iwc <-
function(theta_R, theta_S, alpha, n, a, b, hos = 0,
graph = TRUE,
xlab = "Matric head (cm)",
ylab = expression(cm^-1),
xlim1 = NULL,
xlim2 = NULL,
xlim3 = NULL,
ylim1 = NULL,
ylim2 = NULL,
ylim3 = NULL,
col12 = c("black", "blue", "red"),
col3 = c("orange", "black"),
lty12 = c(1, 3, 2),
lty3 = c(2, 1), ...)
stopifnot(hos >= 0)
# Ch (van Genuchten's first derivative)
x <- NULL
der. <- function(x, theta_R, theta_S, alpha, n)
out <- abs((theta_S - theta_R) *
(1 + (alpha * x)^n)^(1/n - 1) *
(1/n - 1) * (alpha * x)^n *
(n/(x * (1 + (alpha * x)^n))))
# weight limiting function for salinity
ws <- function(x, theta_R, theta_S, alpha, n)
theta <- soilwater(x, theta_R, theta_S, alpha, n)
out <- ( 1 + hos * theta_S * theta^-2 *
der.(x, theta_R, theta_S, alpha, n) )^-1
# Es
der <- function(x, theta_R, theta_S, alpha, n)
out <- ws(x, theta_R, theta_S, alpha, n) *
der.(x, theta_R, theta_S, alpha, n)
# Hydraulic conductivity limiting function
Kr <- function(x, theta_R, theta_S, alpha, n)
out <- (1 - (alpha*x)^(n-1) *
(1 + (alpha*x)^n)^(1/n - 1) )^2 *
(1 + (alpha*x)^n)^( (1 - n) / 2*n)
# Kr weight function
wK <- function(x, theta_R, theta_S, alpha, n)
out <- ( Kr(x = 330, theta_R, theta_S, alpha, n) /
Kr(x, theta_R, theta_S, alpha, n) )^0.08
EK <- function(x, theta_R, theta_S, alpha, n)
out <- wK(x, theta_R, theta_S, alpha, n) *
der(x, theta_R, theta_S, alpha, n)
# inverted van Genuchten's function for potential determination
potential <- function(theta, theta_R, theta_S, alpha, n)
m <- 1 - 1/n
out <- (( (theta_S - theta_R) /
(theta - theta_R) )^(1/m) - 1 )^(1/n) * 1/alpha
h10 <- potential(theta_S - 0.10, theta_R, theta_S, alpha, n)
h15 <- potential(theta_S - 0.15, theta_R, theta_S, alpha, n)
# weight function for air porosity limiting function
wa <- function(x)
A <- 1 / ( log10( h15 / h10 ) )
out <- A * log10(x / h10 )
for(i in 1:length(x)) {
if (out[i] < 0) out[i] <- 0
if (out[i] > 1) out[i] <- 1
EKa <- function(x, theta_R, theta_S, alpha, n)
out <- wK(x, theta_R, theta_S, alpha, n) *
wa(x) *
der(x, theta_R, theta_S, alpha, n)
# weight function for PR limiting function
wR <- function(x, a, b)
out <- 2.5 - a * x ^ b
ER <- function(x, a, b, theta_R, theta_S, alpha, n)
out <- wR(x, a, b) *
der(x, theta_R, theta_S, alpha, n)
# integration interval for PR = 1.5 and PR = 2.5 MPa
h1.5 <- (1.5 / a) ^ (1/b)
h2.5 <- (2.5 / a) ^ (1/b)
# dry hydraulic conductivity
Kdry <- Kr(x = seq(12000, 15000, by = 50),
theta_R, theta_S, alpha, n)
fit2 <- fitsoilwater4(theta = Kdry,
psi = seq(12000, 15000, by = 50),
model = "Ross")
# weight limiting function for Kdry
wKdry <- function(x, d)
out <- (12000 / x) ^ (-d)
ERKdry <- function(x, a, b, d, theta_R, theta_S, alpha, n)
out <- wR(x, a, b) * wKdry(x, d) *
der(x, theta_R, theta_S, alpha, n)
# ----------------------------------------------
# IWC integrations
# EKa
ave1 <- trapez(x = seq(h10, h15, length = 1000),
y = EKa(x = seq(h10, h15, length = 1000),
theta_R, theta_S, alpha, n))
# EK
ave2 <- trapez(x = seq(h15, 330, length = 1000),
y = EK(x = seq(h15, 330, length = 1000),
theta_R, theta_S, alpha, n))
# Ch
ave3 <- trapez(x = seq(330, h1.5, length = 1000),
y = der(x = seq(330, h1.5, length = 1000),
theta_R, theta_S, alpha, n))
# ER
if (h2.5 > 15000) h2.5. <- 15000 else h2.5. <- h2.5
ave4 <- trapez(x = seq(h1.5, h2.5., length = 1000),
y = ER(x = seq(h1.5, h2.5., length = 1000),
a, b, theta_R, theta_S, alpha, n))
# ERKdry
ave5 <- trapez(x = seq(12000, 15000, length = 1000),
y = ERKdry(x = seq(12000, 15000, length = 1000),
a, b, d = coef(fit2)[2], theta_R, theta_S, alpha, n))
# ------------------------------------------------
# integral energy calculation
# hEKa
hEKa <- function(x, theta_R, theta_S, alpha, n)
out <- x * EKa(x, theta_R, theta_S, alpha, n)
ave1h <- trapez(x = seq(h10, h15, length = 1000),
y = hEKa(x = seq(h10, h15, length = 1000),
theta_R, theta_S, alpha, n))
# hEK
hEK <- function(x, theta_R, theta_S, alpha, n)
out <- x * EK(x, theta_R, theta_S, alpha, n)
ave2h <- trapez(x = seq(h15, 330, length = 1000),
y = hEK(x = seq(h15, 330, length = 1000),
theta_R, theta_S, alpha, n))
# hCh
hder <- function(x, theta_R, theta_S, alpha, n)
out <- x * der(x, theta_R, theta_S, alpha, n)
ave3h <- trapez(x = seq(330, h1.5, length = 1000),
y = hder(x = seq(330, h1.5, length = 1000),
theta_R, theta_S, alpha, n))
# hER
hER <- function(x, a, b, theta_R, theta_S, alpha, n)
out <- x * ER(x, a, b, theta_R, theta_S, alpha, n)
ave4h <- trapez(x = seq(h1.5, h2.5., length = 1000),
y = hER(x = seq(h1.5, h2.5., length = 1000),
a, b, theta_R, theta_S, alpha, n))
# hERKdry
hERKdry <- function(x, a, b, d, theta_R, theta_S, alpha, n)
out <- x * ERKdry(x, a, b,
d, theta_R, theta_S, alpha, n)
ave5h <- trapez(x = seq(12000, 15000, length = 1000),
y = hERKdry(x = seq(12000, 15000, length = 1000),
a, b, d = coef(fit2)[2], theta_R, theta_S, alpha, n))
# -------------------------------------------------
# graphic
if (graph) {
layout(matrix(c(1, 3, 2, 3), 2))
curve.(der(x, theta_R, theta_S, alpha, n),
from = 1, to = 350,
xlim = xlim1,
ylim = ylim1,
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
main = "Wet range",
col = col12[1],
lty = lty12[1],
shade = col12[1], ...)
curve.(EK(x, theta_R, theta_S, alpha, n),
add = TRUE,
col = col12[2],
lty = lty12[2],
shade = col12[2])
curve.(EKa(x, theta_R, theta_S, alpha, n),
add = TRUE,
col = col12[3],
lty = lty12[3],
shade = col12[3])
legend("topright", c(expression(C(h, h[os])),
expression(EK[R](h, h[os])),
expression(EKa[RKdry](h, h[os]))),
lty = lty12, col = col12,
bg = "lightyellow") = 5, height = 5)
curve.(der(x, theta_R, theta_S, alpha, n),
from = h1.5, to = 15000,
xlim = xlim2,
ylim = ylim2,
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
main = "Dry range",
col = col12[1],
lty = lty12[1],
shade = col12[1], ...)
curve.(ER(x, a, b, theta_R, theta_S, alpha, n),
add = TRUE, from = h1.5, to = h2.5.,
col = col12[2],
lty = lty12[2],
shade = col12[2])
curve.(ERKdry(x, a, b, d = coef(fit2)[2],
theta_R, theta_S, alpha, n),
add = TRUE, from = 12000, to = 15000,
col = col12[3],
lty = lty12[3],
shade = col12[3])
legend("topright", c(expression(C(h, h[os])),
expression(E[R](h, h[os])),
expression(E[RKdry](h, h[os]))),
lty = lty12, col = col12,
bg = "lightyellow")
#if (hos != 0) {
# = 5, height = 5)
curve.(der.(x, theta_R, theta_S, alpha, n),
from = 1, to = 15000, log = "x",
xlim = xlim3,
ylim = ylim3,
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
main = "Salinity effect",
col = col3[1],
lty = lty3[1],
shade = col3[1], ...)
curve.(der(x, theta_R, theta_S, alpha, n),
add = TRUE, from = 1, to = 15000,
log = "x",
col = col3[2],
lty = lty3[2],
shade = col3[2])
legend("topright", c(expression(C(h, h[os]==0)),
expression(C(h, h[os]))),
lty = lty3, col = col3,
bg = "lightyellow")
# ----------------------------------------
# output
IWC <- c(ave1, ave2, ave3, ave4, ave5, 0)
EI <- c(ave1h, ave2h, ave3h, ave4h, ave5h, 0) / (10 * sum(IWC))
li <- round(c(h10, h15, 330, h1.5, 12000, 0), 2)
ls <- round(c(h15, 330, h1.5, h2.5., 15000, 15000), 2)
h.Range <- paste(li, "-", ls)
mout <- data.frame(IWC = round(IWC, 4),
EI = round(EI, 2), h.Range)
mout[6, 1:2] <- c(sum(IWC), sum(EI))
rownames(mout) <- c("EKa(h, hos)", "EK(h, hos)", "C(h, hos)",
"ER(h, hos)", "ERKdry(h, hos)", "Sum")
# --------------------------------------------
# numerical integration: trapezoidal rule
trapez <-
function(x, y)
if (length(x) != length(y))
stop("incompatible dimensions!")
xy <- sortedXyData(x, y)
x <- xy[["x"]]
y <- xy[["y"]]
n <- nrow(xy)
out <- 0.5 * sum((x[2:n] - x[2:n - 1]) *
(y[2:n] + y[2:n - 1]))
# --------------------------------------------
# shaded curve()
curve. <-
function (expr, from = NULL, to = NULL, n = 101, add = FALSE,
type = "l", xname = "x", xlab = xname, ylab = NULL, log = NULL,
xlim = NULL, shade = "black", ...)
sexpr <- substitute(expr)
if ( {
expr <- call(as.character(sexpr),
else {
if (!(( || is.expression(sexpr)) && xname %in%
stop(gettextf("'expr' must be a function, or a call or an expression containing '%s'",
xname), domain = NA)
expr <- sexpr
if (dev.cur() == 1L && !identical(add, FALSE)) {
warning("'add' will be ignored as there is no existing plot")
add <- FALSE
addF <- identical(add, FALSE)
if (is.null(ylab))
ylab <- deparse(expr)
if (is.null(from) || is.null(to)) {
xl <- if (!is.null(xlim))
else if (!addF) {
pu <- par("usr")[1L:2L]
if (par("xaxs") == "r")
pu <- extendrange(pu, f = -1/27)
if (par("xlog"))
else pu
else c(0, 1)
if (is.null(from))
from <- xl[1L]
if (is.null(to))
to <- xl[2L]
lg <- if (length(log))
else if (!addF && par("xlog"))
else ""
if (length(lg) == 0)
lg <- ""
if (grepl("x", lg, fixed = TRUE)) {
if (from <= 0 || to <= 0)
stop("'from' and 'to' must be > 0 with log=\"x\"")
x <- exp(, log(to), length.out = n))
else x <-, to, length.out = n)
ll <- list(x = x)
names(ll) <- xname
y <- eval(expr, envir = ll, enclos = parent.frame())
if (length(y) != length(x))
stop("'expr' did not evaluate to an object of length 'n'")
if (isTRUE(add))
lines(x = x, y = y, type = type, ...)
else plot(x = x, y = y, type = type, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
xlim = xlim, log = lg, ...)
x. <- c(min(x), x, max(x))
y. <- c(0, y, 0)
polygon(x = x., y = y.,
border = NA,
col = adjustcolor(shade, alpha.f = 0.1))
invisible(list(x = x, y = y))
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