AbstractSparseNeuroVec-class | AbstractSparseNeuroVec Class |
add_dim-methods | Add a Dimension to an Object |
AFNIMetaInfo | Create AFNI Format Metadata Object |
anatomical_axes | Pre-defined anatomical axes |
Arith-methods | Perform arithmetic operations between two SparseNeuroVol... |
Arith-NeuroVec-NeuroVol-method | Arithmetic Operations for NeuroVec and NeuroVol |
Arith-NeuroVol-NeuroVec-method | Arithmetic Operations for NeuroVol and NeuroVec |
Arith-ROIVol-ROIVol-method | This function performs arithmetic operations on two ROIVol... |
as | conversion from 'NeuroVol' to 'LogicalNeuroVol' |
as.dense | Convert to dense representation |
as.dense-methods | Coerce ROIVol to DenseNeuroVol using as.dense method |
as-DenseNeuroVol-array | Convert DenseNeuroVol to array |
as.list-methods | Convert FileBackedNeuroVec to List |
as.logical-methods | as.logical |
as.mask | Convert to a LogicalNeuroVol |
as.mask-methods | Convert NeuroVol to a mask |
as.matrix-methods | convert a 'NeuroVec' to a matrix |
as.numeric-methods | Convert SparseNeuroVol to numeric |
as.sparse | Convert to from dense to sparse representation |
as.sparse-methods | Convert DenseNeuroVec to sparse representation using mask |
axes-methods | Extract Image Axes |
AxisSet1D | Create a one-dimensional axis set |
AxisSet1D-class | AxisSet1D |
AxisSet2D | Create a two-dimensional axis set |
AxisSet2D-class | AxisSet2D |
AxisSet3D | Create a three-dimensional axis set |
AxisSet3D-class | AxisSet3D Class |
AxisSet4D-class | AxisSet4D Class |
AxisSet5D-class | AxisSet5D Class |
AxisSet-class | AxisSet |
BigNeuroVec-class | BigNeuroVec Class |
bilateral_filter | Apply a bilateral filter to a volumetric image |
BinaryReader | Create Binary Reader Object |
BinaryReader-class | BinaryReader Class |
BinaryWriter | Create Binary Writer Object |
BinaryWriter-class | BinaryWriter Class |
bootstrap_searchlight | Create a bootstrap spherical searchlight iterator |
bounds-methods | Extract Spatial Bounds of an Image |
centroid-methods | return the centroid of an object |
centroids-methods | Return a matrix of centroids of an object |
close-methods | Close a BinaryReader or BinaryWriter |
ClusteredNeuroVol-class | ClusteredNeuroVol Class |
clustered_searchlight | Create a clustered searchlight iterator |
ColumnReader | Create Column Reader Object |
ColumnReader-class | ColumnReader |
Compare-methods | Compare a SparseNeuroVol object with a numeric value |
concat-methods | Concatenate two objects in the time dimension |
conn_comp_3D | Extract Connected Components from a 3D Binary Mask |
conn_comp-methods | Connected components |
coords | Extract coordinates from an object |
coords-methods | Extract Coordinates from an IndexLookupVol Object |
coord_to_grid-methods | convert n-dimensional real world coordinates to grid... |
coord_to_index-methods | convert n-dimensional real world coordinates to 1D indices |
cuboid_roi | Create A Cuboid Region of Interest |
data_file_matches-methods | Generic function to test whether a file name conforms to the... |
data_file-methods | Generic function to get the name of the data file, given a... |
data_reader | Create a Data Reader |
DenseNeuroVec-class | DenseNeuroVec Class |
DenseNeuroVol-class | DenseNeuroVol Class |
dim-FileMetaInfo-method | Get Dimensions of FileMetaInfo Object |
dim-methods | dim of 'NeuroObj' object |
dim-NeuroSpace-method | dim |
dim_of-methods | Get the length of a given dimension of an object |
dot-getAxis | Get anatomical axis from direction vector |
dot-read_mmap | Read Data Using Memory Mapping |
drop_dim-AxisSet2D-missing-method | Drop dimension from axis set |
drop_dim-AxisSet2D-numeric-method | Drop dimension from axis set |
drop_dim-AxisSet3D-missing-method | Drop dimension from axis set |
drop_dim-AxisSet3D-numeric-method | Drop dimension from axis set |
drop_dim-methods | Drop a Dimension from an Object |
drop-NeuroVec-method | drop |
embed_kernel-methods | Generic function to position kernel in a postion in image... |
extractor3d | Array-like access for 3-dimensional data structures |
extractor4d | Array-like access for 4-dimensional data structures |
FileBackedNeuroVec | Create a File-Backed Neuroimaging Vector |
FileBackedNeuroVec-class | FileBackedNeuroVec Class |
FileFormat-class | FileFormat Class |
FileFormat-operations | File Format Operations for Neuroimaging Data |
file_matches-methods | Generic function to test whether a file name conforms to the... |
FileMetaInfo-class | FileMetaInfo Class |
FileSource-class | FileSource Class |
findAnatomy3D | Find 3D anatomical orientation from axis abbreviations |
gaussian_blur | Gaussian Blur for Volumetric Images |
grid_to_coord-methods | Generic function to convert N-dimensional grid coordinate... |
grid_to_grid-methods | Generic function to convert voxel coordinates in the... |
grid_to_index-methods | Generic function to convert N-dimensional grid coordinate to... |
guided_filter | Edge-Preserving Guided Filter for Volumetric Images |
header_file_matches-methods | Generic function to test whether a file name conforms to the... |
header_file-methods | Generic function to get the name of the header file, given a... |
IndexLookupVol-class | IndexLookupVol Class |
index_to_coord-methods | convert 1d indices to n-dimensional real world coordinates |
index_to_grid-methods | Convert 1d indices to n-dimensional grid coordinates |
indices | Extract indices |
indices-methods | Get Indices from an IndexLookupVol Object |
initialize-IndexLookupVol-method | Initialize an IndexLookupVol Object |
inverse_trans-methods | Extract inverse image coordinate transformation |
Kernel | Create a Kernel object from a function of distance from... |
Kernel-class | Kernel |
laplace_enhance | Laplacian Enhancement Filter for Volumetric Images |
length-NeuroVec-method | Get the length of a NeuroVec object |
linear_access | Extract values from an array-like object using linear... |
linear_access-FileBackedNeuroVec-numeric-method | Linear Access Method for FileBackedNeuroVec |
linear_access-methods | Linear Access to NeuroVecSeq Data |
linear_access-NeuroHyperVec-ANY-method | Linear access method for NeuroHyperVec |
load_data | Load data from a data source. |
LogicalNeuroVol-class | LogicalNeuroVol Class |
lookup | Index Lookup operation |
lookup-methods | Lookup Values in an IndexLookupVol Object |
map-methods | Apply a function to an object. |
MappedNeuroVec-class | MappedNeuroVec Class |
MappedNeuroVecSource-class | MappedNeuroVecSource Class |
map_values-methods | Map Values from One Set to Another Using a User-supplied... |
matchAnatomy2D | Find matching 2D anatomical orientation |
matchAnatomy3D | Find matching 3D anatomical orientation |
matchAxis | Match anatomical axis abbreviation to full axis object |
matricized_access-methods | Extract values from a matricized (x,y,z) of a 4D tensor using... |
MetaInfo | Create Neuroimaging Metadata Object |
MetaInfo-class | MetaInfo Class |
NamedAxis-class | NamedAxis |
ndim-AxisSet-method | Get number of dimensions in axis set |
ndim-methods | Extract the number of dimensions of an object |
NeuroBucket-class | NeuroBucket |
NeuroHyperVec | Constructor for NeuroHyperVec class |
NeuroHyperVec-class | NeuroHyperVec Class |
neuroim2-package | neuroim2: neuroimaging data structures for analysis |
NeuroObj-class | NeuroObj Class |
NeuroSlice | NeuroSlice: 2D Neuroimaging Data Container |
NeuroSlice-class | NeuroSlice Class |
NeuroSpace | NeuroSpace: Spatial Reference System for Neuroimaging Data |
NeuroSpace-class | NeuroSpace Class |
NeuroVec-class | NeuroVec Class |
NeuroVecSeq | NeuroVecSeq: A Container for Sequential NeuroVec Objects |
NeuroVecSeq-class | NeuroVecSeq Class |
NeuroVecSeq-methods | Extract Element from NeuroVecSeq |
NeuroVecSource | NeuroVecSource |
NeuroVol | Construct a NeuroVol object |
NeuroVol-class | NeuroVol Class |
NeuroVolSource-class | Constructor for NeuroVolSource |
niftiDim | Extract NIFTI Dimensions |
NIFTIMetaInfo | Create NIFTI Format Metadata Object |
None | Pre-defined null axis |
NullAxis | Pre-defined null axis set |
num_clusters | Number of Clusters |
num_clusters-methods | Number of Clusters |
OrientationList2D | Pre-defined 2D orientation configurations |
OrientationList3D | Pre-defined 3D orientation configurations |
origin-methods | Extract Image Origin |
partition-methods | Partition an image into a set of disjoint clusters |
patch_set | Generate a set of coordinate "patches" of fixed size from an... |
patch_set-methods | Create a patch set from a NeuroVol object |
perm_mat-AxisSet2D-method | Get permutation matrix from axis set |
perm_mat-AxisSet3D-method | Get permutation matrix from axis set |
perm_mat-methods | Extract permutation matrix associated with an image |
perm_mat-NeuroSpace-method | Get permutation matrix from axis set |
plot-methods | Visualize 2D Neuroimaging Slice |
print_-AxisSet2D-method | Print method for AxisSet2D objects |
print_-AxisSet3D-method | Print method for AxisSet3D objects |
print_-NamedAxis-method | Print method for NamedAxis objects |
random_searchlight | Create a spherical random searchlight iterator |
read_columns-methods | Read a set of column vector from an input source (e.g.... |
read_elements-BinaryReader-numeric-method | Read Elements from Binary Reader |
read_elements-methods | Read a sequence of elements from an input source |
read_header | read header information of an image file |
read_mapped_data | Read Mapped Data from 4D Image |
read_mapped_series | Read Mapped Series from 4D Image |
read_mapped_vols | Read Mapped Volumes from 4D Image |
read_meta_info-methods | Generic function to read image meta info given a file and a... |
read_vec | read_vec |
read_vol | Load an image volume from a file |
read_vol_list | read_vol_list |
render-methods | Render an image to create a drawable image. |
render_slice-methods | Render a slice at z coordinate |
reorient-methods | Remap the grid-to-world coordinates mapping of an image. |
resample-methods | Resample an Image to Match the Space of Another Image |
resample-NeuroVol-NeuroSpace-method | Resample a NeuroVol object to match a NeuroSpace object |
resample-NeuroVol-NeuroVol-method | Resample a NeuroVol object |
ROI-class | ROI |
ROICoords-class | ROICoords |
ROIVec | Create an instance of class 'ROIVec' |
ROIVec-class | ROIVec |
ROIVecWindow-class | ROIVecWindow |
ROIVol | Create an instance of class 'ROIVol' |
ROIVol-class | ROIVol |
ROIVolWindow-class | ROIVolWindow |
scale_series-methods | Generic functions to scale (center and/or normalize by... |
searchlight | Create an exhaustive searchlight iterator |
searchlight_coords | Create an exhaustive searchlight iterator for voxel... |
series-methods | Extract one or more series from object and return as ROI... |
series-NeuroHyperVec-ANY-method | Series method for NeuroHyperVec |
series_reader | Create Series Reader for 4D Image |
show-AxisSet1D-method | Show method for AxisSet1D objects |
show-AxisSet2D-method | Show method for AxisSet2D objects |
show-AxisSet3D-method | Show method for AxisSet3D objects |
show-AxisSet4D-method | Show method for AxisSet4D objects |
show-ClusteredNeuroVol-method | Display ClusteredNeuroVol Information |
show-FileMetaInfo-method | show a 'FileMetaInfo' |
show-MappedNeuroVec-method | Show Method for MappedNeuroVec Objects |
show-NamedAxis-method | Show method for NamedAxis objects |
show-NeuroHyperVec-method | Show NeuroHyperVec Object |
show-NeuroSlice-method | Print NeuroSlice Object Details |
show-NeuroSpace-method | Display NeuroSpace Object Details |
show-NeuroVec-method | show a NeuroVec object |
show-NeuroVecSource-method | show a NeuroVecSource object |
show-NeuroVol-method | show a 'NeuroVol' |
show-ROIVec-method | show an 'ROIVec' |
show-ROIVol-method | show an 'ROIVol' |
show-SparseNeuroVec-method | show a 'SparseNeuroVec' |
show-SparseNeuroVol-method | show a 'SparseNeuroVol' |
slice-methods | Extract image slice |
slices-methods | Extract an ordered series of 2D slices from a 3D or 4D object |
space-methods | Extract Geometric Properties of an Image |
spacing-methods | Extract Voxel Dimensions of an Image |
SparseNeuroVec-class | SparseNeuroVec Class |
SparseNeuroVec-methods | [[ |
SparseNeuroVecSource-class | SparseNeuroVecSource Class |
SparseNeuroVol-array | Convert SparseNeuroVol to array |
SparseNeuroVol-class | SparseNeuroVol Class |
SparseNeuroVol-numeric | Convert SparseNeuroVol to numeric |
spherical_roi | Create a Spherical Region of Interest |
spherical_roi_set | Create Multiple Spherical Regions of Interest |
split_blocks-methods | Cut a vector-valued object into a list of sub-blocks |
split_clusters-methods | Cut an object into a list of spatial or spatiotemporal... |
split_fill-methods | Fill Disjoint Sets of Values with the Output of a Function |
split_reduce-methods | Summarize Subsets of an Object by Splitting by Row and... |
split_scale-methods | Center and/or Scale Row-subsets of a Matrix or Matrix-like... |
square_roi | Create a square region of interest |
strip_extension-methods | Generic function to strip extension from file name, given a... |
sub-AbstractSparseNeuroVec-numeric-numeric-ANY-method | Extractor Method for AbstractSparseNeuroVec |
sub-NeuroHyperVec-ANY-ANY-ANY-method | [ method for NeuroHyperVec |
sub-sub-NeuroVec-numeric-method | [[ |
sub_vector-methods | Generic function to extract a sub-vector from a 'NeuroVec'... |
Summary-DenseNeuroVol-method | Summary of DenseNeuroVol |
Summary-SparseNeuroVec-method | Summary of SparseNeuroVec |
Summary-SparseNeuroVol-method | Summary of SparseNeuroVol |
TIME | Time axis |
TimeAxis | Time axis set |
trans-methods | Extract image coordinate transformation |
values-methods | Extract Data Values of an Object |
vectors-methods | Extract an ordered list of 1D vectors. |
vols-methods | Extract an ordered series of 3D volumes. |
vol_subset-methods | subset an 'ROIVol' |
voxels-methods | extract voxel coordinates |
which_dim-methods | Find Dimensions of a Given Axis |
write_elements-BinaryWriter-numeric-method | Write Elements to Binary Writer |
write_elements-methods | Write a sequence of elements from an input source |
write_vec-methods | Write a 4d image vector to disk |
write_vol-methods | Write a 3d image volume to disk |
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