
Defines functions Cgt.guessConditions Cgt.modus Cgt.any Cgt.medianOrdered Cgt.aggr Cgt.progressbar aggregateRanges

Documented in aggregateRanges

# ranges have to be list of GRanges, GRangesList or CompressedGRangesList
# names of ranges have to be in "RRBS|DNA|CVN|RNA|ChIP"
# organism has to be a TxDb or OrganismDb
aggregateRanges <- function(ranges, configfile = NULL, 
                            organism = NULL, referenceRanges = NULL,
                            name = "", verbose = FALSE) {
    if (!is.list(ranges)) {
        stop("Cogito::aggregateRanges parameter ranges is no list")
    w <- unlist(lapply(ranges, function(range) {
            is.list(range) || is(range, "GRanges") || is(range, "GRangesList")
    ranges <- ranges[w]
    w <- which(unlist(lapply(ranges, is.list)))
    for (i in w) {
        ranges[[i]] <-
            ranges[[i]][unlist(lapply(ranges[[i]], is, "GRanges"))]
        if (length(ranges[[i]]) == 0) {
            ranges[[i]] <- NULL
    ranges <-
        ranges[grep("RRBS|DNA|CNV|RNA|ChIP", names(ranges), ignore.case = TRUE)]
    if (length(ranges) == 0) {
            "Cogito::aggregateRanges ",
            "members of parameter ranges has to be GRanges, GRangesList, ",
            "CompressedGRangesList or list of GRanges and the given base ",
            "technologies (names of the parameter ranges) have to be one of ",
            "RRBS, DNA, CNV, RNA, or ChIP"

    if (is.null(organism)) {
        organism <- 
    if (!is(organism, "TxDb") && !is(organism, "OrganismDb")) {
            "Cogito::aggregateRanges ",
            "wrong class of argument organism, only TxDb or ",
            "OrganismDb are allowed"
    genome <- organism
    if (is.na(verbose) | !is.logical(verbose)) {
        verbose <- FALSE
    if (verbose) {
        message("start function Cogito::aggregateRanges")
    ## load configlist
    configlistauto <- list(organism = names(summary(as.factor(
    )))[1], MaxDistToGene = 100000)
    if (is.null(configfile) || !is.character(configfile)) {
        configfile <- paste0(getwd(), "/", Sys.Date(), "_", name, "_config.txt")
        configlist <- configlistauto
    } else {
        configlist <- jsonlite::fromJSON(paste(readLines(
            warn = FALSE
        ), collapse = ""))
        configlist$organism <- configlistauto$organism
        if (is.null(configlist$MaxDistToGene) ||
            !is.numeric(configlist$MaxDistToGene) ||
            configlist$MaxDistToGene < 0) {
            configlist$MaxDistToGene <- configlistauto$MaxDistToGene

    if ((is.list(referenceRanges) || is(referenceRanges, "GRangesList")) &&
        (length(referenceRanges) >= 1 && is(referenceRanges[[1]], "GRanges"))) {
        reference <- referenceRanges[[1]]
    } else if ("SYMBOL" %in% AnnotationDbi::columns(genome)) {
        reference <- sort(
            GenomicFeatures::genes(genome, columns = c("SYMBOL"))
    } else {
        reference <- sort(

    ranges <- lapply(ranges, function(range) {
        if (methods::is(range, "GRanges")) {
        } else {

    maxdist <- configlist$MaxDistToGene

    ## MEAN: distribute RRBS/RNA/DNA/CNV over reference
    ## (numeric: mean, ordered: median, factor: modus, logical: any)
    l <- ranges[grep("RRBS|RNA|DNA|CNV", names(ranges), ignore.case = TRUE)]
    for (ll in seq_along(l)) {
        if (!is.null(l[[ll]])) {
            if (verbose) {
                message("- annotating with ", names(l)[[ll]])
            for (i in seq_along(l[[ll]])) {
                if (verbose && length(l[[ll]]) > 1) {
                    Cgt.progressbar(i, seq_along(l[[ll]]))
                tmp <- l[[ll]][[i]]
                colnames(mcols(tmp)) <-
                        names(l)[ll], ".", names(l[[ll]])[i],
                        ifelse(is.null(names(l[[ll]])[i]), "",
                        ), colnames(mcols(tmp))
                if (all(unlist(lapply(mcols(tmp), is.numeric)))) {
                    reference <- Cgt.aggr(reference, tmp,
                        scale = "numeric",
                        mode = "mean", maxdist
                } else if (all(unlist(lapply(mcols(tmp), is.ordered)))) {
                    reference <- Cgt.aggr(reference, tmp,
                        scale = "ordered",
                        mode = "median", maxdist
                } else if (all(unlist(lapply(mcols(tmp), is.factor)))) {
                    reference <- Cgt.aggr(reference, tmp,
                        scale = "factor",
                        mode = "modus", maxdist
                } else if (all(unlist(lapply(mcols(tmp), is.logical)))) {
                    reference <- Cgt.aggr(reference, tmp,
                        scale = "logical",
                        mode = "any", maxdist
                } else {
                    stop("Cogito::aggregateRanges no uniform scaling")
    ## MAX: distribute ChIP over reference
    ## (numeric: max, ordered: max, factor/logical: modus)
    l <- ranges[grep("ChIP", names(ranges), ignore.case = TRUE)]
    for (ll in seq_along(l)) {
        if (!is.null(l[[ll]])) {
            if (verbose) {
                message("- annotating with ", names(l)[[ll]])
            for (i in seq_along(l[[ll]])) {
                if (verbose && length(l[[ll]]) > 1) {
                    Cgt.progressbar(i, seq_along(l[[ll]]))
                tmp <- l[[ll]][[i]]
                colnames(mcols(tmp)) <-
                        names(l)[ll], ".", names(l[[ll]])[i],
                        ifelse(is.null(names(l[[ll]])[i]), "",
                        ), colnames(mcols(tmp))
                if (all(unlist(lapply(mcols(tmp), is.numeric)))) {
                    reference <- Cgt.aggr(reference, tmp,
                        scale = "numeric",
                        mode = "max", maxdist
                } else if (all(unlist(lapply(mcols(tmp), is.ordered)))) {
                    reference <- Cgt.aggr(reference, tmp,
                        scale = "ordered",
                        mode = "max", maxdist
                } else if (all(unlist(lapply(mcols(tmp), is.factor)))) {
                    reference <- Cgt.aggr(reference, tmp,
                        scale = "factor",
                        mode = "modus", maxdist
                } else if (all(unlist(lapply(mcols(tmp), is.logical)))) {
                    reference <- Cgt.aggr(reference, tmp,
                        scale = "logical",
                        mode = "modus", maxdist
                } else {
                    stop("Cogito::aggregateRanges no uniform scaling")

    configlist$technologies <- lapply(names(ranges), function(tech) {
            grep(paste0(tech, "."), colnames(mcols(reference)), fixed = TRUE)
    names(configlist$technologies) <- names(ranges)

    # due to automated typecasts from list to matrix in edge cases
    if (is.matrix(configlist$technologies)) {
        configlist$technologies <- lapply(as.list(data.frame(
        )), as.character)

    # guess conditions from names
    shortcolnames <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(colnames(mcols(reference))[-1],
                                            ".", fixed=TRUE), "[[", 2))
    shorttechs <- lapply(configlist$technologies, function(tech) {
        unlist(lapply(strsplit(tech, ".", fixed=TRUE), "[[", 2))})
    groupsIdxs <- Cgt.guessConditions(shortcolnames, shorttechs)
    configlist$conditions <- lapply(groupsIdxs, function(group) {

    write(jsonlite::toJSON(configlist, pretty = TRUE),
        append = FALSE,
        file = configfile

    reference <- reference[!apply(mcols(reference), 1,
                                  function(row) all(is.na(row[-1]))), ]
    return(list(genes = reference, config = configlist, name = name))

############# internally used functions ########################################

## prints a progressbar on console, use for loops in verbose == TRUE
Cgt.progressbar <- function(i, all, name = NULL) {
    if (!is.numeric(i) || !is.numeric(all)) {
    if (all[1] == i) {
        if (!is.null(name) && is.character(name))
            cat(name, "\n")
        cat("0%", paste0(rep("-", 21), collapse = ""), "25%",
            paste0(rep("-", 21), collapse = ""), "50%",
            paste0(rep("-", 22), collapse = ""), "75%",
            paste0(rep("-", 21), collapse = ""), "100%\n",
            sep = ""
    w <- seq(from = 0, to = 100, length.out = length(all) + 1)
    ww <- which(all == i)
    cat(paste0(rep("x", round(w[ww + 1]) - round(w[ww])), collapse = ""))
    if (all[length(all)] == i) {

## aggregate attached values (ann) on genes
## case 1: scale "numeric" (mode "min", "max", "mean", "median")
## case 2: scale "ordered" (mode "median")
## case 3: scale "factor" or "logical" (mode "modus")
## case 4: scale "logical" (mode "any")
Cgt.aggr <- function(genes, ann, scale, mode, maxdist){
    # check if arguments genes and ann are GRanges and ann has mcols
    if (!methods::is(genes, "GRanges") || !methods::is(ann, "GRanges") ||
        ncol(mcols(ann)) == 0) {
            "Cogito::Cgt.aggr ",
            "parameter genes and parameter ann ",
            "have to be GRanges, ann have to have mcols"
    # check argument scale
    if (!is.character(scale) || length(scale) != 1 || !scale %in%
        c("numeric", "ordered", "factor", "logical")) {
            "Cogito::Cgt.aggr ",
            "parameter scale has to be character with length 1, ",
            "and \"numeric\", \"ordered\", \"factor\" or \"logical\""
    # check argument mode
    if (!is.character(mode) || length(scale) != 1 ||
        !mode %in% c("min", "max", "mean", "median", "modus", "any")) {
            "Cogito::Cgt.aggr ",
            "parameter mode has to be character with length 1 ",
            "and \"min\", \"max\", \"mean\", \"median\", \"any\" or \"modus\""
    # check argument maxdist
    if (!is.numeric(maxdist) || maxdist < 0) {
            "Cogito::Cgt.aggr ",
            "parameter maxdist has to be numeric and >= 0"
    # check combination of scale and mode and combination with mcols of ann
    ## case 1: scale "numeric" (mode "min", "max", "mean", "median")
    if (!(scale == "numeric" && mode %in% c("min", "max", "mean", "median") &&
        all(unlist(lapply(mcols(ann), is.numeric)))) &&
        ## case 2: scale "ordered" (mode "median")
        !(scale == "ordered" && mode %in% c("median") &&
            all(unlist(lapply(mcols(ann), is.ordered)))) &&
        ## case 3: scale "factor" or "logical" (mode "modus")
        !(scale %in% c("factor", "logical") && mode == "modus" &&
            (all(unlist(lapply(mcols(ann), is.factor))) ||
                all(unlist(lapply(mcols(ann), is.logical))))) &&
        ## case 4: scale "logical" (modus "any")
        !(scale == "logical" && mode == "any")) {
            "Cogito::Cgt.aggr ",
            "parameter combination scale and mode have to be: ",
            "case 1 numeric with min, max, mean or median, ",
            "case 2 ordered with median, ",
            "case 3 factor or logical with modus ",
            "or case 4 logical with modus any"

    dtn <- distanceToNearest(ann, resize(genes, 1))
    dtn <- dtn[as.data.frame(dtn)[, 3] <= maxdist]
    dtns <- split(S4Vectors::queryHits(dtn), S4Vectors::subjectHits(dtn))
    sgl <- unlist(lapply(dtns, length)) == 1
    for (i in seq_along(mcols(ann))) {
        genes$blub <- NA
        if (scale %in% c("factor", "ordered")) {
            genes$blub <-
                    levels = levels(mcols(ann)[, i]),
                    ordered = is.ordered(mcols(ann)[, 1])
        # calculate values, which have only one overlap
        genes$blub[as.integer(names(dtns)[sgl])] <-
            mcols(ann)[unlist(dtns[sgl]), i]
        # calculate values, which have more than one overlap
        mydf <- mcols(ann)[, i]
        # scale="numeric" and mode %in% "max", "min", "median", "mean" case 1
        if (scale == "numeric") {
            genes$blub[as.integer(names(dtns)[!sgl])] <-
                    function(idx) match.fun(mode)(mydf[idx])
        } else if (scale == "ordered") { # and mode == "median" case 2
            genes$blub[as.integer(names(dtns)[!sgl])] <-
                lapply(dtns[!sgl], function(idx) Cgt.medianOrdered(mydf[idx]))
        } else if (scale %in% c("factor", "logical") && mode == "modus") {
            # case 3
            genes$blub[as.integer(names(dtns)[!sgl])] <-
                unlist(lapply(dtns[!sgl], function(idx) Cgt.modus(mydf[idx])))
        } else { # case 4
            genes$blub[as.integer(names(dtns)[!sgl])] <-
                unlist(lapply(dtns[!sgl], function(idx) Cgt.any(mydf[idx])))
        ] <- colnames(mcols(ann))[i]

Cgt.medianOrdered <- function(x, na.rm = TRUE) {
    if (length(x) == 1) {
    if (!is.factor(x) || !is.ordered(x)) {
    if (is.na(na.rm) || !is.logical(na.rm)) {
        na.rm <- TRUE

    if (all(is.na(x)) || (!na.rm && sum(is.na(x)) >= length(x) / 2)) {
    return(levels(x)[min(which(cumsum(summary(x)) >=
        (length(x) - sum(is.na(x))) / 2))])

Cgt.any <- function(x) {
    if (!is.logical(x) && !is.factor(x)) {
    if (all(is.na(x))) {
    return(any(x, na.rm = TRUE))

Cgt.modus <- function(x, na.rm = TRUE) {
    if (!is.logical(x) && !is.factor(x)) {
    if (is.na(na.rm) || !is.logical(na.rm)) {
        na.rm <- TRUE
    if (all(is.na(x))) {
    if (is.logical(x) && !na.rm) {
        return(c(TRUE, FALSE, NA)[which.max(c(
            sum(x, na.rm = TRUE),
            sum(!x, na.rm = TRUE),
    if (is.logical(x) && na.rm) {
        return(c(TRUE, FALSE)[which.max(c(
            sum(x, na.rm = TRUE),
            sum(!x, na.rm = TRUE)
    if (!na.rm || !any(is.na(x))) {

Cgt.guessConditions <- function(names, techs = list(), all = FALSE){
    if (!is.character(names)){
    names <- names[width(names) > 0]
    if (length(names) == 0) {
    posgroups <- unique(unlist(strsplit(names, "[[:punct:]]| ")))
    if (is.logical(all) && all)
        posgroups <- unique(unlist(lapply(names, function(x) {
            apply(combn(seq_len(nchar(x)), 2), 2, function(pair) {
                substr(x, pair[1], pair[2])
    wgroups <- lapply(posgroups, function(x) {
        grep(paste0(x, "([[:punct:]]| |$)"), names, fixed=FALSE)})
    posgroups <- posgroups[w <- unlist(lapply(wgroups, length)) > 1]
    wgroups <- wgroups[w]
    groups <- unique(wgroups)
    names(groups) <- lapply(groups, function(x) {
        n <- posgroups[unlist(lapply(wgroups, identical, y=x))]
    w <- grep("^([[:punct:]]| )", names(groups))
    todel <- integer()
    if (length(w) > 0) {
        for (g in w) {
            newname <- substr(names(groups)[g], 2, max(nchar(names(groups)[g])))
            if (newname %in% names(groups)) {
                todel <- c(todel, g)
            } else {
                names(groups)[g] <- newname
    if (length(todel) > 0)
        groups <- groups[-todel]
    todel <- integer()
    w <- grep("([[:punct:]]| )$", names(groups))
    if (length(w) > 0) {
        for (g in w) {
            newname <- substr(names(groups)[g], 1, nchar(names(groups)[g])-1)
            if (newname %in% names(groups)) {
                todel <- c(todel, g)
            } else {
                names(groups)[g] <- newname
    if (length(todel) > 0)
        groups <- groups[-todel]
    groups <- groups[nchar(names(groups)) > 1]
    groups <- groups[unlist(lapply(names(groups), function(name) {
        any(width(strsplit(name, "[[:punct:]]|[[:digit:]]| ")[[1]]) != 0)
    if (length(groups) == 0)
    if (is.list(techs) && all(unlist(lapply(techs, is.character))))
        groupsn <- groups[!unlist(lapply(groups, function(group) {
            any(unlist(lapply(techs, function(tech) {
                all(names[group] %in% tech)
    if (length(groupsn) > 0)
        groups <- groupsn
annikabuerger/Cogito documentation built on July 7, 2022, 4:38 p.m.