
Defines functions CladeByTrait

Documented in CladeByTrait

# format data.frame : 2 columns, header: darwinCOre, 2 columns: 1.: species
# name, higherGeography: presence/absence: 1_ present, 0 = absent, NA = no
# info prefix = group name as prefix for outputfiles
CladeByTrait <- function(x, tree, prefix, min_clade_size, max_clade_size, monophyly_threshold, 
    summary = FALSE) {
    ## Data preparation
    if (is.data.frame(x)) {
        geo <- data.frame(trait = x[, 2], row.names = x[, 1])
    dat.tre <- suppressWarnings(geiger::treedata(tree, geo))
    # records from the tree with no occrrences
    nodata <- tree$tip.label[!tree$tip.label %in% row.names(geo)]
    nodatatab <- data.frame(rep(NA, length(nodata)), row.names = nodata)
    # records not occurring in the study area
    outsidetab <- data.frame(subset(dat.tre$data, dat.tre$data[, 1] == 0))
    outside <- rownames(outsidetab)
    # standardize names
    names(outsidetab) <- names(nodatatab) <- names(data.frame(trait = dat.tre$data))
    # combine species with data and species in the phylogeny but without data
    all.classified <- rbind(data.frame(trait = dat.tre$dat), nodatatab)
    # species not in the phylogeny and not in the study area
    others2 <- data.frame(subset(geo, geo[, 1] == 0)[, 1], row.names = rownames(subset(geo, 
        geo[, 1] == 0)))
    names(others2) <- names(geo)[1]
    # create summary files if desired
    if (summary) {
        # A modified input table, taking into account the phylogeny
        write.table(all.classified, paste(prefix, "_area_classification_used.txt", 
            sep = ""), quote = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t")
        # the tree with the area classification as tip colour
        colo <- geo[match(tree$tip.label, rownames(geo)), ]
        colo <- as.character(factor(colo, levels = c(0, 1), labels = c("blue", 
        colo[is.na(colo)] <- "grey"
        pdf(paste(prefix, "_phylogeny+traitdata.pdf", sep = ""), height = max(round(c(length(tree$tip.label)/30, 
            0), 11)), width = 8, paper = "special")
        plot(tree, tip.color = colo, cex = 0.5)
        legend("topleft", bg = "white", fill = c("blue", "red", "grey"), legend = c("Outside", 
            "Inside", "No occurrence data"), cex = 0.5)
    ## finding trait-exclusive clades, this part was written by R. SCharn
    tr <- dat.tre$phy
    # create matrix for each node on state 1 ('not checked')
    nodenr <- matrix(nrow = length((length(tr$tip.label) + 1):max(tr$edge)), 
        ncol = 2)
    # sets all nodes to 1 ie all can be checked
    nodenr[, 1] <- 1
    nodenr[, 2] <- 0
    rownames(nodenr) <- (length(tr$tip.label) + 1):max(tr$edge)
    colnames(nodenr) <- c("checked_monophyletic", "clade_size_mono")
    # check for clades monophylethic for area 'X' skip nodes identified with 0
    # (not monophyletic for a given area OR descendent of monophyletic clade) __
    # # monophyly_threshold is NUMBER of species not in area of interest __
    # V=geo[tips(tr,i),area] __ if (length(V[V == 0]) > monophyly_threshold ){
    # __ nodenr[as.character(i),1]=0 __ } else{ monophyly_threshold is
    # percentage of species not in area of interest OUT OF CLADE SIZE
    for (i in (length(tr$tip.label) + 1):max(tr$edge)) {
        if (nodenr[as.character(i), 1] == 1) {
            V <- geo[geiger::tips(tr, i), "trait"]
            if (length(V[V == 0])/length(V) >= monophyly_threshold || length(geiger::tips(tr, 
                i)) > max_clade_size) {
                nodenr[as.character(i), 1] <- 0
            } else {
                nodenr[as.character(i), 2] <- length(geiger::tips(tr, i))  # number of tips in the clade
                nodes <- .getDescend(tr, i)
                nodenr[as.character(nodes[nodes > length(tr$tip.label)]), 1] <- 0  # set all descendent noeds to zero (skip check)
                nodenr[as.character(i), 1] <- 2  # indentifier of monophyletic group
    # removes from table all nodes which are not of interest clades TABLE:
    # column 1: 0-> discarded (there shouldn't be any); 1-> untested (there
    # shouldn't be any at the end of the loop); 2-> positive hit CALL RUUD for
    # bug reports or if you want to have a good time (ruud.scharn@gmail.com)
    # column 2: size of the clade
    clades <- subset(nodenr, nodenr[, 2] >= min_clade_size)
    ## Write output
    # pdf with visualization of the subtrees and write subtrees as enxus files
    lengtab <- as.vector(0)
    subtreelist <- as.list(0)
    pdf(paste(prefix, "_subtrees.pdf", sep = ""), height = 11, width = 8, paper = "special")
    for (i in 1:length(clades[, 2])) {
        node <- as.numeric(row.names(clades)[i])
        subtree <- ape::extract.clade(tr, node, root.edge = 0, interactive = FALSE)
        lengtab[i] <- max(picante::node.age(subtree)$ages)
        ape::write.tree(subtree, file = paste(prefix, "clade_", i, ".tre", sep = ""))
        colo <- geo[match(subtree$tip.label, rownames(geo)), ]
        colo <- gsub(1, "red", colo)
        colo <- gsub(0, "blue", colo)
        colo[is.na(colo)] <- "grey"
        plot(subtree, tip.color = colo, cex = 0.5, main = paste("Clade", i, 
            sep = "_"))
        legend("topleft", bg = "white", fill = c("blue", "red", "grey"), legend = c("Outside", 
            "Inside", "No occurrence data"), cex = 0.7)
    # log file and log to screen
    descwrite <- c("date", "input_prefix", "min_clade_size", "max_clade_size", 
        "monophyly_threshold", "Species in Phylogeny", "Species with traits data", 
        "Species in trait and phylogeny", "Species with no trait information", 
        "Number of clades returned", "Mean_tip_number_per_tree", "Median tip age")
    logwrite <- c(as.character(Sys.Date()), prefix, min_clade_size, max_clade_size, 
        monophyly_threshold, ape::Ntip(tree), nrow(geo), ape::Ntip(tree) - length(nodata), 
        length(nodata), length(clades[, 2]), round(mean(clades[, 2]), digits = 2), 
        round(median(lengtab), 1))
    screenout <- data.frame(logwrite, row.names = descwrite)
    if (summary) {
        # write log file
        if (!"GetAreasClades_log.txt" %in% list.files()) {
            write.table(as.vector(data.frame(t(descwrite))), "CladesByTrait_log.txt", 
                col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t")
        write.table(as.vector(as.data.frame(t(logwrite))), col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, 
            "CladesByTrait_log.txt", append = TRUE, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t")
        # plot summary graphs
        pdf(paste(prefix, "_summary_graphs.pdf", sep = "")[1], paper = "a4")
        par(mar = c(12, 3, 3, 3))
        barplot(as.numeric(logwrite[6:11]), names.arg = paste(descwrite[6:11], 
            " (", logwrite[6:10], ")", sep = ""), las = 2, cex.names = 0.7, 
            col = "brown", main = paste(prefix, " species numbers", sep = "")[1])
        hist(lengtab, main = "Node age", xlab = "Node age", col = "brown")
        hist(clades[, 2], main = "Number of tips per clade", xlab = "Number of tips per clade", 
            col = "brown")
        # summary table with indeces for each clade
        clades_write <- data.frame(clades, node_nr = as.numeric(rownames(clades)), 
            row.names = 1:length(clades[, 1]))[, c(3, 1, 2)]  #add node number as column
        write.table(clades_write, paste("clade_identity_and_size_", area, ".txt", 
            sep = ""), sep = "\t")
        # log to screen
        warning(paste(descwrite, logwrite, rep("\n", length(logwrite))))
azizka/speciesgeocodeR documentation built on Sept. 5, 2023, 3:45 a.m.