
Defines functions correct.merge.IOP.profile

Documented in correct.merge.IOP.profile

#' Apply corrections and merge IOP data from an optical package
#' Apply corrections and merge data coming from various instruments for a
#'  given vertical profile in the water column.
#' @param instrument is a list or a data frame of instruments available. For example,
#'   instrument = list(ASPH=1, HS6=1, CTD.UQAR=1)
#' @param  parameters is a list or a data frame with the processing
#'   parameters provided by the user. When called from
#'   \code{\link{process.IOPs}}, the parameters are red in cast.info.dat
#'   and cal.info.dat. A detailed description of each parameter is provided
#'   below (Details section)
#' @return
#' It retruns a large list with all the raw and corrected data of each instrument
#' The list is also save as IOP.RData format. One or tow additional RData are save
#' to store the interpolated data for the down and up cast respectively
#' (IOP.fitted.down.RData and IOP.fitted.up.RData). The upcast
#' is optional and depends on the user input (parameter maxx).
#' @details
#' This is the heart of the \pkg{Riops} package. All the data are red,
#'    matched using a unique time frame, corrected and interpolated on a common
#'    grid of equally spaced depth. The detailed description of the correction
#'    is not described here (To be done in a future version). Here is a summary
#'    of the minimum require to run the code succesfully.
#' The processing parameters are stored in two ascii files named cast.info.dat
#'   and cal.info.dat. The former file includes the following parameters
#' \itemize{
#'     \item{\strong{lon}} { is the longitude of the station. It is not used in the processing
#'     it will be in the PDF reporting (see \code{\link{create.report}})}
#'     \item{\strong{lat}} { in the latitude of the station. It is not used in the processing
#'     it will be in the PDF reporting (see \code{\link{create.report}})}
#'     \item{\strong{cast}}  { is a character string corresponding to either MINIDAS cast number
#'                or file extension generated by the WAP from DH4 archive file  (e.g. "001")}
#'     \item{\strong{Time0.CTD}}{ is a character string for CTD start time. It will be transformed
#'  into a time stamp using \code{\link{as.POSIXct}} and should respect this format "2015-05-06 12:18:01".
#'  However, if NA the program it check in other instruments (e.g. ASPH or BB3) to find the starting
#'  time. If no absolute time is found, the user will be asked to add a time stamp manually in the
#'  cast.info.dat file)}
#'  \item{\strong{Time0.LISST}}{ is a character string for LISST starting time. It will be transformed
#'  into a time stamp using \code{\link{as.POSIXct}} and should respect this format "2015-05-06 12:18:01".
#'  However, if NA the program it check in other instruments (e.g. ASPH or BB3) to find the starting
#'  time. If no absolute time is found, the user will be asked to add a time stamp manually in the
#'  cast.info.dat file)}
#'  \item{\strong{minx}}{ is the index of the CTD timer corresponding to the start of the profile.
#'        If NA, the user will be prompted to select click on the start of the profile on a plot
#'        showing the depth versus time. This a call to the function \code{\link{identify}}. Once
#'        this is done, the user can adjust the begining of the cast by changing the values in
#'        the cast.info.dat file afterward (won't be prompted if minx!=NA).}
#'   \item{\strong{maxx}}{ is the index of the CTD corresponding to the End of the profile.
#'   Similar to \strong{minx}.}
#'  \item{\strong{Zint}}{ is the depth interval for profile smooting
#'  (e.g. 1 will result in a fitted profile every 1 meter)}
#'  \item{\strong{depth.interval.for.smoothing}}{ is the depth interval, in meter, that will
#'  be used to smooth data with the loess function. It will be converted into a "span" value.
#'  (see \code{\link{loess}})}
#'  \item{\strong{asph.skip}}{ is the number or records to skip at the begining of the a-sphere file.
#'                This is necessary only when the a-sphere file contains 2 or more profiles. This
#'                happens some time when the MiniDAS reset the cast number. Otherwise 0 will fit
#'                most situations.}
#'  \item{\strong{maxbb}}{ is a parameter for the backscattering plots generated in the PDF report.}
#'  \item{\strong{Ndepth.to.plot}}{ is the number of spectra along the depth profile to
#'  plot in the report. 8 to 12 usually is enough}
#'  The calibration information are stored in the cal.info.dat.
#'  The file includes the following information
#'  (NOTE: any field can be ommited with out problem):
#' \itemize{
#'     \item{\strong{Tref.ASPH}} { is the temperature of pure water used by
#'     Hobilabs for the ASPH calibration.
#'     In 2010 and 2014 it was 13.2,
#'     in 2013 it was 19,
#'     in 2016 it was 14.4.}
#'     \item{\strong{HS6.CALYEAR}}{ is the year of the HS6 calibration.}
#'     \item{\strong{Tref.ACS}}{ is the temperature of pure water used by
#'     Wetlabs for the ACS calibration. The IML ACs calibration of 2013 was 20.3}
#'     \item{\strong{scat.correction}}{ is the method for the scattering correction of AC-S abssorption
#'                   (eg : "mckee","zaneveld", "baseline","none")}
#'     \item{\strong{blank.ASPH}}{ is a string for the path of the blank for ASPH as created by
#'     \code{\link{analyse.ASPH.blank}}.}
#'     \item{\strong{blank.ACS}}{ is a string for the path of the blank for ACS as created by
#'     \code{\link{analyse.ACs.blank}}.}
#'     \item{\strong{blank.BB9}}{ is a string for the path of the blank for BB9.}
#'     \item{\strong{blank.BB3}}{ is a string for the path of the blank for BB3.}
#'    }
#' @author Simon Belanger
#' @export
correct.merge.IOP.profile <- function(instrument, parameters){

  #######  Get prepared to process data #####
  print("Get prepared to process data")
  path =        parameters$path
  cast =        parameters$cast
  Time0.CTD =   parameters$Time0.CTD
  Time0.LISST = parameters$Time0.LISST
  minx=         parameters$minx
  maxx=         parameters$maxx
  Zint=         parameters$Zint
  asph.skip =   parameters$asph.skip
  depth.span=   parameters$depth.interval.for.smoothing

  # Check which instrument is missing in the list
  if (is.null(instrument$CTD.UQAR)) instrument$CTD.UQAR <- 0
  if (is.null(instrument$HS6)) instrument$HS6 <- 0
  if (is.null(instrument$FLECO)) instrument$FLECO <- 0
  if (is.null(instrument$ASPH)) instrument$ASPH <- 0
  if (is.null(instrument$CTD.DH4)) instrument$CTD.DH4 <- 0
  if (is.null(instrument$ACS)) instrument$ACS <- 0
  if (is.null(instrument$BB9)) instrument$BB9 <- 0
  if (is.null(instrument$BB3)) instrument$BB3 <- 0
  if (is.null(instrument$LISST)) instrument$LISST <- 0
  if (is.null(instrument$FLBBCD)) instrument$FLBBCD <- 0
  if (is.null(instrument$FLCHL)) instrument$FLCHL <- 0

  # Check information from cal.info
  if (!is.null(parameters$Tref.ASPH)) {
    Tref.ASPH =   parameters$Tref.ASPH
  } else {
    if (instrument$ASPH == 1) {
      print("WARNING: A-sphere calibration temperature of PW must be provided!!!")
      print("Add Tref.ASPH in the cal.info.dat file")
      print("Stop processing")
    Tref.ASPH = NA

  if (!is.null(parameters$Tref.ACS) & !is.null(parameters$scat.correction)) {
    Tref.ACS =   parameters$Tref.ACS
    scat.correction = parameters$scat.correction
  } else {
    if (instrument$ACS == 1) {
      print("WARNING: AC-s calibration temperature of PW and scat.correction method must be provided!!!")
      print("Add Tref.ACS and scat.correction in the cal.info.dat file")
      print("Stop processing")
    Tref.ACS = NA
    scat.correction = NA

  if (!is.null(parameters$HS6.CALYEAR) & !is.na(parameters$HS6.CALYEAR)) {
    HS6.CALYEAR =   parameters$HS6.CALYEAR
    print(paste("Hydroscat-6 calibration year is", HS6.CALYEAR))
  } else {
    print(paste("No Hydroscat-6 calibration year provided"))
    if (instrument$HS6 == 1) {
      print("WARNING: HS-6 calibration year must be provided!!!")
      print("Add HS6.CALYEAR in the cal.info.dat file")
      print("Stop processing")
  if (!is.null(parameters$blank.BB9) & !is.na(parameters$blank.BB9)) {
    index_ext = length(unlist(strsplit(parameters$blank.BB9, "[.]")))	
    ext = unlist(strsplit(parameters$blank.BB9, "[.]"))[index_ext]
    if (ext == "dev") BB9.DEVICE.FILE = TRUE else   BB9.DEVICE.FILE = FALSE 
  if (!is.null(parameters$blank.BB3) & !is.na(parameters$blank.BB3)) {
    index_ext = length(unlist(strsplit(parameters$blank.BB3, "[.]")))	
    ext = unlist(strsplit(parameters$blank.BB3, "[.]"))[index_ext]
    if (ext == "dev") BB3.DEVICE.FILE = TRUE else   BB3.DEVICE.FILE = FALSE 


  #######  Read all data#########
  print("Read all data")

  # This was added in order to process previous instrument file
  if (!is.null(instrument$CTD.IML))  instrument$CTD.DH4 = instrument$CTD.IML

  if (instrument$CTD.UQAR == 1) {
    filen = paste("CTD",cast, ".TXT", sep="")
    # If the standard CTD file do not exist,
    #  check for a cnv file instead
    if (file.exists(filen)) {
      CTD = read.CTD(filen)
    } else {
      filen = list.files( pattern = "*\\.cnv")
      if (file.exists(filen)) {
        print("Reading CNV file using oce read function")
        CTD = list()
        CTD.OCE = read.ctd.sbe(filen)
        # Extract data from the CTD object and store as list
        if (is.na(Time0.CTD)) Time0.CTD = as.POSIXct(format(CTD.OCE[["startTime"]], tz="GMT"), tz="GMT")
        if (is.na(Time0.CTD)) {
          print("No CTD time available")
          print("Please add a time string for Time0.CTD")
          print("in cast.info.dat")
          print("STOP PROCESSING")
        if (is.numeric(CTD.OCE[["time"]])) { # This condition was added because 
          #the "time" in the cnv files are now output 
          #in POSIXct by the oce package since 2018.  
          CTD$Time =  Time0.CTD  + CTD.OCE[["time"]]
        } else CTD$Time =  CTD.OCE[["time"]] 
        CTD$Temp =  CTD.OCE[["temperature"]]
        CTD$Sal  =  CTD.OCE[["salinity"]]

        if (!is.null(CTD.OCE[["par"]]))          CTD$PAR<- CTD.OCE[["par"]]
        if (!is.null(CTD.OCE[["turbidity"]]))    CTD$turbidity <- CTD.OCE[["turbidity"]]
        if (!is.null(CTD.OCE[["fluorescence"]])) CTD$fluorescence <- CTD.OCE[["fluorescence"]]
        if (!is.null(CTD.OCE[["depth"]]))        CTD$Depth=  swDepth(CTD.OCE[["depth"]]) else CTD$Depth=  swDepth(CTD.OCE[["pressure"]])
        if (!is.null(CTD.OCE[["sigmaTheta"]]))   CTD$sigmaTheta=CTD.OCE[["sigmaTheta"]]

  } else {
    print("No CTD.UQAR to process")
    if (instrument$CTD.DH4 == 1) {
      print("Read Port Assossiation for DH4")
      default.DH4.ports.file <- paste( Sys.getenv("R_IOPs_DATA_DIR"), "DH4.ports.dat", sep = "/")

      DH4.ports.file <- paste(parameters$path, "DH4.ports.dat", sep = "/")
      if(!file.exists(DH4.ports.file)) {
        file.copy(from = default.DH4.ports.file, to = DH4.ports.file)
        cat("EDIT file", DH4.ports.file, "and CUSTOMIZE IT\n")

      DH4.ports <- read.table(DH4.ports.file, sep=";", header = T,
                              colClasses = c("character", "character"))
      ix.inst = which(DH4.ports$Sensor == "CTD")
      pattern = paste("_", DH4.ports$Port[ix.inst],"_", sep="")
      filen = list.files( pattern = pattern)
      if(!file.exists(filen)) {
        print(paste("CTD file not found in", getwd()))
        print("Check whether or not the port number is good")
        print("Use capital letters for sensor name")
      } else CTD = read.CTD.DH4(filen)
    } else {
      print("No CTD to process")
     # print("Abort processing")
      CTD = list()
    #  return(1)

  if (instrument$ASPH == 1) {
    filen = list.files( pattern = "CST.*\\.txt")
    if (length(filen) == 0) filen = list.files( pattern = "ASPH.*\\.txt")
    if (length(filen) > 1) {
      ix.filen = which.min(str_length(filen))
      filen = filen[ix.filen]
    ASPH = read.ASPH(filen, skip=asph.skip) # modifiy by Simon Belanger
  } else {
    print("No ASPH to process")
    ASPH = list()
    # This condition is added because the CTD from IML has no absolute time information
    # So the absolute time is given by the ASPH instrument.
   # if (instrument$CTD.DH4 == 1) {
  #    print("Abort processing")
   #   return(0)
  #  }

  if (instrument$HS6 == 1) {
    filen = paste("./HS6",cast,".dat", sep="")
    if (!file.exists(filen)) filen = list.files( pattern = ".*\\HS.*\\.dat")
    HS6 = read.HS6(filen)
  } else {
    print("No Hydroscat-6 to process")
    HS6 = list()

  if (instrument$FLECO == 1) {
    FLECO = read.FLECO(paste("./FL",cast,".TXT", sep=""))
  } else {
    print("No fluorescence ECOtriplet to process")
    FLECO = list()

  if (instrument$BB9 == 1) {

    # BB9 attached to a DH4... 
    if (instrument$CTD.DH4 == 1) {
      ix.inst = which(DH4.ports$Sensor == "BB9")
      pattern = paste("_", DH4.ports$Port[ix.inst],"_", sep="")
      filen = list.files( pattern = pattern)
      if(!file.exists(filen)) {
        print(paste("BB9 file not found in", getwd()))
        print("Check whether or not the port number is good")
        print("Use capital letters for sensor name")
      } else BB9 = read.BB9(filen)
      # extract the port number
      BB9.port = as.numeric(DH4.ports$Port[ix.inst])
    } else {
      # BB9 in stand alone mode.... data could be provided in calibrated format, 
      # or in raw format which the prefered method.
      pattern = "BB9"
      filen = list.files( pattern = pattern)
      if(!file.exists(filen)) {
        print(paste("BB9 file not found in", getwd()))
        print("BB9 should appear in the file name...")
      } else {
        # Check the extension. If raw, then apply calibration from the device file.
        index_ext = length(unlist(strsplit(filen, "[.]")))	# for station names with periods, ex. G604.5
        ext = unlist(strsplit(filen, "[.]"))[index_ext]
        if (ext == "raw") {
          print("BB9 deployed in Stand Alone mode and raw format")
          BB9.raw <- read.BB9(filen, raw = TRUE)
          if (BB9.DEVICE.FILE) {
            BB9 <- apply.ECO.cal(BB9.raw, dev.file=parameters$blank.BB9, dark.file=NA,ECO.type="BB9")
          } else {
            print("Raw BB9 detected but no device file provided!!! ")
            print("Please put the path and file name of the device file")
            print("in the cal.info.dat for the >blank.BB9< parameter")
            BB9.DEVICE.FILE == FALSE
        } else {
          print("BB9 deployed in Stand Alone mode and eng format")
          BB9 <- read.BB9(filen)

  } else {
      print("No BB9 to process")
      BB9 = list()

  if (instrument$ACS == 1) {
    # ACS attached to a DH4... 
    if (instrument$CTD.DH4 == 1) {
      ix.inst = which(DH4.ports$Sensor == "ACS")
      pattern = paste("_", DH4.ports$Port[ix.inst],"_", sep="")
      filen = list.files( pattern = pattern)
      if(!file.exists(filen)) {
        print(paste("ACS file not found in", getwd()))
        print("Check whether or not the port number is good")
        print("Use capital letters for sensor name")
      } else ACS = read.ACs(filen)
      # extract the port number from name
      ACS.port = as.numeric(DH4.ports$Port[ix.inst])
    } else {
      # ACS in stand alone mode.... data could be provided in calibrated format, 
      # or in raw format which the prefered method.
      pattern = "ACS"
      filen = list.files( pattern = pattern)
      if(!file.exists(filen)) {
        print(paste("ACS file not found in", getwd()))
        print("ACS should appear in the file name...")
      } else {
        ACS <- read.ACs(filen)

    } else {
      print("No ACS to process")
      ACS = list()

  if (instrument$LISST == 1){

    ix.inst = which(DH4.ports$Sensor == "LISST")
    pattern = paste("_", DH4.ports$Port[ix.inst],"_", sep="")
    filen = list.files( pattern = pattern)
    if(!file.exists(filen)) {
      print("Check for LISST in stand alone mode")
      filen = list.files(  pattern = "L.*\\.asc")
      if (!file.exists(filen)) {
        print(paste("LISST file not found in", getwd()))
        print("Check whether or not the port number is good")
        print("Use capital letters for sensor name")
      } else LISST = read.LISST(filen)
    } else LISST = read.LISST(filen)

  } else {
    print("No LISST to process")
    LISST = list()

  if (instrument$BB3 == 1){
    ix.inst = which(DH4.ports$Sensor == "BB3")
    pattern = paste("_", DH4.ports$Port[ix.inst],"_", sep="")
    filen = list.files( pattern = pattern)
    if(!file.exists(filen)) {
      print(paste("BB3 file not found in", getwd()))
      print("Check whether or not the port number is good")
      print("Use capital letters for sensor name")
    } else BB3 = read.BB3(filen)
    BB3.port = as.numeric(DH4.ports$Port[ix.inst])

  } else {
    print("No BB3 to process")
    BB3 = list()

  if (instrument$FLBBCD == 1){
    ix.inst = which(DH4.ports$Sensor == "FLBBCD")
    pattern = paste("_", DH4.ports$Port[ix.inst],"_", sep="")
    filen = list.files( pattern = pattern)
    if(!file.exists(filen)) {
      print(paste("FLBBCD file not found in", getwd()))
      print("Check whether or not the port number is good")
      print("Use capital letters for sensor name")
    } else FLBBCD = read.FLBBCD(filen)
    FLBBCD.port = as.numeric(DH4.ports$Port[ix.inst])

  } else {
    print("No FLBBCD to process")
    FLBBCD = list()

  if (instrument$FLCHL == 1){
    ix.inst = which(DH4.ports$Sensor == "FLCHL")
    pattern = paste("_", DH4.ports$Port[ix.inst],"_", sep="")
    filen = list.files( pattern = pattern)
    if(!file.exists(filen)) {
      print(paste("FLCHL file not found in", getwd()))
      print("Check whether or not the port number is good")
      print("Use capital letters for sensor name")
    } else FLCHL = read.FLCHL(filen)
    FLCHL.port =  as.numeric(DH4.ports$Port[ix.inst])
  } else {
    print("No FLCHL to process")
    FLCHL = list()

  #######  Adjusting time stamp to each sensor; two cases are considered####
  ########  for 1) IML optical package and  2) UQAR optical package, or SBE CTD

  if (instrument$CTD.DH4 == 1) {

    # Reads Time OFFSET for each sensor
    filen = list.files( pattern = "_TO.")
    TO = read.table(filen, header=T)

    if (is.na(Time0.CTD) & instrument$ASPH == 1) {
      #Time0.CTD = find.Time0.CTD(path,cast)
      # Find time0 from ASPH to apply time stamp to CTD, BB9 and ACS
      print("Create Time Stamp from ASPHERE")
      ix.maxZ.CTD = which.max(CTD$Depth)
      ix.maxZ.ASPH = which.max(ASPH$depth)
      Time0.CTD = ASPH$time[ix.maxZ.ASPH]- CTD$Timer[ix.maxZ.CTD]/1000
      # Plot
      plot(CTD$Time, CTD$Depth, pch=19,cex=0.5, main=" depth matching (adjust cast.info if needed)")
      points(ASPH$time, ASPH$depth, col=2, pch=19, cex=0.2)
      legend("topright", c("CTD", "ASPH"), col=c(1,2), pch=c(19,19))

    if (is.na(Time0.CTD) & instrument$BB3 == 1) {
      #Time0.CTD = find.Time0.CTD(path,cast)
      # Find time0 from ASPH to apply time stamp to CTD, BB9 and ACS
      print("Create Time Stamp from BB3")
      Time0.CTD = BB3$Time[1]

    if (is.na(Time0.CTD)) {
        print("No instrument have absolute time string")
        print("You need to provide a POSXCT time string")
        print("for Time0.CTD and Time0.LISST in the cast.info.dat file")
        print("(e.g.2015-05-06 12:18:01 ")
    CTD$Time = Time0.CTD + CTD$Timer/1000

    # NOTE the Timer, when using the DH4, are in milliseconds. This is why we divide by 1000
    if (instrument$ACS == 1) ACS$Time = Time0.CTD + ACS$Timer/1000 - TO$offset[ACS.port]/1000
    if (instrument$BB9 == 1) BB9$Time = Time0.CTD + BB9$Timer/1000 - TO$offset[BB9.port]/1000
    if (instrument$BB3 == 1) BB3$Time = Time0.CTD + BB3$Timer/1000 - TO$offset[BB3.port]/1000
    if (instrument$FLBBCD == 1) FLBBCD$Time = Time0.CTD + FLBBCD$Timer/1000 - TO$offset[FLBBCD.port]/1000
    if (instrument$FLCHL == 1) FLCHL$Time = Time0.CTD + FLCHL$Timer/1000 - TO$offset[FLCHL.port]/1000

    dt = difftime(max(CTD$Time), min(CTD$Time), units="secs")
    # use a 10 seconds time window to define the span parameter for smoothing data
    span.CTD =    max(10 / as.numeric(dt), 0.1)

    # Find time0 from ASPH to apply time stamp to LISST
    if (instrument$LISST == 1) {
      if (is.na(Time0.LISST) & instrument$ASPH == 1) {
        # Check if LISST is in stand alone mode or attached to DH4
        ix.inst = which(DH4.ports$Sensor == "LISST")
        if(length(ix.inst) == 0) {
          ix.maxZ.LISST = which.max(LISST$Depth)
          ix.maxZ.ASPH = which.max(ASPH$depth)
          # the 1.02932 is the asquisition rate in seconds of the LISST in stand alone mode.
          Time0.LISST =  ASPH$time[ix.maxZ.ASPH] - ix.maxZ.LISST*1.029432
          LISST$Time = Time0.LISST + (1:length(LISST$time))*1.029432
        } else {
          ix.maxZ.LISST = which.max(LISST$Depth)
          ix.maxZ.ASPH = which.max(ASPH$depth)
          Time0.LISST =  ASPH$time[ix.maxZ.ASPH] - ix.maxZ.LISST
          LISST$Time = Time0.LISST + (1:length(LISST$time))


      ix.inst = which(DH4.ports$Sensor == "LISST")
      if(length(ix.inst) == 0) {
        # the LISST time step in stand alone mode is 1.0294, while it is equal to 1 when attached to DH4
        LISST$Time = Time0.LISST + (1:length(LISST$time))*1.029432
      } else LISST$Time = Time0.LISST + (1:length(LISST$time))

      plot(LISST$Time, LISST$Depth, pch=19,cex=0.5, main=" depth matching (adjust cast.info if needed)")
      points(ASPH$time, ASPH$depth, col=2, pch=19, cex=0.2)
      legend("topright", c("LISST", "ASPH"), col=c(1,2), pch=c(19,19))



  if (instrument$CTD.UQAR == 1) {
    # Assume CTD has the correct time
    if (!is.na(Time0.CTD)) {
      diffCTD = difftime(CTD$Time[1], Time0.CTD, units="secs")
      CTD$Time = CTD$Time + diffCTD
    } else {
      Time0.CTD = CTD$Time[1]
      diffCTD = difftime(CTD$Time[1], Time0.CTD, units="secs") # so difftime ==0
    CTD$Time <- CTD$Time + diffCTD
    #### modification for processing time series 
    if (parameters$timeserie == 1) {
      print("Correct time difference based on the time when each instruments hit the water")
      plot(CTD$Time, CTD$Depth)
      print("Click for the CTD time stamp")
      ixCTD = identify(CTD$Time, CTD$Depth)
    } else {
      ix.maxZ.CTD = which.max(CTD$Depth)  

    if (instrument$ASPH == 1) {
      ix.maxZ.ASPH = which.max(ASPH$depth)
      if (parameters$timeserie == 1) {
        plot(ASPH$time, ASPH$depth)
        print("Click for the ASPH time stamp")
        ixASPH = identify(ASPH$time, ASPH$depth)
        diffASPH = difftime(CTD$Time[ixCTD], ASPH$time[ixASPH], units="secs")
      } else {
        diffASPH = difftime(CTD$Time[ix.maxZ.CTD], ASPH$time[ix.maxZ.ASPH], units="secs")

      ASPH$time = ASPH$time + diffASPH 

      plot(ASPH$time, ASPH$depth, pch=19,cex=0.5, main="Check depth matching",
           sub = "Adjust Time0.CTD in cast.info if needed")
      points(CTD$Time, CTD$Depth, col=2, pch=19, cex=0.2)
      legend("topright", c("ASPH", "CTD"), col=c(1,2), pch=c(19,19))
      text(ASPH$time[ix.maxZ.ASPH], 0.8*ASPH$depth[ix.maxZ.ASPH],
           paste('Time diff:', as.character(signif(diffASPH,3))))

      png("CTDvsASPH_depth.png", height = 5, width = 7, units = "in", res=300)
      plot(ASPH$time, ASPH$depth, pch=19,cex=0.5, main="Check depth matching",
           sub = "Adjust Time0.CTD in cast.info if needed")
      points(CTD$Time, CTD$Depth, col=2, pch=19, cex=0.2)
      legend("topright", c("ASPH", "CTD"), col=c(1,2), pch=c(19,19))
      text(ASPH$time[ix.maxZ.ASPH], 0.8*ASPH$depth[ix.maxZ.ASPH],
           paste('Time diff:', as.character(signif(diffASPH,3))))

    if (instrument$HS6 == 1) {

      ix.maxZ.HS6 = which.max(HS6$depth)
      if (parameters$timeserie == 1) {
        print("Correct time difference based on the time when each instruments hit the water")
        plot(HS6$Time, HS6$depth)
        print("Click for the HS6 time stamp")
        ixHS6 = identify(HS6$Time, HS6$depth)
        plot(CTD$Time, CTD$Depth)
        print("Click for the CTD time stamp")
        ixCTD = identify(CTD$Time, CTD$Depth)
        diffHS6 = difftime(CTD$Time[ixCTD], HS6$Time[ixHS6], units="secs")
        HS6$Time = HS6$Time + diffHS6
      } else {
        diff.z = abs(HS6$depth[ix.maxZ.HS6] - CTD$Depth[ix.maxZ.CTD])
        if (diff.z < 1) {
          diffHS6 = difftime(CTD$Time[ix.maxZ.CTD], HS6$Time[ix.maxZ.HS6], units="secs")
          HS6$Time = HS6$Time + diffHS6 
        } else {
          print("Correct time difference based on the time when each instruments hit the water")
          plot(HS6$Time, HS6$depth)
          print("Click for the HS6 time stamp")
          ixHS6 = identify(HS6$Time, HS6$depth)
          plot(CTD$Time, CTD$Depth)
          print("Click for the CTD time stamp")
          ixCTD = identify(CTD$Time, CTD$Depth)
          diffHS6 = difftime(CTD$Time[ixCTD], HS6$Time[ixHS6], units="secs")
          HS6$Time = HS6$Time + diffHS6

      plot(HS6$Time, HS6$depth, pch=19,cex=0.5, main="Check depth matching",
           sub = "Adjust Time0.CTD in cast.info if needed")
      points(CTD$Time, CTD$Depth, col=2, pch=19, cex=0.2)
      legend("topright", c("HS6", "CTD"), col=c(1,2), pch=c(19,19))
      text(HS6$Time[ix.maxZ.HS6], 0.8*HS6$depth[ix.maxZ.HS6],
           paste('Time diff:', as.character(signif(diffHS6,3))))

      png("CTDvsHS6_depth.png", height = 5, width = 7, units = "in", res=300)
      plot(HS6$Time, HS6$depth, pch=19,cex=0.5, main="Check depth matching",
           sub = "Adjust Time0.CTD in cast.info if needed")
      points(CTD$Time, CTD$Depth, col=2, pch=19, cex=0.2)
      legend("topright", c("HS6", "CTD"), col=c(1,2), pch=c(19,19))
      text(HS6$Time[ix.maxZ.HS6], 0.8*HS6$depth[ix.maxZ.HS6],
           paste('Time diff:', as.character(signif(diffHS6,3))))



    if (instrument$FLECO ==1) {

      print("FOR ECOFL, hit when the instrument leave or enter the water")

      plot(FLECO$Time, FLECO$FL[,3])
      print("Click for the FLECO time stamp")
      ixFLECO = identify(FLECO$Time, FLECO$FL[,3])

      plot(CTD$Time, CTD$Sal)
      print("Click for the CTD time stamp")
      ixCTD = identify(CTD$Time, CTD$Sal)

      diffFLECO = difftime(CTD$Time[ixCTD], FLECO$Time[ixFLECO], units="secs")
      FLECO$Time = FLECO$Time + diffFLECO
    # New cases added when CTD and BB9 or ACS are deployed in Stand alone mode
    if (instrument$BB9 == 1 & instrument$CTD.DH4 == 0) {
      BB9$Time <- Time0.CTD + BB9$Timer # Here the timer is in second
      plot(BB9$Time, BB9$Betau[,2])
      print("Click for the BB9 time stamp when exiting the water")
      ixBB9 = identify(BB9$Time, BB9$Betau[,2])
      plot(CTD$Time, CTD$Sal)
      print("Click for the CTD time stamp when exiting the water")
      ixCTD = identify(CTD$Time, CTD$Sal)
      diffBB9 = difftime(CTD$Time[ixCTD], BB9$Time[ixBB9], units="secs")
      BB9$Time = BB9$Time + diffBB9
    if (instrument$ACS == 1 & instrument$CTD.DH4 == 0) {
      ACS$Time <- Time0.CTD + ACS$Timer/1000 # Here the timer is in millsecond
      plot(ACS$Time, ACS$c[,10])
      print("Click for the ACS time stamp when exiting the water")
      ixACS = identify(ACS$Time, ACS$c[,10])
      plot(CTD$Time, CTD$Sal)
      print("Click for the CTD time stamp when exiting the water")
      ixCTD = identify(CTD$Time, CTD$Sal)
      diffACS = difftime(CTD$Time[ixCTD], ACS$Time[ixACS], units="secs")
      ACS$Time = ACS$Time + diffACS

    dt = difftime(max(CTD$Time), min(CTD$Time), units="secs")
    # use a 10 seconds time window to define the span parameter
    span.CTD =    max(10 / as.numeric(dt), 0.1)


  if (is.null(CTD$Time)) {
    print("No CTD data; no time to adjust")
    ### Check if HS6 and ASPH are present and adjust the depth... 
    if (instrument$ASPH == 1 && instrument$HS6 == 1) {
      ix.maxZ.ASPH = which.max(ASPH$depth)
      ix.maxZ.HS6 = which.max(HS6$depth)
      diffASPH = difftime(HS6$Time[ix.maxZ.HS6], ASPH$time[ix.maxZ.ASPH], units="secs")
      ASPH$time = ASPH$time + diffASPH 
      plot(ASPH$time, ASPH$depth, pch=19,cex=0.5, main="Check depth matching",
           sub = "Adjust Time0.CTD in cast.info if needed")
      points(HS6$Time, HS6$depth, col=2, pch=19, cex=0.2)
      legend("topright", c("ASPH", "HS6"), col=c(1,2), pch=c(19,19))
      text(ASPH$time[ix.maxZ.ASPH], 0.8*ASPH$depth[ix.maxZ.ASPH],
           paste('Time diff:', as.character(signif(diffASPH,3))))

  #######  Add Depth to instruments without pressure sensors#####
  # Match BB9, BB3, FLBBCD, FLECO and ACs to obtain depth from the CTD using time stamp.

  if (instrument$ACS == 1 & !is.null(CTD$Time)) {
    print("Add depth to ACS")
    df = as.data.frame(cbind(CTD$Time, CTD$Depth))
    names(df) = c("t","z")
    mod = loess(z ~ t, data=df, span=span.CTD)
    ACS$Depth = predict(mod, ACS$Time)

  if (instrument$BB9 == 1 & !is.null(CTD$Time)){
    print("Add depth to BB9")
    df = as.data.frame(cbind(CTD$Time, CTD$Depth))
    names(df) = c("t","z")
    mod = loess(z ~ t, data=df, span=span.CTD)
    BB9$Depth = predict(mod, BB9$Time)

  if (instrument$BB3 == 1 & !is.null(CTD$Time)){
    print("Add depth to BB3")
    df = as.data.frame(cbind(CTD$Time, CTD$Depth))
    names(df) = c("t","z")
    mod = loess(z ~ t, data=df, span=span.CTD)
    BB3$Depth = predict(mod, BB3$Time)

  if (instrument$FLECO == 1 & !is.null(CTD$Time)) {
    print("Add depth to FLECO")
    df = as.data.frame(cbind(CTD$Time, CTD$Depth))
    names(df) = c("t","z")
    mod = loess(z ~ t, data=df, span=span.CTD)
    FLECO$Depth = predict(mod, FLECO$Time)
  if (instrument$FLECO == 1 & is.null(CTD$Time)) {
    print("NO CTD available to set the depth to FLECO")
    print("Check for depth from another instrument")
    if (instrument$HS6 == 1) {
      df = as.data.frame(cbind(HS6$Time, HS6$depth))
      names(df) = c("t","z")
      dt = difftime(max(HS6$Time), min(HS6$Time), units="secs")
      # use a 10 seconds time window to define the span parameter
      span.HS6 =    max(10 / as.numeric(dt), 0.1)
      mod = loess(z ~ t, data=df, span=span.HS6)
      FLECO$Depth = predict(mod, FLECO$Time)
    if (instrument$HS6 == 0 && instrument$ASPH == 1) {
      df = as.data.frame(cbind(ASPH$time, ASPH$depth))
      names(df) = c("t","z")
      dt = difftime(max(ASPH$time), min(ASPH$time), units="secs")
      # use a 10 seconds time window to define the span parameter
      span.ASPH =    max(10 / as.numeric(dt), 0.1)
      mod = loess(z ~ t, data=df, span=span.ASPH)
      FLECO$Depth = predict(mod, FLECO$Time)
    if (instrument$HS6 == 0 && instrument$ASPH == 0) {
      print("No depth sensor available for FLECO")
      print("Set instrument to 0")
      instrument$FLECO <- 0

  if (instrument$FLBBCD == 1 & !is.null(CTD$Time)) {
    print("Add depth to FLBBCD")
    df = as.data.frame(cbind(CTD$Time, CTD$Depth))
    names(df) = c("t","z")
    mod = loess(z ~ t, data=df, span=span.CTD)
    FLBBCD$Depth = predict(mod, FLBBCD$Time)

  if (instrument$FLCHL == 1 & !is.null(CTD$Time)) {
    print("Add depth to FLCHL")
    df = as.data.frame(cbind(CTD$Time, CTD$Depth))
    names(df) = c("t","z")
    mod = loess(z ~ t, data=df, span=span.CTD)
    FLCHL$Depth = predict(mod, FLCHL$Time)

  #######  Add Temperature and/or Salinity to instruments for various correction #####

  # Add Temperature and Salinity in the ACS file for TS correction
  if (instrument$ACS == 1 & !is.null(CTD$Time))  {
    df = as.data.frame(cbind(CTD$Time, CTD$Temp))
    names(df) = c("t","T")
    mod = loess(T ~ t, data=df, span=span.CTD)
    ACS$T = predict(mod, ACS$Time)

    df = as.data.frame(cbind(CTD$Time, CTD$Sal))
    names(df) = c("t","S")
    mod = loess(S ~ t, data=df, span=span.CTD)
    ACS$S = predict(mod, ACS$Time)

  # Add Temperature and Salinity in the ASPH file for TS correction
  if (instrument$ASPH == 1 & !is.null(CTD$Time)) {
    df = as.data.frame(cbind(CTD$Time, CTD$Temp))
    names(df) = c("t","T")
    mod = loess(T ~ t, data=df, span=span.CTD)
    ASPH$T = predict(mod, ASPH$time)

    df = as.data.frame(cbind(CTD$Time, CTD$Sal))
    names(df) = c("t","S")
    mod = loess(S ~ t, data=df, span=span.CTD)
    ASPH$S = predict(mod, ASPH$time)

  # Add Salinity in the BB9 file for betaP calculation
  if (instrument$BB9 == 1 & !is.null(CTD$Time)) {
    df = as.data.frame(cbind(CTD$Time, CTD$Sal))
    names(df) = c("t","S")
    mod = loess(S ~ t, data=df, span=span.CTD)
    BB9$S = predict(mod, BB9$Time)

  # Add Salinity in the BB3 file for betaP calculation
  if (instrument$BB3 == 1 & !is.null(CTD$Time)) {
    df = as.data.frame(cbind(CTD$Time, CTD$Sal))
    names(df) = c("t","S")
    mod = loess(S ~ t, data=df, span=span.CTD)
    BB3$S = predict(mod, BB3$Time)

  # Add Salinity in the FLBBCD file for betaP calculation
  if (instrument$FLBBCD == 1 & !is.null(CTD$Time)) {
    df = as.data.frame(cbind(CTD$Time, CTD$Sal))
    names(df) = c("t","S")
    mod = loess(S ~ t, data=df, span=span.CTD)
    FLBBCD$S = predict(mod, FLBBCD$Time)

  # Add Salinity in the HS6 file for betaP calculation
  if (instrument$HS6 == 1 & !is.null(CTD$Time)) {
    df = as.data.frame(cbind(CTD$Time, CTD$Sal))
    names(df) = c("t","S")
    mod = loess(S ~ t, data=df, span=span.CTD)
    HS6$S = predict(mod, HS6$Time)


  # This case exceptions have been writen to manage data with no CTD
  if (instrument$ASPH == 1 & is.null(CTD$Time)) {
    Salinity = as.numeric(readline("No CTD data; Enter a salinity value for beta correction of ASPH:  "))
    ASPH$S = rep(Salinity, length(ASPH$time))
    Temperature = as.numeric(readline("No CTD data; Enter a temperature value for beta correction of ASPH:  "))
    ASPH$T = rep(Temperature, length(ASPH$time))
  if (instrument$ACS == 1 & is.null(CTD$Time)) {
    Salinity = as.numeric(readline("No CTD data; Enter a salinity value for beta correction of ACS:  "))
    ACS$S = rep(Salinity, length(ACS$Time))
    Temperature = as.numeric(readline("No CTD data; Enter a Temperature value for beta correction of ACS:  "))
    ACS$T = rep(Temperature, length(ACS$Time))
  if (instrument$HS6 == 1 & is.null(CTD$Time)) {
    Salinity = as.numeric(readline("No CTD data; Enter a salinity value for beta correction of HS6:  "))
    HS6$S = rep(Salinity, length(HS6$Time))
  if (instrument$BB9 == 1 & is.null(CTD$Time)) {
    Salinity = as.numeric(readline("No CTD data; Enter a salinity value for beta correction of BB9:  "))
    BB9$S = rep(Salinity, length(BB9$Time))
  if (instrument$BB3 == 1 & is.null(CTD$Time)) {
    Salinity = as.numeric(readline("No CTD data; Enter a salinity value for beta correction of BB3:  "))
    BB3$S = rep(Salinity, length(BB3$Time))
  if (instrument$FLBBCD == 1 & is.null(CTD$Time)) {
    Salinity = as.numeric(readline("No CTD data; Enter a salinity value for beta correction of FLBBCD:  "))
    FLBBCD$S = rep(Salinity, length(FLBBCD$Time))

  #######  Apply TS correction to ASPH and/or ACS ##############################

  if (instrument$ASPH == 1) {
    # create a matrix of coefficients for ASPH
    print("Apply TS correction to ASPH")
    PsiT = spline(Tdf$wavelength, Tdf$PsiT, xout=ASPH$wl,method="natural")$y
    PsiS = spline(Sdf$wavelength, Sdf$PsiS_ASW, xout=ASPH$wl,method="natural")$y

    PsiTm = matrix(PsiT, nrow=length(ASPH$depth), ncol=length(ASPH$wl), byrow=T)
    delta_T = (ASPH$T-Tref.ASPH)
    delta_Tm = matrix(delta_T, nrow=length(ASPH$depth), ncol=length(ASPH$wl), byrow=F)

    Tcor_factor = PsiTm * delta_Tm

    PsiSm = matrix(PsiS, nrow=length(ASPH$depth), ncol=length(ASPH$wl), byrow=T)
    Sm = matrix(ASPH$S, nrow=length(ASPH$depth), ncol=length(ASPH$wl), byrow=F)

    Scor_factor = PsiSm * Sm

    # Apply correction to ASPH

    ASPH$a.TScor = ASPH$a - Tcor_factor - Scor_factor

  if (instrument$ACS ==1) {
    print("Apply TS correction to ACS a and c beams")
    PsiT = spline(TS4.cor.df$wavelength, TS4.cor.df$PsiT, xout=ACS$a.wl,method="natural")$y
    PsiS = spline(TS4.cor.df$wavelength, TS4.cor.df$PsiSa, xout=ACS$a.wl,method="natural")$y
    PsiSc = spline(TS4.cor.df$wavelength, TS4.cor.df$PsiSc, xout=ACS$c.wl,method="natural")$y

    PsiTm = matrix(PsiT, nrow=length(ACS$Depth), ncol=length(ACS$a.wl), byrow=T)
    delta_T = (ACS$T-Tref.ACS)
    delta_Tm = matrix(delta_T, nrow=length(ACS$Depth), ncol=length(ACS$a.wl), byrow=F)

    Tcor_factor = PsiTm * delta_Tm
    # create a matrix of coefficients for ACs
    PsiSm = matrix(PsiS, nrow=length(ACS$Depth), ncol=length(ACS$a.wl), byrow=T)
    PsiScm = matrix(PsiSc, nrow=length(ACS$Depth), ncol=length(ACS$c.wl), byrow=T)
    Sm = matrix(ACS$S, nrow=length(ACS$Depth), ncol=length(ACS$a.wl), byrow=T)

    Scor_factor.a = PsiSm * Sm
    Scor_factor.c = PsiScm * Sm

    # Apply correction to ACS

    ACS$a.TScor = ACS$a - Tcor_factor - Scor_factor.a
    ACS$c.TScor = ACS$c - Tcor_factor - Scor_factor.c

  #######  Apply blank correction to ASC and ASPH####
  if (instrument$ASPH == 1) {

    if (file.exists(parameters$blank.ASPH)){
      print("Apply blank correction to ASPH")
      ASPH.blank.m = matrix(ASPH.blank$smooth, nrow=length(ASPH$depth), ncol=length(ASPH$wl), byrow=T)
      ASPH$a.corrected = ASPH$a.TScor -ASPH.blank.m
    } else {
      print("No blank correction to ASPH")
      ASPH$a.corrected = ASPH$a.TScor


  if (instrument$ACS ==1) {
    if (file.exists(parameters$blank.ACS)){
      print("Apply blank correction to ACS")
      ACS.blank.a.m = matrix(ACS.blank$a.smooth, nrow=length(ACS$Depth), ncol=length(ACS$a.wl), byrow=T)
      ACS.blank.c.m = matrix(ACS.blank$c.smooth, nrow=length(ACS$Depth), ncol=length(ACS$c.wl), byrow=T)
      ACS$a.TScor.offset  = ACS$a.TScor - ACS.blank.a.m
      ACS$c.corrected  = ACS$c.TScor - ACS.blank.c.m
    } else {
      print("No blank correction to ACS")
      ACS$a.TScor.offset  = ACS$a.TScor
      ACS$c.corrected  = ACS$c.TScor

    #######  Apply scattering correction to ACS ####
    print("Apply scattering correction to ACS absorption")
    ix.NIR = which(ACS$c.wl > 720)
    a.nir = apply(ACS$a.TScor.offset[,ix.NIR],1,mean, na.rm=T)
    c.nir = apply(ACS$c.corrected[,ix.NIR],1,mean, na.rm=T)

    #a.nir[a.nir < 0] = NA
    #c.nir[c.nir < 0] = NA

    #a.nir[a.nir > 5] = NA
    #c.nir[c.nir > 50] = NA

    # Mckee et al Opt. Express 2008 method
    if (scat.correction == "mckee") {
      if (instrument$BB9 ==1) {

        # First correct BB9 data using ACS absorption corrected using zaneveld
        b.nir = c.nir - a.nir
        scat.factor = a.nir / b.nir
        scat.factor[scat.factor < 0] = 0
        scat.factor.m = matrix(scat.factor, nrow=length(ACS$Depth), ncol=length(ACS$a.wl), byrow=F)
        b_star = ACS$c.corrected - ACS$a.TScor.offset
        ACS$a.corrected   = ACS$a.TScor.offset - (scat.factor.m * b_star)

        # correct bb9 data
        # Compute Pure Water beta
        S.fac = (1+(0.3*BB9$S/37))*1e-4 * (1+ cos(117/180*pi)*cos(117/180*pi)*((1-0.09)/(1+0.09)))
        wl.fac = 1.38*(BB9$waves/500)^-4.32
        S.fac.m = matrix(S.fac, nrow=length(BB9$Depth), ncol=length(BB9$waves), byrow=F)
        wl.fac.m = matrix(wl.fac, nrow=length(BB9$Depth), ncol=length(BB9$waves),byrow=T)

        BetaW = S.fac.m * wl.fac.m
        bbW = (0.0029308*(BB9$waves/500)^-4.24)/2
        bbW.m = matrix(bbW, nrow=length(BB9$Depth), ncol=length(BB9$waves), byrow=T)

        Beta2bb <- 2*pi*1.1

        ix.BB9.wl = rep(NA,9)
        for (j in 1:9){
          ix.BB9.wl[j] = which.min(abs(ACS$a.wl-BB9$waves[j]))
        dt = difftime(max(BB9$Time), min(BB9$Time), units="secs")
        # use a 10 seconds time window to define the span parameter
        span.BB9 =    max(10 / as.numeric(dt), 0.1)
        tmp = fit.with.loess(ACS$a.wl[ix.BB9.wl], as.numeric(ACS$Time),
                             ACS$a.corrected[,ix.BB9.wl], span.BB9, as.numeric(BB9$Time))
        a.bb9 = tmp$aop.fitted
        # New pathlenght estimated by Doxaran et al 2016
        BB9$Beta.corrected   <- BB9$Betau * exp(0.01635*a.bb9)
        BB9$BetaP.corrected  <- BB9$Beta.corrected - BetaW
        BB9$bbP.corrected    <- Beta2bb * BB9$BetaP.corrected

        # Extrapolate bbp to match ACS data matrix.
        # Only use the extremity to avoid extrapolation artefact
        # A nls fit could be implemented eventually
        good.ix <- which(!is.na(BB9$bbP.corrected[,1]))

        bbP.acs = t(apply(BB9$bbP.corrected[good.ix,c(2,9)],1,
                            res = spline(BB9$waves[c(2,9)],y,xout=ACS$c.wl, method="natural")$y

        # now interpolate for depth
        dt = difftime(max(ACS$Time), min(ACS$Time), units="secs")
        span.ACS =    max(10 / as.numeric(dt), 0.1)
        tmp = fit.with.loess(ACS$c.wl, as.numeric(BB9$Time[good.ix]),
                             bbP.acs, span.ACS, as.numeric(ACS$Time))
        bbP.acs = tmp$aop.fitted # overwrite

        bbp.tild.0 = bbP.acs / (1.5*b_star)  # from Mckee et al. (Fig. 4)

        fa0 = apply(bbp.tild.0, 2, function(x){
          y = 2.699e-3 + 4.636*x - 3.746e1 *x^2 + 3.177e2*x^3 -1.166e3*x^4})

        fc0 = apply(bbp.tild.0, 2, function(x){
          y =  6.809e-3/(8.502e-3+x)-(1.918e-2)})

        bp1 = b_star / (1 - fa0 - fc0)  # from Mckee et al. (eq. 7)

        bbp.tild.1 = bbP.acs / bp1  # get a first approximation of bbp tild

        for (j in 1:10) {  # Replace the condition by a fixed number of iterations.
                          #  This is to speed up the processing
            prev.bbp.tild = bbp.tild.1
            fa1 = apply(bbp.tild.1, 2, function(x){
              y = 2.699e-3 + 4.636*x - 3.746e1 *x^2 + 3.177e2*x^3 -1.166e3*x^4})

            fc1 = apply(bbp.tild.1, 2, function(x){
              y =  6.809e-3/(8.502e-3+x)-(1.918e-2)})

            an = ACS$a.TScor.offset - (fa1*b_star)/(1-fa1-fc1)

            cn = ACS$c.corrected + (fc1*b_star)/(1-fa1-fc1)

            bp2 = cn - an

            bbp.tild.1 = bbP.acs / bp2


        ACS$a.corrected = an
        ACS$c.corrected = cn
        ACS$scat.correction.method = "mckee"

      } else {
       # if (instrument$HS6 ==1) {
      #  } else {
          print("No backscattering measurements to apply Mckee et al method")
          print("Automatical change correction to Zaneveld method")
          scat.correction = "zaneveld"
      #  }


    # Zaneveld method
    if (scat.correction == "zaneveld") {
      b.nir = c.nir - a.nir

      scat.factor = a.nir / b.nir

      scat.factor.m = matrix(scat.factor, nrow=length(ACS$Depth), ncol=length(ACS$a.wl), byrow=F)

      b_star = ACS$c.corrected - ACS$a.TScor.offset

      ACS$a.corrected   = ACS$a.TScor.offset - (scat.factor.m * b_star)

      ACS$scat.correction.method = "zaneveld"


    # Baseline method
    if (scat.correction == "baseline") {
      a.nir.m =  matrix(a.nir, nrow=length(ACS$Depth), ncol=length(ACS$a.wl), byrow=F)
      ACS$a.corrected   = ACS$a.TScor.offset - a.nir.m
      ACS$scat.correction.method = "baseline"

    if (scat.correction == "none") {
      ACS$a.corrected   = ACS$a.TScor.offset
      ACS$scat.correction.method = "none"

#    ACS$a.corrected[ACS$a.corrected < 0 ] = NA
    ACS$a.corrected[ACS$a.corrected > 5 ] = NA
    ACS$c.corrected[ACS$c.corrected < 0 ] = NA
    ACS$c.corrected[ACS$c.corrected > 50 ] = NA


  #######  Apply blank and attenuation corrections to BB9 #####
  if (instrument$BB9 ==1) {

    if (file.exists(parameters$blank.BB9)) {
      if (BB9.DEVICE.FILE) {
        print("Device file provided instead of a blank.")
        print("In that case, to account for field BB9 blank (or dark measurement)")
        print("Please change the offset in the device file...")
        BB9$bbP.offset   = BB9$bbPu
        BB9$bb.offset   = BB9$bbu
        BB9$BetaP.offset   = BB9$BetaPu
        BB9$Beta.offset   = BB9$Betau
        BB9$blank = NA
      } else {
        print("Apply Blank correction to BB9")
        bb.blank.m = matrix(blank.BB9, nrow=length(BB9$Timer), ncol=length(BB9$waves), byrow=T)
        beta.blank.m = matrix(blank.BB9/6.9115, nrow=length(BB9$Timer), ncol=length(BB9$waves), byrow=T)
        BB9$bbP.offset   = BB9$bbPu - bb.blank.m
        BB9$bb.offset   = BB9$bbu - bb.blank.m
        BB9$BetaP.offset   = BB9$BetaPu - beta.blank.m
        BB9$Beta.offset   = BB9$Betau - beta.blank.m
        BB9$blank = blank.BB9

    } else {
      print("No blank correction for BB9")
      BB9$bbP.offset   = BB9$bbPu
      BB9$bb.offset   = BB9$bbu

      BB9$BetaP.offset   = BB9$BetaPu
      BB9$Beta.offset   = BB9$Betau
      BB9$blank = NA

    ##############################  BB correction for attenuation
    print("Apply attenuation correction to BB9")

    # Compute Pure Water beta
    S.fac = (1+(0.3*BB9$S/37))*1e-4 * (1+ cos(117/180*pi)*cos(117/180*pi)*((1-0.09)/(1+0.09)))
    wl.fac = 1.38*(BB9$waves/500)^-4.32
    S.fac.m = matrix(S.fac, nrow=length(BB9$Depth), ncol=length(BB9$waves), byrow=F)
    wl.fac.m = matrix(wl.fac, nrow=length(BB9$Depth), ncol=length(BB9$waves),byrow=T)

    BetaW = S.fac.m * wl.fac.m
    bbW = (0.0029308*(BB9$waves/500)^-4.24)/2
    bbW.m = matrix(bbW, nrow=length(BB9$Depth), ncol=length(BB9$waves), byrow=T)

    Beta2bb <- 2*pi*1.1

    if (instrument$ASPH == 1) {
      ix.BB9.wl = rep(NA,9)
      for (j in 1:9){
        ix.BB9.wl[j] = which.min(abs(ASPH$wl - BB9$waves[j]))
      dt = difftime(max(BB9$Time), min(BB9$Time), units="secs")
      # use a 10 seconds time window to define the span parameter
      span.BB9 =    max(10 / as.numeric(dt), 0.1)
      tmp = fit.with.loess(ASPH$wl[ix.BB9.wl], as.numeric(ASPH$time),
                           ASPH$a.corrected[,ix.BB9.wl], span.BB9, as.numeric(BB9$Time))
      a.bb9 = tmp$aop.fitted
      # New pathlenght estimated by Doxaran et al 2016
      BB9$Beta.corrected   <- BB9$Beta.offset * exp(0.01635*a.bb9) # exp(0.0391*a.bb9)
      BB9$BetaP.corrected  <- BB9$Beta.corrected - BetaW
      BB9$bbP.corrected    <- Beta2bb * BB9$BetaP.corrected
      BB9$bb.corrected     <- BB9$bbP.corrected + bbW.m
      BB9$a <- a.bb9
      BB9$sigma.correction = TRUE

    if (instrument$ASPH == 0 & instrument$ACS == 1) {
      ix.BB9.wl = rep(NA,9)
      for (j in 1:9){
        ix.BB9.wl[j] = which.min(abs(ACS$a.wl-BB9$waves[j]))
      dt = difftime(max(BB9$Time), min(BB9$Time), units="secs")
      # use a 10 seconds time window to define the span parameter
      span.BB9 =    max(max(10 / as.numeric(dt), 0.1), 0.1)
      tmp = fit.with.loess(ACS$a.wl[ix.BB9.wl], ACS$Timer,
                             ACS$a.corrected[,ix.BB9.wl], span.BB9, BB9$Timer)
      a.bb9 = tmp$aop.fitted

      # clean the data in case of outliers
      #a.bb9[a.bb9 > 1] = 0
      a.bb9[a.bb9 < 0] = 0

      # New pathlenght estimated by Doxaran et al 2016
      BB9$Beta.corrected   <- BB9$Beta.offset * exp(0.01635*a.bb9)
      BB9$BetaP.corrected  <- BB9$Beta.corrected - BetaW
      BB9$bbP.corrected    <- Beta2bb * BB9$BetaP.corrected
      BB9$bb.corrected     <- BB9$bbP.corrected + bbW.m
      BB9$a <- a.bb9
      BB9$sigma.correction = TRUE


    if (instrument$ASPH == 0 & instrument$ACS == 0) {
      print("WARNING: No attenuation correction to BB-9 data")
      BB9$Beta.corrected  <- BB9$Beta.offset
      BB9$BetaP.corrected = BB9$Beta.corrected - BetaW
      BB9$bbP.corrected = Beta2bb * BB9$BetaP.corrected
      BB9$bb.corrected = BB9$bbP.corrected + bbW.m
      BB9$a <- NA
      BB9$sigma.correction = FALSE


  #######  Apply blank and attenuation corrections to BB3 #####
  if (instrument$BB3 ==1) {

    if (file.exists(parameters$blank.BB3)) {
      print("Apply Blank correction to BB3")
      bb.blank.m = matrix(blank.BB3, nrow=length(BB3$Timer), ncol=length(BB3$wl), byrow=T)
      beta.blank.m = matrix(blank.BB3/6.9115, nrow=length(BB3$Timer), ncol=length(BB3$wl), byrow=T)

      BB3$bbP.offset   = BB3$bbP - bb.blank.m
      BB3$bb.offset   = BB3$bb - bb.blank.m

      BB3$BetaP.offset   = BB3$BetaP - beta.blank.m
      BB3$Beta.offset   = BB3$Beta - beta.blank.m
      BB3$blank = blank.BB3

    } else {
      print("No blank correction for BB3")
      BB3$bbP.offset   = BB3$bbP
      BB3$bb.offset   = BB3$bb

      BB3$BetaP.offset   = BB3$BetaP
      BB3$Beta.offset   = BB3$Beta
      BB3$blank = NA

    ##############################  BB correction for attenuation
    print("Apply attenuation correction to BB3")

    # Compute Pure Water beta
    S.fac = (1+(0.3*BB3$S/37))*1e-4 * (1+ cos(117/180*pi)*cos(117/180*pi)*((1-0.09)/(1+0.09)))
    wl.fac = 1.38*(BB3$wl/500)^-4.32
    S.fac.m = matrix(S.fac, nrow=length(BB3$Depth), ncol=length(BB3$wl), byrow=F)
    wl.fac.m = matrix(wl.fac, nrow=length(BB3$Depth), ncol=length(BB3$wl),byrow=T)

    BetaW = S.fac.m * wl.fac.m
    bbW = (0.0029308*(BB3$wl/500)^-4.24)/2
    bbW.m = matrix(bbW, nrow=length(BB3$Depth), ncol=length(BB3$wl), byrow=T)

    Beta2bb <- 2*pi*1.1

    if (instrument$ASPH == 1) {
      ix.BB3.wl = rep(NA,3)
      for (j in 1:3){
        ix.BB3.wl[j] = which.min(abs(ASPH$wl - BB3$wl[j]))
      dt = difftime(max(BB3$Time), min(BB3$Time), units="secs")
      # use a 10 seconds time window to define the span parameter
      span.BB3 =    max(10 / as.numeric(dt), 0.1)
      tmp = fit.with.loess(ASPH$wl[ix.BB3.wl], as.numeric(ASPH$time),
                           ASPH$a.corrected[,ix.BB3.wl], span.BB3, as.numeric(BB3$Time))
      a.BB3 = tmp$aop.fitted
      # New pathlenght estimated by Doxaran et al 2016
      BB3$Beta.corrected   <- BB3$Beta.offset * exp(0.01635*a.BB3) # exp(0.0391*a.BB3)
      BB3$BetaP.corrected  <- BB3$Beta.corrected - BetaW
      BB3$bbP.corrected    <- Beta2bb * BB3$BetaP.corrected
      BB3$bb.corrected     <- BB3$bbP.corrected + bbW.m
      BB3$a <- a.BB3
      BB3$sigma.correction = TRUE

    if (instrument$ASPH == 0 & instrument$ACS == 1) {
      ix.BB3.wl = rep(NA,3)
      for (j in 1:3){
        ix.BB3.wl[j] = which.min(abs(ACS$a.wl - BB3$wl[j]))

      dt = difftime(max(BB3$Time), min(BB3$Time), units="secs")
      # use a 10 seconds time window to define the span parameter
      span.BB3 =    max(10 / as.numeric(dt), 0.1)
      tmp = fit.with.loess(ACS$a.wl[ix.BB3.wl], ACS$Timer,
                           ACS$a.corrected[,ix.BB3.wl], span.BB3, BB3$Timer)
      a.BB3 = tmp$aop.fitted
      # New pathlenght estimated by Doxaran et al 2016
      BB3$Beta.corrected   <- BB3$Beta.offset * exp(0.01635*a.BB3)
      BB3$BetaP.corrected  <- BB3$Beta.corrected - BetaW
      BB3$bbP.corrected    <- Beta2bb * BB3$BetaP.corrected
      BB3$bb.corrected     <- BB3$bbP.corrected + bbW.m
      BB3$a <- a.BB3
      BB3$sigma.correction = TRUE


    if (instrument$ASPH == 0 & instrument$ACS == 0) {
      print("WARNING: No attenuation correction to BB-9 data")
      BB3$Beta.corrected  <- BB3$Beta.offset
      BB3$BetaP.corrected = BB3$Beta.corrected - BetaW
      BB3$bbP.corrected = Beta2bb * BB3$BetaP.corrected
      BB3$bb.corrected = BB3$bbP.corrected + bbW.m
      BB3$a <- NA
      BB3$sigma.correction = FALSE


  #######  Apply attenuation correction to HS6 data #####

  if (instrument$HS6 ==1) {

    print("Apply attenuation correction to HS6")

    if (HS6.CALYEAR == 2010) Sigmaexp <- c(0.139, 0.142, 0.146, 0.143, 0.146, 0.146)
    if (HS6.CALYEAR == 2013) Sigmaexp <- c(0.135, 0.141, 0.143, 0.14, 0.142, 0.144)
    if (HS6.CALYEAR == 2014) Sigmaexp <- c(0.137, 0.139, 0.144, 0.141, 0.141, 0.143)
    if (HS6.CALYEAR == 2016) Sigmaexp <- c(0.137, 0.141, 0.145, 0.14, 0.144, 0.144)
    if (HS6.CALYEAR == 2018) Sigmaexp <- c(0.137, 0.142, 0.144, 0.141, 0.143, 0.145)

    Sigmaexp.m = matrix(Sigmaexp, nrow=length(HS6$depth), ncol=length(HS6$wl), byrow=T)

    Beta2bb <- 6.79

    # Compute Pure Water beta
    S.fac = (1+(0.3*HS6$S/37))*1e-4 * (1+ cos(140/180*pi)*cos(140/180*pi)*((1-0.09)/(1+0.09)))
    wl.fac = 1.38*(HS6$wl/500)^-4.32
    S.fac.m = matrix(S.fac, nrow=length(HS6$depth), ncol=length(HS6$wl), byrow=F)
    wl.fac.m = matrix(wl.fac, nrow=length(HS6$depth), ncol=length(HS6$wl),byrow=T)

    BetaW = S.fac.m * wl.fac.m
    bbW = (0.0029308*(HS6$wl/500)^-4.24)/2
    bbW.m = matrix(bbW, nrow=length(HS6$depth), ncol=length(HS6$wl), byrow=T)

    ix.HS6.wl = rep(NA,6)

    # Match APHERE to HS
    if (instrument$ASPH == 1) {
      for (j in 1:6){
        ix.HS6.wl[j] = which(ASPH$wl == HS6$wl[j])
      dt = difftime(max(HS6$Time), min(HS6$Time), units="secs")
      # use a 10 seconds time window to define the span parameter
      span.HS6 = 10 /as.numeric(dt)
      tmp = fit.with.loess(ASPH$wl[ix.HS6.wl], as.numeric(ASPH$time),
                           ASPH$a.corrected[,ix.HS6.wl], span.HS6, as.numeric(HS6$Time))

      a.HS6 = tmp$aop.fitted

      # New correction from Doxaran et al, Opt. Express 2016
      Beta.measured  <- HS6$betau
      Beta.corrected <- Beta.measured
      for (k in 1:5) {
        Kbb <- a.HS6 + 4.34 * Beta2bb * (Beta.corrected - BetaW)
        sigmaKbb <- exp(Sigmaexp.m*Kbb)
        Beta.corrected <- sigmaKbb * Beta.measured

      HS6$Beta.corrected  <- Beta.corrected
      HS6$BetaP.corrected <- Beta.corrected - BetaW
      HS6$bbP.corrected   <- Beta2bb * HS6$BetaP.corrected
      HS6$bb.corrected    <- HS6$bbP.corrected + bbW.m
      HS6$a <- a.HS6
      HS6$sigma.correction = TRUE


    if (instrument$ASPH == 0 & instrument$ACS == 1) {
    for (j in 1:6){
      ix.HS6.wl[j] = which(ACS$a.wl == HS6$wl[j])
    dt = difftime(max(HS6$Time), min(HS6$Time), units="secs")
    # use a 10 seconds time window to define the span parameter
    span.HS6 = 10 /as.numeric(dt)
    tmp = fit.with.loess(ACS$a.wl[ix.HS6.wl], as.numeric(ACS$Time),
                         ACS$a.corrected[,ix.HS6.wl], span.HS6, as.numeric(HS6$Time))

    a.HS6 = tmp$aop.fitted

    # New correction from Doxaran et al, Opt. Express 2016
    Beta.measured  <- HS6$betau
    Beta.corrected <- Beta.measured
    for (k in 1:5) {
      Kbb <- a.HS6 + 4.34 * Beta2bb * (Beta.corrected - BetaW)
      sigmaKbb <- exp(Sigmaexp.m*Kbb)
      Beta.corrected <- sigmaKbb * Beta.measured

    HS6$Beta.corrected  <- Beta.corrected
    HS6$BetaP.corrected <- Beta.corrected - BetaW
    HS6$bbP.corrected   <- Beta2bb * HS6$BetaP.corrected
    HS6$bb.corrected    <- HS6$bbP.corrected + bbW.m
    HS6$a <- a.HS6
    HS6$sigma.correction = TRUE


    if (instrument$ASPH == 0 & instrument$ACS == 0) {

    print("WARNING: No attenuation correction to HS-6 data")
    HS6$Beta.corrected  <- HS6$betau
    HS6$BetaP.corrected = HS6$Beta.corrected - BetaW
    HS6$bbP.corrected = Beta2bb*HS6$BetaP.corrected
    HS6$bb.corrected = HS6$bbP.corrected + bbW.m
    HS6$a <- NA
    HS6$sigma.correction = FALSE


  #######  Compute number of particules from LISST #####

  if (instrument$LISST == 1) {
    print("compute number of particules")
  df = cbind(LISST$lower_size_bins*1e-6,LISST$upper_size_bins*1e-6)
  D = exp(apply(log(df),1,mean))
  Dm = matrix(D, nrow=length(LISST$Depth), ncol=32, byrow=T)

  LISST$N_prime = (LISST$PSD*6)/pi/Dm^3
  print(paste("Bin the data at a given depth interval:", Zint))
  #######  Select the portion of the profile to retain for depth interpolation#####
  if (is.na(minx) & !is.null(CTD$Time)){
    plot(CTD$Time, CTD$Depth)
    print("Click for the begining of the cast and then ESC")
    minx <- identify(CTD$Time, CTD$Depth)
    print("Click for the end of the cast (at surface) and then ESC")
    maxx <- identify(CTD$Time, CTD$Depth)

  if (!is.null(CTD$Time)) {
    start.profile = CTD$Time[minx]
    stop.profile = CTD$Time[maxx]

    CTD$ixmin = minx
    CTD$ixmax = maxx

    z.max = max(CTD$Depth[minx:maxx])
    ix.z.max = which(CTD$Depth == z.max)[1]
    CTD$ix.z.max = ix.z.max
  } else {
    print("No CTD data")
    # This case expection was implemented for HS6 profile with no CTD

    if (instrument$HS6 == 1) {
      if (is.na(minx)) {
        plot(HS6$Time, HS6$depth)
        print("Click for the begining of the cast and then ESC")
        minx <- identify(HS6$Time, HS6$depth)
        print("Click for the end of the cast (at surface) and then ESC")
        maxx <- identify(HS6$Time, HS6$depth)

      start.profile = HS6$Time[minx]
      stop.profile = HS6$Time[maxx]

      HS6$ixmin = minx
      HS6$ixmax = maxx

      z.max = max(HS6$depth[minx:maxx])
      ix.z.max = which(HS6$depth == z.max)[1]
      HS6$ix.z.max = ix.z.max

  # Set the span parameter
  span.CTD.profile =    depth.span/z.max
  span.ASPH =           (depth.span/z.max)*1.5
  span.ACS =            depth.span/z.max
  span.BB9 =            depth.span/z.max
  span.BB3 =            depth.span/z.max
  span.LISST =          depth.span/z.max
  span.HS6 =            depth.span/z.max
  span.FLECO =          depth.span/z.max
  span.FLBBCD =         depth.span/z.max
  span.FLCHL =       depth.span/z.max

  time.window=c(start.profile, stop.profile)


  #######  Interpolate CTD data ######
  if (!is.null(CTD$Time)) {
    print("Bin CTD....")
    df = as.data.frame(cbind(CTD$Depth[minx:ix.z.max], CTD$Temp[minx:ix.z.max]))
    names(df) = c("z","T")
    mod = loess(T ~ z, data=df, span=span.CTD.profile)
    CTD.fitted.down$Temp = predict(mod, depth.fitted)

    df = as.data.frame(cbind(CTD$Depth[minx:ix.z.max], CTD$Sal[minx:ix.z.max]))
    names(df) = c("z","S")
    mod = loess(S ~ z, data=df, span=span.CTD.profile)
    CTD.fitted.down$Sal = predict(mod, depth.fitted)

    if ((maxx - CTD$ix.z.max) < 10) {
      print("No CTD upcast to fit")
    } else {
      df = as.data.frame(cbind(CTD$Depth[maxx:ix.z.max], CTD$Temp[maxx:ix.z.max]))
      names(df) = c("z","T")
      mod = loess(T ~ z, data=df, span=span.CTD.profile)
      CTD.fitted.up$Temp = predict(mod, depth.fitted)

      df = as.data.frame(cbind(CTD$Depth[maxx:ix.z.max], CTD$Sal[maxx:ix.z.max]))
      names(df) = c("z","S")
      mod = loess(S ~ z, data=df, span=span.CTD.profile)
      CTD.fitted.up$Sal = predict(mod, depth.fitted)

  } else {

  #######  Interpolate ASPH data#####
  if (instrument$ASPH == 1) {
    print("Bin ASPH....")

    ########## Get ASPH index
    # find the index to start and stop profile
    abs.diff.time = as.numeric(abs(difftime(ASPH$time, time.window[1])))
    ASPH$ixmin = which(abs.diff.time == min(abs.diff.time))
    abs.diff.time = as.numeric(abs(difftime(ASPH$time, time.window[2])))
    ASPH$ixmax = which(abs.diff.time == min(abs.diff.time))

    z.max = max(ASPH$depth[ASPH$ixmin:ASPH$ixmax])
    ix.z.max = which(ASPH$depth == z.max)[1]
    ASPH$ix.z.max = ix.z.max

    ix.good.fitted.depth = which(depth.fitted < z.max)

    depth.raw = ASPH$depth[ASPH$ixmin:ix.z.max]
    data.raw = ASPH$a.corrected[ASPH$ixmin:ix.z.max,]
    bad.row = which(is.infinite(data.raw), arr.ind = T)[,1]
    if (length(bad.row) > 0) tmp=fit.with.loess(ASPH$wl, depth.raw[-bad.row],data.raw[-bad.row,],
                           span=span.ASPH, depth.fitted[ix.good.fitted.depth])
     else tmp=fit.with.loess(ASPH$wl, depth.raw, data.raw,
                           span=span.ASPH, depth.fitted[ix.good.fitted.depth])

    ASPH.fitted.down$a = matrix(nrow=nz, ncol=length(ASPH$wl))
    ASPH.fitted.down$a[ix.good.fitted.depth,] = tmp$aop.fitted

    # remove extrapolated data for down cast
    min.z = min(ASPH$depth[ASPH$ixmin:ix.z.max], na.rm=T)
    max.z = max(ASPH$depth[ASPH$ixmin:ix.z.max], na.rm=T)
    ix.bad = which(depth.fitted < min.z | depth.fitted > max.z)
    if (length(ix.bad) > 0) ASPH.fitted.down$a[ix.bad,] = NA

    if ((ASPH$ixmax - ix.z.max) < 4) {
      print("No ASPH upcast to fit")
    } else {
      tmp=fit.with.loess(ASPH$wl, ASPH$depth[ASPH$ixmax:ix.z.max], ASPH$a.corrected[ASPH$ixmax:ix.z.max,],
                         span=span.ASPH, depth.fitted)

      ASPH.fitted.up$a = tmp$aop.fitted

      # remove extrapolated data for up cast
      min.z = min(ASPH$depth[ASPH$ixmax:ix.z.max], na.rm=T)
      max.z = max(ASPH$depth[ASPH$ixmax:ix.z.max], na.rm=T)
      ix.bad = which(depth.fitted < min.z | depth.fitted > max.z)
      if (length(ix.bad) > 0) ASPH.fitted.up$a[ix.bad,] = NA


  } else {
    ASPH.fitted.down = list()
    ASPH.fitted.up = list()
  #######  Interpolate ACS data#####
  if (instrument$ACS == 1) {
    print("Bin ACS....")
    ########## Get ACS index
    # find the index to start and stop profile
    abs.diff.time = as.numeric(abs(difftime(ACS$Time, time.window[1])))
    ACS$ixmin = which(abs.diff.time == min(abs.diff.time))
    abs.diff.time = as.numeric(abs(difftime(ACS$Time, time.window[2])))
    ACS$ixmax = which(abs.diff.time == min(abs.diff.time))

    z.max = max(ACS$Depth[ACS$ixmin:ACS$ixmax],na.rm=T)
    ix.z.max = which(ACS$Depth == z.max)[1]
    ACS$ix.z.max = ix.z.max

    # Interpolate using loess function
    tmp=fit.with.loess(ACS$a.wl, ACS$Depth[ACS$ixmin:ix.z.max], ACS$a.corrected[ACS$ixmin:ix.z.max,],
                        span=span.ACS, depth.fitted)
    ACS.fitted.down$a = tmp$aop.fitted

    tmp=fit.with.loess(ACS$c.wl, ACS$Depth[ACS$ixmin:ix.z.max], ACS$c.corrected[ACS$ixmin:ix.z.max,],
                       span=span.ACS, depth.fitted)
    ACS.fitted.down$c = tmp$aop.fitted

    # remove extrapolated data for down cast
    min.z = min(ACS$Depth[ACS$ixmin:ix.z.max], na.rm=T)
    max.z = max(ACS$Depth[ACS$ixmin:ix.z.max], na.rm=T)
    ix.bad = which(depth.fitted < min.z | depth.fitted > max.z)
    if (length(ix.bad) > 0) {
      ACS.fitted.down$a[ix.bad,] = NA
      ACS.fitted.down$c[ix.bad,] = NA

    if ((ACS$ixmax - ix.z.max) < 5) {
      print("No ACS upcast to fit")
    } else {
      tmp=fit.with.loess(ACS$a.wl, ACS$Depth[ACS$ixmax:ix.z.max], ACS$a.corrected[ACS$ixmax:ix.z.max,],
                         span=span.ACS, depth.fitted)
      ACS.fitted.up$a = tmp$aop.fitted

      tmp=fit.with.loess(ACS$c.wl, ACS$Depth[ACS$ixmax:ix.z.max], ACS$c.corrected[ACS$ixmax:ix.z.max,],
                         span=span.ACS, depth.fitted)
      ACS.fitted.up$c = tmp$aop.fitted

      # remove extrapolated data for up cast
      min.z = min(ACS$Depth[ACS$ixmax:ix.z.max], na.rm=T)
      max.z = max(ACS$Depth[ACS$ixmax:ix.z.max], na.rm=T)
      ix.bad = which(depth.fitted < min.z | depth.fitted > max.z)
      if (length(ix.bad) > 0) {
        ACS.fitted.up$a[ix.bad,] = NA
        ACS.fitted.up$c[ix.bad,] = NA


  } else {
    ACS.fitted.down = list()
    ACS.fitted.up = list()

  #######  Interpolate BB9 data#####
  if (instrument$BB9 == 1){
    print("Bin BB9....")
    print("HELLO LE BUGGGG")

    ########## Get BB9 index
    # find the index to start and stop profile
    abs.diff.time = as.numeric(abs(difftime(BB9$Time, time.window[1])))
    BB9$ixmin = which(abs.diff.time == min(abs.diff.time))[1]
    abs.diff.time = as.numeric(abs(difftime(BB9$Time, time.window[2])))
    BB9$ixmax = which(abs.diff.time == min(abs.diff.time))

    z.max = max(BB9$Depth[BB9$ixmin:BB9$ixmax])
    ix.z.max = which(BB9$Depth == z.max)[1]
    BB9$ix.z.max = ix.z.max
    tmp=fit.with.loess(BB9$waves, BB9$Depth[BB9$ixmin:ix.z.max],
                       span=span.BB9, depth.fitted)
    BB9.fitted.down$bbP = tmp$aop.fitted

    tmp=fit.with.loess(BB9$waves, BB9$Depth[BB9$ixmin:ix.z.max],
                       span=span.BB9, depth.fitted)
    BB9.fitted.down$bb = tmp$aop.fitted

    # remove extrapolated data for down cast
    min.z = min(BB9$Depth[BB9$ixmin:ix.z.max], na.rm=T)
    max.z = max(BB9$Depth[BB9$ixmin:ix.z.max], na.rm=T)
    ix.bad = which(depth.fitted < min.z | depth.fitted > max.z)
    if (length(ix.bad) > 0) {
      BB9.fitted.down$bb[ix.bad,] = NA
      BB9.fitted.down$bbP[ix.bad,] = NA

    #### Compute bbp spectral slope for down cast

    x = 555/BB9$waves

    for (i in 1:nz) {
      y = BB9.fitted.down$bbP[i,]
      y[y < 0] = NA
      if (any(is.na(y))) {
      } else {
        z = nls(y~b*x^z, start = list(b = y[5], z = 0.5),data=data.frame(x,y), control=list(maxiter=100, warnOnly=T))

    BB9.fitted.down$bbP555 = bbP555
    BB9.fitted.down$nuP = nuP

    if ((BB9$ixmax - ix.z.max) < 5) {
      print("No BB9 upcast to fit")
    } else {
      tmp=fit.with.loess(BB9$waves, BB9$Depth[BB9$ixmax:ix.z.max],
                         span=span.BB9, depth.fitted)
      BB9.fitted.up$bbP = tmp$aop.fitted

      tmp=fit.with.loess(BB9$waves, BB9$Depth[BB9$ixmax:ix.z.max],
                         span=span.BB9, depth.fitted)
      BB9.fitted.up$bb = tmp$aop.fitted

      # remove extrapolated data for up cast
      min.z = min(BB9$Depth[BB9$ixmax:ix.z.max], na.rm=T)
      max.z = max(BB9$Depth[BB9$ixmax:ix.z.max], na.rm=T)
      ix.bad = which(depth.fitted < min.z | depth.fitted > max.z)
      if (length(ix.bad) > 0) {
        BB9.fitted.up$bb[ix.bad,] = NA
        BB9.fitted.up$bbP[ix.bad,] = NA

  } else {
    BB9.fitted.down = list()
    BB9.fitted.up = list()

  #######  Interpolate BB3 data#####
  if (instrument$BB3 == 1){
    print("Bin BB3....")

    ########## Get BB3 index
    # find the index to start and stop profile
    abs.diff.time = as.numeric(abs(difftime(BB3$Time, time.window[1])))
    BB3$ixmin = which(abs.diff.time == min(abs.diff.time))
    abs.diff.time = as.numeric(abs(difftime(BB3$Time, time.window[2])))
    BB3$ixmax = which(abs.diff.time == min(abs.diff.time))

    z.max = max(BB3$Depth[BB3$ixmin:BB3$ixmax])
    ix.z.max = which(BB3$Depth == z.max)[1]
    BB3$ix.z.max = ix.z.max

    tmp=fit.with.loess(BB3$wl, BB3$Depth[BB3$ixmin:ix.z.max],
                       span=span.BB3, depth.fitted)
    BB3.fitted.down$bbP = tmp$aop.fitted

    tmp=fit.with.loess(BB3$wl, BB3$Depth[BB3$ixmin:ix.z.max],
                       span=span.BB3, depth.fitted)
    BB3.fitted.down$bb = tmp$aop.fitted

    # remove extrapolated data for down cast
    min.z = min(BB3$Depth[BB3$ixmin:ix.z.max], na.rm=T)
    max.z = max(BB3$Depth[BB3$ixmin:ix.z.max], na.rm=T)
    ix.bad = which(depth.fitted < min.z | depth.fitted > max.z)
    if (length(ix.bad) > 0) {
      BB3.fitted.down$bb[ix.bad,] = NA
      BB3.fitted.down$bbP[ix.bad,] = NA

    #### Compute bbp spectral slope for downward cast
    x = 555/BB3$wl

    for (i in 1:nz) {
      y = BB3.fitted.down$bbP[i,]
      y[y < 0] = NA
      if (any(is.na(y))) {
      } else {
        z = nls(y~b*x^z, start = list(b = y[1], z = 0.5),data=data.frame(x,y), control=list(maxiter=100, warnOnly=T))

    BB3.fitted.down$bbP555 = bbP555
    BB3.fitted.down$nuP = nuP

    if ((BB3$ixmax - ix.z.max) < 5) {
      print("No BB3 upcast to fit")
    } else {
      tmp=fit.with.loess(BB3$wl, BB3$Depth[BB3$ixmax:ix.z.max],
                         span=span.BB3, depth.fitted)
      BB3.fitted.up$bbP = tmp$aop.fitted

      tmp=fit.with.loess(BB3$wl, BB3$Depth[BB3$ixmax:ix.z.max],
                         span=span.BB3, depth.fitted)
      BB3.fitted.up$bb = tmp$aop.fitted

      # remove extrapolated data for up cast
      min.z = min(BB3$Depth[BB3$ixmax:ix.z.max], na.rm=T)
      max.z = max(BB3$Depth[BB3$ixmax:ix.z.max], na.rm=T)
      ix.bad = which(depth.fitted < min.z | depth.fitted > max.z)
      if (length(ix.bad) > 0) {
        BB3.fitted.up$bb[ix.bad,] = NA
        BB3.fitted.up$bbP[ix.bad,] = NA
  } else {
    BB3.fitted.down = list()
    BB3.fitted.up = list()

  #######  Interpolate LISST data#####
  if (instrument$LISST == 1){
    print("Bin LISST....")

    ########## Get LISST index
    # find the index to start and stop profile
    abs.diff.time = as.numeric(abs(difftime(LISST$Time, time.window[1])))
    LISST$ixmin = which(abs.diff.time == min(abs.diff.time))
    abs.diff.time = as.numeric(abs(difftime(LISST$Time, time.window[2])))
    LISST$ixmax = which(abs.diff.time == min(abs.diff.time))

    z.max = max(LISST$Depth[LISST$ixmin:LISST$ixmax])
    ix.z.max = which(LISST$Depth == z.max)[1]
    LISST$ix.z.max = ix.z.max

    tmp=fit.with.loess(LISST$median_bins, LISST$Depth[LISST$ixmin:ix.z.max],
                       span=span.LISST, depth.fitted)
    LISST.fitted.down$PSD = tmp$aop.fitted

    tmp=fit.with.loess(LISST$median_bins, LISST$Depth[LISST$ixmin:ix.z.max],
                       span=span.LISST, depth.fitted)
    LISST.fitted.down$N_prime = tmp$aop.fitted

    df = as.data.frame(cbind(LISST$Depth[LISST$ixmin:ix.z.max],
  names(df) = c("z","c670")
  mod = loess(c670 ~ z, data=df, span=span.LISST)
  LISST.fitted.down$c670 = predict(mod, depth.fitted)

  # remove extrapolated data for down cast
  min.z = min(LISST$Depth[LISST$ixmin:ix.z.max], na.rm=T)
  max.z = max(LISST$Depth[LISST$ixmin:ix.z.max], na.rm=T)
  ix.bad = which(depth.fitted < min.z | depth.fitted > max.z)
  if (length(ix.bad) > 0) {
    LISST.fitted.down$PSD[ix.bad,] = NA
    LISST.fitted.down$N_prime[ix.bad,] = NA
    LISST.fitted.down$c670[ix.bad] = NA

  if ((LISST$ixmax - ix.z.max) < 5) {
    print("No LISST upcast to fit")
  } else {
    tmp=fit.with.loess(LISST$median_bins, LISST$Depth[LISST$ixmax:ix.z.max],
                       span=span.LISST, depth.fitted)
    LISST.fitted.up$PSD = tmp$aop.fitted

    tmp=fit.with.loess(LISST$median_bins, LISST$Depth[LISST$ixmax:ix.z.max],
                       span=span.LISST, depth.fitted)
    LISST.fitted.up$N_prime = tmp$aop.fitted

    df = as.data.frame(cbind(LISST$Depth[LISST$ixmax:ix.z.max],
    names(df) = c("z","c670")
    mod = loess(c670 ~ z, data=df, span=span.LISST)
    LISST.fitted.up$c670 = predict(mod, depth.fitted)

    # remove extrapolated data for up cast
    min.z = min(LISST$Depth[LISST$ixmax:ix.z.max], na.rm=T)
    max.z = max(LISST$Depth[LISST$ixmax:ix.z.max], na.rm=T)
    ix.bad = which(depth.fitted < min.z | depth.fitted > max.z)
    if (length(ix.bad) > 0) {
      LISST.fitted.up$PSD[ix.bad,] = NA
      LISST.fitted.up$N_prime[ix.bad,] = NA
      LISST.fitted.up$c670[ix.bad] = NA

  } else {

  #######  Interpolate HS6 data######
  if (instrument$HS6 ==1) {
    print("Bin HS6....")

    ########## Get HS6 index
    # find the index to start and stop profile
    abs.diff.time = as.numeric(abs(difftime(HS6$Time, time.window[1])))
    HS6$ixmin = which(abs.diff.time == min(abs.diff.time))[1]
    abs.diff.time = as.numeric(abs(difftime(HS6$Time, time.window[2])))
    HS6$ixmax = which(abs.diff.time == min(abs.diff.time))[1]

    z.max = max(HS6$depth[HS6$ixmin:HS6$ixmax])
    ix.z.max = which(HS6$depth == z.max)[1]
    HS6$ix.z.max = ix.z.max

    # Fit down cast
    ix.good.fitted.depth = which(depth.fitted < z.max)

    depth.raw = HS6$depth[HS6$ixmin:ix.z.max]
    data.raw = HS6$bbP.corrected[HS6$ixmin:ix.z.max,]
    bad.row = which(is.infinite(data.raw), arr.ind = T)[,1]
    if (length(bad.row) > 0) tmp=fit.with.loess(HS6$wl, depth.raw[-bad.row],data.raw[-bad.row,],
                           span=span.HS6, depth.fitted[ix.good.fitted.depth]) else
        tmp=fit.with.loess(HS6$wl, depth.raw,data.raw,
                           span=span.HS6, depth.fitted[ix.good.fitted.depth])

    HS6.fitted.down$bbP = matrix(nrow=nz, ncol=6)
    HS6.fitted.down$bbP[ix.good.fitted.depth,] = tmp$aop.fitted

    data.raw = HS6$bb.corrected[HS6$ixmin:ix.z.max,]
    bad.row = which(is.infinite(data.raw), arr.ind = T)[,1]
    if (length(bad.row) > 0) tmp=fit.with.loess(HS6$wl, depth.raw[-bad.row],data.raw[-bad.row,],
                           span=span.HS6, depth.fitted[ix.good.fitted.depth]) else
        tmp=fit.with.loess(HS6$wl, depth.raw,data.raw,
                           span=span.HS6, depth.fitted[ix.good.fitted.depth])

    HS6.fitted.down$bb = matrix(nrow=nz, ncol=6)
    HS6.fitted.down$bb[ix.good.fitted.depth,] = tmp$aop.fitted

    # Fluorescence channels
    data.raw = HS6$fluo[HS6$ixmin:ix.z.max,]
    bad.row = which(is.infinite(data.raw), arr.ind = T)[,1]
    if (length(bad.row) > 0) tmp=fit.with.loess(c(470,700), depth.raw[-bad.row], data.raw[-bad.row,],
                           span=span.HS6, depth.fitted[ix.good.fitted.depth]) else
                             tmp=fit.with.loess(c(470,700), depth.raw,data.raw,
                           span=span.HS6, depth.fitted[ix.good.fitted.depth])

    HS6.fitted.down$FDOM = rep(NA,nz)
    HS6.fitted.down$FDOM[ix.good.fitted.depth] = tmp$aop.fitted[,1]
    HS6.fitted.down$FCHL = rep(NA,nz)
    HS6.fitted.down$FCHL[ix.good.fitted.depth] = tmp$aop.fitted[,2]

    # remove extrapolated data for down cast
    min.z = min(HS6$depth[HS6$ixmin:ix.z.max], na.rm=T)
    max.z = max(HS6$depth[HS6$ixmin:ix.z.max], na.rm=T)
    ix.bad = which(depth.fitted < min.z | depth.fitted > max.z)
    if (length(ix.bad) > 0) {
        HS6.fitted.down$FDOM[ix.bad] = NA
        HS6.fitted.down$FCHL[ix.bad] = NA
        HS6.fitted.down$bbP[ix.bad,] = NA
        HS6.fitted.down$bb[ix.bad,] = NA

    #### Compute bbp and bb spectral slope
    x = 555/HS6$wl
    bbP555.down =rep(0,nz)
    nuP.down    =rep(0,nz)

    for (i in 1:nz) {
      y = HS6.fitted.down$bbP[i,]
      y[y < 0] = NA
      y[y > 0.1] = NA
      if (any(is.na(y))) {
      } else {
          model = nls(y~b*x^z, start = list(b = y[3], z = 1),data=data.frame(x,y), control=list(maxiter=100, warnOnly=T))
    HS6.fitted.down$bbP555 = bbP555.down
    HS6.fitted.down$nuP = nuP.down

    if ((HS6$ixmax - ix.z.max) < 5) {
      print("No HS6 upcast to fit")
    } else {
      #### Fit the upcast
      depth.raw = HS6$depth[HS6$ixmax:ix.z.max]
      data.raw = HS6$bbP.corrected[HS6$ixmax:ix.z.max,]
      bad.row = which(is.infinite(data.raw), arr.ind = T)[,1]
      if (length(bad.row) > 0){
        tmp=fit.with.loess(HS6$wl, depth.raw[-bad.row] ,
                           span=span.HS6, depth.fitted)
      } else {
        tmp=fit.with.loess(HS6$wl, depth.raw,
                           span=span.HS6, depth.fitted)
      HS6.fitted.up$bbP = tmp$aop.fitted

      data.raw = HS6$bb.corrected[HS6$ixmax:ix.z.max,]
      bad.row = which(is.infinite(data.raw), arr.ind = T)[,1]
      if (length(bad.row) > 0){
        tmp=fit.with.loess(HS6$wl, depth.raw[-bad.row] ,
                           span=span.HS6, depth.fitted)
      } else {
        tmp=fit.with.loess(HS6$wl, depth.raw,
                           span=span.HS6, depth.fitted)
      HS6.fitted.up$bb = tmp$aop.fitted

      data.raw = HS6$fluo[HS6$ixmax:ix.z.max,]
      bad.row = which(is.infinite(data.raw), arr.ind = T)[,1]
      if (length(bad.row) > 0){
        tmp=fit.with.loess(c(470,700), depth.raw[-bad.row] ,
                           span=span.HS6, depth.fitted)
      } else {
        tmp=fit.with.loess(c(470,700), depth.raw,
                           span=span.HS6, depth.fitted)
      HS6.fitted.up$FDOM = tmp$aop.fitted[,1]
      HS6.fitted.up$FCHL = tmp$aop.fitted[,2]

      # remove extrapolated data for up cast
      min.z = min(HS6$depth[HS6$ixmax:ix.z.max], na.rm=T)
      max.z = max(HS6$depth[HS6$ixmax:ix.z.max], na.rm=T)
      ix.bad = which(depth.fitted < min.z | depth.fitted > max.z)
      if (length(ix.bad) > 0) {
        HS6.fitted.up$FDOM[ix.bad] = NA
        HS6.fitted.up$FCHL[ix.bad] = NA
        HS6.fitted.up$bbP[ix.bad,] = NA
        HS6.fitted.up$bb[ix.bad,] = NA

      #### Compute bbp and bb spectral slope
      x = 555/HS6$wl
      bbP555.up   =rep(0,nz)
      nuP.up      =rep(0,nz)

      for (i in 1:nz) {
        y = HS6.fitted.up$bbP[i,]
        y[y < 0] = NA
        y[y > 0.1] = NA
        if (any(is.na(y))) {
        } else {
          model = nls(y~b*x^z, start = list(b = y[3], z = 1),data=data.frame(x,y), control=list(maxiter=100, warnOnly=T))

      HS6.fitted.up$bbP555 = bbP555.up
      HS6.fitted.up$nuP = nuP.up
  } else {
    HS6.fitted.down = list()
    HS6.fitted.up = list()

  #######  Interpolate FLECO data#####
  if (instrument$FLECO ==1) {
    print("Bin FLECO....")
    ########## Get FLECO index
    # find the index to start and stop profile
    abs.diff.time = as.numeric(abs(difftime(FLECO$Time, time.window[1])))
    FLECO$ixmin = which(abs.diff.time == min(abs.diff.time))
    abs.diff.time = as.numeric(abs(difftime(FLECO$Time, time.window[2])))
    FLECO$ixmax = which(abs.diff.time == min(abs.diff.time))

    z.max = max(FLECO$Depth[FLECO$ixmin:FLECO$ixmax])
    ix.z.max = which(FLECO$Depth == z.max)[1]
    FLECO$ix.z.max = ix.z.max

    # Interpolate using loess function
    tmp=fit.with.loess(FLECO$em, FLECO$Depth[FLECO$ixmin:ix.z.max], FLECO$FL[FLECO$ixmin:ix.z.max,],
                       span=span.FLECO, depth.fitted)

    FLECO.fitted.down$FL = tmp$aop.fitted

    # remove extrapolated data for down cast
    min.z = min(FLECO$depth[FLECO$ixmin:ix.z.max], na.rm=T)
    max.z = max(FLECO$depth[FLECO$ixmin:ix.z.max], na.rm=T)
    ix.bad = which(depth.fitted < min.z | depth.fitted > max.z)
    if (length(ix.bad) > 0) {
      FLECO.fitted.down$FL[ix.bad,] = NA

    if ((FLECO$ixmax - ix.z.max) < 5) {
      print("No FLECO upcast to fit")
    } else {
      tmp=fit.with.loess(FLECO$em, FLECO$Depth[FLECO$ixmax:ix.z.max], FLECO$FL[FLECO$ixmax:ix.z.max,],
                         span=span.FLECO, depth.fitted)

      FLECO.fitted.up$FL = tmp$aop.fitted

      # remove extrapolated data for up cast
      min.z = min(FLECO$depth[FLECO$ixmax:ix.z.max], na.rm=T)
      max.z = max(FLECO$depth[FLECO$ixmax:ix.z.max], na.rm=T)
      ix.bad = which(depth.fitted < min.z | depth.fitted > max.z)
      if (length(ix.bad) > 0) {
        FLECO.fitted.up$FL[ix.bad,] = NA

  } else {
    FLECO.fitted.down = list()
    FLECO.fitted.up = list()

  #######  Interpolate FLBBCD data #####
  if (instrument$FLBBCD ==1) {
    print("Bin FLBBCD....")
    ########## Get FLBBCD index
    # find the index to start and stop profile
    abs.diff.time = as.numeric(abs(difftime(FLBBCD$Time, time.window[1])))
    FLBBCD$ixmin = which(abs.diff.time == min(abs.diff.time))
    abs.diff.time = as.numeric(abs(difftime(FLBBCD$Time, time.window[2])))
    FLBBCD$ixmax = which(abs.diff.time == min(abs.diff.time))

    z.max = max(FLBBCD$Depth[FLBBCD$ixmin:FLBBCD$ixmax])
    ix.z.max = which(FLBBCD$Depth == z.max)[1]
    FLBBCD$ix.z.max = ix.z.max

    # Interpolate using loess function down cast
    depth.raw = FLBBCD$Depth[FLBBCD$ixmin:ix.z.max]
    # Fluorescence channels
    data.raw = cbind(FLBBCD$FCHL[FLBBCD$ixmin:ix.z.max],FLBBCD$FDOM[FLBBCD$ixmin:ix.z.max])
    bad.row = which(is.infinite(data.raw), arr.ind = T)[,1]
    if (length(bad.row) > 0){
      tmp=fit.with.loess(c(470,700), depth.raw[-bad.row] ,
                         span=span.FLBBCD, depth.fitted)
    } else {
      tmp=fit.with.loess(c(470,700), depth.raw,
                         span=span.FLBBCD, depth.fitted)
    FLBBCD.fitted.down$FCHL = tmp$aop.fitted[,1]
    FLBBCD.fitted.down$FDOM = tmp$aop.fitted[,2]

    # BB channel
    data.raw = cbind(FLBBCD$bb700[FLBBCD$ixmin:ix.z.max],FLBBCD$bbP700[FLBBCD$ixmin:ix.z.max])
    bad.row = which(is.infinite(data.raw), arr.ind = T)[,1]
    if (length(bad.row) > 0){
      tmp=fit.with.loess(c(700,700), depth.raw[-bad.row] ,
                         span=span.FLBBCD, depth.fitted)
    } else {
      tmp=fit.with.loess(c(700,700), depth.raw,
                         span=span.FLBBCD, depth.fitted)
    FLBBCD.fitted.down$bb700 = tmp$aop.fitted[,1]
    FLBBCD.fitted.down$bbP700 = tmp$aop.fitted[,2]

    # remove extrapolated data for down cast
    min.z = min(FLBBCD$depth[FLBBCD$ixmin:ix.z.max], na.rm=T)
    max.z = max(FLBBCD$depth[FLBBCD$ixmin:ix.z.max], na.rm=T)
    ix.bad = which(depth.fitted < min.z | depth.fitted > max.z)
    if (length(ix.bad) > 0) {
      FLBBCD.fitted.down$FCHL[ix.bad] = NA
      FLBBCD.fitted.down$FDOM[ix.bad] = NA
      FLBBCD.fitted.down$bb700[ix.bad] = NA
      FLBBCD.fitted.down$bbp700[ix.bad] = NA

    if ((FLBBCD$ixmax - ix.z.max) < 5) {
      print("No FLBBCD upcast to fit")
    } else {

      ##### up cast
      depth.raw = FLBBCD$Depth[FLBBCD$ixmax:ix.z.max]
      # Fluorescence channels
      data.raw = cbind(FLBBCD$FCHL[FLBBCD$ixmax:ix.z.max],FLBBCD$FDOM[FLBBCD$ixmax:ix.z.max])
      bad.row = which(is.infinite(data.raw), arr.ind = T)[,1]
      if (length(bad.row) > 0){
        tmp=fit.with.loess(c(470,700), depth.raw[-bad.row] ,
                           span=span.FLBBCD, depth.fitted)
      } else {
        tmp=fit.with.loess(c(470,700), depth.raw,
                           span=span.FLBBCD, depth.fitted)
      FLBBCD.fitted.up$FCHL = tmp$aop.fitted[,1]
      FLBBCD.fitted.up$FDOM = tmp$aop.fitted[,2]

      # BB channel
      data.raw = cbind(FLBBCD$bb700[FLBBCD$ixmax:ix.z.max],FLBBCD$bbP700[FLBBCD$ixmax:ix.z.max])
      bad.row = which(is.infinite(data.raw), arr.ind = T)[,1]
      if (length(bad.row) > 0){
        tmp=fit.with.loess(c(700,700), depth.raw[-bad.row] ,
                           span=span.FLBBCD, depth.fitted)
      } else {
        tmp=fit.with.loess(c(700,700), depth.raw,
                           span=span.FLBBCD, depth.fitted)
      FLBBCD.fitted.up$bb700 = tmp$aop.fitted[,1]
      FLBBCD.fitted.up$bbP700 = tmp$aop.fitted[,2]

      # remove extrapolated data for down cast
      min.z = min(FLBBCD$depth[FLBBCD$ixmax:ix.z.max], na.rm=T)
      max.z = max(FLBBCD$depth[FLBBCD$ixmax:ix.z.max], na.rm=T)
      ix.bad = which(depth.fitted < min.z | depth.fitted > max.z)
      if (length(ix.bad) > 0) {
        FLBBCD.fitted.up$FCHL[ix.bad] = NA
        FLBBCD.fitted.up$FDOM[ix.bad] = NA
        FLBBCD.fitted.up$bb700[ix.bad] = NA
        FLBBCD.fitted.up$bbp700[ix.bad] = NA


  } else {
    FLBBCD.fitted.down = list()
    FLBBCD.fitted.up = list()

  #######  Interpolate FLCHL data #####
  if (instrument$FLCHL ==1) {
    print("Bin FLCHL...")
    ########## Get FLCHL index
    # find the index to start and stop profile
    abs.diff.time = as.numeric(abs(difftime(FLCHL$Time, time.window[1])))
    FLCHL$ixmin = which(abs.diff.time == min(abs.diff.time))
    abs.diff.time = as.numeric(abs(difftime(FLCHL$Time, time.window[2])))
    FLCHL$ixmax = which(abs.diff.time == min(abs.diff.time))

    z.max = max(FLCHL$Depth[FLCHL$ixmin:FLCHL$ixmax])
    ix.z.max = which(FLCHL$Depth == z.max)[1]
    FLCHL$ix.z.max = ix.z.max

    # Interpolate using loess function
    df = as.data.frame(cbind(FLCHL$Depth[FLCHL$ixmin:ix.z.max], FLCHL$FCHL[FLCHL$ixmin:ix.z.max]))
    names(df) = c("z","FCHL")
    mod = loess(FCHL ~ z, data=df, span=span.FLCHL)
    FLCHL.fitted.down$FCHL = predict(mod, depth.fitted)

    # remove extrapolated data for down cast
    min.z = min(FLCHL$Depth[FLCHL$ixmin:ix.z.max], na.rm=T)
    max.z = max(FLCHL$Depth[FLCHL$ixmin:ix.z.max], na.rm=T)
    ix.bad = which(depth.fitted < min.z | depth.fitted > max.z)
    if (length(ix.bad) > 0) {
      FLCHL.fitted.down$FCHL[ix.bad] = NA

    if ((FLCHL$ixmax - ix.z.max) < 5) {
      print("No FLCHL upcast to fit")
    } else {

      # Interpolate using loess function
      df = as.data.frame(cbind(FLCHL$Depth[FLCHL$ixmax:ix.z.max], FLCHL$FCHL[FLCHL$ixmax:ix.z.max]))
      names(df) = c("z","FCHL")
      mod = loess(FCHL ~ z, data=df, span=span.FLCHL)
      FLCHL.fitted.up$FCHL = predict(mod, depth.fitted)

      # remove extrapolated data for up cast
      min.z = min(FLCHL$Depth[FLCHL$ixmax:ix.z.max], na.rm=T)
      max.z = max(FLCHL$Depth[FLCHL$ixmax:ix.z.max], na.rm=T)
      ix.bad = which(depth.fitted < min.z | depth.fitted > max.z)
      if (length(ix.bad) > 0) {
        FLCHL.fitted.up$FCHL[ix.bad] = NA

  } else {
    FLCHL.fitted.down = list()
    FLCHL.fitted.up = list()

  IOP = list(time.window=time.window, Time0.CTD = Time0.CTD,

  IOP.fitted.down = list(Depth = depth.fitted, ASPH=ASPH.fitted.down,
  IOP.fitted.up = list(Depth = depth.fitted, ASPH=ASPH.fitted.up,

  print("Save data into RData format: IOP, IOP.fitted.down,IOP.fitted.up")


  # update cast.info.file
  print("UPDATING FILE: cast.info.dat")
  df = data.frame(
  names(df) <- c( "lon", "lat", "cast", "Time0.CTD", "Time0.LISST",
                  "minx", "maxx", "Zint", "asph.skip",
                  "maxbb", "Ndepth.to.plot","depth.interval.for.smoothing")
  write.table(df, file="cast.info.dat", sep=",", quote=F, row.names = F)

  print("Return IOP data object")
belasi01/Riops documentation built on Sept. 5, 2022, 6:38 p.m.