
Defines functions logLogisticRegression

Documented in logLogisticRegression

#' Fits curves of the form E = E_inf + (1 - E_inf)/(1 + (c/EC50)^HS) to dose-response data points (c, E) given by the user
#' and returns a vector containing estimates for HS, E_inf, and EC50.
#' By default, logLogisticRegression uses an L-BFGS algorithm to generate the fit. However, if
#' this fails to converge to solution, logLogisticRegression samples lattice points throughout the parameter space.
#' It then uses the lattice point with minimal least-squares residual as an initial guess for the optimal parameters,
#' passes this guess to drm, and re-attempts the optimization. If this still fails, logLogisticRegression uses the
#' PatternSearch algorithm to fit a log-logistic curve to the data.
#' @examples
#' dose <- c(0.0025,0.008,0.025,0.08,0.25,0.8,2.53,8)
#' viability <- c(108.67,111,102.16,100.27,90,87,74,57)
#' computeAUC(dose, viability)
#' @param conc `numeric` is a vector of drug concentrations.
#' @param viability `numeric` is a vector whose entries are the viability values observed in the presence of the
#' drug concentrations whose logarithms are in the corresponding entries of the log_conc, where viability 0
#' indicates that all cells died, and viability 1 indicates that the drug had no effect on the cells.
#' @param density `numeric` is a vector of length 3 whose components are the numbers of lattice points per unit
#' length along the HS-, E_inf-, and base-10 logarithm of the EC50-dimensions of the parameter space, respectively.
#' @param step `numeric` is a vector of length 3 whose entries are the initial step sizes in the HS, E_inf, and
#' base-10 logarithm of the EC50 dimensions, respectively, for the PatternSearch algorithm.
#' @param precision is a positive real number such that when the ratio of current step size to initial step
#' size falls below it, the PatternSearch algorithm terminates. A smaller value will cause LogisticPatternSearch
#' to take longer to complete optimization, but will produce a more accurate estimate for the fitted parameters.
#' @param lower_bounds `numeric` is a vector of length 3 whose entries are the lower bounds on the HS, E_inf,
#' and base-10 logarithm of the EC50 parameters, respectively.
#' @param upper_bounds `numeric` is a vector of length 3 whose entries are the upper bounds on the HS, E_inf,
#' and base-10 logarithm of the EC50 parameters, respectively.
#' @param scale is a positive real number specifying the shape parameter of the Cauchy distribution.
#' @param family `character`, if "cauchy", uses MLE under an assumption of Cauchy-distributed errors
#' instead of sum-of-squared-residuals as the objective function for assessing goodness-of-fit of
#' dose-response curves to the data. Otherwise, if "normal", uses MLE with a gaussian assumption of errors
#' @param median_n If the viability points being fit were medians of measurements, they are expected to follow a median of \code{family}
#' distribution, which is in general quite different from the case of one measurement. Median_n is the number of measurements
#' the median was taken of. If the measurements are means of values, then both the Normal and the Cauchy distributions are stable, so means of
#' Cauchy or Normal distributed variables are still Cauchy and normal respectively.
#' @param conc_as_log `logical`, if true, assumes that log10-concentration data has been given rather than concentration data,
#' and that log10(EC50) should be returned instead of EC50.
#' @param viability_as_pct `logical`, if false, assumes that viability is given as a decimal rather
#' than a percentage, and that E_inf should be returned as a decimal rather than a percentage.
#' @param trunc `logical`, if true, causes viability data to be truncated to lie between 0 and 1 before
#' curve-fitting is performed.
#' @param verbose `logical`, if true, causes warnings thrown by the function to be printed.
#' @return A list containing estimates for HS, E_inf, and EC50. It is annotated with the attribute Rsquared, which is the R^2 of the fit.
#' Note that this is calculated using the values actually used for the fit, after truncation and any transform applied. With truncation, this will be
#' different from the R^2 compared to the variance of the raw data. This also means that if all points were truncated down or up, there is no variance
#' in the data, and the R^2 may be NaN.
#' @export
#' @importFrom CoreGx .meshEval .residual
#' @importFrom stats optim dcauchy dnorm pcauchy rcauchy rnorm pnorm integrate
logLogisticRegression <- function(conc,
                                  density = c(2, 10, 5),
                                  step = .5 / density,
                                  precision = 1e-4,
                                  lower_bounds = c(0, 0, -6),
                                  upper_bounds = c(4, 1, 6),
                                  scale = 0.07,
                                  family = c("normal", "Cauchy"),
                                  median_n = 1,
                                  conc_as_log = FALSE,
                                  viability_as_pct = TRUE,
                                  trunc = TRUE,
                                  verbose = TRUE) {
  # guess <- .logLogisticRegressionRaw(conc, viability, density , step, precision, lower_bounds, upper_bounds, scale, Cauchy_flag, conc_as_log, viability_as_pct, trunc, verbose)

# .logLogisticRegressionRaw <- function(conc,
#                                   viability,
#                                   density = c(2, 10, 2),
#                                   step = .5 / density,
#                                   precision = 0.05,
#                                   lower_bounds = c(0, 0, -6),
#                                   upper_bounds = c(4, 1, 6),
#                                   scale = 0.07,
#                                   Cauchy_flag = FALSE,
#                                   conc_as_log = FALSE,
#                                   viability_as_pct = TRUE,
#                                   trunc = TRUE,
#                                   verbose = FALSE) {
  family <- match.arg(family)

  if (prod(is.finite(step)) != 1) {
    stop("Step vector contains elements which are not positive real numbers.")

  if (prod(is.finite(precision)) != 1) {
    stop("Precision value is not a real number.")

  if (prod(is.finite(lower_bounds)) != 1) {
    stop("Lower bounds vector contains elements which are not real numbers.")

  if (prod(is.finite(upper_bounds)) != 1) {
    stop("Upper bounds vector contains elements which are not real numbers.")

  if (prod(is.finite(density)) != 1) {
    stop("Density vector contains elements which are not real numbers.")

  if (is.finite(scale) == FALSE) {
    stop("Scale is not a real number.")

  if (is.character(family) == FALSE) {
    stop("Cauchy flag is not a string.")

  if (length(density) != 3){
    stop("Density parameter needs to have length of 3, for HS, Einf, EC50")

  if (!median_n==as.integer(median_n)){
    stop("There can only be a integral number of samples to take a median of. Check your setting of median_n parameter, it is not an integer")

  if (min(upper_bounds - lower_bounds) < 0) {
    print(rbind(lower_bounds, upper_bounds))
    stop("Upper bounds on parameters do not exceed lower bounds.")

  if (min(density) <= 0) {
    stop("Lattice point density vector contains negative values.")

  if (precision <= 0) {
    stop("Negative precision value.")

  if (min(step) <= 0) {
    stop("Step vector contains nonpositive numbers.")

  if (scale <= 0) {
    stop("Scale parameter is a nonpositive number.")

  CoreGx::.sanitizeInput(x = conc,
                         y = viability,
                         x_as_log = conc_as_log,
                         y_as_log = FALSE,
                         y_as_pct = viability_as_pct,
                         trunc = trunc,
                         verbose = verbose)

  cleanData <- CoreGx::.reformatData(x = conc,
                               y = viability,
                               x_to_log = !conc_as_log,
                               y_to_log = FALSE,
                               y_to_frac = viability_as_pct,
                               trunc = trunc)

  if (!(all(lower_bounds < upper_bounds))) {
    if (verbose == 2) {
    stop ("All lower bounds must be less than the corresponding upper_bounds.")

  log_conc <- cleanData[["x"]]
  viability <- cleanData[["y"]]

  # tryCatch(
  gritty_guess <- c(pmin(pmax(1, lower_bounds[1]), upper_bounds[1]),
                    pmin(pmax(min(viability), lower_bounds[2]), upper_bounds[2]),
                    pmin(pmax(log_conc[which.min(abs(viability - 1/2))], lower_bounds[3]), upper_bounds[3]))

  guess <- CoreGx::.fitCurve(x = log_conc,
                              y = viability,
                              f = PharmacoGx:::.Hill,
                              density = density,
                              step = step,
                              precision = precision,
                              lower_bounds = lower_bounds,
                              upper_bounds = upper_bounds,
                              scale = scale,
                              family = family,
                              median_n = median_n,
                              trunc = trunc,
                              verbose = verbose,
                              gritty_guess = gritty_guess,
                              span = 1)

  returnval <- list("HS" = guess[1],
              "E_inf" = ifelse(viability_as_pct, 100 * guess[2], guess[2]),
              "EC50" = ifelse(conc_as_log, guess[3], 10 ^ guess[3]))
  attr(returnval, "Rsquare") <- attr(guess, "Rsquare")

bhklab/PharmacoGx documentation built on April 18, 2024, 3:13 a.m.