
Defines functions loadBreastDatasets

Documented in loadBreastDatasets

#' Function to load breast cancer SummarizedExperiment objects from the
#'   Experiment Hub
#' This function returns breast cancer datasets from the hub and a vector of
#'   patients from the datasets that are duplicates based on a spearman
#'   correlation > 0.98
#' @param rescale apply centering and scaling to the expression sets
#'   (default FALSE)
#' @param minNumberGenes an integer specifying to remove expression sets with
#'   less genes than this number (default 0)
#' @param minNumberEvents an integer specifying how man survival events must be
#'   in the dataset to keep the dataset (default 0)
#' @param minSampleSize an integer specifying the minimum number of patients
#'   required in a summarizedExperiment (default 0)
#' @param keepCommonOnly remove entrezIDs not common to all datasets
#'   (default FALSE)
#' @param imputeMissing remove patients from datasets with missing expression
#'   values
#' @param removeDuplicates remove patients with a Spearman correlation greater
#'   than or equal to 0.98 with other patient expression profiles (default TRUE)
#' @return A `list` with 2 elements. The First element named
#'   `SummarizedExperiment`s contains the datasets. The second element named
#'   duplicates contains a vector with patient IDs for the duplicate patients
#'   (those with  Spearman correlation greater than or equal to 0.98 with other
#'   patient expression profiles).
#' @importFrom Biobase esApply featureNames sampleNames exprs pData
#'   experimentData ExpressionSet
#' @importFrom lattice levelplot
#' @importFrom impute impute.knn
#' @importFrom ExperimentHub ExperimentHub
#' @importFrom AnnotationHub query
#' @importFrom stats complete.cases sd quantile
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment SummarizedExperiment assays assayNames
#'   colData rowData
#' @export
loadBreastDatasets <- function(rescale = FALSE, minNumberGenes = 0,
    minNumberEvents = 0, minSampleSize = 0, keepCommonOnly = FALSE,
    imputeMissing = FALSE, removeDuplicates = FALSE)
  duplicates <- NULL

  ##recursive intersect function
  intersectMany <- function(lst){
    ## Find the intersection of multiple vectors stored as elements of a
    ## list, through a tail-recursive function.
    if (length(lst) == 2){
      return(intersectMany(c(list(intersect(lst[[1]],lst[[2]])),lst[seq(-1, -2)])))

  ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ##load the summarizedExperiments
  ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  hub = ExperimentHub::ExperimentHub()
  #query(eh, c("MetaGxOvarian", "SummarizedExperiment"))
  breastData = query(hub, c("MetaGxBreast", "SummarizedExperiment"))
  #pancreas issues: loading dataset 6, but missing /v1/ for 3 datasets
  dataList <- list()
  for(i in seq_len(length(breastData)))
    dataList[[i]] <- breastData[[names(breastData)[i]]]
    names(dataList)[i] <- breastData[i]$title
  names(dataList) <- gsub("_sumexp", "", names(dataList), ignore.case = TRUE)

  ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ##Explicit removal of samples from specified datasets:
  ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  delim <- ":"   ##This is the delimiter used to specify dataset:sample,

  ## same as used in metagx getbrcadata
  #source(system.file("extdata", "patientselection.config", package="MetaGxOvarian"))
  load(system.file("extdata", "duplicates.rda", package="MetaGxBreast"))

  rmix <- duplicates
  ii <- 1
  while (length(rmix) > ii){
    rmix <- rmix [!is.element(names(rmix), rmix[[ii]])]
    ii <- ii+1
  rmix <- unique(unlist(rmix))
  rmix <- substr(rmix, unlist(lapply(gregexpr("\\.", rmix),
      function(x) x[[1]][1]+1)), nchar(rmix))

  message("Clean up the summarizedExperiments")
  remInds = c()
  for (i in seq_len(length(dataList))){
    data <- dataList[[i]]
    include <- TRUE
    ##rescale to z-scores
    if(rescale == TRUE){
      SummarizedExperiment::assay(data) <-

    if(removeDuplicates == TRUE){
      keepix <- setdiff(colnames(SummarizedExperiment::assay(data)), rmix)
      if(length(keepix) != length(colnames(SummarizedExperiment::assay(data))))
        keepix <- which(!colnames(SummarizedExperiment::assay(data)) %in% rmix)
        data <- data[ ,keepix]

    ##include study if it has enough samples and events:

    phenoData = colData(data)
    remData = TRUE
    if(nrow(phenoData) - sum(is.na(phenoData$vital_status)) >= minNumberEvents)
        remData <- FALSE
    if(nrow(phenoData) - sum(is.na(phenoData$recurrence_status)) >= minNumberEvents)
        remData <- FALSE
    if(nrow(phenoData) >= minSampleSize) remData <- FALSE

    if(remData == TRUE){
      message(paste("excluding", names(dataList)[i], "(minNumberEvents or minSampleSize)"))
      remInds <- c(remInds, i)
      include <- FALSE

    if(nrow(data) < minNumberGenes) {
      message(paste("excluding experiment hub dataset",names(dataList)[i],"(minNumberGenes)"))
      remInds <- c(remInds, i)
      include <- FALSE


    if(imputeMissing == TRUE){
      notNaInds <- which(colSums(is.na(SummarizedExperiment::assay(data))) == 0)
      data <- data[, notNaInds]
      if(length(notNaInds) == 0){
        message(paste("excluding experiment hub dataset",names(dataList)[i],
                      "as every patient has at least 1 NA expression value (imputmissing = TRUE)"))
        remInds <- c(remInds, i)
        include <- FALSE

    if(include == TRUE)
        message(paste("including experiment hub dataset", names(dataList)[i]))
    ## featureNames(eset) <- make.names(featureNames(eset))
    ##   should not do this, it is irreversible.
    dataList[[i]] <- data
  if(length(remInds) > 0) dataList[unique(remInds)] = NULL

  ##optionally take the intersection of genes common to all platforms:
  if(keepCommonOnly & length(dataList) > 0){
    features.per.dataset <- lapply(dataList, function(x) rowData(x)$EntrezGene.ID)
    intersect.genes <- intersectMany(features.per.dataset)
    dataList <- lapply(dataList, function(data){
      data <- data[which(rowData(data)$EntrezGene.ID %in% intersect.genes), ]
  if(length(dataList) == 0)
      warning("input values resulted in no datasets being returned")

  retList = list(dataList, duplicates)
  names(retList) = c("summarizedExperiments", "duplicates")
bhklab/MetaGxBreast documentation built on April 29, 2021, 5:20 p.m.