
#' Estimate recruitment regression coefficients using MCMC
#' @author Andrew Tredennick
#' @param dataframe Merged time series dataframe of recruitment area for all species.
#' @param n_adapt Number of iterations for adaptation of MCMC (default = 5000).
#' @param n_update Number of iterations for update phase of MCMC (default = 10000).
#' @param n_samples Number of samples to collect from MCMC after update phase (default = 20000).
#' @param n_thin Number of iterations by which to thin the samples (default = 50).
#' @param sppList Character vector of species code names for the site.
#' @return Matrix of statistical results by fitted parameter.

recruit_mcmc_yrlr <- function(dataframe, n_adapt=5000, n_update=10000, 
                         n_samples=20000, n_thin=50, sppList){
  D <- dataframe
  # Calculate mean cover by group and year
  tmpD <- D[,c("quad","year","Group",paste("cov.",sppList,sep=""))]
  tmpD <- aggregate(tmpD[,4:NCOL(tmpD)],by=list("year"=tmpD$year,"Group"=tmpD$Group),FUN=mean)
  names(tmpD)[3:NCOL(tmpD)] <- paste("Gcov.",sppList,sep="")
  D <- merge(D,tmpD,all.x=T)
  # Calculate parent cover
  parents1=as.matrix(D[,c(paste("cov.",sppList,sep=""))])/100 ##convert from absolute cover to [1,100] range
  # Loop through species to get local and group parents by species
  num_species <- length(sppList)
  tmp_list <- list()
  for(i in 1:num_species){
    tmpL <- which(parents1[,i]==0) # local
    tmpG <- which(parents2[,i]==0) # group
    tmp <- intersect(tmpL, tmpG)
    tmp_list[[i]] <- tmp
  } # end species loop
  if(num_species == 2)
    tmp <- unique(c(tmp_list[[1]],tmp_list[[2]]))
  if(num_species == 3)
    tmp <- unique(c(tmp_list[[1]],tmp_list[[2]],tmp_list[[3]]))
  if(num_species == 4)
    tmp <- unique(c(tmp_list[[1]],tmp_list[[2]],tmp_list[[3]],tmp_list[[4]]))
    parents1 <- parents1[-tmp,] ##remove them
    parents2 <- parents2[-tmp,] ##remove them
    y <- as.matrix(D[,c(paste("R.",sppList,sep=""))])[-tmp,] ##remove them  
    year <- as.numeric(as.factor(D$year))[-tmp] ##remove them
    Nyrs <- length(unique(D$year))
    N <- dim(D)[1]-length(tmp) ##reduce
    Nspp <- length(sppList)
    Group <- as.numeric(as.factor(D$Group))[-tmp] ##remove them ##first turn it as FACTOR, then to NUMERIC
    Ngroups <- length(unique(Group))
  } else {
    y <- as.matrix(D[,c(paste("R.",sppList,sep=""))])
    year <- as.numeric(as.factor(D$year))
    Nyrs <- length(unique(D$year))
    N <- dim(D)[1]
    Nspp <- length(sppList)
    Group <- as.numeric(as.factor(D$Group)) ##first turn it as FACTOR, then to NUMERIC
    Ngroups <- length(unique(Group))
  # fit as negative binomial with random effects in JAGS
  dataJ = list(N = N, y=y, parents1=parents1, parents2=parents2, 
               year=year, Nyrs=Nyrs, Nspp=Nspp, Ngroups=Ngroups, Group=Group)
                  dd.mu=matrix(0,Nspp,Nspp), dd.tau=matrix(1,Nspp,Nspp),  dd=array(0,dim=c(Nspp,Nspp,Nyrs)),
                  dd.mu=matrix(0,Nspp,Nspp), dd.tau=matrix(0.1,Nspp,Nspp), dd=array(0,dim=c(Nspp,Nspp,Nyrs)),
  params <- c("intcpt.yr","intcpt.mu","intcpt.tau",
  modelFile <- "../runscripts/recruitJAGS_yrlycomp.R"
  n.Adapt <- n_adapt
  n.Up <- n_update
  n.Samp <- n_samples
  n.Thin <- n_thin
  jm <- jags.model(modelFile, data=dataJ, n.chains=length(inits),
                   inits = inits, n.adapt = n.Adapt)
  update(jm, n.iter=n.Up)
  out <- coda.samples(jm, variable.names=params, n.iter=n.Samp, n.thin=n.Thin)

  zmStat <- summary(out)$stat
  zmQuants <- summary(out)$quantile
} # end function
atredennick/community_synchrony documentation built on May 10, 2019, 2:10 p.m.