
Defines functions predict.procrusteanized_da procrusteanize.multiblock_da performance.multiblock_da subset_rows.multiblock_da reproducibility.multiblock_da reconstruct.multiblock_da reprocess.multiblock_da supplementary_loadings.mubada predict.multiblock_da project.multiblock_da block_project.multiblock_da project_cols.multiblock_da loadings.multiblock_da singular_values.multiblock_da permute_refit.multiblock_da contributions.multiblock_da scores.multiblock_da refit.mubada ncomp.mubada print.mubada mubada prep_multiblock_da reduce_rows

Documented in mubada

#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that 
#' @keywords internal
reduce_rows <- function(Xlist, Ylist) {
  assert_that(length(Xlist) == length(Ylist))

  ## compute barycenters for each table, averaging over replications
  XB <- lapply(seq_along(Xlist), function(i) group_means(Ylist[[i]], Xlist[[i]]))
  Xr <- block_matrix(XB)

#' @keywords internal
prep_multiblock_da <- function(Y, Xlist) {
  ## work out the category structure of the X matrices
  if (is.factor(Y) && length(Y) == sum(sapply(Xlist, nrow))) {
    ## Y is a single factor with length equal to the sum of rows of each block
    Yl <- split(Y, rep(1:length(Xlist), sapply(Xlist, nrow)))
  } else if (is.factor(Y)) {
    ## Y is a single factor, therefore all matrices must have same number of rows.
    assert_that(all(sapply(Xlist, nrow) == nrow(Xlist[[1]])))
    assert_that(length(Y) == nrow(Xlist[[1]]))
    Yl <- replicate(length(Xlist), Y, simplify=FALSE)
  } else if (is.list(Y)) {
    ## Y is a list of factors
    assert_that(all(sapply(Y, is.factor)))
    Yl <- Y
    ## check that all Ys have same levels
    assert_that(length(unlist(Y)) == sum(sapply(Xlist, nrow)))
  ## determine number of repetitions per category/block
  has_reps <- any(sapply(Yl, function(y) any(table(y) > 1)))
  Y_reps <- if (has_reps) {
    lapply(Yl, function(f) {
      m <- outer(f, unique(f), "==")
      apply(m * apply(m,2,cumsum), 1, sum)
  } else {
    lapply(Yl, function(y) rep(1, length(y)))
  YIndices <- rep(1:length(Xlist), sapply(Xlist, nrow))
  if (is.null(names(Xlist))) {
    names(Xlist) <- paste0("B", 1:length(Xlist))
  table_names <- names(Xlist)
  conditions <- factor(levels(Yl[[1]]), levels=levels(Yl[[1]]))
  ## average categories within block to get barycenters
  Xr <- reduce_rows(Xlist, Yl)
  list(Xlist=Xlist, table_names=table_names, Yl=Yl, has_reps=has_reps, 
       Y_reps=Y_reps, YIndices=YIndices, conditions=conditions, Xr=Xr)

#' Multiple Subjects Barycentric Discriminant Analysis
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that 
#' @param Y dependent \code{factor} variable. If All `X` matrices have same number of rows, `Y` can be a single factor vector.
#'        If there are a different number of rows (e.g. different numbers of replications per subject), Y can be a list of factors.
#' @param Xlist a \code{list} of X matrices, one per subject, or it is a \code{list} of \code{projector} objects.
#' @param ncomp number of common components to estimate.
#' @param center whether to center the variables.
#' @param scale whether to scale the variables by 1/sd.
#' @param normalization the type of normalization.
#' @param A a \code{vector} or symmetric matrix of custom column constraints
#' @param M a \code{vector} or symmetric matrix of custom row constraints
#' @param ncomp number of common components to estimate.
#' @param ... args to send to \code{genpca}
#' @references
#' Abdi, H., Williams, L. J., & Bera, M. (2017). Barycentric discriminant analysis. \emph{Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining}, 1-20.
#' Abdi, H., Williams, L. J., Connolly, A. C., Gobbini, M. I., Dunlop, J. P., & Haxby, J. V. (2012). Multiple Subject Barycentric Discriminant Analysis (MUSUBADA): how to assign scans to categories without using spatial normalization. \emph{Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine}, 2012.
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' Y <- replicate(3, factor(sample(letters[1:3], 20, replace=TRUE)), simplify=FALSE)
#' Xlist <- replicate(3, matrix(rnorm(20*100),20,100), simplify=FALSE)
#' mures <- mubada(Y, Xlist)
mubada <- function(Y, Xlist, ncomp=2, preproc=center(),  
                     normalization=c("MFA", "RV", "None", "RV-MFA", "custom"), A=NULL, M=NULL, ...) {

  normalization <- match.arg(normalization)
  assert_that(inherits(Xlist, "list"))

  assertthat::assert_that(all(sapply(Xlist, function(x) is.matrix(x) || inherits(x, "Matrix"))))
  ## compute barycenters
  mu_prep <- prep_multiblock_da(Y, Xlist)
  block_indices <- block_indices(Xlist)
  ## run MFA on the condition means
  fit <- mfa(mu_prep$Xr, ncomp=ncomp, preproc=preproc, normalization=normalization, A=A, M=M)
  result <- list(
  class(result) <- c("mubada", "multiblock_da", "list")

#' @export
print.mubada <- function(object) {
  cat(class(object)[1], "\n")
  cat("  number of tables: ", object$ntables, "\n")
  cat("  number of conditions: ", object$ncond, "\n")
  cat("  number of components: ", object$ncomp, "\n")
  cat("  conditions: ", paste(levels(object$Y[[1]]), collapse=" "), "\n")
  cat("  normalization type: ", object$normalization, "\n")

#' @export
ncomp.mubada <- function(x) {

#' @export
refit.mubada <- function(x, Y, Xlist, ncomp=x$ncomp) { 
  mubada(Y, Xlist, ncomp=ncomp, x$preproc, normalization=x$normalization, A=x$fit$A, M=x$fit$M) 

#' @export
scores.multiblock_da <- function(x) scores(x$fit) 

#' @export
contributions.multiblock_da <- function(x, type=c("table", "column", "row")) {
  type <- match.arg(type)
  contributions(x$fit, type)

#' @export
permute_refit.multiblock_da <- function(x, ncomp) {
  nreps <- sapply(lapply(x$Yl, table), min)
  if (any(nreps == 1)) {
    ## permute data
    .Xlist <- lapply(x$Xlist, function(x) x[sample(1:nrow(x)),])
    refit(x, x$Y, .Xlist, ncomp)
  } else {
      ## permute labels
    YPerm <- lapply(x$Yl, function(y) y[sample(1:length(y))])
    refit(x, YPerm, x$Xlist, .ncomp)

#' @export
singular_values.multiblock_da <- function(x) {

#' @export
loadings.multiblock_da <- function(x) loadings(x$fit) 

#' @export
project_cols.multiblock_da <- function(x, newdata=NULL, comp=1:x$ncomp) {

#' @export
block_project.multiblock_da <- function(x, newdata, block=1, comp=1:ncomp(x)) {
  assert_that(length(block) == 1, msg="block_index must have length of 1")
  block_project(x$fit, unclass(newdata), comp=comp, block=block)

#' @importFrom abind abind
#' @export
project.multiblock_da <- function(x, newdata, comp=1:x$ncomp, colind=NULL) {
  if (missing(newdata)) {
  if (!is.null(colind)) {
    assert_that(ncol(newdata) == length(colind))
    project(x$fit, newdata, comp=comp, colind=colind)
  } else {
    p <- length(unlist(x$block_indices))
    if (is.vector(newdata) && length(newdata) == p) {
      newdata <- matrix(newdata, nrow=1)
    assert_that(ncol(newdata) == length(unlist(x$block_indices)))
    project(x$fit, newdata, comp=comp, colind=colind)
## project from existing table
#' @export
predict.multiblock_da <- function(x, newdata, ncomp=x$ncomp, 
                           block_index=1:x$ntables, pre_process=TRUE,
                           type=c("class", "prob", "scores", "crossprod", "distance", "cosine")) {
  type <- match.arg(type)

  fscores <- predict(x$fit, newdata, ncomp=ncomp, block_index=block_index, pre_process=pre_process)
  if (type == "scores") {
  } else {
    scorepred(as.matrix(fscores), scores(x), type=type, ncomp=ncomp)

# @export
supplementary_loadings.mubada <- function(x, suptab, ncomp=x$ncomp) {
  suptab <- x$reprocess(suptab)
  Qsup <- t(suptab) %*% (x$pca_fit$u[,1:ncomp,drop=FALSE]) %*% diag(1/x$pca_fit$d[1:ncomp])

#' @export
reprocess.multiblock_da <- function(x, newdat, colind=NULL) {
  reprocess(x$fit, newdat, colind=colind)

#' @export
reconstruct.multiblock_da <- function(x, comp=1:x$ncomp) {
  reconstruct(x$fit, comp=comp)

#' @export
reproducibility.multiblock_da <- function(x, blocks, nrepeats=5, metric=c("norm-2", "norm-1", "avg_cor")) {
  metric <- match.arg(metric)
  recon_error <- lapply(1:nrepeats, function(fnum) {
    message("mubada: reproducibility fold: ", fnum)
    fidx <- lapply(blocks, function(bind) {
      buniq <- unique(bind)
      bsam <- sample(buniq, length(buniq)/2)
      which(bind %in% bsam)
    xsub <- subset_rows(x, lapply(fidx, "*", -1))
    rfit <- refit(x, xsub$y,xsub$x, x$ncomp) 
    xsubout <- subset_rows(x, fidx)
    xb <- lapply(1:length(xsubout$x), function(i) {
      yi <- xsubout$y[[i]]
      xi <- xsubout$x[[i]]
      gm <- group_means(yi, xi)
    xb <- do.call(cbind, xb)
    res <- lapply(seq(0, x$ncomp), function(nc) {
      if (nc ==0) {
      } else {
        xrecon <- reconstruct(rfit, ncomp=nc)
             "norm-2"=sqrt(sum((xb - xrecon)^2)),
             "norm-1"=sum(abs(xb - xrecon)),
             "avg_cor"=mean(diag(cor(t(xb), t(xrecon))))
  recon_error <- do.call(rbind, recon_error)
  out <- as.data.frame(recon_error)
  names(out) <- paste("NC_", seq(0, x$ncomp))
  row.names(out) <- paste0("Fold_", 1:nrow(recon_error))

#' @export
subset_rows.multiblock_da <- function(x, idx) {
  .Xlist <- lapply(1:length(x$Xlist), function(i) {
    xi <- x$Xlist[[i]]
  .Y <- lapply(1:length(x$Xlist), function(i) {
    yi <- x$Y[[i]]
  list(x=.Xlist, y=.Y)

#' @export
performance.multiblock_da <- function(x, ncomp=x$ncomp, folds=10, metric=c("AUC", "ACC"), 
                                      type=c("class", "prob", "scores", "cosine", "distance", "r2")) {

  type <- match.arg(type)
  metric <- match.arg(metric)
  if (!is.list(folds) && is.numeric(folds) && length(folds) == 1) {
    folds <- lapply(1:length(x$Y), function(i) create_folds(x$Y[[i]], folds))
  } else if (is.list(folds)) {
    ## folds must be a list of blocking variables
    folds <- lapply(folds, function(bind) split(1:length(bind), bind))
  } else {
    stop("'folds' variable must be an integer scalar or a list of block ids (one list element per data block)")
  ncomp <- min(x$ncomp, ncomp)
  yobs <- x$Y
  nfolds <- length(folds[[1]])
  predlist <- lapply(1:nfolds, function(fnum) {
    message("performance fold: ", fnum)
    fidx <- lapply(folds, function(x) x[[fnum]])
    ## subset the original data
    xsub <- subset_rows(x, lapply(fidx, "*", -1))
    ## refit on subset
    rfit <- refit(x, xsub$y, xsub$x, ncomp=ncomp) 
    ## extract test data set
    xsubout <- subset_rows(x, fidx)
    preds <- lapply(1:rfit$ntables, function(i) {
      predict(rfit, xsubout$x[[i]], type=type, ncomp=ncomp, block_index=i)

  pfun <- if (metric == "ACC") {
  } else {
  if (type == "class") {
    perf <- lapply(1:x$ntables, function(tind) {
      ## TODO check this
      p <- unlist(lapply(predlist, "[[", tind))
      y <- yobs[[tind]]
      y_reord <- y[unlist(folds[[tind]])]
      sum(y_reord == p)/length(p)
  } else {
    perf <- lapply(1:x$ntables, function(tind) {
      p <- lapply(predlist, "[[", tind)
      p <- do.call(rbind, p)
      y <- yobs[[tind]]
      y_reord <- y[unlist(folds[[tind]])]
      pfun(p, y_reord)
  names(perf) <- x$table_names

#' @importFrom vegan procrustes 
procrusteanize.multiblock_da <- function(x, ncomp=2) {
  F <- scores(x)[,1:ncomp]
  res <- lapply(1:length(x$Xlist), function(i) {
    xp <- get_block(x$Xr,i)
    pres <- my_procrustes(F, xp)
  ret <- list(rot_matrices=res, ncomp=ncomp, musufit=x)
  class(ret) <- c("procrusteanized_da", "list")

#' @export
predict.procrusteanized_da <- function(x, newdata, type=c("class", "prob", "scores", "crossprod", "distance", "cosine"), 
                              ncomp=x$ncomp, block_index=1:x$ntables, pre_process=TRUE) {

  type <- match.arg(type)
  mf <- x$musufit
  assert_that(length(block_index) == 1 || length(block_index) == mf$ntables)
  fscores <- if (length(block_index) == mf$ntables) {
    assert_that(ncol(newdata) == sum(sapply(mf$Xlist, ncol)))
    Reduce("+", lapply(block_index, function(i) {
      ind <- mf$block_indices[[block_index]]
      Xp <- if (pre_process) {
        reprocess(mf, newdata[, ind[1]:ind[2], drop=FALSE], i)
      } else {
        newdata[, ind[1]:ind[2],drop=FALSE]
      fscores <- (Xp * mf$alpha[i] * x$rot_matrices[[i]]$scalef) %*% x$rot_matrices[[i]]$H
  } else if (length(block_index) == 1) {
    ind <- mf$block_indices[[block_index]]
    Xp <- if (pre_process) {
      reprocess(mf, newdata, block_index)
    } else {
      newdata[, ind]

    (Xp * x$rot_matrices[[block_index]]$scalef) %*% x$rot_matrices[[block_index]]$H
  if (type == "scores") {
  } else {
    scorepred(fscores[, 1:ncomp], mf$scores, type=type, ncomp=ncomp)

my_procrustes <- function (X, Y, scale = TRUE, symmetric = FALSE, scores = "sites", 

  if (nrow(X) != nrow(Y)) 
    stop("Matrices have different number of rows: ", nrow(X), 
         " and ", nrow(Y))
  if (ncol(X) < ncol(Y)) {
    warning("X has fewer axes than Y: X adjusted to comform Y\n")
    addcols <- ncol(Y) - ncol(X)
    for (i in 1:addcols) X <- cbind(X, 0)
  ctrace <- function(MAT) sum(MAT^2)
  c <- 1
  if (symmetric) {
    X <- scale(X, scale = FALSE)
    Y <- scale(Y, scale = FALSE)
    X <- X/sqrt(ctrace(X))
    Y <- Y/sqrt(ctrace(Y))
  xmean <- apply(X, 2, mean)
  ymean <- apply(Y, 2, mean)
  if (!symmetric) {
    X <- scale(X, scale = FALSE)
    Y <- scale(Y, scale = FALSE)
  XY <- crossprod(X, Y)
  sol <- svd(XY)
  A <- sol$v %*% t(sol$u)
  if (scale) {
    c <- sum(sol$d)/ctrace(Y)
  Yrot <- c * Y %*% A
  b <- xmean - c * ymean %*% A
  R2 <- ctrace(X) + c * c * ctrace(Y) - 2 * c * sum(sol$d)
  reslt <- list(Yrot = Yrot, X = X, ss = R2, rotation = A, 
                translation = b, scale = c, xmean = xmean, symmetric = symmetric, 
                call = match.call())
  reslt$svd <- sol
  class(reslt) <- "procrustes"

# project_copy.mubada <- function(x, Ylist, Xlist) {
#   ## reduce but no centering or scaling
#   XB <- lapply(1:length(Xlist), function(i) group_means(Ylist[[i]], Xlist[[i]]))
#   XBlocks <- lapply(1:length(XB), function(i) x$reprocess(XB[[i]], i))
#   browser()
#   partial_scores = 
#     lapply(1:length(XBlocks), function(i) {
#       ind <- x$blockInd[i,1]:x$blockInd[i,2]
#       length(XBlocks) * XBlocks[[i]] %*% x$pca_fit$v[ind,]
#     })
#   lds <- do.call(cbind, XBlocks %*% x$pca_fit$u)
#   scores <- Reduce("+", partial_fscores)/length(partial_fscores)
#   list(scores=scores, partial_scores=partial_scores, loadings=lds)
# }

# @importFrom assertthat assert_that 
# @export
# project_table.mubada <- function(x, supY, supX, ncomp=x$ncomp) { #block_index=NULL, table_name = NULL) {
#   assert_that(ncomp >= 1)
#   assert_that(is.factor(supY))
#   assert_that(length(levels(supY)) == x$ncond)
#   ## pre-process new table
#   suptab <- block_reduce(list(supX), list(supY), normalization=x$normalization, scale=x$scale, center=x$center)
#   ## compute supplementary Q
#   Qsup <- t(suptab$Xr) %*% (x$pca_fit$u[, 1:ncomp, drop=FALSE] %*% diag(1/x$pca_fit$d[1:ncomp]))
#   ##Qsup <- t(suptab$Xr) %*% (x$pca_fit$u[, 1:ncomp, drop=FALSE] )
#   ## compute supplementary factor scores
#   Fsup <- x$ntables * (suptab$Xr %*% Qsup) 
#   list(scores=Fsup, loadings=Qsup)
# }

# @export
# correlations.mubada <-
#   function(x,
#            block_index = 1:nrow(x$blockIndices),
#            comp = 1:ncol(x$pca_fit$u)) {
#     do.call(cbind, lapply(block_index, function(i) {
#       ind <- x$blockIndices[i, 1]:x$blockIndices[i, 2]
#       cor(x$XB[, ind, drop = FALSE], x$pca_fit$u[, comp])
#     }))
#   }

# rename "embed_table"?

#' @export
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
# supplementary_predictor.mubada <- function(x, supX, supY, type=c("class", "prob", "scores", "crossprod", "distance", "cosine"), 
#                                              ncomp=x$ncomp) {
#   assert_that(length(supY) == nrow(supX))
#   type <- match.arg(type)
#   ## pre-process new table
#   suptab <- block_reduce(list(supX), list(supY), normalization=x$normalization, scale=x$scale, center=x$center)
#   ## compute supplementary Q
#   Qsup <- t(suptab$Xr) %*% (x$pca_fit$u[, 1:ncomp, drop=FALSE] %*% diag(1/x$pca_fit$d[1:ncomp]))
#   ##Qsup <- t(suptab$Xr) %*% (x$pca_fit$u[, 1:ncomp, drop=FALSE])
#   predfun <- function(newdat) {
#     if (!is.null(suptab$centroids)) {
#       newdat <- sweep(newdat, 2, suptab$centroids[[1]], "-")
#     }
#     if (!is.null(suptab$scales[[1]])) {
#       sweep(newdat, 2, suptab$scales[[1]], "/")
#     }
#     newdat <- newdat * suptab$alpha
#     fscores <- x$ntables * newdat %*% Qsup
#     scorepred(fscores, x$scores, type, ncomp)
#   }
# }
bbuchsbaum/neuroca documentation built on April 22, 2022, 2:50 a.m.