
#' Render summary plots of SLO and b-scans for an OCT VOL file
#' Generates plots from a VOL file. Segmentation from the Iowa Reference
#' Algorithms can be included as an optional overlay on the b-scans.
#' @param vol_file path to VOL file
#' @param xml_file path to XML file containing Iowa Reference Algorithms segmentation
#' @param out_dir name of directory to save rendered results
#' @param return_results Return the data read as a list?
#' @return a list containing the OCT and segmentation data (if requested)
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom dplyr filter collect distinct select
#' @importFrom ggplot2 scale_color_brewer element_text theme ggsave
#' @importFrom ggplot2 scale_color_manual geom_line geom_segment geom_tile
#' @importFrom ggplot2 geom_vline aes ggplot annotate
#' @importFrom gridExtra arrangeGrob
#' @importFrom parallel parLapply makeCluster clusterCall stopCluster
#' @importFrom purrr walk
render_oct_summary <- function(vol_file,
                               xml_file = NULL,
                               center_file = NULL,
                               out_dir = "rendered_bscans",
                               prefix = "",
                               overlay_bscan_position = TRUE,
                               omit_slo = FALSE,
                               overlay_heidelberg_segmentation = TRUE,
                               crop_to_heidelberg_segmentation = c(10, 75),
                               file_type = "pdf",
                               slo_only = FALSE) {

    # TASK: Ensure that the render function will work with or without
    #       segmentation from OCT explorer.

    base_name <- basename(vol_file) %>%
        gsub(pattern=".VOL", replacement="", = TRUE)

    # From the results directory, construct the other file paths
    output_path <- file.path(out_dir)

    if(!dir.exists(output_path)) {
        dir.create(output_path, recursive = TRUE)

    # Load data ------------------------------------------
    oct <- NULL
    oct_segmentation <- NULL
    oct_center <- NULL

    # NOTE: This code is safe UNTIL I modify the internal object representation
    #       of the VOL file in R. Then I will need to delete all the RData
    #       files for each VOL.

    # # Load raw data from VOL or RData file
    # if(!file.exists(paste(vol_file, ".RData", sep=""))) {
    #     # Load the VOL data
    #     oct <- read_vol(vol_file)
    #     save(oct, file = paste(vol_file, ".RData", sep=""))
    # } else {
    #     load(paste(vol_file, ".RData", sep=""))
    # }

    oct <- read_vol(vol_file)

    # If an XML file is provided,
    # load segmentation from XML or RData file.
    # if(!is.null(xml_file)) {
    #     if(!file.exists(paste(xml_file, ".RData", sep=""))) {
    #         # Load the segmentation from OCT Explorer
    #         oct_segmentation <- read_segmentation_xml(xml_file)
    #         save(oct_segmentation, file = paste(xml_file, ".RData", sep=""))
    #     } else {
    #         load(paste(xml_file, ".RData", sep=""))
    #     }
    # }

    oct_segmentation <- read_segmentation_xml(xml_file)

    # Load the "grid center" XML file, if provided.
    if(!is.null(center_file)) {
        oct_center <- read_center_xml(center_file)

    # TASK: Once the data has been returned to the user, I should probably
    #       check to see if the data in meta data from the VOL file, the
    #       segmentation file, and the grid center file all match. If not,
    #       the function should at least return a warning.

    # Theme component to turn off legend plotting
    tt <- theme(legend.position="none",
                plot.title = element_text(hjust=-0.1, face="bold"))

    # Build report elements ------------------------------------------
    p_slo <- construct_slo(oct, draw_margins = TRUE)

    if(slo_only) {
        # TASK: Turn this code into a function and re-use function later.

        # Render the SLO with the b-scan positions overlaid
        # Overlay the position of the b-scans on the top SLO
        p_slo_1 <- p_slo +
            geom_segment(data = oct$bscan_headers,
                         mapping = aes(x = start_x_pixels,
                                       xend = end_x_pixels,
                                       y = start_y_pixels,
                                       yend = end_y_pixels),
                         alpha = 0.5, color = "darkgreen")

        # Add in the grid center information if available
        if(!is.null(center_file)) {
            p_slo_1 <- p_slo_1 +
                         x = center_x,
                         y = center_y,
                         color = "green",
                         alpha = 0.5)

        # Save the plot as a layout
        file_out <- paste(output_path, "/", base_name, "_slo", ".", file_type, sep="")
        ggsave(filename = file_out, plot = p_slo_1 + tt,
               units = "in", width = 7, height = 7)

    } else {
        # Get the Heidelberg segmentation
        oct_seg_array <- try(get_segmentation(oct))

        # TASK: Modify this code. I think it might be unreliable to depend on the
        #       automated segmentation. Inspect the results and decide.
        # OCT Segmentation minimum and maximum (from Heidelberg segmenation)
        if(!is.error(oct_seg_array) & !is.null(crop_to_heidelberg_segmentation)) {
            layer_y_min <- max(0, min(oct_seg_array[["z"]], na.rm = TRUE) - crop_to_heidelberg_segmentation[1])
            layer_y_max <- min(max(oct_seg_array[["z"]], na.rm = TRUE) + crop_to_heidelberg_segmentation[2],

        # Calculate grid center coordinates.
        # Adjust the coordinates for my 1-based system.
        if(!is.null(oct_center)) {
            center_x_voxel <- oct_center[["center"]][["x"]][[1]] + 1
            center_z_voxel <- bscan_id_seg[[as.character(oct_center[["center"]][["z"]][[1]] + 1)]]

            # Function from
            is.error <- function(x) inherits(x, "try-error")

            # TASK: Check the code below, as I don't think I need to reorder
            #       these values since I've adjusted some of the lower level
            #       reading functions.

            # The order of b-scans and segmentation results are opposite within the
            # VOL and XML files. Thus, we build this handy mapping structure to
            # assign the correct segmentation results to the correct B-scans.
            bscan_id_seg <- 1:oct$header$num_bscans %>%

            # TASK: Check to see that I'm already adjusting the center voxels
            #       when reading the grid_center file.

            # Calculate grid center stuff
            # Adjust the coordinates for my 1-based system
            if(!is.null(oct_center)) {
                center_x_voxel <- oct_center[["center"]][["x"]][[1]] + 1
                center_z_voxel <- bscan_id_seg[[as.character(oct_center[["center"]][["z"]][[1]] + 1)]]

                center_bscan <- oct$bscan_headers %>%
                    filter(bscan == center_z_voxel)

                start_x_pixel <- center_bscan[["start_x_pixels"]]
                end_x_pixel <- center_bscan[["end_x_pixels"]]

        # Save the SLO separately if required
        if(omit_slo) {
            # Save the SLO here
            ggsave(p_slo + tt + theme_nude(),
                   file = paste0(output_path, "/", prefix,
                                            pattern = "-",
                                            replacement = ""),
                                            pattern = "_",
                                            replacement = "-"),
                   dpi = 300,
                   width = 4,
                   height = 4,
                   units = "in")

            p_slo <- FALSE

                # NOTE: This will only work for horizontal scans.
                center_x <- start_x_pixel + (end_x_pixel - start_x_pixel) * (center_x_voxel / oct$header$size_x)
                center_y <- center_bscan[["start_y_pixels"]]

        1:oct$header$num_bscans %>%
            walk(~layout_plot_2(bscan_id = .x,
                                oct = oct,
                                p_slo = p_slo,
                                layer_y_max = layer_y_max,
                                layer_y_min = layer_y_min,
                                xml_file = xml_file,
                                oct_segmentation = oct_segmentation,
                                bscan_id_seg = bscan_id_seg,
                                center_file = center_file,
                                center_z_voxel = center_z_voxel,
                                center_x_voxel = center_x_voxel,
                                overlay_bscan_position = overlay_bscan_position,
                                overlay_heidelberg_segmentation = overlay_heidelberg_segmentation,
                                oct_seg_array = oct_seg_array,
                                base_name = paste0(prefix,
                                                        pattern = "-",
                                                        replacement = ""),
                                                        pattern = "_",
                                                        replacement = "-"),
                                output_path = output_path,
                                file_type = file_type,
                                tt = tt))

            # TASK: Modify this code. I think it might be unreliable to depend on the
            #       automated segmentation. Inspect the results and decide.
            # OCT Segmentation minimum and maximum (from Heidelberg segmenation)
            if(!is.error(oct_seg_array)) {
                layer_y_min <- max(0, min(oct_seg_array[["z"]], na.rm = TRUE) - crop_to_heidelberg_segmentation[1])
                layer_y_max <- min(max(oct_seg_array[["z"]], na.rm = TRUE) + crop_to_heidelberg_segmentation[2],
            } else {
                layer_y_min <- 0
                layer_y_max <- oct$header$size_z

            # Label the output files in the reverse order as the bscan IDs
            reverse_order <- oct$header$num_bscans:1

            lapply(1:oct$header$num_bscans, function(bscan_id) {

                # Construct the b-scan plot:
                # Perform gamma correction to lighten dark values.
                # Value of gamma recommended by author of Open Heyex plugin for
                # ImageJ.

                p_1 <- construct_bscan(oct, bscan_id, layer_y_max = layer_y_max,
                                       layer_y_min = layer_y_min)

                # If an XML file was provided,
                # overlay Iowa Reference Algorithms segmentation on the top b-scan.
                if(!is.null(xml_file)) {
                    p_1_l <- p_1 +
                        geom_line(data=oct_segmentation$layers %>%
                                      filter(bscan_id == bscan_id_seg[as.character(bscan_id)]),
                                  mapping = aes(x=ascan_id,
                                  alpha=0.6) +
                        scale_color_brewer(name="boundary", palette = "Paired")
                } else {
                    p_1_l <- p_1

                if(!is.null(center_file)) {
                    if(bscan_id == center_z_voxel) {
                        p_1_l <- p_1_l +
                            geom_vline(xintercept = center_x_voxel,
                                       color = "green",
                                       alpha = 0.5,
                                       linetype = "dotted")

                # Overlay Heidelberg segmentation on the lower b-scan plot
                if(overlay_heidelberg_segmentation & !is.error(oct_seg_array)) {
                    n_segments <- oct_seg_array %>%
                        dplyr::filter(bscan_id == bscan_id) %>%
                        select(seg_layer) %>%
                        distinct() %>%
                        collect %>%

                    segmentation_layer_value <- c("1"="red","2"="blue","3"="green")[as.character(n_segments)]

                    p_1_l2 <- p_1 +
                        geom_line(data = oct_seg_array %>% dplyr::filter(bscan_id == bscan_id),
                                  mapping = aes(group=as.factor(seg_layer),
                                  alpha = 0.5) +
                        scale_color_manual(guide = 'none',
                                           values = segmentation_layer_value)
                } else {
                    p_1_l2 <- p_1

                # Overlay the position of the b-scans on the top SLO
                p_slo_1 <- p_slo +
                    geom_segment(data = oct$bscan_headers %>%
                                     mutate(is_current = ifelse(bscan == bscan_id,
                                 mapping = aes(x = start_x_pixels,
                                               xend = end_x_pixels,
                                               y = start_y_pixels,
                                               yend = end_y_pixels,
                                               color = is_current),
                                 alpha = 0.5) +
                    scale_color_manual(values = c("current"="green",
                                       guide = 'none')

                # Add in the grid center information if available
                if(!is.null(center_file)) {
                    p_slo_1 <- p_slo_1 +
                                 x = center_x,
                                 y = center_y,
                                 color = "green",
                                 alpha = 0.5)

                # Layout the plots
                p_layout <- arrangeGrob(arrangeGrob(p_1_l + tt, p_1_l2 + tt, nrow=2),
                                        arrangeGrob(p_slo_1 + tt, p_slo + tt, nrow=2),
                                        ncol=2, widths = c(3,2))

                # Save the plot as a layout
                file_out <- paste(output_path, "/", base_name, "_", sprintf("%03d", reverse_order[bscan_id]), ".", file_type, sep="")
                ggsave(filename = file_out, plot = p_layout,
                       units = "in", width = 12, height = 8, dpi = 300)


            if(return_results) {
                return(list(oct=oct, segmentation=oct_segmentation))
barefootbiology/heyexr documentation built on July 9, 2022, 3:35 a.m.