# integration with other packages
.require_package <- function(pkg){
if(!requireNamespace(pkg, quietly = TRUE)){
"'", pkg,"' package not found. Please install the '", pkg,
"' package to use this function.", call. = FALSE)
################################### TESTING ###################################
# Methods for testing
.is_a_bool <- function(x){
is.logical(x) && length(x) == 1L && !is.na(x)
.is_non_empty_character <- function(x){
is.character(x) && all(nzchar(x))
.is_non_empty_string <- function(x){
is.character(x) && length(x) == 1L
.is_an_integer <- function(x){
is.numeric(x) && length(x) == 1L && x%%1==0
################################ HELP FUNCTIONS ################################
# Help functions that are utilized by multiple methods
########################## .mgnify_attr_list_to_df_row #########################
# Not exporting this - if people want to they can use the
# rjsonapi functionality. Internally, it takes the "attributes" list
# and converts it into a single row data.frame. For some entries, there is a
# sublist of key/value pairs. metadata_key allows these to be included as
# columns in the result.
.mgnify_attr_list_to_df_row <- function (json, metadata_key = NULL){
# Get what kind of metadata the data includes
attrlist <- names(json$attributes)
# If the type of metadata is specified
if (!is.null(metadata_key)){
# Get metadata related to specific key
metaattrlist <- json$attributes[[metadata_key]]
metlist <- lapply(metaattrlist, function(x) x$value)
metlist <- unlist(metlist)
names_metlist <- lapply(metaattrlist, function(x) x$key)
names(metlist) <- unlist(names_metlist)
# Get metadata without the key
baseattrlist <- attrlist[!(attrlist %in% c(metadata_key))]
# Combine metadata
df <- as.data.frame(t(unlist(c(
json$attributes[baseattrlist], metlist))),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Get all the metadata without key extraction
df <- as.data.frame(t(unlist(json["attributes"])),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Add accession code and type of data
df$accession <- json$id
df$acc_type <- json$type
# Add accession code also to rownames
rownames(df) <- df$accession
############################## .mgnify_get_x_for_y #############################
# Helper function for getting relative paths in the API
# Not everything is implemented here - just what we
# need to get to the download or run areas
# Given an accession x, we want to get the link to get the url for the
# corresponding typeY JSONAPI path for child elements
# .mgnify_get_x_for_y determines the location of typeY child objects of x
# (typeX)
# This helper function, principally intended to be used internally,
# is used to match up related objects within the path. The inherently
# unhierarchical nature of the MGnify API makes it a bit inconsistent. This
# function acts as a quick way to determine how to get from one type to another,
# without having to special case within the code.
# Parameters:
# client MGnifyR client API object
# x Accession ID \code{char} of parent object
# typeX Type of accession \code{x}
# typeY Type of child object to return
# use.cache Whether to use on-disk cache
# Return:
# char complete url to access the result. Note this query is not run from here -
# just the URL is returned
# Examples:
# cl <- new("MgnifyClient")
# .mgnify_get_x_for_y(cl, "MGYS00005126", "studies", "samples")
.mgnify_get_x_for_y <- function(
client, x, typeX, typeY, use.cache, ...){
# Fetch the data on samples/analyses as a json list
res <- .mgnify_retrieve_json(
paste(typeX, x, sep = "/"),
use.cache = use.cache,
# Get related analyses when samples were found and vice versa if result was
# found.
if( !is.null(res) ){
res <- res[[1]]$relationships[[typeY]]$links$related
############################## .mgnify_get_x_for_y #############################
# Internal function to actually perform the http request. Build up the URL then
# issues a GET, parsing the returned JSON into a nested list (uses jsonlite
# internally?) Previously cached results may be retrieved from disk without
# resorting to calling the MGnify server.
# Low level MGnify API handler
# .mgnify_retrieve_json deals with handles the actual HTTP GET calls for the
# MGnifyR package, handling API pagination, local result caching, and
# authentication cookies for access to restricted or pre-release datasets.
# Although principally intended for internal MGnifyR use, it's exported for
# direct invocation. Generally though it's not recommended for use by users.
# Parameters:
# client MGnifyR client
# path top level search point for the query. One of biomes, samples, runs etc.
# Basically includes all parts of the URL between the base API url and the
# parameter specifications
# complete_url complete url to search, usually retrieved from previous query in
# the "related" section.
# qopts named list or vector containing options/filters to be URL encoded and
# appended to query as key/value pairs
# max.hits Maximum number of data entries to return. The actual number of hits
# returned may be higher than this value, as this parameter only clamps after
# each full page is processed. Set to <=0 to disable - i.e. retrieve all items.
# use.cache Should successful queries be cached on disk locally? There are
# unresolved questions about whether this is a sensible thing to do, but it
# remains as an option. It probably makes sense for single accession grabs,
# but not for (filtered) queries - which are liable to change as new data is
# added to MGnify. Also caching only works for the first page.
# Debug Should we print out lots of information while doing the grabbing?
# timeout How long should be waited server to respond?
# Return:
# list of results after pagination is dealt with.
#' @importFrom urltools parameters parameters<-
#' @importFrom httr add_headers
#' @importFrom httr GET
#' @importFrom httr config
#' @importFrom httr content
#' @importFrom httr timeout
.mgnify_retrieve_json <- function(
client, path = "biomes", complete_url = NULL, qopts = NULL,
max.hits = 200, timeout = 5*60, Debug = FALSE,
use.cache = useCache(client), show.warnings = showWarnings(client),
clear.cache = clearCache(client), url.address = databaseUrl(client),
auth.tok = authTok(client), cache.dir = cacheDir(client), ...){
# Input check
if( !.is_an_integer(timeout) ){
"'timeout' must be a single integer value.", call. = FALSE)
if( !.is_a_bool(Debug) ){
"'Debug' must be a single boolean value.", call. = FALSE)
if( !.is_a_bool(use.cache) ){
"'use.cache' must be a single boolean value specifying whether ",
"to use on-disk caching.", call. = FALSE)
if( !.is_a_bool(show.warnings) ){
"'show.warnings' must be a single boolean value.", call. = FALSE)
if( !.is_a_bool(clear.cache) ){
"'clear.cache' must be a single boolean value.", call. = FALSE)
if( !.is_non_empty_string(url.address) ){
"'url.address' must be a string.", call. = FALSE)
if( !(.is_non_empty_string(auth.tok) || is.null(auth.tok)) ){
"'auth.tok' must be a string or NULL.", call. = FALSE)
if( !.is_non_empty_string(cache.dir) ){
"'cache.dir' must be a string.", call. = FALSE)
# Warning message if data is not found
warning_msg <- paste0(path, ": No data found.")
# warnings(client) turns on debugging too:
if( show.warnings ){
Debug <- TRUE
# Set up the base url
# Are we using internal paths?
if( is.null(complete_url) ){
fullurl <- paste(url.address, path, sep = "/")
} else{
# Or direct links from e.g. a "related" section
# Set the full url, but clean off any existing parameters
# (page, format etc) as they'll be added back later:
fullurl <- complete_url
parameters(fullurl) <- NULL
path <- substr(fullurl, nchar(url.address) + 2, nchar(fullurl))
# Spaces are not allowed in url address. Convert spaces to %20.
fullurl <- gsub(" ", "%20", fullurl)
# Convert to csv if filters are lists.
# This doesn't check if they can be searched for in the API,
# which is an issue since no error is returned by the JSON if the search
# is invalid - we only get a result as if no query was present...
tmpqopts <- lapply(qopts, function(x) paste(x, collapse = ","))
# Include the json and page position options
# full_qopts <- as.list(c(format="json", tmpqopts, page=1))
full_qopts <- as.list(c(format="json", tmpqopts))
# Build up the cache name anyway - even if it's not ultimately used:
fname_list <- c(path, names(unlist(full_qopts)), unlist(full_qopts))
cache_fname <- paste(fname_list, collapse = "_")
# Because query options are collapsed to file name , they might include
# colons that are not supported in file names. Replace them with
# underscores.
cache_fname <- gsub(":", "_", cache_fname)
cache_full_fname <- file.path(cache.dir, paste0(cache_fname, ".RDS"))
# Quick check to see if we should clear the disk cache for this
# specific call - used for debugging and when MGnify breaks
if( use.cache && clear.cache ){
if( file.exists(cache_full_fname) ){
message("clearCache is TRUE: deleting ", cache_full_fname)
# Do we want to try and use a cache to speed things up?
if( use.cache && file.exists(cache_full_fname) ){
final_data <- readRDS(cache_full_fname)
} else{
# Authorization: Bearer <your_token>
if( !is.null(auth.tok) ){
.headers = c(Authorization = paste(
"Bearer", authTok(client), sep = " ")))
res <- GET(
url = fullurl, config(verbose = Debug), query = full_qopts,
# Get the data
data <- content(res, ...)
# Check if the search was successful and data can be found
not_found <- (res$status_code != 200) || (
is.null(data$data) || length(data$data) == 0)
# If data is found
if( !not_found ){
# Fetch all the data
final_data <- .retrieve_json_data(
client, data, fullurl, full_qopts, max.hits, Debug
} else{
final_data <- NULL
if( res$status_code != 200 ){
warning_msg <- paste0(
path, " (", res$status_code, " error): ",
# Save the result to file if specified
if( use.cache && !file.exists(cache_full_fname) ){
# Make sure the directory is created...
dirname(cache_full_fname), recursive = TRUE,
showWarnings = show.warnings)
saveRDS(final_data, file = cache_full_fname)
# Give warning if data is not found.
if( is.null(final_data) ){
warning("\n", warning_msg, call. = FALSE)
# This retrives all the data related to accession. FOr example, it loops
# oer multiple pages.
.retrieve_json_data <- function(
client, data, fullurl, full_qopts, max.hits, Debug,
auth.tok = authTok(client), ...){
# Input check
if( !(.is_non_empty_string(auth.tok) || is.null(auth.tok)) ){
"'auth.tok' must be a string or NULL.", call. = FALSE)
# At this point, data$data is either a list of lists or a single named
# list. If it's a single entry, it needs embedding in a list for
# consistency downstream datlist is built up as a list of pages, where
# each entry must be another list. Thus, on the first page,
datlist <- list()
if( !is.null(names(data$data)) ){
# Create something to store the returned data
datlist[[1]] <- list(data$data)
datlist[[1]] <- data$data
# Check to see if there's pagination required
if( "meta" %in% names(data) ){
# Yes, paginate
pstart <- as.numeric(data$meta$pagination$page)
pend <- as.numeric(data$meta$pagination$pages)
# We've already got the first one
if( pend > 1 ){
# Loop over pages and save their result to list
for( p in seq(pstart+1,pend) ){
full_qopts$page <- p
if( !is.null(auth.tok) ){
.headers = c(
Authorization = paste(
"Bearer", auth.tok, sep = " ")))
curd <- content(
GET(fullurl, config(verbose = Debug), query = full_qopts ),
datlist[[p]] <- curd$data
# Check to see if we've pulled enough entries.
# With NULL and -1, disable max.hits
curlen <- sum(unlist(lapply(datlist, length)))
if( !is.null(max.hits) && curlen >= max.hits &&
max.hits != -1 ){
# Combine results from different pages
final_data <- unlist(datlist, recursive = FALSE)
#Internal functions to parse the attributes/hierarchy list into a data.frame
.mgnify_parse_tax <- function(json){
df <- as.data.frame(
c(json$attributes["count"], unlist(json$attributes$hierarchy)),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
df$index_id <- json$attributes$lineage
.mgnify_parse_func <- function(json){
df <- as.data.frame(json$attributes, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
df$index_id <- json$attributes$accession
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For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.