
Defines functions generate_param_ex generate_param apply_to_image

Documented in apply_to_image generate_param generate_param_ex

#' @title Apply the improved Fuzzy Cluster Method (FCMm) to raster data
#' @name apply_to_image
#' @description
#'   This function could apply the defined water cluster to corrected image files.
#'   Should run \link{generate_param} or \link{generate_param_ex} to generate a \code{res} list as an input
#'   of function \code{apply_to_image}
#' @param input A \strong{raster} or a \strong{character} linking
#'   to the raster file on the disk.
#' @param res A required list that used for clustering the image data including:
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item \strong{FD}  The results from function \code{FuzzifierDetermination}
#'       providing wavelength
#'     \item \strong{K}  Cluster number
#'     \item \strong{res.FCM}  Cluster center and used fuzzifier value.
#'   }
#'   For the convenience, function \link{generate_param} supports to quickly
#'     generate this \code{list}. See more in examples.
#' @param color_palette The palette of cluster color. Default as \code{RdYlBu(res$K)}.
#'   In \code{FCMm}, it could be \link{RdYlBu}, \link{Spectral}, \link{HUE} or other color values
#'   with same length of cluster number.
#' @param pos_rgb The position of RGB channels, default as \code{NULL} to search the nearest band with 
#'   665 (n), 560 (g), and 443 (b). Also could be a vector with three elements meaning the positions of 
#'   required bands.
#' @param output_image Logical, whether to save images as raster files to your disk. Default as \code{FALSE}.
#' @param output_resultpng Logical, whether to save png files to your disk. Default as \code{FALSE}.
#' @param output_imRrs.n Logical, whether to produce normalized Rrs files. Default as \code{FALSE}. 
#'   This parameter is used for inspection of FCM training. Will be \strong{deprecated} in the following version.
#' @param output_dir The directory of output files. Default as the current working directory (\code{"."})
#' @param output_format A string, the format of raster file, default as \code{"GTiff"}.
#'   See more in \code{\link[raster:writeRaster]{writeRaster}}
#' @param Chla_est Logical, whether to estimate Chla concentration using the function \link{FCM_m_Chla_estimation}.
#'   Default as \code{FALSE}.
#' @param title.name Character, the title name of ggplot for plotting. Default as \code{NULL}.
#' @param png_scale Numeric, scale of png. Recommended as \code{50}.
#' @param fn_memb A string, filename of membership raster file. Default as \code{"output_membership"}.
#' @param fn_cluster A string, filename of cluster raster file. Default as \code{"output_cluster"}.
#' @param fn_imRrs.n A string, filename of normalized Rrs raster file. Default as \code{"output_imRrs_normalized"}.
#' @param fn_rgbpng A string, file name of rgb png. Default as \code{"output_rgb"}.
#' @param fn_Chla A string, file name of estimated Chla raster file. Default as \code{"output_Chla"}.
#' @return A \code{list()} of all results and several inputs:
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item \strong{input}  What we input character link to image file or raster object
#'     \item \strong{res}  Condition input of apply_to_image
#'     \item \strong{res.FCM}  List of FCM.new result
#'     \item \strong{res.Chla}  Data.frame includes the template and final Chla estimation results
#'     \item \strong{coord}  Dataframe of xy coordinates
#'     \item \strong{imRrs.raw}  Dataframe of raw Rrs excluding NA pixels. Thus, it may have less pixels than 
#'       that of \code{input}
#'     \item \strong{imRrs.n}  Dataframe of normalized Rrs. Same as \code{imRrs.raw} but in the normalized scale
#'     \item \strong{im.cluster} Dataframe of cluster with coordinates.
#'     \item \strong{im.memb} Dataframe of membership returned by \link{apply_FCM_m}. It includes coordinates.
#'     \item \strong{raster.memb}  Raster object of membership value. \code{NULL} if \code{output_image} is \code{FALSE}.
#'     \item \strong{raster.cluster}  Raster object of cluster. \code{NULL} if \code{output_image} is \code{FALSE}.
#'     \item \strong{raster.Chla} Raster object of Chla concentration. \code{NULL} if \code{output_image} is \code{FALSE}.
#'     \item \strong{p.memb}  A ggplot list of membership value map
#'     \item \strong{p.cluster}  A ggplot list of cluster map
#'     \item \strong{p.rgb} A ggplot list of rgb map
#'     \item \strong{p.Chla}  A ggplot list of Chla map
#'   }
#' @export
#' @rdname apply_to_image
#' @note 
#'   \strong{2019-12-12}: 
#'   The section FCM running used the subset of default Rrs clusters.
#'   Please see the section \strong{Part II: New coming raster data} by running \code{vignette('Builtin_centrodis')}
#'   if have not known how to do in that situation.
#'   Also, if it is your first time to get the image data into \strong{R}, you could
#'   load the raster data by typing \code{raster::brick(filename)} which filename
#'   is the path of your data such as '/data/Test.dat' or 'E://data//Test.tiff' or so.
#'   \strong{2020-06-27}: 
#'   Note that the inputs of \code{apply_to_image} support the file path of raster file.
#'   \strong{2020-07-03}:
#'   Reported by Xiaolan Cai, the required RGB bands for plotting the true color image are defined by 
#'     inputted wavelength now.
#' @examples 
#' \donttest{
#' library(FCMm)
#' data("OLCI_TH")
#' data("Bi_clusters")
#' res <- generate_param(c(413,443,490,510,560,620,665,674,709,754,865,885))
#' im_result <- apply_to_image(input=OLCI_TH, res=res, title.name="Test_image", Chla_est=TRUE)
#' }
#' @references 
#' Bi S, Li Y, Xu J, et al. Optical classification of inland waters based on
#'   an improved Fuzzy C-Means method[J]. Optics Express, 2019, 27(24): 34838-34856.
#' @family Fuzzy cluster functions
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom raster raster brick as.data.frame rasterFromXYZ stretch rasterFromXYZ 
#'   crs crs<- writeRaster
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @importFrom magrittr %>% %<>%
#' @importFrom ggthemes theme_map
#' @importFrom grDevices rgb
#' @importClassesFrom raster Raster RasterBrick RasterStack
apply_to_image <- function(input, res, 
                           color_palette = RdYlBu(res$K),
                           pos_rgb = NULL, 
                           output_image=FALSE, output_resultpng=FALSE, output_imRrs.n=FALSE,
                           output_dir = ".", output_format="GTiff",
                           title.name = NULL, png_scale=50,
                           fn_Chla = "output_Chla"){

    stop("The input of image file is missing!")
    stop("FCM results is missing")
  if(length(color_palette) != res$K)
    stop("The length of color_palette shoud be same with cluster number!")
    stop("The specified output directory does not exist!")
  fn_memb <- file.path(output_dir, fn_memb)
  fn_cluster <- file.path(output_dir, fn_cluster)
  fn_imRrs.n <- file.path(output_dir, fn_imRrs.n)
  fn_rgbpng <- file.path(output_dir, fn_rgbpng)
  fn_Chla <- file.path(output_dir, fn_Chla)
  message("Since we have not check the input image file,")
  message("  please make sure the wavelength of image file and cluster dataframe match correspondingly.")
  message("The normalization of spectra is default in this version!")

  wv <- res$FD$wv
  if(class(input)[1] == "character"){
    im <- brick(input)
  }else if(class(input)[1] == "RasterBrick" | class(input)[1] == "RasterStack"){
    im <- input
    stop('Unknow input of image. Make sure the input is charater or RasterBrick')

  if(im@data@nlayers != length(res$FD$wv))
    stop("The band number of image file is different from wavelength length!")
  imdf <- raster::as.data.frame(im, na.rm=TRUE, xy=TRUE)
  x_name <- which(names(imdf) == "x")
  y_name <- which(names(imdf) == "y")
  imdf <- cbind(imdf[,c(x_name, y_name)], imdf[,-c(x_name, y_name)])
  coord <- data.frame(x = imdf$x, y = imdf$y)
  imRrs.raw <- imdf[,-c(1,2)]
  names(imRrs.raw) <- paste0("Rrs",wv)
  Rrs <- as.matrix(imRrs.raw)
  # Area <- trapz(wv,Rrs)
  Area <- trapz2(Rrs)
  Area <- base::as.data.frame(Area)
  imRrs.n <- imRrs.raw
  for(i in 1:ncol(imRrs.raw))
    imRrs.n[,i] = imRrs.raw[,i] / Area
  raster.imRrs = rasterFromXYZ(cbind(coord, imRrs.raw), crs = im@crs)
  # save imRrs_normalized dataframe to ENVI rasterBrick
    raster.imRrs.n <- rasterFromXYZ(data.frame(x=imdf$x, y=imdf$y, imRrs.n), crs = im@crs)
    crs(raster.imRrs.n) <- im@crs
    writeRaster(raster.imRrs.n, fn_imRrs.n, format='ENVI', overwrite=TRUE)
    message(paste0("Normalized Rrs map was generated, named: ", fn_imRrs.n))

  # Apply FCM-m to image dataframe
  v <- res$res.FCM$v
  m <- res$res.FCM$m
  message('Apply fcm to image dataframe ......')
  res.FCM <- apply_FCM_m(Rrs=imRrs.raw, wavelength=wv, Rrs_clusters=v, m_used = m, 
                         stand = FALSE, default.cluster=FALSE)
  res.im <- list()
  res.im$u <- base::as.data.frame(res.FCM$u)
  res.im$cluster <- res.FCM$cluster

  # Save true color image
  wv_nrgb <- c(865, 665, 560, 442)
  wv_pos <- wv_nrgb
  for(i in 1:length(wv_pos)){
    diff_wv <- abs(abs(wv - wv_nrgb[i]))
    pos_min <- which.min(diff_wv)
    if(diff_wv[pos_min] <= 10){
      wv_pos[i] = pos_min
      wv_pos[i] = NA
    rm(diff_wv, pos_min)
  im_nrgb <- brick(im[[wv_pos[1]]],
  # rgb <- brick(im[[7]], im[[6]], im[[2]]) 
  nrgb_stretch <- stretch(x=im_nrgb, minv=0, maxv=255, minq=0.02, maxq=0.98)
  nrgb_imdf <- raster::as.data.frame(nrgb_stretch, xy=TRUE, na.rm=TRUE) %>%
    setNames(., c("x", "y", "n", "r", "g", "b"))
  p.rgb <- ggplot(nrgb_imdf) + 
    geom_raster(aes(x=x, y=y, fill=rgb(n,r,g, maxColorValue = 255)), hjust=0.5, vjust=0.5)+
    scale_fill_identity() +
    coord_equal() + 
    ggthemes::theme_map() + 
    theme(plot.margin = margin())

  # Save membership rasters
  sub.memb <- data.frame(imdf$x,imdf$y, res.im$u)
  names(sub.memb) <- c("x","y",paste('Cluster',seq(1,res$K)))
    raster.memb <- rasterFromXYZ(sub.memb, crs = im@crs)
    writeRaster(raster.memb, fn_memb, format=output_format, overwrite=TRUE)
    message(paste0("Membership map was generated, named: ", fn_memb))
    raster.memb <- NULL
  message("Plotting membership values ......")
  p.memb<- ggplot() +
    geom_raster(data=melt(sub.memb,id=c('x','y')), aes(x=x,y=y,fill=value),
                hjust=0.5, vjust=0.5) +
                       breaks=c(0.0,0.25,0.5,0.75,1.0)) +
    facet_wrap(~variable, nrow=3) + 
    labs(fill='Membership', title=title.name) +
    coord_equal() + theme_map() +
    theme(text = element_text(size=13),
          # legend.position=c(1,0),
          legend.position = "right",
          legend.justification=c(0.5, 0.5),

  # Save cluster raster
  im.cluster <- data.frame(imdf$x,imdf$y, cluster = res.im$cluster %>% as.character)
  names(im.cluster) <- c("x","y", "cluster")
    raster.cluster <- rasterFromXYZ(im.cluster, crs = im@crs)
    writeRaster(raster.cluster, fn_cluster, format=output_format, overwrite=TRUE)
    message(paste0("Cluster map was generated, named: ", fn_cluster))
    raster.cluster <- NULL
  message("Plotting clusters ......")
  im.cluster$cluster_f <- factor(im.cluster$cluster, levels=1:nrow(v), ordered = TRUE)
  cp <- color_palette
  names(cp) <- levels(im.cluster$cluster_f)
  p.cluster <- ggplot() +
                hjust=0.5, vjust=0.5) +
    scale_fill_manual(values=cp) +
    labs(fill='Cluster', title=title.name) +
    coord_equal() + theme_map() +

  # obtain width and height of ggsave
  width <- raster.imRrs@ncols/png_scale * 1.1
  height<- raster.imRrs@nrows/png_scale

  res.Chla <- NULL
  p.Chla <- NULL
  raster.Chla <- NULL
  # Chla estimation and plot Chla map
    X <- data.frame(Rrs665 = res.FCM$x$Rrs665,
                    Rrs709 = res.FCM$x$Rrs709,
                    Rrs754 = res.FCM$x$Rrs754,
    res.Chla <- FCM_m_Chla_estimation(Rrs=X[,1:3],U=X[,4:10])
    sub.Chla <- data.frame(imdf$x,imdf$y, res.Chla$conc.Blend)
    names(sub.Chla) <- c("x","y","Chla")
      raster.Chla <- rasterFromXYZ(sub.Chla, crs = im@crs)
      writeRaster(raster.Chla, fn_Chla, format=output_format, overwrite=TRUE)
      message(paste0("Chla concentration map was generated, named: ", fn_Chla))
      raster.Chla <- NULL
    message("Plotting Chla concentration ......")
    oldoptions <- options(scipen=1000)
    p.Chla<- ggplot() +
      geom_raster(data=sub.Chla, aes(x=x,y=y,fill=Chla),
                  hjust=0.5, vjust=0.5) +
      labs(fill='Chla [ug/L]', title=title.name) +
      coord_equal() + theme_map() +
    if(max(sub.Chla$Chla, na.rm=TRUE) >= 800){
      p.Chla <- p.Chla +
        scale_fill_viridis_c(na.value='gray', trans='log10',
                           breaks=c(10^seq(0,2.9,0.5)) %>% round(.,2))
      p.Chla <- p.Chla +
        scale_fill_viridis_c(na.value='gray', trans='log10',
                           breaks=c(10^seq(0,2.9,0.5)) %>%
                             .[. < max(sub.Chla$Chla, na.rm=TRUE)] %>% round(.,2))

  # Save ggplot png for membership and cluster patterns
    ggsave(paste0(fn_memb,'.png'), plot=p.memb, device='png')
    ggsave(paste0(fn_cluster,'.png'), plot=p.cluster, device='png', width=width, height=height, units='in')
    ggsave(paste0(fn_rgbpng, '.png'), plot=p.rgb, device='png', width=width, height=height, units='in')
    ggsave(paste0(fn_Chla, '.png'), plot=p.Chla, device='png', width=width, height=height, units='in')

  message('Saving the results to the list ......')

  # Save results to one list
  result = list()
  # input part
  result$input <- input
  result$res <- res
  # FCM and blending work
  result$res.FCM <- res.FCM
  result$res.Chla <- res.Chla
  # imdf results
  result$coord <- coord
  result$imRrs.raw <- imRrs.raw
  result$imRrs.n <- imRrs.n
  result$im.cluster <- im.cluster
  result$im.memb    <- sub.memb
  # raster outputs
  result$raster.memb <- raster.memb
  result$raster.cluster <- raster.cluster
  result$raster.Chla    <- raster.Chla
  # plots
  result$p.memb <- p.memb
  result$p.cluster <- p.cluster
  result$p.rgb <- p.rgb
  result$p.Chla <- p.Chla



#' @title Generate the input parameter of apply_to_image based on 
#'   the built-in or user-defined centroids
#' @name generate_param
#' @param wl wavelength of subsetting
#' @export
#' @note \code{generate_param} only support the cluster centroids proposed by \code{Bi et al. (2019)}.
#'   However, the \code{generate_param_ex} could be used for user-defined centroids if you want.
#' @return The return of \code{generate_param} or \code{generate_param_ex} is a list used for 
#'   function \link{apply_to_image}.
#' @family Fuzzy cluster functions
#' @references 
#' \itemize{
#'   \item Bi S, Li Y, Xu J, et al. Optical classification of inland waters based on
#'     an improved Fuzzy C-Means method[J]. Optics Express, 2019, 27(24): 34838-34856.
#' }
#' @examples 
#' library(FCMm)
#' wl = c(413, 443, 490, 510, 560, 620, 665, 674, 681, 709, 754, 779, 865, 885)
#' res = generate_param(wl)
generate_param <- function(wl){
  w <- (wavelength.default %in% wl)
  wavelength <- wavelength.default[w]
  Rrs_clusters <- Rrs_clusters.default[,w]
  # generate the required res
  res <- list()
  res$FD$wv <- wavelength
  res$K <- nrow(Rrs_clusters)
  res$res.FCM <- list(v=Rrs_clusters,m=1.36)

#' @rdname generate_param
#' @param centroids The centorids values required for fuzzy clustering on images. Its colnames should
#'   be converted to numeric wavelength. The format should be like \code{Rrs_clusters.default}.
#' @param m The fuzzifier value of FCM. Default as \code{1.36}. 
#' @importFrom stringr str_detect
#' @export
generate_param_ex <- function(centroids, m = 1.36){
  wv = colnames(centroids)
  w  = str_detect(wv, "[:digit:]|\\.")
  if(sum(w) < ncol(centroids)){
      "Following columns are ignored as their names cannot be converted to numeric:\n%s",
      paste0(wv[!w], collapse = " ")
    centroids = centroids[, w]
  wv = as.numeric(colnames(centroids))
  res <- list()
  res$FD$wv   = wv
  res$K       = nrow(centroids)
  res$res.FCM = list(v = centroids, m=m)
bishun945/FCMm documentation built on Oct. 15, 2021, 6:43 p.m.