get_adequacy_score: Compute an adequacy score.

View source: R/motivation_and_confidence.R

get_adequacy_scoreR Documentation

Compute an adequacy score.


This function computes an adequacy score (adequacy_score) for responses to items 2, 4 and 6 of the CSAPPA (Children's Self-Perceptions of Adequacy in and Predilection for Physical Activity; Hay, 1992) Questionnaire as they appear in the CAPL-2 Questionnaire. This score is used to compute the motivation and confidence domain score (mc_score).


get_adequacy_score(csappa2 = NA, csappa4 = NA, csappa6 = NA)



A numeric (integer) vector representing a response to CSAPPA item 2 (valid values are integers between 1 and 4).


A numeric (integer) vector representing a response to CSAPPA item 4 (valid values are integers between 1 and 4).


A numeric (integer) vector representing a response to CSAPPA item 6 (valid values are integers between 1 and 4).


Valid values (integers between 1 and 4) represent the following responses:

  • 1 = REALLY TRUE for me for "some kids" statements

  • 2 = SORT OF TRUE for me for "some kids" statements

  • 3 = REALLY TRUE for me for "other kids" statements

  • 4 = SORT OF TRUE for me for "other kids" statements

Other capl functions called by this function include: validate_scale().


Returns a numeric vector with values between 1.8 and 7.5 (if valid) or NA (if not valid).


  csappa2 = c(1:3, 0),
  csappa4 = c(4, 2, 1, "3"),
  csappa6 = c(4, 4, 2, 2)

# [1] 4.9 4.8 4.9  NA

barnzilla/capl documentation built on April 2, 2022, 8:50 a.m.