
Defines functions get_first_difference get_lagYi get_Yibar_pre get_Yibar_pre_inner get_Yibar get_Yibar_inner get_Yit get_Yit_inner get_Yi1 get_Yi1_inner get_YiGmin1 get_YiGmin1_inner get_group get_group_inner TorF source_all getListElement subsample combineDfs dropCovFromFormla addCovToFormla toformula rhs lhs.vars rhs.vars compareSingleBinary compareBinary cs2panel getWeightedDf getWeightedMean getWeightedQuantiles getWeightedQuantile weighted.checkfun checkfun invertEcdf makeDist blockBootSample id2rownum ids2rownum panel2cs2 panel2cs makeBalancedPanel

Documented in addCovToFormla blockBootSample checkfun combineDfs compareBinary compareSingleBinary cs2panel dropCovFromFormla get_first_difference get_group get_group_inner get_lagYi getListElement getWeightedDf getWeightedMean getWeightedQuantile getWeightedQuantiles get_Yi1 get_Yi1_inner get_Yibar get_Yibar_inner get_Yibar_pre get_Yibar_pre_inner get_YiGmin1 get_YiGmin1_inner get_Yit get_Yit_inner id2rownum ids2rownum invertEcdf lhs.vars makeBalancedPanel makeDist panel2cs panel2cs2 rhs rhs.vars source_all subsample toformula TorF weighted.checkfun

#' @title Balance a Panel Data Set
#' @description This function drops observations from data.frame
#'  that are not part of balanced panel data set.
#' @param data data.frame used in function
#' @param idname unique id
#' @param tname time period name
#' @param return_data.table if TRUE, makeBalancedPanel will
#'  return a data.table rather than a data.frame.  Default
#'  is FALSE.
#' @examples
#' id <- rep(seq(1,100), each = 2) # individual ids for setting up a two period panel
#' t <- rep(seq(1,2),100) # time periods
#' y <- rnorm(200) # outcomes
#' dta <- data.frame(id=id, t=t, y=y) # make into data frame
#' dta <- dta[-7,] # drop the 7th row from the dataset (which creates an unbalanced panel)
#' dta <- makeBalancedPanel(dta, idname="id", tname="t")
#' @return data.frame that is a balanced panel
#' @export
makeBalancedPanel <- function(data,
                              return_data.table=FALSE) {
  if (!inherits(data,"data.frame")) {
    stop("data must be a data.frame")


  nt <- length(unique(data[[tname]]))
  if (!return_data.table) {
    return(as.data.frame(data[, if (.N==nt) .SD, by=idname]))
  } else if (return_data.table) {
    return(data[, if (.N == nt) .SD, by=idname])

#' @title Panel Data to Repeated Cross Sections
#' @description panel2cs takes a 2 period dataset and turns it
#'  into a cross sectional dataset.  The data includes the
#'  change in time varying variables between the
#'  time periods.  The default functionality
#'  is to keep all the variables from period 1
#'  and add all the variables listed by name in timevars
#'  from period 2 to those.
#' @param data data.frame used in function
#' @param timevars vector of names of variables to keep
#' @param idname unique id
#' @param tname time period name
#' @return data.frame
#' @export
panel2cs <- function(data, timevars, idname, tname) {


  if (length(unique(data[,tname])) != 2) {
    stop("panel2cs only for 2 periods of panel data")

  # balance the data, just in case
  data <- makeBalancedPanel(data, idname, tname)

  # put everything in the right order,
  # so we can match it easily later on
  data <- data[order(data[,idname], data[,tname]),]

  tdta <- aggregate(data[,timevars], by=list(data[,idname]), FUN=function(x) { x[2] })

  t1 <- unique(data[,tname])
  t1 <- t1[order(t1)][1]
  retdat <- subset(data, data[,tname]==t1)
  retdat$yt1 <- tdta[,2]
  retdat$dy <- retdat$yt1 - retdat$y

#' @title Panel Data to Repeated Cross Sections
#' @description panel2cs2 takes a 2 period dataset and turns it
#'  into a cross sectional dataset; i.e., long to wide.
#'  This function considers a particular case where there is some outcome
#'  whose value can change over time.  It returns the dataset from the first
#'  period with the outcome in the second period and the change in outcomes
#'  over time appended to it
#' @param data data.frame used in function
#' @param yname name of outcome variable that can change over time
#' @param idname unique id
#' @param tname time period name
#' @param balance_panel whether to ensure that panel is balanced.  Default is TRUE, but code runs somewhat
#'  faster if this is set to be FALSE.
#' @return data from first period with .y0 (outcome in first period),
#'  .y1 (outcome in second period), and .dy (change in outcomes
#'  over time) appended to it
#' @export
panel2cs2 <- function(data, yname, idname, tname, balance_panel=TRUE) {

  # check that only 2 periods of data
  if (length(unique(data[[tname]])) != 2) {
    stop("panel2cs only for 2 periods of panel data")

  # balance the data, just in case
  if (balance_panel) {
    data <- makeBalancedPanel(data, idname, tname)

  # data.table sorting (fast and memory efficient)
  data.table::setorderv(data, cols = c(idname, tname))

  # Trick to speed up by specializing for task at hand
  # relies on being sorted by tname above
  data$.y1 = data.table::shift(data[[yname]], -1)
  data$.y0 = data[[yname]]
  data$.dy = data$.y1 - data$.y0

  # Subset to first row
  first.period <- min(data[[tname]])
  data = data[data[[tname]] == first.period,]


#' @title Convert Vector of ids into Vector of Row Numbers
#' @description ids2rownum takes a vector of ids and converts it to the right
#'  row number in the dataset; ids should be unique in the dataset
#'  that is, don't pass the function panel data with multiple same ids
#' @param ids vector of ids
#' @param data data frame
#' @param idname unique id
#' @examples
#' ids <- seq(1,1000,length.out=100)
#' ids <- ids[order(runif(100))]
#' df <- data.frame(id=ids)
#' ids2rownum(df$id, df, "id")
#' @return vector of row numbers
#' @export
ids2rownum <- function(ids, data, idname) {
  vapply(ids, id2rownum, 1.0, data=data, idname=idname)

#' @title Take particular id and convert to row number
#' @description id2rownum takes an id and converts it to the right
#'  row number in the dataset; ids should be unique in the dataset
#'  that is, don't pass the function panel data with multiple same ids
#' @param id a particular id
#' @param data data frame
#' @param idname unique id
#' @keywords internal
id2rownum <- function(id, data, idname) {
  which(data[,idname] == id)

#' @title Block Bootstrap
#' @description make draws of all observations with the same id in a panel
#'  data context.  This is useful for bootstrapping with panel data.
#' @param data data.frame from which you want to bootstrap
#' @param idname column in data which contains an individual identifier
#' @return data.frame bootstrapped from the original dataset; this data.frame
#'  will contain new ids
#' @examples
#' \dontshow{ if(!requireNamespace("plm")) {
#'   if(interactive() || is.na(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_PACKAGE_NAME_", NA))) {
#'     stop("package 'plm' is required for this example")
#'   } else q() }}
#' data("LaborSupply", package="plm")
#' bbs <- blockBootSample(LaborSupply, "id")
#' nrow(bbs)
#' head(bbs$id)
#' @export
blockBootSample <- function(data, idname) {
  n <- nrow(data)
  ids <- sample(unique(data[,idname]), replace=TRUE)
  newid <- seq(1:length(ids))
  b1 <- lapply(1:length(ids), function(i) {
    bd <- data[ data[,idname]==ids[i],]
    bd[,idname] <- newid[i]
  do.call(rbind, b1)

#' @title Make a Distribution Function
#' @description turn vectors of a values and their distribution function values
#'  into an ecdf.  Vectors should be the same length and both increasing.
#' @param x vector of values
#' @param Fx vector of the distribution function values
#' @param sorted boolean indicating whether or not x is already sorted;
#'  computation is somewhat faster if already sorted
#' @param rearrange boolean indicating whether or not should monotize
#'  distribution function
#' @param force01 boolean indicating whether or not to force the values of
#'  the distribution function (i.e. Fx) to be between 0 and 1
#' @param method which method to pass to \code{approxfun} to approximate the
#'  distribution function.  Default is "constant"; other possible choice is
#'  "linear".  "constant" returns a step function, just like an empirical
#'  cdf; "linear" linearly interpolates between neighboring points.
#' @examples
#' y <- rnorm(100)
#' y <- y[order(y)]
#' u <- runif(100)
#' u <- u[order(u)]
#' F <- makeDist(y,u)
#' @return ecdf
#' @export
makeDist <- function(x, Fx, sorted=FALSE, rearrange=FALSE, force01=FALSE, method="constant") {
  if (!sorted) {
    tmat <- cbind(x, Fx)
    tmat <- tmat[order(x),]
    x <- tmat[,1]
    Fx <- tmat[,2]

  if (force01) {
    Fx <- sapply(Fx, function(Fxval) max(min(Fxval,1),0))

  if (rearrange) {
    Fx <- sort(Fx)

  retF <- approxfun(x, Fx, method=method,
                    yleft=0, yright=1, f=0, ties="ordered")
  class(retF) <- c("ecdf", "stepfun", class(retF))
  assign("nobs", length(x), envir = environment(retF))

#' @title Invert Ecdf
#' @description take an ecdf object and invert it to get a step-quantile
#'  function
#' @param df an ecdf object
#' @return stepfun object that contains the quantiles of the df
#' @export
invertEcdf <- function(df) {
  q <- knots(df)
  tau <- df(q)
  q <- c(q[1], q)
  stepfun(tau, q)

## ## TODO: fix this, can reference quantreg package
## ecdf2density <- function(df) {
##     q <- knots(df)
##     tau <- df(q)
##     ## akjfun comes from rq package
##     akjfun <- function(z, p, d = 10, g = 300, ...) {
##         mz <- sum(z * p)
##         sz <- sqrt(sum((z - mz)^2 * p))
##         hz <- seq(mz - d * sz, mz + d * sz, length = g)
##         fz <- quantreg::akj(z, hz, p = p, ...)$dens
##         approxfun(hz, fz)
##     }
##     p <- diff(taus)
##     akjfun(q, p)
## }

#' @title Check Function
#' @description The check function used for optimizing to get quantiles
#' @param a vector to compute quantiles for
#' @param tau between 0 and 1, ex. .5 implies get the median
#' @examples
#' x <- rnorm(100)
#' x[which.min(checkfun(x, 0.5))] ##should be around 0
#' @return numeric value
#' @export
checkfun <- function(a, tau) {
  return(a*(tau - (1*(a<=0))))

#'@title Weighted Check Function
#' @description Weights the check function
#' @param q the value to check
#' @param cvec vector of data to compute quantiles for
#' @param tau between 0 and 1, ex. .5 implies get the median
#' @param weights the weights, weighted.checkfun normalizes the weights
#'  to sum to 1.
#' @return numeric
#' @export
weighted.checkfun = function(q, cvec, tau, weights) {
  w <- weights
  retval <- mean(w*checkfun(cvec-q,tau))

#' @title Quantile of a Weighted Check Function
#' @description Finds the quantile by optimizing the weighted check function
#' @param tau between 0 and 1, ex. .5 implies get the median
#' @param cvec a vector to compute quantiles for
#' @param weights the weights, weighted.checkfun normalizes the weights
#'  to sum to 1.
#' @param norm normalize the weights so that they have mean of 1, default is
#'  to normalize
#' @keywords internal
getWeightedQuantile <- function(tau, cvec, weights=NULL, norm=TRUE) {
  if (is.null(weights)) {
    weights <- 1
  mw <- mean(weights)
  if (norm) {
    weights <- weights / mw
                  cvec=cvec, tau=tau, weights=weights)$minimum)

#' @title Get Weighted Quantiles
#' @description Finds multiple quantiles by repeatedly calling
#'  getWeightedQuantile
#' @param tau a vector of values between 0 and 1
#' @param cvec a vector to compute quantiles for
#' @param weights the weights, weighted.checkfun normalizes the weights
#'  to sum to 1.
#' @param norm normalize the weights so that they have mean of 1, default is
#'  to normalize
#' @return vector of quantiles
#' @export
getWeightedQuantiles <- function(tau, cvec, weights=NULL, norm=TRUE) {
  vapply(tau, getWeightedQuantile, 1.0, cvec=cvec, weights=weights, norm=norm)
  ##wtd.quantile(cvec, weights=weights, probs=tau, normwt=T)

#' @title Weighted Mean
#' @description Get the mean applying some weights
#' @param y a vector to compute the mean for
#' @param weights the vector of weights, can be NULL, then will just return mean
#' @param norm normalize the weights so that they have mean of 1, default is
#'  to normalize
#' @return the weighted mean
#' @export
getWeightedMean <- function(y, weights=NULL, norm=TRUE) {
  if (is.null(weights)) {
    weights <- 1
  mw <- mean(weights)
  if (norm) {
    weights <- weights/mw

#' @title Weighted Distribution Function
#' @description Get a distribution function from a vector of values
#'  after applying some weights
#' @param y a vector to compute the mean for
#' @param y.seq an optional vector of values to compute the distribution function
#'  for; the default is to use all unique values of y
#' @param weights the vector of weights, can be NULL, then will just return mean
#' @param norm normalize the weights so that they have mean of 1, default is
#'  to normalize
#' @return ecdf
#' @export
getWeightedDf <- function(y, y.seq=NULL, weights=NULL, norm=TRUE) {
  if (is.null(weights)) {
    weights <- 1
  mw <- mean(weights)
  if (norm) {
    weights <- weights/mw
  if (is.null(y.seq)) {
    y.seq <- unique(y)
    y.seq <- y.seq[order(y.seq)]
  dvals <- vapply(y.seq, FUN=function(x) { mean(weights*(y <= x)) }, 1.0)
  makeDist(y.seq, dvals)

#' @title Cross Section to Panel
#' @description Turn repeated cross sections data into panel data by
#'  imposing rank invariance; does not require
#'  that the inputs have the same length
#' @param cs1 data frame, the first cross section
#' @param cs2 data frame, the second cross section
#' @param yname the name of the variable to calculate difference for (should be the same in each dataset)
#' @return the change in outcomes over time
#' @export
cs2panel <- function(cs1, cs2, yname) {
  nu <- min(nrow(cs2), nrow(cs2))
  if (nu == nrow(cs2)) {
    ut <- cs2[,yname]
    ut <- ut[order(-ut)] ##orders largest to smallest
    ps <- seq(1,0,length.out=length(ut)) ##orders largest to smallest
    utmin1 <- quantile(cs1[,yname], probs=ps, type=1)
    ##F.untreated.change.t <- ecdf(ut-utmin1)
  } else {
    utmin1 <- cs2[,yname]
    utmin1 <- utmin1[order(-utmin1)] ##orders largest to smallest
    ps <- seq(1,0,length.out=length(utmin1)) ##orders largest to smallest
    ut <- quantile(cs1[,yname], probs=ps, type=1)
    ##F.untreated.change.t <- ecdf(ut-utmin1)
  return(ut - utmin1)

#' @title Compare Variables across Groups
#' @description \code{compareBinary} takes in a variable e.g. union
#' and runs bivariate regression of x on treatment (for summary statistics)
#' @param x variables to run regression on
#' @param on binary variable
#' @param dta the data to use
#' @param w weights
#' @param report which type of report to make; diff is the difference between
#'  the two variables by group
#' @return matrix of results
#' @export
compareBinary <- function(x, on, dta, w=rep(1,nrow(dta)), report=c("diff","levels","both")) {
  if (inherits(dta[,x], "factor")) {
    df <- model.matrix(as.formula(paste0("~",x,"-1")), dta)
    vnames <- colnames(df)
    df <- data.frame(cbind(df, dta[,on]))
    colnames(df) <- c(vnames, "treat")
    t(simplify2array(lapply(vnames, compareSingleBinary, on="treat", dta=df, w=w, report=report)))
  } else {
    compareSingleBinary(x, on, dta, w, report)

#' @title Compare a single variable across two groups
#' @description \code{compareBinary} takes in a variable e.g. union
#' and runs bivariate regression of x on treatment (for summary statistics)
#' @inheritParams compareBinary
#' @return matrix of results
#' @keywords internal
compareSingleBinary <- function(x, on, dta, w=rep(1,nrow(dta)), report=c("diff","levels","both")) {
  coefmat <- summary(lm(as.formula(paste(x, on ,sep=" ~ ")), data=dta,
  if (report=="diff") {
    return(c(coefmat[1,1] + coefmat[2,1], coefmat[1,1], abs(coefmat[2,3])>1.96))
  } else if (report=="levels") { ## report the levels
    return(c(coefmat[1,1] + coefmat[2,1], coefmat[1,1], abs(coefmat[2,3])>1.96))
  } else if (report=="both") {
    return(c(coefmat[1,1] + coefmat[2,1], coefmat[1,1], coefmat[2,1], round(coefmat[2,4],3)))

# functions for working with formulas

#' @title Right-hand Side Variables
#' @description Take a formula and return a vector of the variables
#'  on the right hand side
#' @param formla a formula
#' @examples
#' ff <- yvar ~ x1 + x2
#' rhs.vars(ff)
#' ff <- y ~ x1 + I(x1^2)
#' rhs.vars(ff)
#' @return vector of variable names
#' @export
rhs.vars <- function(formla) {
  ## allvars <- all.vars(formla)
  ## if (length(formla)==3) {
  ##   allvars <- allvars[-1]
  ## }

#' @title Left-hand Side Variables
#' @description Take a formula and return a vector of the variables
#'  on the left hand side, it will return NULL for a one sided formula
#' @inheritParams rhs.vars
#' @examples
#' ff <- yvar ~ x1 + x2
#' lhs.vars(ff)
#' @return vector of variable names
#' @export
lhs.vars <- function(formla) {
  if (length(formla) == 2) {
    return(NULL) ## there is no lhs variable

#' @title Right-hand Side of Formula
#' @description Take a formula and return the right hand side
#'  of the formula
#' @param formla a formula
#' @examples
#' ff <- yvar ~ x1 + x2
#' rhs(ff)
#' @return a one sided formula
#' @export
rhs <- function(formla) {

#' @title Variable Names to Formula
#' @description take a name for a y variable and a vector of names
#'  for x variables and turn them into a formula
#' @param yname the name of the y variable
#' @param xnames vector of names for x variables
#' @examples
#' toformula("yvar", c("x1","x2"))
#' ## should return yvar ~ 1
#' toformula("yvar", rhs.vars(~1))
#' @return a formula
#' @export
toformula <- function(yname, xnames) {
  if (length(xnames)==0) {
    return(as.formula(paste0(yname," ~ 1")))
  out <- paste0(yname,"~")
  xpart <- paste0(xnames, collapse="+")
  out <- paste0(out,xpart)
  out <- as.formula(out)

#' @title Add a Covariate to a Formula
#' @description \code{addCovFromFormla} adds some covariates to a formula;
#'   covs should be a list of variable names
#' @param covs should be a list of variable names
#' @param formla which formula to add covariates to
#' @return formula
#' @examples
#' formla <- y ~ x
#' addCovToFormla(list("w","z"), formla)
#' formla <- ~x
#' addCovToFormla("z", formla)
#' @export
addCovToFormla <- function(covs, formla) {
  vs <- rhs.vars(formla) ## vector of x variable names
  vs <- c(vs, covs)
  formla <- toformula(lhs.vars(formla), vs)

#' @title Drop a Covariate from a Formula
#' @description \code{dropCovFromFormla} adds drops some covariates from a
#' formula; covs should be a list of variable names
#' @param covs should be a list of variable names
#' @param formla which formula to drop covariates from
#' @return formula
#' @examples
#' formla <- y ~ x + w + z
#' dropCovFromFormla(list("w","z"), formla)
#' dropCovFromFormla("z", formla)
#' @export
dropCovFromFormla <- function(covs, formla) {
  vs <- rhs.vars(formla)
  vs <- vs[!(vs %in% covs)]
  toformula(lhs.vars(formla), vs)

#' @title Combine Two Distribution Functions
#' @description Combines two distribution functions with given weights by pstrat
#' @param y.seq sequence of possible y values
#' @param dflist list of distribution functions to combine
#' @param pstrat a vector of weights to put on each distribution function;
#'  if weights are not provided then equal weight is given to each
#'  distribution function
#' @param ... additional arguments that can be past to BMisc::makeDist
#' @examples
#' x <- rnorm(100)
#' y <- rnorm(100,1,1)
#' Fx <- ecdf(x)
#' Fy <- ecdf(y)
#' both <- combineDfs(seq(-2,3,0.1), list(Fx,Fy))
#' plot(Fx, col="green")
#' plot(Fy, col="blue", add=TRUE)
#' plot(both, add=TRUE)
#' @return ecdf
#' @export
combineDfs <- function(y.seq, dflist, pstrat=NULL, ...) {
  if (is.null(pstrat)) {
    pstrat <- rep(1/length(dflist), length(dflist))
  y.seq <- y.seq[order(y.seq)]
  df.valslist <- lapply(dflist, function(ddff) {
  df.valsmat <- simplify2array(df.valslist)
  for (i in 1:length(pstrat)) {
    df.valsmat[,i] <- df.valsmat[,i]*pstrat[i]

  df.vals <- rowSums(df.valsmat)

  makeDist(y.seq, df.vals, ...)

#' @title Subsample of Observations from Panel Data
#' @description returns a subsample of a panel data set; in particular drops
#'  all observations that are not in \code{keepids}.  If it is not set,
#'  randomly keeps \code{nkeep} observations.
#' @param dta a data.frame which is a balanced panel
#' @param idname the name of the id variable
#' @param tname the name of the time variable
#' @param keepids which ids to keep
#' @param nkeep how many ids to keep (only used if \code{keepids}
#'  is not set); the default is the number of unique ids
#' @examples
#' \dontshow{ if(!requireNamespace("plm")) {
#'   if(interactive() || is.na(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_PACKAGE_NAME_", NA))) {
#'     stop("package 'plm' is required for this example")
#'   } else q() }}
#' data("LaborSupply", package="plm")
#' nrow(LaborSupply)
#' unique(LaborSupply$year)
#' ss <- subsample(LaborSupply, "id", "year", nkeep=100)
#' nrow(ss)
#' @return a data.frame that contains a subsample of \code{dta}
#' @export
subsample <- function(dta, idname, tname, keepids=NULL, nkeep=NULL) {
  ids <- unique(dta[,idname])

  if (is.null(keepids)) {
    if (is.null(nkeep)) nkeep <- length(ids)
    keepids <- sample(ids, size=nkeep)

  retdta <- dta[ dta[,idname] %in% keepids, ]

## this should return the distribution function
## currently running ci.qte and then inverting, but probably
## would be better to calculate it directly
## ci.treated.Df <- function(data, y.seq, formla, xformla, probs, weights=NULL, se, iters, retEachIter, method="logit", pl, cores) {

##     qp <- QTEparams(formla, xformla, t=NULL, tmin1=NULL, tmin2=NULL, tname=NULL, data=data, weights=weights, idname=NULL, probs=probs, iters=iters, alp=alp, method=method, plot=plot, se=se, retEachIter=retEachIter, bootstrapiter=FALSE, seedvec=NULL, pl=pl, cores=cores)
##     setupData(qp)

##     pscore.reg <- glm(data[,treat] ~ as.matrix(data[,x]),
##                       family=binomial(link=method))
##     pscore <- fitted(pscore.reg)
##     d <- data[,treat]
##     y <- data[,yname]

##     y.seq <- y.seq[order(y.seq)]
##     df.vals <- vapply(y.seq, function(x) {
##         mean((d/pscore)*(y <= x) / (mean(d/pscore))) }, 1.0)
##     makeDist(y.seq, df.vals)
## }

## ## this should return the distribution function
## ## currently running ci.qte and then inverting, but probably
## ## would be better to calculate it directly
## ci.untreated.Df <- function(data, y.seq, formla, xformla, probs, weights=NULL, se, iters, retEachIter, method="logit", pl, cores) {
##     ##OLD: using qte method
##     ##cfirp <- ci.qte(formla=formla, xformla=xformla,
##     ##            probs=probs, weights=weights, se=se, iters=iters,
##     ##            retEachIter=RE, pl=pl, cores=cores, data=data)
##     ##list(cfirp$F.treated.t, cfirp$F.treated.t.cf)
##     qp <- QTEparams(formla, xformla, t=NULL, tmin1=NULL, tmin2=NULL, tname=NULL, data=data, weights=weights, idname=NULL, probs=probs, iters=iters, alp=alp, method=method, plot=plot, se=se, retEachIter=retEachIter, bootstrapiter=FALSE, seedvec=NULL, pl=pl, cores=cores)
##     setupData(qp)

##     pscore.reg <- glm(data[,treat] ~ as.matrix(data[,x]),
##                       family=binomial(link=method))
##     pscore <- fitted(pscore.reg)
##     d <- data[,treat]
##     y <- data[,yname]
##     y.seq <- y.seq[order(y.seq)]
##     df.vals <- vapply(y.seq, function(x) {
##         mean(((1-d)/(1-pscore))*(y <= x) / mean((1-d)/(1-pscore))) }, 1.0)
##     makeDist(y.seq, df.vals)
## }

## ##get the distribution function
## ## under stratified random sampling
## strat.ci.df <- function(y.seq, stratvarname, pstrat, formla, xformla, data, probs, weights, se, iters, retEachIter, pl, cores) {

##     browser()

##     cdta <- lapply(unique(data[,stratvarname]),
##                    function(x) { data[data[,stratvarname]==x,] })
##     ctreatedflist <- lapply(cdta, ci.treated.Df, y.seq=y.seq, formla=formla,
##                         xformla=xformla, probs=probs,
##                         se=se, iters=iters, retEachIter=retEachIter,
##                         pl=pl, cores=cores)
##     treated.df <- combineDfs(y.seq, ctreatedflist, pstrat)
##     cuntreatedflist <- lapply(cdta, ci.untreated.Df, y.seq=y.seq, formla=formla,
##                         xformla=xformla, probs=probs,
##                         se=se, iters=iters, retEachIter=retEachIter,
##                         pl=pl, cores=cores)
##     untreated.df <- combineDfs(y.seq, cuntreatedflist, pstrat)
##     return(c(treated.df, untreated.df))
## }

#' @title Return Particular Element from Each Element in a List
#' @description a function to take a list and get a particular part
#'  out of each element in the list
#' @param listolists a list
#' @param whichone which item to get out of each list (can be numeric or name)
#' @return list of all the elements 'whichone' from each list
#' @examples
#' len <- 100 # number elements in list
#' lis <- lapply(1:len, function(l) list(x=(-l), y=l^2) ) # create list
#' getListElement(lis, "x")[1] # should be equal to -1
#' getListElement(lis, 1)[1] # should be equal to -1
#' @export
getListElement <- function(listolists, whichone=1) {
  lapply(listolists, function(l) l[[whichone]])

#' @title source_all
#' @description Source all the files in a folder
#' @param fldr path to a folder
#' @export
source_all <- function(fldr) {
  sapply(paste0(fldr,list.files(fldr)), source)

#' @title TorF
#' @description A function to replace NA's with FALSE in vector of logicals
#' @param cond a vector of conditions to check
#' @param use_isTRUE whether or not to use a vectorized version
#'  of isTRUE.  This is generally slower but covers more cases.
#' @return logical vector
#' @export
TorF <- function(cond, use_isTRUE=FALSE) {
  if (!is.logical(cond)) stop("cond should be a logical vector")

  if (use_isTRUE) {
    cond <- sapply(cond, isTRUE)
  } else {
    cond[is.na(cond)] <- FALSE

#' @title get_group_inner
#' @description Calculates the group for a particular unit
#' @param this_df a data.frame, for this function it should be specific to
#'  a particular unit
#' @inheritParams get_group
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
get_group_inner <- function(this_df, tname, treatname) {
  if ( all(this_df[,treatname] == 0) ) return(0)

  as.numeric( this_df[ this_df[,treatname] == 1, ][1,tname] )

#' @title get_group
#' @description A function to calculate a unit's group in a panel data setting
#'  with a binary treatment and staggered treatment adoption and where
#'  there is a column in the data indicating whether or not a unit is treated
#' @param df the data.frame used in the function
#' @param idname name of column that holds the unit id
#' @param tname name of column that holds the time period
#' @param treatname name of column with the treatment indicator
#' @export
get_group <- function(df, idname, tname, treatname) {
  group_vec <- df %>%
    group_by(.data[[idname]]) %>%
    group_map(~ rep(get_group_inner(.x, tname, treatname), nrow(.x))) %>%

#' @title get_YiGmin1_inner
#' @description Calculates a units outcome (or also can be used for a covariate)
#'  in the period right before it becomes treated.  The unit's group must
#'  be specified at this point.  This function operates on a data.frame
#'  that is already local to a particular unit.
#' @param this_df a data.frame, for this function it should be specific to
#'  a particular unit
#' @inheritParams get_YiGmin1
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
get_YiGmin1_inner <- function(this_df, yname, tname, gname) {
  this_df <- as.data.frame(this_df)
  maxT <- max(this_df[,tname])
  this_group <- unique(this_df[,gname])
  YiGmin1 <- ifelse(this_group==0,

#' @title get_YiGmin1
#' @description A function to calculate outcomes for units in the period
#'  right before they become treated (this function can also be used to recover
#'  covariates, etc. in the period right before a unit becomes treated).
#'  For units that do not
#'  participate in the treatment (and therefore have group==0), they are
#'  assigned their outcome in the last period.
#' @param yname name of column containing the outcome (or other variable)
#'  for which to calculate its outcome in the immediate pre-treatment period
#' @param gname name of column containing the unit's group
#' @inheritParams get_group
#' @export
get_YiGmin1 <- function(df, idname, yname, tname, gname) {
  YiGmin1_vec <- df %>%
    group_by(.data[[idname]]) %>%
    group_map(~ rep(get_YiGmin1_inner(.x, yname, tname, gname), nrow(.x))) %>%

#' @title get_Yi1_inner
#' @description Calculates a units outcome in the first time period.
#'  This function operates on a data.frame that is already local to a particular
#'  unit.
#' @inheritParams get_YiGmin1_inner
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
get_Yi1_inner <- function(this_df, yname, tname, gname) {
  this_df <- as.data.frame(this_df)
  minT <- min(this_df[,tname])
  Yi1 <- this_df[this_df[,tname]==minT,yname]

#' @title get_Yi1
#' @description A function to calculate outcomes for units in the first time
#'  period that is available in a panel data setting (this function can also
#'  be used to recover covariates, etc. in the first period).
#' @inheritParams get_YiGmin1
#' @export
get_Yi1 <- function(df, idname, yname, tname, gname) {
  Yi1_vec <- df %>%
    group_by(.data[[idname]]) %>%
    group_map(~ rep(get_Yi1_inner(.x, yname, tname, gname), nrow(.x))) %>%

#' @title get_Yit_inner
#' @description Calculates a units outcome in some particular period `tp`.
#'  This function operates on a data.frame that is already local to a particular
#'  unit.
#' @inheritParams get_YiGmin1_inner
#' @param tp The time period for which to get the outcome
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
get_Yit_inner <- function(this_df, tp, yname, tname) {
    this_df <- as.data.frame(this_df)
    Yit <- this_df[this_df[,tname]==tp,yname]

#' @title get_Yit
#' @description A function to calculate outcomes for units in a particular
#'  time period `tp` in a panel data setting (this function can also
#'  be used to recover covariates, etc. in the first period).
#' @inheritParams get_YiGmin1
#' @inheritParams get_Yit_inner
#' @return a vector of outcomes in period t, the vector
#'  will have the length nT (i.e., this is returned for
#'  each element in the panel, not for a particular period)
#' @export
get_Yit <- function(df, tp, idname, yname, tname) {
    Yit_vec <- df %>%
        group_by(.data[[idname]]) %>%
        group_map(~ rep(get_Yit_inner(.x, tp, yname, tname), nrow(.x))) %>%

#' @title get_Yibar_inner
#' @description Calculates a units average outcome across all periods.
#'  This function operates on a data.frame that is already local to a particular
#'  unit.
#' @inheritParams get_YiGmin1_inner
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
get_Yibar_inner <- function(this_df, yname) {
  this_df <- as.data.frame(this_df)

#' @title get_Yibar
#' @description A function to calculate the average outcome across all time
#' periods separately for each unit in a panel data setting (this function can also
#'  be used to recover covariates, etc.).
#' @inheritParams get_YiGmin1
#' @export
get_Yibar <- function(df, idname, yname) {
  Yibar_vec <- df %>%
    group_by(.data[[idname]]) %>%
    group_map(~ rep(get_Yibar_inner(.x, yname), nrow(.x))) %>%

#' @title get_Yibar_pre_inner
#' @description Calculates a unit's average outcome in pre-treatment periods
#'  (or also can be used for a covariate).  The unit's group must
#'  be specified at this point.  This function operates on a data.frame
#'  that is already local to a particular unit.
#' @param this_df a data.frame, for this function it should be specific to
#'  a particular unit
#' @inheritParams get_YiGmin1_inner
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
get_Yibar_pre_inner <- function(this_df, yname, tname, gname) {
    this_df <- as.data.frame(this_df)
    maxT <- max(this_df[,tname])
    this_group <- unique(this_df[,gname])
    Yibarpre <- ifelse(this_group==0,
                      mean(this_df[this_df[,tname] < this_group, yname]) )

#' @title get_Yibar_pre
#' @description A function to calculate average outcomes for units in
#'  their pre-treatment periods (this function can also be used to recover
#'  pre-treatment averages of covariates, etc.).
#'  For units that do not
#'  participate in the treatment (and therefore have group==0), the
#'  function calculates their overall average outcome.
#' @param yname name of column containing the outcome (or other variable)
#'  for which to calculate its outcome in the immediate pre-treatment period
#' @param gname name of column containing the unit's group
#' @inheritParams get_YiGmin1
#' @export
get_Yibar_pre <- function(df, idname, yname, tname, gname) {
    YiGmin1_vec <- df %>%
        group_by(.data[[idname]]) %>%
        group_map(~ rep(get_Yibar_pre_inner(.x, yname, tname, gname), nrow(.x))) %>%

#' @title get_lagYi
#' @description A function that calculates lagged outcomes in a panel data setting.
#'  If the data.frame that is passed in has nxT rows, the resulting vector will
#'  also have nxT elements with one element for each unit set to be NA
#' @inheritParams get_Yi1
#' @param nlags The number of periods to lag.  The default is 1, which computes
#'  the lag from the previous period.
#' @export
get_lagYi <- function(df, idname, yname, tname, nlags=1) {
    df <- df %>%
        dplyr::group_by(.data[[idname]]) %>%

#' @title get_first_difference
#' @description A function that calculates the first difference in a panel data
#'  setting.  If the data.frame that is passed in has nxT rows, the resulting
#'  vector will also have nxT elements with one element for each unit set to be
#'  NA.
#' @inheritParams get_lagYi
#' @export
get_first_difference <- function(df, idname, yname, tname) {
    df$.lag <- get_lagYi(df, idname, yname, tname)
    df[,yname] - df$.lag
bcallaway11/BMisc documentation built on March 13, 2024, 1:39 a.m.