

library(DESeq2,quietly = TRUE,warn.conflicts = FALSE,)
library(plyr,quietly = TRUE,warn.conflicts = FALSE)
library("pheatmap",quietly = TRUE,warn.conflicts = FALSE)
library("RColorBrewer",quietly = TRUE,warn.conflicts = FALSE)
library(ggplot2,quietly = TRUE,warn.conflicts = FALSE)
library(gridExtra,quietly = TRUE,warn.conflicts = FALSE)
library(GGally,quietly = TRUE,warn.conflicts = FALSE)

getEsnemblGeneName <-  function (host="www.ensembl.org", dataset="rnorvegicus_gene_ensembl", 
                                 attributes= c("ensembl_gene_id", "external_gene_name"), 
                                 filters = "ensembl_gene_id", values){
  ensembl  <- useMart(host=host, "ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL",  dataset=dataset)
  genemap <- getBM(attributes = attributes,
                   filters = filters,
                   values = values,
                   mart = ensembl )
  return (genemap)

gg_color_hue <- function(n) {
  hues = seq(15, 375, length=n+1)
  hcl(h=hues, l=65, c=100)[1:n]

gg_shapeValues  <- function(n){
  shapes = c(16,17,15,3,7,8)
  subshapes = rep(shapes,len = n)

fixFeatureCountTable <- function(exp.data, 
                                 rowID = 'Geneid',
                                 prefix = '.*bamFiles.',
                                 suffix ='.bam'){
  # fix rows
  row.names(exp.data) <- exp.data[[rowID]]
  # fix columns 
  expDataColNames = colnames(exp.data)
  noPrefix = gsub(prefix,"",expDataColNames)
  colnames(exp.data) <- gsub(suffix, "", noPrefix)
  # remove non-counts columns 
  exp.data <- exp.data[,c(7:dim(exp.data)[2])]

plotFeatureCountSummary <- function(filename, percent = FALSE){
  exp.data.summary <- read.table(filename, header=TRUE, sep="\t",comment.char="#")
  expDataSummaryColNames = colnames(exp.data.summary)
  noPrefix = gsub(".*bamFiles.","",expDataSummaryColNames)
  colnames(exp.data.summary) <- gsub(".bam", "", noPrefix)
  rownames(exp.data.summary) <- exp.data.summary[,1]
  exp.data.summary = exp.data.summary[c("Assigned","Unassigned_Ambiguity","Unassigned_NoFeatures"),]
    mappingData = melt(exp.data.summary)
    ggplot(mappingData, aes(x = variable, y = value,fill=Status)) + 
      geom_bar(stat = "identity") + 
      theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) 
    exp.data.summary.percent = exp.data.summary[2:ncol(exp.data.summary)]
    exp.data.summary.percent = t(t(exp.data.summary.percent) / colSums(exp.data.summary.percent)) *100
    rownames(exp.data.summary.percent) <- c("Assigned","Unassigned_Ambiguity","Unassigned_NoFeatures")
    mappingData = melt(exp.data.summary.percent)
    colnames(mappingData) <- c("Status","variable","Percent")
    ggplot(mappingData, aes(x = variable, y = Percent,fill=Status)) + 
      geom_bar(stat = "identity") + 
      theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) 

getFeatureCountSummary <- function(filename, percent = FALSE){
  exp.data.summary <- read.table(filename, header=TRUE, sep="\t",comment.char="#")
  expDataSummaryColNames = colnames(exp.data.summary)
  noPrefix = gsub(".*bamFiles.","",expDataSummaryColNames)
  colnames(exp.data.summary) <- gsub(".bam", "", noPrefix)
  rownames(exp.data.summary) <- exp.data.summary[,1]
  exp.data.summary = exp.data.summary[,2:ncol(exp.data.summary)]
  exp.data.summary = exp.data.summary[c("Assigned","Unassigned_Ambiguity","Unassigned_NoFeatures"),]
  exp.data.summary.percent = exp.data.summary
  exp.data.summary.percent = t(t(exp.data.summary.percent) / colSums(exp.data.summary.percent)) *100
  rownames(exp.data.summary.percent) <- c("Percent_Assigned","Percent_Unassigned_Ambiguity","Percent_Unassigned_NoFeatures")
  final.summary = rbind(exp.data.summary, exp.data.summary.percent)
  return (final.summary)

plotSample2SampleDistance<- function(normData ){
  sampleDists <- dist( t( normData ) )
  sampleDistMatrix <- as.matrix( sampleDists )

plotSample2SampleSpearman<- function(normData ){
  sampleDists <- cor(normData, use="complete.obs", method="spearman")
  sampleDistMatrix <- as.matrix( sampleDists )

plotMatrixHeatMap<- function(sampleDistMatrix, sampleDists){
  colors <- colorRampPalette( rev(brewer.pal(9, "Blues")) )(255)
  colnames(sampleDistMatrix) = NULL

plotMatrixHeatMap2<- function(sampleDistMatrix, sampleDists){
  colors <- colorRampPalette( rev(brewer.pal(9, "Blues")) )(255)
  colnames(sampleDistMatrix) = NULL

getPCdata <- function(values, metaDataTable, n.comp = 5,scale = FALSE, center = TRUE){
  plot.comp = 1:n.comp
  #Find principal components
  prcompResult = prcomp(t(values), scale=scale, center=center)
  pca.basis = prcompResult[['x']]
  pca.basis = pca.basis[order(rownames(pca.basis) ),]
  e.var = (prcompResult[['sdev']]^2 / sum(prcompResult[['sdev']]^2))[plot.comp]
  e.var = as.data.frame( e.var)
  e.var$components = colnames(pca.basis)[plot.comp]
  e.var$info = sprintf('%s: %.1f%s',e.var$components,e.var$e.var*100, "%")
  metaInfo = metaDataTable[rownames(metaDataTable) %in% rownames(pca.basis),  ]
  metaInfo = metaInfo[order(rownames(metaInfo)),]
  PCAinfo = cbind(as.data.frame(pca.basis[, plot.comp]),metaInfo )
  allInfo = list(PCAinfo = PCAinfo, variance = e.var, pcrCompResult = prcompResult)  
  return (allInfo)  

# Create PCAplot requires that the colnames in the expressionTable are present in the metaDataTable[sampleColName, ]
plotPCAplotExtended <- function( PCAinfo,varianceInfo,n.comp,
                                 sampleColName = "Name", colorComponent = NULL , pchComponent = NULL){
  ggInfo = PCAinfo[,1:n.comp]
  ggInfo[colorComponent] = PCAinfo[colorComponent]
  ggInfo[pchComponent] = PCAinfo[pchComponent]
  ggInfo['colorComponent'] = PCAinfo[colorComponent]
  ggInfo['pchComponent'] = PCAinfo[pchComponent]
  ggInfo['pchComponent'] = PCAinfo[pchComponent]
  ggInfo[paste(pchComponent, colorComponent, sep = "_")] =as.factor(paste(ggInfo[[pchComponent]], ggInfo[[colorComponent]], sep = "_"))
  breakInfo =  as.data.frame(levels(ggInfo[[paste(pchComponent, colorComponent, sep = "_")]]))
  colnames(breakInfo) <- "Both"
  ll <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(breakInfo$Both), "_"))
  breakInfo$shapeLevels = as.factor(ll[seq(from = 1, to = length(ll)-1, by = 2)])
  breakInfo$colourLevels = as.factor(ll[seq(from = 2, to = length(ll), by = 2)])
  breakInfo$colourValues = "black"
  breakInfo$shapeValues = 16
  df = data.frame(colLevels = levels(breakInfo$colourLevels), colValues = gg_color_hue(length(levels(breakInfo$colourLevels))))
  for( i in 1:length(df$colLevels)){
    breakInfo$colourValues[which(breakInfo$colourLevels == df$colLevels[i])] = as.character(df$colValues[[i]])
  df = data.frame(shapeLevels = levels(breakInfo$shapeLevels), shapeValues = gg_shapeValues(length(levels(breakInfo$shapeLevels))))
  for( i in 1:length(df$shapeLevels)){
    breakInfo$shapeValues[which(breakInfo$shapeLevels == df$shapeLevels[i])] = as.integer(df$shapeValues[[i]])
  pcaPlot <- ggpairs(ggInfo,columns = c(1:(n.comp+2)) ,
                     mapping = aes(color=colorComponent,  shape = pchComponent, linetype = pchComponent),
                     upper = list(continuous = "blank", combo = 'box', discrete = "blank"),
                     lower = list(continuous = "points", combo = "blank", discrete = "blank"),
                     diag  = list(continuous = "density", discrete = "blank")
  ggplot(ggInfo, aes(x = (e.var$components[i]), colour=colorComponent,linetype = pchComponent))+geom_density(adjust = 0.2)
  for(i in 1:length(e.var$components)){
    plot <- ggplot2::ggplot(ggInfo, aes(x = e.var$components[i], colour=colorComponent,linetype = pchComponent))
    plot <- plot + ggplot2::geom_density(adjust = 0.2)
    pcaPlot <- putPlot(pcaPlot, plot, n.comp+1, i)
  plot <- ggplot2::ggplot()
  plot <- plot +
    ggplot2::scale_y_discrete(name="",  limits = c( as.character(rev(breakInfo$Both)),"Legend") ) +
    ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0,1), breaks=NULL, name="") +
    ggplot2::geom_point(data=breakInfo, mapping=aes(y=Both, x=0.10,colour=colourValues,  shape = shapeLevels, linetype = shapeLevels), size=3)+
    ggplot2::geom_text(data=breakInfo, mapping=aes(y=Both, x=0.25,label =Both,hjust=0), size=4)+
    ggplot2::geom_text(data=NULL, mapping=aes(y='Legend', x=0.5,label ="Legend"), size=4)
  pcaPlot <- putPlot(pcaPlot, plot, n.comp+1, 2)
  plot <- ggplot2::ggplot()
  plot <- plot +
    ggplot2::scale_y_discrete(name="",  limits = c( as.character(rev(e.var$components)),"PCs") ) +
    ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0,1), breaks=NULL, name="") +
    ggplot2::geom_text(data=e.var, mapping=aes(y=components, x=0.05,label =info,hjust=0), size=4)+
    ggplot2::geom_text(data=NULL, mapping=aes(y='PCs', x=0.5,label ="PCs"), size=4)
  pcaPlot <- putPlot(pcaPlot, plot, 1, 2)
  plot <- plot +
    ggplot2::scale_y_discrete(name="") +
    ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0,1), breaks=NULL, name="") +
    ggplot2::geom_point(data=breakInfo, mapping=aes(y=Both, x=0.10,colour=colourValues,  shape = shapeLevels, linetype = shapeLevels), size=3)+
    ggplot2::geom_text(data=breakInfo, mapping=aes(y=Both, x=0.25,label =Both,hjust=0), size=4)
  pcaPlot <- putPlot(pcaPlot, plot, n.comp+1, 1)
  for(i in 1:(n.comp-1)){
    for(j in  (i+1):n.comp){
      plot <- ggplot2::ggplot()
      plot <- plot +
        ggplot2::scale_y_discrete(name="") +
        ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0,1), breaks=NULL, name="") +
        ggplot2::geom_point(data=breakInfo, mapping=aes(y=Both, x=0.10,colour=colourValues,  shape = shapeLevels, linetype = shapeLevels), size=3)+
        ggplot2::geom_text(data=breakInfo, mapping=aes(y=Both, x=0.25,label =Both,hjust=0), size=4)
      pcaPlot <- putPlot(pcaPlot, plot, n.comp+1, j)
  #clNames = colnames(ggInfo)
  #m = ggplot(ggInfo, aes(x = PC1))
  #m <- ggplot(ggInfo2, aes(x=PC1, colour=Timepoint, linetype=Phenotype))
  #m + geom_density(fill=NA,adjust=1/3)

plotPCAplot <- function( PCAinfo,varianceInfo,n.comp,
                         sampleColName = "Name", colorComponent = NULL , pchComponent = NULL){
  ggInfo = PCAinfo[,1:n.comp]
  extra = 0
    ggInfo[colorComponent] = PCAinfo[colorComponent]
    extra = extra + 1
    ggInfo[pchComponent] = PCAinfo[pchComponent]
    extra = extra + 1
    ggInfo['colorComponent'] = PCAinfo[colorComponent]
    ggInfo['pchComponent'] = PCAinfo[pchComponent]
  if(extra == 2){
    ggInfo[paste(pchComponent, colorComponent, sep = "_")] =as.factor(paste(ggInfo[[pchComponent]], ggInfo[[colorComponent]], sep = "_"))
  pcaPlot <- ggpairs(ggInfo,columns = c(1:(n.comp+extra)) ,
                     mapping = aes(color=colorComponent,  shape = pchComponent, linetype = pchComponent),
                     upper = list(continuous = "blank", combo = 'box', discrete = "blank"),
                     lower = list(continuous = "points", combo = "blank", discrete = "blank"),
                     diag  = list(continuous = "blan", discrete = "blank")

# Create PCAplot requires that the colnames in the expressionTable are present in the metaDataTable[sampleColName, ]

createTwoPCAplot <- function(expressionTable, metaDataTable, xComp = 1,YComp = 2 ,
                             sampleColName = "Name", colorComponent = "Phenotype" , pchComponent = "Date"
                             ,PCAcolors =  c("#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#009E73", "#F0E442", "#0072B2", "#D55E00", "#CC79A7","#000000")
                             ,pchs = 16:40,
                             scale = TRUE, center = TRUE){
  metaInfo = metaDatatable[metaDatatable[[sampleColName]] %in% colnames(expressionTable),  ]
  rownames(metaInfo) <- metaInfo[[sampleColName]]
  plot.comp = 1:n.comp
  pca = prcomp(t(expressionTable), scale=scale, center=center)
  pca.basis = pca[['x']]
  e.var = pca[['sdev']]^2 / sum(pca[['sdev']]^2)
  names(e.var) = colnames(pca.basis)
  #color maps
  ColorVariables = as.factor(metaInfo[,colorComponent])
  SampleColors = PCAcolors[1:length(levels(ColorVariables))]
  names(SampleColors) =  levels(ColorVariables)
  metaInfo['Color'] = as.character(revalue(ColorVariables,SampleColors))
  #pch variables maps
  pchVariables = as.factor(metaInfo[,pchComponent])
  SamplePCHs = pchs[1:length(levels(pchVariables))]
  names(SamplePCHs) =  levels(pchVariables)
  metaInfo['pchs'] = as.numeric(revalue(pchVariables,SamplePCHs))
  samples = rownames(pca.basis)
  PCs = colnames(pca.basis)
  rownames(metaInfo) = metaInfo$Mapping_Name
  stage.color = as.character(metaInfo[samples, 'Color'])
  stage.pchs = metaInfo[samples, 'pchs']
  metaInfo$Both = paste( metaInfo[[colorComponent]],metaInfo[[pchComponent]], sep = " ")
  stage2color.map = unique(metaInfo[samples, c('Both','Color','pchs')])
  ##    pdf(pca.pairs.preqc.pdf)
  p = pairs(pca.basis[, plot.comp])
  p = pairs(pca.basis[, 1:2], upper.panel = point.text.panel, lower.panel = point.panel, diag.panel = diag.panel)
  p = pairs(pca.basis[, 1:2], upper.panel = point.text.panel)
  ##    dev.off()
  return (p)

#ggInfo =  p  + geom_point() +
#   scale_colour_manual(name = paste(pchComponent, colorComponent, sep = "_"),
#                       breaks = breakInfo$Both,
#                       values = breakInfo$colourValues) +
#   scale_shape_manual(name = paste(pchComponent, colorComponent, sep = "_"),
#                      breaks = breakInfo$Both,
#                      values = breakInfo$shapeValues)
# )

point.text.panel <- function(x, y){
  xmin = min(y)
  xmax = max(y)
  xbuffer  = as.integer((xmax-xmin)/10 +2 )
  ymin = min(x)
  ymax = max(x)
  ybuffer  = as.integer((ymax-ymin)/10 +2 )
  par("usr" = c(xmin-xbuffer,xmax+xbuffer, ymin-ybuffer, ymax+ybuffer))
  text(y, x, labels = samples, col = stage.color)

point.panel <- function(x, y){
  xmin = min(x)
  xmax = max(x)
  xbuffer  = as.integer((xmax-xmin)/10 +2 )
  ymin = min(y)
  ymax = max(y)
  ybuffer  = as.integer((ymax-ymin)/10 +2 )
  par("usr" = c(xmin-xbuffer,xmax+xbuffer, ymin-ybuffer, ymax+ybuffer))
  points(x, y, col = stage.color, pch = stage.pchs)

diag.panel <- function(x, y, labels, ...){
  pu <- par("usr")
  d <- density(x,bw = 0.5, ...)
  par("usr" = c(pu[1:2], 0, max(d$y)*1.5))

text.panel <- function(x, y, labels, ...){
  if(labels == 'PC1'){
    text(0.5, 0.3, sprintf('%s: %.1f%s', labels, e.var[grep(paste('^', labels, '$', sep = ''), colnames(pca.basis))] * 100, '%'));
    legend('topleft', legend = stage2color.map[, 'Both'], col = stage2color.map[, 'Color'], pch = stage2color.map[, 'pchs'])
    text(0.5, 0.8, sprintf('%s: %.1f%s', labels, e.var[grep(paste('^', labels, '$', sep = ''), colnames(pca.basis))] * 100, '%'));

# createPCAplot(expressionTable = expressionTable, metaDataTable = metaDataPremiRNA, n.comp = 5 , sampleColName = "Name", colorComponent = "Date", pchComponent = "Phenotype")
# # Create PCAplot requires that the colnames in the expressionTable are present in the metaDataTable[sampleColName, ]
# createMultipePCAplot <- function(expressionTable, metaDataTable, n.comp = 4,
#                                  sampleColName = "Name", colorComponent = "Phenotype" , pchComponent = "Date"
#                                  ,PCAcolors =  c("#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#009E73", "#F0E442", "#0072B2", "#D55E00", "#CC79A7","#000000")
#                                  ,pchs = 16:40,
#                                  scale = TRUE, center = TRUE){
#   ######################
#   #PCA
#   ######################
#   metaInfo = metaDatatable[metaDatatable[[sampleColName]] %in% colnames(expressionTable),  ]
#   rownames(metaInfo) <- metaInfo[[sampleColName]]
#   #components
#   plot.comp = 1:n.comp
#   pca = prcomp(t(expressionTable),scale=FALSE, center=TRUE )
#   #pca
#   pca = prcomp(t(expressionTable), scale=scale, center=center)
#   pca.basis = pca[['x']]
#   e.var = pca[['sdev']]^2 / sum(pca[['sdev']]^2)
#   names(e.var) = colnames(pca.basis)
#   #color maps
#   ColorVariables = as.factor(metaInfo[,colorComponent])
#   SampleColors = PCAcolors[1:length(levels(ColorVariables))]
#   names(SampleColors) =  levels(ColorVariables)
#   metaInfo['Color'] = as.character(revalue(ColorVariables,SampleColors))
#   #pch variables maps
#   pchVariables = as.factor(metaInfo[,pchComponent])
#   SamplePCHs = pchs[1:length(levels(pchVariables))]
#   names(SamplePCHs) =  levels(pchVariables)
#   metaInfo['pchs'] = as.numeric(revalue(pchVariables,SamplePCHs))
#   samples = rownames(pca.basis)
#   PCs = colnames(pca.basis)
#   stage.color = as.character(metaInfo[samples, 'Color'])
#   stage.pchs = metaInfo[samples, 'pchs']
#   metaInfo$Both = paste( metaInfo[[colorComponent]],metaInfo[[pchComponent]], sep = " ")
#   stage2color.map = unique(metaInfo[samples, c('Both','Color','pchs')])
#   #plot
#   ##    pdf(pca.pairs.preqc.pdf)
#   p = pairs(pca.basis[, plot.comp], upper.panel = point.text.panel, lower.panel = point.panel, diag.panel = diag.panel, text.panel = text.panel)
#   ##    dev.off()
#   return (p)
# }

#info2 = ggInfo[,"PC1"]
#metaInfo2 = ggInfo[,"Date"]

compareValue <- function(info2, metaInfo2 ){
  Levels = levels(metaInfo2)
  lowestPvalue = 1;
  for(i in 1:(length(Levels)-1)){
    for(j in  (i+1):(length(Levels))){
      A = info2[which(metaInfo2 == Levels[i])]
      B = info2[which(metaInfo2 == Levels[j])]
      KS.out = ks.test(A,B)
      if(KS.out$p.value < lowestPvalue){
b97jre/RNAmappingPipeline documentation built on May 11, 2019, 5:22 p.m.