
Defines functions afps.powdRlib afps

Documented in afps afps.powdRlib

#' Automated full pattern summation
#' \code{afps} returns estimates of phase concentrations using automated full pattern
#' summation of X-ray powder diffraction data. It is designed for high-throughput cases
#' involving mineral quantification from large reference libraries.
#' Applies automated full pattern summation to an XRPD
#' measurement to quantify phase concentrations. Requires a \code{powdRlib} library of
#' reference patterns with reference intensity ratios in order to derive
#' mineral concentrations. Details provided in Butler and Hillier (2021).
#' @param lib A \code{powdRlib} object representing the reference library. Created using the
#' \code{powdRlib} constructor function.
#' @param smpl A data frame. First column is 2theta, second column is counts
#' @param harmonise logical parameter defining whether to harmonise the \code{lib} and \code{smpl}.
#' Default = \code{TRUE}. Harmonises to the intersecting 2theta range at the coarsest resolution
#' available using natural splines.
#' @param solver The optimisation routine to be used. One of \code{"BFGS", "Nelder-Mead",
#' or "CG"}. Default = \code{"BFGS"}.
#' @param obj The objective function to minimise. One of \code{"Delta", "R", "Rwp"}.
#' Default = \code{"Rwp"}. See Chipera and Bish (2002) and page 247 of Bish and Post (1989)
#' for definitions of these functions.
#' @param refs A character string of reference pattern IDs or names from the specified library.
#' The IDs or names supplied must be present within the \code{lib$phases$phase_id} or
#' \code{lib$phases$phase_name} columns. If missing from the function call then all phases in
#' the reference library will be used.
#' @param std The phase ID (e.g. "QUA.1") to be used as internal
#' standard. Must match an ID provided in the \code{refs} parameter.
#' @param force An optional string of phase ID's or names specifying which phases should be forced to
#' remain throughout the automated full pattern summation. The ID's or names supplied must be present
#' within the \code{lib$phases$phase_id} or \code{lib$phases$phase_name} columns.
#' @param std_conc The concentration of the internal standard (if known) in weight percent. If
#' unknown then either omit the argument from the function call of use \code{std_conc = NA}, in which
#' case it will be assumed that all phases sum to 100 percent (default).
#' @param omit_std A logical parameter to be used when the \code{std_conc} argument is defined. When
#' \code{omit_std = TRUE} the phase concentrations are recomputed to account for value supplied in
#' \code{std_conc}. Default \code{= FALSE}.
#' @param closed A logical parameter to be used when the \code{std_conc} argument is defined and
#' \code{omit_std = TRUE}. When \code{closed = TRUE} the internal standard concentration is removed
#' and the remaining phase concentrations closed to sum to 100 percent. Default \code{= FALSE}.
#' @param normalise deprecated. Please use the \code{omit_std} and \code{closed} arguments instead.
#' @param tth_align A vector defining the minimum and maximum 2theta values to be used during
#' alignment (e.g. \code{c(5,65)}). If not defined, then the full range is used.
#' @param align The maximum shift that is allowed during initial 2theta
#' alignment (degrees). Default = 0.1.
#' @param manual_align A logical operator denoting whether to optimise the alignment within the
#' negative/position 2theta range defined in the \code{align} argument, or to use the specified
#' value of the \code{align} argument for alignment of the sample to the standards. Default
#' = \code{FALSE}, i.e. alignment is optimised.
#' @param shift A single numeric value denoting the maximum (positive or negative) shift,
#' in degrees 2theta, that is allowed during the shifting of selected phases. Default = 0.
#' @param tth_fps A vector defining the minimum and maximum 2theta values to be used during
#' automated full pattern summation (e.g. \code{c(5,65)}). If not defined, then the full range is used.
#' @param lod Optional parameter used to define the limit of detection (in weight percent) of the internal standard
#' (i.e. the phase provided in the \code{std} argument). The \code{lod} value is used to estimate the lod of other
#' phases during the fitting process and hence remove reference patterns that are considered below detection limit.
#' Default = 0.1. If \code{lod = 0} then limits of detection are not computed.
#' @param amorphous A character string of any phase IDs that should be treated as amorphous. These must
#' match phases present in \code{lib$phases$phase_id}.
#' @param amorphous_lod Optional parameter used to exclude amorphous phases if they are below this
#' specified limit (percent). Must be between 0 and 100. Default = 0.
#' @param weighting an optional 2 column data frame specifying the 2theta values in the first
#' column and a numeric weighting vector in the second column that specifies areas of the pattern
#' to either emphasise (values > 1) or omit (values = 0) when minimising the objective function
#' defined in the \code{obj} argument. Use this weighting parameter with caution. The default
#' is simply a weighting vector where all values are 1, which hence has no effect on the computed
#' objective function.
#' @param skip_nnls an optional logical argument defining whether the non-negative least squares (NNLS)
#' step is skipped. Default \code{= FALSE}, in which case NNLS is used.
#' @param ... Other parameters passed to methods e.g. \code{afps.powdRlib}
#' @return a powdRafps object with components:
#' \item{tth}{a vector of the 2theta scale of the fitted data}
#' \item{fitted}{a vector of the count intensities of fitted XRPD pattern}
#' \item{measured}{a vector of the count intensities of original XRPD measurement (aligned)}
#' \item{residuals}{a vector of the residuals (measured minus fitted)}
#' \item{phases}{a dataframe of the phases used to produce the fitted pattern}
#' \item{phases_grouped}{the phases dataframe grouped and summed by phase_name}
#' \item{obj}{named vector of the objective parameters summarising the quality of the fit}
#' \item{weighted_pure_patterns}{a dataframe of reference patterns used to produce the fitted pattern.
#' All patterns have been weighted according to the coefficients used in the fit}
#' \item{coefficients}{a named vector of coefficients used to produce the fitted pattern}
#' \item{inputs}{a list of input arguments used in the function call}
#' @examples
#' #Load the minerals library
#' data(minerals)
#' # Load the soils data
#' data(soils)
#' \dontrun{
#' afps_sand <-  afps(lib = minerals,
#'                  smpl = soils$sandstone,
#'                  std = "QUA.2",
#'                  align = 0.2,
#'                  lod = 0.2,
#'                  amorphous = "ORG",
#'                  amorphous_lod = 1)
#' afps_lime <- afps(lib = minerals,
#'                 smpl = soils$limestone,
#'                 std = "QUA.2",
#'                 align = 0.2,
#'                 lod = 0.2,
#'                 amorphous = "ORG",
#'                 amorphous_lod = 1)
#' afps_granite <- afps(lib = minerals,
#'                    smpl = soils$granite,
#'                    std = "QUA.2",
#'                    align = 0.2,
#'                    lod = 0.2,
#'                    amorphous = "ORG",
#'                    amorphous_lod = 1)
#' #Alternatively run all 3 at once using lapply
#' afps_soils <- lapply(soils, afps,
#'                      lib = minerals,
#'                      std = "QUA.2",
#'                      align = 0.2,
#'                      lod = 0.2,
#'                      amorphous = "ORG",
#'                      amorphous_lod = 1)
#' #Automated quantification using the rockjock library
#' data(rockjock)
#' data(rockjock_mixtures)
#' #This takes a few minutes to run
#' rockjock_a1 <- afps(lib = rockjock,
#'                     smpl = rockjock_mixtures$Mix1,
#'                     std = "CORUNDUM",
#'                     align = 0.3,
#'                     lod = 1)
#' #Quantifying the same sample but defining the internal standard
#' #concentration (also takes a few minutes to run):
#' rockjock_a1s <- afps(lib = rockjock,
#'                      smpl = rockjock_mixtures$Mix1,
#'                      std = "CORUNDUM",
#'                      std_conc = 20,
#'                      align = 0.3,
#'                      lod = 1)
#' }
#' @references
#' Butler, B. M., Hillier, S., 2021.powdR: An R package for quantitative mineralogy using full pattern
#' summation of X-ray powder diffraction data. Comp. Geo. 147, 104662. doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2020.104662
#' Chipera, S.J., Bish, D.L., 2013. Fitting Full X-Ray Diffraction Patterns for Quantitative Analysis:
#' A Method for Readily Quantifying Crystalline and Disordered Phases. Adv. Mater. Phys. Chem. 03, 47-53.
#' doi:10.4236/ampc.2013.31A007
#' Chipera, S.J., Bish, D.L., 2002. FULLPAT: A full-pattern quantitative analysis program for X-ray powder
#' diffraction using measured and calculated patterns. J. Appl. Crystallogr. 35, 744-749.
#' doi:10.1107/S0021889802017405
#' Eberl, D.D., 2003. User's guide to RockJock - A program for determining quantitative mineralogy from
#' powder X-ray diffraction data. Boulder, CA.
#' @export
afps <- function(lib, smpl, harmonise, solver, obj, refs, std, force, std_conc,
                 omit_std, closed, normalise, tth_align, align, manual_align,
                 shift, tth_fps, lod, amorphous, amorphous_lod, weighting, skip_nnls, ...) {

#' Automated full pattern summation
#' \code{afps} returns estimates of phase concentrations using automated full pattern
#' summation of X-ray powder diffraction data. It is designed for high-throughput cases
#' involving mineral quantification from large reference libraries.
#' Applies automated full pattern summation to an XRPD
#' measurement to quantify phase concentrations. Requires a \code{powdRlib} library of
#' reference patterns with reference intensity ratios in order to derive
#' mineral concentrations. Details provided in Butler and Hillier (2021).
#' @param lib A \code{powdRlib} object representing the reference library. Created using the
#' \code{powdRlib} constructor function.
#' @param smpl A data frame. First column is 2theta, second column is counts
#' @param harmonise logical parameter defining whether to harmonise the \code{lib} and \code{smpl}.
#' Default = \code{TRUE}. Harmonises to the intersecting 2theta range at the coarsest resolution
#' available using natural splines.
#' @param solver The optimisation routine to be used. One of \code{"BFGS", "Nelder-Mead",
#' or "CG"}. Default = \code{"BFGS"}.
#' @param obj The objective function to minimise. One of \code{"Delta", "R", "Rwp"}.
#' Default = \code{"Rwp"}. See Chipera and Bish (2002) and page 247 of Bish and Post (1989)
#' for definitions of these functions.
#' @param refs A character string of reference pattern IDs or names from the specified library.
#' The IDs or names supplied must be present within the \code{lib$phases$phase_id} or
#' \code{lib$phases$phase_name} columns. If missing from the function call then all phases in
#' the reference library will be used.
#' @param std The phase ID (e.g. "QUA.1") to be used as internal
#' standard. Must match an ID provided in the \code{refs} parameter.
#' @param force An optional string of phase ID's or names specifying which phases should be forced to
#' remain throughout the automated full pattern summation. The ID's or names supplied must be present
#' within the \code{lib$phases$phase_id} or \code{lib$phases$phase_name} columns.
#' @param std_conc The concentration of the internal standard (if known) in weight percent. If
#' unknown then either omit the argument from the function call of use \code{std_conc = NA}, in which
#' case it will be assumed that all phases sum to 100 percent (default).
#' @param omit_std A logical parameter to be used when the \code{std_conc} argument is defined. When
#' \code{omit_std = TRUE} the phase concentrations are recomputed to account for value supplied in
#' \code{std_conc}. Default \code{= FALSE}.
#' @param closed A logical parameter to be used when the \code{std_conc} argument is defined and
#' \code{omit_std = TRUE}. When \code{closed = TRUE} the internal standard concentration is removed
#' and the remaining phase concentrations closed to sum to 100 percent. Default \code{= FALSE}.
#' @param normalise deprecated. Please use the \code{omit_std} and \code{closed} arguments instead.
#' @param tth_align A vector defining the minimum and maximum 2theta values to be used during
#' alignment (e.g. \code{c(5,65)}). If not defined, then the full range is used.
#' @param align The maximum shift that is allowed during initial 2theta
#' alignment (degrees). Default = 0.1.
#' @param manual_align A logical operator denoting whether to optimise the alignment within the
#' negative/position 2theta range defined in the \code{align} argument, or to use the specified
#' value of the \code{align} argument for alignment of the sample to the standards. Default
#' = \code{FALSE}, i.e. alignment is optimised.
#' @param shift A single numeric value denoting the maximum (positive or negative) shift,
#' in degrees 2theta, that is allowed during the shifting of selected phases. Default = 0.
#' @param tth_fps A vector defining the minimum and maximum 2theta values to be used during
#' automated full pattern summation (e.g. \code{c(5,65)}). If not defined, then the full range is used.
#' @param lod Optional parameter used to define the limit of detection (in weight percent) of the internal standard
#' (i.e. the phase provided in the \code{std} argument). The \code{lod} value is used to estimate the lod of other
#' phases during the fitting process and hence remove reference patterns that are considered below detection limit.
#' Default = 0.1. If \code{lod = 0} then limits of detection are not computed.
#' @param amorphous A character string of any phase IDs that should be treated as amorphous. These must
#' match phases present in \code{lib$phases$phase_id}.
#' @param amorphous_lod Optional parameter used to exclude amorphous phases if they are below this
#' specified limit (percent). Must be between 0 and 100. Default = 0.
#' @param weighting an optional 2 column data frame specifying the 2theta values in the first
#' column and a numeric weighting vector in the second column that specifies areas of the pattern
#' to either emphasise (values > 1) or omit (values = 0) when minimising the objective function
#' defined in the \code{obj} argument. Use this weighting parameter with caution. The default
#' is simply a weighting vector where all values are 1, which hence has no effect on the computed
#' objective function.
#' @param skip_nnls an optional logical argument defining whether the non-negative least squares (NNLS)
#' step is skipped. Default \code{= FALSE}, in which case NNLS is used.
#' @param ... other arguments
#' @return a powdRafps object with components:
#' \item{tth}{a vector of the 2theta scale of the fitted data}
#' \item{fitted}{a vector of the count intensities of fitted XRPD pattern}
#' \item{measured}{a vector of the count intensities of original XRPD measurement (aligned)}
#' \item{residuals}{a vector of the residuals (measured minus fitted)}
#' \item{phases}{a dataframe of the phases used to produce the fitted pattern}
#' \item{phases_grouped}{the phases dataframe grouped and summed by phase_name}
#' \item{obj}{named vector of the objective parameters summarising the quality of the fit}
#' \item{weighted_pure_patterns}{a dataframe of reference patterns used to produce the fitted pattern.
#' All patterns have been weighted according to the coefficients used in the fit}
#' \item{coefficients}{a named vector of coefficients used to produce the fitted pattern}
#' \item{inputs}{a list of input arguments used in the function call}
#' @examples
#' #Load the minerals library
#' data(minerals)
#' # Load the soils data
#' data(soils)
#' \dontrun{
#' afps_sand <-  afps(lib = minerals,
#'                  smpl = soils$sandstone,
#'                  std = "QUA.2",
#'                  align = 0.2,
#'                  lod = 0.2,
#'                  amorphous = "ORG",
#'                  amorphous_lod = 1)
#' afps_lime <- afps(lib = minerals,
#'                 smpl = soils$limestone,
#'                 std = "QUA.2",
#'                 align = 0.2,
#'                 lod = 0.2,
#'                 amorphous = "ORG",
#'                 amorphous_lod = 1)
#' afps_granite <- afps(lib = minerals,
#'                    smpl = soils$granite,
#'                    std = "QUA.2",
#'                    align = 0.2,
#'                    lod = 0.2,
#'                    amorphous = "ORG",
#'                    amorphous_lod = 1)
#' #Alternatively run all 3 at once using lapply
#' afps_soils <- lapply(soils, afps,
#'                      lib = minerals,
#'                      std = "QUA.2",
#'                      align = 0.2,
#'                      lod = 0.2,
#'                      amorphous = "ORG",
#'                      amorphous_lod = 1)
#' #Automated quantification using the rockjock library
#' data(rockjock)
#' data(rockjock_mixtures)
#' #This takes a few minutes to run
#' rockjock_a1 <- afps(lib = rockjock,
#'                     smpl = rockjock_mixtures$Mix1,
#'                     std = "CORUNDUM",
#'                     align = 0.3,
#'                     lod = 1)
#' #Quantifying the same sample but defining the internal standard
#' #concentration (also takes a few minutes to run):
#' rockjock_a1s <- afps(lib = rockjock,
#'                      smpl = rockjock_mixtures$Mix1,
#'                      std = "CORUNDUM",
#'                      std_conc = 20,
#'                      align = 0.3,
#'                      lod = 1)
#' }
#' @references
#' Butler, B. M., Hillier, S., 2021.powdR: An R package for quantitative mineralogy using full pattern
#' summation of X-ray powder diffraction data. Comp. Geo. 147, 104662. doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2020.104662
#' Bish, D.L., Post, J.E., 1989. Modern powder diffraction. Mineralogical Society of America.
#' Chipera, S.J., Bish, D.L., 2013. Fitting Full X-Ray Diffraction Patterns for Quantitative Analysis:
#' A Method for Readily Quantifying Crystalline and Disordered Phases. Adv. Mater. Phys. Chem. 03, 47-53.
#' doi:10.4236/ampc.2013.31A007
#' Chipera, S.J., Bish, D.L., 2002. FULLPAT: A full-pattern quantitative analysis program for X-ray powder
#' diffraction using measured and calculated patterns. J. Appl. Crystallogr. 35, 744-749.
#' doi:10.1107/S0021889802017405
#' Eberl, D.D., 2003. User's guide to RockJock - A program for determining quantitative mineralogy from
#' powder X-ray diffraction data. Boulder, CA.
#' @export
afps.powdRlib <- function(lib, smpl, harmonise, solver, obj, refs, std, force, std_conc,
                          omit_std, closed, normalise, tth_align, align, manual_align,
                          shift, tth_fps, lod, amorphous, amorphous_lod, weighting, skip_nnls, ...) {


  if (missing(skip_nnls)) {

    skip_nnls <- FALSE


  if (!is.logical(skip_nnls)) {

    stop("The skip_nnls argument must be logical.",
         call. = FALSE)


  if (!missing(normalise)) {

    warning("\n-The normalise argument is deprecated. Please using the omit_std and
            closed arguments instead",
            call. = FALSE)

    closed <- normalise


  #Make sure the reference library is formatted correctly:
  if (!identical(names(lib$xrd), lib$phases$phase_id)) {

    stop("The names of the lib$xrd do not match the phase IDs in lib$phases$phase_id")


  #Make sure the reference library is formatted correctly:
  if (!length(names(lib$xrd)) == length(unique(names(lib$xrd)))) {

    stop("The reference library contains duplicate phase IDs. Make sure that they
         are all unique.")


#Define force if missing
  if (missing(force)) {

    force <- c()


#Extract phase ID's from force
  if (length(force) > 0) {

    wrong_force <- which(!force %in% lib$phases$phase_id & !force %in% lib$phases$phase_name)

    if (length(wrong_force) > 0) {

      stop(paste(c("\nThe following reference patterns specified in the force argument are not in the library:\n",
                   paste(c(force[wrong_force]), collapse = ", "))),
           call. = FALSE)


    force <- lib$phases$phase_id[which(lib$phases$phase_id %in% force | lib$phases$phase_name %in% force)]


#Set harmonise to true if missing
  if (missing(harmonise)) {

    harmonise <- TRUE


#Make sure harmonise is logical is defined
  if (!is.logical(harmonise)) {

    stop("The harmonise argument must be logical",
         call. = FALSE)


#Make sure harmonise is used if the sample and library are not identical
  if (harmonise == FALSE & !identical(lib$tth, smpl[[1]])) {

    stop("The 2theta scale of the library and sample do not match. Try
         setting the harmonise argument to TRUE",
         call. = FALSE)


#If amorphous is misssing then set it to an empty vector
  if(missing(amorphous)) {

    amorphous = c()

#Set std_conc to NA if missing
  if (missing(std_conc)) {

    std_conc <- NA


  #Set omit_std to FALSE if missing
  if (missing(omit_std)) {

    omit_std <- FALSE


  #Make sure it's logical
  if(!is.logical(omit_std)) {

    stop("\n-The omit_std argument must be logical.",
         call. = FALSE)


  #Set closed to FALSE if missing
  if (missing(closed)) {

    closed <- FALSE


  if(!is.logical(closed)) {

    stop("\n-The closed argument must be logical.",
         call. = FALSE)


  if ((omit_std == TRUE | closed == TRUE) & is.na(std_conc)) {

    warning("\n-The omit_std and closed arguments will be ignored because
            the internal standard concentration is not defined",
            call. = FALSE)


  #The omit_std and closed arguments should be FALSE if there's
  #no internal standard
  if (is.na(std_conc)) {

    omit_std <- FALSE
    closed <- FALSE


  #Produce a warming is omit_std = FALSE and closed = TRUE
  if (omit_std == FALSE & closed == TRUE) {

    warning("\n-Although omit_std = FALSE, the internal standard will still
            be removed from the output because closed = TRUE",
            call. = FALSE)


#If std_conc is either NA or numeric then stop
  if (!(is.numeric(std_conc) | is.na(std_conc))) {

    stop("\n-The std_conc argument must either be NA or a numeric value greater than 0 and less than 100.",
         call. = FALSE)


#Make sure the std is defined if std_conc is numeric
  if (is.numeric(std_conc)) {

    if (missing(std)) {

      stop("\n-Please define the std argument",
           call. = FALSE)


#Make sure the std_conc is between 0 and 100
    if(std_conc <= 0 | std_conc >= 100) {

      stop("\n-The std_conc argument must either be NA or a numeric value greater than 0 and less than 100.",
           call. = FALSE)



#If tth_align is missing then use the maximum tth range of the sample
  if(missing(tth_align)) {

    tth_align = c(min(smpl[[1]]), max(smpl[[1]]))

#If align is missing then set it to default
  if(missing(align)) {

    align = 0.1

#If manual_align is not defined then set it to FALSE
  if(missing(manual_align)) {

    manual_align <- FALSE


#Ensure manual_align is logical
  if(!is.logical(manual_align)) {

    stop("The manual_align argument must be logical",
         call. = FALSE)


#If solver is missing then set it to BFGS
  if(missing(solver)) {

    solver = "BFGS"

#If obj is not defined then set to Rwp
  if(missing(obj)) {

    obj = "Rwp"


#If shift is missing then set it to default
  if(missing(shift)) {

    shift = 0


#If refs are not defined then use all of them
  if(missing(refs)) {

    cat("\n-Using all reference patterns in the library")
    refs = lib$phases$phase_id


#If lod is missing then set it to a default of 0.1
  if(missing(lod)) {
    cat("\n-lod argument not defined. Setting to 0.1")
    lod = 0.1

#If amorphous_lod is missing, set it to 0
  if(missing(amorphous_lod)) {

    amorphous_lod = 0


#Ensure that the lod is greater than 0.
  if (lod < 0) {
    stop("The lod argument must be equal to or greater than 0",
         call. = FALSE)

#Create a warning message if the shift is greater than 0.5, since this can confuse the optimisation
  if (align > 0.5 & manual_align == FALSE) {
    warning("Be cautious of large 2theta shifts. These can cause issues in sample alignment.",
            call. = FALSE)

#Make only "Nelder-Mead", "BFGS", "CG" or "L-BFGS-B" optional for the solver
  if (!solver %in% c("Nelder-Mead", "BFGS", "CG", "L-BFGS-B")) {
    stop("The solver argument must be one of 'BFGS', 'Nelder Mead' or 'CG'",
         call. = FALSE)

  if (solver == "L-BFGS-B") {

    cat("\n-The 'L-BFGS-B' option for solver has deprecated.
        Using 'BFGS' instead.")

    solver <- "BFGS"


  #Make sure that Rwp isn't used if there are any negative counts
  if (min(smpl[[2]]) < 0 & obj == "Rwp") {

    cat("\n-Rwp could not be used as the objective function because there were negative
         values in the counts data. Switched to the use of R as the objective function.")

    obj = "R"


  #Make sure obj is one of Rwp, R or Delta
  if (!obj %in% c("Rwp", "R", "Delta")) {

    stop("\n-The obj argument must be one of 'Rwp', 'R' or 'Delta'",
         call. = FALSE)


#No need for a standard if these conditions are met
  if (is.na(std_conc)) {

  #If align is 0 and lod isn't being used then the standard can be set to 'none'
  if (manual_align == TRUE & lod == 0) {

    std <- "none"


  if (align == 0 & lod == 0) {

    std <- "none"



  #Check that none of the refs are spelt wrong
  wrong_spellings <- which(!refs %in% lib$phases$phase_id & !refs %in% lib$phases$phase_name)

  if (length(wrong_spellings) > 0) {

    stop(paste(c("\nThe following reference patterns specified in the refs argument are not in the library:\n",
                 paste(c(refs[wrong_spellings]), collapse = ", "))),
         call. = FALSE)


  #Check the weighting data
  if (missing(weighting)) {

    weighting <- data.frame("tth" = smpl[[1]],
                            "counts" = 1)


  if (!is.data.frame(weighting)) {

    stop("\n-Data supplied to the weighting argument must be a two column data frame.",
         call. = FALSE)


  #End of conditions

  #subset lib according to the refs and force vector vectors
  lib <- subset(lib, refs = c(refs, force), mode = "keep")

  #Make sure that the phase identified as the internal standard is contained within the reference library
  if (!std == "none" & !std %in% lib$phases$phase_id) {
    stop("The phase you have specified as the internal standard is not in the reference library",
         call. = FALSE)

  #Make sure that the amorphous phases identified are contained within the reference library
  if (!length(amorphous) == length(which(amorphous %in% lib$phases$phase_id))) {
    stop("One or more of the phases you have specified as amorphous are not in the reference library",
         call. = FALSE)

  #if only one phase is being used, make sure it's a dataframe and named correctly
  if (nrow(lib$phases) == 1) {
    lib$xrd <- data.frame("phase" = lib$xrd)
    names(lib$xrd) <- lib$phases$phase_id

  #Harmonise libraries
  if (harmonise == TRUE & !identical(lib$tth, smpl[[1]])) {

    harmonised <- .harmoniser(lib = lib, smpl = smpl)

    smpl <- harmonised$smpl
    lib <- harmonised$lib

    #Predict weighting onto same scale
    weighting <- stats::spline(x = weighting[[1]],
                               y = weighting[[2]],
                               method = "natural",
                               xout = lib$tth)



  #align the data
  if (!align == 0) {
  cat("\n-Aligning sample to the internal standard")
  smpl <- .xrd_align(smpl = smpl,
                     standard = data.frame(tth = lib$tth,
                                           counts = lib$xrd[, which(lib$phases$phase_id == std)],
                                           check.names = FALSE),
                     xmin = tth_align[1],
                     xmax = tth_align[2], xshift = align,
                     manual = manual_align)

  #If the alignment is close to the limit, provide a warning
  if (sqrt(smpl[[1]]^2) > (align*0.95) & manual_align == FALSE) {
    warning("The optimised shift used in alignment is equal to the maximum shift defined
            in the function call. We advise visual inspection of this alignment.",
            call. = FALSE)

  #smpl becomes a data frame by extracting only the aligned data
  smpl <- smpl[[2]]

  #Extract the aligned sample
  smpl <- smpl[which(smpl[[1]] >= min(lib$tth) & smpl[[1]] <= max(lib$tth)), ]

  #Define a 2TH scale to harmonise all data to
  smpl_tth <- smpl[[1]]

  } else {

  names(smpl) <- c("tth", "counts")
  smpl_tth <- smpl[[1]]


  #If tth_fps isn't defined, then define it here
  if(missing(tth_fps)) {
    tth_fps <- c(min(smpl_tth), max(smpl_tth))

  if (align > 0) {

  #Ensure that samples in the reference library are on the same scale as the sample
  cat("\n-Interpolating library to same 2theta scale as aligned sample")
  lib$xrd <- data.frame(lapply(lib$xrd,
                               function(n) stats::spline(x = lib$tth,
                                                         y = n,
                                                         method = "natural",
                                                         xout = smpl_tth)[[2]]),
                        check.names = FALSE)


  #Replace the library tth with that of the sample
  lib$tth <- smpl_tth

  if (!identical(weighting[[1]], lib$tth)) {

    #Predict weighting onto same scale
    weighting <- stats::spline(x = weighting[[1]],
                               y = weighting[[2]],
                               method = "natural",
                               xout = lib$tth)


  #Cropping data to 2theta range defined in tth_fps

  #### decrease 2TH scale to the range defined in the function call
  #smpl <- smpl[which(smpl$tth >= tth_fps[1] & smpl$tth <= tth_fps[2]), ]

  #Subset the xrd dataframe too
  #lib$xrd <- lib$xrd[which(lib$tth >= tth_fps[1] & lib$tth <= tth_fps[2]), ]

  #Replace the tth in the library with the shortened one
  #lib$tth <- smpl[, 1]

  #if only one phase is being used, make sure it's a dataframe and named correctly
  if (is.vector(lib$xrd)) {
    lib$xrd <- data.frame("phase" = lib$xrd)
    names(lib$xrd) <- lib$phases$phase_id

  #Initial NNLS to remove some samples

  #The optimisation can fail if negative have creeped in during interpolation
  if(length(which(smpl[[2]] < 0) > 0) & obj == "Rwp") {

    cat("\n-Negative values present in interpolated data. Switching objective
         function to R instead of Rwp to avoid errors.")
    obj <- "R"

    #delete_negs <- which(smpl[[2]] < 0)
    #smpl <- smpl[-delete_negs,]
    #lib$tth <- lib$tth[-delete_negs]
    #lib$xrd <- lib$xrd[-delete_negs, ]


  if (skip_nnls == FALSE) {

  cat("\n-Applying non-negative least squares")
  nnls_out <- .xrd_nnls(xrd.lib = lib, xrd.sample = smpl[, 2], force = force,
                        tth_fps = tth_fps)

  lib$xrd <- nnls_out$xrd.lib
  x <- nnls_out$x


  #Initial Optimisation

    x <- rep(0, ncol(lib$xrd))
    names(x) <- names(lib$xrd)


        o <- stats::optim(par = x, .fullpat,
                          method = solver, pure_patterns = lib$xrd,
                          sample_pattern = smpl[, 2], obj = obj,
                          tth = lib$tth, tth_fps = tth_fps,
                          weighting = weighting[[2]])

        x <- o$par

  #Remove negative/zero parameters

  if (min(x) < 0) {

  remove_neg_out <- .remove_neg(x = x, lib = lib, smpl = smpl[[2]],
                                solver = solver, obj = obj, force = force,
                                tth_fps = tth_fps, weighting = weighting[[2]])

  x <- remove_neg_out[[1]]
  lib <- remove_neg_out[[2]]



  #Alignment and then another optimisation ONLY if the shift parameter
  #is included

  if(shift > 0 & length(x) > 1) {

    #This will replace the grid search shifting
    cat("\n-Optimising shifting coefficients...")
    x_s <- rep(0, length(x))
    names(x_s) <- names(x)

    o <- stats::optim(par = x_s, .fullpat_shift_seq,
                      weightings = x,
                      method = solver, lib = lib,
                      smpl = smpl, obj = obj,
                      tth_fps = tth_fps)

    x_s <- o$par

    #Make sure any large shifts are avoided
    if (length(which(x_s > abs(shift) | x_s < -abs(shift))) > 0) {

      x_s[which(x_s > abs(shift) | x_s < -abs(shift))] <- 0


    #Extract the shifted data
    cat("\n-Harmonising library and sample to same 2theta axis")
    shifted <- .fullpat_shift(smpl = smpl, lib = lib,
                              par_shift = x_s)

    lib <- shifted$lib
    smpl <- shifted$smpl

    #Predict weighting onto same scale
    weighting <- stats::spline(x = weighting[[1]],
                               y = weighting[[2]],
                               method = "natural",
                               xout = lib$tth)

  #Re-optimise after shifting

  cat("\n-Reoptimising after shifting data")

    #The optimisation can fail if negative have creeped in during interpolation
    if(length(which(smpl[[2]] < 0) > 0) & obj == "Rwp") {

      cat("\n-Negative values present in interpolated data. Switching objective
          function to R instead of Rwp to avoid errors.")
      obj <- "R"

      #delete_negs <- which(smpl[[2]] < 0)
      #smpl <- smpl[-delete_negs,]
      #lib$tth <- lib$tth[-delete_negs]
      #lib$xrd <- lib$xrd[-delete_negs, ]


  o <- stats::optim(par = x, .fullpat,
                    method = solver, pure_patterns = lib$xrd,
                    sample_pattern = smpl[, 2], obj = obj,
                    tth = lib$tth, tth_fps = tth_fps,
                    weighting = weighting[[2]])

  x <- o$par

  #Now remove negative parameters if they exist
  if (min(x) < 0) {

        remove_neg_out <- .remove_neg(x = x, lib = lib, smpl = smpl[[2]],
                                      solver = solver, obj = obj,
                                      force = force,
                                      tth_fps = tth_fps, weighting = weighting[[2]])

        x <- remove_neg_out[[1]]
        lib <- remove_neg_out[[2]]



  #Now that some negative parameters have been removed, the detection limits
  #of the remaining phases are estimated.
#Removing phases based on detection limits

#Calculate the lod and remove any phases below it if lod > 0

  if (lod > 0) {

  cat("\n-Calculating detection limits")

  if (is.na(std_conc)) {

  xrd_detectable <- .lod(x = x, lib = lib,
                          std = std, amorphous = amorphous,
                          lod = lod,
                         force = force)

  } else {

  xrd_detectable <- .lod2(x = x, lib = lib,
                          std = std, std_conc = std_conc,
                          amorphous = amorphous,
                          lod = lod,
                          force = force)


  #Reoptimise if things have changed
  logical_reoptimise <- identical(x, xrd_detectable[["x"]])

  x <- xrd_detectable[["x"]]
  lib$xrd <- xrd_detectable[["lib"]]

  if (logical_reoptimise == FALSE) {

  cat("\n-Reoptimising after removing crystalline phases below the limit of detection")

  o <- stats::optim(par = x, .fullpat,
                    method = solver, pure_patterns = lib$xrd,
                    sample_pattern = smpl[, 2], obj = obj,
                    tth = lib$tth, tth_fps = tth_fps,
                    weighting = weighting[[2]])

  x <- o$par



#Recalculating concentrations

  #Calculate mineral concentrations so that I can throw away any amorphous
  #phases below detection limit

  if (is.na(std_conc)) {

  min_concs <- .qminerals(x = x, xrd_lib = lib)

  } else {

  min_concs <- .qminerals2(x = x, xrd_lib = lib,
                           std = std, std_conc = std_conc)


  df <- min_concs[[1]]
  dfs <- min_concs[[2]]

  #Remove amorphous phases
  if (is.na(std_conc)) {

  remove_amorphous_out <- .remove_amorphous(x = x,
                                            amorphous = amorphous,
                                            amorphous_lod = amorphous_lod,
                                            df = df,
                                            lib = lib,
                                            solver = solver,
                                            smpl = smpl,
                                            obj = obj,
                                            tth_fps = tth_fps,
                                            weighting = weighting)

  } else {

  remove_amorphous_out <- .remove_amorphous2(x = x,
                                             amorphous = amorphous,
                                             amorphous_lod = amorphous_lod,
                                             df = df,
                                             lib = lib,
                                             solver = solver,
                                             smpl = smpl,
                                             obj = obj,
                                             std = std,
                                             std_conc = std_conc,
                                             tth_fps = tth_fps,
                                             weighting = weighting)


  x <- remove_amorphous_out[[1]]
  lib <- remove_amorphous_out[[2]]

  #Remove negative parameters again because some can creep in late-on
  if (min(x) < 0) {
  remove_neg_out <- .remove_neg(x = x, lib = lib, smpl = smpl[[2]],
                                solver = solver, obj = obj,
                                force = force,
                                tth_fps = tth_fps, weighting = weighting[[2]])

  x <- remove_neg_out[[1]]
  lib <- remove_neg_out[[2]]

#Computing fitted pattern and residuals

  #compute fitted pattern and residuals
  fitted_pattern <- apply(sweep(as.matrix(lib$xrd), 2, x, "*"), 1, sum)

  resid_x <- smpl[, 2] - fitted_pattern

#Computing final phase concentrations

  #compute phase concentrations
  cat("\n-Computing phase concentrations")

  if (is.na(std_conc) | identical(names(x), std)) {

    if (!identical(names(x), std)) {
      cat("\n-Internal standard concentration unknown. Assuming phases sum to 100 %")

    min_concs <- .qminerals(x = x, xrd_lib = lib)

    if (identical(names(x), std)) {
      cat("\n-Internal standard is the only phase present, defining its concentration as", std_conc, "%")
      min_concs$df$phase_percent <- std_conc
      min_concs$df$phase_percent <- std_conc


  } else {

    cat("\n-Using internal standard concentration of", std_conc, "% to compute phase concentrations")
    min_concs <- .qminerals2(x = x, xrd_lib = lib, std = std, std_conc = std_conc,
                             closed = closed)


  #Extract mineral concentrations (df) and summarised mineral concentrations (dfs)
  df <- min_concs[[1]]
  dfs <- min_concs[[2]]

  if (omit_std == TRUE & closed == FALSE) {

    cat("\n-Omitting internal standard from phase concentrations")

    int_std <- df[which(df[[1]] == std), 2]

    #Set any value associated with the internal standard to NA
    df[[4]][which(df[[2]] == int_std)] <- NA

    df[[4]] <- (df[[4]]/(100-std_conc)) * 100

    #Same for dfs
    dfs[[2]][which(dfs[[1]] == int_std)] <- NA

    dfs[[2]] <- (dfs[[2]]/(100-std_conc)) * 100


  #Get the index of the tth range in the function call
  tth_index <- which(lib$tth >= tth_fps[1] | lib$tth <= tth_fps[2])

  #Objective parameters for results (calculated with weighting vector)
  if (min(smpl[[2]]) < 0) {

    Rwp_fit <- NA

  } else {

    Rwp_fit <- rwp(measured = smpl[tth_index, 2],
                   fitted = fitted_pattern[tth_index],
                   weighting = weighting[[2]])


  R_fit <- r(measured = smpl[tth_index, 2],
             fitted = fitted_pattern[tth_index],
             weighting = weighting[[2]])

  delta_fit <- delta(measured = smpl[tth_index, 2],
                     fitted = fitted_pattern[tth_index],
                     weighting = weighting[[2]])

  #Extract the xrd data
  xrd <- data.frame(lib$xrd,
                    check.names = FALSE)

  #Scale them by the optimised weightings
  xrd <- sweep(xrd, 2, x, "*")

  #If only 1 pattern is used in the fit, then rename it
  if (ncol(xrd) == 1) {
    names(xrd) <- df$phase_id[1]

  #Create a list of the input arguments
  inputs <- list("harmonise" = harmonise,
                 "solver" = solver,
                 "obj" = obj,
                 "std" = std,
                 "force" = force,
                 "std_conc" = std_conc,
                 "omit_std" = omit_std,
                 "closed" = closed,
                 "tth_align" = tth_align,
                 "align" = align,
                 "manual_align" = manual_align,
                 "shift" = shift,
                 "tth_fps" = tth_fps,
                 "lod" = lod,
                 "amorphous" = amorphous,
                 "amorphous_lod" = amorphous_lod,
                 "weighting" = weighting[[2]])

  #Define a list that becomes the function output
  out <- list("tth" = smpl[,1],
              "fitted" = fitted_pattern,
              "measured" = smpl[[2]],
              "residuals" = resid_x,
              "phases" = df,
              "phases_grouped" = dfs,
              "obj" = c("Rwp" = Rwp_fit,
                        "R" = R_fit,
                        "Delta" = delta_fit),
              "weighted_pure_patterns" = xrd,
              "coefficients" = x,
              "inputs" = inputs)

  #Define the class
  class(out) <- "powdRafps"
  cat("\n***Automated full pattern summation complete***\n")


benmbutler/powdR documentation built on Nov. 29, 2021, 1:05 p.m.