
Defines functions import_table export_table load_table.fst load_table.tsv load_table.csv load_table.directory load_table fileexts filenames

Documented in export_table import_table

filenames <- function(file, sep = "/|\\\\"){
  sapply(stringr::str_split(file, sep), function(x){

fileexts <- function(file){
  x <- filenames(file)
  sapply(stringr::str_split(file, '\\.'), function(x){
    l <- length(x)
    ifelse(l > 1, x[[l]], '')

load_table <- function(file, ..., use.names = TRUE) {


  if(length(file) == 1 && dir.exists(file)) {
    return(load_table.directory(file, ..., use.names = use.names))

  if(length(file) > 1){
    return(data.table::rbindlist(lapply(file, load_table, ...), use.names = use.names))


    fname <- filenames(file)
    fdir <- dirname(file)
    fs <- list.files(fdir, full.names = FALSE, all.files = TRUE, recursive = FALSE,
               include.dirs = FALSE, no.. = TRUE)
    fl <- stringr::str_length(fname)
    fl <- stringr::str_sub(fs, end = fl + 1)
    sel <- fl == paste0(fname, '.')

      fnames <- fs[sel]
      exts <- fileexts(fnames)
      sel <- fnames == sprintf('%s.%s', fname, exts)
        fname <- fnames[sel][[1]]
        return(Recall(file.path(fdir, fname), ...))


  # single file with extension
  fext <- stringr::str_match(file, '\\.([a-zA-Z0-9]+)$')[,2]

  funname <- sprintf('load_table.%s', stringr::str_to_lower(fext))
  return(do.call(funname, list(
    file = file,

load_table.directory <- function(file, recursive = FALSE, use.names = TRUE, ...){
  fs <- list.files(file, recursive = recursive, include.dirs = FALSE, full.names = TRUE)
  fs <- fs[!dir.exists(fs)]
  fs <- normalizePath(fs)
  data.table::rbindlist(lapply(fs, load_table, as.data.table = TRUE), ..., use.names = use.names)

load_table.csv <- function(file, sep = ',', stringsAsFactors = FALSE, ...){
  data.table::fread(file = file, sep = sep, stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors, ...)

load_table.tsv <- function(file, sep = '\t', stringsAsFactors = FALSE, ...){
  data.table::fread(file = file, sep = sep, stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors, ...)

load_table.fst <- function(file, ...){
  load_fst(file, ...)

#' Export data frame to different common formats
#' @description
#' Stores and load data in various of data format. See 'Details' for limitations.
#' @param x data table to be saved to \code{file}
#' @param file file to store the data
#' @param format data storage format, default is \code{'auto'} (infer from the
#' file extension); other choices are \code{'csv'}, \code{'csv.zip'}, \code{'h5'},
#' \code{'fst'}, \code{'json'}, \code{'rds'}, \code{'yaml'}
#' @param ... parameters passed to other functions
#' @returns The normalized path for \code{export_table}, and a
#' \code{\link[data.table]{data.table}} for \code{import_table}
#' @details
#' The format \code{'rds'}, \code{'h5'}, \code{'fst'}, \code{'json'}, and
#' \code{'yaml'} try to preserve the first-level column attributes. Factors
#' will be preserved in these formats. Such property does not exist in
#' \code{'csv'}, \code{'csv.zip'} formats.
#' Open-data formats are \code{'h5'}, \code{'csv'}, \code{'csv.zip'},
#' \code{'json'}, \code{'yaml'}. These formats require the table elements to
#' be native types (numeric, character, factor, etc.).
#' \code{'rds'}, \code{'h5'}, and \code{'fst'} can store large data sets.
#' \code{'fst'} is the best choice is performance and file size are the major
#' concerns. \code{'rds'} preserves all the properties of the table.
#' @examples
#' x <- data.table::data.table(
#'   a = rnorm(10),
#'   b = letters[1:10],
#'   c = 1:10,
#'   d = factor(LETTERS[1:10])
#' )
#' f <- tempfile(fileext = ".csv.zip")
#' export_table(x = x, file = f)
#' y <- import_table(file = f)
#' str(x)
#' str(y)
#' # clean up
#' unlink(f)
#' @export
export_table <- function(x, file, format = c("auto", "csv", "csv.zip", "h5", "fst", "json", "rds", "yaml"), ...) {

  format <- match.arg(format)
  if(format == "auto") {
    fname <- strsplit(basename(tolower(file)), "\\.")[[1]]
    format <- fname[[length(fname)]]
    if(!format %in% c("csv", "zip", "h5", "fst", "json", "rds", "yaml", "yml")) {
      stop("raveio::export_table: cannot infer `format` from file name: ", basename(file))
    if(format == "zip") {
      format <- "csv.zip"
    } else if (format == "yml") {
      format <- "yaml"

    "csv" = {
      data.table::fwrite(x = x, file = file, ...)
    "csv.zip" = {
      tf <- tempfile(
        pattern = paste0('data_export_', format(Sys.time(), "%b_%d_%Y_%H_%M")),
        fileext = '.csv'
      zf <- tempfile(fileext = ".csv.zip")
      data.table::fwrite(x = x, file = tf, ...)
      utils::zip(zipfile = zf, files = tf, extras='-j')
      file.rename(zf, file)
    "fst" = {
      fst::write_fst(x = x, path = file, compress = 99)
    "h5" = {
      h5file = tempfile(fileext = '.h5')
      # recursive method for saving to h5 file
      save_list_to_h5 <- function(v, nm) {
        if(is.list(v)) {
          re <- mapply(save_list_to_h5, v,
                       paste0(nm, '/', names(v)), USE.NAMES = TRUE, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
          structure(list(do.call("c", re)), names = nm)
        } else {
          ctype <- ifelse(is.numeric(v), 'numeric', 'character')
          save_h5(x=v, file=h5file, name=nm,
                  level=ifelse(is.numeric(v), 4, 9),
                  replace = TRUE, quiet = TRUE)
          return(structure(list(ctype), names = nm))

      nms <- names(x)
      mapply(save_list_to_h5, x, nms)
      attri <- structure(names = nms, lapply(nms, function(nm) {

      meta <- list(
        columns = nms,
        attributes = attri

      # save meta information
      save_h5(x = jsonlite::serializeJSON(meta), file = h5file, name = "__meta__", replace = TRUE, ctype = "character", quiet = TRUE)

      file.rename(h5file, file)
    "rds" = {
      saveRDS(object = x, file = file, ...)
    "json" = {
      nms <- names(x)
      attri <- structure(names = nms, lapply(nms, function(nm) {

        x = list(
          data = x,
          columns = nms,
          attributes = attri
        path = file,
        dataframe = "row",
        factor = "string",
        na = "null",
        auto_unbox = TRUE,
    "yaml" = {
      nms <- names(x)
      attri <- structure(names = nms, lapply(nms, function(nm) {
      save_yaml(x = list(
        data = as.list(x),
        columns = nms,
        attributes = attri
      ), file = file, ...)

  invisible(normalizePath(file, mustWork = FALSE))


#' @rdname export_table
#' @export
import_table <- function(file, format = c("auto", "csv", "csv.zip", "h5", "fst", "json", "rds", "yaml"), ...) {
  format <- match.arg(format)
  if(format == "auto") {
    fname <- strsplit(basename(tolower(file)), "\\.")[[1]]
    format <- fname[[length(fname)]]
    if(!format %in% c("csv", "zip", "h5", "fst", "json", "rds", "yaml", "yml")) {
      stop("raveio::import_table: cannot infer `format` from file name: ", basename(file))
    if(format == "zip") {
      format <- "csv.zip"
    } else if (format == "yml") {
      format <- "yaml"

  re <- switch(
    "csv" = {
      data.table::fread(file = file, ...)
    "csv.zip" = {
      td <- dir_create2(tempfile())
      on.exit({ unlink(td, recursive = TRUE) })
      utils::unzip(zipfile = file, exdir = td, overwrite = TRUE)
      f <- list.files(td, pattern = "\\.csv$", ignore.case = TRUE)
      if(length(f) != 1) {
        stop("raveio::import_table: csv.zip file contains no csv or more than one csv files.")
      data.table::fread(file = file.path(td, f), ...)
    "fst" = {
      fst::read_fst(path = file, as.data.table = TRUE, ...)
    "h5" = {
      nms <- h5_names(file = file)
      column_attrs <- list()
      if("__meta__" %in% nms) {
          meta <- load_h5(file = file, name = "__meta__", ram = TRUE, quiet = TRUE)
          meta <- jsonlite::unserializeJSON(meta)
          if("columns" %in% names(meta)) {
            column_attrs <- meta$columns
            nms <- meta$columns
          } else {
            nms <- nms[!nms %in% "__meta__"]

          if(is.list(meta$attributes)) {
            column_attrs <- meta$attributes
        }, error = function(e) {
          nms <<- nms[!nms %in% "__meta__"]
      re <- structure(lapply(nms, function(nm) {
        re <- as.vector(load_h5(file = file, name = nm, ram = TRUE, quiet = TRUE))
        attri <- column_attrs[[ nm ]]
        if(length(attri) && is.list(attri)) {
          if("factor" %in% attri$class) {
            re <- factor(re, levels = attri$levels)
          attributes(re) <- attri
      }), names = nms)
    "rds" = {
      re <- readRDS(file = file, ...)
      stopifnot2(is.data.frame(re), msg = "The object stored at RDS file is not a data.frame")
    "json" = {
      re <- jsonlite::read_json(path = file, simplifyVector = TRUE)
      dat <- re$data
      stopifnot2(is.data.frame(dat), msg = "The object stored at JSON file does not contain a data.frame")
      attrs <- re$attributes
      cols <- re$columns
      for(nm in cols) {
        attri <- attrs[[nm]]
        if(length(attri) && is.list(attri)) {
          if('factor' %in% attri$class) {
            dat[[nm]] <- factor(dat[[nm]], levels = attri$levels)
          attributes(dat[[nm]]) <- attri
    "yaml" = {
      re <- yaml::read_yaml(file = file, ...)
      dat <- re$data
      attrs <- re$attributes
      cols <- re$columns
      re <- structure(names = cols, lapply(cols, function(nm) {
        re <- unlist(dat[[nm]])
        attri <- attrs[[nm]]
        if(length(attri) && is.list(attri)) {
          if('factor' %in% attri$class) {
            re <- factor(re, levels = attri$levels)
          attributes(re) <- attri


beauchamplab/raveio documentation built on May 5, 2024, 1:03 a.m.