
#' Take bootstrap output and return summary data for all annual report/web table for Upper and Mid Columbia River fish
#' @param crt Bootstrap output as input file here.
#' @param target The name of the original input file (eg. SR HCH 2015 MCCA).
#' @param css_group CSS group from the CSSGroups_LookupTable.
#' @param makefile Append parameter output in CSSREPORT in SQL server, and make parameter output in csv file in working directory. Default is 'y'.
#' @return Survivals,detection, adult counts, and SARs...
#' @examples
#' ans<- doCalcs_uc(crt, target= 'CR_USK_2015_OKAN_MCJ', css_group= 'OKSR', makefile= 'y')
#' format(ans, scientific= FALSE)

doCalcs_uc <- function(crt, target, css_group, makefile='y', ...){

roundT <- function(x, ...){
  ans <- floor(x + 0.5)   }else{
  digits <- list(...)[[1]]
  ans <- floor(x*(10^digits) + 0.5)/10^digits

#roundT(2.5); roundT(2.25, digits=1)
#round(2.5); round(2.25, digits=1)

#90%,95% non parametric CI function similar to the old bootstrap program [[modified order, 7-24-2013 JET]]

exactci <- function(x, n, conflev){
  alpha <- (1- conflev)
  if (x == 0) {
    ll <- 0
    ul <- 1 - (alpha/ 2)^ (1/ n) # qbeta(1- alpha/ 2, x+ 1, n- x)
  else if (x == n) {
    ll <- (alpha/ 2)^ (1/ n)
    ul <- 1
  else {
    ll <- 1/ (1+ (n- x+ 1)/ (x* qf(alpha/ 2, 2* x, 2* (n- x+ 1))) )
    ul <- 1/ (1+ (n- x)/
        ((x+ 1) * qf(1- alpha/ 2, 2* (x+ 1), 2* (n- x))) )
  c(ll, ul)
# Computes the Clopper/Pearon exact ci
# for a binomial success probability
# for x successes out of n trials with
# confidence coefficient conflev
# from http://users.stat.ufl.edu/~aa/cda/R/one-sample/R1/index.html
# date of visit: 1/14/2019

get.CIs <- function(data, exci='n', exfn, x, n, conflev, ...){
  n_dat<- length(data)- 1
  result <- data.frame(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, NA,NA)
  names(result) <- c("initial", "np_90cill", "np_90ciul", "boots_avg",
    "boots_std", "cv", "p_90cill", "p_90ciul", "np_95cill", "np_95ciul",
    "ex_90cill", "ex_90ciul")
  result$initial    <- data[1]
  result$np_90cill  <- quantile(data, 0.05, na.rm= TRUE)
  result$np_90ciul  <- quantile(data, 0.95, na.rm= TRUE)
  result$boots_avg  <- mean(data[-1], na.rm= TRUE)
  result$boots_std  <- sqrt(var(data[-1], na.rm= TRUE)*(n_dat-1)/n_dat) # pop'n sd
  result$cv         <- result$boots_std/result$boots_avg
  result$p_90cill   <- result$boots_avg - 1.645*result$boots_std
  result$p_90ciul   <- result$boots_avg + 1.645*result$boots_std
  result$np_95cill  <- quantile(data, 0.025, na.rm= TRUE)
  result$np_95ciul  <- quantile(data, 0.975, na.rm= TRUE)
  if (exci== 'y') {
    result$ex_90cill<- exfn(x, n, conflev= 0.9)[1]* 100
    result$ex_90ciul<- exfn(x, n, conflev= 0.9)[2]* 100

fill.CIs <- function(data){
  result <- data.frame(data[1],data[1],data[1],data[1],data[1],data[1],data[1],data[1],data[1],data[1], NA,NA)
  names(result) <- c("initial", "np_90cill", "np_90ciul", "boots_avg", "boots_std", "cv", "p_90cill", "p_90ciul", "np_95cill", "np_95ciul", "ex_90cill", "ex_90ciul")

#load up the needed pieces------------------------------------------------------
nocc<- sum(grepl('phi', names(crt)))
s1_cjs    <- crt$phi1
s2_cjs    <- crt$phi2
if('phi3' %in% names(crt)) {s3_cjs<- crt$phi3} else {s3_cjs<- (rep(0, 1001))}
if('phi4' %in% names(crt)) {s4_cjs<- crt$phi4} else {s4_cjs<- (rep(0, 1001))}
if('phi5' %in% names(crt)) {s5_cjs<- crt$phi5} else {s5_cjs<- (rep(0, 1001))}
# s4_cjs    <- crt$phi4
p2        <- crt$p2
p3        <- crt$p3
if('p4' %in% names(crt)){p4<- crt$p4} else {p4<- (rep(0, 1001))}
if('p5' %in% names(crt)){p5<- crt$p5} else {p5<- (rep(0, 1001))}
if('p6' %in% names(crt)){p6<- crt$p6} else {p6<- (rep(0, 1001))}
r1        <- crt$R1

totaladult_b<- round((crt$C0adult_t_boa + crt$C1adult_boa + crt$Txadult_boa),0)

totaladult_bj<- round((crt$C0adultj_t_boa + crt$C1adultj_boa + crt$Txadultj_boa),0)

totaladult_m<- round((crt$C0adult_t_rtn + crt$C1adult_rtn + crt$Txadult_rtn),0)

totaladult_mj<- round((crt$C0adultj_t_rtn + crt$C1adultj_rtn + crt$Txadultj_rtn),0)
# ----

#Smolt populations--------------------------------------------------------------
# popula_cjs<- r1* s1_cjs

#overall SARs by location and with and without jacks
sar_tws_cr_b <-  totaladult_b/(s1_cjs * r1)
sar_tws_cr_bj <- totaladult_bj/(s1_cjs * r1)
sar_rel_b <-  totaladult_b/r1
sar_rel_bj <-  totaladult_bj/r1
sar_tws_cr_m <-  totaladult_m/(s1_cjs * r1)
sar_tws_cr_mj <- totaladult_mj/(s1_cjs * r1)
sar_rel_m <-  totaladult_m/r1
sar_rel_mj <-  totaladult_mj/r1
# ----

#load up answers----------------------------------------------------------------

S1 <- get.CIs(s1_cjs)
if('phi2' %in% names(crt)) {S2<- get.CIs(s2_cjs)} else {S2 <- get.CIs(rep(0, 1001))}
if('phi3' %in% names(crt)) {S3<- get.CIs(crt$phi3)} else {S3 <- get.CIs(rep(0, 1001))}
if('phi4' %in% names(crt)) {S4<- get.CIs(crt$phi4)} else {S4 <- get.CIs(rep(0, 1001))}
if('phi5' %in% names(crt)) {S5<- get.CIs(crt$phi5)} else {S5 <- get.CIs(rep(0, 1001))}

SR<- get.CIs(apply(crt[grep('phi', names(crt))][-1], 1, prod))
R1<- get.CIs(r1)
p2<- get.CIs(p2)
if('p3' %in% names(crt)){p3<- get.CIs(p3)} else {p3 <- get.CIs(rep(0, 1001))}
if('p4' %in% names(crt)){p4<- get.CIs(p4)} else {p4 <- get.CIs(rep(0, 1001))}
if('p5' %in% names(crt)){p5<- get.CIs(p5)} else {p5 <- get.CIs(rep(0, 1001))}
if('p6' %in% names(crt)){p6<- get.CIs(p6)} else {p6 <- get.CIs(rep(0, 1001))}

popula_cjs<- get.CIs(r1* s1_cjs)
adults_b<- get.CIs(totaladult_b)
adults_bj<- get.CIs(totaladult_bj)
adults_m<- get.CIs(totaladult_m)
adults_mj<- get.CIs(totaladult_mj)

releaseSAR_b<- get.CIs(sar_rel_b* 100, exci='y',
  exactci, x= totaladult_b[1], n= r1[1])
releaseSAR_bj<- get.CIs(sar_rel_bj* 100, exci='y',
  exactci, x= totaladult_bj[1], n= r1[1])
overallSAR_b<- get.CIs(sar_tws_cr_b* 100, exci='y',
  exactci, x= totaladult_b[1], n= (r1* s1_cjs)[1])
overallSAR_bj<- get.CIs(sar_tws_cr_bj* 100, exci='y',
  exactci, x= totaladult_bj[1], n= (r1* s1_cjs)[1])

releaseSAR_m<- get.CIs(sar_rel_m* 100, exci='y',
  exactci, x= totaladult_m[1], n= r1[1])
releaseSAR_mj<- get.CIs(sar_rel_mj* 100, exci='y',
  exactci, x= totaladult_mj[1], n= r1[1])
overallSAR_m<- get.CIs(sar_tws_cr_m* 100, exci='y',
  exactci, x= totaladult_m[1], n= (r1* s1_cjs)[1])
overallSAR_mj<- get.CIs(sar_tws_cr_mj* 100, exci='y',
  exactci, x= totaladult_mj[1], n= (r1* s1_cjs)[1])
# McNpop       <- get.CIs(r1* s1_cjs)

#wrangle format and output------------------------------------------------------
#choose parameters:
parm <- c(
          # general stuff for evaluation; has various reach survival versions
          # 'S1', 'S2', 'S3', 'S4', 'SR', 'R1'
          paste0('S', 1:nocc)
          , 'SR', 'R1'
          , paste0('p', 2:(nocc+1))
          , 'popula_cjs'
          #,'p2', 'p3', 'p4','p5', 'popula_cjs'


          #overall SARs
          ,'releaseSAR_b','releaseSAR_bj','overallSAR_b', 'overallSAR_bj'
          ,'releaseSAR_m','releaseSAR_mj','overallSAR_m', 'overallSAR_mj'
ansDF <- get(parm[1])
for(i in parm[-1]){ansDF <- rbind(ansDF, get(i))}
ans <- cbind(parm, ansDF)

# option to save output to working directory and sql server
if (makefile == 'y' | makefile == 'Y') {
  # save bootystrap output to sql server
  # (this step is done during bootstrapping)
  # rand_str <- function(n) {
  #   do.call(paste0, replicate(7, sample(c(letters, letters, 0:9), n, TRUE), FALSE))
  # }
  # channel <- RODBC::odbcDriverConnect("case=nochange;
  #   Description=CSSOUTPUT;
  #   DRIVER=SQL Server;
  #   SERVER=PITTAG_2016;
  #   UID=sa;
  #   PWD=frznool;
  #   Network=DBMSSOCN")
  # RODBC::sqlSave(channel, data.frame(crt), tablename=
  #     paste0('C_T_', target, '_bootylator_', rand_str(1), format(Sys.time(), '%m%d%Y')))
  # RODBC::odbcCloseAll()

  # write doCalcs output in csv file to working directory
  nm <- paste("doCalcs_uc ", target, format(Sys.time(), '%Y-%m-%d %H%M%S'),
    " ", ".csv", sep = "")
  # ans$css_group<-css_group
  write.table(ans, paste(nm, sep = "\\"),
    col.names = T, row.names = F, sep = ',', quote = F)

  # also send to clipboard
  # write.table(ans, 'clipboard', col.names = T, row.names = F, sep = ',', quote = F)

  # save to sql server CSS report
  channel2 <- RODBC::odbcDriverConnect("case=nochange;
                                DRIVER=SQL Server;
  # get rid of things that sql doesn't like
  ans[ans=="Inf"]<- NA
  ans[ans=="NaN"]<- NA
  # add things to output that will identify data in the sql table
  migr_yr<- as.numeric(regmatches(target, regexpr("[0-9]...", target)))

  ans$input_sqlfile<- target
  ans$migr_year<- migr_yr
  ans$css_group<- css_group # needs manual input
  ans$rel_site<- crt$rel_site[1]
  ans$tag_site<- crt$tag_site[1]
  ans$coord_id<- crt$coord_id[1]
  ans$flag<- as.character('')
  inthesqltable<- RODBC::sqlQuery(channel2,
    paste("select css_group, migr_year, parm, thecount = count(initial)
      where css_group = ", "'", css_group, "'",
      " and migr_year = ", "'", migr_yr, "'",
      " and parm = 'overallSAR'
      group by css_group, migr_year, parm", sep="")

  if(length(inthesqltable$thecount) != '0') {
    RODBC::sqlUpdate(channel2, data.frame(ans), tablename="BOOTSTRAP_RESULTS",
      index = c('css_group', 'migr_year', 'parm'),
      verbose = FALSE, test = FALSE, nastring = NULL, fast = TRUE)
  } else {
    RODBC::sqlSave(channel2, data.frame(ans), tablename="BOOTSTRAP_RESULTS",
      safer=TRUE, append=TRUE)


# finally print in R
# print(format(ans, scientific = F))
rownames(ans)<- parm
boppingshoe/bootylator documentation built on May 8, 2019, 1:01 p.m.