
Defines functions LRmatch

LRmatch <-  function(M, left, nleft, right,nright, X, Nfixed){
  # This function takes a left and right data set and ad hocly associates unknown right guys
  # with unknown left guys to minimize the total separation distance.
  #Unknown left and right only guys can't be captured both guys because then they would be known.
  #Function modified from previous version by Andy Royle

  #Convert counts to presence/absence for better initialization. Relic from poisson model

  # function needs to spit out initial ID and activity centers
  #put in flag for cases where left or right are all known
  idkpl<- (Nfixed+1):dim(left)[1]
  idkpr<- (Nfixed+1):dim(right)[1]
  #Extract unknown individuals
  ld <- left[idkpl,]
  rd <-right[idkpr,]
  X<- as.matrix(X[,1:2])

   #matrices to store initial activity centers
  sbar.left<- matrix(NA,nrow=nleft,ncol=2)
  sbar.right<- matrix(NA,nrow=nright,ncol=2)

  #record average location of capture
  for(i in 1:nleft){
    if(sum(ld[i,])>0){  # should always be satisfied... unless you didn't remove uncaptured individuals from simulated data set.
      pos.traps<- (1:nrow(X))[ld[i,]>0] #Where was this guy left captured?
      pos.traps<- rep(pos.traps, ld[i,][ld[i,]>0]) #rep each trap by number of captures
      sbar.left[i,]<- apply(matrix(X[pos.traps,],ncol=2,byrow=FALSE),2,mean) #record average location of capture
      sbar.left[i,]<- X[sample(1:nrow(X),1),] #if not captured, pick random location.  But this shouldn't happen.
  for(i in 1:nright){
      pos.traps<- (1:nrow(X))[rd[i,]>0]
      pos.traps<- rep(pos.traps, rd[i,][rd[i,]>0])
      sbar.right[i,]<- apply(matrix(X[pos.traps,],ncol=2,byrow=FALSE),2,mean)
      sbar.right[i,]<- X[sample(1:nrow(X),1),]

  D<- e2dist(sbar.right,sbar.left)
  # optimization problem here is to put a 1 in each row such that sum of all distance is small
  ID_R2L<- sample(1:nleft, nright)
  Q<- sum( D[cbind(1:nright,ID_R2L)]  )

  if(nleft > nright){ #Should always happen
    for(loop in 1:20){
      for(i in 1:nrow(D)){
        # if there are unused left guys then try to make a swap there first
        notused<- (1:nleft)[is.na(match(1:nleft,ID_R2L))]
        curr.spot<- ID_R2L[i]
        Qtmp<- rep(NA,length(notused))
        for(k in 1:length(notused)){
          ID_R2L[i]<- notused[k]
          Qtmp[k]<- sum(  D[cbind(1:nright,ID_R2L)] )
        if(min(Qtmp) < Q ){
          # Make the swap
          swap.in<- Qtmp==min(Qtmp)
          ID_R2L[i]<- notused[Qtmp==min(Qtmp)][1]  # Just use the first one
          Q<- min(Qtmp)
          ID_R2L[i]<- curr.spot
        #cat("new Q: ", Q, fill=TRUE)

  ## for the last loop no other point could change with the available points.
  for(loop in 1:20){
    for(i in 1:nrow(D)){
      curr.spot<- ID_R2L[i]
      Qtmp<- rep(NA,length(ID_R2L))  # loop over EACH other
      for(k in 1:length(ID_R2L)){
        ID_R2L[i]<-  ID_R2L[k]
        ID_R2L[k]<- curr.spot
        Qtmp[k]<- sum(  D[cbind(1:nright,ID_R2L)] )
        ID_R2L[k]<- ID_R2L[i] # set it back to where it was after computing criterion
        ID_R2L[i]<- curr.spot
      if(min(Qtmp) < Q ){
        # Make the swap
        which<- (1:length(ID_R2L))[Qtmp==min(Qtmp)][1]
        swap.in<- ID_R2L[which]
        ID_R2L[i]<- swap.in
        ID_R2L[which]<- curr.spot
        Q<- min(Qtmp)
      else{  # Make sure to put it back if no swap was made
        ID_R2L[i]<- curr.spot
      #cat("new Q: ", Q, fill=TRUE)
  #Randomly match lefts to boths not captured
  #Translate new left IDs to right IDs
  #Add back to known individuals
    ID_L<- c((1:Nfixed) , ID_L )
    ID_R<- c((1:Nfixed) , ID_R )
benaug/SPIM documentation built on Jan. 23, 2022, 4:29 a.m.