
Defines functions pRlabel pEnvelope bK3est anomF3est pF3est anomG3est pG3est anomK3est pK3est envPlot

Documented in anomF3est anomG3est anomK3est bK3est envPlot pEnvelope pF3est pG3est pK3est pRlabel

# This file contains information relating to the calculation and display of
# envelopes.

#### envPlot ####
#' Plot envelopes of K3est test
#' Plot the results of envelope calculations from the \code{\link{pK3est}},
#' \code{\link{pG3est}}, or \code{\link{pF3est}} functions, with the ability to
#' choose the percentiles for plotting.
#' @param tests The return file from \code{p(K/G/F)3est} or the first, [[1]],
#'   entry in the list returned by \code{p(K/G/F)3est} with \code{anom = TRUE}.
#' @param percentiles Numerical vector of percentiles that you want to see the
#'   envelopes for. Each between 0 and 1.
#' @param ylim Numerical vector containing the min and max values for the y axis
#'   on the plot.
#' @param xlim Numerical vector containing the min and max values for the x axis
#'   on the plot.
#' @param ylab Y axis label.
#' @param xlab X axis label.
#' @param leg True or false whether to show the automatically generated legend.
#' @param colors List of color names to make the envelopes.
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed into \code{plot()}.
#' @return Nothing, just produces a plot.
#' @name envPlot-deprecated
#' @seealso \code{\link{rapt-deprecated}}
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname rapt-deprecated
#' @section `envPlot`:
#'   For `envPlot`, use \code{\link[spatstat.core]{plot.envelope}}
#' @export

envPlot <- function(tests, percentiles = c(0.999, 0.99, 0.97),
                    ylim = c(-3, 3), xlim = c(0, ceiling(max(tests[, 1]))),
                    ylab = expression(sqrt("K"[3] * "(r)") * "  Anomaly"), xlab = "r",
                    leg = TRUE, colors = c("lightskyblue", "mediumpurple", "lightpink"),
                    ...) {
  color <- colors
  # break up data into r values and test results
  rvals <- tests[, 1]
  tvals <- tests[, 2:ncol(tests)]

  # number of tests done
  nTests <- ncol(tvals)
  # get the range of indices for which each percentile spans
  prange <- percentiles * nTests

  # sort the results at each r value from lowest to highest
  sortedtVals <- t(apply(tvals, 1, sort))
  # select the high end indexes based on being 1/2 of the percentile span
  # from the middle of the tests
  percentileIndicesSmall <- round(nTests / 2) - floor(prange / 2)
  # do the same for the low end
  percentileIndicesBig <- round(nTests / 2) + floor(prange / 2)

  # grab out the columns from the sorted test results that we will plot
  toPlotBigs <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(tvals), ncol = length(percentiles))
  toPlotSmalls <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(tvals), ncol = length(percentiles))
  for (i in 1:length(percentiles)) {
    toPlotBigs[, i] <- sortedtVals[, percentileIndicesBig[i]]
    toPlotSmalls[, i] <- sortedtVals[, percentileIndicesSmall[i]]

  # plot the envelopes from the percentile data
  # par(oma = c(0, 2, 0, 0))

  toplt <- data.frame(rvals, tvals[, 1])
    type = "n",
    ylab = ylab, xlab = xlab,
    ylim = ylim, xlim = xlim, ...
  # axis(1, at = 0:xlim[2], labels=FALSE)
  # axis(1, at = seq(0,xlim[2],by=xlim[2]/10), ...)
  a <- c(rvals, rev(rvals))
  for (i in 1:length(percentiles)) {
    polygon(a, c(toPlotBigs[, i], rev(toPlotSmalls[, i])), col = color[i])
    # ,border=color[i],lwd=2)
  abline(h = 0, lty = 2, lwd = 1, col = "black")
  if (leg == TRUE) {
    legend(0, ylim[2],
      legend = c(
        paste(toString(percentiles[1] * 100), "% AI"),
        paste(toString(percentiles[2] * 100), "% AI"),
        paste(toString(percentiles[3] * 100), "% AI")
      col = c(color[1], color[2], color[3]),
      lty = c(1, 1, 1), lwd = c(10, 10, 10)

#### pK3est ####
#' Perform K3est on random relabelings in parallel
#' \code{pK3est} first randomly relabels a specified percentage of points from
#' the original \code{\link[spatstat.geom]{pp3}} object. It then performs a 3D K
#' function test (\code{\link[spatstat.core]{K3est}}) on these selected points. It
#' repeats this as many times as specified. These tests are run in parallel to
#' increase computation speed.
#' @param perc The fraction of points to select randomly each time out of the
#'   original \code{\link[spatstat.geom]{pp3}} object. Number between 0 and 1.
#' @param pattern The original \code{\link[spatstat.geom]{pp3}} object.
#' @param nEvals The number of random relabelings and  that should be performed.
#' @param rmax See \code{\link[spatstat.core]{K3est}}. Maximum radius to be
#'   calculated for \code{\link[spatstat.core]{K3est}}.
#' @param nrval See \code{\link[spatstat.core]{K3est}}. Number of radii that
#'   \code{\link[spatstat.core]{K3est}} should be calculated at.
#' @param correction Either "iso", "trans", or "bord" edge correction.
#' @param anom Whether or not to retun the anomaly results. \code{TRUE} or
#'   \code{FALSE}. See section below for more info.
#' @param toSub The numeric vector of data to subtract for the "anom" pK3est.
#'   Only used when \code{anom = TRUE}. See below for more info.
#' @param sorted Whether to return a sorted table of RRLs (TRUE) or an unsorted
#'   one, where the RRLs are in their original rows.
#' @param cores Number of cores to use for parallel processing. If no parallel
#'   desired, set to 1. If NULL, will automatically set to the number of cores
#'   available on the machine.
#' @section Edge Corrections: See \code{\link[spatstat.core]{Kest}} or book availible
#'   at \url{http://spatstat.org/book.html} for more info on these edge
#'   corrections.
#'   \subsection{Isotropic - "iso"}{Isotropic edge correction. Assumes point
#'   pattern is isotropic, or that it can rotate in space without changing
#'   statistics.} \subsection{Translation - "trans"}{Translation edge
#'   correction. Assumes translation of point pattern does not change
#'   statistics.} \subsection{Border - "bord"}{Border edge correction. Makes no
#'   assumptions about data. Uses only data provided in the original point
#'   pattern. Only evaluates \code{\link[spatstat.core]{K3est}} when the radius of
#'   the search stays within the domain of the point pattern itself.}
#' @section Anomaly K3est: When \code{anom = TRUE}, the function returns the
#'   anomaly K3est.This means that it returns the square root of the
#'   \code{\link[spatstat.core]{K3est}} results, with the 50th percentile subtracted
#'   out. This centers envelopes around zero, and the square root standardized
#'   variance across all r values. See book at
#'   \url{http://spatstat.org/book.html} for a good statistical reference.
#'   \code{toSub} is an argument to be paired with \code{anom = TRUE}. If NULL,
#'   use the 50th percentile of the calculated set of
#'   \code{\link[spatstat.core]{K3est}} envelopes to subtract off. Otherwise, use the
#'   second, [[2]], entry in the list returned from this same function. This is
#'   how to compare envelope calculations from different point patterns. You
#'   must subtract the same values from both data sets. toSub allows you to
#'   input the values that were subtracted from a previous set of envelopes, for
#'   comparison.
#' @return \subsection{For \code{anom = FALSE}}{Returns a matrix containing the
#' data from the all of the \code{\link[spatstat.core]{K3est}} runs on different
#' re-labelings. Can plot data using \code{\link{envPlot}}.} \subsection{For
#' \code{anom = TRUE}}{A list of: [[1]] Matrix of data for all relabelings. Can
#' be plotted using \code{\link{envPlot}}. [[2]] Vector containing the values
#' that were subtracted from the results at each r value. Can be used to
#' subtract from another set of envelopes for comparison. [[3]] rmax used in the
#' calculation. [[4]] nrval used in the calculation.}
#' @name pK3est-deprecated
#' @seealso \code{\link{rapt-deprecated}}
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname rapt-deprecated
#' @section \code{pK3est}:
#'   For \code{pK3est}, use \code{\link{pEnvelope}}
#' @export

pK3est <- function(perc, pattern, nEvals, rmax = NULL, nrval = 128,
                   correction = "trans", anom = FALSE, toSub = NULL, sorted = TRUE,
                   cores = NULL) {

  # find cores and initialize the cluster
  if (is.null(cores)) {
    cores2use <- detectCores()
  } else {
    cores2use <- cores
  cl <- makePSOCKcluster(cores2use)
  clusterExport(cl, c("pattern", "rmax", "nrval", "correction"),
    envir = environment()
  clusterExport(cl, "percentSelect")
  clusterEvalQ(cl, library(spatstat))

  percents <- as.list(rep(perc, nEvals))

  # apply K3est function to each of the pp3 patterns in parallel
  if (correction == "iso") {
    result <- parallel::parLapply(cl, percents, function(x) {
      K3est(percentSelect(x, pattern),
        rmax = rmax, nrval = nrval,
        correction = "isotropic"
  } else if (correction == "trans") {
    result <- parallel::parLapply(cl, percents, function(x) {
      K3est(percentSelect(x, pattern),
        rmax = rmax, nrval = nrval,
        correction = "translation"
  } else if (correction == "bord") {
    clusterExport(cl, "bK3est")
    clusterExport(cl, "bdist.points3")
    result <- parallel::parLapply(cl, percents, function(x) {
      bK3est(percentSelect(x, pattern), rmax = rmax, nrval = nrval)
    if (is.null(result[[1]])) {
      print("rmax is too large for border correction.")
  } else {
    print("Please input valid correction argument.")

  # stop the cluster and revert computer to normal

  # fill matrix with results
  tst.length <- length(result[[1]]$r)
  tests <- matrix(0, nrow = tst.length, ncol = (nEvals + 1))
  tests[, 1] <- result[[1]]$r

  # convert the results into the matrix tests
  for (i in 1:length(result)) {
    if (correction == "iso") {
      tests[, (1 + i)] <- result[[i]]$iso
    } else if (correction == "trans") {
      tests[, (1 + i)] <- result[[i]]$trans
    } else if (correction == "bord") {
      tests[, (1 + i)] <- result[[i]]$bord

  # Convert to anomaly deviation or not
  if (anom == FALSE) {
    # If not, just return the regular tests matrix
  } else if (anom == TRUE) {
    # If yes, sort the values, take the square root (to keep variance constant
    # over r) then subtract toSub from another pattern or
    # from the 50th perentile of this pattern. Return the results.
    tvals <- tests[, 2:ncol(tests)]
    tvals <- sqrt(tvals)

    tvals_sorted <- t(apply(tvals, 1, sort))

    # browser()

    if (is.null(toSub)) {
      if (nEvals %% 2 == 0) {
        top <- nEvals / 2
        bot <- top + 1
        toSub <- (tvals_sorted[, top] + tvals_sorted[, bot]) / 2
      } else {
        toSub <- tvals_sorted[, (round(nEvals / 2))]

    if (sorted == TRUE) {
      tvals <- apply(tvals_sorted, 2, function(x) {
        x - toSub
    } else {
      tvals <- apply(tvals, 2, function(x) {
        x - toSub

    tests <- cbind(tests[, 1], tvals)

    return(list(tests, toSub, rmax, nrval))

#### anomK3est ####
#' Perfrom anomaly K3est on a \code{\link[spatstat.geom]{pp3}} object.
#' See \code{\link[spatstat.core]{K3est}}. Performs the anomaly K3est on a set of
#' point cloud data. This means taking the square root, and subtracting the 50th
#' percentile from the results. This centers the curve around zero, and
#' standardizeds the variance at different radii. Used for comparing data to
#' envelopes from \code{\link{pK3est}} where \code{anom = TRUE}. Will subtract
#' the same values used in the pK3est test that is being compared to.
#' @param pattern The \code{\link[spatstat.geom]{pp3}} object to analyze.
#' @param toSub Returned from \code{\link{pK3est}} with \code{anom = TRUE}.
#'   Second item in the returned list. The data to subtract from the results.
#' @param rmax Max r value. See \code{\link[spatstat.core]{K3est}}. Should be the
#'   same as the envelopes that you are comparing to.
#' @param nrval Number of r values. See \code{\link[spatstat.core]{K3est}}. Should be
#'   the same as the envelopes that you are comparing to.
#' @param correction See \code{\link{pK3est}}.
#' @return Returns data fram containing r values and associated anomaly K3est
#'   values.
#' @name anomK3est-deprecated
#' @seealso \code{\link{rapt-deprecated}}
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname rapt-deprecated
#' @section \code{anomK3est}:
#'   For \code{anomK3est}, use \code{\link{pEnvelope}}
#' @export

anomK3est <- function(pattern, toSub, rmax, nrval, correction = "trans") {

  if (correction == "iso") {
    a <- K3est(pattern, rmax = rmax, nrval = nrval, correction = "isotropic")
    tvals <- sqrt(a$iso) - toSub
    b <- as.data.frame(cbind(a$r, tvals))
    colnames(b) <- c("r", "iso")
  } else if (correction == "trans") {
    a <- K3est(pattern, rmax = rmax, nrval = nrval, correction = "translation")
    tvals <- sqrt(a$trans) - toSub
    b <- as.data.frame(cbind(a$r, tvals))
    colnames(b) <- c("r", "trans")
  } else if (correction == "bord") {
    a <- bK3est(pattern, rmax = rmax, nrval = nrval)
    tvals <- sqrt(a$bord) - toSub
    b <- as.data.frame(cbind(a$r, tvals))
    colnames(b) <- c("r", "bord")
  } else if (correction == "all") {
    b <- matrix(0, nrow = nrval, ncol = 3)

    a <- K3est(pattern, rmax = rmax, nrval = nrval)
    b[, 2] <- sqrt(a$iso) - toSub
    b[, 3] <- sqrt(a$trans) - toSub
    b[, 1] <- a$r

    b <- as.data.frame(b)
    colnames(b) <- c("r", "iso", "trans")

  } else {
    print("Please input valid correction argument.")

#### pG3est ####
#' Perform G3est on random relabelings in parallel
#' \code{pG3est} first randomly relabels a specified percentage of points from
#' the original \code{\link[spatstat.geom]{pp3}} object. It then performs a 3D G
#' function test (\code{\link[spatstat.core]{G3est}}) on these selected points. It
#' repeats this as many times as specified. These tests are run in parallel to
#' increase computation speed.
#' @param perc The fraction of points to select randomly each time out of the
#'   original \code{\link[spatstat.geom]{pp3}} object. Number between 0 and 1.
#' @param pattern The original \code{\link[spatstat.geom]{pp3}} object.
#' @param nEvals The number of random relabelings and  that should be performed.
#' @param rmax See \code{\link[spatstat.core]{G3est}}. Maximum radius to be
#'   calculated for \code{\link[spatstat.core]{G3est}}.
#' @param nrval See \code{\link[spatstat.core]{G3est}}. Number of radii that
#'   \code{\link[spatstat.core]{G3est}} should be calculated at.
#' @param correction Either "rs", "km", or "Hanisch" edge correction.
#' @param anom Whether or not to retun the anomaly results. \code{TRUE} or
#'   \code{FALSE}. See section below for more info.
#' @param toSub The numeric vector of data to subtract for the "anom" pG3est.
#'   Only used when \code{anom = TRUE}. See below for more info.
#' @param cores Number of cores to use for parallel processing. If no parallel
#'   desired, set to 1. If NULL, will automatically set to the number of cores
#'   available on the machine.
#' @section Edge Corrections: See  book availible at
#'   \url{http://spatstat.org/book.html} for more info on these edge
#'   corrections.
#' \subsection{Reduced Sample - "rs"}{}
#' \subsection{Kaplan-Meier - "km"}{}
#' \subsection{Hanisch - "Hanisch"}{}
#' @section Anomaly G3est:
#' When \code{anom = TRUE}, the function returns the anomaly
#' \code{\link[spatstat.core]{G3est}}.This means that it returns the
#' \code{\link[spatstat.core]{G3est}} results with the 50th percentile subtracted
#' out. This centers envelopes around zero.
#' \code{toSub} is an argumet to be paired with \code{anom = TRUE}. If NULL, use
#' the 50th percentile of the calculated set of \code{\link[spatstat.core]{G3est}}
#' envelopes to subtract off. Otherwise, use the second, [[2]], entry in the
#' list returned from this same function. This is how to compare envelope
#' calculations from different point patterns. You must subtract the same values
#' from both data sets. toSub allows you to input the values that were
#' subtracted from a previous set of envelopes, for comparison.
#' @return
#' \subsection{For \code{anom = FALSE}}{Returns a matrix containing the data
#' from the all of the \code{\link[spatstat.core]{G3est}} runs on different
#' re-labelings. Can plot data using \code{\link{envPlot}}.}
#' \subsection{For \code{anom = TRUE}}{A list of: [[1]] Matrix of data for all
#' relabelings. Can be plotted using \code{\link{envPlot}}. [[2]] Vector
#' containing the values that were subtracted from the results at each r value.
#' Can be used to subtract from another set of envelopes for comparison. [[3]]
#' rmax used in the calculation. [[4]] nrval used in the calculation.}
#' @name pG3est-deprecated
#' @seealso \code{\link{rapt-deprecated}}
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname rapt-deprecated
#' @section \code{pG3est}:
#'   For \code{pG3est}, use \code{\link{pEnvelope}}
#' @export

pG3est <- function(perc, pattern, nEvals, rmax = NULL, nrval = 128,
                   correction = "rs", anom = FALSE, toSub = NULL,
                   cores = NULL) {

  # find cores and initialize the cluster
  if (is.null(cores)) {
    cores2use <- detectCores()
  } else {
    cores2use <- cores
  if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
    cl <- makePSOCKcluster(cores2use)
    clusterExport(cl, "percentSelect")
    clusterExport(cl, c("pattern", "rmax", "nrval", "correction"),
      envir = environment()
    clusterEvalQ(cl, library(spatstat))
  } else {
    cl <- makeForkCluster(cores2use)

  percents <- as.list(rep(perc, nEvals))

  # apply G3est function to each of the pp3 patterns in parallel
  if (correction == "rs") {
    result <- parallel::parLapply(cl, percents, function(x) {
      spatstat.core::G3est(percentSelect(x, pattern),
        rmax = rmax, nrval = nrval, correction = "rs"
  } else if (correction == "km") {
    result <- parallel::parLapply(cl, percents, function(x) {
      G3est(percentSelect(x, pattern), rmax = rmax, nrval = nrval, correction = "km")
  } else if (correction == "Hanisch") {
    result <- parallel::parLapply(cl, percents, function(x) {
      spatstat.core::G3est(percentSelect(x, pattern),
        rmax = rmax, nrval = nrval, correction = "Hanisch"
  } else {
    print("Please input valid correction argument.")

  # stop the cluster and revert computer to normal

  # fill matrix with results
  tst.length <- length(result[[1]]$r)
  tests <- matrix(0, nrow = tst.length, ncol = (nEvals + 1))
  tests[, 1] <- result[[1]]$r

  # convert the results into the matrix tests
  for (i in 1:length(result)) {
    if (correction == "rs") {
      tests[, (1 + i)] <- result[[i]]$rs
    } else if (correction == "km") {
      tests[, (1 + i)] <- result[[i]]$km
    } else if (correction == "Hanisch") {
      tests[, (1 + i)] <- result[[i]]$han

  # Convert to anomaly deviation or not
  if (anom == FALSE) {
    # If not, just return the regular tests matrix
  } else if (anom == TRUE) {
    # If yes, sort the values, subtract toSub from another pattern or
    # from the 50th perentile of this pattern. Return the results.
    tvals <- tests[, 2:ncol(tests)]
    # tvals <- sqrt(tvals)
    tvals <- t(apply(tvals, 1, sort))

    if (is.null(toSub)) {
      if (nEvals %% 2 == 0) {
        top <- nEvals / 2
        bot <- top + 1
        toSub <- (tvals[, top] + tvals[, bot]) / 2
      } else {
        toSub <- tvals[, (round(nEvals / 2))]

      tvals <- apply(tvals, 2, function(x) {
        x - toSub
    } else {
      tvals <- apply(tvals, 2, function(x) {
        x - toSub

    tests <- cbind(tests[, 1], tvals)

    return(list(tests, toSub, rmax, nrval))

#### anomG3est ####
#' Perform anomaly G3est on a \code{\link[spatstat.geom]{pp3}} object.
#' See \code{\link[spatstat.core]{G3est}}. Performs the anomaly G3est on a set of
#' point cloud data. This means subtracting the 50th percentile from the
#' results. This centers the curve around zero. Used for comparing data to
#' envelopes from \code{\link{pG3est}} where \code{anom = TRUE}. Will subtract
#' the same values used in the pG3est test that is being compared to.
#' @param pattern The \code{\link[spatstat.geom]{pp3}} object to analyze.
#' @param toSub Returned from \code{\link{pK3est}} with \code{anom = TRUE}.
#'   Second item in the returned list. The data to subtract from the results.
#' @param rmax Max r value. See \code{\link[spatstat.core]{G3est}}. Should be the
#'   same as the envelopes that you are comparing to.
#' @param nrval Number of r values. See \code{\link[spatstat.core]{G3est}}. Should be
#'   the same as the envelopes that you are comparing to.
#' @param correction See \code{\link{pG3est}}. "rs", "km", "Hanisch", or "all".
#' @return Returns data fram containing r values and associated anomaly G3est
#'   values.
#' @name anomG3est-deprecated
#' @seealso \code{\link{rapt-deprecated}}
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname rapt-deprecated
#' @section \code{anomG3est}:
#'   For \code{anomG3est}, use \code{\link{pEnvelope}}
#' @export

anomG3est <- function(pattern, toSub, rmax, nrval, correction = "rs") {

  if (correction == "rs") {
    a <- G3est(pattern, rmax = rmax, nrval = nrval, correction = "rs")
    tvals <- a$rs - toSub
    b <- as.data.frame(cbind(a$r, tvals))
    colnames(b) <- c("r", "rs")
  } else if (correction == "km") {
    a <- G3est(pattern, rmax = rmax, nrval = nrval, correction = "km")
    tvals <- a$km - toSub
    b <- as.data.frame(cbind(a$r, tvals))
    colnames(b) <- c("r", "km")
  } else if (correction == "Hanisch") {
    a <- G3est(pattern, rmax = rmax, nrval = nrval, correction = "Hanisch")
    tvals <- a$han - toSub
    b <- as.data.frame(cbind(a$r, tvals))
    colnames(b) <- c("r", "han")
  } else if (correction == "all") {
    b <- matrix(0, nrow = nrval, ncol = 4)

    a <- G3est(pattern, rmax = rmax, nrval = nrval)
    b[, 2] <- a$rs - toSub
    b[, 3] <- a$km - toSub
    b[, 4] <- a$han - toSub
    b[, 1] <- a$r

    b <- as.data.frame(b)
    colnames(b) <- c("r", "rs", "km", "han")

  } else {
    print("Please input valid correction argument.")

#### pF3est ####
#' Perform F3est on random relabelings in parallel
#' \code{pF3est} first randomly relabels a specified percentage of points from
#' the original \code{\link[spatstat.geom]{pp3}} object. It then performs a 3D F
#' function test (\code{\link[spatstat.core]{F3est}}) on these selected points. It
#' repeats this as many times as specified. These tests are run in parallel to
#' increase computation speed.
#' @param perc The fraction of points to select randomly each time out of the
#'   original \code{\link[spatstat.geom]{pp3}} object. Number between 0 and 1.
#' @param pattern The original \code{\link[spatstat.geom]{pp3}} object.
#' @param nEvals The number of random relabelings and  that should be performed.
#' @param rmax See \code{\link[spatstat.core]{F3est}}. Maximum radius to be
#'   calculated for \code{\link[spatstat.core]{F3est}}.
#' @param nrval See \code{\link[spatstat.core]{F3est}}. Number of radii that
#'   \code{\link[spatstat.core]{F3est}} should be calculated at.
#' @param correction Either "rs", "km", or "cs" edge correction.
#' @param anom Whether or not to retun the anomaly results. \code{TRUE} or
#'   \code{FALSE}. See section below for more info.
#' @param toSub The numeric vector of data to subtract for the "anom" pF3est.
#'   Only used when \code{anom = TRUE}. See below for more info.
#' @param cores Number of cores to use for parallel processing. If no parallel
#'   desired, set to 1. If NULL, will automatically set to the number of cores
#'   available on the machine.
#' @section Edge Corrections: See  book availible at
#'   \url{http://spatstat.org/book.html} for more info on these edge
#'   corrections.
#'   \subsection{Reduced Sample - "rs"}{} \subsection{Kaplan-Meier - "km"}{}
#'   \subsection{Chiu-Stoyan (aka Hanisch) - "cs"}{}
#' @section Anomaly F3est: When \code{anom = TRUE}, the function returns the
#'   anomaly \code{\link[spatstat.core]{F3est}}.This means that it returns the
#'   \code{\link[spatstat.core]{F3est}} results with the 50th percentile subtracted
#'   out. This centers envelopes around zero.
#'   \code{toSub} is an argumet to be paired with \code{anom = TRUE}. If NULL,
#'   use the 50th percentile of the calculated set of
#'   \code{\link[spatstat.core]{F3est}} envelopes to subtract off. Otherwise, use the
#'   second, [[2]], entry in the list returned from this same function. This is
#'   how to compare envelope calculations from different point patterns. You
#'   must subtract the same values from both data sets. toSub allows you to
#'   input the values that were subtracted from a previous set of envelopes, for
#'   comparison.
#' @return \subsection{For \code{anom = FALSE}}{Returns a matrix containing the
#' data from the all of the \code{\link[spatstat.core]{F3est}} runs on different
#' re-labelings. Can plot data using \code{\link{envPlot}}.} \subsection{For
#' \code{anom = TRUE}}{A list of: [[1]] Matrix of data for all relabelings. Can
#' be plotted using \code{\link{envPlot}}. [[2]] Vector containing the values
#' that were subtracted from the results at each r value. Can be used to
#' subtract from another set of envelopes for comparison. [[3]] rmax used in the
#' calculation. [[4]] nrval used in the calculation.}
#' @name pF3est-deprecated
#' @seealso \code{\link{rapt-deprecated}}
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname rapt-deprecated
#' @section \code{pF3est}:
#'   For \code{pF3est}, use \code{\link{pEnvelope}}
#' @export

pF3est <- function(perc, pattern, nEvals, rmax = NULL, nrval = 128,
                   correction = "rs", anom = FALSE, toSub = NULL,
                   cores = NULL) {

  # find cores and initialize the cluster
  if (is.null(cores)) {
    cores2use <- detectCores()
  } else {
    cores2use <- cores
  cl <- makePSOCKcluster(cores2use)
  clusterExport(cl, "percentSelect")
  clusterExport(cl, c("pattern", "rmax", "nrval", "correction"),
    envir = environment()
  clusterEvalQ(cl, library(spatstat))

  percents <- as.list(rep(perc, nEvals))

  # apply F3est function to each of the pp3 patterns in parallel
  if (correction == "rs") {
    result <- parallel::parLapply(cl, percents, function(x) {
      F3est(percentSelect(x, pattern), rmax = rmax, nrval = nrval, correction = "rs")
  } else if (correction == "km") {
    result <- parallel::parLapply(cl, percents, function(x) {
      F3est(percentSelect(x, pattern), rmax = rmax, nrval = nrval, correction = "km")
  } else if (correction == "cs") {
    result <- parallel::parLapply(cl, percents, function(x) {
      F3est(percentSelect(x, pattern), rmax = rmax, nrval = nrval, correction = "cs")
  } else {
    print("Please input valid correction argument.")

  # stop the cluster and revert computer to normal

  # fill matrix with results
  tst.length <- length(result[[1]]$r)
  tests <- matrix(0, nrow = tst.length, ncol = (nEvals + 1))
  tests[, 1] <- result[[1]]$r

  # convert the results into the matrix tests
  for (i in 1:length(result)) {
    if (correction == "rs") {
      tests[, (1 + i)] <- result[[i]]$rs
    } else if (correction == "km") {
      tests[, (1 + i)] <- result[[i]]$km
    } else if (correction == "cs") {
      tests[, (1 + i)] <- result[[i]]$cs

  # Convert to anomaly deviation or not
  if (anom == FALSE) {
    # If not, just return the regular tests matrix
  } else if (anom == TRUE) {
    # If yes, sort the values, subtract toSub from another pattern or
    # from the 50th perentile of this pattern. Return the results.
    tvals <- tests[, 2:ncol(tests)]
    # tvals <- sqrt(tvals)
    tvals <- t(apply(tvals, 1, sort))

    if (is.null(toSub)) {
      if (nEvals %% 2 == 0) {
        top <- nEvals / 2
        bot <- top + 1
        toSub <- (tvals[, top] + tvals[, bot]) / 2
      } else {
        toSub <- tvals[, (round(nEvals / 2))]

      tvals <- apply(tvals, 2, function(x) {
        x - toSub
    } else {
      tvals <- apply(tvals, 2, function(x) {
        x - toSub

    tests <- cbind(tests[, 1], tvals)

    return(list(tests, toSub, rmax, nrval))

#### anomF3est ####
#' Perfrom anomaly F3est on a \code{\link[spatstat.geom]{pp3}} object.
#' See \code{\link[spatstat.core]{F3est}}. Performs the anomaly F3est on a set of
#' point cloud data. This means subtracting the 50th percentile from the
#' results. This centers the curve around zero. Used for comparing data to
#' envelopes from \code{\link{pF3est}} where \code{anom = TRUE}. Will subtract
#' the same values used in the pF3est test that is being compared to.
#' @param pattern The \code{\link[spatstat.geom]{pp3}} object to analyze.
#' @param toSub Returned from \code{\link{pK3est}} with \code{anom = TRUE}.
#'   Second item in the returned list. The data to subtract from the results.
#' @param rmax Max r value. See \code{\link[spatstat.core]{F3est}}. Should be the
#'   same as the envelopes that you are comparing to.
#' @param nrval Number of r values. See \code{\link[spatstat.core]{F3est}}. Should be
#'   the same as the envelopes that you are comparing to.
#' @param correction See \code{\link{pF3est}}. "rs", "km", "cs", or "all".
#' @return Returns data fram containing r values and associated anomaly F3est
#'   values.
#' @name anomF3est-deprecated
#' @seealso \code{\link{rapt-deprecated}}
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname rapt-deprecated
#' @section \code{anomF3est}:
#'   For \code{anomF3est}, use \code{\link{pEnvelope}}
#' @export

anomF3est <- function(pattern, toSub, rmax, nrval, correction = "rs") {

  if (correction == "rs") {
    a <- F3est(pattern, rmax = rmax, nrval = nrval, correction = "rs")
    tvals <- a$rs - toSub
    b <- as.data.frame(cbind(a$r, tvals))
    colnames(b) <- c("r", "rs")
  } else if (correction == "km") {
    a <- F3est(pattern, rmax = rmax, nrval = nrval, correction = "km")
    tvals <- a$km - toSub
    b <- as.data.frame(cbind(a$r, tvals))
    colnames(b) <- c("r", "km")
  } else if (correction == "cs") {
    a <- F3est(pattern, rmax = rmax, nrval = nrval, correction = "cs")
    tvals <- a$cs - toSub
    b <- as.data.frame(cbind(a$r, tvals))
    colnames(b) <- c("r", "cs")
  } else if (correction == "all") {
    b <- matrix(0, nrow = nrval, ncol = 4)

    a <- F3est(pattern, rmax = rmax, nrval = nrval)
    b[, 2] <- a$rs - toSub
    b[, 3] <- a$km - toSub
    b[, 4] <- a$cs - toSub
    b[, 1] <- a$r

    b <- as.data.frame(b)
    colnames(b) <- c("r", "rs", "km", "cs")

  } else {
    print("Please input valid correction argument.")

#### bK3est ####
#' 3D Border correction for K3est
#' Helper function for \code{\link{pK3est}}. This function is a hand written
#' extension of the border correction for 3D point patterns.
#' @param X The point pattern for analysis. \code{\link[spatstat.geom]{pp3}} object.
#' @param rmax See \code{\link[spatstat.core]{K3est}}. Maximum radius to be
#'   calculated for \code{\link[spatstat.core]{K3est}}.
#' @param nrval See \code{\link[spatstat.core]{K3est}}. Number of radii that
#'   \code{\link[spatstat.core]{K3est}} should be calculated at.
#' @return Border corrected \code{\link[spatstat.core]{K3est}} data for object X.
#' @export

bK3est <- function(X, rmax = NULL, nrval = 128) {
  verifyclass(X, "pp3")

  bi <- bdist.points(X)
  n <- npoints(X)
  lambda <- n / volume(domain(X))

  if (is.null(rmax)) {
    rmax <- max(bi)
  } else if (rmax > max(bi)) {
    print("rmax is too large for data set")

  cp <- closepairs(X, rmax, twice = FALSE, what = "indices")
  cpm <- cbind(cp[[1]], cp[[2]])
  cpm <- cpm[order(cpm[, 1]), ]
  distmat <- as.matrix(dist(coords(X)))
  cpmdist <- rep(0, nrow(cpm))
  for (i in 1:nrow(cpm)) {
    temp <- sort(cpm[i, ])
    cpmdist[i] <- distmat[temp[2], temp[1]]

  rlist <- seq(from = 0, to = rmax, length.out = nrval)
  Kb <- rep(0, nrval)

  np <- 0
  for (i in 1:n) {
    if (bi[i] >= rmax) {
      np <- np + 1

  for (j in 1:length(rlist)) {
    t <- 0
    r <- rlist[j]
    for (i in 1:nrow(cpm)) {
      if (cpmdist[i] <= r) {
        if ((bi[cpm[i, 1]] >= rmax) & (bi[cpm[i, 2]] >= rmax)) {
          t <- t + 2
        } else if ((bi[cpm[i, 1]] < rmax) & (bi[cpm[i, 2]] < rmax)) {
        } else {
          t <- t + 1
    Kb[j] <- t / (lambda * np)

  K <- as.data.frame(cbind(rlist, Kb))
  colnames(K) <- c("r", "bord")


#### pEnvelope ####
#' Create an Envelope in Parallel
#' @param cl A "cluster" object (*e.g.* as generated by
#'   \code{\link[parallel]{makeCluster}})
#' @param X A point pattern (object of class "pp3")
#' @param fun Function that computes the desired summary statistic for a 3D
#'   point pattern.
#' @param nsim Number of simulated point patterns to be generated when computing
#'   the envelopes.
#' @param nrank Integer. Rank of the envelope value amongst the `nsim` simulated
#'   values. A rank of 1 means that the minimum and maximum simulated values
#'   will be used.
#' @param ... Extra arguments passed to `fun`
#' @param simulate Optional. Specifies how to generate the simulated point
#'   patterns. If `simulate` is an expression in the R language, then this
#'   expression will be evaluated `nsim` times, to obtain `nsim` point patterns
#'   which are taken as the simulated patterns from which the envelopes are
#'   computed. If `simulate` is a function, then this function will be
#'   repeatedly applied to the point pattern `X` to obtain `nsim` simulated
#'   patterns. If `simulate` is a list of point patterns, then the entries in
#'   this list will be treated as the simulated patterns from which the
#'   envelopes are computed. **Currently, only a list of point patterns is
#'   accepted.**
#' @return A function value table (object of class "fv") which can be plotted
#'   directly. See \code{\link[spatstat.core]{envelope}} for further details.
#' @seealso \link[spatstat.core]{envelope}, \link[spatstat.core]{K3est},
#'   \link[spatstat.core]{G3est}, \link[spatstat.core]{F3est}, \link[spatstat.core]{pcf3est}
#' @export
pEnvelope <- function(cl, X, fun = K3est, nsim = 99, nrank = 1, ...,
                      simulate = NULL) {
  # Should the ability to specify a subset of marks be added?
  savefuns <- TRUE
  n.cut <- cut(seq_len(nsim), length(cl), labels = FALSE)
  pSim <- split(simulate, n.cut) # this doesn't handle the NULL simulate case
  env <- parallel::parLapply(cl, pSim, function(s) {
      fun = fun, nsim = length(s), nrank = 1, ... = ...,
      simulate = s, savefuns = savefuns, verbose = FALSE
  po <- do.call(spatstat.core::pool, c(env, savefuns = savefuns))
  dat <- spatstat.core::envelope(po, nrank = nrank, savefuns = savefuns)

#### pRlabel ####
#' Relabel a Point Pattern in Parallel
#' Randomly allocates marks to a point pattern, or permutes the existing marks,
#' or resamples from the existing marks.
#' @param X Point pattern (object of class "ppp", "lpp", "pp3" or "ppx")
#'   or line segment pattern (object of class "psp")
#' @param labels Vector of values from which the new marks will be drawn at
#'   random. Defaults to the vector of existing marks
#' @param permute Logical value indicating whether to generate new marks by
#'   randomly permuting labels or by drawing a random sample with replacement
#' @param nsim Number of simulated realisations to be generated. Default is 99
#' @return A list of marked point patterns, each of the same class of `X`.
#' @seealso \code{\link[spatstat.random]{rlabel}}
#' @export
pRlabel <- function(cl, X, labels = marks(X), permute = TRUE, nsim = 99) {
  stopifnot(is.ppp(X) || is.lpp(X) || is.pp3(X) || is.ppx(X) ||
  if (is.null(labels)) {
    stop("labels not given and marks not present")
  nthings <- nobjects(X)
  things <- if (is.psp(X)) {
  } else {
  if (is.vector(labels) || is.factor(labels)) {
    nlabels <- length(labels)
    if (permute && (nlabels != nthings)) {
        "length of labels vector does not match number of",
    Y <- parallel::parLapply(cl, seq_len(nsim), function(n) {
      X %mark% sample(labels, nthings, replace = !permute)
  } else if (is.data.frame(labels) || is.hyperframe(labels)) {
    nlabels <- nrow(labels)
    if (permute && (nlabels != nthings)) {
        "number of rows of data frame does not match number of",
    Y <- parallel::parLapply(cl, seq_len(nsim), function(n) {
      X %mark% labels[sample(1:nlabels,
        replace = !permute
      ), , drop = FALSE]
  } else {
    stop("Format of labels argument is not understood")
  return(simulationresult(Y, nsim))
aproudian2/rapt documentation built on Dec. 15, 2022, 4:24 a.m.