#' @importFrom methods isClass new
#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.off png
#' @importFrom stats sd
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%" "%T>%"
#' @importFrom rmonad "%>>%" "%v>%" "%*>%" "%__%" "%||%" "%|>%" "%>_%"
#' @importFrom utils head tail
utils::globalVariables(c("%>%", ".", "%>>%", "%v>%", "%*>%", "%__%", "%||%", "%|>%", "%>_%", "%T>%"))
#' fagin: Trace the origins of orphan genes
#' This documentation is a work in progress ...
#' @section GFF input:
#' Absolute path to a directory containing a GFF file for each species used in
#' the pipeline. This GFF file must contain at minimum mRNA and coding sequence
#' (CDS) features. All start and stop positions must be relative to the
#' reference genomes in FNA_DIR (see argument -n).
#' The following must be true of all GFF files:
#' \itemize{
#' \item Contain CDS, exon and mRNA entries
#' \item All CDS and exon fields contain Parent tags in the 9th column
#' \item All features contain an ID or Name field
#' }
#' \preformatted{
#' Chr1 . mRNA 3631 5899 . + . ID=AT1G01010.1
#' Chr1 . CDS 3760 3913 . + . ID=AT1G01010.1.CDS-1;Parent=AT1G01010.1
#' Chr1 . CDS 3996 4276 . + . ID=AT1G01010.1.CDS-2;Parent=AT1G01010.1
#' }
#' Expected extension: *.gff
#' @section Genome input:
#' This must be a fasta file (extension 'fna', for Fasta Nucleic Acid). The
#' header must contain sequence ids that match those of the GFF.
#' @section Input synteny maps:
#' Absolute path to a directory containing one synteny map for each species that
#' will be compared. each synteny map should consist of a single file named
#' according to the pattern "<query>.vs.<target>.syn", for example,
#' "arabidopsis_thaliana.vs.arabidopsis_lyrata.tab". these files should contain
#' the following columns:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item query contig name (e.g. chromosome or scaffold)
#' \item query start position
#' \item query stop position
#' \item target contig name
#' \item target start position
#' \item target stop position
#' \item score (not necessarily used)
#' \item strand relative to query
#' }
#' Example:
#' \preformatted{
#' chr2 193631 201899 tchr2 193631 201899 100 +
#' chr2 225899 235899 tchr2 201999 202999 100 +
#' chr1 5999 6099 tchr1 6099 6199 100 +
#' chr1 5999 6099 tchr1 8099 8199 100 +
#' chr1 17714 18714 tchr2 17714 18714 100 +
#' chr2 325899 335899 tchr2 301999 302999 100 +
#' }
#' a synteny map like this can be created using a whole genome synteny program,
#' such as satsuma (highly recommended). building a single synteny map requires
#' hundreds of cpu hours, so it is best done on a cluster. an example pbs script
#' is provided, see src/satsuma.pbs.
#' Expected filename format: <query_sciname>.vs.<target_sciname>.syn
#' @section Input Tree:
#' Absolute path to a newick format file specifying the topology of the species
#' tree. It must contain all species used in the pipeline AND NO OTHERS (I may
#' relax this restriction later).
#' NOTE: There must be no spaces in the species names.
#' Here is an example tree:
#' (Brassica_rapa,(Capsella_rubella,(Arabidopsis_lyrata,Arabidopsis_thaliana)));
#' @section Synder parameters:
#' See documentation in \code{synder}
#' @section Fagin parameters:
#' \describe{
#' \item{PROT2PROT_PVAL}{
#' default=0.05 - Base p-value cutoffs. These will be ladjusted for multiple
#' testing query protein versus target gene alignments.
#' }
#' default=0.05 - query protein versus all SI translated ORFs.
#' }
#' default=0.05 - query protein versus translated ORFs from spliced transcripts
#' }
#' \item{DNA2DNA_PVAL}{
#' default=0.05 - query genes versus entire SI (nucleotide match)
#' }
#' \item{PROT2PROT_NSIMS}{default=1000 - number of simulations}
#' \item{PROT2ALLORF_NSIMS}{default=1000 - number of simulations}
#' \item{PROT2TRANSORF_NSIMS}{default=1000 - number of simulations}
#' \item{DNA2DNA_MAXSPACE}{default=1e8 - Maximum value of m*n that will be searched}
#' \item{INDEL_THRESHOLD}{default=0.25 - Ratio of search interval to query
#' interval below which an indel is called}
#' }
#' @docType package
#' @name fagin
#' Run a Fagin analysis
#' @export
#' @param con A fagin_config object
#' @return An rmonad object containing all results
run_fagin <- function(con){
# Set the cache function. There is one cache system for TxDb objects and
# everything else is saved as Rdata.
options(rmonad.auto_cache = con@cache)
options(rmonad.cache_dir = file.path(con@archive, "cache"))
options(rmonad.cacher = make_fagin_cacher())
options(rmonad.cache_maxtime = 10)
# What I want to do here is make all caching dependent on the input
# configuration. The following command DOES accomplish this (in rmonad
# v0.5.0.9009)
"Set random seed for the analysis, the choice of 210 is arbitrary. The
random seed mainly affects the p-value estimates for alignments."
} %>>% {
"Record the date, system info, and installed packages. Of particular
importance are the versions of `synder` and `rmonad`."
} %>% rmonad::tag('session_info') %>>% {
"Store the configuration"
} %>% rmonad::tag('config') %>>% {
"Create the archival directory. Warn if the directory already exists. If
the directory does exist, everything may be fine, so long as you are
continuing an analysis, not starting a new one. If you are starting a new
one, you should NOT use the same archive."
# Copy genome files
for(species in names(con@input@fna)){
f <- con@input@fna[[species]]
file.copy(f, con@archive)
con@input@fna[[species]] <- file.path(con@archive, basename(f))
} %__% {
primary_data(con=con) %>%
secondary_data(con=con) %>%
tertiary_data(con=con) %>%
determine_labels(con=con) %>%
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