#' EQR Summary Matrix
#' Produces a matrix summarising the single and joint \acronym{EQR}s and
#' optionally comparing these to the observed catches and the \acronym{FCS2}
#' model's predictions.
#' @param fit1 an \code{"fcs2Fit"} object containing a full \acronym{FCS2} model
#' fit, as returned from \code{\link{fcs2FitModel}} with \code{runBUGS =
#' TRUE}.
#' @param ... further \code{"fcs2Fit"} objects, each resulting from a full
#' \acronym{FCS2} model fit with a different species.
#' @param newData a data frame with surveys as rows and variables as columns. It
#' should contain all variables required by each of the model fits. Covariates
#' which are related to human disturbance (\dfn{pressure variables}) should
#' have their values set to the value expected at the site if it were
#' undisturbed (\dfn{reference conditions}) rather than the observed value for
#' each of these variables.
#' @param joinByVar the name of a column in \code{dataFrame} to be used for
#' joining multiple surveys together when calculating the \acronym{EQR}. For
#' example, \code{joinByVar = "WBId"} would produce \acronym{EQR} samples for
#' each water body, with every survey in a water body contributing towards its
#' \acronym{EQR}.\cr If \code{NULL} (the default), \acronym{EQR}s are
#' calculated for each survey only.
#' @param subset an optional vector specifying a subset of surveys to calculate
#' \acronym{EQR} samples for.
#' @param na.action a function which indicates what should happen when the data
#' contain missing values (\code{NA}s). The default is set by the
#' \code{na.action} setting of \code{\link{options}} and this is usually set
#' to \code{\link{na.omit}}. This setting removes surveys that contain missing
#' data in any required variables. Alternatively, \code{\link{na.pass}} can be
#' used to ignore missing values (where possible) or \code{\link{na.fail}} can
#' be given to signal an error if missing values are found.
#' @param classify whether to produce probabilistic classifications of each
#' \acronym{WFD} class. If \code{joinByVar = NULL} (the default),
#' classifications are made using the joint \acronym{EQR} for each survey. If
#' \code{joinByVar} is provided, classifications are made using the combined
#' \acronym{EQR}s across multiple surveys.
#' @param boundaries a vector of length 4 giving the \acronym{EQR} boundaries
#' separating the classes \emph{Bad}, \emph{Poor}, \emph{Good},
#' \emph{Moderate} and \emph{High}. This is used if \code{classify = TRUE} to
#' produce probabilistic classifications of each class. If missing, regularly
#' spaced boundaries of \code{c(0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8)} are used with a warning.
#' @param summary a character vector listing how to summarise the \acronym{EQR}
#' variables. Can contain \code{"mean"} for the mean and/or \code{"sd"} to
#' calculate the standard deviation.
#' @param observations whether to give the observed total catch for each survey
#' and species.
#' @param predictions whether to summarise the model's predicted total catch for
#' each survey and species. If \code{TRUE} (the default), the expected total
#' catch is given but if \code{"detail"}, the probability of presence
#' (prevalence) and the expected total catch if present are alternatively
#' given. If \code{"all"}, all three columns are shown for each species.
#' @param n.samples the number of Monte Carlo \acronym{EQR} samples to produce
#' for each survey (or joining variable).
#' @param n.sims the number of Monte Carlo simulations to make for each
#' \acronym{EQR} sample. These internal samples are used for approximating the
#' probability that defines the joint \acronym{EQR}.
#' @param eqrs the result of \code{\link{fcs2JointAndSingleEQR}} with the above
#' arguments can alternatively be given, to save recalculation if available.
#' @param seed set random seed to allow repeatable results.
#' @return a matrix with surveys as rows and columns containing the selected
#' information.
#' @seealso \code{\link{fcs2JointAndSingleEQR}}
#' @export
fcs2EQRSummaryMatrix <-
function(fit1, ..., newData, joinByVar = NULL, subset = 1:nrow(newData), na.action,
classify = !missing(boundaries), boundaries, summary = "mean", observations = TRUE,
predictions = TRUE, n.samples = 1000, n.sims = 1000, eqrs, seed=NULL)
# get default na.action if missing
if (missing(na.action)) {
na.action <- getOption("na.action")
if (is.null(na.action))
na.action <- na.omit # use 'na.omit' if option not set
na.action <- eval(parse(text=na.action))
# calculate joint and single EQRs, unless provided
if (missing(eqrs))
eqrs <- fcs2JointAndSingleEQR(fit1, ..., newData=newData, joinByVar=joinByVar, subset=subset, na.action=na.action,
n.samples=n.samples, n.sims=n.sims, both=TRUE, seed=seed)
# check whether two sets of eqrs
if (class(eqrs) == "list") {
# EQRs by survey and joined, so summarise and combine
# extract names of fits from EQR
fitNames <- dimnames(eqrs[[1]])[[3]]
# check we have joinByVar (as eqrs may have been provided)
if (missing(joinByVar))
joinByVar <- sub("EQRBy", "", names(eqrs)[2])
# create initial survey and join data frames with joinByVar
ret <- newData[colnames(eqrs[[1]]), joinByVar, drop=FALSE] # by survey
joinMx <- data.frame(colnames(eqrs[[2]])) # by join variable
colnames(joinMx) <- joinByVar
# calculate classifications from combined EQRs for all species
if (classify)
joinMx <- cbind(joinMx, t(fcs2Classify(eqrs[[2]][,,1], 1:ncol(eqrs[[2]]), boundaries=boundaries)))
# calculate summaries of eqrs
if ("mean" %in% summary) {
ret <- cbind(ret, apply(eqrs[[1]], 2:3, mean))
joinMx <- cbind(joinMx, apply(eqrs[[2]], 2:3, mean))
colnames(ret)[ncol(ret) - (dim(eqrs[[1]])[3] - 1):0] <- paste(colnames(ret)[ncol(ret) - (dim(eqrs[[1]])[3] - 1):0], "survey EQR mean")
colnames(joinMx)[ncol(joinMx) - (dim(eqrs[[2]])[3] - 1):0] <- paste(colnames(joinMx)[ncol(joinMx) - (dim(eqrs[[2]])[3] - 1):0], joinByVar, "EQR mean")
if ("sd" %in% summary) {
ret <- cbind(ret, apply(eqrs[[1]], 2:3, sd))
joinMx <- cbind(joinMx, apply(eqrs[[2]], 2:3, sd))
colnames(ret)[ncol(ret) - (dim(eqrs[[1]])[3] - 1):0] <- paste(colnames(ret)[ncol(ret) - (dim(eqrs[[1]])[3] - 1):0], "survey EQR sd")
colnames(joinMx)[ncol(joinMx) - (dim(eqrs[[2]])[3] - 1):0] <- paste(colnames(joinMx)[ncol(joinMx) - (dim(eqrs[[2]])[3] - 1):0], joinByVar, "EQR sd")
# merge survey and join matrices, but keep rownames of ret (so that can match with rows in newData)
ret <- cbind(ret, rowNames=rownames(ret)) # add rownames as a column
ret <- merge(joinMx, ret) # join with joinByVar first
rownames(ret) <- ret$rowNames
ret <- ret[, -match("rowNames", colnames(ret))] # remove rownames column
} else {
# summarise EQRs by survey only
# check size of eqr
if (length(dim(eqrs)) == 2)
dim(eqrs) <- c(dim(eqrs), 1)
# extract names of fits from EQR
fitNames <- dimnames(eqrs)[[3]]
if (is.null(fitNames))
fitNames <- ""
# create initial survey data frame (with no columns)
ret <- as.data.frame(array(dim=c(ncol(eqrs), 0), dimnames=list(colnames(eqrs), NULL)))
# calculate classifications from all species EQRs
if (classify)
ret <- cbind(ret, t(fcs2Classify(eqrs[,,1], 1:ncol(eqrs), boundaries=boundaries)))
# calculate summaries of eqrs
if ("mean" %in% summary) {
ret <- cbind(ret, apply(eqrs, 2:3, mean))
if (dim(eqrs)[3] == 1)
colnames(ret)[ncol(ret)] <- paste("Survey EQR mean")
colnames(ret)[ncol(ret) - (dim(eqrs)[3] - 1):0] <- paste(colnames(ret)[ncol(ret) - (dim(eqrs)[3] - 1):0], "survey EQR mean")
if ("sd" %in% summary) {
ret <- cbind(ret, apply(eqrs, 2:3, sd))
if (dim(eqrs)[3] == 1)
colnames(ret)[ncol(ret)] <- paste("Survey EQR sd")
colnames(ret)[ncol(ret) - (dim(eqrs)[3] - 1):0] <- paste(colnames(ret)[ncol(ret) - (dim(eqrs)[3] - 1):0], "survey EQR sd")
# add observations for each survey / species
if (observations) {
## create list of fits, named by their (first) catch variable
if (missing(fit1))
fits <- list(...)
fits <- list(fit1, ...)
# check each non-matched object is a fit and extract fit names
k <- length(fits)
if (k == 0)
stop("fits must be provided to summarise observations")
for (i in 1:k) {
if (class(fits[[i]]) != "fcs2Fit")
stop(paste("unrecognised argument", names(fits)[i]))
if (is.null(names(fits)[i]) || is.na(names(fits)[i]) || names(fits)[i] == "") {
if (!is.null(fits[[i]]$runTotalVars))
names(fits)[i] <- sub(".Run1Total", "", fits[[i]]$runTotalVars[1], fixed=TRUE)
else if (!is.null(fits[[i]]$allRunsRangeVars))
names(fits)[i] <- sub(".AllRunsTotalMin", "", fits[[i]]$allRunsRangeVars[1], fixed=TRUE)
names(fits)[i] <- sub(".AllRunsTotal", "", fits[[i]]$allRunsTotalVar[1], fixed=TRUE)
# add total catch for each survey / species
for (i in 1:k) {
ret <- cbind(ret, .allRunsTotal(newData, fits[[i]]$runTotalVars, fits[[i]]$allRunsTotalVar, fits[[i]]$allRunsRangeVars,
fits[[i]]$nRunsVar, subset=rownames(ret), allowRange=TRUE))
colnames(ret)[ncol(ret)] <- paste(names(fits)[i], "observed total catch")
# add predictions for each survey / species
if (predictions != FALSE) {
if (!observations) {
## create list of fits, named by their (first) catch variable
if (missing(fit1))
fits <- list(...)
fits <- list(fit1, ...)
# check each non-matched object is a fit and extract fit names
k <- length(fits)
if (k == 0)
stop("fits must be provided to summarise predictions")
for (i in 1:k) {
if (class(fits[[i]]) != "fcs2Fit") {
obName <- names(fits)[i]
stop(paste("unrecognised argument", obName))
if (is.null(names(fits)[i]) || names(fits)[i] == "") {
if (!is.null(fits[[i]]$runTotalVars))
names(fits)[i] <- sub(".Run1Total", "", fits[[i]]$runTotalVars[1], fixed=TRUE)
else if (!is.null(fits[[i]]$allRunsRangeVars))
names(fits)[i] <- sub(".AllRunsTotalMin", "", fits[[i]]$allRunsRangeVars[1], fixed=TRUE)
names(fits)[i] <- sub(".AllRunsTotal", "", fits[[i]]$allRunsTotalVar[1], fixed=TRUE)
# calculate expected catch
for (i in 1:k) {
# calculate abundance and prevalence
mean <- abundance(fits[[i]], newData, rownames(ret), na.pass)
probPresent <- prevalence(fits[[i]], newData, rownames(ret), na.pass)
# multiply by survey area
mean <- mean * matrix(newData[rownames(ret), fits[[i]]$surveyAreaVar], byrow=TRUE, nrow=nrow(mean), ncol=ncol(mean))
# if multiple runs, multiply again by (1 - (1 - q)^nRuns)
if (fits[[i]]$multiRun) {
# extract number of runs
if (fits[[i]]$nRunsVar %in% colnames(newData))
nRuns <- newData[rownames(ret), fits[[i]]$nRunsVar]
else {
nRuns <- rep(NA, nrow(ret))
for (j in 1:nrow(ret))
nRuns[j] <- sum(!is.na(newData[rownames(ret)[j], fits[[i]]$runTotalVars]))
mean <- mean * (1 - (1 - matrix(fits[[i]]$bugsFit$sims.list$q, nrow=nrow(mean), ncol=ncol(mean))) ^
matrix(nRuns, byrow=TRUE, nrow=nrow(mean), ncol=ncol(mean)))
# calculate mean of mean samples
expProbPresent <- apply(probPresent, 2, mean)
expTotalIfPresent <- apply(mean, 2, mean)
expTotal <- apply(mean * probPresent, 2, mean)
# add probPresent, mean if present and mean to ret
if (sum(!is.na(pmatch(predictions, c("detail", "all")))) > 0) {
ret <- cbind(ret, expProbPresent, expTotalIfPresent)
colnames(ret)[ncol(ret) - (1:0)] <- paste(names(fits)[i], c("probability present", "expected total catch if present"))
if (sum(!is.na(pmatch(predictions, c("TRUE", "all")))) > 0) {
ret <- cbind(ret, expTotal)
colnames(ret)[ncol(ret)] <- paste(names(fits)[i], "expected total catch")
# reorder columns by grouping together species by searching for each in turn
ix <- numeric(0)
if (class(eqrs) == "list")
ix <- 1
if (classify)
ix <- c(ix, grep("Bad", colnames(ret)) + 0:4)
for (i in 1:length(fitNames))
ix <- c(ix, grep(fitNames[i], colnames(ret)))
ix <- c(ix, setdiff(1:ncol(ret), ix)) # put any missed columns at end (though shouldn't be any)
ret <- ret[, ix, drop=FALSE]
# return
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