
Defines functions callPeaksUnivariateAllChr callPeaksUnivariate

Documented in callPeaksUnivariate callPeaksUnivariateAllChr

#' Fit a Hidden Markov Model to a ChIP-seq sample.
#' Fit a HMM to a ChIP-seq sample to determine the modification state of genomic regions, e.g. call peaks in the sample.
#' This function is similar to \code{\link{callPeaksUnivariateAllChr}} but allows to pre-fit on a single chromosome instead of the whole genome. This gives a significant performance increase and can help to converge into a better fit in case of unsteady quality for some chromosomes.
#' @param binned.data A \code{\link{GRanges-class}} object with binned read counts or a file that contains such an object.
#' @param control.data Input control for the experiment. A \code{\link{GRanges-class}} object with binned read counts or a file that contains such an object.
#' @param prefit.on.chr A chromosome that is used to pre-fit the Hidden Markov Model. Set to \code{NULL} if you don't want to prefit but use the whole genome instead.
#' @param short If \code{TRUE}, the second fitting step is only done with one iteration.
#' @param eps Convergence threshold for the Baum-Welch algorithm.
#' @param init One of the following initialization procedures:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{standard}}{The negative binomial of state 'unmodified' will be initialized with \code{mean=mean(counts)}, \code{var=var(counts)} and the negative binomial of state 'modified' with \code{mean=mean(counts)+1}, \code{var=var(counts)}. This procedure usually gives the fastest convergence.}
#' \item{\code{random}}{Mean and variance of the negative binomials will be initialized with random values (in certain boundaries, see source code). Try this if the \code{'standard'} procedure fails to produce a good fit.}
#' \item{\code{empiric}}{Yet another way to initialize the Baum-Welch. Try this if the other two methods fail to produce a good fit.}
#' }
#' @param max.time The maximum running time in seconds for the Baum-Welch algorithm. If this time is reached, the Baum-Welch will terminate after the current iteration finishes. The default \code{NULL} is no limit.
#' @param max.iter The maximum number of iterations for the Baum-Welch algorithm. The default \code{NULL} is no limit.
#' @param num.trials The number of trials to run the HMM. Each time, the HMM is seeded with different random initial values. The HMM with the best likelihood is given as output.
#' @param eps.try If code num.trials is set to greater than 1, \code{eps.try} is used for the trial runs. If unset, \code{eps} is used.
#' @param num.threads Number of threads to use. Setting this to >1 may give increased performance.
#' @param read.cutoff The default (\code{TRUE}) enables filtering of high read counts. Set \code{read.cutoff=FALSE} to disable this filtering.
#' @param read.cutoff.quantile A quantile between 0 and 1. Should be near 1. Read counts above this quantile will be set to the read count specified by this quantile. Filtering very high read counts increases the performance of the Baum-Welch fitting procedure. However, if your data contains very few peaks they might be filtered out. If option \code{read.cutoff.absolute} is also specified, the minimum of the resulting cutoff values will be used. Set \code{read.cutoff=FALSE} to disable this filtering.
#' @param read.cutoff.absolute Read counts above this value will be set to the read count specified by this value. Filtering very high read counts increases the performance of the Baum-Welch fitting procedure. However, if your data contains very few peaks they might be filtered out. If option \code{read.cutoff.quantile} is also specified, the minimum of the resulting cutoff values will be used. Set \code{read.cutoff=FALSE} to disable this filtering.
#' @param max.mean If \code{mean(counts)>max.mean}, bins with low read counts will be set to 0. This is a workaround to obtain good fits in the case of large bin sizes.
#' @param post.cutoff False discovery rate. code{NULL} means that the state with maximum posterior probability will be chosen, irrespective of its absolute probability (default=code{NULL}).
#' @param control If set to \code{TRUE}, the binned data will be treated as control experiment. That means only state 'zero-inflation' and 'unmodified' will be used in the HMM.
#' @param keep.posteriors If set to \code{TRUE} (default=\code{FALSE}), posteriors will be available in the output. This is useful to change the post.cutoff later, but increases the necessary disk space to store the result.
#' @param keep.densities If set to \code{TRUE} (default=\code{FALSE}), densities will be available in the output. This should only be needed debugging.
#' @param verbosity Verbosity level for the fitting procedure. 0 - No output, 1 - Iterations are printed.
#' @return A \code{\link{uniHMM}} object.
#' @author Aaron Taudt, Maria Colome Tatche
#' @seealso \code{\link{uniHMM}}, \code{\link{callPeaksMultivariate}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#'## Get an example BAM file with ChIP-seq reads
#'file <- system.file("extdata", "euratrans",
#'                       "lv-H3K27me3-BN-male-bio2-tech1.bam",
#'                        package="chromstaRData")
#'## Bin the BED file into bin size 1000bp
#'binned <- binReads(file, experiment.table=experiment_table,
#'                   assembly=rn4_chrominfo, binsizes=1000,
#'                   stepsizes=500, chromosomes='chr12')
#'## Fit the univariate Hidden Markov Model
#'hmm <- callPeaksUnivariate(binned, max.time=60, eps=1)
#'## Check if the fit is ok
callPeaksUnivariate <- function(binned.data, control.data=NULL, prefit.on.chr=NULL, short=TRUE, eps=0.1, init="standard", max.time=NULL, max.iter=5000, num.trials=1, eps.try=NULL, num.threads=1, read.cutoff=TRUE, read.cutoff.quantile=1, read.cutoff.absolute=500, max.mean=Inf, post.cutoff=0.5, control=FALSE, keep.posteriors=FALSE, keep.densities=FALSE, verbosity=1) {

    if (is(binned.data,'character')) { 
        messageU("Loading file(s) ", paste0(binned.data, collapse=', '), overline="_", underline=NULL)
        binned.datas <- loadHmmsFromFiles(binned.data)
        binned.data <- binned.datas[[1]]
        offsets <- dimnames(binned.data$counts)[[2]]
        if (length(binned.datas) > 1) {
            for (i1 in 2:length(binned.datas)) {
                for (ioffset in 1:length(offsets)) {
                    offset <- offsets[ioffset]
                    binned.data$counts[,offset] <- binned.data$counts[,offset, drop=FALSE] + binned.datas[[i1]]$counts[,offset, drop=FALSE]
    if (!is.null(control.data)) {
        if (is(control.data,'character')) { 
            message("Loading control file(s) ", paste0(control.data, collapse=', '))
            control.datas <- loadHmmsFromFiles(control.data)
            control.data <- control.datas[[1]]
            offsets <- dimnames(control.data$counts)[[2]]
            if (length(control.datas) > 1) {
                for (i1 in 2:length(control.datas)) {
                    for (ioffset in 1:length(offsets)) {
                        offset <- offsets[ioffset]
                        control.data$counts[,offset] <- control.data$counts[,offset, drop=FALSE] + control.datas[[i1]]$counts[,offset, drop=FALSE]
    if (!is.null(prefit.on.chr)) {
        if (!prefit.on.chr %in% seqlevels(binned.data)) {
            stop("Could not find chromosome ", prefit.on.chr, " for option 'prefit.on.chr'.")

    if (is.null(prefit.on.chr)) {
        model <- callPeaksUnivariateAllChr(binned.data=binned.data, control.data=control.data, eps=eps, init=init, max.time=max.time, max.iter=max.iter, num.trials=num.trials, eps.try=eps.try, num.threads=num.threads, read.cutoff=read.cutoff, read.cutoff.quantile=read.cutoff.quantile, read.cutoff.absolute=read.cutoff.absolute, max.mean=max.mean, post.cutoff=post.cutoff, control=control, keep.posteriors=keep.posteriors, keep.densities=FALSE, verbosity=verbosity)
    } else {

        messageU("Fitting on chromosome ", prefit.on.chr, ":", overline='-', underline=NULL)
        pre.binned.data <- binned.data[seqnames(binned.data)==prefit.on.chr]
        if (!is.null(control.data)) {
            pre.control.data <- control.data[seqnames(control.data)==prefit.on.chr]
        } else {
            pre.control.data <- NULL
        pre.model <- callPeaksUnivariateAllChr(binned.data=pre.binned.data, control.data=pre.control.data, eps=eps, init=init, max.time=max.time, max.iter=max.iter, num.trials=num.trials, eps.try=eps.try, num.threads=num.threads, read.cutoff=read.cutoff, read.cutoff.quantile=read.cutoff.quantile, read.cutoff.absolute=read.cutoff.absolute, max.mean=max.mean, post.cutoff=post.cutoff, control=control, keep.posteriors=FALSE, keep.densities=FALSE, verbosity=verbosity)

        if (short) {
        model <- pre.model
        model$bins <- binned.data
        messageU("Obtaining states for all chromosomes:", overline='-', underline=NULL)
        model <- suppressWarnings( callPeaksUnivariateAllChr(binned.data=model, control.data=control.data, eps=eps, max.time=max.time, max.iter=max.iter, num.threads=num.threads, read.cutoff=read.cutoff, read.cutoff.quantile=read.cutoff.quantile, read.cutoff.absolute=read.cutoff.absolute, max.mean=max.mean, post.cutoff=post.cutoff, control=control, keep.posteriors=keep.posteriors, keep.densities=keep.densities, verbosity=verbosity) )




#' Fit a Hidden Markov Model to a ChIP-seq sample.
#' Fit a HMM to a ChIP-seq sample to determine the modification state of genomic regions, e.g. call peaks in the sample.
#' The Hidden Markov Model which is used to classify the bins uses 3 states: state 'zero-inflation' with a delta function as emission densitiy (only zero read counts), 'unmodified' and 'modified' with Negative Binomials as emission densities. A Baum-Welch algorithm is employed to estimate the parameters of the distributions. Please refer to our manuscript at \url{http://dx.doi.org/10.1101/038612} for a detailed description of the method.
#' @param binned.data A \code{\link{GRanges-class}} object with binned read counts or a file that contains such an object.
#' @param control.data Input control for the experiment. A \code{\link{GRanges-class}} object with binned read counts or a file that contains such an object.
#' @param eps Convergence threshold for the Baum-Welch algorithm.
#' @param init One of the following initialization procedures:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{standard}}{The negative binomial of state 'unmodified' will be initialized with \code{mean=mean(counts)}, \code{var=var(counts)} and the negative binomial of state 'modified' with \code{mean=mean(counts)+1}, \code{var=var(counts)}. This procedure usually gives the fastest convergence.}
#' \item{\code{random}}{Mean and variance of the negative binomials will be initialized with random values (in certain boundaries, see source code). Try this if the \code{'standard'} procedure fails to produce a good fit.}
#' \item{\code{empiric}}{Yet another way to initialize the Baum-Welch. Try this if the other two methods fail to produce a good fit.}
#' }
#' @param max.time The maximum running time in seconds for the Baum-Welch algorithm. If this time is reached, the Baum-Welch will terminate after the current iteration finishes. The default \code{NULL} is no limit.
#' @param max.iter The maximum number of iterations for the Baum-Welch algorithm. The default \code{NULL} is no limit.
#' @param num.trials The number of trials to run the HMM. Each time, the HMM is seeded with different random initial values. The HMM with the best likelihood is given as output.
#' @param eps.try If code num.trials is set to greater than 1, \code{eps.try} is used for the trial runs. If unset, \code{eps} is used.
#' @param num.threads Number of threads to use. Setting this to >1 may give increased performance.
#' @param read.cutoff The default (\code{TRUE}) enables filtering of high read counts. Set \code{read.cutoff=FALSE} to disable this filtering.
#' @param read.cutoff.quantile A quantile between 0 and 1. Should be near 1. Read counts above this quantile will be set to the read count specified by this quantile. Filtering very high read counts increases the performance of the Baum-Welch fitting procedure. However, if your data contains very few peaks they might be filtered out. If option \code{read.cutoff.absolute} is also specified, the minimum of the resulting cutoff values will be used. Set \code{read.cutoff=FALSE} to disable this filtering.
#' @param read.cutoff.absolute Read counts above this value will be set to the read count specified by this value. Filtering very high read counts increases the performance of the Baum-Welch fitting procedure. However, if your data contains very few peaks they might be filtered out. If option \code{read.cutoff.quantile} is also specified, the minimum of the resulting cutoff values will be used. Set \code{read.cutoff=FALSE} to disable this filtering.
#' @param max.mean If \code{mean(counts)>max.mean}, bins with low read counts will be set to 0. This is a workaround to obtain good fits in the case of large bin sizes.
#' @param post.cutoff False discovery rate. code{NULL} means that the state with maximum posterior probability will be chosen, irrespective of its absolute probability (default=code{NULL}).
#' @param control If set to \code{TRUE}, the binned data will be treated as control experiment. That means only state 'zero-inflation' and 'unmodified' will be used in the HMM.
#' @param keep.posteriors If set to \code{TRUE} (default=\code{FALSE}), posteriors will be available in the output. This is useful to change the post.cutoff later, but increases the necessary disk space to store the result.
#' @param keep.densities If set to \code{TRUE} (default=\code{FALSE}), densities will be available in the output. This should only be needed debugging.
#' @param verbosity Verbosity level for the fitting procedure. 0 - No output, 1 - Iterations are printed.
#' @return A \code{\link{uniHMM}} object.
#' @author Aaron Taudt, Maria Coome Tatche
#' @seealso \code{\link{uniHMM}}, \code{\link{callPeaksMultivariate}}
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @importFrom S4Vectors Rle runmean
#' @importFrom stats ecdf
callPeaksUnivariateAllChr <- function(binned.data, control.data=NULL, eps=0.01, init="standard", max.time=NULL, max.iter=NULL, num.trials=1, eps.try=NULL, num.threads=1, read.cutoff=TRUE, read.cutoff.quantile=1, read.cutoff.absolute=500, max.mean=Inf, post.cutoff=0.5, control=FALSE, keep.posteriors=FALSE, keep.densities=FALSE, verbosity=1) {

    ### Intercept user input ###
    if (check.positive(eps)!=0) stop("argument 'eps' expects a positive numeric")
    if (is.null(max.time)) { max.time <- -1 } else if (check.nonnegative.integer(max.time)!=0) { stop("argument 'max.time' expects a non-negative integer or NULL") }
    if (is.null(max.iter)) { max.iter <- -1 } else if (check.nonnegative.integer(max.iter)!=0) { stop("argument 'max.iter' expects a non-negative integer or NULL") }
    if (check.positive.integer(num.trials)!=0) stop("argument 'num.trials' expects a positive integer")
    if (!is.null(eps.try)) {
        if (check.positive(eps.try)!=0) stop("argument 'eps.try' expects a positive numeric")
    if (check.positive.integer(num.threads)!=0) stop("argument 'num.threads' expects a positive integer")
    if (post.cutoff>1 | post.cutoff<0) stop("argument 'post.cutoff' has to be between 0 and 1 if specified")
    if (check.logical(keep.posteriors)!=0) stop("argument 'keep.posteriors' expects a logical (TRUE or FALSE)")
    if (check.logical(keep.densities)!=0) stop("argument 'keep.densities' expects a logical (TRUE or FALSE)")
    if (check.integer(verbosity)!=0) stop("argument 'verbosity' expects an integer")
    war <- NULL
    if (is.null(eps.try)) eps.try <- eps
    ## Load binned.data and reuse values if present
    if (is(binned.data,'character')) { 
        binned.data <- loadHmmsFromFiles(binned.data)[[1]]

    ### Assign variables ###
    if (control) {
        state.labels <- state.labels[1:2] # assigned globally outside this function
        state.distributions <- state.distributions[1:2]
    numstates <- length(state.labels)
    iniproc <- which(init==c("standard","random","empiric")) # transform to int
    info <- attr(binned.data, 'info')

    ### Assign initial parameters ###
    if (is(binned.data,class.univariate.hmm)) {
        message("Using parameters from univariate HMM")
        hmm <- binned.data
        binned.data <- hmm$bins
        binned.data$state <- NULL
        read.cutoff.absolute <- hmm$convergenceInfo$read.cutoff
        max.mean <- hmm$convergenceInfo$max.mean
        A.initial <- hmm$transitionProbs
        proba.initial <- hmm$startProbs
        size.initial <- hmm$distributions$size
        prob.initial <- hmm$distributions$prob
        continue.from.univariate.hmm <- TRUE
    } else if (is(binned.data,'GRanges')) {
        A.initial <- double(length=numstates*numstates)
        proba.initial <- double(length=numstates)
        size.initial <- double(length=numstates)
        prob.initial <- double(length=numstates)
        continue.from.univariate.hmm <- FALSE
    } else {
        stop("argument 'binned.data' expects a GRanges with meta-column 'counts' or a file that contains such an object")

    ## Assign more variables ##
    numbins <- length(binned.data)
    binsize <- width(binned.data)[1]
    if (keep.densities) { lenDensities <- numbins * numstates } else { lenDensities <- 1 }
    offsets <- dimnames(binned.data$counts)[[2]]
    ## Issue warning if mean is too high
    if (mean(binned.data$counts) > 50) {
        warning(info$ID, ": The average read count is very high. You might have to downsample your data.")
    ### Arrays for finding maximum posterior for each bin between offsets
    ## Make bins with offset
    ptm <- startTimedMessage("Making bins with offsets ...")
    if (length(offsets) > 1) {
        stepbins <- suppressMessages( fixedWidthBins(chrom.lengths = seqlengths(binned.data), binsizes = as.numeric(offsets[2]), chromosomes = unique(seqnames(binned.data)))[[1]] )
    } else {
        stepbins <- binned.data
        mcols(stepbins) <- NULL
    bins <- binned.data
    mcols(bins) <- NULL
    aposteriors.step <- array(0, dim = c(length(stepbins), numstates, 2), dimnames = list(bin=NULL, state=state.labels, offset=c('previousOffsets', 'currentOffset'))) # to store posteriors for current and max-of-previous offsets
    acounts.step <- array(0, dim = c(length(stepbins), 2), dimnames = list(bin=NULL, offset=c('previousOffsets', 'currentOffset'))) # to store counts for current and max-of-previous offsets
    amaxPosterior.step <- array(0, dim = c(length(stepbins), 2), dimnames = list(bin=NULL, offset=c('previousOffsets', 'currentOffset'))) # to store maximum posterior for current and max-of-previous offsets
    astates.step <- array(0, dim = c(length(stepbins), 2), dimnames = list(bin=NULL, offset=c('previousOffsets', 'currentOffset'))) # to store states for current and max-of-previous offsets
    ### Loop over offsets ###
    for (ioffset in 1:length(offsets)) {
        offset <- offsets[ioffset]
        counts <- binned.data$counts[,offset, drop=FALSE]
        if (ioffset > 1) {
            ptm.offset <- startTimedMessage("Obtaining states for offset = ", offset, " ...")
            ## Run only one iteration (no updating) if we are already over ioffset==1
            hmm <- result
            A.initial <- hmm$transitionProbs
            proba.initial <- hmm$startProbs
            size.initial <- hmm$distributions$size
            prob.initial <- hmm$distributions$prob
            continue.from.univariate.hmm <- TRUE
            max.iter <- 1
            verbosity <- 0
            num.trials <- 1
        ### Input correction ###
        if (!is.null(control.data)) {
            if (ioffset == 1) { ptm <- startTimedMessage("Correcting read counts for control ...") }
            if (is.character(control.data)) {
                control.data <- loadHmmsFromFiles(control.data)[[1]]
            controlCounts <- control.data$counts[,offset, drop=FALSE]
            # Artifacts with super high read count
            index <- which(controlCounts >= quantile(controlCounts[controlCounts>0], 0.9999))
            index <- c(index, index-1, index+1) # one neighboring bin to each side
            index <- index[index>0 & index<=length(control.data)] # if we hit chromosome boundaries, bad luck
            counts[index] <- 0
            controlCounts[index] <- 0
            # Correction factor
            controlf <- S4Vectors::Rle(1, length=length(control.data))
            mean.controlCounts <- mean(controlCounts[controlCounts>0])
            mask.0 <- as.vector(controlCounts > 0)
            controlf[mask.0] <- mean.controlCounts / as.numeric(S4Vectors::runmean(S4Vectors::Rle(controlCounts), k=15, endrule='constant'))[mask.0]
            controlf[controlf > 1.5] <- 1
            controlf <- as.numeric(controlf)
            counts <- round(counts * controlf)
            if (ioffset == 1) { stopTimedMessage(ptm) }
        ### Check if there are counts in the data, otherwise HMM will blow up ###
        if (all(counts==0)) {
            stop("All counts in data are zero. No univariate HMM done.")
        ### Filter high counts out, makes HMM faster ###
        numfiltered <- 0
        if (continue.from.univariate.hmm) {
            mask <- counts > read.cutoff.absolute
            counts[mask] <- read.cutoff.absolute
            numfiltered <- length(which(mask))
        } else {
            if (read.cutoff) {
                read.cutoff.by.quantile <- as.integer(quantile(counts, read.cutoff.quantile))
                read.cutoff.absolute <- min(read.cutoff.by.quantile, read.cutoff.absolute)
                mask <- counts > read.cutoff.absolute
                counts[mask] <- read.cutoff.absolute
                numfiltered <- length(which(mask))
        if (numfiltered > 0 & ioffset == 1) {
            message("Replaced read counts > ",read.cutoff.absolute, " by ",read.cutoff.absolute," in ",numfiltered," bins to enhance performance (option 'read.cutoff').")
        ### Filter out low read counts that arise when the bin size is larger than optimal (should correct the result to near optimal again) ###
        if (!is.infinite(max.mean)) {
            hist <- graphics::hist(counts[counts>0], breaks=0:max(counts), right=FALSE, plot=FALSE)
            maxhist <- which.max(hist$counts)
            if (maxhist-1 > max.mean) {    # -1 to get from 1-based histogram indices to (0-based) read counts
                # Two empirical rules to remove low counts
                read.counts.to.remove.1 <- which(hist$counts[1:maxhist]<=hist$counts[2]) -1
                minlow <- which.min(hist$counts[2:maxhist])
                read.counts.to.remove <- max(c(read.counts.to.remove.1, 2*minlow))
                index.filtered <- which(counts>0 & counts<=read.counts.to.remove)
                counts[index.filtered] <- 0
                if (length(index.filtered)>0 & ioffset == 1) {
                    message(paste0("Replaced read counts <= ",read.counts.to.remove," by 0. This was done because the selected bin size is considered too big for this dataset: The mean of the read counts (zeros removed) is bigger than the specified max.mean = ",max.mean,". Check the fits!"))
        ## Call univariate in a for loop to enable multiple trials
        if (verbosity==0 & ioffset == 1) {
            ptm <- startTimedMessage("Running Baum-Welch for offset = ", offset, " ...")
        modellist <- list()
        for (i_try in 1:num.trials) {
            if (verbosity>=1) message("------------------------------------ Try ",i_try," of ",num.trials," -------------------------------------")
            hmm <- .C("C_univariate_hmm",
                counts = as.integer(counts), # int* O
                num.bins = as.integer(numbins), # int* T
                num.states = as.integer(numstates), # int* N
                size = double(length=numstates), # double* size
                prob = double(length=numstates), # double* prob
                num.iterations = as.integer(max.iter), #  int* maxiter
                time.sec = as.integer(max.time), # double* maxtime
                loglik.delta = as.double(eps.try), # double* eps
                posteriors = double(length=numbins * numstates), # double* posteriors
                densities = double(length=lenDensities), # double* densities
                keep.densities = as.logical(keep.densities), # bool* keep_densities
                states = integer(length=numbins), # int* states
                maxPosterior = double(length=numbins), # double* maxPosterior
                A = double(length=numstates*numstates), # double* A
                proba = double(length=numstates), # double* proba
                loglik = double(length=1), # double* loglik
                weights = double(length=numstates), # double* weights
                ini.proc = as.integer(iniproc), # int* iniproc
                size.initial = as.double(size.initial), # double* initial_size
                prob.initial = as.double(prob.initial), # double* initial_prob
                A.initial = as.double(A.initial), # double* initial_A
                proba.initial = as.double(proba.initial), # double* initial_proba
                use.initial.params = as.logical(continue.from.univariate.hmm), # bool* use_initial_params
                num.threads = as.integer(num.threads), # int* num_threads
                error = as.integer(0), # int* error (error handling)
                read.cutoff = as.integer(max(counts)), # int* read_cutoff
                verbosity = as.integer(verbosity) # int* verbosity
            hmm$eps <- eps.try
            if (hmm$loglik.delta > hmm$eps & ioffset == 1 & num.trials > 1) {
                warning(info$ID, ": HMM did not converge in trial run ",i_try,"!")
            # Store model in list
            modellist[[i_try]] <- hmm
            # Set init procedure to random
            iniproc <- which('random'==c("standard","random","empiric")) # transform to int
        if (verbosity==0 & ioffset == 1) {
        if (num.trials > 1) {
            # Select fit with best loglikelihood
            indexmax <- which.max(unlist(lapply(modellist,"[[","loglik")))
            hmm <- modellist[[indexmax]]
            message("Selecting try ", indexmax, " of ", length(modellist), " with best loglikelihood.")
        if (eps != eps.try) {
            if (verbosity==0 & ioffset == 1) {
                ptm <- startTimedMessage("Refining Hidden Markov Model ...")
            # Rerun the HMM with different epsilon and initial parameters from trial run
            if (verbosity>=1) message("------------------------- Rerunning try ",indexmax," with eps = ",eps," -------------------------")
            hmm <- .C("C_univariate_hmm",
                counts = as.integer(counts), # int* O
                num.bins = as.integer(numbins), # int* T
                num.states = as.integer(numstates), # int* N
                size = double(length=numstates), # double* size
                prob = double(length=numstates), # double* prob
                num.iterations = as.integer(max.iter), #  int* maxiter
                time.sec = as.integer(max.time), # double* maxtime
                loglik.delta = as.double(eps), # double* eps
                posteriors = double(length=numbins * numstates), # double* posteriors
                densities = double(length=lenDensities), # double* densities
                keep.densities = as.logical(keep.densities), # bool* keep_densities
                states = integer(length=numbins), # int* states
                maxPosterior = double(length=numbins), # double* maxPosterior
                A = double(length=numstates*numstates), # double* A
                proba = double(length=numstates), # double* proba
                loglik = double(length=1), # double* loglik
                weights = double(length=numstates), # double* weights
                ini.proc = as.integer(iniproc), # int* iniproc
                size.initial = as.vector(hmm$size), # double* initial_size
                prob.initial = as.vector(hmm$prob), # double* initial_prob
                A.initial = as.vector(hmm$A), # double* initial_A
                proba.initial = as.vector(hmm$proba), # double* initial_proba
                use.initial.params = as.logical(1), # bool* use_initial_params
                num.threads = as.integer(num.threads), # int* num_threads
                error = as.integer(0), # int* error (error handling)
                read.cutoff = as.integer(max(counts)), # int* read_cutoff
                verbosity = as.integer(verbosity) # int* verbosity
            if (verbosity==0 & ioffset == 1) {
        ### Issue warnings ###
        hmm$eps <- eps
        if (hmm$loglik.delta > hmm$eps & ioffset == 1) {
            war <- warning(info$ID, ": HMM did not converge!")
        if (hmm$error == 1) {
            stop("A nan occurred during the Baum-Welch! Parameter estimation terminated prematurely. Check your read counts for very high numbers, they could be the cause for this problem.")
        } else if (hmm$error == 2) {
            stop("An error occurred during the Baum-Welch! Parameter estimation terminated prematurely.")
        if (ioffset == 1) {
            ### Make return object ###
                result <- list()
                class(result) <- class.univariate.hmm
                result$info <- attr(binned.data, 'info')
            ## Parameters
                # Weights
                result$weights <- hmm$weights
                names(result$weights) <- state.labels
                # Transition matrices
                transitionProbs <- matrix(hmm$A, ncol=hmm$num.states)
                rownames(transitionProbs) <- state.labels
                colnames(transitionProbs) <- state.labels
                result$transitionProbs <- transitionProbs
                transitionProbs.initial <- matrix(hmm$A.initial, ncol=hmm$num.states)
                rownames(transitionProbs.initial) <- state.labels
                colnames(transitionProbs.initial) <- state.labels
                result$transitionProbs.initial <- transitionProbs.initial
                # Initial probs
                result$startProbs <- hmm$proba
                names(result$startProbs) <- state.labels
                result$startProbs.initial <- hmm$proba.initial
                names(result$startProbs.initial) <-state.labels
                # Distributions
                distributions <- data.frame(type=state.distributions, size=hmm$size, prob=hmm$prob, mu=dnbinom.mean(hmm$size,hmm$prob), variance=dnbinom.variance(hmm$size,hmm$prob))
                rownames(distributions) <- state.labels
                result$distributions <- distributions
                distributions.initial <- data.frame(type=state.distributions, size=hmm$size.initial, prob=hmm$prob.initial, mu=dnbinom.mean(hmm$size.initial,hmm$prob.initial), variance=dnbinom.variance(hmm$size.initial,hmm$prob.initial))
                rownames(distributions.initial) <- state.labels
                distributions.initial['zero-inflation',2:5] <- c(0,1,0,0)
                result$distributions.initial <- distributions.initial
                # post.cutoff
                result$post.cutoff <- post.cutoff
            ## Convergence info
                convergenceInfo <- list(eps=eps, loglik=hmm$loglik, loglik.delta=hmm$loglik.delta, num.iterations=hmm$num.iterations, time.sec=hmm$time.sec, max.mean=max.mean, read.cutoff=max(hmm$counts))
                result$convergenceInfo <- convergenceInfo
        if (ioffset == 1) { ptm <- startTimedMessage("Collecting counts and posteriors ...") }
        ## Store counts and posteriors in list
        dim(hmm$posteriors) <- c(numbins, numstates)
        dimnames(hmm$posteriors) <- list(bin=NULL, state=state.labels)
        binned.data$counts[,offset] <- hmm$counts
        if (keep.densities) {
            densities <- hmm$densities
        ## Inflate posteriors, states, counts to new offset
        bins.shift <- suppressWarnings( shift(bins, shift = as.numeric(offset)) )
        ind <- findOverlaps(stepbins, bins.shift)
        aposteriors.step[ind@from, , 'currentOffset'] <- hmm$posteriors[ind@to, , drop=FALSE]
        acounts.step[ind@from, 'currentOffset'] <- hmm$counts[ind@to, drop=FALSE]
        astates.step[ind@from, 'currentOffset'] <- hmm$states[ind@to]
        amaxPosterior.step[ind@from, 'currentOffset'] <- hmm$maxPosterior[ind@to]
        ## Sum counts
        acounts.step[, 'previousOffsets'] <- acounts.step[, 'previousOffsets', drop=FALSE] + acounts.step[, 'currentOffset', drop=FALSE]
        ## Find offset that maximizes the posteriors for each bin
        ##-- Start stuff to call C code
        # Work with changing dimensions to avoid copies being made
        dim_amaxPosterior.step <- dim(amaxPosterior.step)
        dimnames_amaxPosterior.step <- dimnames(amaxPosterior.step)
        dim(amaxPosterior.step) <- NULL
        z <- .C("C_array2D_which_max",
                array2D = amaxPosterior.step,
                dim = as.integer(dim_amaxPosterior.step),
                ind_max = integer(dim_amaxPosterior.step[1]),
                value_max = double(dim_amaxPosterior.step[1]))
        dim(amaxPosterior.step) <- dim_amaxPosterior.step
        dimnames(amaxPosterior.step) <- dimnames_amaxPosterior.step
        ind <- z$ind_max
        ##-- End stuff to call C code
        for (i1 in 1:2) {
            mask <- ind == i1
            aposteriors.step[mask, , 'previousOffsets'] <- aposteriors.step[mask,,i1, drop=FALSE]
            astates.step[mask, 'previousOffsets'] <- astates.step[mask,i1, drop=FALSE]
            amaxPosterior.step[mask, 'previousOffsets'] <- amaxPosterior.step[mask,i1, drop=FALSE]
        if (ioffset == 1) { stopTimedMessage(ptm) }
        if (ioffset > 1) {
        rm(hmm, ind)
    } # loop over offsets
    rm(amaxPosterior.step, astates.step)
    # Average and normalize counts to RPKM
    counts.step <- acounts.step[, 'previousOffsets'] / length(offsets)
    counts.step <- rpkm.vector(counts.step, binsize = binsize)
    stepbins$posteriors <- aposteriors.step[,,'previousOffsets']
    ## Get states ##
    ptm <- startTimedMessage("Calculating states from posteriors ...")
    posteriors <- stepbins$posteriors
    threshold <- 1-post.cutoff
    if (control) {
        states <- rep(1, ncol(posteriors))
        states[ posteriors[,2] >= posteriors[,1] ] <- 2
    } else {
        states <- rep(NA, ncol(posteriors))
        states[ posteriors[,3]<threshold & posteriors[,2]<=posteriors[,1] ] <- 1
        states[ posteriors[,3]<threshold & posteriors[,2]>posteriors[,1] ] <- 2
        states[ posteriors[,3]>=threshold ] <- 3
    states <- state.labels[states]
    ## Counts ##
    result$bincounts <- binned.data
    ## Bin coordinates, posteriors and states ##
    result$bins <- GRanges(seqnames=seqnames(stepbins), ranges=ranges(stepbins))
    result$bins$counts.rpkm <- counts.step
    mcols(result$bins)[, 'state'] <- states
    result$bins$posteriors <- posteriors
    if (!control) {
        result$bins$posterior.modified <- posteriors[,'modified']
    if (keep.densities) {
        result$bincounts$densities <- matrix(densities, ncol=numstates)
        colnames(result$bincounts$densities) <- state.labels
    seqlengths(result$bins) <- seqlengths(stepbins)
    ## Swap states if necessary
    result <- stateswap(result)
    ## Peak score as maximum posterior in that peak ##
    result$bins$maxPostInPeak <- getMaxPostInPeaks.univariate(result$bins$state, result$bins$posterior.modified)
    ## Segmentation ##
    ptm <- startTimedMessage("Making segmentation ...")
    df <- as.data.frame(result$bins)
    red.df <- suppressMessages(collapseBins(df, column2collapseBy='state', columns2drop=c('width',grep('posterior', names(df), value=TRUE), 'counts.rpkm')))
    result$segments <- methods::as(red.df, 'GRanges')
    seqlengths(result$segments) <- seqlengths(binned.data)[seqlevels(result$segments)]
    if (!keep.posteriors) {
        result$bins$posteriors <- NULL
    ## Peaks ##
    result$peaks <- result$segments[result$segments$state == 'modified']
    result$peaks$state <- NULL
    result$segments <- NULL
    # Return results
ataudt/chromstaR documentation built on Dec. 26, 2021, 12:07 a.m.