#' Automated Model Selection
#' Automatically selects an optimal set of covariate terms for the abundance
#' and prevalence regression equations of the \acronym{FCS2} model. Terms are
#' attempted sequentially and the approximate abundance and prevalence
#' \acronym{INLA} fits are used to test the significance of each term.
#' @param runTotalVars a character vector of columns in \code{dataFrame} that
#' give the number of fish caught in each run of a multiple-run survey. These
#' should be in order from the first run to the last.
#' @param allRunsTotalVar the name of a column in \code{dataFrame} that gives
#' the total number of fish caught over all runs of a multiple-run survey.
#' @param allRunsRangeVars the names of two columns in \code{dataFrame} that
#' give the minimum and the maximum value of a range of possible values for the
#' total number of fish caught over all runs in a multiple-run survey.
#' @param dataFrame a data frame with surveys as rows and variables as columns.
#' It should contain all variables specified by other arguments.
#' @param surveyAreaVar the name of a column in \code{dataFrame} that gives the
#' survey area. If not specified, the function will search for the default
#' value \code{"SurveyArea"}.
#' @param nRunsVar the name of a column in \code{dataFrame} that gives the
#' number of runs in each survey. If missing, the number of runs is assumed to
#' be the number of non-missing run total entries, unless \code{runTotalVars}
#' has length 1 or is missing in which case a single-run model is used. Number
#' of runs values greater than the number of run total columns are clipped with
#' a warning.
#' @param muVars a character vector naming variables to use for terms in the
#' abundance regression equation. Variables are attempted one-by-one in the
#' order given.
#' @param muVarType a character vector of the same length as \code{muVars}
#' indicating the type of abundance term to attempt for each variable. Each
#' element should be one of \code{"asis"}, \code{"factor"}, \code{"linear"},
#' \code{"continuous"} or \code{"spatial"}. See \sQuote{Details} for a
#' description of each.
#' @param rhoVars a character vector naming variables to use for terms in the
#' prevalence regression equation. Variables are attempted one-by-one in the
#' order given. Defaults to \code{muVars} to use the same variables as
#' specified for abundance.
#' @param rhoVarType a character vector of the same length as \code{muVars}
#' indicating the type of prevalence term to attempt for each variable. Each
#' element should be one of \code{"asis"}, \code{"factor"}, \code{"linear"},
#' \code{"continuous"} or \code{"spatial"}. See \sQuote{Details} for a
#' description of each. Defaults to \code{muVarType} to use the same variables
#' as specified for abundance.
#' @param rhoFormula an optional \code{\link{formula}} specifying which terms
#' should appear in the prevalence regression equation when selecting terms for
#' abundance. If specified, the prevalence model selection is skipped.
#' @param subset an optional vector specifying a subset of surveys to be used
#' in the fitting process.
#' @param tolerance the threshold for each term's significance probability,
#' below which a term is considered to be significant and is retained. The
#' default value is \code{0.01} but a smaller value will cause fewer terms to
#' be retained and vice-versa.\cr See \code{\link{summary.fcs2Fit}} for a
#' definition of the significance probability for each variable. The
#' probabilities corresponding to each variable within a \code{\link{rw2}} or
#' \code{\link{spatial}} term are combined (by rescaling the minimum under the
#' assumption of independence) before comparison with \code{tolerance}.
#' @param maxNoOrders the maximum number of polynomial orders to try for each
#' linear component. Defaults to 3.
#' @param nSweeps the number of sweeps to make through each list of potential
#' variables. The default is \code{2} so that a second test is made to each
#' term in case the presence of later variables will make an earlier term
#' significant.
#' @param prior.parameters an optional named list of named vectors giving the
#' parameter values to use for the prior distribution of a variable. See
#' \code{\link{fcs2Priors}} for further details on the prior distributions and
#' how to specify prior parameters. Priors that are not given parameter values
#' have defaults given to them by \code{\link{.fcs2SetDefaultPriors}}. Note
#' that priors for linear variables are ignored by \acronym{INLA}.
#' @param estAllRunsTotalVar the name of a column in \code{dataFrame} that
#' gives an estimate of the total number of fish caught over all runs for
#' surveys where only range data is available. This is used in the approximate
#' abundance \acronym{INLA} fit only and is not used in the full model as
#' fitted with \acronym{BUGS}. If this is not provided and range data are
#' present, the central value of each range is used with a warning.
#' @param verbose whether to print progress to screen.
#' @return a list of two matricies, each containing a summary of the terms
#' attempted in each iteration. The first matrix gives the term history for
#' the prevalence (\eqn{\rho}{rho}) and the second gives the history for the
#' abundance (\eqn{\mu}{mu}).
#' Each row of a matrix summarises the regression formula used for that
#' component, with covariates appearing as columns. Linear terms are
#' represented as a number giving the order of the term, random walk terms are
#' given by \code{"rw2"} and spatial terms by \code{"spatial"}.
#' \code{fcs2:::termSummary2Formula} can be used to convert a row to an formula
#' for simplier input into \code{\link{fcs2FitModel}}.
#' @note Since the prevalence terms are selected first and then the abundance
#' terms second, it is possible that some prevalence terms are no longer
#' significant in the final fit as these were not attempted with the selected
#' abundance formula.
#' @seealso \code{\link{fcs2FitModel}}, \code{fcs2:::termSummary2Formula}
#' @export
fcs2ModelSelection <-
function(runTotalVars = NULL, allRunsTotalVar = NULL, allRunsRangeVars = NULL, dataFrame, surveyAreaVar = "SurveyArea", nRunsVar = NULL,
muVars, muVarType, rhoVars = muVars, rhoVarType = muVarType, rhoFormula, subset = 1:nrow(dataFrame),
tolerance = 0.01, maxNoOrders = 3, nSweeps = 1,
prior.parameters = list(), estAllRunsTotalVar = NULL, verbose = FALSE)
# check arguments
if (length(muVars) != length(muVarType))
stop("'muVars' and 'muVarType' must be the same length")
if (length(rhoVars) != length(rhoVarType))
stop("'rhoVars' and 'rhoVarType' must be the same length")
# convert factors to individual terms
rhoAllVars <- rhoAllVarType <- character(0)
for (i in 1:length(rhoVars)) {
if (rhoVarType[i] == "factor") {
# add individual factor terms to rhoAllVars
terms <- levels(factor(dataFrame[subset, rhoVars[i]]))
rhoAllVars <- c(rhoAllVars, paste('I(', rhoVars[i], ' == "', terms, '")', sep=''))
rhoAllVarType <- c(rhoAllVarType, rep("asis", length(terms)))
} else {
# add term as is to rhoAllVars
rhoAllVars <- c(rhoAllVars, rhoVars[i])
rhoAllVarType <- c(rhoAllVarType, rhoVarType[i])
rhoVars <- rhoAllVars
rhoVarType <- rhoAllVarType
muAllVars <- muAllVarType <- character(0)
for (i in 1:length(muVars)) {
if (muVarType[i] == "factor") {
# add individual factor terms to muAllVars
terms <- levels(factor(dataFrame[subset, muVars[i]]))
muAllVars <- c(muAllVars, paste('I(', muVars[i], ' == "', terms, '")', sep=''))
muAllVarType <- c(muAllVarType, rep("asis", length(terms)))
} else {
# add term as is to muAllVars
muAllVars <- c(muAllVars, muVars[i])
muAllVarType <- c(muAllVarType, muVarType[i])
muVars <- muAllVars
muVarType <- muAllVarType
## Prevalence rho
if (missing(rhoFormula)) {
cat("\nPrevalence terms:\n")
# create array to store results of attempted fits
rhoFits <- array("", dim=c(0, length(rhoVars)), dimnames=list(NULL, rhoVars))
# initial rho terms
currentTerms <- character(0)
# try adding rho terms one by one
for (i in rep(1:length(rhoVars), nSweeps)) {
term <- rhoVars[i]
termType <- rhoVarType[i]
orders <- NULL
# set possible orders of term to try
if (termType == "asis")
orders <- 1
else if (termType == "spatial")
orders <- -1
else if (termType == "linear") {
# count number of terms in there already
termCount <- length(grep(term, currentTerms, fixed=TRUE))
# continue from current place
if (termCount < maxNoOrders)
orders <- (termCount + 1):maxNoOrders
} else if (termType == "continuous") {
# if rw2 term there, break
if (length(grep(paste("rw2(", term, ")", sep=""), currentTerms, fixed=TRUE)) > 0)
# count number of terms in there already
termCount <- length(grep(term, currentTerms, fixed=TRUE))
# continue from current place
if (termCount < maxNoOrders)
orders <- (termCount + 1):maxNoOrders
# if no terms there, try rw2 first
if (termCount == 0)
orders <- c(0, orders)
for (j in orders) {
# add new term
if (j == -1)
term <- paste("spatial(", rhoVars[i], ", adjacency)", sep="") ### NOTE: assumes adjacency variable named 'adjacency'
else if (j == 0)
term <- paste("rw2(", rhoVars[i], ")", sep="")
else if (j == 1)
term <- rhoVars[i]
term <- paste("I(", rhoVars[i], "^", j, ")", sep="")
# check that term isn't already there (possible if multiple sweeps)
if (length(grep(term, currentTerms, fixed=TRUE)) > 0)
# add term
cat("\n+ Adding term", term, "\n")
currentTermsBeforeAdding <- currentTerms
currentTerms <- c(currentTerms, term)
# add entry in rhoFits and extract prior parameters
rhoFits <- rbind(rhoFits, "")
rhoPriors <- list()
for (k in 1:length(rhoVars)) {
# search for var in current terms
pos <- grep(rhoVars[k], currentTerms, fixed=TRUE)
no <- length(pos)
if (no > 0) {
# add rhoFits entry
if (no == 1 && length(grep("spatial", currentTerms[pos], fixed=TRUE)) > 0)
rhoFits[nrow(rhoFits), k] <- "spatial"
else if (no == 1 && length(grep("rw2", currentTerms[pos], fixed=TRUE)) > 0)
rhoFits[nrow(rhoFits), k] <- "rw2"
rhoFits[nrow(rhoFits), k] <- no
# search for prior parameters
if (rhoFits[nrow(rhoFits), k] == "spatial" || rhoFits[nrow(rhoFits), k] == "rw2") {
# non-linear term, so search for nu.var or phi.var
varName <- paste("nu", rhoVars[k], sep=".")
if (varName %in% names(prior.parameters))
rhoPriors <- c(rhoPriors, prior.parameters[varName])
varName <- paste("phi", rhoVars[k], sep=".")
if (varName %in% names(prior.parameters))
rhoPriors <- c(rhoPriors, prior.parameters[varName])
} else {
# linear term(s), so search for gamma.term for each term in currentTerms[pos]
for (t in currentTerms[pos]) {
varName <- paste("gamma", t, sep=".")
if (varName %in% names(prior.parameters))
rhoPriors <- c(rhoPriors, prior.parameters[varName])
# fit model
rhoFormula <- formula(paste("~", paste(currentTerms, collapse=" + ")))
cat("Fitting model with\n")
print(formula(paste("logit(rho)", paste(deparse(rhoFormula), collapse=" "))), showEnv=FALSE)
fit <- fcs2FitModel(runTotalVars, allRunsTotalVar, allRunsRangeVars, ~1, rhoFormula, dataFrame, surveyAreaVar, nRunsVar, subset,
na.omit, rhoPriors, verbose=verbose, estAllRunsTotalVar=estAllRunsTotalVar, runINLA=FALSE, runBUGS=FALSE)
if (class(try({
fit <- fcs2FitModel(fit=fit, verbose=verbose, runINLA="rho", runBUGS=FALSE)
}, silent=TRUE)) == "try-error") {
# error fitting model, so reset terms as before added this term
cat("\n- Removing term ", term, " as error fitting model with INLA\n", sep="")
currentTerms <- currentTermsBeforeAdding
if (j > 0)
# calculate summary (with 10 attempts as INLA can be tempermental)
rhoSum <- NULL
for (k in 1:10) {
rhoSum <- summary(fit, prior=FALSE, allVars=TRUE)$inla$rho
}, silent=TRUE)
if (is.null(rhoSum)) {
# error calculating summary, so reset terms as before added this term
cat("\n- Removing term ", term, " as error calculating INLA summary (after 10 attempts)\n", sep="")
currentTerms <- currentTermsBeforeAdding
if (j > 0)
# extract significance prob of term
rhoSignifPr <- rhoSum[, "Signif. Pr."]
names(rhoSignifPr) <- rownames(rhoSum)
rhoSignifPr <- rhoSignifPr[!is.na(rhoSignifPr)] # keep only vars with prob
# search for multiple vars with each name
for (k in 1:length(rhoVars)) {
pos <- grep(rhoVars[k], names(rhoSignifPr), fixed=TRUE)
# if multiple random, use transformed min
if (length(pos2 <- grep("[", names(rhoSignifPr)[pos], fixed=TRUE)) > 0) {
pos <- pos[pos2]
minPr <- min(rhoSignifPr[pos])
rhoSignifPr <- rhoSignifPr[-pos[-1]]
rhoSignifPr[pos[1]] <- 1 - ((1 - minPr) ^ length(pos)) # transform min prob so on uniform scale (assuming independence!)
if (rhoVarType[k] == "continuous")
names(rhoSignifPr)[pos[1]] <- paste("rw2(", rhoVars[k], ")", sep="")
else if (rhoVarType[k] == "spatial")
names(rhoSignifPr)[pos[1]] <- paste("spatial(", rhoVars[k], ", adjacency)", sep="")
# remove lower orders of terms so don't remove these first
} else if (length(pos) > 1)
rhoSignifPr <- rhoSignifPr[-pos[-length(pos)]]
# remove insignificant terms, in order of least significance
while (length(rhoSignifPr) > 0 && max(rhoSignifPr) > tolerance) {
# remove term with largest signif prob (which must be > tolerance)
worstTerm <- sub("gamma.", "", names(which.max(rhoSignifPr)), fixed=TRUE)
worstTerm <- sub("TRUE", "", worstTerm) # remove TRUE if present
worstTerm <- sub("FALSE", "", worstTerm) # remove TRUE if present
cat("\n- Removing term ", worstTerm, " as significance probability = ", max(rhoSignifPr), "\n", sep="")
currentTerms <- setdiff(currentTerms, worstTerm)
# fit model (unless first term to remove is term just added, in which case break)
if (length(currentTerms) > 0 && !(term == worstTerm && (rhoFits[nrow(rhoFits) - 1, i] == "" ||
(nchar(rhoFits[nrow(rhoFits), i]) == 1 && as.numeric(rhoFits[nrow(rhoFits), i]) > 1 &&
as.numeric(rhoFits[nrow(rhoFits), i]) - 1 == as.numeric(rhoFits[nrow(rhoFits) - 1, i]))))) {
# add entry in rhoFits and extract prior parameters
rhoFits <- rbind(rhoFits, "")
rhoPriors <- list()
for (k in 1:length(rhoVars)) {
# search for var in current terms
pos <- grep(rhoVars[k], currentTerms, fixed=TRUE)
no <- length(pos)
if (no > 0) {
# add rhoFits entry
if (no == 1 && length(grep("spatial", currentTerms[pos], fixed=TRUE)) > 0)
rhoFits[nrow(rhoFits), k] <- "spatial"
else if (no == 1 && length(grep("rw2", currentTerms[pos], fixed=TRUE)) > 0)
rhoFits[nrow(rhoFits), k] <- "rw2"
rhoFits[nrow(rhoFits), k] <- no
# search for prior parameters
if (rhoFits[nrow(rhoFits), k] == "spatial" || rhoFits[nrow(rhoFits), k] == "rw2") {
# non-linear term, so search for nu.var or phi.var
varName <- paste("nu", rhoVars[k], sep=".")
if (varName %in% names(prior.parameters))
rhoPriors <- c(rhoPriors, prior.parameters[varName])
varName <- paste("phi", rhoVars[k], sep=".")
if (varName %in% names(prior.parameters))
rhoPriors <- c(rhoPriors, prior.parameters[varName])
} else {
# linear term(s), so search for gamma.term for each term in currentTerms[pos]
for (t in currentTerms[pos]) {
varName <- paste("gamma", t, sep=".")
if (varName %in% names(prior.parameters))
rhoPriors <- c(rhoPriors, prior.parameters[varName])
# fit model
rhoFormula <- formula(paste("~", paste(currentTerms, collapse=" + ")))
cat("Fitting model with\n")
print(formula(paste("logit(rho)", paste(deparse(rhoFormula), collapse=" "))), showEnv=FALSE)
fit <- fcs2FitModel(runTotalVars, allRunsTotalVar, allRunsRangeVars, ~1, rhoFormula, dataFrame, surveyAreaVar, nRunsVar, subset,
na.omit, rhoPriors, verbose=verbose, estAllRunsTotalVar=estAllRunsTotalVar, runINLA=FALSE, runBUGS=FALSE)
if (class(try({
fit <- fcs2FitModel(fit=fit, verbose=verbose, runINLA="rho", runBUGS=FALSE)
}, silent=TRUE)) == "try-error") {
# error fitting model, so reset terms as before added this term
cat("\n- Removing term ", term, " and its consequences as error fitting model with INLA\n", sep="")
currentTerms <- currentTermsBeforeAdding
rhoSignifPr <- NULL
next # note: only breaks out of while loop
# calculate summary (with 10 attempts as INLA can be tempermental)
rhoSum <- NULL
for (k in 1:10) {
rhoSum <- summary(fit, prior=FALSE, allVars=TRUE)$inla$rho
}, silent=TRUE)
if (is.null(rhoSum)) {
# error calculating summary, so reset terms as before added this term
cat("\n- Removing term ", term, " as error calculating INLA summary (after 10 attempts)\n", sep="")
currentTerms <- currentTermsBeforeAdding
rhoSignifPr <- NULL
next # note: only breaks out of while loop
# extract significance prob of term
rhoSignifPr <- rhoSum[, "Signif. Pr."]
names(rhoSignifPr) <- rownames(rhoSum)
rhoSignifPr <- rhoSignifPr[!is.na(rhoSignifPr)] # keep only vars with prob
# search for multiple vars with each name
for (k in 1:length(rhoVars)) {
pos <- grep(rhoVars[k], names(rhoSignifPr), fixed=TRUE)
# if multiple random, keep only mean
if (length(pos2 <- grep("[", names(rhoSignifPr)[pos], fixed=TRUE)) > 0) {
pos <- pos[pos2]
minPr <- min(rhoSignifPr[pos])
rhoSignifPr <- rhoSignifPr[-pos[-1]]
rhoSignifPr[pos[1]] <- 1 - ((1 - minPr) ^ length(pos)) # transform min prob so on uniform scale (assuming independence!)
if (rhoVarType[k] == "continuous")
names(rhoSignifPr)[pos[1]] <- paste("rw2(", rhoVars[k], ")", sep="")
else if (rhoVarType[k] == "spatial")
names(rhoSignifPr)[pos[1]] <- paste("spatial(", rhoVars[k], ", adjacency)", sep="")
# remove lower orders of terms so don't remove these first
} else if (length(pos) > 1)
rhoSignifPr <- rhoSignifPr[-pos[-length(pos)]]
} else
rhoSignifPr <- NULL
# if rw2 and still there, break
if (j == 0 && term %in% currentTerms)
# if more orders to try, check this term is still in there and break if not
if (j > 0 && j < max(orders) && !(term %in% currentTerms))
# add entry in rhoFits (unless this is already final entry ie no terms were removed at end)
finalRhoFit <- rhoFits[nrow(rhoFits), ]
finalRhoFit[finalRhoFit == "spatial" | finalRhoFit == "rw2"] <- 1
finalRhoFit <- as.numeric(finalRhoFit)
if (sum(finalRhoFit, na.rm=TRUE) != length(currentTerms)) {
rhoFits <- rbind(rhoFits, "")
rhoPriors <- list()
for (k in 1:length(rhoVars)) {
# search for var in current terms
pos <- grep(rhoVars[k], currentTerms, fixed=TRUE)
no <- length(pos)
if (no > 0) {
# add rhoFits entry
if (no == 1 && length(grep("spatial", currentTerms[pos], fixed=TRUE)) > 0)
rhoFits[nrow(rhoFits), k] <- "spatial"
else if (no == 1 && length(grep("rw2", currentTerms[pos], fixed=TRUE)) > 0)
rhoFits[nrow(rhoFits), k] <- "rw2"
rhoFits[nrow(rhoFits), k] <- no
# search for prior parameters
if (rhoFits[nrow(rhoFits), k] == "spatial" || rhoFits[nrow(rhoFits), k] == "rw2") {
# non-linear term, so search for nu.var or phi.var
varName <- paste("nu", rhoVars[k], sep=".")
if (varName %in% names(prior.parameters))
rhoPriors <- c(rhoPriors, prior.parameters[varName])
varName <- paste("phi", rhoVars[k], sep=".")
if (varName %in% names(prior.parameters))
rhoPriors <- c(rhoPriors, prior.parameters[varName])
} else {
# linear term(s), so search for gamma.term for each term in currentTerms[pos]
for (t in currentTerms[pos]) {
varName <- paste("gamma", t, sep=".")
if (varName %in% names(prior.parameters))
rhoPriors <- c(rhoPriors, prior.parameters[varName])
# print best rho fit
if (length(currentTerms) == 0)
currentTerms <- "1"
rhoFormula <- formula(paste("~", paste(currentTerms, collapse=" + ")))
cat("\nBest prevalence fit is\n")
print(formula(paste("logit(rho)", paste(deparse(rhoFormula), collapse=" "))), showEnv=FALSE)
fitRho <- fcs2FitModel(runTotalVars, allRunsTotalVar, allRunsRangeVars, ~1, rhoFormula, dataFrame, surveyAreaVar, nRunsVar, subset,
na.omit, rhoPriors, verbose=verbose, estAllRunsTotalVar=estAllRunsTotalVar, runINLA="rho", runBUGS=FALSE)
# make each rhoFits a dataframe (so that each column is turned to a factor)
rhoFits <- as.data.frame(rhoFits)
} else {
fitRho <- NULL
rhoFits <- NULL
## Abundance mu
cat("\nAbundance terms:\n")
# create array to store results of attempted fits
muFits <- array("", dim=c(0, length(muVars)), dimnames=list(NULL, muVars))
# initial mu terms
currentTerms <- character(0)
# try adding rho terms one by one
for (i in rep(1:length(muVars), nSweeps)) {
term <- muVars[i]
termType <- muVarType[i]
orders <- NULL
# set possible orders of term to try
if (termType == "asis")
orders <- 1
else if (termType == "spatial")
orders <- -1
else if (termType == "linear") {
# count number of terms in there already
termCount <- length(grep(term, currentTerms, fixed=TRUE))
# continue from current place
if (termCount < maxNoOrders)
orders <- (termCount + 1):maxNoOrders
} else if (termType == "continuous") {
# if rw2 term there, break
if (length(grep(paste("rw2(", term, ")", sep=""), currentTerms, fixed=TRUE)) > 0)
# count number of terms in there already
termCount <- length(grep(term, currentTerms, fixed=TRUE))
# continue from current place
if (termCount < maxNoOrders)
orders <- (termCount + 1):maxNoOrders
# if no terms there, try rw2 first
if (termCount == 0)
orders <- c(0, orders)
for (j in orders) {
# add new term
if (j == -1)
term <- paste("spatial(", muVars[i], ", adjacency)", sep="") ### NOTE: assumes adjacency variable named 'adjacency'
else if (j == 0)
term <- paste("rw2(", muVars[i], ")", sep="")
else if (j == 1)
term <- muVars[i]
term <- paste("I(", muVars[i], "^", j, ")", sep="")
# check that term isn't already there (possible if multiple sweeps)
if (length(grep(term, currentTerms, fixed=TRUE)) > 0)
# add term
cat("\n+ Adding term", term, "\n")
currentTermsBeforeAdding <- currentTerms
currentTerms <- c(currentTerms, term)
# add entry in muFits and extract prior parameters
muFits <- rbind(muFits, "")
priors <- rhoPriors
if ("r" %in% names(prior.parameters))
priors <- c(priors, prior.parameters["r"])
for (k in 1:length(muVars)) {
# search for var in current terms
pos <- grep(muVars[k], currentTerms, fixed=TRUE)
no <- length(pos)
if (no > 0) {
# add muFits entry
if (no == 1 && length(grep("spatial", currentTerms[pos], fixed=TRUE)) > 0)
muFits[nrow(muFits), k] <- "spatial"
else if (no == 1 && length(grep("rw2", currentTerms[pos], fixed=TRUE)) > 0)
muFits[nrow(muFits), k] <- "rw2"
muFits[nrow(muFits), k] <- no
# search for prior parameters
if (muFits[nrow(muFits), k] == "spatial" || muFits[nrow(muFits), k] == "rw2") {
# non-linear term, so search for nu.var or phi.var
varName <- paste("sigma", muVars[k], sep=".")
if (varName %in% names(prior.parameters))
priors <- c(priors, prior.parameters[varName])
varName <- paste("tau", muVars[k], sep=".")
if (varName %in% names(prior.parameters))
priors <- c(priors, prior.parameters[varName])
} else {
# linear term(s), so search for gamma.term for each term in currentTerms[pos]
## NOTE: this is unnecessary since INLA currently ignores priors for linear variables
for (t in currentTerms[pos]) {
varName <- paste("beta", t, sep=".")
if (varName %in% names(prior.parameters))
priors <- c(priors, prior.parameters[varName])
# fit model
muFormula <- formula(paste("~", paste(currentTerms, collapse=" + ")))
cat("Fitting model with\n")
print(formula(paste("log(mu)", paste(deparse(muFormula), collapse=" "))), showEnv=FALSE)
fit <- fcs2FitModel(runTotalVars, allRunsTotalVar, allRunsRangeVars, muFormula, rhoFormula, dataFrame, surveyAreaVar, nRunsVar, subset,
na.omit, priors, verbose=verbose, estAllRunsTotalVar=estAllRunsTotalVar, runINLA=FALSE, runBUGS=FALSE)
if (class(try({
if (is.null(fitRho)) {
fit <- fcs2FitModel(fit=fit, verbose=verbose, runINLA=TRUE, runBUGS=FALSE)
fitRho <- fit
fit$Rho$inla$mu <- NULL
} else if (identical(fit$modelMatrix, fitRho$modelMatrix)) {
fit$inlaFits <- fitRho$inlaFits
fit <- fcs2FitModel(fit=fit, verbose=verbose, runINLA="mu", runBUGS=FALSE)
} else
fit <- fcs2FitModel(fit=fit, verbose=verbose, runINLA=TRUE, runBUGS=FALSE)
}, silent=TRUE)) == "try-error") {
# error fitting model, so reset terms as before added this term
cat("\n- Removing term ", term, " as error fitting model with INLA\n", sep="")
currentTerms <- currentTermsBeforeAdding
if (j > 0)
# calculate summary (with 10 attempts as INLA can be tempermental)
muSum <- NULL
for (k in 1:10) {
muSum <- summary(fit, prior=FALSE, allVars=TRUE)$inla$mu
}, silent=TRUE)
if (is.null(muSum)) {
# error calculating summary, so reset terms as before added this term
cat("\n- Removing term ", term, " as error calculating INLA summary (after 10 attempts)\n", sep="")
currentTerms <- currentTermsBeforeAdding
if (j > 0)
# extract significance prob of term
muSignifPr <- muSum[, "Signif. Pr."]
names(muSignifPr) <- rownames(muSum)
muSignifPr <- muSignifPr[!is.na(muSignifPr)] # keep only vars with prob
# search for multiple vars with each name
for (k in 1:length(muVars)) {
pos <- grep(muVars[k], names(muSignifPr), fixed=TRUE)
# if multiple random, use transformed min
if (length(pos2 <- grep("[", names(muSignifPr)[pos], fixed=TRUE)) > 0) {
pos <- pos[pos2]
minPr <- min(muSignifPr[pos])
muSignifPr <- muSignifPr[-pos[-1]]
muSignifPr[pos[1]] <- 1 - ((1 - minPr) ^ length(pos)) # transform min prob so on uniform scale (assuming independence!)
if (muVarType[k] == "continuous")
names(muSignifPr)[pos[1]] <- paste("rw2(", muVars[k], ")", sep="")
else if (muVarType[k] == "spatial")
names(muSignifPr)[pos[1]] <- paste("spatial(", muVars[k], ", adjacency)", sep="")
# remove lower orders of terms so don't remove these first
} else if (length(pos) > 1)
muSignifPr <- muSignifPr[-pos[-length(pos)]]
# remove insignificant terms, in order of least significance
while (length(muSignifPr) > 0 && max(muSignifPr) > tolerance) {
# remove term with largest signif prob (which must be > tolerance)
worstTerm <- sub("beta.", "", names(which.max(muSignifPr)), fixed=TRUE)
worstTerm <- sub("TRUE", "", worstTerm) # remove TRUE if present
worstTerm <- sub("FALSE", "", worstTerm) # remove TRUE if present
cat("\n- Removing term ", worstTerm, " as significance probability = ", max(muSignifPr), "\n", sep="")
currentTerms <- setdiff(currentTerms, worstTerm)
# fit model (unless first term to remove is term just added, in which case break)
if (length(currentTerms) > 0 && !(term == worstTerm && (muFits[nrow(muFits) - 1, i] == "" ||
(nchar(muFits[nrow(muFits), i]) == 1 && as.numeric(muFits[nrow(muFits), i]) > 1 &&
as.numeric(muFits[nrow(muFits), i]) - 1 == as.numeric(muFits[nrow(muFits) - 1, i]))))) {
# add entry in muFits and extract prior parameters
muFits <- rbind(muFits, "")
priors <- rhoPriors
if ("r" %in% names(prior.parameters))
priors <- c(priors, prior.parameters["r"])
for (k in 1:length(muVars)) {
# search for var in current terms
pos <- grep(muVars[k], currentTerms, fixed=TRUE)
no <- length(pos)
if (no > 0) {
# add muFits entry
if (no == 1 && length(grep("spatial", currentTerms[pos], fixed=TRUE)) > 0)
muFits[nrow(muFits), k] <- "spatial"
else if (no == 1 && length(grep("rw2", currentTerms[pos], fixed=TRUE)) > 0)
muFits[nrow(muFits), k] <- "rw2"
muFits[nrow(muFits), k] <- no
# search for prior parameters
if (muFits[nrow(muFits), k] == "spatial" || muFits[nrow(muFits), k] == "rw2") {
# non-linear term, so search for nu.var or phi.var
varName <- paste("sigma", muVars[k], sep=".")
if (varName %in% names(prior.parameters))
priors <- c(priors, prior.parameters[varName])
varName <- paste("tau", muVars[k], sep=".")
if (varName %in% names(prior.parameters))
priors <- c(priors, prior.parameters[varName])
} else {
# linear term(s), so search for gamma.term for each term in currentTerms[pos]
## NOTE: this is unnecessary since INLA currently ignores priors for linear variables
for (t in currentTerms[pos]) {
varName <- paste("beta", t, sep=".")
if (varName %in% names(prior.parameters))
priors <- c(priors, prior.parameters[varName])
# fit model
muFormula <- formula(paste("~", paste(currentTerms, collapse=" + ")))
cat("Fitting model with\n")
print(formula(paste("log(mu)", paste(deparse(muFormula), collapse=" "))), showEnv=FALSE)
fit <- fcs2FitModel(runTotalVars, allRunsTotalVar, allRunsRangeVars, muFormula, rhoFormula, dataFrame, surveyAreaVar, nRunsVar, subset,
na.omit, priors, verbose=verbose, estAllRunsTotalVar=estAllRunsTotalVar, runINLA=FALSE, runBUGS=FALSE)
if (class(try({
if (identical(fit$modelMatrix, fitRho$modelMatrix)) {
fit$inlaFits <- fitRho$inlaFits
fit <- fcs2FitModel(fit=fit, verbose=verbose, runINLA="mu", runBUGS=FALSE)
} else
fit <- fcs2FitModel(fit=fit, verbose=verbose, runINLA=TRUE, runBUGS=FALSE)
}, silent=TRUE)) == "try-error") {
# error fitting model, so reset terms as before added this term
cat("\n- Removing term ", term, " and its consequences as error fitting model with INLA\n", sep="")
currentTerms <- currentTermsBeforeAdding
muSignifPr <- NULL
next # note: only breaks out of while loop
# calculate summary (with 10 attempts as INLA can be tempermental)
muSum <- NULL
for (k in 1:10) {
muSum <- summary(fit, prior=FALSE, allVars=TRUE)$inla$mu
}, silent=TRUE)
if (is.null(muSum)) {
# error calculating summary, so reset terms as before added this term
cat("\n- Removing term ", term, " as error calculating INLA summary (after 10 attempts)\n", sep="")
currentTerms <- currentTermsBeforeAdding
muSignifPr <- NULL
# extract significance prob of term
muSignifPr <- muSum[, "Signif. Pr."]
names(muSignifPr) <- rownames(muSum)
muSignifPr <- muSignifPr[!is.na(muSignifPr)] # keep only vars with prob
# search for multiple vars with each name
for (k in 1:length(muVars)) {
pos <- grep(muVars[k], names(muSignifPr), fixed=TRUE)
# if multiple random, use transformed min
if (length(pos2 <- grep("[", names(muSignifPr)[pos], fixed=TRUE)) > 0) {
pos <- pos[pos2]
minPr <- min(muSignifPr[pos])
muSignifPr <- muSignifPr[-pos[-1]]
muSignifPr[pos[1]] <- 1 - ((1 - minPr) ^ length(pos)) # transform min prob so on uniform scale (assuming independence!)
if (muVarType[k] == "continuous")
names(muSignifPr)[pos[1]] <- paste("rw2(", muVars[k], ")", sep="")
else if (muVarType[k] == "spatial")
names(muSignifPr)[pos[1]] <- paste("spatial(", muVars[k], ", adjacency)", sep="")
# remove lower orders of terms so don't remove these first
} else if (length(pos) > 1)
muSignifPr <- muSignifPr[-pos[-length(pos)]]
} else
muSignifPr <- NULL
# if rw2 and still there, break
if (j == 0 && term %in% currentTerms)
# if more orders to try, check this term is still in there and break if not
if (j > 0 && j < max(orders) && !(term %in% currentTerms))
# add entry in muFits (unless this is already final entry ie no terms were removed at end)
finalMuFit <- muFits[nrow(muFits), ]
finalMuFit[finalMuFit == "spatial" | finalMuFit == "rw2"] <- 1
finalMuFit <- as.numeric(finalMuFit)
if (sum(finalMuFit, na.rm=TRUE) != length(currentTerms)) {
muFits <- rbind(muFits, "")
for (k in 1:length(muVars)) {
pos <- grep(muVars[k], currentTerms, fixed=TRUE)
no <- length(pos)
if (no == 1 && length(grep("spatial", currentTerms[pos], fixed=TRUE)) > 0)
muFits[nrow(muFits), k] <- "spatial"
else if (no == 1 && length(grep("rw2", currentTerms[pos], fixed=TRUE)) > 0)
muFits[nrow(muFits), k] <- "rw2"
else if (no > 0)
muFits[nrow(muFits), k] <- no
# print best fit
if (length(currentTerms) == 0)
currentTerms <- "1"
muFormula <- formula(paste("~", paste(currentTerms, collapse=" + ")))
cat("\nBest abundance fit is\n")
print(formula(paste("log(mu)", paste(deparse(muFormula), collapse=" "))), showEnv=FALSE)
# make each rhoFits a dataframe (so that each column is turned to a factor)
muFits <- as.data.frame(muFits)
# invisibly return table of models fitted
return(list(rhoFits=rhoFits, muFits=muFits))
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