get_fill_in_the_blanks_score: Compute a fill in the blanks score.

View source: R/knowledge_and_understanding.R

get_fill_in_the_blanks_scoreR Documentation

Compute a fill in the blanks score.


This function computes a score (fill_in_the_blanks_score) for responses to the fill in the blanks items (story about Sally) in the CAPL-2 Questionnaire. This score is used to compute the knowledge and understanding domain score (ku_score).


  pa_is = NA,
  pa_is_also = NA,
  improve = NA,
  increase = NA,
  when_cooling_down = NA,
  heart_rate = NA,
  version = 2



A vector representing a response to the first fill in the blank item (correct answers are 1, 7, "Fun" or "Good").


A vector representing a response to the second fill in the blank item (correct answers are 1, 7, "Fun" or "Good").


A vector representing a response to the third fill in the blank item (correct answers are 3 or "Endurance").


A vector representing a response to the fourth fill in the blank item (correct answers are 8 or "Strength").


A vector representing a response to the fifth fill in the blank item (correct answers are 2 or "Stretches").


A vector representing a response to the sixth fill in the blank item (correct answers are 4 or "Pulse").


An optional numeric (integer) vector representing the version of CAPL. This argument is set to 2 by default. If set to 1, the when_cooling_down parameter will be ignored and the score re-weighted so that it's out of six.


The following integers represent the responses for the items/arguments in this function:

  • 1 = Fun

  • 2 = Stretches

  • 3 = Endurance

  • 4 = Pulse

  • 5 = Breathing

  • 6 = Flexibility

  • 7 = Good

  • 8 = Strength

  • 9 = Bad

  • 10 = Sport

Other capl functions called by this function include: get_binary_score().


Returns a numeric (integer) vector with values between 0 and 5 (if valid) or NA (if not valid).


  pa_is = c(2, 3, "fun", 9),
  pa_is_also = c(2, 5, "Fun", 9),
  improve = c(1, 3, 10, "Endurance"),
  increase = c(2, 3.5, "strength", "strength"),
  when_cooling_down = c("stretches", 9, 2, ""),
  heart_rate = c(3, 9, 4, "pulse")

# [1] 0 1 3 1

barnzilla/capl documentation built on April 2, 2022, 8:50 a.m.