#' All IV diagnostics in one
#' @param data dataframe
#' @param Y outcome (string)
#' @param D treatment (string)
#' @param Z instrument (string)
#' @param controls control variables (character vector)
#' @param FE fixed effects (character vector)
#' @param cl clustering column for SE (character vector)
#' @param weights weights name (string)
#' @param bootstrap whether to turn on bootstrap (TRUE by default)
#' @param run.AR whether to run AR test (TRUE by default)
#' @param nboots number of bootstrap reps (1000 by default)
#' @param parallel boolean for parallel bootstrap (on by default)
#' @param cores number of cores to parallelise across (defaults to all - 1)
#' @param prec precision of summary (4 by default)
#' @param seed seed
#' @return list of results
#' @importFrom lfe felm
#' @importFrom foreach foreach `%dopar%`
#' @export
ivDiag <- function(
data, Y, D, Z, controls = NULL, FE = NULL, cl = NULL,
weights = NULL, bootstrap = TRUE, run.AR = TRUE,
nboots = 1000, parallel = TRUE, cores = NULL, seed = 94305,
prec = 4, debug = FALSE) {
if (bootstrap == FALSE & run.AR == FALSE) {
parallel <- FALSE # no need to parallelise if not bootstrapping or running AR
t0 <- Sys.time()
# data prep
for (var in unique(c(Y, D, Z, controls, FE, cl, weights))) {
if (!var %in% names(data)) {
stop(paste0("\"", var, "\" is not in the dataset; please double check."))
# drop missingness
data <- data[, unique(c(Y, D, Z, controls, FE, cl, weights))]
data <- haven::zap_labels(data)
d0 <- as.data.frame(data[complete.cases(data), ])
n <- nrow(d0); p_iv <- length(Z)
### prep (using the first clustering variable in bootstrap)
if (is.null(cl) == FALSE) { # find clusters
d0 <- d0[order(d0[, cl[1]]), ]
clusters <- unique(d0[, cl[1]])
id.list <- split(1:n, d0[, cl[1]])
ncl <- length(clusters)
} else {
ncl <- NULL
# IV levels, Treatment levels and Outcome levels
nvalues <- matrix(rep(NA, 2 + p_iv), 1, 2 + p_iv)
nvalues[, 1] <- length(unique(d0[, Y]))
nvalues[, 2] <- length(unique(d0[, D]))
for (i in 1:p_iv) {
nvalues[, 2 + i] <- length(unique(d0[, Z[i]]))
colnames(nvalues) <- c(Y, D, Z)
## point estimates - main data
olsfit <- OLS(data = d0, Y = Y, D = D, X = controls, FE = FE, cl = cl, weights = weights)
OLS.Coef <- olsfit$coef
OLS.SE <- olsfit$se
OLS.t <- OLS.Coef / OLS.SE
OLS.p <- (1 - pnorm(abs(OLS.t))) * 2
OLS.df <- olsfit$df
# 2SLS
ivfit <- IV(data = d0, Y = Y, D = D, Z = Z, X = controls, FE = FE, cl = cl, weights = weights)
IV.Coef <- ivfit$coef
IV.SE <- ivfit$se
IV.t <- IV.Coef / IV.SE
IV.p <- (1 - pnorm(abs(IV.t))) * 2
IV.df <- ivfit$df
# reduced form
rffit <- OLS(data = d0, Y = Y, D = Z, X = controls, FE = FE, cl = cl, weights = weights)
RF.Coef <- matrix(rffit$coef, p_iv, 1)
RF.SE <- matrix(rffit$se, p_iv, 1)
RF.t <- RF.Coef / RF.SE
RF.p <- (1 - pnorm(abs(RF.t))) * 2
# first stage
fsfit <- OLS(data = d0, Y = D, D = Z, X = controls, FE = FE, cl = cl, weights = weights)
FS.Coef <- matrix(fsfit$coef, p_iv, 1)
FS.SE <- matrix(fsfit$se, p_iv, 1)
FS.t <- FS.Coef / FS.SE
FS.p <- (1 - pnorm(abs(FS.t))) * 2
rho <- first_stage_rho(data = d0, D = D, Z = Z, X = controls, FE = FE, weights = weights)
# Bootstrap function
if (bootstrap == TRUE) {
boot.core <- function() {
if (is.null(cl) == TRUE) {
# draw bootstrap sample
smp <- sample(1:n, n, replace = TRUE)
} else {
# block bootstrap
cluster.boot <- sample(clusters, ncl, replace = TRUE)
smp <- unlist(id.list[match(cluster.boot, clusters)]) # match to locate the position of the clusterin the list
s <- d0[smp, ]
## init container vector for results (4 + 2 * p_iv)
ncoef <- (2 + 2 * p_iv); res <- rep(NA, ncoef + 2)
# first 2 cols are OLS and IV coefs -- 2
# then Reduced Form & First Stage coefs -- p_iv + p_iv
# then two t stats (OLS & IV) -- 2
reg.ols <- OLS(data = s, Y = Y, D = D, X = controls, FE = FE, cl = cl, weights = weights)
reg.iv <- IV(data = s, Y = Y, D = D, Z = Z, X = controls, FE = FE, cl = cl, weights = weights)
res[1] <- reg.ols$coef
res[2] <- reg.iv$coef
res[1 + ncoef] <- (reg.ols$coef - OLS.Coef) / reg.ols$se # t stat for ols
res[2 + ncoef] <- (reg.iv$coef - IV.Coef) / reg.iv$se # t stat for iv
# reduced form
reg.rf <- OLS(data = s, Y = Y, D = Z, X = controls, FE = FE, cl = cl, weights = weights)
res[3:(2 + p_iv)] <- reg.rf$coef
# first stage coefficients
reg.fs <- OLS(data = s, Y = D, D = Z, X = controls, FE = FE, cl = cl, weights = weights)
res[(3 + p_iv):(2 + p_iv * 2)] <- reg.fs$coef
# in case there's an error (need to comment out in debugging)
one.boot <- function() {
est <- try(boot.core(), silent = TRUE)
if ('try-error' %in% class(est)) {
est0 <- rep(NA, (4 + 2 * p_iv))
} else {
if (debug) print(c("one boot", one.boot()))
# boot looper - series or parallel
if (parallel == FALSE) {
boot.out = matrix(NA, nboots, 4 + 2 * p_iv)
for (i in 1:nboots) {
boot.out[i, ] <- one.boot()
} else { # parallel computing
# parallelisation setup
# let user specify ncores ; default to all - 1
if (is.null(cores)) {
cores <- parallel::detectCores() - 1
message("Parallelising ", nboots, " reps on ", cores, " cores \n", sep = "")
# register
cl.parallel <- future::makeClusterPSOCK(cores, verbose = FALSE)
expfun <- c("OLS", "IV", "formula_lfe")
boot.out <- foreach::foreach(
i = 1:nboots, .combine = rbind, .inorder = FALSE,
.export = expfun,
.packages = c("lfe")
) %dopar% {
# post-bootstrap processing
if (debug == TRUE) {
# drop NAs
boot.out <- boot.out[complete.cases(boot.out), ]
# OLS and IV mean and standard errors
boot.coefs <- boot.out[, 1:(2 + 2 * p_iv)]
boot.tstat <- boot.out[, (3 + 2 * p_iv):(4 + 2 * p_iv)]
bootSE <- apply(boot.coefs, 2, sd)
OLS.boot.SE <- bootSE[1]
IV.boot.SE <- bootSE[2]
RF.boot.SE <- bootSE[3:(p_iv + 2)]
FS.boot.SE <- bootSE[(3 + p_iv):(p_iv * 2 + 2)]
# OLS and IV CIs
CI.lvl <- c((1 - 0.95) / 2, (1 - (1 - 0.95) / 2))
OLS.boot.ci <- quantile(boot.coefs[, 1], CI.lvl)
IV.boot.ci <- quantile(boot.coefs[, 2], CI.lvl)
# reduced form and 1st stage
RF.boot.ci <- t(apply(boot.coefs[, 3:(p_iv + 2), drop = FALSE], 2, quantile, CI.lvl))
FS.boot.ci <- t(apply(boot.coefs[, (3 + p_iv):(p_iv * 2 + 2), drop = FALSE], 2, quantile, CI.lvl))
# Calculate first stage F
FStat_bootout <- boot.out[, (3 + p_iv):(p_iv * 2 + 2)] # first stage
F.boot = c((t(FS.Coef) %*% solve(var(FStat_bootout)) %*% FS.Coef) / p_iv)
names(F.boot) <- "F.boot"
# timing
t1 <- Sys.time() - t0
message("Bootstrap took ", sprintf("%.3f", t1), " sec.\n")
## Bootstrap outputs
OLS.boot.t <- OLS.Coef / OLS.boot.SE
tmp.p <- sum(boot.coefs[, 1] > 0) / nrow(boot.coefs)
OLS.boot.p <- ifelse(tmp.p > 0.5, 2 * (1 - tmp.p), 2 * tmp.p)
# IV
IV.boot.t <- IV.Coef / IV.boot.SE
tmp.p <- sum(boot.coefs[, 2] > 0) / nrow(boot.coefs)
IV.boot.p <- ifelse(tmp.p > 0.5, 2 * (1 - tmp.p), 2 * tmp.p)
# Reduced form
tmp.p <- apply(boot.coefs[, 3:(p_iv + 2), drop = FALSE] > 0, 2, sum) / nrow(boot.coefs)
RF.boot.p <- ifelse(tmp.p > 0.5, 2 * (1 - tmp.p), 2 * tmp.p)
# First stage
tmp.p <- apply(boot.coefs[, (3 + p_iv):(p_iv * 2 + 2), drop = FALSE] > 0, 2, sum) / nrow(boot.coefs)
FS.boot.p <- ifelse(tmp.p > 0.5, 2 * (1 - tmp.p), 2 * tmp.p)
## Bootstrap refinement
ct.ols <- quantile(abs(boot.tstat[, 1]), 0.95) # critical value
OLS.rf.ci <- c(OLS.Coef - ct.ols * OLS.SE, OLS.Coef + ct.ols * OLS.SE)
OLS.rf.p <- sum(abs(OLS.t) < abs(boot.tstat[, 1])) / nrow(boot.tstat) # bootstrap refined p-value
# IV
ct.2sls <- quantile(abs(boot.tstat[, 2]), 0.95) # critical value
IV.rf.ci <- c(IV.Coef - ct.2sls * IV.SE, IV.Coef + ct.2sls * IV.SE)
IV.rf.p <- sum(abs(IV.t) < abs(boot.tstat[, 2])) / nrow(boot.tstat) # bootstrap refined p-value
} # end of bootstrap
# prep output
# F.stats
vcov <- get.vcov(data, D, Y, Z, X = controls, FE = FE, cl = cl, weights = weights)
F.standard <- c((t(FS.Coef) %*% solve(vcov[[1]]) %*% FS.Coef) / p_iv)
F.robust <- c((t(FS.Coef) %*% solve(vcov[[2]]) %*% FS.Coef) / p_iv)
if (is.null(cl) == FALSE) {
F.cluster <- c((t(FS.Coef) %*% solve(vcov[[3]]) %*% FS.Coef) / p_iv)
} else {
F.cluster <- NA
F.effective <- eff_F(data, Y = Y, D = D, Z = Z, controls = controls, FE = FE, cl = cl, weights = weights)
if (bootstrap == TRUE) {
F_stat <- c(F.standard, F.robust, F.cluster, F.boot, F.effective)
names(F_stat) <- c("F.standard", "F.robust", "F.cluster", "F.bootstrap", "F.effective")
} else {
F_stat <- c(F.standard, F.robust, F.cluster, F.effective)
names(F_stat) <- c("F.standard", "F.robust", "F.cluster", "F.effective")
# AR test
if (run.AR == TRUE) {
AR <- AR_test(data = data, Y = Y, D = D, Z = Z, controls = controls, FE = FE,
cl = cl, weights = weights, prec = prec, CI = TRUE, alpha = 0.05,
parallel = parallel, cores = cores)
} else {
# calculate ratio
if (p_iv == 1) {
ratio <- rep(NA, 1)
ratio[1] <- IV.Coef / OLS.Coef
} else {
ratio <- rep(NA, p_iv + 1)
names(ratio) <- c("together", Z)
ratio[1] <- IV.Coef / OLS.Coef
# run individual IV regressions
for (i in 1:p_iv) {
iv.coef.tmp <- IV(data = d0, Y = Y, D = D, Z = Z[i], X = controls, FE = FE, cl = cl, weights = weights)$coef
ratio[(i + 1)] <- iv.coef.tmp / OLS.Coef
# put together (OLS and IV estimates)
if (bootstrap == TRUE) {
est_ols <- matrix(NA, 3, 6)
est_ols[1, ] <- c(OLS.Coef, OLS.SE, OLS.t, OLS.Coef - 1.96 * OLS.SE, OLS.Coef + 1.96 * OLS.SE, OLS.p)
est_ols[2, ] <- c(OLS.Coef, OLS.boot.SE, OLS.boot.t, OLS.boot.ci, OLS.boot.p)
est_ols[3, ] <- c(OLS.Coef, OLS.SE, OLS.t, OLS.rf.ci, OLS.rf.p)
est_2sls <- matrix(NA, 3, 6)
est_2sls[1, ] <- c(IV.Coef, IV.SE, IV.t, IV.Coef - 1.96 * IV.SE, IV.Coef + 1.96 * IV.SE, IV.p)
est_2sls[2, ] <- c(IV.Coef, IV.boot.SE, IV.boot.t, IV.boot.ci, IV.boot.p)
est_2sls[3, ] <- c(IV.Coef, IV.SE, IV.t, IV.rf.ci, IV.rf.p)
colnames(est_ols) <- colnames(est_2sls) <- c("Coef", "SE", "t", "CI 2.5%", "CI 97.5%", "p.value")
rownames(est_ols) <- c("Analytic", "Boot.c", "Boot.t")
rownames(est_2sls) <- c("Analytic", "Boot.c", "Boot.t")
} else {
est_ols <- matrix(NA, 1, 6)
est_ols[1, ] <- c(OLS.Coef, OLS.SE, OLS.t, OLS.Coef - 1.96 * OLS.SE, OLS.Coef + 1.96 * OLS.SE, OLS.p)
est_2sls <- matrix(NA, 1, 6)
est_2sls[1, ] <- c(IV.Coef, IV.SE, IV.t, IV.Coef - 1.96 * IV.SE, IV.Coef + 1.96 * IV.SE, IV.p)
colnames(est_ols) <- colnames(est_2sls) <- c("Coef", "SE", "t", "CI 2.5%", "CI 97.5%", "p.value")
rownames(est_ols) <- c("Analytic")
rownames(est_2sls) <- c("Analytic")
# tF procedure
if (p_iv == 1) {
# using analytic t and robust/cluster (effective) F
tF.out <- tF(coef = IV.Coef, se = IV.SE, Fstat = F.effective)
# put together (reduced form and first stage)
if (bootstrap == TRUE) {
est_rf <- cbind(RF.Coef, RF.SE, RF.p, RF.boot.SE, RF.boot.ci, RF.boot.p)
est_fs <- cbind(FS.Coef, FS.SE, FS.p, FS.boot.SE, FS.boot.ci, FS.boot.p)
colnames(est_rf) <- colnames(est_fs) <- c("Coef", "SE", "p.value", "SE.b", "CI.b2.5%", "CI.b97.5%", "p.value.b")
rownames(est_rf) <- rownames(est_fs) <- Z
} else {
est_rf <- cbind(RF.Coef, RF.SE, RF.p, RF.Coef - 1.96 * RF.SE, RF.Coef + 1.96 * RF.SE)
est_fs <- cbind(FS.Coef, FS.SE, FS.p, FS.Coef - 1.96 * FS.SE, FS.Coef + 1.96 * FS.SE)
colnames(est_rf) <- colnames(est_fs) <- c("Coef", "SE", "p.value", "CI.2.5%", "CI.97.5%")
rownames(est_rf) <- rownames(est_fs) <- Z
# save results
if (p_iv == 1) {
output <- list(
# OLS and IV results
est_ols = round(est_ols, prec),
est_2sls = round(est_2sls, prec),
# AR test
AR = AR,
# F stats
F_stat = round(F_stat, prec),
# first strage rho
rho = round(rho, prec),
# tF procedure
tF = tF.out,
# reduced form and first stage
est_rf = round(est_rf, prec),
est_fs = round(est_fs, prec),
# number of instruments
p_iv = p_iv,
# number of observations
N = n,
# number of clusters
N_cl = ncl,
# degrees of freedom
df = IV.df,
# number of unique values
nvalues = nvalues
} else { # p_iv >1
output <- list(
# OLS and IV results
est_ols = round(est_ols, prec),
est_2sls = round(est_2sls, prec),
# AR test
AR = AR,
# F stats
F_stat = round(F_stat, prec),
# first strage rho
rho = round(rho, prec),
# reduced form and first stage
est_rf = round(est_rf, prec),
est_fs = round(est_fs, prec),
# number of instruments
p_iv = p_iv,
# number of observations
N = n,
# number of clusters
N_cl = ncl,
# degrees of freedom
df = IV.df,
# number of unique values
nvalues = nvalues
class(output) <- "ivDiag"
# %%
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