
Defines functions em.alt qrme.alt addplot plot.qr2meobj getListElement print.merr print.qr2meobj qr2meobj avgDist qr2me getCBounds parms2coppar makeRQS getParams qrme llme.gr llme ll cop.pdf

Documented in addplot cop.pdf ll makeRQS parms2coppar print.merr print.qr2meobj qr2me qr2meobj qrme

#' @title cop.pdf
#' @description returns the pdf of several copula functions evaluated at
#'  u and v; the available copula functions are:  Gumbel (the default),
#'  Frank, (should implement Joe and Gaussian)
#' @param u first copula argument (u and v can be vectors)
#' @param v second copula argument
#' @param type one of c("gumbel","frank")
#' @param delt the copula paramter
#' @return vector of copula pdf values
#' @export
cop.pdf <- function(u,v,type="gumbel",delt,eps=1e-300) {
    if ( !(all(0 < u) & all(u < 1)) | !(all(0 < v) & all(v < 1))) {
        stop("u and v must be between 0 and 1")
    if (type == "gumbel") {
        ## lu <- -log(u)
        ## lv <- -log(v)
        ## out <- exp(-(lu^delt + lv^delt)^(1/delt)) * ( (lu^delt + lv^delt)^(1/delt) + delt - 1) * (lu^delt + lv^delt)^(1/delt - 2) * (lu*lv)^(delt-1) * (u*v)^(-1)
        gc <- copula::gumbelCopula(delt, use.indepC="TRUE")
    } else if (type=="frank") {
        gc <- copula::frankCopula(delt, use.indepC="TRUE")
    } else if (type=="clayton") {
        gc <- copula::claytonCopula(delt, use.indepC="TRUE")
    } else if (type=="gaussian") {
        gc <- copula::normalCopula(delt)
    } else {
        stop(paste0("copula: ", type, " not supported"))
    out <- copula::dCopula(cbind(u,v), gc)
    out <- sapply(out, function(o) max(o,eps))

#' @title ll 
#' @description this is the likelihood function for estimating the copula parameter
#' @param params a value of the parameters to calculate the log likelihood for
#' @param y should be a vector of outcomes
#' @param t should be a vector of treatments
#' @param x a matrix of values of x
#' @param copula the type of copula, should be supported by cop.pdf
#' @param Fyx function that contains the cdf of y conditional on x
#' @param Ftx function that contains the cdf of t conditional on x
#' @param fyx function that contains the pdf of y conditional on x
#' @param ftx function that contains the pdf of t conditional on x
#' @param Upi vector of probabilities for measurement error mixture model for Y
#' @param Umu vector of means for measurement error mixture model for Y
#' @param Usig vector of std. deviations for measurement error mixture model for Y
#' @param Vpi vector of probabilities for  measurement error mixture model for T
#' @param Vmu vector of means for measurement error mixture model for T
#' @param Vsig vector of std. deviations for measurement error mixture model for T
#' @param ndraws the number of draws of U and V to make
#' @return scalar negative value of log likelihood function
#' @export
ll <- function(params, y, t, x, copula="gumbel", Fyx, Ftx, fyx, ftx, Us, Vs, ndraws=100, eps=1e-300) {
    k <- length(params)
    params <- as.matrix(params)
    x <- as.matrix(x)
    n <- nrow(x)
    intonly <- as.matrix(rep(1, nrow(x)))
    delt <- parms2coppar(params, copula, intonly)
    ## if (copula == "gumbel") {
    ##     delt <- 1 + exp(x%*%params)
    ## } else if (copula == "frank") {
    ##     delt <- x%*%params
    ## } else if (copula == "gaussian") {
    ##     delt <- 2 * exp(x%*%params) / (1 + exp(x%*%params)) - 1
    ## }

    lval <- sapply(1:n, function(i) {
            cop.pdf(Fyx[[i]](y[i] - Us), Ftx[[i]](t[i] - Vs), type=copula,
                delt=delt[i])  *
            fyx[[i]](y[i] - Us) * ftx[[i]](t[i] - Vs)
          , eps) ## here, eps
        ## avoids this being exactly equal to 0

#' @title llme
#' @description Log likelihood function for estimating quantile regression model with measurement
#'  error using the approach in Hausman, Liu, Luo, and Palmer (2016).
#' @inheritParams ll
#' @param ksig the number of mixture components
#' @param kmu the number of means in the mixture model (this should almost always be ksig-1)
#'  as the last mean is pinned down by the other means under the condition that the mean
#'  of the measurement error is equal to 0.
#' @return negative value of log likelihood function
#' @export
llme <- function(params, otherparams,
                 y, X, tau, ksig, kmu=(ksig-1)) {
    params <- c(params, otherparams)
    x <- as.matrix(X)
    kx <- ncol(x)*length(tau)
    bet <- params[1:kx]
    k <- kx/length(tau)
    n <- nrow(x)
    ktau <- length(tau)
    bet <- split(bet,ceiling(seq_along(bet)/k))
    if (kmu > 0) {
        pi1 <- params[(kx+1):(kx+kmu)]
        mu1 <- params[(kx+kmu+1):(kx+kmu+kmu)]
        pi <- c(pi1, 1-sum(pi1))
        mu <- c(mu1, -sum(mu1*pi1)/(1-sum(pi1)))
    } else {
        pi <- 1
        mu <- 0

    sig <- params[(kx+kmu+kmu+1):(kx+kmu+kmu+ksig)]

    ## just testing things out, delete these
    ## sig <- 1
    ## bet <- lapply(1:length(tau), function(i) {
    ##     b <- bet[[i]]
    ##     b[1] <- b0Y(tau[i])
    ##     b})
    u <- sapply(bet, function(b) {
        b <- as.matrix(b)
        y - x%*%b

    f.me <- function(uu) {
        apply(sapply(1:ksig, function(i) {
            pi[i]/sig[i] * dnorm( (uu - mu[i]) / sig[i] )
        }), 1, sum)

    fu <- t(apply(u, 1, f.me))
    ## fu <- sapply(u, function(uu) {
    ##     apply(sapply(1:ksig, function(i) {
    ##         pi[i]/sig[i] * dnorm( (uu - mu[i]) / sig[i] )
    ##     }), 1, sum)
    ## })
    ## this will contain a matrix with n rows and ktau columns

    ## just for testing
    ## fyx <- function(y,x) {
    ##     thisu <- sapply(bet, function(b) {
    ##         b <- as.matrix(b)
    ##         y - x%*%b
    ##     })
    ##     sum(apply(sapply(1:ksig, function(i) {
    ##         pi[i]/sig[i] * dnorm( (thisu - mu[i]) / sig[i] )
    ##     }), 1, sum))
    ## }


    l <- apply(fu,1,function(ffuu) max(sum(ffuu)/length(tau),1e-30))
    ll <- log(l) ## p. 29 in hausman, liu, luo, palmer

    return(-sum(ll)) ## for maximization

llme.gr <- function(params, otherparams=NULL, y, X, tau, ksig, kmu=(ksig-1)) {
    x <- as.matrix(X)
    kx <- ncol(x)*length(tau)
    bet <- params[1:kx]
    k <- kx/length(tau)
    n <- nrow(x)
    ktau <- length(tau)
    bet <- split(bet,ceiling(seq_along(bet)/k))
    if (kmu > 0) {
        pi1 <- params[(kx+1):(kx+kmu)]
        mu1 <- params[(kx+kmu+1):(kx+kmu+kmu)]
        pi <- c(pi1, 1-sum(pi1))
        mu <- c(mu1, -sum(mu1*pi1)/(1-sum(pi1)))
    } else {
        pi <- 1
        mu <- 0

    sig <- params[(kx+kmu+kmu+1):(kx+kmu+kmu+ksig)]
    ## u is a list with as many elements as the length of tau
    ## each element contains an nx1 vector containing y - x'beta(tau)
    u <- lapply(bet, function(b) {
        b <- as.matrix(b)
        y - x%*%b

    ## fu contains the density of u (the measurement error) evaluated
    ## at (y - x'beta(tau)) / sig, and given the values of the parameters
    ## for the mixture model
    ## this will contain a matrix with n rows and ktau columns
    ## fu <- sapply(u, function(uu) {
    ##     apply(sapply(1:ksig, function(i) {
    ##         pi[i]/sig[i] * dnorm( (uu - mu[i]) / sig[i] )
    ##     }), 1, sum)
    ## })
    f.me <- function(uu) {
        apply(sapply(1:ksig, function(i) {
            pi[i]/sig[i] * dnorm( (uu - mu[i]) / sig[i] )
        }), 1, sum)

    fu <- sapply(u, f.me)

    ## ifu contains the integrated values (over 0 to 1) of fu
    ## this object is useful throughout and is an nx1 vector
    ifu <- apply(fu, 1, sum)/length(tau) ## this is integration step

    ## the gradient with respect to pi
    ## this should contain a vector of length ksig x 1
    gr.pi <- function() {
        p1 <- 1/ifu

        p2a <- simplify2array(lapply(u, function(uu) {
            sapply(1:ksig, function(i) {
                1/sig[i] * dnorm( (uu - mu[i]) / sig[i] )
        p2 <- apply(p2a, c(1,2), sum)/length(tau) ## integration step, should be nxksig

        as.numeric(apply(p2*p1, 2, sum))

    gr.mu <- function() {
        p1 <- 1/ifu

        p2a <- simplify2array(lapply(u, function(uu) {
            sapply(1:ksig, function(i) {
                pi[i]/sig[i] * (uu - mu[i] / sig[i]^2) * dnorm( (uu - mu[i]) / sig[i] )
        p2 <- apply(p2a, c(1,2), sum) /length(tau) ## integration step, should be nxksig

        as.numeric(apply(p2*p1, 2, sum))

    gr.sig <- function() {
        p1 <- 1/ifu

        p2a <- simplify2array(lapply(u, function(uu) {
            sapply(1:ksig, function(i) {
                -pi[i]/sig[i]^2 * dnorm( (uu - mu[i]) / sig[i] )

        p2b <- simplify2array(lapply(u, function(uu) {
            sapply(1:ksig, function(i) {
                pi[i]/sig[i] * (uu - mu[i])^2 / sig[i]^3 * dnorm( (uu - mu[i]) / sig[i] )

        p2 <- apply(p2a+p2b, c(1,2), sum) / length(tau) ## integration step, should be nxksig
        as.numeric(apply(p2*p1, 2, sum))

    cgr.pi <- function() {
        (gr.pi() - gr.pi()[ksig] - (mu*(1-sum(pi[-ksig]))+sum( (mu*pi)[-ksig]))*gr.mu()[ksig]/(1-sum(pi[-ksig]))^2)[-ksig]

    cgr.mu <- function() {
        (gr.mu() - pi*gr.mu()[ksig]/(sum(pi[-ksig])))[-ksig]
    gr.bet <- function() {
        dt <- diff(tau)[1] ## TODO: check that they are all equal

        ## part 1, nx1 vector
        p1 <- 1/ifu

        ## part 2, nxk matrix
        p2 <- -dt*x

        ## part 3, list with length of tau, in each list an nx1 vector
        p3 <- lapply(bet, function(b) {
            apply(sapply(1:ksig, function(i) {
                pi[i]/sig[i]^2 * dnorm( (y - x%*%b - mu[i]) / sig[i]) * (-(y - x%*%b - mu[i])/sig[i])
            }), 1, sum)

        ## an array with length of tau, in each list an nx3 matrix
        out <- simplify2array(lapply(p3, function(pp) {

        ## sum the above matrix, will be ksig x length(tau) matrix
        out <- apply(out, c(2,3), sum) 

        as.numeric(out) ## return it as a vector

    ## return(grad(llme, x=params, otherparams=NULL, y=y, X=x,
    ##        tau=tau, ksig=nmix, method="simple"))
    if (is.null(otherparams)) {
        return(c(-gr.bet(), -cgr.pi(), -cgr.mu(), -gr.sig()))
    } else {

#' @title qrme
#' @description Quantile Regression with measurement error in the dependent
#'  variable using the approach in Hausman, Liu, Luo, and Palmer (2016)
#' @param formla y ~ x
#' @param tau vector for which quantiles to compute quantile regression
qrme <- function(formla, tau=0.5, data, nmix=3, startbet=NULL, startmu=NULL, startsig=NULL, startpi=NULL, method="BFGS", maxit=1000, betOnly=FALSE) {
    xformla <- formla
    xformla[[2]] <- NULL ## drop y variable
    x <- model.matrix(xformla, data)
    yname <- as.character(formla[[2]])
    y <- data[,yname]
    k <- ncol(x) ## number of x variables
    m <- nmix
    if (is.null(startbet)) {
        ## this defaults the start values of the beta_0 to be
        ## the observed quantiles of the outcome and the other
        ## betas to be equal to 0
        ## betvals <- unlist(lapply(1:length(tau), function(i) c(quantile(y, probs=tau[i], type=1), rep(0, (k-1)))))
        betvals <- c(rq(formla, tau=tau, data=data)$coefficients)
    } else {
        betvals <- startbet
    if (is.null(startmu)) {
        muvals <- seq(-1, by=1, length.out=(m-1))
    } else {
        muvals <- startmu
    if (is.null(startsig)) {
        sigvals <- rep(1,m)
    } else {
        sigvals <- startsig
    if (is.null(startpi)) {
        pivals <- rep(1/m, (m-1))
    } else {
        pivals <- startpi
    qrparams <- c(betvals, pivals, muvals, sigvals)

    ## implement constraints that variance is positive and weights are postive
    cst <- NULL
    ust <- NULL
    if (nmix > 1) {
        cst <- c(rep(.01, length(pivals)),
                 -.99, ## thisone is so that 1-pi1-pi2>= .01
                 rep(.01, length(sigvals)))

        u1 <- rep(0, length(qrparams))

        ust <- t(simplify2array(c(lapply(1:length(pivals), function(i) {
            u2 <- u1
            u2[length(betvals)+i] <- 1
        }), lapply(length(pivals), function(l) {
            u2 <- u1
            for (i in 1:l) {
                u2[length(betvals)+i] <- -1
        }), lapply(1:length(sigvals), function(i) {
            u2 <- u1
            u2[length(betvals) + length(pivals) + length(muvals) + i] <- 1
    ## bounds for l-bfgs-b, didn't quite work
    ## lb <- c(rep(-Inf, length(betvals)), rep(.01, length(pivals)),
    ##         rep(-Inf, length(muvals)), rep(.01, length(sigvals)))
    ## ub <- c(rep(Inf, length(betvals)), rep(1, length(pivals)),
    ##         rep(Inf, length(muvals)), rep(Inf, length(sigvals)))

    ## problem looks like it is in gradient for the mu, pi, or sigma...
    if (betOnly) { ## this is for simulations if distribution of error
        ## term is fully known
        otherparams <- qrparams[(length(betvals)+1):length(qrparams)]
        qrparams <- qrparams[1:length(betvals)]
        ust <- t(as.matrix(rep(0,length(qrparams))))
        cst <- -1
    if (nmix == 1) {
        res <- optim(qrparams, llme, otherparams=otherparams, gr=llme.gr, method="BFGS",
                     y=y, X=x, tau=tau, ksig=m,
                     control=list(maxit=maxit, trace=6))
    } else {
        res <- constrOptim(qrparams, llme, ui=ust, ci=cst, method="BFGS", grad=llme.gr,
                           y=y, X=x, tau=tau, ksig=m, otherparams=otherparams, 
                           control=list(maxit=20000, trace=6, reltol=1e-30))

    if (betOnly) {
        params <- getParams(c(res$par, otherparams), formla, data, tau, nmix)
    } else {
        params <- getParams(res, formla, data, tau, nmix)
    out <- makeRQS(params, formla, data)

    class(out) <- c("merr", class(out))
    out$params <- res$par
    ## idx <- length(betvals)+1
    ## nidx <- length(betvals)+length(pivals)
    ## pi1 <- res$par[idx:nidx]
    ## out$pi <- c(pi1, 1-sum(pi1))
    ## idx <- nidx+1
    ## nidx <- nidx+length(muvals)
    ## mu1 <- res$par[idx:nidx]
    ## out$mu <- c(mu1, -sum(mu1*pi1)/(1-sum(pi1)))
    ## idx <- nidx+1
    ## nidx <- nidx+length(sigvals)
    ## out$sig <- res$par[idx:nidx]
    out$pi <- params$pi
    out$mu <- params$mu
    out$sig <- params$sig


#' @title getParams
#' @description Helper function to take the result of the optimization routine
#' and converts back to parameters
#' @param optout results of call to optim
#' @param ksig the dimension of the mixture model for the measurement error
#' @return list of parameters
#' @export
getParams <- function(optout, formla, data, tau, nmix) {
    xformla <- formla
    xformla[[2]] <- NULL ## drop y variable
    x <- model.matrix(xformla, data)
    kx <- ncol(x)*length(tau)
    if (class(optout) == "numeric") {
        par <- optout
    } else { ## output of optim
        par <- optout$par
    bet <- par[1:kx]
    k <- kx/length(tau)
    n <- nrow(x)
    ktau <- length(tau)
    bet <- split(bet,ceiling(seq_along(bet)/k))
    kmu <- nmix-1
    if (nmix > 1) {
        pi1 <- par[(kx+1):(kx+kmu)]
        mu1 <- par[(kx+kmu+1):(kx+kmu+kmu)]
        pi <- c(pi1, 1-sum(pi1))
        mu <- c(mu1, -sum(mu1*pi1)/(1-sum(pi1)))
    } else {
        pi <- 1
        mu <- 0
    ksig <- nmix
    sig <- par[(kx+kmu+kmu+1):(kx+kmu+kmu+ksig)]
    out <- list(bet=bet, pi=pi, mu=mu, sig=sig)
    class(out) <- "PARAM"

#' @title makeRQS
#' @description Take the results of the optimization and convert them
#'  into a quantile regression object, so we can use all the tools from
#'  the quantreg package (e.g. inverting the quantiles).  The key step
#'  here is rearrangement, because the objective function doesn't impose
#'  any ordering -- see the discussion in HLLP.  We follow HLLP's
#'  recommendation and order the QR parameters by what makes the quantiles
#'  to be increasing for the mean values of the x's.  This means that
#'  for any particular value of the x's, the quantile function may not
#'  necessarily be increasing in tau.  However, we can separately rearrange
#'  those as needed.  But this gives a way to report the QR parameters.
#' @param optout results of call to optim
#' @return rqs object
#' @export
makeRQS <- function(params, formla, data) {
    xformla <- formla
    xformla[[2]] <- NULL ## drop y variable
    x <- model.matrix(xformla, data)
    optout <- list()
    class(optout) <- c("rqs")
    optout$terms <- terms(formla)
    optout$formula <- formla
    bet <- params$bet
    ##bet <- split(bet1,ceiling(seq_along(bet1)/k))
    ## rearrangement (as in HLLP though double check)
    barx <- apply(x, 2, mean)
    betorder <- order(sapply(bet, function(b) sum(b*barx)))
    bet <- simplify2array(bet)
    if (class(bet)=="numeric") { ## i.e. there is just one element in bet
        bet <- as.matrix(bet)
    } else {
        bet <- t(bet)
    bet <- as.matrix(bet[betorder,])
    optout$coefficients <- t(bet)
    optout$tau <- tau

#' @title parms2coppar
#' @description convert parameters from optimization routine into copula
#'  parameters, parameters are between 0 and 1
#' @inheritParams ll
#' @param params a vector of parameters
#' @return a vector of copula parameters
#' @export
parms2coppar <- function(params, copula="gumbel",x) {
    x <- as.matrix(x)
    ## if (ncol(x)==1) {
    ##     x <- t(x)
    ## }
    params <- log(params/(1-params))
    if (copula=="gumbel") {
        deltx <- 1 + exp(x%*%params)
    } else if (copula=="frank") {
        deltx <- x%*%params
    } else if (copula=="clayton") {
        deltx <- x%*%params
    } else if (copula=="gaussian") {
        deltx <- 2 * exp(x%*%params) / (1 + exp(x%*%params)) - 1
    } else {
        stop( paste0("copula ", copula, " not supported") )

getCBounds <- function(copula) {
    if (copula=="gumbel") {
        lo <- 1
        hi <- 1000 ##Inf
    } else if (copula=="frank") {
        lo <- -1000 ##-Inf
        hi <- 1000 ##Inf
    } else if (copula=="clayton") {
        lo <- -1000 ##-Inf
        hi <- 1000 ##Inf
    } else if (copula=="gaussian") {
        lo <- -1
        hi <- 1
    } else {
        stop( paste0("copula ", copula, " not supported") )

qr2me <- function(yname, tname, xformla, tau, data, xdf=NULL, tvals=NULL,
                  copula="gumbel", Qyx, Qtx, 
                  startparams=NULL, method="BFGS", maxit=1000, ndraws=100,
                  cl=1) {

    cat("\nqr2me method...\n")
    cat("\nCitation: Callaway, Brantly, Tong Li, and Irina Murtazashvili, Quantile Treatment Effects with Two-Sided Measurement Error, Working Paper, 2018....\n")
    x <- model.matrix(xformla, data)
    if (is.null(startparams)) {
        ##startparams <- rep(0, ncol(x)) ## do this if want params to be function of X
        startparams <- 0.5

    Fyx <- predict(Qyx, newdata=as.data.frame(x), type="Fhat", stepfun=TRUE)
    Ftx <- predict(Qtx, newdata=as.data.frame(x), type="Fhat", stepfun=TRUE)

    Fyx <- lapply(Fyx, rearrange)
    Ftx <- lapply(Ftx, rearrange)

    fyx <- predict(Qyx, newdata=as.data.frame(x), type="fhat")
    ftx <- predict(Qyx, newdata=as.data.frame(x), type="fhat")

    ## make draws from the mixture distribution
    Usig <- Qyx$sig
    Upi <- Qyx$pi
    Umu <- Qyx$mu
    Vsig <- Qtx$sig
    Vpi <- Qtx$pi
    Vmu <- Qtx$mu
    ksig <- length(Usig)
    Ucomponents <- sample(1:length(Usig), ndraws, replace=TRUE, prob=Upi)
    Us <- rnorm(ndraws, Umu[Ucomponents], Usig[Ucomponents])
    Vcomponents <- sample(1:length(Vsig), ndraws, replace=TRUE, prob=Vpi)
    Vs <- rnorm(ndraws, Vmu[Vcomponents], Vsig[Vcomponents])

    ##ll(startparams, data[,yname], data[,tname], x=x, copula=copula, Fyx=Fyx, Ftx=Ftx, fyx=fyx, ftx=ftx, Us=Us, Vs=Vs)
    cat("\nStep 1 of 2: Estimating copula parameter...\n")

    res <- optimize(ll, c(0,1), maximum=TRUE, 
                 y=data[,yname], t=data[,tname], x=x, copula=copula,
                 Fyx=Fyx, Ftx=Ftx, fyx=fyx, ftx=ftx,
                 Us=Us, Vs=Vs)

    delt <- rep(parms2coppar(res$maximum, copula=copula, x=1), nrow(x))

    if (!is.null(tvals)) {

        if (is.null(xdf)) xdf <- as.data.frame(t(apply(x,2,mean))) ##x, for all data
        ##xtdf <- cbind(tvals, xdf)
        ## todo, this gives the copula, now convert to conditional distribution
         ##delt <- parms2coppar(res$par, copula, xdf)
        ##tvals <- quantile(data[,tname], tau, type=1)
        yvals <- quantile(data[,yname], seq(.01,.99,.01)) ## could also take all unique yvals or let user pass them all in
        yvals <- yvals[order(yvals)]
        QQyx <- predict( Qyx, newdata=as.data.frame(rbind(xdf,x[1,])), stepfun=TRUE)  ## super hack:  but predict.rqs is throwing an error that I think it shouldn't, and this gets around it.
        QQyx <- QQyx[-length(QQyx)]
        QQyx <- lapply(QQyx, rearrange)
        Ftx <- predict(Qtx, newdata=as.data.frame(rbind(xdf, x[1,])),
                        type="Fhat", stepfun=TRUE)
        Ftx <- Ftx[-length(Ftx)]
        Ftx <- lapply(Ftx, rearrange)

        U <- seq(0,1,length.out=ndraws)
        if (copula=="frank") {
            cop <- copula::frankCopula(as.numeric(delt[1])) ## all delts restricted to be the same so just choose first one
        } else if (copula=="gumbel") {
            cop <- copula::gumbelCopula(as.numeric(delt[1]))
        } else if (copula=="clayton") {
            cop <- copula::claytonCopula(as.numeric(delt[1]))
        } else if (copula=="gaussian") {
            cop <- copula::normalCopula(as.numeric(delt[1]))
        } else {
            stop(paste0("copula type:", copula, " is not supported"))

        cat("\nStep 2 of 2: Building conditional distributions...\n")
        Fytx <- pblapply(1:length(QQyx), function(i) {
            qfun <- QQyx[[i]]
            ffun <- Ftx[[i]]
            lapply(tvals, function(tt) {
                BMisc::makeDist(yvals, sapply(yvals, function(yy) {
                    mean(1*(qfun(U)<=yy)*dCopula(cbind(U, ffun(tt)), cop))
            }) ## might want to make this a function with makeRQS (modified) or makeDist eventually
        }, cl=cl)
        ##Qytx <- lapply(Fytx, function(FF) quantile(FF, tau, type=1))

        ## next we want to reverse the list
        reverseListIndex <- function(l) {
            outlist <- list()
            length(outlist) <- length(l[[1]])
            outlist <- lapply(outlist, function(f) {
                g <- list()
                length(g) <- length(l)
            for (i in 1:length(l)) {
                for (j in 1:length(l[[1]])) {
                    outlist[[j]][[i]] <- l[[i]][[j]]

        Fytx <- reverseListIndex(Fytx)

        ##Fyt <- lapply(Fytx, function(FFytx) {
        ##    combineDfs(yvals, FFytx)

        out <- list(cop.param=parms2coppar(res$maximum, copula=copula, x=1),
                    copula=copula, Fytxlist=Fytx, tvals=tvals, x=xdf)
        ##QytxOut <- list(Qytx=Qytx, x=xdf, t=tvals, tau=tau, delt=delt)

    ### only do above if you want the results for a particular value of t and x;
    ### otherwise can just return all results 
    } else {
        out <- list(cop.param=parms2coppar(res$maximum, copula=copula, x=x),

    out$Qyx <- Qyx
    out$Qtx <- Qtx

    class(out) <- "qr2meobj"


avgDist <- function(Fytxlist, yvals) {
    Fyt <- lapply(Fytx, function(FFytx) {
        combineDfs(yvals, FFytx)


qr2meobj <- function(cop.param, copula, tvals, x, Fytxlist, Qyx, Qtx) {
    out <- list()
    out$cop.param <- cop.param
    out$copula <- copula
    out$tvals <- tvals
    out$x <- x
    out$Fytxlist <- Fytxlist
    out$Qyx <- Qyx
    out$Qtx <- Qtx

    class(out) <- "qr2meobj"

print.qr2meobj <- function(obj) {
    cat("Copula Type: ")
    cat("Copula Paramter: ")

print.merr <- function(obj) {
    coef <- round(t(as.matrix(obj$coefficients)),4)
    rownames(coef) <- obj$tau
    colnames(coef) <- c("Intercept", attr(obj$terms,"term.labels"))
    cat("Measurement Error Distribution:\n")
    U <- round(cbind(obj$pi, obj$mu, obj$sig^2),4)
    rownames(U) <- sapply(1:nrow(U), function(i) paste0("Comp. ",i))
    colnames(U) <- c("Prob.", "Mean", "Variance")

getListElement <- function(listolists, whichone=1) {
    lapply(listolists, function(l) l[[whichone]])

plot.qr2meobj <- function(obj, whichone=1, tau=c(.1,.5,.9), ylim=NULL,
                          ylab=NULL, xlab=NULL) {
    qq <- t(sapply(getListElement(obj$Fytxlist, whichone),
                   function(FF) quantile(FF, probs=tau)))
    tvals <- obj$tvals
    cmat <- cbind.data.frame(tvals, qq)
    colnames(cmat) <- c("tvals", paste0("c",tau*100))
    cmat <- gather(cmat, quantile, value, -tvals)

    p <- ggplot(cmat, mapping=aes(x=tvals,y=value, group=quantile, color=quantile)) +
        geom_line() +

    if (!is.null(ylim)) {
        p <- p + scale_y_continuous(limits=ylim)

    if (!is.null(ylab)) {
        p <- p + ggplot2::ylab(ylab)

    if (!is.null(xlab)) {
        p <- p + ggplot2::xlab(xlab)


addplot <- function(obj, p, whichone=1, tau=c(.1,.5,.9)) {
    qq <- t(sapply(getListElement(obj$Fytxlist, 1),
                   function(FF) quantile(FF, probs=tau)))
    cmat <- cbind.data.frame(tvals, qq)
    colnames(cmat) <- c("tvals", paste0("c",tau*100))
    cmat <- gather(cmat, quantile, value, -tvals)
    p <- p + geom_line(data=cmat, mapping=aes(x=tvals, y=value, group=quantile,
    p <- p + geom_point(data=cmat, mapping=aes(x=tvals, y=value, group=quantile,

qrme.alt <- function(formla, tau=0.5, data, nmix=3, startbet=NULL, startmu=NULL, startsig=NULL, startpi=NULL, method="BFGS", maxit=1000, maxemiters=25, tol=1) {

    newparams <- em.alt(formla, tau, data, nmix, startbet, startmu, startsig, startpi, method, maxit)


    cval <- tol+1
    i <- 1

    while( (cval > tol) & (i <= maxemiters)) {
        paramvals <- newparams
        params <- getParams(newparams, formla, data, tau, nmix)
        sbet <- unlist(params$bet)
        ssig <- params$sig
        ksig <- length(ssig)
        smu <- params$mu[-ksig]
        spi <- params$pi[-ksig]
        newparams <- em.alt(formla, tau, data, nmix, sbet, smu, ssig, spi, method, maxit)
        cval <- sum((paramvals-newparams)^2)
        cat("iter: ", i, "\n")
        cat("change in objective function: ", round(cval,4),"\n")
        i <- i + 1
        ## if (cval < tol) {
        ##     break
        ## }
    out <- makeRQS(getParams(newparams, formla, data, tau, nmix), formla, data)

    class(out) <- c("merr", class(out))
    out$params <- newparams
    ## idx <- length(betvals)+1
    ## nidx <- length(betvals)+length(pivals)
    ## pi1 <- res$par[idx:nidx]
    ## out$pi <- c(pi1, 1-sum(pi1))
    ## idx <- nidx+1
    ## nidx <- nidx+length(muvals)
    ## mu1 <- res$par[idx:nidx]
    ## out$mu <- c(mu1, -sum(mu1*pi1)/(1-sum(pi1)))
    ## idx <- nidx+1
    ## nidx <- nidx+length(sigvals)
    ## out$sig <- res$par[idx:nidx]
    out$pi <- params$pi
    out$mu <- params$mu
    out$sig <- params$sig


em.alt <- function(formla, tau=0.5, data, nmix=3, startbet=NULL, startmu=NULL, startsig=NULL, startpi=NULL, method="BFGS", maxit=1000) {
    xformla <- formla
    xformla[[2]] <- NULL ## drop y variable
    x <- model.matrix(xformla, data)
    yname <- as.character(formla[[2]])
    y <- data[,yname]
    k <- ncol(x) ## number of x variables
    m <- nmix

    if (is.null(startbet)) {
        ## this defaults the start values of the beta_0 to be
        ## the observed quantiles of the outcome and the other
        ## betas to be equal to 0
        ## betvals <- unlist(lapply(1:length(tau), function(i) c(quantile(y, probs=tau[i], type=1), rep(0, (k-1)))))
        betvals <- c(rq(formla, tau=tau, data=data)$coefficients)
    } else {
        betvals <- startbet
    if (is.null(startmu)) {
        muvals <- seq(-1, by=1, length.out=(m-1))
    } else {
        muvals <- startmu
    if (is.null(startsig)) {
        sigvals <- rep(1,m)
    } else {
        sigvals <- startsig
    if (is.null(startpi)) {
        pivals <- rep(1/m, (m-1))
    } else {
        pivals <- startpi
    qrparams <- c(betvals, pivals, muvals, sigvals)
    x <- as.matrix(x)
    kx <- ncol(x)*length(tau)
    ksig <- nmix
    kmu <- nmix-1
    params <- qrparams
    bet <- params[1:kx]
    k <- kx/length(tau)
    n <- nrow(x)
    y <- data[,yname]
    ktau <- length(tau)
    bet <- split(bet,ceiling(seq_along(bet)/k))
    if (kmu > 0) {
        pi1 <- params[(kx+1):(kx+kmu)]
        mu1 <- params[(kx+kmu+1):(kx+kmu+kmu)]
        pi <- c(pi1, 1-sum(pi1))
        mu <- c(mu1, -sum(mu1*pi1)/(1-sum(pi1)))
    } else {
        pi <- 1
        mu <- 0
    sig <- params[(kx+kmu+kmu+1):(kx+kmu+kmu+ksig)]

    ndraws <- 100
    ##Ucomponents <- sample(1:ksig, ndraws, replace=TRUE, prob=Upi)
    ##Us <- rnorm(ndraws, Umu[Ucomponents], Usig[Ucomponents])

    out <- list()
    out$par <- params
    Qyx.rqs <- makeRQS(getParams(out, formla, data, tau, 1), formla, data)

    Qyx <- predict(Qyx.rqs, newdata=data, type="Qhat", stepfun=TRUE)
    Fyx <- predict(Qyx.rqs, newdata=data, type="Fhat", stepfun=TRUE)
    fyx <- predict(Qyx.rqs, newdata=data, type="fhat")

    Qyx <- rearrange(Qyx)
    Fyx <- rearrange(Fyx)

    Qyx1 <- lapply(Qyx, function(q) {
        approxfun(c(0,tau,1), c(min(y), q(tau), max(y)))

    Fyx1 <- lapply(Qyx1, function(q) {
        y <- seq(min(y), max(y), length.out=101)
        tt <- seq(0,1,.01)
        approxfun(y, sapply(y, function(yy) sum(1*(q(tt) <= yy))/length(tt)),
                  yleft=0, yright=1)
    qyxi <- function(u, i) {
        taul <- tau[max(which(tau<=u))]
        tauu <- tau[min(which(tau>u))]
        ql <- Qyx1[[i]](taul)
        qu <- Qyx1[[i]](tauu)
        if (u < min(tau)) {
            ql <- min(y)
            taul <- 0
        if (u >= max(tau)) {
            qu <- max(y)
            tauu <- 1
        max((qu-ql)/(tauu-taul), 1e-20)
        ##Qyx[[i]](taul) + (u-taul)*(Qyx[[i]](tauu) - Qyx[[i]](taul))/(tauu-taul) ## this just smooths

    fyexi <- function(y, e, i) {
        1 / qyxi(Fyx1[[i]](y - e), i)
        ##ff <- fyx[[i]](y-e)
        ##if (is.na(ff)) ff <- 1e-10
    u <- lapply(bet, function(b) {
        b <- as.matrix(b)
        y - x%*%b

    fe <- function(e) {
        sum( pi * dnorm( ( e - mu ) / sig) )
    fu <- sapply(u, function(uu) {
        apply(sapply(1:ksig, function(i) {
            pi[i]/sig[i] * dnorm( (uu - mu[i]) / sig[i] )
        }), 1, sum)
    }) ## this will contain a matrix with n rows and ktau columns

    fu <- apply(fu, 1, sum)
    ## this is the posterior distribution
    feyxi <- function(e, i) {
        fyexi(y[i], e, i) * fe(e) / fu[i]

    ##metropolis hastings
    e0 <- 0
    evec <- c()
    elist <- list()
    rns <- rnorm(600*n, sd=sqrt(var(y)/2))
    unis <- runif(600*n)
    counter <- 1
    for (i in 1:n) {
        for (j in 1:600) {
            e1 <- e0 + rns[counter]
            fe1 <- feyxi(e1, i)
            fe0 <- feyxi(e0, i)
            if (fe1 > fe0) {
                evec <- c(evec, e1)
                e0 <- e1
            } else {
                u <- unis[counter]
                if (u <= fe1/fe0) {
                    evec <- c(evec, e1)
                    e0 <- e1
                } else {
                    evec <- c(evec, e0)
            counter <- counter+1
        evec <- evec[501:600] ## can update these later, increase to around 1000 burn-in
        elist[[i]] <- evec

    ## accept-reject simulator
    ## elist <- list()
    ## set.seed(43951)
    ## rns <- rnorm(5000*n, sd=sqrt(2))
    ## unis <- runif(5000*n)
    ## counter <- 1
    ## for (i in 1:n) {
    ##     evec <- c()
    ##     for (j in 1:5000) {
    ##         if (feyxi(rns[counter],i) > unis[counter]) {
    ##             evec <- c(evec, rns[counter])
    ##         }
    ##         counter <- counter + 1
    ##     }
    ##     elist[[i]] <- evec
    ## }

    ## elist <- lapply(elist, function(ee) ee[1:min(sapply(elist, length))])

    ddf <- lapply(1:n, function(i) {
        cbind(matrix(rep(c(y[i], x[i,]), length(elist[[i]])), nrow=length(elist[[i]]), byrow=TRUE), elist[[i]])

    ddf <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, ddf)
    colnames(ddf) <- c(yname, colnames(x), "E")

    ddf$Ystar <- ddf[,yname] - ddf[,"E"]

    formla[[2]] <- as.name("Ystar")

    tau1 <- seq(.1, 0.9, .1)
    betp <- t(coef(rq(formla, tau=tau1, data=ddf)))    

    cbind(tau1, b0Y(tau1), b1Y(tau1), betp)


    llme.alt <- function(params, y, x, bet, tau, ksig, kmu=(ksig-1)) {
        x <- as.matrix(x)
        kx <- 0 ## this a bit hack cause just copied and pasted, but will work ##ncol(x)*length(tau)
        k <- kx/length(tau)
        n <- nrow(x)
        ktau <- length(tau)
        if (kmu > 0) {
            pi1 <- params[(kx+1):(kx+kmu)]
            mu1 <- params[(kx+kmu+1):(kx+kmu+kmu)]
            pi <- c(pi1, 1-sum(pi1))
            mu <- c(mu1, -sum(mu1*pi1)/(1-sum(pi1)))
        } else {
            pi <- 1
            mu <- 0

        sig <- params[(kx+kmu+kmu+1):(kx+kmu+kmu+ksig)]

        u <- lapply(bet, function(b) {
            b <- as.matrix(b)
            y - x%*%b
        fu <- sapply(u, function(uu) {
            apply(sapply(1:ksig, function(i) {
                pi[i]/sig[i] * dnorm( (uu - mu[i]) / sig[i] )
            }), 1, sum)
        }) ## this will contain a matrix with n rows and ktau columns

        ll <- log(apply(fu, 1, sum)) ## p. 29 in hausman, liu, luo, palmer



    llme.gr.alt <- function(params, y, x, bet, tau, ksig, kmu=(ksig-1)) {
        x <- as.matrix(x)
        kx <- 0 ##ncol(x)*length(tau)
        k <- kx/length(tau)
        n <- nrow(x)
        ktau <- length(tau)
        if (kmu > 0) {
            pi1 <- params[(kx+1):(kx+kmu)]
            mu1 <- params[(kx+kmu+1):(kx+kmu+kmu)]
            pi <- c(pi1, 1-sum(pi1))
            mu <- c(mu1, -sum(mu1*pi1)/(1-sum(pi1)))
        } else {
            pi <- 1
            mu <- 0

        sig <- params[(kx+kmu+kmu+1):(kx+kmu+kmu+ksig)]
        ## u is a list with as many elements as the length of tau
        ## each element contains an nx1 vector containing y - x'beta(tau)
        u <- lapply(bet, function(b) {
            b <- as.matrix(b)
            y - x%*%b

        ## fu contains the density of u (the measurement error) evaluated
        ## at (y - x'beta(tau)) / sig, and given the values of the parameters
        ## for the mixture model
        ## this will contain a matrix with n rows and ktau columns
        fu <- sapply(u, function(uu) {
            apply(sapply(1:ksig, function(i) {
                pi[i]/sig[i] * dnorm( (uu - mu[i]) / sig[i] )
            }), 1, sum)

        ## ifu contains the integrated values (over 0 to 1) of fu
        ## this object is useful throughout and is an nx1 vector
        ifu <- apply(fu, 1, sum) ## this is integration step

        ## the gradient with respect to pi
        ## this should contain a vector of length ksig x 1
        gr.pi <- function() {
            p1 <- 1/ifu

            p2a <- simplify2array(lapply(u, function(uu) {
                sapply(1:ksig, function(i) {
                    1/sig[i] * dnorm( (uu - mu[i]) / sig[i] )
            p2 <- apply(p2a, c(1,2), sum) ## integration step, should be nxksig

            as.numeric(apply(p2*p1, 2, sum))

        gr.mu <- function() {
            p1 <- 1/ifu

            p2a <- simplify2array(lapply(u, function(uu) {
                sapply(1:ksig, function(i) {
                    pi[i]/sig[i] * (uu - mu[i] / sig[i]^2) * dnorm( (uu - mu[i]) / sig[i] )
            p2 <- apply(p2a, c(1,2), sum) ## integration step, should be nxksig

            as.numeric(apply(p2*p1, 2, sum))

        gr.sig <- function() {
            p1 <- 1/ifu

            p2a <- simplify2array(lapply(u, function(uu) {
                sapply(1:ksig, function(i) {
                    -pi[i]/sig[i]^2 * dnorm( (uu - mu[i]) / sig[i] )

            p2b <- simplify2array(lapply(u, function(uu) {
                sapply(1:ksig, function(i) {
                    1/sig[i] * (uu - mu[i])^2 / sig[i]^3 * dnorm( (uu - mu[i]) / sig[i] )

            p2 <- apply(p2a+p2b, c(1,2), sum) ## integration step, should be nxksig
            as.numeric(apply(p2*p1, 2, sum))

        cgr.pi <- function() {
            (gr.pi() - gr.pi()[ksig] - (mu*(1-sum(pi[-ksig]))+sum( (mu*pi)[-ksig]))*gr.mu()[ksig]/(1-sum(pi[-ksig]))^2)[-ksig]

        cgr.mu <- function() {
            (gr.mu() - pi*gr.mu()[ksig]/(sum(pi[-ksig])))[-ksig]
        c(-cgr.pi(), -cgr.mu(), -gr.sig())
    eparams <- c(pivals, muvals, sigvals)

    cst <- NULL
    ust <- NULL
    ## check if this part is right, would notice if violating constraints
    if (nmix > 1) {
        cst <- c(rep(.01, length(pivals)),
                 -.99, ## thisone is so that 1-pi1-pi2>= .01
                 rep(.01, length(sigvals)))

        u1 <- rep(0, length(eparams))

        ust <- t(simplify2array(c(lapply(1:length(pivals), function(i) {
            u2 <- u1
            u2[i] <- 1
        }), lapply(length(pivals), function(l) {
            u2 <- u1
            for (i in 1:l) {
                u2[i] <- -1
        }), lapply(1:length(sigvals), function(i) {
            u2 <- u1
            u2[length(pivals) + length(muvals) + i] <- 1

    cat("\n\n currently testing estimating bets, dont forget to uncomment code \n\n")
    ## if (nmix == 1) {
    ##     res <- optim(eparams, llme.alt, gr=llme.gr.alt, method="BFGS",
    ##                  y=y, x=x, tau=tau, ksig=m, bet=bet,
    ##                  control=list(maxit=maxit, trace=6))
    ## } else {
    ##     res <- constrOptim(eparams, llme.alt, llme.gr.alt, ui=ust, ci=cst,
    ##                        y=y, x=x, tau=tau, bet=bet, ksig=m,
    ##                        method="BFGS",
    ##                        control=list(maxit=maxit, trace=6))
    ## }

    ## just for testing in the case where distribution is known
    res$par <- eparams

    out <- c(t(betp), res$par)

bcallaway11/qrme documentation built on June 30, 2021, 12:52 p.m.