if clusterRunOutput is provided by user
  if(all(is.na(clusterRunOutput)) != TRUE) {
    for (g in 1:(gmax - gmin + 1)) {
      if(isTRUE(parallel) == "FALSE") {
        # If non parallel run

        # check if clusterRunOutput[[g]] is NA
        if(all(is.na(clusterRunOutput[[g]])) != TRUE) {
          z <- clusterRunOutput[[g]]$probaPost
          mapz <- mclust::unmap(clusterRunOutput[[g]]$clusterlabels)

      } else {
        # If parallel run
        z <- clusterRunOutput[[g]]$allResults$probaPost
        mapz <- mclust::unmap(clusterRunOutput[[g]]$allResults$clusterlabels)
      forICL <- function(g){sum(log(z[which(mapz[, g] == 1), g]))}

      if(all(is.na(clusterRunOutput[[g]])) != TRUE) {
        ICL[g] <- BIC[g] + sum(sapply(1:ncol(mapz), forICL))
      } else if(all(is.na(clusterRunOutput[[g]])) == TRUE) {
        ICL[g] <- NA

    ICLmodel <- seq(gmin, gmax, 1)[grep(min(ICL, na.rm = TRUE), ICL)]

    if(isTRUE(parallel) == "FALSE") {
      # If non parallel MCMC-EM or Variational EM run
      ICLmodelLabels <- clusterRunOutput[[grep(min(ICL, na.rm = TRUE),
    } else {
      # If parallel MCMC-EM
      ICLmodelLabels <- clusterRunOutput[[grep(min(ICL, na.rm = TRUE),

  # if probaPost is provided by user
  if(all(is.na(probaPost)) != TRUE) {

    for (g in 1:(gmax - gmin + 1)) {
      if(all(is.na(probaPost[[g]])) != TRUE) {
        z <- probaPost[[g]]
        mapz <- mclust::unmap(mclust::map(probaPost[[g]]))
        forICL <- function(g){sum(log(z[which(mapz[, g] == 1), g]))}
        ICL[g] <- BIC[g] + sum(sapply(1:ncol(mapz), forICL))
      } else if(all(is.na(probaPost[[g]])) == TRUE) {
        ICL[g] <- NA
    ICLmodel <- seq(gmin, gmax, 1)[grep(min(ICL, na.rm = TRUE), ICL)]
    ICLmodelLabels <- mclust::map(probaPost[[grep(min(ICL, na.rm = TRUE), ICL)]])

  # Check for spurious clusters
  ICLMessage <- NA
  if (max(ICLmodelLabels) != ICLmodel) {
    ICLmodel <- max(ICLmodelLabels)
    ICLMessage <- "Spurious or empty cluster resulted."

  ICLresults <- list(allICLvalues = ICL,
                     ICLmodelselected = ICLmodel,
                     ICLmodelSelectedLabels = ICLmodelLabels,
                     ICLMessage = ICLMessage)
  class(ICLresults) <- "ICL"

#' Generating Data Using Mixtures of MPLN
#' This function simulates data from a mixture of MPLN model.
#' @param nObservations A positive integer indicating the number of observations for
#'    the dataset.
#' @param dimensionality A positive integer indicating the dimensionality for the
#'    dataset.
#' @param mixingProportions A numeric vector that length equal to the number of total
#'    components, indicating the proportion of each component. Vector content should
#'    sum to 1.
#' @param mu A matrix of size (dimensionality x number of components), indicating
#'    the mean for each component. See example.
#' @param sigma A matrix of size ((dimensionality * number of components) x
#'    dimensionality), indicating the covariance matrix for each component.
#'    See example.
#' @param produceImage A character string indicating whether or not to
#'    produce an image. Options "Yes" or "No". Image will be produced as
#'    'Pairs plot of log-transformed data.png" in the current working
#'    directory.
#' @param ImageName A character string indicating name for image, if
#'    produceImage is set to "Yes". Default is "TwoComponents".
#' @return Returns an S3 object of class mplnDataGenerator with results.
#' \itemize{
#'   \item dataset - Simulated dataset.
#'   \item trueMembership -A numeric vector indicating the membership of
#'      each observation.
#'   \item probaPost - A matrix indicating the posterior probability that
#'      each observation belong to the component/cluster.
#'   \item truenormfactors - A numeric vector indicating the true
#'      normalization factors used for adjusting the library sizes.
#'   \item observations - Number of observations in the simulated dataset.
#'   \item dimensionality - Dimensionality of the simulated dataset.
#'   \item mixingProportions - A numeric vector indicating the mixing
#'      proportion of each component.
#'   \item mu - True mean used for the simulated dataset.
#'   \item sigma - True covariances used for the simulated dataset.
#' @examples
#' trueMu1 <- c(6.5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6)
#' trueMu2 <- c(2, 2.5, 2, 2, 2, 2)
#' trueSigma1 <- diag(6) * 2
#' trueSigma2 <- diag(6)
#' # Generating simulated data
#' sampleData <- MPLNClust::mplnDataGenerator(nObservations = 100,
#'                                            dimensionality = 6,
#'                                            mixingProportions = c(0.79, 0.21),
#'                                            mu = rbind(trueMu1, trueMu2),
#'                                            sigma = rbind(trueSigma1, trueSigma2),
#'                                            produceImage = "No",
#'                                            ImageName = "TwoComponents")
#' @author Anjali Silva, \email{anjali@alumni.uoguelph.ca}
#' @references
#' Aitchison, J. and C. H. Ho (1989). The multivariate Poisson-log normal distribution.
#' \emph{Biometrika} 76.
#' Silva, A. et al. (2019). A multivariate Poisson-log normal mixture model
#' for clustering transcriptome sequencing data. \emph{BMC Bioinformatics} 20.
#' \href{https://bmcbioinformatics.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12859-019-2916-0}{Link}
#' @export
#' @import stats
#' @importFrom mvtnorm rmvnorm
#' @importFrom edgeR calcNormFactors
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.off
#' @importFrom grDevices png
#' @importFrom graphics pairs
mplnDataGenerator <- function(nObservations,
                              produceImage = "No",
                              ImageName = "sampleName") {

  # Checking user input
  if(is.numeric(nObservations) != TRUE) {
    stop("nObservations argument should be of class numeric.")

  if(is.numeric(dimensionality) != TRUE) {
    stop("dimensionality argument should be of class numeric.")

  if(is.numeric(mixingProportions) != TRUE) {
    stop("mixingProportions argument should be a vector of class numeric.")

  if (sum(mixingProportions) != 1) {
    stop("mixingProportions argument should be a vector that sum to 1.")

  if(is.matrix(mu) != TRUE) {
    stop("mu argument should be of class matrix.")

  if(ncol(mu) != dimensionality) {
    stop("mu should be a matrix, which has number of columns equalling dimensionality.")

  if(nrow(mu) != length(mixingProportions)) {
    stop("mu should be a matrix, which has number of rows equalling number of components.")

  if(is.matrix(sigma) != TRUE) {
    stop("sigma argument should be of class matrix.")

  if(ncol(sigma) != dimensionality) {
    stop("sigma should be a matrix, which has number of columns equalling

  if(nrow(sigma) != dimensionality * length(mixingProportions)) {
    stop("sigma should be a matrix, which has number of rows equalling
      (dimensionality * number of components).")

  if (produceImage == "Yes" && is.character(ImageName) != TRUE) {
    stop("ImageName should be a character string of class character.")

  # Begin calculations - generate z
  z <- t(stats::rmultinom(nObservations, size = 1, mixingProportions))

  y <- theta <- nG <- vector("list", length = length(mixingProportions))

  # For visualization only
  theta2 <- matrix(NA, ncol = dimensionality, nrow = nObservations)

  for (i in seq_along(1:length(mixingProportions))) {
    nG[[i]] <- which(z[, i] == 1)
    theta[[i]] <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n = length(nG[[i]]),
                                   mean = mu[i, ],
                                   sigma = sigma[((i - 1) *
                                                    dimensionality + 1):(i * dimensionality), ])
    theta2[nG[[i]], ] <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n = length(nG[[i]]),
                                          mean = mu[i, ],
                                          sigma = sigma[((i  -1) *
                                                           dimensionality + 1):(i * dimensionality), ])

  y <- matrix(NA, ncol = dimensionality, nrow = nObservations)
  for (i in seq_along(1:nObservations)) {
    for (j in seq_along(1:dimensionality)) {
      y[i, j] <- stats::rpois(1, exp(theta2[i, j]))

  norms <- log(edgeR::calcNormFactors(y))

  # Generating counts with norm factors
  y2 <- matrix(NA, ncol = dimensionality, nrow = nObservations)
  for (i in seq_along(1:nObservations)) {
    for (j in seq_along(1:dimensionality)) {
      y2[i, j] <- stats::rpois(n = 1, lambda = exp(theta2[i, j] + norms[j]))

  if (produceImage == "Yes") {
    # Obtaining path to save images
    pathNow <- getwd()
    grDevices::png(paste0(pathNow, "/PairsPlot_", ImageName,".png"))
    graphics::pairs(log(y2 + 1 / 100), col = mclust::map(z) + 1,
                    main = "Pairs plot of log-transformed data")

  results <- list(dataset = y2,
                  trueMembership = mclust::map(z),
                  probaPost = z,
                  trueNormFactors = norms,
                  observations = nObservations,
                  dimensionality = dimensionality,
                  mixingProportions = mixingProportions,
                  trueMu = mu,
                  trueSigma = sigma)

  class(results) <- "mplnDataGenerator"

# [END]
anjalisilva/MPLNClust documentation built on Sept. 19, 2024, 7:34 a.m.