AneuFinder-package: Copy-number detection in WGSCS and Strand-Seq data

AneuFinder-packageR Documentation

Copy-number detection in WGSCS and Strand-Seq data


CNV detection in whole-genome single cell sequencing (WGSCS) and Strand-seq data using a Hidden Markov Model. The package implements CNV detection, commonly used plotting functions, export to BED format for upload to genome browsers, and measures for assessment of karyotype heterogeneity and quality metrics.


The main function of this package is Aneufinder and produces several plots and browser files. If you want to have more fine-grained control over the different steps (binning, GC-correction, HMM, plotting) check the vignette Introduction to AneuFinder.


Aaron Taudt, David Porubsky

ataudt/aneufinder documentation built on April 18, 2023, 4:20 a.m.