
Defines functions makeCodelistFilename encodeMetadata truncateChar printTerms padTo addInactiveConcepts print.SNOMEDcodelist export.SNOMEDcodelist export is.SNOMEDcodelist showCodelistHierarchy contractSNOMED expandSNOMED as.SNOMEDcodelist as.integer64.SNOMEDconcept as.data.frame.SNOMEDconcept SNOMEDcodelist

Documented in addInactiveConcepts as.data.frame.SNOMEDconcept as.integer64.SNOMEDconcept as.SNOMEDcodelist contractSNOMED expandSNOMED export export.SNOMEDcodelist is.SNOMEDcodelist print.SNOMEDcodelist showCodelistHierarchy SNOMEDcodelist

#' Convert a data.frame to a SNOMEDcodelist object
#' SNOMEDcodelist is an S3 class for lists of SNOMED CT  concepts.
#' It consists of conceptId and include_desc columns. The 
#' option to include descendants allows the creation of more succinct
#' SNOMED codelists.
#' Input is a data.frame or data.table with column names 'conceptId'
#' and optionally 'include_desc', which is FALSE by default, but if
#' TRUE then the codelist automatically includes all active descendants
#' of that concept.
#' If the codelist is intended to contain inactive concepts, it can
#' only exist in the 'simple' format. Inactive concepts will be lost if
#' the codelist is converted between formats.
#' as.SNOMEDcodelist converts its argument into a SNOMEDcodelist but
#'   leaves it unchanged if it is already a SNOMEDcodelist.
#' @param x vector of SNOMED CT concept IDs, something which can
#'   be coerced to a SNOMEDconcept object, or a data.frame with
#'   a column 'conceptId' containing SNOMED CT concept concept IDs
#'   in integer64 or text format and optional column 'include_desc'
#'   (Boolean) stating whether descendants of the term should be
#'   included.
#' @param include_desc Boolean vector stating whether descendants
#'   are included, recycled if necessary. Default = FALSE.
#'   Ignored if x contains a column 'include_desc'
#' @param format Whether the codelist is expressed as a simple
#'   enumeration of concepts ('simple'), as a set of concept
#'   hierarchies ('tree'), or concept hierarchies showing all
#'   descendant terms ('exptree'). Codelists can be converted
#'   between the formats, but the result of conversion may depend on
#'   the SNOMED CT dictionary being used.
#' @param codelist_name Name of the codelist (character vector of length 1)
#' @param version Version of the codelist (character vector of length 1)
#' @param author Author of the codelist (character vector of length 1)
#' @param date Date attributed to the codelist (character vector of length 1)
#' @param SNOMED environment containing a SNOMED dictionary
#' @param show_excluded_descendants Whether to show excluded
#'   descendants alongside the codes included in the codelist (for
#'   a 'tree' or 'exptree' format codelist).
#' @param ... other arguments to pass to SNOMEDcodelist
#' @return An object of class 'SNOMEDcodelist'
#' @family SNOMEDcodelist functions
#' @seealso htmlCodelistHierarchy
#' @export
#' @examples
#' SNOMED <- sampleSNOMED()
#' my_concepts <- SNOMEDconcept('Heart failure')
#' SNOMEDcodelist(my_concepts)
#' SNOMEDcodelist(data.frame(conceptId = my_concepts))
#' as.SNOMEDcodelist(data.frame(conceptId = my_concepts,
#'   include_desc = TRUE))
SNOMEDcodelist <- function(x, include_desc = FALSE,
	format = c('simple', 'tree', 'exptree'), codelist_name = NULL,
	version = NULL, author = NULL, date = NULL,
	SNOMED = getSNOMED(), show_excluded_descendants = FALSE){

	# Declare variables to be used in data.tables
	metadata <- included <- .dup <- typeId <- active <- NULL
	term <- conceptId <- NULL

	# Use the first element of format as the actual export format
	format <- format[1]

	# If it is already a codelist, leave as is
	if (is.SNOMEDcodelist(x)){
		out <- data.table::copy(x)
		# Extract metadata if it exists
		if (is.null(codelist_name)) {codelist_name <- attr(out, 'codelist_name')}
		if (is.null(version)) {version <- attr(out, 'version')}
		if (is.null(author)) {author <- attr(out, 'author')}
		if (is.null(date)) {date <- attr(out, 'date')}
	} else {
		# Convert to SNOMEDcodelist
		if (!is.data.frame(x)){
			conceptIds <- SNOMEDconcept(x, SNOMED = SNOMED)
			message(paste0('Converting ', length(conceptIds),
				' concept(s) to a codelist'))
			x <- as.data.frame(conceptIds)
			names(x) <- 'conceptId'
		if (!is.data.frame(x) | !('conceptId' %in% names(x))){
			stop('x must be a data.frame with a column named conceptId')
		out <- as.data.table(x)
		if (!('conceptId' %in% names(out))){
			stop('the SNOMED conceptId must be in a column named conceptId')
		out[, conceptId := as.SNOMEDconcept(conceptId,
	# Extract metadata from 'metadata' column if it exists
	if ('metadata' %in% names(out)){
		searchfor <- function(thing, metadata){
			use <- grep(paste0('^', thing, ': '), metadata)
			if (length(use) > 0){
				out <- sub(paste0('^', thing, ': '), '',
				out <- sub('[ ]+$', '', out)
			} else {
		if (is.null(codelist_name)) {
			codelist_name <- searchfor('codelist_name', out$metadata)
		if (is.null(version)) {
			version <- searchfor('version', out$metadata)
		if (is.null(author)) {
			author <- searchfor('author', out$metadata)
		if (is.null(date)) {
			date <- searchfor('date', out$metadata)
		out[, metadata := NULL]

	# Ensure that the include_desc marker is logical
	if ('include_desc' %in% names(out)){
		out[, include_desc := as.logical(include_desc)]
	} else {
		if (identical(include_desc, TRUE) | identical(include_desc, FALSE)){
			global_include_desc <- include_desc
			out[, include_desc := global_include_desc]
		} else {
			out[, include_desc := FALSE]
	# Ensure that the inclusion marker is logical
	if ('included' %in% names(out)){
		out[, included := as.logical(included)]
	} else {
		out[, included := TRUE]
	# Expand to show descendants for inclusion and exclusion subsets
	expandDescendants <- function(x, inclusion, SNOMED){
		if (any(x$include_desc == TRUE & x$included == inclusion)){
			desc <- setdiff(descendants(x[include_desc == TRUE &
				included == inclusion]$conceptId, SNOMED = SNOMED),
				x[included == inclusion]$conceptId)
			if (length(desc) > 0){
				return(rbind(x, data.table(conceptId = desc,
				include_desc = NA, included = inclusion), fill = TRUE))
			} else {
		} else {
	out <- expandDescendants(out, TRUE, SNOMED = SNOMED)
	out <- expandDescendants(out, FALSE, SNOMED = SNOMED)

	# Reset the descendants marker now that all descendants are listed
	out[, include_desc := FALSE]

	# Remove exclusion terms
	toremove <- out[included == FALSE]$conceptId
	if (length(toremove) > 0){
		out <- out[!(conceptId %in% toremove)]
	# Remove duplicate rows
	out[, .dup := duplicated(out[, list(conceptId, include_desc, included)])]
	out <- out[.dup == FALSE]
	out[, .dup := NULL]
	# The codelist is now in 'simple' format
	# i.e. one row per concept, included concepts only
	if (show_excluded_descendants == TRUE &
		format %in% c('tree', 'exptree')){
		# Add non-included active descendants (for tree format codelists)
		desc <- setdiff(descendants(out$conceptId, SNOMED = SNOMED),
		# Add these concepts to the inclusion and exclusion lists
		# (so they get excluded)
		if (length(desc) > 0){
			out <- rbind(out,
				data.table(conceptId = desc, included = TRUE,
				include_desc = FALSE), 
				data.table(conceptId = desc, included = FALSE,
				include_desc = FALSE), fill = TRUE)
	simpleToTree <- function(conceptIds,
		include_desc = logical(length(conceptIds)), SNOMED = SNOMED){
		# Returns include_desc (TRUE, FALSE, NA) for a set of conceptIds
		# If include_desc is supplied, NA entries are ignored because
		# it is assumed that these concepts are already included as
		# descendants of other concepts
		if (length(conceptIds) > 0){
			for (i in seq_along(conceptIds)){
				if (!is.na(include_desc[i])){
					desc <- descendants(conceptIds[i], SNOMED = SNOMED)
					if (length(desc) > 0){
						if (all(desc %in% conceptIds)){
							include_desc[conceptIds %in% desc] <- NA
							include_desc[i] <- TRUE
		} else {
	# 2. Identify trees in inclusion and exclusion sets
	if (format %in% c('tree', 'exptree')){
		out[included == TRUE, include_desc := simpleToTree(conceptId,
			include_desc, SNOMED = SNOMED)]
		if (any(out$included == FALSE)){
			out[included == FALSE, include_desc :=
				simpleToTree(conceptId, include_desc, SNOMED = SNOMED)]
	if (format == 'tree'){
		# Do not show descendants
		out <- out[!is.na(include_desc)]

	# Add term descriptions if not included
	if (!('term' %in% names(out))){
		out[, term := NA_character_]
	# Add missing terms
	# Add SNOMED terms (fully specified names)
	# choose active term description if there is a choice
	# Ensure only one term per conceptId
	if (any(is.na(out$term))){
			out[is.na(term)], on = 'conceptId'][
			order(conceptId, active)][,
			list(term = term[.N]), by = conceptId]
		out[is.na(term), term := TERMS[out[is.na(term)],
			on = 'conceptId']$term]

	if (format == 'simple'){
		# include_desc and included must not be included
		out[, include_desc := NULL]
		out[, included := NULL]
		data.table::setkeyv(out, 'conceptId')
		data.table::setcolorder(out, c('conceptId', 'term'))
	} else {
		data.table::setkeyv(out, c('included', 'conceptId'))
		data.table::setcolorder(out, c('conceptId',
			'include_desc', 'included', 'term'))

	data.table::setattr(out, 'class', c('SNOMEDcodelist',
		'data.table', 'data.frame'))
	data.table::setattr(out, 'codelist_name', as.character(codelist_name))
	data.table::setattr(out, 'version', as.character(version))
	data.table::setattr(out, 'author', as.character(author))
	data.table::setattr(out, 'date', as.character(date))
	data.table::setattr(out, 'timestamp', Sys.time())
	data.table::setattr(out, 'sct_version', SNOMED$metadata$version)
	data.table::setattr(out, 'format', format)
	data.table::setkeyv(out, 'conceptId')

#' @rdname SNOMEDconcept
#' @family SNOMEDconcept functions
#' @export
as.data.frame.SNOMEDconcept <- function(x, ...){
	class(x) <- 'integer64'
	bit64::as.data.frame.integer64(x, ...)

#' @rdname SNOMEDconcept
#' @family SNOMEDconcept functions
#' @export
as.integer64.SNOMEDconcept <- function(x, ...){
	class(x) <- 'integer64'
	bit64::as.integer64(x, ...)

#' @rdname SNOMEDcodelist
#' @family SNOMEDcodelist functions
#' @export
as.SNOMEDcodelist <- function(x, ...){
	if (is.SNOMEDcodelist(x, ...)){
	} else {
		SNOMEDcodelist(x, ...)

#' Expand or contract a SNOMEDcodelist
#' SNOMEDcodelist is an S3 class for sets of SNOMED concepts.
#' In the 'contracted' form, it may contain only parents and not
#' child terms (to create a more succinct list). The 'Expanded'
#' form contains all concepts. The output of 'showCodelistHierarchy'
#' includes all hierarchies contained within the codelist in a 
#' format suitable for display.
#' @param x SNOMEDcodelist to expand or contract. If x is not a
#'   SNOMEDcodelist, it is coerced to one by as.SNOMEDcodelist
#' @param SNOMED environment containing a SNOMED dictionary
#' @param max_excluded_descendants (integer) whether to show excluded
#'   descendants as long as they do not exceed this number (a
#'   limit is suggested to avoid the program crashing if there
#'   are too many descendants). If this number is exceeded, the
#'   program will initially try to include children only, and if
#'   there are still too many, it will ignore all descendants.
#'   An 'included' column is added to the codelist
#'   showing which terms are included. This can make it easy to see
#'   if a codelist is consistent with the SNOMED CT ontology.
#' @param ... other arguments to pass to as.SNOMEDcodelist
#' @return An object of class 'SNOMEDcodelist' with attribute
#'    Expanded = TRUE
#' @family SNOMEDcodelist functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' SNOMED <- sampleSNOMED()
#' my_concepts <- SNOMEDconcept('Heart failure')
#' my_codelist <- SNOMEDcodelist(data.frame(conceptId = my_concepts,
#'   include_desc = TRUE))
#' expanded_codelist <- expandSNOMED(my_codelist)
#' contractSNOMED(expanded_codelist)
expandSNOMED <- function(x, SNOMED = getSNOMED(), ...){
	x <- as.SNOMEDcodelist(x, ...)
	SNOMEDcodelist(x, format = 'exptree', SNOMED = SNOMED)

#' @rdname expandSNOMED
#' @family SNOMEDcodelist functions
#' @export
contractSNOMED <- function(x, SNOMED = getSNOMED(), ...){
	x <- as.SNOMEDcodelist(x, ...)
	SNOMEDcodelist(x, format = 'tree', SNOMED = SNOMED)

#' @rdname expandSNOMED
#' @family SNOMEDcodelist functions
#' @export
showCodelistHierarchy <- function(x, SNOMED = getSNOMED(),
	max_excluded_descendants = 200, ...){
	# Contract a SNOMED CT codelist, show the terms in a 
	# sensible order and optionally show terms not included
	# that are descendants of included terms 
	# For debugging
	debug <- FALSE
	# Declare names to be used for R CMD check
	include_desc <- conceptId <- .keep <- NULL
	included <- gen <- parentId <- roworder <- parentrowid <- NULL
	duplicate <- childrowid <- descendantrowid <- NULL
	allthisrowid <- alldescendantrowid <- NULL
	# Ensure that x is a SNOMEDcodelist
	x <- as.SNOMEDcodelist(x, SNOMED = SNOMED, ...)
	out <- expandSNOMED(data.table::copy(x), SNOMED = SNOMED)
	out[, included := TRUE]
	out <- out[!duplicated(out)] # remove duplicates of entire rows
	# Check only one row per concept
	if (any(duplicated(out$conceptId))){
		stop('Codelist must have only one row per concept')
	if (max_excluded_descendants > 0){
		desc <- SNOMEDcodelist(setdiff(
			descendants(out$conceptId, SNOMED = SNOMED),
			out$conceptId), include_desc = FALSE)
		if (nrow(desc) > 0){
			if (nrow(desc) <= max_excluded_descendants){
				desc[, included := FALSE]
				out <- rbind(out, desc, fill = TRUE)
			} else {
				desc <- SNOMEDcodelist(setdiff(
					children(out$conceptId, SNOMED = SNOMED),
					out$conceptId), include_desc = FALSE)
				if (nrow(desc) <= max_excluded_descendants){
					desc[, included := FALSE]
					out <- rbind(out, desc, fill = TRUE)
					message('Adding children only as too many descendants')
				} else {
					message('Not adding descendants as too many')
	# Identify top gen
	allchildren <- relatedConcepts(out$conceptId, reverse = TRUE,
	out[!(conceptId %in% allchildren), gen := 1]
	# Identify parentId of each term
	out[, parentId := list(bit64::integer64(0))]
	for (i in seq_along(out$conceptId)){
		out[i, parentId := list(parents(conceptId, SNOMED = SNOMED))]
	# Sort by term
	data.table::setkeyv(out, 'term')
	# Add information about hierarchy
	thegen = 1
	maxgen <- 15
	out[, roworder := as.numeric(NA)]
	out[, rowid := 1L:.N]
	out[, parentrowid := NA_integer_] # rowid of parent
	out[gen == thegen, roworder := as.numeric(1:.N)]

	# Loop through max 15 gens
	# Each row has a unique rowid
	# Concepts might need to be duplicated if they are in multiple
	# locations in the hierarchy.
	while (thegen < maxgen){
		if (debug) {cat(thegen, maxgen, '\n')}
		thisgenrowids <- out[gen == thegen]$rowid
		if (length(thisgenrowids) > 0){
			# Looping each row (instance of a concept) in generation
			# Find children of this concept and create
			# appropriate rows for descendant hierarchy
			for (thisrowid in thisgenrowids){
				# Find out which concept
				thisconcept <- out[rowid == thisrowid]$conceptId
				thisroworder <- out[rowid == thisrowid]$roworder
				if (debug == TRUE){
					if (length(thisconcept) == 0) {
						cat('\nthisconcept is integer64(0)\n')
				# For this concept, find all children
				childrows <- sapply(out$parentId, function(x){
					if (length(x) == 0){
					} else {
						thisconcept %in% x

				# Copy children rows if they already have a roworder
				# (i.e. already located in the hierarchy) 
				# as they need to be duplicated
				tocopy <- out[childrows & !is.na(roworder)]

				if (nrow(tocopy) > 0){
					# Keep only one copy of the child row per
					# concept ID, 
					tocopy[, .keep := (rowid == min(rowid)),
						by = conceptId]
					tocopy <- tocopy[.keep == TRUE]
					tocopy[, .keep := NULL]
					maxrowid <- max(out$rowid)
					# Change the rowid for existing rows which have not
					# yet been allocated and have the same rowid
					out[rowid %in% tocopy$rowid,
						rowid := (1:.N) + maxrowid]
				out[childrows, roworder := thisroworder +
					(1:sum(childrows)) / (sum(childrows) + 1)]
				out[childrows, parentrowid := thisrowid]
				out[childrows, gen := thegen + 1]
				if (nrow(tocopy) > 0){
					out <- rbind(out, tocopy)
				data.table::setkeyv(out, c('roworder', 'term'))
				out[!is.na(roworder), roworder := 1:.N]
				# Debugging section
				if (debug == TRUE){
					if (thegen == 6){
						cat('\nthisconcept', thisconcept)
						cat('\n\nthegen', thegen)
						cat('\nthisgenrowids', thisgenrowids)
						cat('\nthisroworder', thisroworder)
						cat('\nthisrowid', thisrowid)
			thegen <- thegen + 1
		} else {
			thegen <- maxgen

	# Sort by roworder
	data.table::setkeyv(out, 'roworder')

	# Final deduplication of adjacent entries
	out[, duplicate := conceptId == shift(conceptId) &
		gen == shift(gen) & 
		parentrowid == shift(parentrowid)]
	out[1, duplicate := FALSE]
	out <- out[duplicate == FALSE]
	out[, duplicate := NULL]

	# Add information about row grouping so that the
	# html view can have buttons to show/hide rows
	# i.e. - contract all descendants
	#      - expand children (immediate descendants only)
	out[, childrowid := list(integer(0))]
	out[, descendantrowid := list(integer(0))]
	out[, allthisrowid := list(integer(0))]
	out[, alldescendantrowid := list(integer(0))]
	for (i in seq_along(out$rowid)){
		thisrowid <- out[i]$rowid
		thisconcept <- out[i]$conceptId
		out[i, childrowid := list(out[parentrowid == thisrowid]$rowid)]
		out[i, allthisrowid := list(out[conceptId ==
			thisconcept]$rowid)] # all rows containing self
		thisgen <- out[i]$gen
		fin <- min(which(c(out$gen, 0) <= thisgen &
			c(seq_along(out$gen), Inf) > i)) - 1
		if (fin != Inf & fin > i){ 
			out[i, descendantrowid := list(out[(i + 1):fin]$rowid)]
		# self and all descendants
		out[i, alldescendantrowid := list(c(out[conceptId ==
			thisconcept]$rowid, unlist(out[conceptId ==
	# Need to add information about rows of all descendants
	# including those in other hierarchies so that term selection
	# based on trees can be done correctly

	# Sort by roworder
	data.table::setkeyv(out, 'roworder')
	# Return the output as 'codelistHierarchy' class so that
	# it can be correctly handled by htmlCodelistHierarchy
	data.table::setattr(out, 'class', c('codelistHierarchy',
		'SNOMEDcodelist', 'data.table', 'data.frame'))

#' Check if an object is a SNOMEDcodelist
#' SNOMEDcodelist is an S3 class for lists of SNOMED codes.
#' This function checks whether the object has the class
#' SNOMEDcodelist, and whether the specified attributes are
#' as per the arguments (if the arguments are left as NULL, as per
#' default, they are not checked).
#' The function does not check if the codelist contains valid data.
#' @param x object to check
#' @param format Whether the codelist is expressed as a simple
#'   enumeration of concepts ('simple'), as a set of concept
#'   hierarchies ('tree') or as a set of hierarchies showing all
#'   concepts ('exptree'). Codelists can be converted between
#'   the formats, but the result of conversion may depend on the 
#'   SNOMED CT dictionary being used.
#' @param codelist_name Name of the codelist (character vector of length 1)
#' @param version Version of the codelist (character vector of length 1)
#' @param author Author of the codelist (character vector of length 1)
#' @param date Date assigned to the codelist (character vector of length 1)
#' @param SNOMED Dummy argument to ensure that this function works with
#'   as.SNOMEDcodelist
#' @return a logical vector of length one: TRUE or FALSE
#' @family SNOMEDcodelist functions
#' @export
is.SNOMEDcodelist <- function(x, format = NULL, codelist_name = NULL,
	version = NULL, author = NULL, date = NULL, SNOMED = NULL){
	if ('SNOMEDcodelist' %in% class(x) & is.data.table(x)){
		if ((identical(attr(x, 'format'), 'tree') |
			identical(attr(x, 'format'), 'exptree') |
			identical(attr(x, 'format'), 'simple')) &
			(is.null(format) | identical(attr(x, 'format'), format)) &
			(is.null(date) | identical(attr(x, 'date'), date)) &
			(is.null(codelist_name) | identical(attr(x, 'codelist_name'),
				codelist_name)) &
			(is.null(version) | identical(attr(x, 'version'), version)) &
			(is.null(author) | identical(attr(x, 'author'), author))){
		} else {
	} else {

#' Export a SNOMEDcodelist
#' Writes a SNOMEDcodelist to file. If the filename is NULL,
#' a filename is created from the 'codelist_name' attribute.
#' @param x SNOMEDcodelist object to export to file
#' @param filename character vector of length 1 for the file
#'   to write to. If NULL, a filename is generated from the
#'   codelist filename.
#' @param ... not used
#' @return invisibly returns the exported codelist
#' @family SNOMEDcodelist functions
#' @export
export <- function(x, ...){
	# S3 generic function definition

#' @rdname export
#' @family SNOMEDcodelist functions
#' @export
export.SNOMEDcodelist <- function(x, filename = NULL, ...){
	# Exports a codelist to file.
	# All metadata must be stored in the codelist.

	if (is.null(filename)){
		filename <- makeCodelistFilename(x)
	} else if (grepl('[\\\\/]$', filename)){
		# filename is a directory; so create a filename
		filename <- paste0(filename, makeCodelistFilename(x))
	message(paste0('Exporting ', attr(x, 'codelist_name'),
		'\nSNOMEDcodelist to ', filename))

	# Prepare output file
	out <- copy(x)

	# Create the metadata character vector
	metadata <- encodeMetadata(x)
	metadataWidth <- max(nchar(metadata)) + 1
	metadata <- padTo(metadata, metadataWidth)
	# Output to file
	# Export to text file (CSV or tab separated)
	# Bind metadata column onto codelist
	if (length(metadata) < nrow(out)){
		metadata <- c(metadata, rep(padTo('', metadataWidth),
			nrow(out) - length(metadata)))
	} else if (length(metadata) > nrow(out)) {
		out <- copy(out[1:length(metadata)])

	# Bind them all together in a custom CSV
	out[, metadata:= metadata]

	# Put the metadata column first
	setcolorder(out, c('metadata', setdiff(colnames(out),

	 if (grepl('.csv$', tolower(filename))){
		data.table::fwrite(out, file = filename)
	} else {
		# tab delimited 
		data.table::fwrite(out, file = filename, sep='\t')

#' Display a SNOMEDcodelist on screen
#' Displays a SNOMEDcodelist on screen, including metadata.
#' Truncates term descriptions in order to fit within the line width.
#' @param x SNOMEDcodelist object to print to screen
#' @param ... not used
#' @return invisibly returns the codelist
#' @family SNOMEDcodelist functions
#' @export
print.SNOMEDcodelist <- function(x, ...){
	cat('SNOMED CT codelist: \n')
	cat(paste(encodeMetadata(x), collapse = '\n'), '\n')

#' Add inactive concepts to a SNOMEDcodelist or SNOMEDconcept vector
#' Adds SNOMED concepts linked by the QUERY or HISTORY tables
#' that are mapped to or descendants of concepts in a SNOMEDcodelist
#' or a SNOMEDconcept vector. If a SNOMEDcodelist, it is automatically
#' converted to the 'simple' format (all items enumerated).
#' It is recommended to use this function to convert a reference
#' into a codelist for running a query against an electronic health
#' record database which might contain historic SNOMED CT concepts.
#' @param x SNOMEDcodelist or SNOMEDconcept object
#' @param provenance vector of provenance values to use
#' @param SNOMED SNOMED environment containing HISTORY and QUERY tables
#' @return SNOMEDcodelist or SNOMEDconcept with linked inactive concepts included
#' @family SNOMEDcodelist functions
#' @export
addInactiveConcepts <- function(x, provenance = 0:3, SNOMED = getSNOMED()){
	supertypeId <- NEWCONCEPTID <- NULL

	if (is.SNOMEDconcept(x)){
		if ('QUERY' %in% names(SNOMED)){
			x <- union(x, as.SNOMEDconcept(SNOMED$QUERY[supertypeId %in% x &
				provenance %in% provenance]$subtypeId))
		} else {
			warning('SNOMED does not contain a query table')
		if ('HISTORY' %in% names(SNOMED)){
			x <- union(x, as.SNOMEDconcept(SNOMED$HISTORY[
		} else {
			warning('SNOMED does not contain a history table')
	} else if (is.SNOMEDcodelist(x)){
		x <- as.SNOMEDcodelist(x, format = 'simple')
		extra_concepts <- setdiff(addInactiveConcepts(
			provenance = provenance, SNOMED = getSNOMED()), x$conceptId)
		out <- rbind(x, data.table(conceptId = extra_concepts,
			term = description(extra_concepts)$term), fill = TRUE)
		# Ensure metadata is not lost in the conversion
		data.table::setattr(out, 'codelist_name', attr(x, 'codelist_name'))
		data.table::setattr(out, 'version', attr(x, 'version'))
		data.table::setattr(out, 'author', attr(x, 'author'))
		data.table::setattr(out, 'date', attr(x, 'date'))
		data.table::setattr(out, 'timestamp', Sys.time())
		data.table::setattr(out, 'sct_version', SNOMED$metadata$version)
		data.table::setattr(out, 'format', 'simple')
		data.table::setkeyv(out, 'conceptId')
	} else {
		warning('x is not a SNOMEDconcept or SNOMEDcodelist')

# Internal function
padTo <- function(string, length){
	# Returns a character vector with strings padded to a particular length
	# Arguments: string - string to pad out with additional spaces
	#            length - final length of string
	spaces <- paste(rep(' ', length), collapse = '')
	substr(paste0(string, spaces), 1, length)

# Internal function
printTerms <- function(x){
	# Prints the table portion of a codelist, using the maximum
	# available width
	term <- show <- NULL

	if ('term' %in% colnames(x)){
		x2 <- data.table::copy(x)
		# Rename 'include_desc' and 'included' columns
		if ('include_desc' %in% colnames(x2)){
			setnames(x2, 'include_desc', 'inc_d')
		if ('included' %in% colnames(x2)){
			setnames(x2, 'included', 'inclu')
		# Calculate the width without term column
		temp <- lapply(x2[, setdiff(colnames(x2), 'term'), with = FALSE],
			function(z){max(nchar(as.character(z)), na.rm = TRUE)})
		# Calculate the total width without term column
		# (Minumum allowed width = 20)
		termwidth <- max(getOption('width') - 6 - 
			sum(pmax(nchar(names(temp)), unlist(temp))) - length(temp), 20)
		x2[, term := truncateChar(term, termwidth)]
	} else {
		x2 <- data.table::copy(x)
	data.table::setattr(x2, 'class', c('data.table', 'data.frame'))

# Internal function
truncateChar <- function(x, maxchar){
	# Truncates a character vector so that each element does not have more
	# than a specified number of characters, adding ... to the end of 
	# truncated terms
	# Arguments: x - character string to truncate
	#            maxchar - length to truncate to
	convert <- nchar(ifelse(is.na(x), '', x)) > maxchar
	x[convert] <- paste0(substr(x[convert], 1, maxchar - 3), '...')

# Internal function
encodeMetadata <- function(x){
	# Returns a character string with formatted metadata of the
	# codelist x
	c(paste0('codelist_name: ', attr(x, 'codelist_name')),
		paste0('version: ', attr(x, 'version')),
		paste0('author: ', attr(x, 'author')),
		paste0('date: ', attr(x, 'date')),
		paste0('timestamp: ', attr(x, 'timestamp')),
		paste0('sct_version: ', attr(x, 'sct_version')),
		paste0('format: ', attr(x, 'format')))

# Internal function
makeCodelistFilename <- function(x){
	paste0(attr(x, 'codelist_name'), '.SNOMEDcodelist.',
		as.character(floor(as.numeric(attr(x, 'version')))), '.csv')
anoopshah/Rdiagnosislist documentation built on Oct. 18, 2024, 9:48 a.m.