Defines functions QRMonSimulate CDFRandomPoints RandomPoint QRMonSeparateToFractions QRMonSeparate QRMonPickPathPoints QRMonConditionalCDFPlot QRMonConditionalCDF ExpectedValueApproximation PDFApproximation CDFApproximation QRMonErrorsPlot QRMonErrors QRMonOutliersPlot QRMonOutliers QRMonPlot QRMonPredict QRMonQuantileRegressionFit QRMonQuantileRegression QRMonRescale QRMonDeleteMissing QRMonEchoDataSummary QRMonEcho QRMonEchoFunctionValue QRMonEchoValue QRMonMemberPresenceCheck QRMonDataCheck QRMonTakeOutliers QRMonTakeRegressionObjects QRMonSetRegressionObjects QRMonTakeData QRMonSetData QRMonTakeValue QRMonSetValue QRMonUnit QRMonFailure QRMonFailureQ

Documented in CDFApproximation CDFRandomPoints ExpectedValueApproximation PDFApproximation QRMonConditionalCDF QRMonConditionalCDFPlot QRMonDataCheck QRMonDeleteMissing QRMonEcho QRMonEchoDataSummary QRMonEchoFunctionValue QRMonEchoValue QRMonErrors QRMonErrorsPlot QRMonFailure QRMonFailureQ QRMonMemberPresenceCheck QRMonOutliers QRMonOutliersPlot QRMonPickPathPoints QRMonPlot QRMonPredict QRMonQuantileRegression QRMonQuantileRegressionFit QRMonRescale QRMonSeparate QRMonSeparateToFractions QRMonSetData QRMonSetRegressionObjects QRMonSetValue QRMonSimulate QRMonTakeData QRMonTakeOutliers QRMonTakeRegressionObjects QRMonTakeValue QRMonUnit

## Quantile Regression workflows monad in R
## Copyright (C) 2019  Anton Antonov
## This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
## Written by Anton Antonov,
## antononcube @@@ gmail ... com,
## Windermere, Florida, USA.

#' @import purrr
#' @import magrittr
#' @import splines
#' @import quantreg
#' @import ggplot2

## QRMon (Quantile Regression Monad) failure symbol

#' Failure symbol for QRMon.
#' @description Failure symbol for the monad QRMon.
#' @export
QRMonFailureSymbol <- NA

#' Failure test for an QRMon object.
#' @description Test is an QRMon object a failure symbol.
#' @export
QRMonFailureQ <- function(x) { mean(is.na(x)) }

## Failure function

#' Failure producing function
#' @description Puts the monad object into a monadic failure.
#' @param msObj An QRMon object.
#' @param message A message to echoed. If NULL no message is echoed.
#' @return A QRMon object.
#' @export
QRMonFailure <- function( msObj, message = NULL ) {

  if( QRMonFailureQ(msObj) ) { return(QRMonFailureSymbol) }

  if( is.character(message) ) {
    warning( message, call. = FALSE )


## QRMon Unit

#' Make a QRMon unit (object.)
#' @description Creates a monad object.
#' @param data A vector or a two-column matrix or data frame.
#' @return An S3 class "QRMon". In other words, a list with the attribute "class" set to "QRMon".
#' @export
QRMonUnit <- function( data = NULL ) {

  res <- list( Value = NULL, Data = NULL, RegressionObjects = list(), Outliers = NULL )
  attr(res, "class") <- "QRMon"

  if( !is.null(data) ) {
    res <- QRMonSetData( res, data )
    if( QRMonFailureQ(res) ) { return(QRMonFailureSymbol) }


#' Make a QRMon unit.
#' @description A synonym of \code{QRMonUnit}.
#' @export
QRMonObject <- QRMonUnit

## Setters and getters

#' Set the value in a QRMon object.
#' @description Sets the value in a QRMon monad object.
#' @param qrObj An QRMon object.
#' @param value The new value.
#' @return A QRMon object.
#' @details Assigns \code{value} to \code{qrObj$Value}.
#' @family Set/Take functions
#' @export
QRMonSetValue <- function( qrObj, value ) {

  if( QRMonFailureQ(qrObj) ) { return(QRMonFailureSymbol) }

  qrObj$Value <- value

#' Take the value in a QRMon object.
#' @description Takes the value from QRMon monad object.
#' @param qrObj An QRMon object.
#' @return Just \code{qrObj$Value}.
#' @family Set/Take functions
#' @export
QRMonTakeValue <- function( qrObj ) {

  if( QRMonFailureQ(qrObj) ) { return(QRMonFailureSymbol) }



#' Set event records.
#' @description Sets an event records data frame into the monad object.
#' @param qrObj An QRMon object.
#' @param data A data frame with event records.
#' @return An QRMon object.
#' @family Set/Take functions
#' @export
QRMonSetData <- function( qrObj, data ) {

  if( QRMonFailureQ(qrObj) ) { return(QRMonFailureSymbol) }

  if ( is.vector(data) ) {

    QRMonSetData( qrObj, data.frame( Regressor = 1:length(data), Value = data ) )

  } else if ( ( is.matrix(data) || is.data.frame(data) ) && ncol(data) == 1 ) {

    QRMonSetData( qrObj, data.frame( Regressor = 1:nrow(data), Value = data[,1] ) )

  } else if ( is.matrix(data) || is.data.frame(data) ) {

    expectedColNames <- c("Regressor", "Value")

    if( ! ( is.data.frame(data) && length(intersect( colnames(data), expectedColNames)) == length(expectedColNames) ) ) {
      warning( paste( "The argument data is expected to be a data frame with columns: {", paste(expectedColNames, collapse =", "), "}."), call. = TRUE)
      warning( paste0( "Proceeding by renaming the first columm \"", colnames(data)[[1]], "\" as \"Regressor\" ",
                       "and renaming the second columm \"", colnames(data)[[2]], "\" as \"Value\"." ), call. = TRUE )
      data <- data[,1:2]
      colnames(data) <- c( "Regressor", "Value" )

    if( sum( class(data$Regressor) %in% c( "Date", "POSSIXt" ) ) > 0 ) {
      warning( "Converting dates into seconds.", call. = TRUE)
      data$Regressor <- as.numeric(data$Regressor, "second")

    data <- data[, expectedColNames]

    data <- data[ complete.cases(data), ]

    if( sum( is.infinite( data$Regressor ) | is.infinite( data$Value ) ) > 0 ) {
      warning("The data has infinite values; proceeding by removing them.", call. = TRUE )

      data <- data[ !( is.infinite( data$Regressor ) | is.infinite( data$Value ) ), ]

    if( nrow(data) == 0 || is.null(data) ) {
      warning("All data points have missing data of infinte values.", call. = TRUE )

    if( !is.numeric(data$Regressor) || !is.numeric(data$Value) ) {
      warning( "The columns 'Regressor' and 'Value' of the argument data are expected to be numeric.", call. = TRUE)

    qrObj$Data <- data


#' Take event records.
#' @description Takes the event records data frame from the monad object.
#' @param qrObj An QRMon object.
#' @param functionName A string that is a name of this function or a delegating function.
#' @return A data frame or \code{QRMonFailureSymbol}.
#' @family Set/Take functions
#' @export
QRMonTakeData <- function( qrObj, functionName = "QMonTakeData" ) {

  if( QRMonFailureQ(qrObj) ) { return(QRMonFailureSymbol) }

  if( !QRMonDataCheck( qrObj, functionName = functionName,  logicalResult = TRUE) ) {



#' Set regression functions.
#' @description Sets a list of regression functions into the monad object.
#' @param qrObj An QRMon object.
#' @param regressionObjects A list of regression objects.
#' @return An QRMon object.
#' @family Set/Take functions
#' @export
QRMonSetRegressionObjects <- function( qrObj, regressionObjects ) {

  if( QRMonFailureQ(qrObj) ) { return(QRMonFailureSymbol) }

  if( !( is.null(regressionObjects) || is.list(regressionObjects) ) ) {
    warning("The argument regressionObjects is expected to be NULL or a list of regression functions.", call. = TRUE)

  qrObj$RegressionObjects <- regressionObjects


#' Take regression objects
#' @description Takes the regression objects from the monad object.
#' @param qrObj An QRMon object.
#' @param functionName A string that is a name of this function or a delegating function.
#' @return A list of functions or \code{QRMonFailureSymbol}.
#' @family Set/Take functions
#' @export
QRMonTakeRegressionObjects <- function( qrObj, functionName = "QRMonTakeRegressionObjects" ) {

  if( QRMonFailureQ(qrObj) ) { return(QRMonFailureSymbol) }

  if( !QRMonMemberPresenceCheck( qrObj, memberName = "RegressionObjects", functionName = functionName, logicalResult = TRUE) ) {


#' Take outliers.
#' @description Takes the outliers from the monad object.
#' @param qrObj An QRMon object.
#' @param functionName A string that is a name of this function or a delegating function.
#' @return A list of functions or \code{QRMonFailureSymbol}.
#' @family Set/Take functions
#' @export
QRMonTakeOutliers <- function( qrObj, functionName = "QRMonTakeOutliers" ) {

  if( QRMonFailureQ(qrObj) ) { return(QRMonFailureSymbol) }

  if( !QRMonMemberPresenceCheck( qrObj, memberName = "Outliers", functionName = functionName,  logicalResult = TRUE) ) {

## Data presence check

#' Check presence of required data.
#' @description Checks does an QRMon object have event records, entity attributes, and computation specification.
#' @param qrObj An QRMon object.
#' @param functionName A name of the delegating function (if any).
#' @param logicalResult Should the result be logical value?
#' @return If \code{logicalValue} is FALSE the result is QRMon object; if TRUE the result is logical value.
#' @export
QRMonDataCheck <- function( qrObj, functionName = NULL, logicalResult = FALSE ) {

  if( QRMonFailureQ(qrObj) ) { return(QRMonFailureSymbol) }

  res <- TRUE

  if( is.null(functionName) || nchar(functionName) == 0 ) {
    functionName <- ""
  } else {
    functionName <- paste0( functionName, ":: ")

  if( is.null(qrObj$Data) ) {
    warning( paste0( functionName, "Cannot find data"), call. = TRUE)
    res <- FALSE

  if( logicalResult ) { res }
  else if ( !logicalResult && !res) { QRMonFailureSymbol }
  else { qrObj }

## Member presence check

#' General member presence check.
#' @description A general function for checking the presence of a data member in an QRMon object.
#' @param qrObj An QRMon object.
#' @param memberName The name of the member to be checked.
#' @param memberPrettyName A pretty member name (for messages).
#' @param functionName The name of the delegating function.
#' @param logicalResult Should the result be logical value?
#' @param warningQ Should a warning be issued if the specified member is not found?
#' @return A logical value or an QRMon object.
#' @export
QRMonMemberPresenceCheck <- function( qrObj, memberName, memberPrettyName = memberName, functionName = "", logicalResult = FALSE, warningQ = TRUE ) {

  if( QRMonFailureQ(qrObj) ) { return(QRMonFailureSymbol) }

  res <- TRUE

  if( nchar(functionName) > 0 ) { functionName <- paste0( functionName, ":: ") }

  if( is.null(qrObj[[memberName]]) ) {
    if( warningQ ) {
      warning( paste0( functionName, paste0("Cannot find ", memberPrettyName, ".") ), call. = TRUE )
    res <- FALSE

  if( logicalResult ) { res }
  else if ( !logicalResult && !res) { QRMonFailureSymbol }
  else { qrObj }

## Echo function appliction of over monad's value

#' Echo monad's value.
#' @description Prints the "Value" element/member of the monad object.
#' @param qrObj An QRMon object.
#' @return A QRMon object.
#' @details Prints \code{qrObj$Value}.
#' @family Echo functions
#' @export
QRMonEchoValue <- function( qrObj ) {

  if( QRMonFailureQ(qrObj) ) { return(QRMonFailureSymbol) }

  print( qrObj$Value )


## Echo function application of over monad's value

#' Function application to monad's value.
#' @description Apply a function to the "Value" element/member of the monad object.
#' @param qrObj An QRMon object.
#' @param f A function to be applied to \code{qrObj$Value}.
#' @return A QRMon object.
#' @details Prints \code{f(qrObj$Value)}.
#' @family Echo functions
#' @export
QRMonEchoFunctionValue <- function( qrObj, f ) {

  if( QRMonFailureQ(qrObj) ) { return(QRMonFailureSymbol) }

  print( f(qrObj$Value) )


## Echo

#' Echo.
#' @description Echoes given object.
#' @param qrObj An QRMon object.
#' @param x An object to be echoed.
#' @return A QRMon object.
#' @family Echo functions
#' @export
QRMonEcho <- function( qrObj, x ) {

  if( QRMonFailureQ(qrObj) ) { return(QRMonFailureSymbol) }

  print( x )


## Data summary

#' Data summary.
#' @description Summarize data and print the summary.
#' @param qrObj An QRMon object.
#' @return A QRMon object.
#' @details Prints data dimensions and summary.
#' @export
QRMonEchoDataSummary <- function( qrObj ) {

  if( QRMonFailureQ(qrObj) ) { return(QRMonFailureSymbol) }

  data <- QRMonTakeData( qrObj = qrObj, functionName = "QRMonEchoDataSummary" )
  if( QRMonFailureQ(data) ) { return(QRMonFailureSymbol) }

  print( list( Dimensions = dim(data), Summary = summary(data) ) )


## DeleteMissing

#' Remove missing data.
#' @description Removes data rows with missing data fields (NA's).
#' @param qrObj An QRMon object.
#' @details This function is most likely redundant.
#' The function \code{\link{QRMonSetData}} does removal of missing data.
#' @return A QRMon object.
#' @export
QRMonDeleteMissing <- function( qrObj) {

  if( QRMonFailureQ(qrObj) ) { return(QRMonFailureSymbol) }

  data <- QRMonTakeData( qrObj = qrObj, functionName = "QRMonDeleteMissing" )
  if( QRMonFailureQ(data) ) { return(QRMonFailureSymbol) }

  qrObj %>% QRMonSetData( data = data )


## Rescale

#' Rescale data.
#' @description Rescales the data along axes specification.
#' @param qrObj An QRMon object.
#' @param regressorAxisQ Should the data be rescaled along the regressor axis?
#' @param valueAxisQ Should the data be rescaled along the value axis?
#' @details The rescaled data replaces \code{qrObj$Data}.
#' @return A QRMon object.
#' @export
QRMonRescale <- function( qrObj, regressorAxisQ = TRUE, valueAxisQ = FALSE ) {

  if( QRMonFailureQ(qrObj) ) { return(QRMonFailureSymbol) }

  data <- QRMonTakeData( qrObj = qrObj, functionName = "QRMonRescale" )
  if( QRMonFailureQ(data) ) { return(QRMonFailureSymbol) }

  if ( regressorAxisQ ) {
    if( max(data$Regressor) > min(data$Regressor) ) {
      data$Regressor <- ( data$Regressor - min(data$Regressor) ) / ( max(data$Regressor) - min(data$Regressor) )
    } else {
      data$Regressor <- 0

  if ( valueAxisQ ) {
    if( max(data$Value) > min(data$Value) ) {
      data$Value <- ( data$Value - min(data$Value) ) / ( max(data$Value) - min(data$Value) )
    } else {
      data$Value <- 0

  qrObj$Data <- data

## Quantile regression

#' Quantile regression B-splines basis fit.
#' @description Finds the quantile regression objects for the specified
#' quantile probabilities using a B-spline basis.
#' @param qrObj An QRMon object.
#' @param df Degrees of freedom;
#' same as \code{df} of \code{\link{splines::bs}}.
#' @param knots The internal breakpoints that define the spline;
#' same as \code{knots} of \code{\link{splines::bs}}.
#' @param degree  Degree of the piecewise polynomial;
#' same as \code{degree} of \code{\link{splines::bs}}.
#' @param probabilities A numeric vector with quantile probabilities.
#' @param ... Additional arguments for \code{\link{splines::bs}}.
#' @return A QRMon object.
#' @details The obtained regression objects are assigned/appended to the
#' \code{qrObj$RegressionObjects}.
#' For more computational details see \code{\link{quantreg::rq}}.
#' This function can be seen as a splines-basis shortcut of
#' \code{\link{QRMonQuantileRegressionFit}}.
#' @family Regression functions
#' @export
QRMonQuantileRegression <- function( qrObj, df, knots = NULL, degree = 3, probabilities = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75), ... ) {

  if( QRMonFailureQ(qrObj) ) { return(QRMonFailureSymbol) }

  if( !( is.numeric(probabilities) && mean( probabilities >= 0 ) == 1 && mean( probabilities <= 1) == 1 ) ){
    warning("The argument probabilities is expected to be a numeric vector with elements between 0 and 1.", call. = TRUE )

  data <- QRMonTakeData( qrObj = qrObj, functionName = "QRMonQuantileRegression" )
  if( QRMonFailureQ(data) ) { return(QRMonFailureSymbol) }

  rqFits <-
      function(tau) { quantreg::rq(Value ~ splines::bs(Regressor, df = df, knots = knots, degree = degree, ...), tau = tau, data = data ) })
  names(rqFits) <- probabilities

  if( !QRMonMemberPresenceCheck( qrObj,
                                 memberName = "RegressionObjects",
                                 functionName = "QRMonQuantileRegression",
                                 logicalResult = TRUE, warningQ = FALSE ) ) {

    qrObj <- qrObj %>% QRMonSetRegressionObjects( rqFits )

  } else {

    qrObj <- qrObj %>% QRMonSetRegressionObjects( c( qrObj %>% QRMonTakeRegressionObjects, rqFits ) )



## Quantile regression fit

#' Quantile regression function basis fit.
#' @description Finds the quantile regression objects for the specified
#' quantile probabilities using a specified formula.
#' @param qrObj An QRMon object.
#' @param formula A formula.
#' @param probabilities A numeric vector with quantile probabilities.
#' @param ... Arguments for  \code{\link{quantreg::rq}}.
#' @return A QRMon object.
#' @details
#' The formula has to use "Value" and "Regressor".
#' For example: \code{Value ~ sin(1+3*Regressor)}.
#' The obtained regression objects are assigned/appended to
#' \code{qrObj$RegressionObjects}.
#' For more computational details see \code{\link{quantreg::rq}}.
#' @family Regression functions
#' @export
QRMonQuantileRegressionFit <- function( qrObj, formula, probabilities = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75), ... ) {

  if( QRMonFailureQ(qrObj) ) { return(QRMonFailureSymbol) }

  if( !( is.numeric(probabilities) && mean( probabilities >= 0 ) == 1 && mean( probabilities <= 1) == 1 ) ){
    warning("The argument probabilities is expected to be a numeric vector with elements between 0 and 1.", call. = TRUE )

  data <- QRMonTakeData( qrObj = qrObj, functionName = "QRMonQuantileRegressionFit" )
  if( QRMonFailureQ(data) ) { return(QRMonFailureSymbol) }

  if( !is_formula(formula) ) {
    warning( "The argument formula is expected to be a formula object.", call. = TRUE)

  rqFits <-
      function(tau) {
        quantreg::rq( formula = formula, data = data, tau = tau, ... )
  names(rqFits) <- probabilities

  qrObj <- qrObj %>% QRMonSetRegressionObjects( c( qrObj %>% QRMonTakeRegressionObjects(), rqFits ) )


## Predict (evaluate) with regression objects

#' Prediction with regression objects.
#' @description Predict values with the monad object regression objects
#' over specified new data.
#' @param qrObj An QRMon object.
#' @param newdata A numeric vector, a data frame with a column 'Regressor', or NULL.
#' @param ... parameters for \code{\link{quantreg::predict.rq}}.
#' @return A QRMon object.
#' @details The result of the evaluation of the regression objects
#' over the new data is a list of data frame. List's names are the
#' quantile probabilities that correspond to the regression objects.
#' The list is assigned to \code{qrObj$Value}.
#' @family Regression functions
#' @export
QRMonPredict <- function( qrObj, newdata = NULL, ... ) {

  if( QRMonFailureQ(qrObj) ) { return(QRMonFailureSymbol) }

  regObjs <- QRMonTakeRegressionObjects( qrObj = qrObj, functionName = "QRMonPredict" )
  if( length(regObjs) == 0 || QRMonFailureQ(regObjs) ) {
    warning( "Calculate regression quantiles first.", call. = TRUE )

  if( is.vector(newdata) && is.numeric(newdata) ) {
    newdata <- data.frame( Regressor = newdata )

  if( ! ( is.null(newdata) ||
          is.data.frame(newdata) && ("Regressor" %in% colnames(newdata)) && is.numeric(newdata$Regressor) ) ) {
    warning( "The argument newdata is expected to be a numeric vector, a data frame with a column 'Regressor', or NULL.", call. = TRUE )

  if( is.null(newdata) ) {
    newdata <- QRMonTakeData(qrObj = qrObj)

  if( is.data.frame(newdata) ) {
    newdata <- newdata[, "Regressor", drop = F]

  qrRes <-
      function(x) {
        res <- predict( regObjs[[x]], newdata = newdata, ... )
        data.frame( Regressor = newdata, Value = res )
  names(qrRes) <- names(regObjs)

  qrObj$Value <- qrRes


## Plot regression functions

#' Plot with data and regression curves.
#' @description Plot the monad object data and regression functions (if any.)
#' @param qrObj An QRMon object.
#' @param dataLineColor The color of the line connecting the data points.
#' If NULL the data line is not plotted.
#' @param dataPointsColor The color of the data points.
#' If NULL the data points are not plotted.
#' @param regressionCurvesColor The color of the regression curves.
#' If NULL the regression curves are not plotted.
#' @param datePlotQ Should the regressor axis have dates scale?
#' @param dateOrigin Same as the argument \code{origin} of \code{as.POSIXct}.
#' @param echoQ To echo the plot the or not?
#' @return A QRMon object.
#' @details The plot is made with \link{ggplot2}.
#' The data points are plotted after the data line.
#' The plot is assigned to \code{qrObj$Value}.
#' @family Plot functions
#' @export
QRMonPlot <- function( qrObj,
                       dataLineColor = NULL, dataPointsColor = 'gray60',
                       regressionCurvesColor = ~ RegressionCurve,
                       datePlotQ = FALSE, dateOrigin = "1970-01-01",
                       echoQ = TRUE ) {

  if( QRMonFailureQ(qrObj) ) { return(QRMonFailureSymbol) }

  lsRegObjs <- qrObj %>% QRMonTakeRegressionObjects

  if( !is.null(lsRegObjs) && is.list(lsRegObjs) && length(lsRegObjs) > 0 ) {

    qrObj <- qrObj %>% QRMonPredict( newdata = NULL )
    if( QRMonFailureQ(qrObj) ) { return(QRMonFailureSymbol) }

    qrDF <- qrObj %>% QRMonTakeValue()

    qrDF <- purrr::map_df(names(qrDF), function(x) cbind( RegressionCurve = x, qrDF[[x]], stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) )

  } else {
    qrDF <- NULL

  resPlot <- ggplot2::ggplot()

  data <- qrObj %>% QRMonTakeData()

  if( datePlotQ ) {
    data$Regressor <- as.POSIXct( data$Regressor, origin = dateOrigin )
    if( !is.null(qrDF) ) {
      qrDF$Regressor <- as.POSIXct( qrDF$Regressor, origin = dateOrigin )

  if( !is.null(dataLineColor) ) {

    resPlot <-
      resPlot +
      ggplot2::geom_line( data = data,
                          mapping = ggplot2::aes( x = Regressor, y = Value ), color = dataLineColor )

  if( !is.null(dataPointsColor) ) {

    resPlot <-
      resPlot +
      ggplot2::geom_point( data = data,
                           mapping = ggplot2::aes( x = Regressor, y = Value ), color = dataPointsColor )

  if( !is.null(regressionCurvesColor) && !is.null(qrDF) ) {

    resPlot <-
      resPlot +
      if( is.character(regressionCurvesColor) ) {
        ggplot2::geom_line( data = qrDF, ggplot2::aes_( x = ~Regressor, y = ~Value, group = ~RegressionCurve ), color = regressionCurvesColor )
      } else {
        ggplot2::geom_line( data = qrDF, ggplot2::aes_( x = ~Regressor, y = ~Value, color = regressionCurvesColor ) )

  if( echoQ ) { print(resPlot) }

  qrObj$Value <- resPlot


## Outlier finding

#' Outliers finding.
#' @description Find the monad object data outliers using already found regression objects.
#' @param qrObj An QRMon object.
#' @return A QRMon object.
#' @details The outliers are assigned to \code{qrObj$Value} and \code{qrObj$Outliers}.
#' @family Outlier functions
#' @export
QRMonOutliers <- function( qrObj ) {

  if( QRMonFailureQ(qrObj) ) { return(QRMonFailureSymbol) }

  regObjs <- QRMonTakeRegressionObjects( qrObj = qrObj, functionName = "QRMonOutliers" )
  if( length(regObjs) == 0 || QRMonFailureQ(regObjs) ) {
    warning( "Calculate (top and bottom) regression quantiles first.", call. = TRUE )

  data <- QRMonTakeData( qrObj = qrObj, functionName = "QRMonOutliers" )
  if( QRMonFailureQ(data) ) { return(QRMonFailureSymbol) }

  outliers <-
    if( length(regObjs) == 1 && as.numeric(names(regObjs)[[1]]) < 0.5 ) {

      predVals <- predict( regObjs[[1]], newdata = data[ , "Regressor", drop=F ] )
      bottomOutliers <- data[ data$Value <= predVals, ]
      list( "bottomOutliers" = bottomOutliers )

    } else if ( length(regObjs) == 1 && as.numeric(names(regObjs)[[1]]) > 0.5  ) {

      predVals <- predict( regObjs[[1]], newdata = data[ , "Regressor", drop=F ] )
      topOutliers <- data[ data$Value >= predVals, ]
      list( "topOutliers" = topOutliers )

    } else {

      qs <- as.numeric( names(regObjs) )
      minInd <- which.min( qs )
      maxInd <- which.max( qs )

      predVals <- predict( regObjs[[minInd]], newdata = data[ , "Regressor", drop=F ] )
      bottomOutliers <- data[ data$Value <= predVals, ]

      predVals <- predict( regObjs[[maxInd]], newdata = data[ , "Regressor", drop=F ] )
      topOutliers <- data[ data$Value >= predVals, ]

      list( "bottomOutliers" = bottomOutliers, "topOutliers" = topOutliers )


  qrObj$Value <- outliers
  qrObj$Outliers <- outliers


## Outliers plot

#' Outliers plot.
#' @description Plot the monad object data and found outliers.
#' @param qrObj An QRMon object.
#' @param dataLineColor The color of the line connecting the data points.
#' If NULL the data line is not plotted.
#' @param dataPointsColor The color of the data points.
#' If NULL the data points are not plotted.
#' @param plotRegressionCurvesQ Should the regression curves be plotted or not?
#' @param datePlotQ Should the regressor axis have dates scale?
#' @param dateOrigin Same as the argument \code{origin} of \code{as.POSIXct}.
#' @param echoQ To echo the plot the or not?
#' @return A QRMon object.
#' @details The outliers are assigned to \code{qrObj$Value} and \code{qrObj$Outliers}.
#' @family Outlier functions
#' @export
QRMonOutliersPlot <- function( qrObj, plotRegressionCurvesQ = TRUE,
                               dataLineColor = NULL, dataPointsColor = 'gray60',
                               datePlotQ = FALSE, dateOrigin = "1970-01-01",
                               echoQ = TRUE ) {

  if( QRMonFailureQ(qrObj) ) { return(QRMonFailureSymbol) }

  data <- QRMonTakeData( qrObj = qrObj, functionName = "QRMonOutliersPlot" )
  if( QRMonFailureQ(data) ) { return(QRMonFailureSymbol) }

  outliers <- QRMonTakeOutliers( qrObj = qrObj, functionName = "QRMonOutliersPlot" )
  if( QRMonFailureQ(outliers) ) { return(QRMonFailureSymbol) }

  #plotDataDF <- cbind( "Type" = "data", data, stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
  plotDataDF <- NULL

  if( !is.null(outliers[["bottomOutliers"]]) ) {
   plotDataDF <- rbind( plotDataDF, cbind( "Type" = "bottomOutliers", outliers[["bottomOutliers"]], stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) )

  if( !is.null(outliers[["topOutliers"]]) ) {
    plotDataDF <- rbind( plotDataDF, cbind( "Type" = "topOutliers", outliers[["topOutliers"]], stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) )

  if( plotRegressionCurvesQ ) {
    resPlot <-
      qrObj %>%
      QRMonPlot( dataLineColor = dataLineColor,
                 dataPointsColor = dataPointsColor,
                 regressionCurvesColor = 'gray60',
                 datePlotQ = datePlotQ,
                 dateOrigin = dateOrigin,
                 echoQ = FALSE ) %>%
  } else {
    resPlot <-
      qrObj %>%
      QRMonPlot( dataLineColor = dataLineColor,
                 dataPointsColor = dataPointsColor,
                 regressionCurvesColor = NULL,
                 datePlotQ = datePlotQ,
                 dateOrigin = dateOrigin,
                 echoQ = FALSE ) %>%

  if( datePlotQ ) {
    plotDataDF$Regressor <- as.POSIXct( plotDataDF$Regressor, origin = dateOrigin )

  resPlot <-
    resPlot +
    geom_point( data = plotDataDF, mapping = aes( x = Regressor, y = Value, color = Type ) )

  if( echoQ ) { print(resPlot) }

  qrObj$Value <- resPlot


## Errors

#' Fit errors.
#' @description Find the fit errors of the monad object data and found regression objects.
#' @param qrObj An QRMon object.
#' @param relativeErrorsQ Should relative errors be computed?
#' @return A QRMon object.
#' @details The errors are assigned to \code{qrObj$Value}.
#' @family Errors
#' @export
QRMonErrors <- function( qrObj, relativeErrorsQ = TRUE ) {

  if( QRMonFailureQ(qrObj) ) { return(QRMonFailureSymbol) }

  regObjs <- QRMonTakeRegressionObjects( qrObj = qrObj, functionName = "QRMonErrors" )
  if( length(regObjs) == 0 || QRMonFailureQ(regObjs) ) { return(QRMonFailureSymbol) }

  data <- QRMonTakeData( qrObj = qrObj, functionName = "QRMonErrors" )
  if( QRMonFailureQ(data) ) { return(QRMonFailureSymbol) }

  res <-
    purrr::map( names(regObjs),
                   function(x) {
                     errs <- predict( regObjs[[x]], newdata = data[, "Regressor", drop = F] ) - data[, "Value"]

                     if( is.data.frame(errs) ) { errs <- errs[,1] }

                     if( relativeErrorsQ ) {
                       errs <- errs / abs(ifelse( data[["Value"]] == 0, 1, data[["Value"]] ))

                     data.frame( Regressor = data[, "Regressor"], Error = errs )
  names(res) <- names(regObjs)

  qrObj$Value <- res


## Errors plot

#' Fit errors plot.
#' @description Find and plot the fit errors of the monad object data and found regression objects.
#' @param qrObj An QRMon object.
#' @param relativeErrorsQ Should relative errors be computed?
#' @param datePlotQ Should the regressor axis have dates scale?
#' @param dateOrigin Same as the argument \code{origin} of \code{as.POSIXct}.
#' @param echoQ To echo the plot the or not?
#' @return A QRMon object.
#' @details The errors plot are assigned to \code{qrObj$Value}.
#' @family Errors
#' @export
QRMonErrorsPlot <- function( qrObj, relativeErrorsQ = TRUE,
                             datePlotQ = FALSE, dateOrigin = "1970-01-01",
                             echoQ = TRUE ) {

  if( QRMonFailureQ(qrObj) ) { return(QRMonFailureSymbol) }

  regObjs <- QRMonTakeRegressionObjects( qrObj = qrObj, functionName = "QRMonErrorsPlot" )
  if( length(regObjs) == 0 || QRMonFailureQ(regObjs) ) { return(QRMonFailureSymbol) }

  data <- QRMonTakeData( qrObj = qrObj, functionName = "QRMonErrorsPlot" )
  if( QRMonFailureQ(data) ) { return(QRMonFailureSymbol) }

  res <-
    purrr::map_df( names(regObjs),
                   function(x) {
                     errs <- predict( regObjs[[x]], newdata = data[, "Regressor", drop = F] ) - data[, "Value"]

                     if( is.data.frame(errs) ) { errs <- errs[,1] }

                     if( relativeErrorsQ ) {
                       errs <- errs / abs(ifelse( data[["Value"]] == 0, 1, data[["Value"]] ))

                     data.frame( RegressionCurve = x,
                                 Regressor = data[, "Regressor", drop = T],
                                 Error = errs,
                                 stringsAsFactors = F)

  if( datePlotQ ) {
    res$Regressor <- as.POSIXct( res$Regressor, origin = dateOrigin )

  resPlot <-
    ggplot2::ggplot(res) +
    ggplot2::geom_point( ggplot2::aes( x = Regressor, y = Error, color = RegressionCurve ) ) +
    ggplot2::ylab( ifelse( relativeErrorsQ, "Relative error", "Absolute error") ) +
    ggplot2::geom_segment( ggplot2::aes(x = Regressor, xend = Regressor, y = 0, yend = Error, color = RegressionCurve ) ) +
    ggplot2::facet_wrap( ~RegressionCurve )

  qrObj$Value <- resPlot

  if( echoQ ) {


## Conditional distribution and related functions

#' CDF approximation.
#' @description Computes an approximated PDF function
#' using vectors of quantile probabilities and quantiles.
#' @param probabilities Quantile probabilities.
#' @param quantiles Quantiles.
#' @family Distribution functions
#' @export
CDFApproximation <- function( probabilities, quantiles ) {

  names(quantiles) <- NULL; names(probabilities) <- NULL

  if( length(probabilities) != length(quantiles) ) {
    stop( "The lengths of the arguments probabilities and quantiles are expected to be the same.", call. = TRUE )

  ## splinefun( x = quantiles, y = probabilities, method = "natural" )
  approxfun( x = quantiles, y = probabilities, method = "linear" )

#' PDF approximation.
#' @description Computes an approximated PDF function
#' using vectors of quantiles and quantile values.
#' @param probabilities Quantile probabilities.
#' @param quantiles Quantile values.
#' @family Distribution functions
#' @export
PDFApproximation <- function( probabilities, quantiles ) {

  names(quantiles) <- NULL; names(probabilities) <- NULL

  if( length(probabilities) != length(quantiles) ) {
    stop( "The lengths of the arguments probabilities and quantiles are expected to be the same.", call. = TRUE )

  xs <- ( quantiles[-length(quantiles)] + quantiles[-1] ) / 2
  ys <- diff(probabilities) / diff(quantiles)
  approxfun( x = xs, y = ys, method = "constant" )

#' Expected value approximation.
#' @description Computes an approximated expected value
#' using vectors of quantiles and quantile values.
#' @param probabilities Quantile probabilities.
#' @param quantiles Quantile values.
#' @family Distribution functions
#' @export
ExpectedValueApproximation <- function( probabilities, quantiles ) {

  names(quantiles) <- NULL; names(probabilities) <- NULL

  if( length(probabilities) != length(quantiles) ) {
    stop( "The lengths of the arguments probabilities and quantiles are expected to be the same.", call. = TRUE )

  ## As the PDF x's and y's.
  xs <- ( quantiles[-length(quantiles)] + quantiles[-1] ) / 2
  ys <- diff(probabilities) / diff(quantiles)

  ## Expectation formulation: Integrate[ x * PDF[x], {x, -Infinity, Infinity} ]
  ys <- xs * ys

  res <- purrr::map_dbl( 1:(length(xs)-1), function(i) { ( xs[i+1] - xs[i] ) * ( ys[i+1] + ys[i] ) } )
  sum( res / 2 )

#' Conditional CDF computation.
#' @description Computes conditional CDF's for given regressor points.
#' @param qrObj An QRMon object.
#' @param regressorValues Regressor points to compute CDF's upon.
#' @return A QRMon object.
#' @details This function computes a list of
#' Cumulative Distribution Functions (CDF's) that correspond to the
#' elements of \code{regressorValues}.
#' The list of CDF's is assigned to \code{qrObj$Value}.
#' @family Distribution functions
#' @export
QRMonConditionalCDF <- function( qrObj, regressorValues ) {

  if( QRMonFailureQ(qrObj) ) { return(QRMonFailureSymbol) }

  regObjs <- QRMonTakeRegressionObjects( qrObj = qrObj, functionName = "QRMonConditionalCDF" )
  if( length(regObjs) == 0 || QRMonFailureQ(regObjs) ) { return(QRMonFailureSymbol) }

  if( length(regObjs) < 2 ) {
    warning( "At least two regression quantiles are needed.", call. = TRUE )

  if( !is.numeric(regressorValues) ) {
    warning( "The argument regressorValues is expected to be a numeric vector.", call. = TRUE )

  qvals <- qrObj %>% QRMonPredict( newdata = regressorValues ) %>% QRMonTakeValue()
  qvals <- purrr::map_df( names(qvals), function(x) cbind( Probability = x, qvals[[x]], stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) )
  ## The following code line makes a dependency with dplyr.
  ## qvals <- dplyr::bind_rows( qvals, .id = "Probability")
  qvals$Probability <- as.numeric( qvals$Probability )

  res <-
    purrr::map( split(qvals, qvals$Regressor), function(x) {
       CDFApproximation( probabilities = x$Probability, quantiles =  x$Value )
    } )

  qrObj$Value <- res

## Conditional CDF plot

#' Conditional CDF plot.
#' @description Computes conditional CDF's for given regressor points and makes corresponding plots.
#' @param qrObj An QRMon object.
#' @param regressorValues Regressor points to compute CDF's upon.
#' @param valueGridPoints Grid points to use for the value(response) variable.
#' If NULL the grid points are derived from response variable's range in the data.
#' @param dateOrigin Date origin if the regressor conversion to time-date.
#' If NULL no conversion is done.
#' Same as the argument \code{origin} of \code{as.POSIXct}.
#' @param quantileGridLinesQ Should the quantiles be indicated with vertical grid lines or not?
#' @param echoQ To echo the plot the or not?
#' @param ... Arguments for \code{\link{ggplot2::facet_wrap}}.
#' (In order to plot additional vertical lines.)
#' @return A QRMon object.
#' @details This function uses \code{\link{QRMonConditionalCDF}}.
#' @family Distribution functions
#' @export
QRMonConditionalCDFPlot <- function( qrObj, regressorValues, valueGridPoints = NULL,
                                     dateOrigin = NULL,
                                     quantileGridLinesQ = TRUE, echoQ = TRUE, ... ) {

  if( QRMonFailureQ(qrObj) ) { return(QRMonFailureSymbol) }

  #focusPoint <- regressorValues[[1]]
  cdfFuncs <- qrObj %>% QRMonConditionalCDF( regressorValues = regressorValues ) %>% QRMonTakeValue

  if( is.null(valueGridPoints) ) {
    data <- qrObj %>% QRMonTakeData
    valueGridPoints <- seq( min(data$Value), max(data$Value), (max(data$Value) - min(data$Value)) / (100-1) )

  qDF <-
      names(cdfFuncs), function(reg) {
        data.frame(  Regressor = as.numeric(reg),
                     Value = valueGridPoints,
                     CDF = purrr::map_dbl( valueGridPoints, function(x) cdfFuncs[[reg]](x) ) )

  qDF <- qDF[ complete.cases(qDF), ]

  dfDist <- qrObj %>% QRMonPredict( newdata = regressorValues ) %>% QRMonTakeValue
  ## Note the dplyr dependence
  dfDist <- purrr::map_df( names(dfDist), function(x) cbind( Quantile = as.numeric(x), dfDist[[x]] ) )

  if( !is.null(dateOrigin) ) {
    qDF$Regressor <- as.POSIXct( qDF$Regressor, origin = dateOrigin )
    dfDist$Regressor <- as.POSIXct( dfDist$Regressor, origin = dateOrigin )

  if( quantileGridLinesQ ) {

    res <-
      ggplot2::ggplot(qDF) +
      ggplot2::geom_line( ggplot2::aes( x = Value, y = CDF) ) +
      ggplot2::geom_vline( data = dfDist, mapping = aes(xintercept = Value), linetype = "dotted", color = "gray20", size = 0.5 ) +
      ggplot2::geom_text(data = dfDist, mapping = aes( x = Value, y=0, label = dfDist$Quantile ), size=2, angle=90, vjust=-0.4, hjust=0) +
      ggplot2::facet_wrap( ~Regressor, ... )

  } else {

    res <-
      ggplot2::ggplot(qDF) +
      ggplot2::geom_line( ggplot2::aes( x = Value, y = CDF) ) +
      ggplot2::facet_wrap( ~Regressor, ... )


  if( echoQ ) {

  qrObj$Value <- res


## Pick path points

#' Pick path points.
#' @description Pick points close to the regression functions using a specified threshold.
#' @param qrObj An QRMon object.
#' @param threshold The pick threshold.
#' @param pickAboveThresholdQ Should points be picked below or above the threshold?
#' @param relativeErrorsQ Should relative errors be used?
#' @return A QRMon object.
#' @details The list of data frames is assigned to \code{qrObj$Value}.
#' @family Regression functions
#' @export
QRMonPickPathPoints <- function( qrObj, threshold, pickAboveThresholdQ = FALSE, relativeErrorsQ = FALSE ) {

  if( QRMonFailureQ(qrObj) ) { return(QRMonFailureSymbol) }

  regObjs <- QRMonTakeRegressionObjects( qrObj = qrObj, functionName = "QRMonPickPathPoints" )
  if( length(regObjs) == 0 || QRMonFailureQ(regObjs) ) { return(QRMonFailureSymbol) }

  data <- QRMonTakeData( qrObj = qrObj, functionName = "QRMonPickPathPoints" )
  if( QRMonFailureQ(data) ) { return(QRMonFailureSymbol) }

  if( ! ( is.numeric(threshold) && threshold >= 0) ) {
    warning( "The argument threshold is expected to be a non-negative number.", call. = TRUE )
    return( QRMonFailureSymbol )

  ## Find the regression quantile values for each quantile.
  qrVals <- qrObj %>% QRMonPredict( newdata = NULL ) %>%  QRMonTakeValue()
  if( QRMonFailureQ(qrVals) ) { return(QRMonFailureSymbol) }

  res <-
      function(x) {
        errs <- abs( x[,"Value"] - data[, "Value"] )
        if( relativeErrorsQ ) {
          errs <- errs / abs(ifelse( data[["Value"]] == 0, 1, data[["Value"]] ))
        picks <- errs <= threshold
        if( pickAboveThresholdQ ) { picks <- ! picks }
        data[ picks, ]
  names(res) <- names(qrVals)

  qrObj$Value <- res


## Separate

#' Separate data points.
#' @description Separates the argument by the regression functions in the context.
#' If no argument is given the data in the monad object is separated.
#' @param qrObj An QRMon object.
#' @param data A data frame of points to be separated.
#' @param cumulativeQ Should for each regression quantile find the points below it?
#' @param fractionsQ Should fractions instead of points be returned?
#' @return A QRMon object.
#' @details The result of the separation is a list of data frames assigned to \code{qrObj$Value}.
#' Each data frame of that list corresponds to the found regression quantiles.
#' If the data frame argument \code{data} has columns "Regressor" and "Value" those columns are used;
#' otherwise the first and second columns are treated as "Regressor" and "Value" respectively.
#' @family Regression functions
#' @export
QRMonSeparate <- function( qrObj, data = NULL, cumulativeQ = TRUE, fractionsQ = FALSE ) {

  if( QRMonFailureQ(qrObj) ) { return(QRMonFailureSymbol) }

  regObjs <- QRMonTakeRegressionObjects( qrObj = qrObj, functionName = "QRMonSeparate" )
  if( length(regObjs) == 0 || QRMonFailureQ(regObjs) ) { return(QRMonFailureSymbol) }

  if( ! ( is.null(data) || is.data.frame(data) && ncol(data) >= 2 ) ) {
    warning( "The argument data is expected to be NULL or a data frame of points (with two numeric columns.)", call. = TRUE )
    return( QRMonFailureSymbol )

  if( is.null(data) ) {

    data <- QRMonTakeData( qrObj = qrObj, functionName = "QRMonPickPathPoints" )
    if( QRMonFailureQ(data) ) { return(QRMonFailureSymbol) }

  } else {

    dataColNames <- c( "Regressor", "Value")
    if( sum( colnames(data) %in% dataColNames ) == 2 ) {
      data <- data[, dataColNames]
    } else {
      data <- setNames( data[, 1:2], dataColNames )


  ## Find the regression quantile values for each quantile.
  qrVals <- qrObj %>% QRMonPredict( newdata = data ) %>%  QRMonTakeValue()
  if( QRMonFailureQ(qrVals) ) { return(QRMonFailureSymbol) }

  ## The computation can be optimized.
  ## Currently is O[ Length[data] * Length[regressionFunctions] ] . Can be at least halved.

  indGroups <- purrr::map( qrVals, function(x) { x[,"Value"] >= data[, "Value"] } )
  names(indGroups) <- names(qrVals)

  if( cumulativeQ ) {

    pointGroups <- purrr::map( indGroups, function(x) data[x,] )
    names(pointGroups) <- names(indGroups)

  } else {
    ## Find complements of the indices that belong to pairs of consecutive quantile probabilities.

    indGroups <- purrr::map( indGroups, function(x) (1:nrow(data))[x] )
    indGroups <- indGroups[order(as.numeric(names(indGroups)))]

    if( length(indGroups) > 1 ) {
      indGroups2 <- purrr::pmap( list( indGroups[-1], indGroups[-length(indGroups)] ), function(x,y) setdiff(x,y) )
      indGroups <- setNames( c( indGroups[1], indGroups2 ), names(indGroups) )

    pointGroups <- purrr::map( indGroups, function(x) data[x,] )
    names(pointGroups) <- names(indGroups)

  if( fractionsQ ) {
    ## Note that here we change the result shape into a list of point counts.
    ## There is specialized QRMon signature (QRMonSeparateToFractions) in order to obtain this kind of result.
    ## It is much easier to compute this here than in that function.
    pointGroups <- purrr::map( pointGroups, function(x) nrow(x) / nrow(data) )
    names(pointGroups) <- names(indGroups)

  qrObj <- QRMonSetValue(qrObj, pointGroups)

## Separate to fractions

#' Fractions of separated data points.
#' @description Separates the argument by the regression functions in the context
#' and compute the corresponding fractions.
#' If no argument is given the data in the monad object is separated.
#' @param qrObj An QRMon object.
#' @param data A data frame of points to be separated.
#' @param cumulativeQ Should for each regression quantile find the points below it?
#' @param fractionsQ Should fractions instead of points be returned?
#' @return A QRMon object.
#' @details The result is assigned to \code{qrObj$Value}.
#' For more details see \code{\link{QRMonSeparate}}.
#' (This function is just a shortcut to that one.)
#' @family Regression functions
#' @export
QRMonSeparateToFractions <- function( qrObj, data = NULL, cumulativeQ = TRUE ) {
  qrObj <- QRMonSeparate(qrObj = qrObj, data = data, cumulativeQ = cumulativeQ, fractionsQ = TRUE)
  qrObj$Value <- setNames( as.numeric(qrObj$Value), names(qrObj$Value) )

## Simulation

RandomPoint <- function(df){
  df <- df[ order(df$RegressionCurve), ]
  ind <- sample.int( n = nrow(df) - 1, size = 1, prob = diff(df$RegressionCurve) )
  runif( min = df$Value[ind], max = df$Value[ind+1], n = 1 )

#' Random points generation for a CDF.
#' @description Generates a vector of random points using a CDF data frame.
#' @param cdf A data frame with numeric columns "Probability" and "Quantile".
#' @param n Number of points.
#' @param randomFunction A function to generate a random point between the quantiles.
#' (It rarely makes sense to be different than \code{runif}.)
#' @return A numeric vector
#' @export
CDFRandomPoints <- function( cdf, n = 1, randomFunction = runif ) {

  if( !( is.data.frame(cdf) && sum( names(cdf) %in% c("Probability", "Quantile") ) == 2 ) ) {
    stop( "The argument cdf is expected to be a data frame with columns \"Probability\" and \"Quantile\".", call. = TRUE )

  if( !( is.numeric( cdf$Probability) && is.numeric( cdf$Quantile ) ) ) {
    stop( "The columns of the argument cdf are expected to be numeric.", call. = TRUE )

  cdf<- cdf[ order(cdf$Probability), ]
  ind <- sample.int( n = nrow(cdf) - 1, size = n, prob = diff(cdf$Probability), replace = TRUE )
  runif( min = cdf$Quantile[ind], max = cdf$Quantile[ind+1], n = n )


#' Simulate data points.
#' @description Simulate data points based on regression quantiles.
#' @param qrObj An QRMon object.
#' @param n Number of simulated points.
#' Ignored if \code{points} is not NULL.
#' @param points A numerical vector of regressor points.
#' If NULL \code{n} is used.
#' @param method A method specification string.
#' One of "CDF" or "ConditionalCDF".
#' @return A QRMon object.
#' @details If \code{method = "ConditionalCDF"} then
#' at each simulation regressor point:
#' (1) the corresponding regression quantiles values are found;
#' (2) then an interval of two regression probabilities is randomly picked;
#' (3) a random point is generated between interval's (conditional) quantiles.
#' If \code{method = "CDF"} then
#' (1) the quantiles of the values are found using the regression probabilities;
#' (2) for each simulation point an interval of two regression probabilities is randomly picked;
#' (3) a random point is generated between interval's quantiles.
#' Uniform distribution is used for the random point generation.
#' The obtained data frame with the simulated points is
#' assigned to \code{qrObj$Value}.
#' @export
QRMonSimulate <- function( qrObj, n = 100, points = NULL, method = "ConditionalCDF" ) {

  if( QRMonFailureQ(qrObj) ) { return(QRMonFailureSymbol) }

  data <- qrObj %>% QRMonTakeData()
  if( QRMonFailureQ(data) ) { return(QRMonFailureSymbol) }

  if( ! ( is.null(n) || is.numeric(n) ) ) {
    warning( "The argument n is expected to be a number.", call. = TRUE )

  if( ! ( is.null(points) || is.numeric(points) ) ) {
    warning( "The argument points is expected to be a numeric vector or NULL.", call. = TRUE )

  if( ! ( is.character(method) && length(method) == 1 ) ) {
    warning( "The argument method should be one of 'CDF', 'ConditionalCDF'.", call. = TRUE )

  ## We need to have some value for n in case both n and points are NULL.
  if( is.null(n) ) { n <- 100 }

  if( is.null(points) ) {
    points <- seq( min(data$Regressor), max(data$Regressor), ( max(data$Regressor) - min(data$Regressor) ) / (n-1) )

  # This should not be done:
  # points <- sort(points)

  qrObj <- qrObj %>% QRMonPredict( points )
  if( QRMonFailureQ(qrObj) ) { return(QRMonFailureSymbol) }

  simVals <- qrObj %>% QRMonTakeValue()

  simDF <-
    purrr::map_df( names(simVals),
                   function(x) cbind( RegressionCurve = as.numeric(x), simVals[[x]], stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) )

  regCurves <- sort( unique( simDF$RegressionCurve ) )

  if( length(regCurves) < 2 ) {
    warning( "More than one regression quantiles are expected.", call. = TRUE )

  ## Simulation
  if( tolower(method) %in% tolower(c("ConditionalCDF", "RegressionQuantiles")) ) {

    simResDF <-
      simDF %>%
      dplyr::group_by( Regressor ) %>%
      dplyr::do( data.frame( Value = RandomPoint(.) ))

  } else if( tolower(method) %in% tolower(c("CDF", "Simple", "EmpiricalCDF", "Quantiles")) ) {

    df <- quantile( x = data$Value, probs = regCurves )
    df <- data.frame( Probability = regCurves, Quantile = df )

    simResDF <- data.frame( Regressor = points,
                            Value = CDFRandomPoints( cdf = df, n = length(points) ) )

  } else {

    warning( "The argument method should be one of 'CDF', 'ConditionalCDF'.", call. = TRUE )


  qrObj$Value <- simResDF


## Local Outlier Identifiers

## For local use only.
QuartileOutlierIdentifier <- function( vec ) {
  res <- quantile(vec, c(1/4, 1/2, 3/4), na.rm = TRUE)
  vec < res[[2]] - (res[[3]] - res[[1]]) | res[[2]] + (res[[3]] - res[[1]]) < vec

## For local use only.
QuartileTopOutlierIdentifier <- function( vec ) {
  res <- quantile(vec, c(1/4, 1/2, 3/4), na.rm = TRUE)
  vec > res[[2]] + (res[[3]] - res[[1]])

## Anomalies detection by residuals

#' Find anomalies by residuals.
#' @description Finds anomalies in the data by using a residuals of
#' the fitted regression quantile and threshold or an outlier identifier.
#' @param qrObj A QRMon object.
#' @param threshold The threshold to be used to identify anomalies.
#' If NULL the outlier identifier is used.
#' @param outlierIdentifier Outlier identifier of list of numbers
#' to be used to identify the anomalies.
#' If NULL an internal implementation of the quartile outlier
#' identifier is used. (For the top outliers.)
#' @param relativeErrorsQ Should relative errors be used or not?
#' @param probability Which regression quantile to use?
#' If NULL the regression quantile is automatically selected,
#' the one that is closest to 0.5.
#' @details The residuals outliers are picked with the formulas:
#' \code{c(xL,x0,xU) <- quantile( abs(residuals), c(1/4,1/2,3/4) )},
#' \code{abs(residuals) > x0+(xU-xL)}.
#' (Errors and residuals are used as synonyms here.)
#' @return A QRMon object.
#' @export
QRMonFindAnomaliesByResiduals <- function( qrObj, threshold = NULL, outlierIdentifier = NULL, relativeErrorsQ = FALSE, probability = NULL ) {

  if( QRMonFailureQ(qrObj) ) { return(QRMonFailureSymbol) }

  ## Threshold
  if( !(  is.null(threshold) || is.numeric(threshold) && length(threshold) == 1 ) ) {
    warning( "The argument threshold is expected to be a number or NULL.", call. = TRUE )

  ## Outlier identifier
  if( !( is.null(outlierIdentifier) || ( "function" %in% class(outlierIdentifier) ) ) ) {
    warning( "The argument outlierIdentfier is expected to be a function or NULL.", call. = TRUE )

  if( is.null(outlierIdentifier) ) {
    outlierIdentifier <- QuartileTopOutlierIdentifier

  ## Find regression quantile
  if( !( is.null(probability) || ( is.numeric(probability) || is.character(probability) ) && length(probability) ) ) {
    warning( "The argument probability is expected to be a number, a string, or NULL.", call. = TRUE )

  rqs <- qrObj %>% QRMonTakeRegressionObjects()

  if( QRMonFailureQ(rqs) || length(rqs) == 0 ) {
    warning( "Cannot find regression quantile(s).", call. = TRUE )

  rqs <- names(rqs)
  autoProb <- rqs[[ which.min( abs(0.5 - as.numeric(rqs)) ) ]]

  if( is.null(probability) ) {
    probability <- autoProb
  } else {
    probability <- as.character(probability)

  if( !( probability %in% rqs ) ) {
    warning( paste0( "Cannot find a regression quantile that corresponds to the specified probability. Using automatic probability instead (", autoProb, ")."), call. = TRUE )
    probability <- autoProb

  ## Main algorithm
  if( is.numeric(threshold) ) {

    outliers <-
      qrObj %>%
      QRMonPickPathPoints( threshold = threshold, pickAboveThresholdQ = TRUE, relativeErrorsQ = relativeErrorsQ ) %>%

    if( QRMonFailureQ(outliers) ) { return(QRMonFailureSymbol) }

    outliers <- outliers[[probability]]

  } else if ( "function" %in% class(outlierIdentifier) ) {

    errs <-
      qrObj %>%
      QRMonErrors( relativeErrorsQ = relativeErrorsQ ) %>%

    if( QRMonFailureQ(errs) ) { return(QRMonFailureSymbol) }

    outPos <- outlierIdentifier( abs(errs[[probability]]$Error) )

    outliers <- (qrObj %>% QRMonTakeData)[ outPos, ]

  } else {

    warning( "Either the argument threshold is a number of the argument outlierIdentifier is a function.", call. = TRUE )


  qrObj$Value <- outliers

## Find Variance Anomalies

#' Find variance anomalies.
#' @description Finds the variance anomalies of the data by using
#' the differences of the fitted regression quantiles corresponding to
#' the lowest and highest probabilities and
#' an outlier identifier applied to those differences.
#' @param qrObj A QRMon object.
#' @param outlierIdentifier Outlier identifier of list of numbers
#' to be used to identify the anomalies.
#' If NULL an internal implementation of the quartile outlier
#' identifier is used.
#' @param positionsQ Should position be returned or points?
#' @return A QRMon object.
#' @export
QRMonFindVarianceAnomalies <- function( qrObj, outlierIdentifier = NULL, positionsQ = FALSE ) {

  if( QRMonFailureQ(qrObj) ) { return(QRMonFailureSymbol) }

  lsRQs <- qrObj %>% QRMonTakeRegressionObjects

  if( QRMonFailureQ(qrObj) ) { return(QRMonFailureSymbol) }

  if( is.null(lsRQs) || length(lsRQs) < 2 ) {
    warning( "At least two fitted regression quantiles are expected.", call. = TRUE )

  if( !( is.null(outlierIdentifier) || ( "function" %in% class(outlierIdentifier) ) ) ) {
    warning( "The argument outlierIdentfier is expected to be a function or NULL.", call. = TRUE )

  if( is.null(outlierIdentifier) ) {
    outlierIdentifier <- QuartileOutlierIdentifier

  lsRes <- qrObj %>% QRMonPredict %>% QRMonTakeValue

  if( QRMonFailureQ(lsRes) ) { return(QRMonFailureSymbol) }

  dfRes <- dplyr::bind_rows( lsRes, .id = "Prob")

  maxPPos <- which.max( as.numeric(names(lsRes)) )
  minPPos <- which.min( as.numeric(names(lsRes)) )

  dfDiffs <- data.frame( Regressor = lsRes[[maxPPos]]["Regressor"], Value = abs(lsRes[[maxPPos]]["Value"] - lsRes[[minPPos]]["Value"] ) )

  lsOutlierPos <- outlierIdentifier( dfDiffs$Value )

  if( positionsQ ) {
    qrObj$Value <- seq(1, nrow(qrObj %>% QRMonTakeData))[lsOutlierPos]
  } else {
    qrObj$Value <- (qrObj %>% QRMonTakeData )[lsOutlierPos, ]

antononcube/QRMon-R documentation built on July 26, 2021, 1:07 p.m.