Man pages for bhattmaulik/Gujarati5sie
Gujarati 5 Special Indian Edition

Table10.11Hypothetical Data
Table10.12USA Economy Data
Table10.13Imports, GDP and WPI of India
Table10.14Passenger Car Data
Table10.15Hours of Work and Other Data for 35 Groups
Table10.16USA Crime Data
Table10.17Updated Longley Data
Table10.18Chemicals in Cheeses
Table10.3Hypothetical Data on Y, X2 and X3
Table10.4Hypothetical Data on Y, X2 and X3
Table10.5Hypothetical Data on Consumption Expenditure, Income and...
Table10.7USA Consumption Expenditure
Table10.8Longley Data
Table1.1Labor Productivity in Indian Industries
Table11.1Wages Per Employee and Productivity in Manufacturing...
Table11.2Rank Correlation Test of Heteroscedasticity
Table11.3Hypothetical Data
Table11.4Output, Capital and Labour Employed for Manufacturing...
Table11.5R&D, Sales and Profit Data for Indian Industry Groups
Table11.6Asset Size ($ Millions)
Table11.7Passenger Car Mileage Data
Table11.8Median Salaries for Full Professors in Statistics
Table11.9Stock and Consumer Prices
Table12.10Rate of Return, Output Growth, and Inflation
Table12.4Indexes of Real Compensation and Productivity
Table12.7Determinants of U.S. Domestic Price of Copper
Table12.8Personal Consumption Expenditure
Table12.9Inventories and Sales in U.S. Manufacturing
Table1.3CPI in Seven Industrial Countries
Table13.2Hypothetical Data on Consumption
Table13.3Per Capita Personal Consumption Expenditure and Disposable...
Table1.4Wholesale Price Index in India
Table14.1Advisory Fees Charged and Asset Size
Table14.2U.S. Population
Table14.3Production Function Data for the Mexican Economy
Table1.5Exchange Rate of Four Countries
Table15.1Hypothetical Data on Home Ownership
Table15.10Estimating the Index Ii from the Standard Normal CDF
Table15.2Data for Home Ownership Example
Table15.22Toxicity Study and Rotenone on Chrysanthemum Aphis
Table15.23GRE Scores
Table15.24Price of Soda with Discount Coupon
Table15.26Hypothetical Data Set
Table15.4Hypothetical Data
Table15.7Data on the Effect of PSI on Course Grades
Table1.6Seasonally Adjusted M1 Supply
Table16.1Airline Costs
Table16.16Unemployment Rate and Hourly Compensation
Table16.17Gasoline Demand for 18 Countries
Table16.18The Determinants of Aid in the Post-Cold War Era
Table1.7Impact of Advertising Expenditure
Table17.10Investment in Fixed Plant and Equipment
Table17.11Investment, Sales, and Interest Rates
Table17.12Compensation, Productivity, and Unemployment
Table17.13Macroeconomic Data for the Greek Economy
Table17.2PPCE and PPDI
Table17.5Money, Interest Rate, Price Index, and GDP
Table17.7Private Consumption Expenditure and GDP
Table17.8Inventories and Sales, U.S. Manufacturing
Table18.2Personal Consumption Expenditure, Gross Private Domestic...
Table18.3Demand and Supply for Gas
Table18.4Macroeconomic Data for the U.S. Economy
Table19.4Money, GDP, Interest Rate and Consumer Price Index
Table20.1Crop Production, Crop Prices, and Per Capita Personal...
Table20.10Current Population Survey for 1985
Table20.2GDP, M2, FEDEXP, TB6
Table20.5Underlying Data for Klein’s Model
Table2.1Weekly Family Income and Consumption
Table2.10SAT Reasoning Score Classified by Family Income
Table21.1Disposable Personal Income
Table22.5HWI and UN
Table22.6Yen Exchange Rate
Table22.7Three-Month and Six-Month Treasury Bill Rates
Table2.4A Random Sample from Table 2.1
Table2.5A Random Sample taken from Table 2.1
Table2.6Mean Hourly Wage by Education
Table2.7Labor Force Participation Data for the USA for 1980 - 2006
Table2.8Food and Total Expenditure (INR)
Table2.9Total Group Mean SAT Reasoning Test Scores: College-Bound...
Table3.2Raw Data Based n Table 2.6
Table3.3Number of CellPhone Subscribers per Hundred Persons and...
Table3.5Ranks of Students in Midterms and Final Exams
Table3.6Productivity and Related Data for Business Sector (1960 -...
Table3.7Gold Price, Sensex and WPI
Table3.8Nominal and Real GDP of India 1951-52 to 2004-05
Table5.10CPI and WPI in India
Table5.11Smoking and Lung Cancer
Table5.5Average Salary and Per Pupil Spending (USD)
Table5.6GNP and Three Measures of Money Stock
Table5.9The Hamburger Standard
Table6.1Excess Returns in the UK
Table6.10Advertisement Expenditure and Total Expenditure
Table6.2Gross Domestic Savings and GDP for India
Table6.3Total Private Final Consumption Expenditure and Categories
Table6.4Fertility and Other Data for 64 Countries
Table6.5Inflaiton Rate and Unemployment Rate
Table6.7Hypothetical Data
Table6.8Investments and Savings
Table6.9British Family Expenditure Survey
Table7.1U.S. Coffee Consumption in Relation to Average Real Retail...
Table7.10Demand for Money in India
Table7.11Indian Public Sector Enterprises
Table7.12Real Consumption Expenditure, Real Income, Real Wealth and...
Table7.13Qualcomm Stock Prices
Table7.3Value Added, Labor Hours, and Capital Input in the...
Table7.4Total Cost and Output
Table7.5Hypothetical Data
Table7.6Demand for chicken across Indian states
Table7.7Price at the Wellhead
Table7.8U.S. Defense Budget Outlays, 1962-1981
Table7.9Demand for Potatoes in India
Table8.10Demand for Cable
Table8.11Savings and Personal Disposable Income
Table8.8Output, Capital and Labour Employed
Table8.9Savings and Personal Disposable Income
Table9.1Average Per Capita Consumption Expenditure
Table9.10USA Presidential Elections
Table9.2Literacy Rate in India
Table9.3Savings and Income
Table9.4Quarterly Data on Appliance Sales and Expenditure on Durable...
Table9.5USA Refrigerator Sales (Thousands)
Table9.7Hypothetical Data on Output and Cost
Table9.8Indian Wage Earners
Table9.9The Behavior of Unemployment and Unfilled Vacancies
bhattmaulik/Gujarati5sie documentation built on Nov. 12, 2023, 9:18 a.m.