
Defines functions read_h5 tidy.brain image.brain plot2d plot2d.brain plot2d.tbl_brain plot2d_plane plot3d.tbl_brain plot3d.brain plot3d_model get_jawbone add_attr reorient change_coordinates qmodel qmodel.brain qmodel.tbl_brain is_errorA is_errorA.brain is_errorA.tbl_brain correct_errorA correct_errorA.brain correct_errorA correct_errorA.brain correct_errorA.tbl_brain is_z_curve is_z_curve.tbl_brain create_ro_matrix is_errorB is_errorB.brain is_errorB.tbl_brain correct_errorB.tbl_brain correct_errorB.tbl_brain process_all_sample plot_all_sample pipeline_correctionAB

Documented in add_attr change_coordinates correct_errorA correct_errorA.brain correct_errorA.tbl_brain correct_errorB.tbl_brain create_ro_matrix get_jawbone image.brain is_errorA is_errorA.brain is_errorA.tbl_brain is_errorB is_errorB.brain is_errorB.tbl_brain is_z_curve is_z_curve.tbl_brain pipeline_correctionAB plot2d plot2d.brain plot2d_plane plot2d.tbl_brain plot3d.brain plot3d.tbl_brain plot_all_sample process_all_sample qmodel qmodel.brain qmodel.tbl_brain read_h5 reorient tidy.brain

#' Read HDF5 files
#' @param file path to the HDF5 file to be read
#' @param name name of the attr
#' @param ... parameters passed to \code{\link[rhdf5]{h5read}}
#' @import dplyr
#' @return an array of class \code{brain}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' file <- "~/Data/barresi/AT_1_Probabilities.h5"
#' raw <- read_h5(file)
#' class(raw)
#' dim(raw)
read_h5 <- function(file, name = NULL, ...) {
  if (requireNamespace("hdf5r", quietly = TRUE)) {
    objs <- hdf5r::H5File$new(file, mode = "r")
    if (is.null(name)) {
      # take the first HDF5 dataset
      name <- names(objs)[1]
    x <- objs[[name]]
    if (length(x$dims) > 3) {
      # take the second image
      out <- x[2,,,]

    class(out) <- append("brain", class(out))

  if (requireNamespace("rhdf5", quietly = TRUE)) {
    objs <- rhdf5::h5ls(file) %>%
      dplyr::filter(otype == "H5I_DATASET")
    if (is.null(name)) {
      # take the first HDF5 dataset
      name <- objs$name[1]
    x <- rhdf5::h5read(file, name)
    if (length(dim(x)) > 3) {
      # take the second image
      out <- x[2,,,]

    class(out) <- append("brain", class(out))

  stop("Could not read file. Do you have a HDF5 library available?")

#' Tidy 3D brain image data
#' @inheritParams broom::tidy.lm
#' @param threshold probability below which points will be discarded
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
#' @importFrom generics tidy
#' @export
#' @examples
#' file <- "~/Data/barresi/AT_1_Probabilities.h5"
#' \dontrun{
#' if (require(dplyr)) {
#'   tidy_brain <- file %>%
#'     read_h5() %>%
#'     tidy()
#'   class(tidy_brain)
#'   glimpse(tidy_brain)
#' }
#' }

tidy.brain <- function(x, type="wildtype", threshold.n=0.9, ...) {
  if (type=="youtoo"){
    if(threshold.n != 0.9){
      threshold = threshold.n
      message(paste0("Set threshold: ", threshold))
      threshold = 0.5
      message("Default You-Too threshold: 0.5")
    if(threshold.n != 0.9) {  #if threshold is not default, use the input threshold
      threshold = threshold.n
      message(paste0("Set threshold: ", threshold))
      threshold = 0.9
      message(("Default threshold: 0.9"))
  res <- x %>%
    as.data.frame.table() %>%
    mutate(x = as.integer(Var1) * 0.13,
           y = as.integer(Var2) * 0.13,
           z = as.integer(Var3) * 0.21) %>%
    select(x, y, z, Freq) %>%
    tibble::as_tibble() %>%
    mutate(gray_val = grDevices::gray(1 - Freq)) %>%
    filter(Freq > threshold)
  class(res) <- append("tbl_brain", class(res))

#' Plot a slice of a 3D image
#' @inheritParams graphics::image
#' @param z slice of the 3D image to display
#' @importFrom graphics image
#' @export
#' @examples
#' file <- "~/Data/barresi/AT_1_Probabilities.h5"
#' raw <- read_h5(file)
#' image(raw)
#' image(raw, z = 23)

image.brain <- function(x, z = NULL, ...) {
  if (is.null(z)) {
    z <- floor(dim(x)[3] / 2)

#' Plot a 2D projection of a 3D image
#' @inheritParams plot3d.tbl_brain
#' @param plane a character vector of length 2 indicating the
#' plane to project to (x, y, z)
#' @param show_max Plot the maximum frequency or the average?
#' @export
#' @examples
#' file <- "~/Data/barresi/wildtype/AT/AT_1_Probabilities.h5"
#' \dontrun{
#' tidy_brain <- read_h5(file) %>%
#'   tidy()
#' plot2d(tidy_brain, show_max = TRUE)
#' plot2d(tidy_brain)
#' }

plot2d <- function(x, title="Sample", show_max = FALSE, ...) UseMethod("plot2d")

#' @export
#' @rdname plot2d

plot2d.brain <- function(x, title="Sample", show_max = FALSE,  ...) {
  tidy_brain <- tidy(x)
  plot2d(tidy_brain, show_max = FALSE, ...)

#' @export
#' @importFrom gridExtra grid.arrange
#' @rdname plot2d
plot2d.tbl_brain <- function(x, title="Sample", show_max = FALSE,  ...) {
    plot2d_plane(x, plane = c("x", "z"), show_max, ...),
    plot2d_plane(x, plane = c("x", "y"), show_max, ...),
    plot2d_plane(x, plane = c("y", "z"), show_max, ...),
    nrow = 1,
    top = title

#' @export
#' @importFrom rlang !!
#' @import ggplot2
#' @rdname plot2d
plot2d_plane <- function(x, plane = c("x", "z"), show_max = FALSE, ...) {
  depth <- setdiff(c("x", "y", "z"), plane)
  depth_var <- rlang::sym(depth)

  gg_data <- x %>%
    group_by(.dots = plane) %>%
    summarize(N = n(), min_freq = min(Freq),
              avg_depth = mean(!! depth_var, na.rm = TRUE),
              max_depth = max(!! depth_var, na.rm = TRUE))

  if (show_max) {
    plot_var <- "max_depth"
  } else if (show_max == FALSE){
    plot_var <- "avg_depth"
    labels <- data.frame(var = c("x", "y", "z"),
                         label = c("Lateral (x, microns)",
                                   "Anterior/Posterior (y, microns)",
                                   "Dorsal/Ventral (z, microns)")) %>%
      filter(var %in% plane)
    titles <- data.frame(depth_var = c("x", "y", "z"),
                         title = c("Side View", "Front View", "Top View"))

    plot <- ggplot(gg_data, aes_string(x = plane[1], y = plane[2], color = plot_var), ...) +
      geom_point(alpha = 0.1, size = 0.5) +
      geom_point(aes( x= 0, y = 0), colour="blue", size = 3) +
      #annotate("text", x = 0, y = 0, label = "origin", size = 3) +  #take out text because text is overlapped
      #annotate("text", x = 0, y = min(gg_data$z) * 0.9,
      #         label = paste0("min prob: ", round(min(pull(ungroup(gg_data), "min_freq")), 2)))+
      scale_color_continuous(guide = FALSE) +
      scale_x_continuous(filter(labels, var == plane[1])$label) +
      scale_y_continuous(filter(labels, var == plane[2])$label) +
      ggtitle(filter(titles, depth_var == depth)$title)
    #+ coord_fixed()
    if (plane == c("x", "y")){
      plot + geom_smooth(method = "lm", formula = y ~ I(x^2) + x, color = "red")
    } else{
      plot + geom_smooth(method = "lm", color = "red")

#' Plot a 3D image of a brain
#' @inheritParams rgl::plot3d
#' @export
#' @examples
#' file <- "~/Data/barresi/AT_1_Probabilities.h5"
#' \dontrun{
#' if (require(dplyr)) {
#'   tidy_brain <- file %>%
#'     read_h5() %>%
#'     tidy()
#'   plot3d(tidy_brain)
#' }
#' }

plot3d.tbl_brain <- function(x, ...) {
  x_df <- as.data.frame(x)
  n <- nrow(x_df)
  message(paste("Will now plot", n, "points..."))
  if (n > 250000) {
    warning(paste("You are about to plot", n,
                  "points. Consider increasing the threshold parameter."))
  rgl::plot3d(x_df, type = "p", alpha = x_df$Freq,
              #         width = 900, height = 800,
              xlab = "x", ylab = "y", zlab = "z",
              size = 2, col = x_df$gray_val, ...)
  #  plot3d_model(x_df)

#' @rdname plot3d.tbl_brain
#' @export
#' @examples
#' file <- "~/Data/barresi/AT_1_Probabilities.h5"
#' \dontrun{
#' brain <- read_h5(file)
#' plot3d(brain)
#' }

plot3d.brain <- function(x, ...) {
  tidy_brain <- tidy(x)
  return(plot3d(tidy_brain, ...))

#' @importFrom mosaic makeFun
#' @importFrom rgl plot3d
#' @importFrom stats lm coef

plot3d_model <- function(xyz, ...) {
  mod_list <- get_jawbone(xyz)
  # quadratic plane
  plot3d(mod_list[[1]], alpha = 0.5, col = "dodgerblue",
         xlim = range(xyz$x), ylim = range(xyz$y), zlim = range(xyz$z),
         add = TRUE)

  # flat plane
  plot3d(mod_list[[2]], alpha = 0.5, col = "green",
         xlim = range(xyz$x), ylim = range(xyz$y), zlim = range(xyz$z),
         add = TRUE)

  # their intersection
  t <- seq(0, max(xyz$x))
  plot3d(mod_list[[3]](t), alpha = 0.5, col = "red", size = 5,
         xlim = range(xyz$x), ylim = range(xyz$y), zlim = range(xyz$z),
         add = TRUE)

#' Compute the jawbone model
#' @param xyz a \code{\link{tbl_brain}}
#' @param ... currently ignored
#' @export
#' @examples
#' file <- "~/Data/barresi/AT_1_Probabilities.h5"
#' \dontrun{
#' brain <- read_h5(file)
#' jbone <- get_jawbone(tidy(brain))
#' }

get_jawbone <- function(xyz, ...) {
  # quadratic plane
  mod1 <- stats::lm(z ~ x + y + I(x^2), data = xyz)
  bent_plane <- mosaic::makeFun(mod1)

  # flat plane
  mod2 <- stats::lm(y ~ x + z, data = xyz)
  flat_plane <- mosaic::makeFun(mod2)

  # their intersection
  a <- coef(mod1)["I(x^2)"]
  b <- coef(mod1)["x"]
  c <- coef(mod1)["y"]
  d <- coef(mod1)["(Intercept)"]
  e <- coef(mod2)["x"]
  f <- coef(mod2)["z"]
  g <- coef(mod2)["(Intercept)"]
  a_prime <- (a*f) / (1 - c*f)
  b_prime <- (e + b*f) / (1 - c*f)
  c_prime <- (d*f + g) / (1 - c*f)
  # make a parametric equation in terms of t
  f <- function(t) {
    cbind(x = t,
          y = a_prime*t^2 + b_prime*t + c_prime,
          z = (a + c*a_prime)*t^2 + (b + c*b_prime)*t + c*c_prime + d)
  return(list(bent_plane, flat_plane, f))

#' @title Add attribute of quadratic model
#' @description This function add attribute to tbl_brain data on xy plane, yz plane and xz plane. This facilitate users to
#' access the model information of the data.
#' @param x a \code{\link{tbl_brain}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ro_brain_att <- add_attr(ro_brain)
add_attr <- function(x){
  attr(x, "quad_mod_xy") <- stats::lm(y ~ x + I(x^2), data = x)
  attr(x, "linear_mod_xy") <- stats::lm(y ~ x, data= x)
  #xz plane
  attr(x, "quad_mod_xz") <- stats::lm(z ~ x + I(x^2), data =x)
  attr(x, "linear_mod_xz") <- stats::lm(z ~ x, data= x)
  #yz plane
  attr(x, "quad_mod_yz") <- stats::lm(z ~ y + I(y^2), data = x)
  attr(x, "linear_mod_yz") <- stats::lm(z ~ y, data= x)

#' @title Reorientation: applying PCA (Principal Component Analysis)
#' @description Principal component analysis (PCA) is a statistical procedure that uses an
#' orthogonal transformation to convert a set of observations of possibly correlated variables
#' (entities each of which takes on various numerical values) into a set of values of linearly
#' uncorrelated variables called principal components.\url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Principal_component_analysis}

#' @param x a \code{\link{tbl_brain}}
#' @param correctionA identify PCA alignment error type A and make correction \link[cranium]{is_errorA}
#' @param ... arguments passed to \code{\link[stats]{prcomp}}
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
#' @export
#' @examples
#' tidy_brain <- read_h5(download_brains(tempdir(), pattern = "101"))%>%
#'        tidy(type="wildtype", threshold = 0.9)
#' ro_tidy_brin <- reorient(tidy_brain)

reorient <- function(x,...) {
  pca <- stats::prcomp(~ x + y + z, data = x, scale = FALSE, ...)
  out <- pca$x %>%
    tibble::as_tibble() %>%
    dplyr::rename(x = PC1, y = PC2, z = PC3)
  # fit quadratic model in the xy-plane
  mod <- stats::lm(y ~ x + I(x^2), data = out)
  a <- coef(mod)["I(x^2)"]
  b <- coef(mod)["x"]
  c <- coef(mod)["(Intercept)"]
  # translate to put vertex at origin
  # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parabola#Parabola_as_graph_of_a_function
  vertex <- c(-b / (2 * a), (4 * a * c - b^2) / (4 * a))
  # translate to center z on commissure
  z_mean <- out %>%
    filter(abs(x) < 50) %>%
    summarize(z_mean = mean(z))
  out <- out %>%
    mutate(x = x - vertex[1], y = y - vertex[2], z = z - z_mean$z_mean)

  out[, c("Freq", "gray_val")] <- x[, c("Freq", "gray_val")]
  class(out) <- append("tbl_brain", class(out))

  # recompute model after translation
  out <- add_attr(out)

#' Change to parabolic coordinates
#' @param obj an object
#' @param ... currently ignored
#' @export
#' @examples
#' file <- "~/Data/barresi/AT_1_Probabilities.h5"
#' \dontrun{
#' if (require(dplyr)) {
#'   tidy_brain <- file %>%
#'     read_h5() %>%
#'     tidy()
#'   plot3d(tidy_brain)
#'   tidy_flat <- reorient(tidy_brain)
#'   plot3d(tidy_flat)
#'   spherical <- change_coordinates(tidy_flat)
#'   summary(spherical)
#'   }
#' }

change_coordinates <- function(obj, ...) {
  a <- coef(attr(obj, "quad_mod"))["I(x^2)"]
  integrand <- function(x, a) { sqrt(1 + (2*a*x)^2); }
  alpha <- lapply(obj$x, stats::integrate, f = integrand, lower = 0, a = a) %>%
  obj$alpha <- alpha[seq(from = 1, to = length(alpha), by = 5)]


#' @title Quadratic model evaluation
#' @description Fit quadratic model y=x^2 + x to the data and evaluate how well the model fit the data using adjusted
#' R-Squared, RMSE, number of signals being captured
#' @param data a brain image or a tidy brain
#' @param type wild type or mutant type of zebrafish embryo brain
#' @param threshold.n threshld for signal frequency. Any signal with frequency below threshold value is exluded
#' @export
#' @examples
#' brain <- read_h5(download_brains(tempdir(), pattern = "101"))
#' qmodel(brain)
#' #If you have already tidied your brain
#' tidy_brain <- tidy(brain, type = "wildtype", threshold.n = 0.9)
#' qmodel(tidy_brain)

qmodel <- function(data, type="wildtype", threshold.n=0.9) UseMethod("qmodel")

#' @export
#' @rdname qmodel
qmodel.brain<- function(data, type="wildtype", threshold.n=0.9){
    tidy(type, threshold = threshold.n)
  ro_tidy_brain <- data%>%
    tidy(type, threshold = threshold.n)%>%
  model <- lm(y ~ I(x^2) + x, data = tidy_brain) #model applied on original data
  ro_model <- attr(ro_tidy_brain, "quad_mod")  #model applied on reoriented data
  mean.fitted <- mean(ro_model$fitted.values)
  #sigma=sjstats::rse(ro_model). RSE: residual standard error
  sum_tb<- ro_model %>%
    broom::glance() %>%
    mutate(num.signal = nrow(tidy_brain),
           adj.r.squared.original = round(summary(model)$adj.r.squared, 3),#original r square
           quad.coef = round((summary(ro_model)$coefficients["I(x^2)", "Estimate"]), 4),
           RMSE = sjstats::rmse(ro_model) )

#' @export
#' @importFrom gridExtra grid.arrange
#' @rdname qmodel
qmodel.tbl_brain<- function(tidy_brain, type="wildtype", threshold.n=0.9){
  ro_tidy_brain <- tidy_brain%>%
  model <- lm(y ~ I(x^2) + x, data = tidy_brain) #model applied on original data
  ro_model <- attr(ro_tidy_brain, "quad_mod")  #model applied on reoriented data
  mean.fitted <- mean(ro_model$fitted.values)
  #sigma=sjstats::rse(ro_model). RSE: residual standard error
  sum_tb<- ro_model %>%
    broom::glance() %>%
    mutate(num.signal = nrow(tidy_brain),
           adj.r.squared.original = round(summary(model)$adj.r.squared, 3),#original r square
           quad.coef = round((summary(ro_model)$coefficients["I(x^2)", "Estimate"]), 4),
           RMSE = sjstats::rmse(ro_model) )

#' @title PCA alignment error type A identification and correction
#' @description Identify Error Type A that the y-axis is flipped y-axis and make correction. If the object is brain type (raw data), will
#' perform tidy and PCA reorient functions. If the object is a tbl_brain class (already performed PCA reorientation), will not
#' perform PCA reorientation again.
#' @param data a brain image
#' @param type wild type or mutant type of zebrafish embryo brain
#' @param threshold.n threshld for signal frequency. Any signal with frequency below threshold value is exluded
#' @export
#' @examples
#' brain <- read_h5(download_brains(tempdir(), pattern = "101"))
#' is_errorA(brain)
#' corrected_brain <- correct_errorA(brain)

is_errorA <- function(data, type="wildtype", threshold.n=0.9) UseMethod("is_errorA")

#' @export
#' @rdname is_errorA
is_errorA.brain<- function(data, type="wildtype", threshold.n = 0.9){
  ro_tidy_brain <- data%>%
    tidy(type, threshold = threshold.n)%>%
  ro_model <- attr(ro_tidy_brain, "quad_mod_xy")  #model applied on reoriented data
  quad.coef = round((summary(ro_model)$coefficients["I(x^2)", "Estimate"]), 4)

  if (quad.coeff < 0) {
    message("Y Axis is flipped")
  } else{
    message("Correct alignment")

#' @export
#' @rdname is_errorA
is_errorA.tbl_brain<- function(data, type="wildtype", threshold.n=0.9){
  # fit quadratic model in the xy-plane, yz-plane, and xz-plane
  data <- add_attr(data)

  ro_model <- attr(data, "quad_mod_xy")  #model applied on reoriented data
  quad.coef = round((summary(ro_model)$coefficients["I(x^2)", "Estimate"]), 4)

  if (quad.coef < 0) {
    message("Y Axis is flipped")
  } else{
    message("Correct alignment")

#' @export
#' @rdname is_errorA
correct_errorA <- function(data, type="wildtype", threshold.n=0.9) UseMethod("correct_errorA")

#' @export
#' @rdname is_errorA
correct_errorA.brain<- function(data, type="wildtype", threshold.n=0.9){
  c_ro_tidy_brain <- data%>%
    tidy(type, threshold = threshold.n)%>%
    reorient(correctionA = TRUE)
  ro_model <- attr(c_ro_tidy_brain, "quad_mod_xy")
  quad.coef = round((summary(ro_model)$coefficients["I(x^2)", "Estimate"]), 4)
  if (quad.coef < 0){
    message("Y Axis is flipped")
    message("Correct alignment")

#' @export
#' @rdname is_errorA
correct_errorA <- function(data, type = "wildtype", threshold.n=0.9) UseMethod("correct_errorA")

#' @export
#' @rdname is_errorA
correct_errorA.brain <- function(data, type = "wildtype", threshold.n=0.9){
  ro_tidy_brain <- data%>%
    tidy(type, threshold.n)%>%

  r.data <- correct_errorA.tbl_brain(ro_tidy_brain)

#' @export
#' @rdname is_errorA
correct_errorA.tbl_brain <- function(data, type = "wildtype", threshold.n=0.9){
  rotation_angle_radian <- pi
  #radian to degree
  rotation_angle_degree <- 180

  matrix.x <- diag(3)
  matrix.x[2,2] <- cos(rotation_angle_radian)
  matrix.x[2,3] <- -sin(rotation_angle_radian)
  matrix.x[3,2] <- sin(rotation_angle_radian)
  matrix.x[3,3] <- cos(rotation_angle_radian)

  #prepare data for matrix multiplication

  #keep information other than coordinates in seperate dataset
  data_freq_gray<- data%>%
    select(Freq, gray_val)

  r.data <- data.matrix %*% matrix.x %>%
    tibble::as_tibble() %>%

  names(r.data) <- names(data)

  class(r.data) <- append("tbl_brain", class(r.data))


#' @title Identify Curve in yz plane and xz plane
#' @description Identify Curve in yz plane and xz plane
#' @param data a brain image
#' @param type wild type or mutant type of zebrafish embryo brain
#' @param threshold.n threshld for signal frequency. Any signal with frequency below threshold value is exluded
#' @export
#' @examples

#' @export
#' @rdname is_z_curve
is_z_curve<- function(data, type="wildtype", threshold.n=0.9) UseMethod("is_z_curve")

# @export
# @rdname is_z_curve
#is_z_curve.brain <- function(data, type="wildtype", threshold.n=0.9){
# ro_tidy_brain <- data%>%
#   tidy(threshold=threshold.n)
# sum_tb <- is_z_curve(ro_tidy_brain, type = "wildtype", threshold = threshold.n)
# return(sum_tb)

#' @export
#' @rdname is_z_curve
is_z_curve.tbl_brain <- function(data, type="wildtype", threshold.n=0.9){
  ro_tidy_brain <- data %>%
  z_mean <- ro_tidy_brain %>%
    select(stat, formatted)%>%
    spread(stat, formatted)%>%

  #Fit models after reorient
  #xz plane
  lm_model_xz <- attr(ro_tidy_brain, "linear_mod_xz") #linear model y = x
  quad_model_xz <- attr(ro_tidy_brain, "quad_mod_xz") #quadratic model y = x^2 + x
  #xy plane
  lm_model_xy <- attr(ro_tidy_brain, "linear_mod_xy")
  quad_model_xy <- attr(ro_tidy_brain, "quad_mod_xy")
  #yz plane
  lm_model_yz <- attr(ro_tidy_brain, "linear_mod_yz")
  quad_model_yz <- attr(ro_tidy_brain, "quad_mod_yz")

  sum_tb <- data.frame(threshold = threshold.n)%>%
    mutate(z_mean = z_mean)%>%
    #xz plane
    mutate(lm.intercept_xz = round((summary(lm_model_xz)$coefficients["(Intercept)", "Estimate"]), 4)) %>%
    mutate(lm.slope_xz = round((summary(lm_model_xz)$coefficients["x", "Estimate"]), 10))%>%
    mutate(quad.slope_xz = round((summary(quad_model_xz)$coefficients["I(x^2)", "Estimate"]), 5)) %>%

    #xy plane
    mutate(lm.intercept_xy= round((summary(lm_model_xy)$coefficients["(Intercept)", "Estimate"]), 4)) %>%
    mutate(lm.slope_xy = round((summary(lm_model_xy)$coefficients["x", "Estimate"]), 10))%>%
    mutate(quad.slope_xy = round((summary(quad_model_xy)$coefficients["I(x^2)", "Estimate"]), 5)) %>%

    #yz plane
    mutate(lm.intercept_yz = round((summary(lm_model_yz)$coefficients["(Intercept)", "Estimate"]), 4)) %>%
    mutate(lm.slope_yz = round((summary(lm_model_yz)$coefficients["y", "Estimate"]), 10))%>%
    mutate(quad.slope_yz = round((summary(quad_model_yz)$coefficients["I(y^2)", "Estimate"]), 5))


#' @title create rotation matrix
#' @description creat 3 by 3 rotation matrix for error B correction
#' @param rotation_angle_radian radian of the estimated rotation angle
#' @param axis the axis that you are rotating around
#' @export
#' @examples
#' degree = 45
#' radian = deg2rad(degree)
#' ro_matrix <- create_ro_matrix(radian, axis = "y")
create_ro_matrix <- function(rotation_angle_radian, axis = "x"){
  if(axis == "x"){
    matrix.x <- diag(3)
    matrix.x[2,2] <- cos(rotation_angle_radian)
    matrix.x[2,3] <- -sin(rotation_angle_radian)
    matrix.x[3,2] <- sin(rotation_angle_radian)
    matrix.x[3,3] <- cos(rotation_angle_radian)
    message("rotate around x axis")
  } else if (axis == "y"){
    matrix.x <- diag(3)
    matrix.x[1,1] <- cos(rotation_angle_radian)
    matrix.x[1,3] <- sin(rotation_angle_radian)
    matrix.x[3,1] <- -sin(rotation_angle_radian)
    matrix.x[3,3] <- cos(rotation_angle_radian)
    message("rotate around y axis")
  }else if (axis == "z"){
    matrix.x <- diag(3)
    matrix.x[1,1] <- cos(rotation_angle_radian)
    matrix.x[2,1] <- sin(rotation_angle_radian)
    matrix.x[1,2] <- -sin(rotation_angle_radian)
    matrix.x[2,2] <- cos(rotation_angle_radian)
    message("rotate around z axis")

#' @title Identify Error B: Curve in yz plane
#' @description Identify Curve in yz plane
#' @param data a brain image
#' @param type wild type or mutant type of zebrafish embryo brain
#' @param threshold.n threshld for signal frequency. Any signal with frequency below threshold value is exluded
#' @param range_ref error level.Options are 1. 95% Confidence Interval; 2.Inter-quatile range (IQR); 3. outlier range. Default to
#' outlier, which could be interpreted as: if the quadratic coefficient of the youtoo type sample is within the normal range of
#' wildtype's quadratic coeffcients, we say there is no error. Otherwise, if the quadratic coefficient is considered as an outlier
#' in the wildtype quadratic coefficients, we say there is a an error B in the youtoo type sample.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' is_errorB(data)

#' @export
#' @rdname is_errorB
is_errorB <- function(ro_data, type="wildtype", threshold.n=0.9) UseMethod("is_errorB")

#' @export
#' @rdname is_errorB
is_errorB.brain <- function(ro_data, type="wildtype", threshold.n=0.9){
  ro_tidy_brain <- data%>%
    tidy(type, threshold = threshold.n)%>%

#' @export
#' @rdname is_errorB
is_errorB.tbl_brain <- function(ro_data, type="wildtype", threshold.n=0.9){
  ro_data <- add_attr(ro_data)
  quad_model <- attr(ro_data, "quad_mod_xz") #quadratic model y = x^2 + x
  quad.coef= round((summary(quad_model)$coefficients["I(x^2)", "Estimate"]), 5)

  ro_model <- attr(ro_data, "quad_mod_xz")
  quad.coef = round((summary(ro_model)$coefficients["I(x^2)", "Estimate"]), 4)  #a

  if (abs(quad.coef) <= 0.0001){
    message("Alignment is correct. There is no curvature in the xz-plane.")
    message("There is a curvature in xz plane")

#' @export
#' @rdname is_errorB
correct_errorB.tbl_brain <- function(ro_data, r_angle_mpt=1) UseMethod("correct_errorB")

#' @export
#' @rdname is_errorB
correct_errorB.tbl_brain <- function(ro_data, r_angle_mpt=1){
  ro_data <- add_attr(ro_data)

  #extract quadratic model coefficients from xy plane
  ro_model <- attr(ro_data, "quad_mod_xz")
  quad.coef = round((summary(ro_model)$coefficients["I(x^2)", "Estimate"]), 4)  #a

  if (abs(quad.coef) <= 0.0001){
    message("Before rotation, the quadratic coefficient is 0, no need for further correction. Return original data.")
    return (ro_data)
  message("Before rotation, the quadratic coefficient is", " ", quad.coef, ".")

  x.coeff = round((summary(ro_model)$coefficients["x", "Estimate"]), 100)#b
  y_intercept = round((summary(ro_model)$coefficients["(Intercept)", "Estimate"]), 4) #c

  discriminant <- x.coeff^2 - 4* quad.coef * y_intercept
  if(discriminant < 0){
    message("Discriminant <0. Can't make more corrections. Return original data.")
    # x intercept
    x_intercept <- (-x.coeff + sqrt(x.coeff^2 - 4* quad.coef * y_intercept))/ (2*quad.coef)

    #slope of the line connecting m and n
    slope <- abs(y_intercept/x_intercept)

    #slope to angle (radian)
    rotation_angle_radian <- r_angle_mpt * atan(slope)  #r_angle_mpt is a tuning parameter, >1 leads to larger rotation angel
    #radian to degree
    #rotation_angle_degree <- rad2deg(rotation_angle_radian)

    if(quad.coef > 0 ){
      message("quadratic concave up, will perform error B correction")
      #rotation matrix
      matrix.x <- create_ro_matrix(rotation_angle_radian, axis = "x")

      data.matrix<- ro_data %>%
      data_freq_gray<- ro_data%>%
      r.data <- data.matrix %*% matrix.x %>%
        tibble::as_tibble() %>%
      names(r.data) <- names(ro_data)
      class(r.data) <- append("tbl_brain", class(r.data))
      r.data <- add_attr(r.data)

      #check the quadratic coefficient after rotation
      r.ro_model <- attr(r.data, "quad_mod_xz")
      r.quad.coef = round((summary(r.ro_model)$coefficients["I(x^2)", "Estimate"]), 4)  #a
      message("After rotation, the quadratic coefficient is", " ", r.quad.coef, ".")

    else if (quad.coef < 0 ){
      message("quadratic concave down, will need to perform translation before performing error B correction")
      ro_data <- ro_data%>%
        mutate(z = z - y_intercept)  # if y_intercept <0, we translate up, if y intercept >0, we translate down
      rotation_angle_radian <- -rotation_angle_radian
      #rotation matrix
      matrix.x <- create_ro_matrix(rotation_angle_radian, axis = "x")

      data.matrix<- ro_data %>%

      data_freq_gray<- ro_data%>%

      r.data <- data.matrix %*% matrix.x %>%
        tibble::as_tibble() %>%
      names(r.data) <- names(ro_data)
      r.data <- r.data%>%
        mutate(z = z + y_intercept)
      class(r.data) <- append("tbl_brain", class(r.data))
      r.data <- add_attr(r.data)
      #check the quadratic coefficient after rotation
      r.ro_model <- attr(r.data, "quad_mod_xz")
      r.quad.coef = round((summary(r.ro_model)$coefficients["I(x^2)", "Estimate"]), 4)  #a
      message("After rotation, the quadratic coefficient is", " ", r.quad.coef, ".")


#' @title Read in and tidy all raw samples
#' @description Read in and tidy all samples. You can choose to perform PCA reorientation or not. Note that this function is only for raw data (untidied data).
#' Function will output a list containing all samples in the type you decide (wildtype or youtoo), in
#' the format of dataframes. Processed samples "ro_brain_ls_wt.rds" and "ro_brain_ls_yt.rds" are generated from the
#' raw data using this function.
#' @param download TRUE or FALSE, If TRUE, you will download data to your current directory. If FALSE, you will need to specify the directory
#' where you keep you files locally by setting "local_directory".
#' @param local_directory If you have samples in your locally, enter the directory. Note than this should be a folder that keeps the samples
#' of the same sample type such as wild type. You should not keep both wild type and youtoo type in the same folder.
#' @param type wild type or youtoo type of zebrafish embryo brain
#' @param threshold.n threshld for signal frequency. Any signal with frequency below threshold value is exluded.
#' Default to 0.5
#' @param PCA_reorient TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, we will tidy and then perform PCA reorientation to your data. If FALSE, we will only tidy your data.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ro_brain_ls_wt <- process_all_sample(download = FALSE, local_directory = NA, type = "wildtype", threshold.n = 0.5, PCA_reorient = TRUE)
#' ro_brain_ls_yt <- process_all_sample(download = FALSE, local_directory = NA, type = "youtoo", threshold.n = 0.5, PCA_reorient = TRUE)
#' saveRDS(ro_brain_ls_wt , file = "ro_brain_ls_wt.rds")
#' saveRDS(ro_brain_ls_yt , file = "ro_brain_ls_yt.rds")
process_all_sample <- function(download = FALSE, local_directory = NA, type = "youtoo", threshold.n = 0.5, PCA_reorient = TRUE){
  #read in files
    if (download == TRUE){
      local_directory <- paste("./sample_download_", type, sep= "")
     # setwd(local_directory)

      if (type == "wildtype"){
        wildtype_files <- download_brains(path = local_directory, pattern = "wildtype")
      }else if (type == "youtoo") {
        message("We have not hosted any youtoo sample yet. Please try download wildtype samples.")
    }else {
      message("We will read in files from your local directory")
    message(paste("Read in and tidy data--", type, sep = ""))
    file_names <- list.files(local_directory, pattern=".h5", full.names=TRUE)
    tidy_brain_ls<- list()
    for (i in (1:length(file_names))) {
      tidy_brain_ls[[i]] <- file_names[i] %>%
        read_h5() %>%
        tidy.brain(threshold.n = threshold.n)     ##note that we should be able to call the global function tidy
    if (PCA_reorient == FALSE){
      return(tidy_brain_ls)  #if do not perform PCA reorientation, return tidy data
      print(paste("Process PCA reorientation--", type, sep = ""))
      #PCA reorientation
      ro_brain_ls <- tidy_brain_ls %>%

#' @title Plot all samples
#' @description Plot all samples together and output as pdf
#' @param x the list of samples you want to plot
#' @param type wild type or youtoo type of zebrafish embryo brain
#' @param file_directory samples' local directory, we will need this to extract the name of each of your sample. This should correspond to the list
#' of sampels.
#' @param save_directory Set a directory for the plots, otherwise, the plot will be saved at the current directory.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' plot_all_sample(tidy_brain_ls, type = "wildtype", file_directory = NA, save_directory = NA)
#' plot_all_sample(tidy_brain_ls, type = "youtoo", file_directory = NA, save_directory = NA)
plot_all_sample <- function(x = tidy_brain_ls, type = "wildtype", file_directory = NA, save_directory = NA){
  #open sample_plot folder in cranium
  if (is.na(file_directory)){
    message("Data unfound. If you not have sample data locally, please download the data first.")
  }else {
    message(paste("Data found in directory:", file_directory))

  #create another folder in sample_plot folder with timestamp
  #everytime runing this function will create a folder to store the plots
  time <- Sys.time()
  if (is.na(save_directory)){
    new_directory <- paste("./plot_",type, "_", time, sep="")
    new_directory <- paste(save_directory, "/plot_",type, "_", time, sep="")

  file_names <- list.files(file_directory, pattern=".h5", full.names=FALSE)

  pdf(paste(new_directory, "/",type, ".pdf", sep=""), height = 4, width = 15.5)
    for (i in (1:length(file_names))){
      plot2d(x[[i]], title=paste("Sample ",type, " ", file_names[i], sep=""))

#' @title Pipeline for error A, error B correction
#' @description Detect error A and error B sequentially and make corresponding corrections. Return corected brain data.
#' @param x brain data after tidied and PCA reoriented.
#' @param B.correct.n number of error B correction being applied. Since error B correction requires several iterations,
#' suggested number of iteration is 8. Defalt to 8 iterations.
#' @export
#' @examples
pipeline_correctionAB <- function(x = ro_brain_yt, B.correct.n = 8){
  #check for error A
  if (is_errorA(x)){
    message("Detect error A")
    #make correction for error A
    x_step1 <- correct_errorA(x, threshold.n=0.5)
    #confirm correction is made
    if (is_errorA(x_step1)){
      message("Error A correction failed. Return brain data before processing.")
    }else {
      message("Error A correction succeed. Data is corrected for error A.")
      x_step1 <- x_step1
    #no error A, keep the original brain data
    message("Error A not detected")
    x_step1 <- x

  #check for error B
  if (is_errorB(x_step1)){
    # there is errorB
    # make correction for error B
    x.list <- list()
    x.list[[1]] <- x_step1
    for (i in 2 : B.correct.n){
      x.list[[i]] <-  correct_errorB.tbl_brain(x.list[[i-1]])
    x_step2 <- x.list[[B.correct.n]]
    if (is_errorB(x_step2)){
      message(paste("After performing errorB correction", B.correct.n, "times, error B is still detected, please increase the the B.correct.n parameter. Return brain data in the previous step."))
      message(paste("After performing errorB correction", B.correct.n, "times, we successfully corrected brain data for error B. Return corrected brain data."))
    # there is no errorB
    message("Error B is not detected, return original brain data.")
beanumber/cranium documentation built on Oct. 17, 2019, 11:03 a.m.