
Defines functions unique.SNOMEDconcept c.SNOMEDconcept setdiff.default setdiff setdiff.SNOMEDconcept intersect.default intersect.SNOMEDconcept union.default union.SNOMEDconcept description print.SNOMEDconcept is.SNOMEDconcept as.SNOMEDconcept SNOMEDconcept inactiveIncluded

Documented in as.SNOMEDconcept c.SNOMEDconcept description inactiveIncluded intersect.default intersect.SNOMEDconcept is.SNOMEDconcept print.SNOMEDconcept setdiff setdiff.default setdiff.SNOMEDconcept SNOMEDconcept union.default union.SNOMEDconcept unique.SNOMEDconcept

#' Check if inactive terms are included in SNOMED CT dictionary
#' Checks the active_only flag in the metadata of a SNOMED
#' environment to determine whether inactive terms are
#' included
#' @param SNOMED environment containing SNOMED dictionary, defaults
#'   to an object named 'SNOMED' in the global environment
#' @return TRUE or FALSE (logical vector of length one)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Create a TEST environment and load the sample dictionaries
#' TEST <- sampleSNOMED()
#' inactiveIncluded(TEST)
#' assign('metadata', list(active_only = TRUE), envir = TEST)
#' inactiveIncluded(TEST)
inactiveIncluded <- function(SNOMED = getSNOMED()){
	if (is.null(SNOMED$metadata$active_only)){
	} else if (SNOMED$metadata$active_only == TRUE){
	} else {

#' Returns the SNOMED CT concept IDs for a set of terms
#' Carries out an exact or regular expression match to
#' return the concept ID for a set of search terms, or
#' converts a character, integer or integer64 vector to a
#' SNOMEDconcept object.
#' @param x character vector of terms to match, or
#'   character vector containing SNOMED CT concept IDs, or
#'   64-bit integer vector containing SNOMED CT concept IDs
#' @param active_only whether or not to include inactive concepts
#' @param exact_match if TRUE, only an exact (case sensitive)
#'   match is performed. If FALSE, a regular expression match
#'   is performed.
#' @param unique whether to include no more than one instance of each
#'   SNOMED CT concept
#' @param SNOMED environment containing SNOMED dictionary. Defaults
#'   to an object named 'SNOMED' in the global environment
#' @param ... additional arguments to send to grepl if using
#'   regular expression matching
#' @return a SNOMEDconcept object (vector of 64-bit integers) containing
#'   unique SNOMED CT concept IDs
#' @import data.table
#' @import bit64
#' @export
#' @examples
#' SNOMEDconcept('Heart failure', SNOMED = sampleSNOMED()) -> hf
#' is.SNOMEDconcept(hf)
#' SNOMEDconcept('900000000000003001')
#' as.SNOMEDconcept('900000000000003001')
SNOMEDconcept <- function(x, active_only = TRUE,
	exact_match = TRUE, unique = TRUE,
	# Declare names to be used for non-standard evaluation for R CMD check
	active <- conceptId <- NULL
	if (length(x) == 0){
		out <- integer64(0)
		class(out) <- c('SNOMEDconcept', 'integer64')
	if ('integer64' %in% class(x)){
		# correct format for a SNOMED CT concept ID
		out <- x
		class(out) <- c('SNOMEDconcept', 'integer64')
	} else if ('integer' %in% class(x)){
		# convert to integer64
		out <- bit64::as.integer64(x)
		class(out) <- c('SNOMEDconcept', 'integer64')
	} else if ('character' %in% class(x)){
		if (all(grepl('^[0-9]+$', x))){
			# concept ID in character format 
			out <- bit64::as.integer64(x)
			class(out) <- c('SNOMEDconcept', 'integer64')
	} else {
		stop('term to match must be character, integer or integer64; ',
			class(x), ' is not acceptable.')

	# Try to match a term description
	if (exact_match){
		if (inactiveIncluded(SNOMED)){
			MATCHED <- SNOMED$DESCRIPTION[data.table(term = x),
				list(active, conceptId), on = 'term']
		} else {
			MATCHED <- SNOMED$DESCRIPTION[data.table(term = x),
				list(conceptId), on = 'term']
	} else {
		matched <- rep(FALSE, nrow(SNOMED$DESCRIPTION))
		for (i in x){
			matched <- matched | grepl(i, SNOMED$DESCRIPTION$term)
		if (inactiveIncluded(SNOMED)){
			MATCHED <- SNOMED$DESCRIPTION[matched, list(active, conceptId)]
		} else {
			MATCHED <- SNOMED$DESCRIPTION[matched, list(conceptId)]
	# Limit to active descriptions if needed
	if (active_only & inactiveIncluded(SNOMED)){
		MATCHED <- MATCHED[active == TRUE]
	# Limit to active concepts
	if (active_only){
		if (inactiveIncluded(SNOMED)){
			out <- SNOMED$CONCEPT[MATCHED[, list(id = conceptId)],
				on = 'id'][active == TRUE]$id
		} else {
			out <- merge(SNOMED$CONCEPT, MATCHED[, list(id = conceptId)],
				by = 'id')$id
		if (unique){
			out <- unique(out)
	} else {
		if (unique){
			out <- unique(MATCHED$conceptId)
		} else {
			out <- MATCHED$conceptId
	class(out) <- c('SNOMEDconcept', 'integer64')

#' @rdname SNOMEDconcept
#' @family SNOMEDconcept functions
#' @export
as.SNOMEDconcept <- function(x, ...){
	if (is.SNOMEDconcept(x)){
	} else {
		return(SNOMEDconcept(x, ...))

#' Check if an object is a SNOMEDconcept
#' SNOMEDconcept is an S3 class for vectors of SNOMED concept IDs
#' as 64-bit integers. This function checks whether the object has
#' the class SNOMEDconcept and is a vector of 64-bit integers.
#' @param x object to check
#' @return a logical vector of length one: TRUE or FALSE
#' @family SNOMEDconcept functions
#' @export
is.SNOMEDconcept <- function(x){
	if (identical(class(x), c('SNOMEDconcept', 'integer64'))){
	} else {

#' Display a SNOMEDconcept object with descriptions
#' SNOMEDconcept is an S3 class for vectors of SNOMED concept IDs
#' as 64-bit integers. This function checks whether the object has
#' the class SNOMEDconcept and is a vector of 64-bit integers.
#' @param x SNOMEDconcept object, or something that can be
#'   coerced to one
#' @param ... not required
#' @return invisibly returns a character vector of the SNOMED CT
#'   concepts with descriptions separated by pipe (|)
#' @family SNOMEDconcept functions
#' @method print SNOMEDconcept
#' @export
print.SNOMEDconcept <- function(x, ...){
	try(SNOMED <- getSNOMED(), silent = TRUE)
	if (length(x) > 0){
		if (is.null(SNOMED)){
			out <- as.SNOMEDconcept(x)
			class(out) <- 'integer64'
		} else {
			x <- as.SNOMEDconcept(x, SNOMED = SNOMED)
			output <- paste0(x, ' | ', description(x, SNOMED = SNOMED)$term)
			truncateChar <- function (x, maxchar){
				convert <- nchar(x) > maxchar
				x[convert] <- paste0(substr(x[convert], 1, maxchar - 3), "...")
			methods::show(truncateChar(output, getOption("width") - 7))
	} else {
		message('No SNOMED CT concepts\n')

#' Obtain descriptions for a set of SNOMED CT terms
#' Returns the descriptions matching a set of concept IDs from
#' a SNOMED dictionary
#' @param conceptIds character or integer64 vector
#' @param include_synonyms whether to return only the Fully Specified
#'    Name (default) or all synonyms
#' @param active_only whether to include only active descriptions
#' @param SNOMED environment containing SNOMED dictionary. Defaults
#'   to an object named 'SNOMED' in the global environment
#' @return a data.table with the following columns: id, conceptId, type
#'   (only if include_synonyms = TRUE), term,
#'   active (only if active_only = FALSE)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' hf <- SNOMEDconcept('Heart failure', SNOMED = sampleSNOMED())
#' description(hf, include_synonyms = FALSE, SNOMED = sampleSNOMED())
description <- function(conceptIds,
	include_synonyms = FALSE, active_only = TRUE,
	# Check that conceptIds is a vector of strings or integer64 values
	# FSN     '900000000000003001'
	# Synonym '900000000000013009'
	# Declare names used for non-standard evaluation for R CMD check
	id <- term <- active <- typeId <- conceptId <- NULL
	# Return an empty data.table if there is no input data
	if (length(conceptIds) == 0){
		return(data.table(id = integer64(0), conceptId = integer64(0),
			term = character(0)))
	CONCEPTS <- data.table(conceptId = as.SNOMEDconcept(conceptIds),
		order = seq_along(conceptIds))
	TOMATCH <- data.table(conceptId = unique(CONCEPTS$conceptId))
	if (include_synonyms == FALSE){
			typeId == bit64::as.integer64('900000000000003001')][,
			list(id, conceptId, term, active)]
	} else {
		OUT <- SNOMED$DESCRIPTION[TOMATCH, on = 'conceptId'][,
			list(id, conceptId, type = ifelse(
			typeId == bit64::as.integer64('900000000000003001'),
			'Fully specified name', 'Synonym'), term, active)]
	# Remove inactive terms if necessary
	if (active_only){
		if (inactiveIncluded(SNOMED)){
			OUT <- OUT[active == TRUE]
		OUT[, active := NULL]
	# Restore original order
	OUT <- OUT[CONCEPTS, on = 'conceptId', allow.cartesian = TRUE]
	data.table::setkeyv(OUT, 'order')
	OUT[, order := NULL]

#' Set operations for SNOMEDconcept vectors
#' The default set functions in the base package do not handle integer64
#' vectors correctly, so this package also provides new generic functions
#' for union, intersect and setdiff, which enable the appropriate
#' object-specific function to be called according to the class of the
#' vector. This means that SNOMEDconcept vectors will remain as 
#' SNOMEDconcept vectors when these functions are used.
#' @param x SNOMEDconcept vector
#' @param y SNOMEDconcept vector, or an object that can be coerced
#'   to SNOMEDconcept by as.SNOMEDconcept
#' @return an integer64 vector of SNOMEDconcept class
#' @export
#' @examples
#' sys_acute <- SNOMEDconcept(c('Systolic heart failure',
#'   'Acute heart failure'), SNOMED = sampleSNOMED())
#' acute_left_right <- SNOMEDconcept(c('Acute heart failure',
#'   'Left heart failure', 'Right heart failure'),
#'   SNOMED = sampleSNOMED())
#' union(sys_acute, acute_left_right) 
#' intersect(sys_acute, acute_left_right)
#' setdiff(sys_acute, acute_left_right)
union.SNOMEDconcept <- function(x, y){
	out <- unique(c(x, as.SNOMEDconcept(y)))
	class(out) <- c('SNOMEDconcept', 'integer64')

#' @rdname union.SNOMEDconcept
#' @family SNOMEDconcept functions
#' @export
union <- function (x, y){
	UseMethod('union', x)

#' @rdname union.SNOMEDconcept
#' @family SNOMEDconcept functions
#' @method union default
#' @export
union.default <- function(x, y){
	base::union(x, y)

#' @rdname union.SNOMEDconcept
#' @family SNOMEDconcept functions
#' @method intersect SNOMEDconcept
#' @export
intersect.SNOMEDconcept <- function(x, y){
	if (length(y) == 0 | length(x) == 0){
		out <- bit64::integer64(0)
	} else {
		out <- unique(x[x %in% as.SNOMEDconcept(y)])
	class(out) <- c('SNOMEDconcept', 'integer64')

#' @rdname union.SNOMEDconcept
#' @family SNOMEDconcept functions
#' @export
intersect <- function (x, y){
	UseMethod('intersect', x)

#' @rdname union.SNOMEDconcept
#' @family SNOMEDconcept functions
#' @method intersect default
#' @export
intersect.default <- function(x, y){
	base::intersect(x, y)

#' @rdname union.SNOMEDconcept
#' @family SNOMEDconcept functions
#' @method setdiff SNOMEDconcept
#' @export
setdiff.SNOMEDconcept <- function(x, y){
	if (length(y) == 0 | length(x) == 0){
		out <- x
	} else {
		out <- unique(x[!(x %in% as.SNOMEDconcept(y))])
	class(out) <- c('SNOMEDconcept', 'integer64')

#' @rdname union.SNOMEDconcept
#' @family SNOMEDconcept functions
#' @export
setdiff <- function(x, y){
	UseMethod('setdiff', x)

#' @rdname union.SNOMEDconcept
#' @family SNOMEDconcept functions
#' @method setdiff default
#' @export
setdiff.default <- function(x, y){
	base::setdiff(x, y)

#' Concatenate vectors of SNOMED CT concepts
#' SNOMEDconcept is an S3 class for vectors of SNOMED concept IDs
#' as 64-bit integers. This function concatenates two or more
#' SNOMEDconcept vectors.
#' @param ... SNOMEDconcept vectors
#' @return concatenation of vectors
#' @family SNOMEDconcept functions
#' @method c SNOMEDconcept
#' @export
#' @examples
#' hf <- SNOMEDconcept('Heart failure', SNOMED = sampleSNOMED())
#' hf2 <- c(hf, hf)
c.SNOMEDconcept <- function(...){
	out <- bit64::c.integer64(...)
	if (bit64::is.integer64(out)){
		class(out) <- c('SNOMEDconcept', 'integer64')

#' Unique vector of SNOMED CT concepts
#' SNOMEDconcept is an S3 class for vectors of SNOMED concept IDs
#' as 64-bit integers. This function returns a vector containing only
#' unique SNOMEDconcept values.
#' @param x SNOMEDconcept vector
#' @param ... other variables to pass on to the underlying 'unique' function
#' @return SNOMEDconcept vector with duplicates removed
#' @family SNOMEDconcept functions
#' @method unique SNOMEDconcept
#' @export
#' @examples
#' hf <- SNOMEDconcept('Heart failure', SNOMED = sampleSNOMED())
#' hf2 <- c(hf, hf)
#' unique(hf2)
unique.SNOMEDconcept <- function(x, ...){
	class(x) <- 'integer64'
	out <- bit64::unique.integer64(x, ...)
	class(out) <- c('SNOMEDconcept', 'integer64')
anoopshah/Rdiagnosislist documentation built on April 21, 2023, 11:49 p.m.