#' @include all_class.R
#' @include all_generic.R
#' Create an instance of class \code{\linkS4class{ROIVol}}
#' This function constructs an instance of the ROIVol class, which represents
#' a region of interest (ROI) in a 3D volume. The class stores the
#' NeuroSpace object, voxel coordinates, and data values for the ROI.
#' @param vspace An instance of class \code{NeuroSpace} with three dimensions,
#' which represents the dimensions and voxel spacing of the 3D volume.
#' @param coords A 3-column matrix of voxel coordinates for the region of interest.
#' @param data The data values associated with the region of interest,
#' provided as a numeric vector. By default, it is a vector of ones with a length equal
#' to the number of rows in the `coords` matrix.
#' @return An instance of class \code{ROIVol}, containing the NeuroSpace object,
#' voxel coordinates, and data values for the region of interest.
#' @examples
#' # Create a NeuroSpace object
#' vspace <- NeuroSpace(dim = c(5, 5, 5), spacing = c(1, 1, 1))
#' # Define voxel coordinates for the ROI
#' coords <- matrix(c(1, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3), ncol = 3)
#' # Create a ROIVol object
#' roi_vol <- ROIVol(vspace, coords)
#' @export
ROIVol <- function(vspace, coords, data=rep(1, nrow(coords))) {
new("ROIVol", space=vspace, coords=coords, as.vector(data))
#' Create an instance of class \code{\linkS4class{ROIVec}}
#' This function constructs an instance of the ROIVec class, which represents
#' a region of interest (ROI) in a 4D volume. The class stores the
#' NeuroSpace object, voxel coordinates, and data values for the ROI.
#' @param vspace An instance of class \code{NeuroSpace} with four dimensions,
#' which represents the dimensions, voxel spacing, and time points of the 4D volume.
#' @param coords A 3-column matrix of voxel coordinates for the region of interest.
#' @param data The matrix of data values associated with the region of interest,
#' with each row representing a voxel and each column representing a time point.
#' By default, it is a matrix with a number of rows equal to the number of rows
#' in the `coords` matrix and a single column filled with ones.
#' @return An instance of class \code{ROIVec}, containing the NeuroSpace object,
#' voxel coordinates, and data values for the region of interest.
#' @examples
#' # Create a NeuroSpace object
#' vspace <- NeuroSpace(dim = c(5, 5, 5, 10), spacing = c(1, 1, 1))
#' # Define voxel coordinates for the ROI
#' coords <- matrix(c(1, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3), ncol = 3)
#' # Create a data matrix for the ROI
#' data <- matrix(rnorm(30), nrow = 10, ncol = 3)
#' # Create a ROIVec object
#' roi_vec <- ROIVec(vspace, coords, data)
#' @rdname ROIVec
#' @export
ROIVec <- function(vspace, coords, data=rep(nrow(coords),1)) {
new("ROIVec", space=vspace, coords=coords, data)
#' convert a \code{\linkS4class{ROIVec}} to a matrix
#' @rdname as.matrix-methods
#' @export
setMethod(f="as.matrix", signature=signature(x = "ROIVec"), def=function(x) {
as(x, "matrix")
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.makeSquareGrid <- function(bvol, centroid, surround, fixdim=3) {
vspacing <- spacing(bvol)
vdim <- dim(bvol)
centroid <- as.integer(centroid)
dimnums <- seq(1,3)[-fixdim]
coords <- lapply(centroid, function(x) { round(seq(x-surround, x+surround)) })
coords <- lapply(dimnums, function(i) {
x <- coords[[i]]
x[x > 0 & x <= vdim[i]]
if (all(map_int(coords, length) == 0)) {
stop(paste("invalid cube for centroid", centroid, " with surround", surround, ": volume is zero"))
if (fixdim == 3) {
grid <- as.matrix(expand.grid(x=coords[[1]],y=coords[[2]],z=centroid[3]))
} else if (fixdim == 2) {
grid <- as.matrix(expand.grid(x=coords[[1]],y=centroid[2],z=coords[[2]]))
} else if (fixdim == 1) {
grid <- as.matrix(expand.grid(x=centroid[1],y=coords[[1]],z=coords[[2]]))
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.makeCubicGrid <- function(bvol, centroid, surround) {
vspacing <- spacing(bvol)
vdim <- dim(bvol)
centroid <- as.integer(centroid)
coords <- lapply(centroid, function(x) { round(seq(x-surround, x+surround)) })
coords <- lapply(1:3, function(i) {
x <- coords[[i]]
x[x > 0 & x <= vdim[i]]
if (all(map_int(coords, length) == 0)) {
stop(paste("invalid cube for centroid", centroid, " with surround", surround, ": volume is zero"))
grid <- as.matrix(expand.grid(x=coords[[1]],y=coords[[2]],z=coords[[3]]))
#' Create a square region of interest
#' This function creates a square region of interest (ROI) in a 3D volume, where the z-dimension is fixed
#' at one voxel coordinate. The ROI is defined within a given NeuroVol or NeuroSpace instance.
#' @param bvol A \code{NeuroVol} or \code{NeuroSpace} instance representing the 3D volume or space.
#' @param centroid A numeric vector of length 3, representing the center of the square ROI in voxel coordinates.
#' @param surround A non-negative integer specifying the number of voxels on either side of the central voxel.
#' @param fill An optional value or values to assign to the data slot of the resulting ROI. If not provided, no data will be assigned.
#' @param nonzero A logical value indicating whether to keep only nonzero elements from \code{bvol}.
#' If \code{bvol} is a \code{NeuroSpace} instance, this argument is ignored.
#' @param fixdim A logical value indicating whether the fixed dimension is the third, or z, dimension. Default is TRUE.
#' @return An instance of class \code{ROIVol} representing the square ROI.
#' @examples
#' sp1 <- NeuroSpace(c(10, 10, 10), c(1, 1, 1))
#' square <- square_roi(sp1, c(5, 5, 5), 1)
#' vox <- coords(square)
#' ## a 3 X 3 X 1 grid
#' nrow(vox) == 9
#' @export
square_roi <- function(bvol, centroid, surround, fill=NULL, nonzero=FALSE, fixdim=3) {
if (is.matrix(centroid)) {
centroid <- drop(centroid)
if (length(centroid) != 3) {
stop("square_roi: centroid must have length of 3 (x,y,z coordinates)")
if (surround < 0) {
stop("'surround' argument cannot be negative")
if (is(bvol, "NeuroSpace") && is.null(fill)) {
fill = 1
grid <- .makeSquareGrid(bvol,centroid,surround,fixdim=fixdim)
vals <- if (!is.null(fill)) {
rep(fill, nrow(grid))
} else {
keep <- if (nonzero) {
vals != 0
} else {
grid <- grid[keep,,drop=FALSE]
center_index <- which(colSums(apply(grid, 1, "==", centroid)) == 3)
parent_index <- grid_to_index(bvol, grid[center_index,])
### add central voxel
new("ROIVolWindow", space=space(bvol), coords = grid, center_index=center_index, parent_index=parent_index,vals[keep])
#' Create A Cuboid Region of Interest
#' @param bvol an \code{NeuroVol} or \code{NeuroSpace} instance
#' @param centroid the center of the cube in \emph{voxel} coordinates
#' @param surround the number of voxels on either side of the central voxel. A \code{vector} of length 3.
#' @param fill optional value(s) to assign to data slot.
#' @param nonzero keep only nonzero elements from \code{bvol}. If \code{bvol} is A \code{NeuroSpace} then this argument is ignored.
#' @return an instance of class \code{ROIVol}
#' @examples
#' sp1 <- NeuroSpace(c(10,10,10), c(1,1,1))
#' cube <- cuboid_roi(sp1, c(5,5,5), 3)
#' vox <- coords(cube)
#' cube2 <- cuboid_roi(sp1, c(5,5,5), 3, fill=5)
#' @export
cuboid_roi <- function(bvol, centroid, surround, fill=NULL, nonzero=FALSE) {
if (is.matrix(centroid)) {
centroid <- drop(centroid)
if (length(centroid) != 3) {
stop("cuboid_roi: centroid must have length of 3 (x,y,z coordinates)")
if (surround < 0) {
stop("'surround' argument cannot be negative")
if (is(bvol, "NeuroSpace") && is.null(fill)) {
fill = 1
grid <- .makeCubicGrid(bvol,centroid,surround)
vals <- if (!is.null(fill)) {
rep(fill, nrow(grid))
} else {
keep <- if (nonzero) {
vals != 0
} else {
grid <- grid[keep,,drop=FALSE]
center_index <- which(colSums(apply(grid, 1, "==", centroid)) == 3)
parent_index <- grid_to_index(bvol, grid[center_index,])
new("ROIVolWindow", vals[keep], space=space(bvol), coords = grid, center_index=center_index, parent_index=parent_index)
#' @importFrom dbscan frNN
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
make_spherical_grid <- function(bvol, centroid, radius, use_cpp=TRUE) {
vspacing <- spacing(bvol)
if (radius < min(vspacing)) {
stop("'radius' is too small; must be greater than at least one voxel dimension in image")
vdim <- dim(bvol)
centroid <- as.integer(centroid)
out <- if (use_cpp) {
local_sphere(centroid[1], centroid[2], centroid[3], radius, vspacing, vdim)
} else {
deltas <- map_dbl(vspacing, function(x) round(radius/x))
cube <- as.matrix(expand.grid(
seq(centroid[1] - round(radius/vspacing[1]), centroid[1] + round(radius/vspacing[1])),
seq(centroid[2] - round(radius/vspacing[2]), centroid[2] + round(radius/vspacing[2])),
seq(centroid[3] - round(radius/vspacing[3]), centroid[3] + round(radius/vspacing[3]))))
rs <- rowSums(sapply(1:ncol(cube), function(i) cube[,i] > 0 & cube[,i] <= vdim[i]))
keep <- which(rs == 3)
cube <- cube[keep,]
coords <- t(t(cube) * vspacing)
#res <- rflann::RadiusSearch(matrix(centroid * vspacing, ncol=3), coords, radius=radius^2,
# max_neighbour=nrow(cube), build="kdtree", cores=0, checks=1)
res <- dbscan::frNN(coords, eps=radius, query=matrix(centroid * vspacing, ncol=3))
# masked_roi <- function(mask, vox, vox_offset) {
# out <- t(vox + t(vox_offset))
# d <- dim(mask)
# keep <- (out[,1] > 0 & out[,1] < d[1]) & (out[,2] > 0 & out[,2] < d[2]) & (out[,3] > 0 & out[,3] < d[3])
# out <- out[keep,]
# vals <- mask[out]
# out <- out[vals > 0,]
# ROIVol(space(mask), out)
# }
#' Create a Spherical Region of Interest
#' @description Creates a Spherical ROI based on a centroid.
#' @param bvol an \code{NeuroVol} or \code{NeuroSpace} instance
#' @param centroid the center of the sphere in positive-coordinate (i,j,k) voxel space.
#' @param radius the radius in real units (e.g. millimeters) of the spherical ROI
#' @param fill optional value(s) to store as data
#' @param nonzero if \code{TRUE}, keep only nonzero elements from \code{bvol}
#' @param use_cpp whether to use compiled c++ code
#' @return an instance of class \code{ROIVol}
#' @examples
#' sp1 <- NeuroSpace(c(10,10,10), c(1,2,3))
#' # create an ROI centered around the integer-valued positive voxel coordinate: i=5, j=5, k=5
#' cube <- spherical_roi(sp1, c(5,5,5), 3.5)
#' vox <- coords(cube)
#' cds <- coords(cube, real=TRUE)
#' ## fill in ROI with value of 6
#' cube1 <- spherical_roi(sp1, c(5,5,5), 3.5, fill=6)
#' all(cube1 == 6)
#' # create an ROI centered around the real-valued coordinates: x=5, y=5, z=5
#' vox <- coord_to_grid(sp1, c(5, 5, 5))
#' cube <- spherical_roi(sp1, vox, 3.5)
#' @export
spherical_roi <- function (bvol, centroid, radius, fill=NULL, nonzero=FALSE, use_cpp=TRUE) {
if (is.matrix(centroid)) {
assertthat::assert_that(ncol(centroid == 3) & nrow(centroid) == 1)
centroid <- drop(centroid)
vdim <- dim(bvol)
assertthat::assert_that(length(centroid) == 3)
assertthat::assert_that(centroid[1] <= vdim[1] && centroid[2] <= vdim[2] && centroid[3] <= vdim[3])
assertthat::assert_that(all(centroid > 0))
if (is.null(fill) && is(bvol, "NeuroSpace")) {
fill = 1
bspace <- space(bvol)
vspacing <- spacing(bvol)
centroid <- as.integer(centroid)
grid <- make_spherical_grid(bvol, centroid, radius, use_cpp=use_cpp)
vals <- if (!is.null(fill)) {
rep(fill, nrow(grid))
} else {
if (nonzero) {
keep <- vals != 0
grid <- grid[keep, ,drop=FALSE]
center_index <- which(colSums(apply(grid, 1, "==", centroid)) == 3)
parent_index <- grid_to_index(bvol, grid[center_index,])
new("ROIVolWindow", vals[keep], space=bspace, coords = grid, center_index=center_index, parent_index=parent_index)
} else {
center_index <- which(colSums(apply(grid, 1, "==", centroid)) == 3)
parent_index <- grid_to_index(bvol, grid[center_index,])
new("ROIVolWindow", vals, space=bspace, coords = grid,center_index=center_index, parent_index=parent_index)
# spherical_basis <- function(bvol, coord, kernel, weight=1) {
# ## convert coordinate from MNI space to voxel space
# grid.loc <- coord_to_grid(bvol, coord)
# ## shift kernel so that it is centered around 'grid.loc'
# voxmat <- floor(voxels(kernel, centerVoxel=grid.loc))
# indices <- gridToIndex(template, voxmat)
# neuroim:::SparseNeuroVol(kernel@weights * weight, template, indices=indices)
# }
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.resample <- function(x, ...) x[sample.int(length(x), ...)]
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
roi_vector_matrix <- function(mat, refspace, indices, coords) {
class=c("roi_vector_matrix", "matrix"))
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
roi_surface_matrix <- function(mat, refspace, indices, coords) {
class=c("roi_surface_matrix", "matrix"))
#' Coerce ROIVec to matrix
#' This function provides a method to coerce an object of class \code{ROIVec} to a \code{matrix}.
#' @name as
#' @param from An object of class \code{ROIVec} to be coerced to a \code{matrix}.
#' @return A \code{matrix} obtained by coercing the \code{ROIVec} object.
#' @export
setAs(from="ROIVec", to="matrix", function(from) {
ind <- indices(from)
roi_vector_matrix(from@.Data, refspace=from@space, indices=ind,
#' Coerce ROIVol to DenseNeuroVol
#' This function provides a method to coerce an object of class \code{ROIVol} to a \code{DenseNeuroVol}.
#' @name as
#' @param from An object of class \code{ROIVol} to be coerced to a \code{DenseNeuroVol}.
#' @return A \code{DenseNeuroVol} object obtained by coercing the \code{ROIVol} object.
setAs(from="ROIVol", to="DenseNeuroVol", function(from) {
NeuroVol(values(from), space(from), indices=indices(from))
#dat <- array(0, dim(from@space))
#dat[coords(from)] <- from@data
#ovol <- DenseNeuroVol(dat, from@space, from@source)
#' Coerce ROIVol to DenseNeuroVol using as.dense method
#' This function provides a method to coerce an object of class \code{ROIVol} to a \code{DenseNeuroVol} using the \code{as.dense} method.
#' @rdname as.dense-methods
#' @param x An object of class \code{ROIVol} to be coerced to a \code{DenseNeuroVol}.
#' @return A \code{DenseNeuroVol} object obtained by coercing the \code{ROIVol} object.
setMethod("as.dense", signature(x="ROIVol"),
function(x) {
as(x, "DenseNeuroVol")
#NeuroVol(values(x), space(x), indices=indices(x))
#' @export
#' @rdname centroid-methods
setMethod(f="centroid", signature=signature(x = "ROICoords"),
def=function(x) {
cds = coords(x, real=TRUE)
#' @rdname values-methods
#' @export
setMethod("values", signature(x="ROIVol"),
function(x, ...) {
#' @rdname values-methods
#' @export
setMethod("values", signature(x="ROIVec"),
function(x, ...) {
#' @rdname vectors-methods
#' @export
setMethod("vectors", signature(x="ROIVec", subset="missing"),
function(x) {
ind <- 1:nrow(x@coords)
f <- function(i) x@.Data[,i]
#lis <- map(ind, function(i) f)
deflist::deflist(f, length(ind))
#' @rdname vectors-methods
#' @export
setMethod("vectors", signature(x="matrix", subset="missing"),
function(x) {
ind <- 1:ncol(x)
f <- function(i) x[,i]
#lis <- map(ind, function(i) f)
deflist::deflist(f, length(ind))
#' @rdname vectors-methods
#' @export
setMethod("vectors", signature(x="ROIVec", subset="integer"),
function(x, subset) {
ind <- (1:nrow(x@coords))[subset]
f <- function(i) x@.Data[,ind[i]]
#lis <- map(ind, function(i) f)
deflist::deflist(f, length(ind))
#' @rdname vectors-methods
#' @export
setMethod("vectors", signature(x="matrix", subset="integer"),
function(x, subset) {
ind <- (1:ncol(x))[subset]
f <- function(i) x[,ind[i]]
#lis <- map(ind, function(i) f)
deflist::deflist(f, length(ind))
#' @rdname vectors-methods
#' @export
setMethod("vectors", signature(x="matrix", subset="numeric"),
function(x, subset) {
#' @rdname vectors-methods
#' @export
setMethod("vectors", signature(x="ROIVec", subset="numeric"),
function(x, subset) {
callGeneric(x, as.integer(subset))
#' @rdname vectors-methods
#' @export
setMethod("vectors", signature(x="ROIVec", subset="logical"),
function(x, subset) {
callGeneric(x, as.integer(which(subset)))
#' @rdname indices-methods
#' @export
setMethod("indices", signature(x="ROIVol"),
function(x) {
grid_to_index(x@space, x@coords)
#' @rdname indices-methods
#' @export
setMethod("indices", signature(x="ROIVec"),
function(x) {
.gridToIndex(dim(x@space)[1:3], x@coords)
#grid_to_index(x@space, x@coords)
#' @export
#' @param real if \code{TRUE}, return coordinates in real world units
#' @rdname coords-methods
setMethod(f="coords", signature=signature(x="ROICoords"),
function(x, real=FALSE) {
if (real) {
input <- t(cbind(x@coords-.5, rep(1, nrow(x@coords))))
ret <- t(trans(x@space) %*% input)
} else {
#' @export
#' @rdname length-methods
setMethod(f="length", signature=signature(x="ROIVol"),
function(x) {
#' subset an \code{ROIVol}
#' @export
#' @param x the object
#' @param i first index
#' @param j second index
#' @param drop drop dimension
#' @rdname vol_subset-methods
#' @aliases [,ROIVol,numeric,missing,ANY-method
setMethod("[", signature=signature(x = "ROIVol", i = "numeric", j = "missing", drop = "ANY"),
function (x, i, j, drop) {
ROIVol(x@space, x@coords[i,,drop=FALSE], x@.Data[i])
#' @rdname vol_subset-methods
#' @aliases [,ROIVol,logical,missing,ANY-method
setMethod("[", signature=signature(x="ROIVol", i="logical", j="missing", drop="ANY"),
function(x,i,j,drop) {
ROIVol(x@space, x@coords[i,,drop=FALSE], x@.Data[i])
#' show an \code{\linkS4class{ROIVol}}
#' @param object the object
#' @export
setMethod("show", signature=signature(object = "ROIVol"),
function (object) {
cat("\n\nROIVol", "\n")
cat(" Size: ", length(object), "\n")
cat(" Parent Dim: ", dim(object@space), "\n")
cat(" Num Data Cols: ", 1, "\n" )
cat(" Voxel Cen. Mass:", colMeans(coords(object)), "\n")
#' show an \code{\linkS4class{ROIVec}}
#' @param object the object
#' @export
setMethod("show", signature=signature(object = "ROIVec"),
function (object) {
cat("\n\nROIVec", "\n")
cat(" ncol: ", ncol(object), "\n")
cat(" nrow: ", nrow(object), "\n")
cat(" Parent Dim: ", dim(object@space), "\n")
cat(" Voxel Cen. Mass:", colMeans(coords(object)), "\n")
#' Create a Kernel object from a function of distance from kernel center
#' This function creates a Kernel object using a kernel function (\code{FUN}) that takes the distance from the center of the kernel as its first argument.
#' @param kerndim A numeric vector representing the dimensions in voxels of the kernel.
#' @param vdim A numeric vector representing the dimensions of the voxels in real units.
#' @param FUN The kernel function taking its first argument representing the distance from the center of the kernel (default: \code{dnorm}).
#' @param ... Additional parameters to the kernel function, \code{FUN}.
#' @importFrom stats dnorm
#' @return A Kernel object with the specified dimensions, voxel dimensions, and kernel function.
#' @examples
#' kdim <- c(3, 3, 3)
#' vdim <- c(1, 1, 1)
#' k <- Kernel(kerndim = kdim, vdim = vdim, FUN = dnorm, sd = 1)
#' @export
Kernel <- function(kerndim, vdim, FUN=dnorm, ...) {
if (length(kerndim) < 2) {
stop("kernel dim length must be greater than 1")
.distance <- function(p1, p2) {
diffs = (p1 - p2)
#kern <- array(0, kerndim)
## the half-width for each dimensions
hwidth <- map_dbl(kerndim, function(d) ceiling(d/2 -1))
## note, if a kernel dim is even, this will force it to be odd numbered
grid.vec <- map(hwidth, function(sv) seq(-sv, sv))
# compute relative voxel locations (i.e. centered at 0,0,0)
voxel.ind <- as.matrix(do.call("expand.grid", grid.vec))
# fractional voxel locations so that the location of a voxel coordinate is centered within the voxel
cvoxel.ind <- t(apply(voxel.ind, 1, function(vals) sign(vals)* ifelse(vals == 0, 0, abs(vals)-.5)))
## the coordinates ofthe voxels (i.e. after multiplying by pixel dims)
coords <- t(apply(cvoxel.ind, 1, function(v) (v * vdim)))
## distance of coordinate from kernel center
coord.dist <- apply(coords, 1, .distance, c(0,0,0))
wts <- FUN(coord.dist, ...)
wts <- wts/sum(wts)
kern.weights <- wts
new("Kernel", width=kerndim, weights=kern.weights, voxels=voxel.ind, coords=coords)
#' @export
#' @rdname embed_kernel-methods
#' @param weight multiply kernel weights by this value
setMethod("embed_kernel", signature=signature(x="Kernel", sp="NeuroSpace", center_voxel="numeric"),
function(x, sp, center_voxel, weight=1) {
vox <- floor(voxels(x, center_voxel))
indices <- grid_to_index(sp, vox)
SparseNeuroVol(x@weights * weight, sp, indices=indices)
#' @param center_voxel the absolute location of the center of the voxel, default is (0,0,0)
#' @rdname voxels-methods
#' @export
setMethod(f="voxels", signature=signature(x="Kernel"),
function(x, center_voxel=NULL) {
if (is.null(center_voxel)) {
} else {
sweep(x@voxels, 2, center_voxel, "+")
# GradientKernel <- function(direction=c("x", "y", "z")) {
# direction <- match.arg(direction)
# grid.vec <- lapply(1:3, function(sv) seq(-1, 1))
# # compute relative voxel locations (i.e. centered at 0,0,0)
# voxel.ind <- as.matrix(do.call("expand.grid", grid.vec))
# # fractional voxel locations so that the location of a voxel coordinate is centered within the voxel
# cvoxel.ind <- t(apply(voxel.ind, 1, function(vals) sign(vals)* ifelse(vals == 0, 0, abs(vals)-.5)))
# ## the coordinates of the voxels (i.e. after multiplying by pixel dims)
# coords <- t(apply(cvoxel.ind, 1, function(v) (v * vdim)))
# if (direction == "x") {
# gdim <- 1
# odim <- 2:3
# } else if (direction == "y") {
# gdim <- 2
# odim <- c(1,3)
# } else {
# gdim <- 3
# odim <- c(1,2)
# }
# wts <- apply(coords, 1, function(r) {
# if (r[gdim] == 0) {
# 0
# } else if (r[gdim] < 0 && all(r[odim] == 0)) {
# -2
# } else if (r[gdim] > 0 && all(r[odim] == 0)) {
# 2
# } else if (r[gdim] < 0) {
# -1
# } else {
# 1
# }
# })
# new("Kernel", width=c(3,3,3), weights=wts, voxels=voxel.ind, coords=coords)
# }
#' Create Multiple Spherical Regions of Interest
#' @description
#' This function generates multiple spherical ROIs simultaneously, centered at the provided
#' voxel coordinates. It is more efficient than calling \code{spherical_roi} multiple times
#' when you need to create many ROIs.
#' @param bvol A \code{NeuroVol} or \code{NeuroSpace} instance
#' @param centroids A matrix of voxel coordinates where each row represents a centroid (i,j,k)
#' @param radius The radius in real units (e.g. millimeters) of the spherical ROIs
#' @param fill Optional value(s) to store as data. If provided, must be either a single value
#' or a vector with length equal to the number of ROIs
#' @param nonzero If \code{TRUE}, keep only nonzero elements from \code{bvol}
#' @return A list of \code{ROIVolWindow} objects, one for each centroid
#' @examples
#' # Create a NeuroSpace object
#' sp1 <- NeuroSpace(c(10,10,10), c(1,2,3))
#' # Create multiple ROIs centered at different voxel coordinates
#' centroids <- matrix(c(5,5,5, 3,3,3, 7,7,7), ncol=3, byrow=TRUE)
#' rois <- spherical_roi_set(sp1, centroids, 3.5)
#' # Create ROIs with specific fill values
#' rois <- spherical_roi_set(sp1, centroids, 3.5, fill=c(1,2,3))
#' @export
spherical_roi_set <- function(bvol, centroids, radius, fill=NULL, nonzero=FALSE) {
if (!is.matrix(centroids)) {
stop("centroids must be a matrix with 3 columns")
if (ncol(centroids) != 3) {
stop("centroids must have exactly 3 columns (i,j,k coordinates)")
# Get spacing and dimensions from bvol
bspace <- space(bvol)
vspacing <- spacing(bvol)
vdim <- dim(bvol)
# Set default fill if needed
if (is.null(fill) && is(bvol, "NeuroSpace")) {
fill <- 1
# Validate fill if provided
if (!is.null(fill)) {
if (length(fill) != 1 && length(fill) != nrow(centroids)) {
stop("fill must be either length 1 or match the number of ROIs")
# Get all sphere coordinates in bulk
sphere_coords_list <- local_spheres(
centers = centroids,
radius = radius,
spacing = vspacing,
dim = vdim
# Create list of ROIVolWindow objects
result_list <- vector("list", nrow(centroids))
for (i in seq_len(nrow(centroids))) {
sphere_coords <- sphere_coords_list[[i]]
# Convert sphere_coords to integer matrix if it isn't already
sphere_coords <- as.matrix(sphere_coords)
mode(sphere_coords) <- "integer"
# Use the space object's grid_to_index method
sphere_idx <- grid_to_index(bspace, sphere_coords)
# Filter by mask if nonzero=TRUE
if (nonzero) {
keep <- bvol[sphere_idx] != 0
sphere_coords <- sphere_coords[keep, , drop=FALSE]
sphere_idx <- sphere_idx[keep]
# Get fill value for this ROI
roi_fill <- if (!is.null(fill)) {
if (length(fill) == 1) fill else fill[i]
} else {
# Create ROIVolWindow with proper center_index
center_coords <- matrix(centroids[i,], ncol=3)
mode(center_coords) <- "integer"
parent_idx <- grid_to_index(bspace, center_coords)[1]
# Find center_index in sphere_coords
center_index <- which(
sphere_coords[,1] == centroids[i,1] &
sphere_coords[,2] == centroids[i,2] &
sphere_coords[,3] == centroids[i,3]
if (is.na(center_index)) center_index <- 1L
result_list[[i]] <- new("ROIVolWindow",
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