
Defines functions .ChisqTest .tTest .calcClosure glht.lvmfit2 glht2.lvmfit2 glht2.lvmfit `glht2`

Documented in glht2.lvmfit glht2.lvmfit2 glht.lvmfit2

### sCorrect-glht2.R --- 
## Author: Brice Ozenne
## Created: nov 29 2017 (12:56) 
## Version: 
## Last-Updated: jan 23 2024 (10:25) 
##           By: Brice Ozenne
##     Update #: 811
### Commentary: 
### Change Log:
## User 
### Code:

## * Documentation - glht2
#' @title General Linear Hypothesis Testing With Small Sample Correction
#' @description Test linear hypotheses on coefficients from a latent variable models with small sample corrections.
#' @name glht2
#' @param object,model a \code{lvmfit}, \code{lvmfit2}, or \code{mmm} object.
#' @param linfct [matrix or vector of character] the linear hypotheses to be tested. Same as the argument \code{par} of \code{\link{createContrast}}.
#' @param rhs [vector] the right hand side of the linear hypotheses to be tested.
#' @param robust [logical] should robust standard error be used? 
#' Otherwise rescale the influence function with the standard error obtained from the information matrix.
#' @param cluster  [integer vector] the grouping variable relative to which the observations are iid.
#' @param ssc [character] method used to correct the small sample bias of the variance coefficients: no correction (\code{"none"}/\code{FALSE}/\code{NA}),
#' correct the first order bias in the residual variance (\code{"residual"}), or correct the first order bias in the estimated coefficients \code{"cox"}).
#' Only relevant when using a \code{lvmfit} object. 
#' @param df [character] method used to estimate the degree of freedoms of the Wald statistic: Satterthwaite \code{"satterthwaite"}. 
#' Otherwise (\code{"none"}/\code{FALSE}/\code{NA}) the degree of freedoms are set to \code{Inf}.
#' Only relevant when using a \code{lvmfit} object. 
#' @param ... [logical] arguments passed to lower level methods.
#' @details
#' Whenever the argument linfct is not a matrix, it is passed to the function \code{createContrast} to generate the contrast matrix and, if not specified, rhs. \cr \cr
#' Since only one degree of freedom can be specify in a glht object and it must be an integer, the degree of freedom of the denominator of an F test simultaneously testing all hypotheses is retained, after rounding. \cr \cr
#' Argument rhs and null are equivalent.
#' This redondance enable compatibility between \code{lava::compare}, \code{compare2}, \code{multcomp::glht}, and \code{glht2}.
#' @return A \code{glht} object.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{createContrast}} to create contrast matrices. \cr
#' \code{\link{estimate2}} to pre-compute quantities for the small sample correction.
#' @concept multiple comparisons
#' @examples
#' library(multcomp)
#' ## Simulate data
#' mSim <- lvm(c(Y1,Y2,Y3)~ beta * eta, Z1 ~ E, Z2 ~ E, Age[40:5]~1)
#' latent(mSim) <- "eta"
#' set.seed(10)
#' n <- 1e2
#' df.data <- lava::sim(mSim, n, latent = FALSE, p = c(beta = 1))
#' #### Inference on a single model ####
#' e.lvm <- estimate(lvm(Y1~E), data = df.data)
#' summary(glht2(e.lvm, linfct = c("Y1~E + Y1","Y1")))
#' #### Inference on separate models ####
#' ## fit separate models
#' lvmX <- estimate(lvm(Z1 ~ E), data = df.data)
#' lvmY <- estimate(lvm(Z2 ~ E + Age), data = df.data)
#' lvmZ <- estimate(lvm(c(Y1,Y2,Y3) ~ eta, eta ~ E), 
#'                  data = df.data)
#' #### create mmm object #### 
#' e.mmm <- mmm(X = lvmX, Y = lvmY, Z = lvmZ)
#' #### create contrast matrix ####
#' resC <- createContrast(e.mmm, linfct = "E")
#' #### adjust for multiple comparisons ####
#' e.glht2 <- glht2(e.mmm, linfct = c(X="E"), df = FALSE)
#' summary(e.glht2)
#' @concept multiple comparison
#' @export
`glht2` <-
    function(object, ...) UseMethod("glht2")

## * glht2.lvmfit
#' @rdname glht2
#' @export
glht2.lvmfit <- function(object, linfct, rhs = NULL, robust = FALSE, cluster = NULL, ssc = lava.options()$ssc, df = lava.options()$df, ...){
    return(glht2(estimate2(object, ssc = ssc, df = df, dVcov.robust = robust, ...), linfct = linfct, rhs = rhs, robust = robust, cluster = cluster))


## * glht2.lvmfit2
#' @rdname glht2
#' @export
glht2.lvmfit2 <- function(object, linfct, rhs = NULL,
                          robust = FALSE, cluster = NULL,

    out <- compare2(object, linfct = linfct, rhs = rhs,
                    robust = robust, cluster = cluster,
                    as.lava = FALSE, F.test = FALSE, ...)

## * glht2.mmm
#' @rdname glht2
#' @export
glht2.mmm <- function (object, linfct, rhs = 0,
                       robust = FALSE, cluster = NULL,

    ## ** check the class of each model
    n.object <- length(object)
    name.object <- names(object)    
        stop("Argument \'object\' must be named list. \n")

    test.lvmfit <- sapply(object, inherits, what = "lvmfit")
    if(any(test.lvmfit == 0)){
        index.wrong <- which(test.lvmfit == 0)
        stop("Argument \'object\' must be a list of objects that inherits from lvmfit. \n",
             "Incorrect element(s): ",paste(index.wrong, collapse = " "),".\n")
    test.lvmfit2 <- sapply(object, inherits, what = "lvmfit2")
    if(any(test.lvmfit2 == 0)){
        for(iO in which(test.lvmfit2==0)){
            object[[iO]] <- estimate2(object[[iO]], dVcov.robust = robust, ...)
    ## ** define the contrast matrix
    out <- list()
    if (is.character(linfct)){
        resC <- createContrast(object, linfct = linfct, rowname.rhs = FALSE)
        linfct <- resC$contrast
        ls.contrast <- resC$mlf
        if("rhs" %in% names(match.call()) == FALSE){
            rhs <- resC$null
    }else if(is.matrix(linfct)){
        ls.contrast <- lapply(name.object, function(x){ ## x <- name.object[2]
            iColnames <- grep(paste0("^",x,": "), colnames(linfct), value = FALSE, fixed = FALSE)
            iRownames <- rowSums(linfct[,iColnames]!=0)>0
            linfct[iRownames, iColnames,drop=FALSE]            
        names(ls.contrast) <- name.object
        contrast <- linfct
        if("rhs" %in% names(match.call()) == FALSE){ ## left rhs to default value
            rhs <- rep(0, NROW(contrast))
        }else if(length(rhs)!=NROW(contrast)){
            stop("mismatch between the dimensions of argument \'rhs\' and argument \'contrast\' \n")
        stop("Argument \'linfct\' must be a matrix or a vector of characters. \n",
             "Consider using  out <- createContrast(...) and pass out$contrast to linfct. \n")

    ## ** check whether it is possible to compute df
    ## i.e. are linear hypothesis model specific?
    test.df <- all(unlist(lapply(object, function(iModel){iModel$sCorrect$df == "satterthwaite"})))
        n.hypo <- NROW(linfct)
        ls.modelPerTest <- lapply(1:n.hypo, function(iHypo){ ## iHypo <- 1
            iContrast <- linfct[iHypo,]
            iNames <- names(iContrast)[abs(iContrast)>0]
            iModels <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(iNames, split = ":"),"[[",1))
            stop("Cannot compute the degrees of freedom for tests performed across several models \n",
                 "Consider setting the argument \'df\' to FALSE \n")

    ## ** Total number of observations
        ls.cluster <- lapply(object, function(iO){extractData(iO, rm.na = FALSE)[[cluster]]})
        Ucluster <- unique(unlist(ls.cluster))
        n.cluster <- length(Ucluster)
    ## ** Extract influence functions from all models
    ls.res <- lapply(1:n.object, function(iM){ ## iM <- 1

        ## *** Pre-compute quantities
            object[[iM]] <- estimate2(object[[iM]], ...)
        out$param <- coef(object[[iM]], as.lava = FALSE)
        name.param <- names(out$param)
        name.object.param <- paste0(name.object[iM],": ",name.param)
        out$param <- stats::setNames(out$param, name.object.param)
        ## *** Compute df for each test
            ## here null does not matter since we only extract the degrees of freedom
            iContrast <- ls.contrast[[iM]]
            colnames(iContrast) <- name.param
            iWald <- compare2(object[[iM]], linfct = iContrast, as.lava = FALSE, F.test = FALSE)
            out$df <- iWald$df
            out$df <- Inf
        ## *** get iid decomposition
        iid.tempo <- iid(object[[iM]], robust = robust, cluster = cluster, as.lava = FALSE)
            out$iid <- matrix(NA, nrow = n.cluster, ncol = length(name.param),
                              dimnames = list(Ucluster, name.param))
            out$iid[attr(iid.tempo,"cluster"),] <- iid.tempo
            out$iid <- iid.tempo
        colnames(out$iid) <- name.object.param

        ## *** get se
            out$se <- sqrt(diag(crossprod(iid.tempo)))
            out$se <- sqrt(diag(vcov(object[[iM]], as.lava = FALSE)))
    seq.df <- unlist(lapply(ls.res,"[[","df"))
    seq.param <- unlist(lapply(ls.res,"[[","param"))

        df.global <- round(stats::median(seq.df), digits = 0)
        df.global <- 0
    ls.iid <- lapply(ls.res,"[[","iid")
    ls.se <- lapply(ls.res,"[[","se")
    n.obs <- unique(unlist(lapply(ls.iid, NROW)))
        stop("Mismatch between the number of observations in the iid \n",
             "Likely to be due to the presence of missing values \n",
             "Consider specifying the \'cluster\' argument \n")
    M.iid <- do.call(cbind,ls.iid)
    diag.se <- diag(do.call(c,ls.se))
       M.iid[is.na(M.iid)] <- 0
    vcov.object <- diag.se %*% stats::cov2cor(crossprod(M.iid)) %*% diag.se ## same as multcomp:::vcov.mmm
    dimnames(vcov.object) <- list(colnames(M.iid), colnames(M.iid))
    ## ** sanity check
    name.param <- names(seq.param)
        stop("Column names of the contrast matrix does not match the one of the coefficients \n")
        stop("Column names of the variance covariance matrix does not match the one of the coefficients \n")
        stop("Rownames names of the variance covariance matrix does not match the one of the coefficients \n")

    ## ** convert to the appropriate format    
    out <- list(model = object,
                linfct = linfct,
                rhs = unname(rhs),
                coef = seq.param,
                vcov = vcov.object,
                df = df.global,
                alternative = "two.sided",
                type = NULL,
                robust = robust)
    class(out) <- c("glht2","glht")
    ### ** export

## * glht.lvmfit2
#' @rdname glht2
#' @export
glht.lvmfit2 <- function(model, linfct, rhs = NULL,
                         robust = FALSE, cluster = NULL,

    out <- compare2(model, linfct = linfct, rhs = rhs,
                    robust = robust, cluster = cluster,
                    as.lava = FALSE, F.test = FALSE, ...)

## * .calcClosure
.calcClosure <- function(name, estimate, covariance, type, df){

    n.hypo <- length(name)
    correlation <- stats::cov2cor(covariance)

    ## ** create all possible hypotheses
    ls.closure <- lapply(n.hypo:1, function(iNtest){ ## iNtest <- 1  
        iList <- list(M = utils::combn(name, m = iNtest))
        iList$vec <- apply(iList$M, 2, paste, collapse = ",")

    ## ** compute all p.values
    for(iLevel in 1:length(ls.closure)){ ## iLevel <- 1
        ls.closure[[iLevel]]$test <- t(apply(ls.closure[[iLevel]]$M, 2, function(iHypo){
            index <- which(name %in% iHypo)
            if(type == "chisq"){
                return(.ChisqTest(estimate[index], covariance = covariance[index,index,drop=FALSE], df = df))
            }else if(type == "max"){
                              covariance = covariance[index,index,drop=FALSE],
                              correlation = correlation[index,index,drop=FALSE], df = df))
        rownames(ls.closure[[iLevel]]$test) <- ls.closure[[iLevel]]$vec
    ## ** find all hypotheses in the closure related to an individual hypothesis
    ls.hypo <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.hypo)
    for(iHypo in 1:n.hypo){ ## iHypo <- 1
        ls.hypo[[iHypo]] <- do.call(rbind,lapply(ls.closure, function(iClosure){ ## iClosure <- 1
            iIndex <- which(colSums(iClosure$M==name[iHypo])>0)
            data.frame(hypothesis = iClosure$vec[iIndex],
                       statistic = as.double(iClosure$test[iIndex,"statistic"]),
                       p.value = as.double(iClosure$test[iIndex,"p.value"]))
    names(ls.hypo) <- name
    ## ** adjusted p.values
    vec.p.value <- unlist(lapply(ls.hypo, function(x){max(x$p.value)}))
    return(list(closure = ls.closure,
                test = ls.hypo,
                p.value = vec.p.value))

## * .tTest
.tTest <- function(estimate, covariance, correlation, df, ...){
    df1 <- length(estimate)
    statistic <- max(abs(estimate/sqrt(diag(covariance))))
        distribution <-  "gaussian"
        distribution <- "student"
    p.value <- .calcPmaxIntegration(statistic, p = df1, Sigma = correlation, df = df,
                                    distribution = distribution)
    return(c("statistic" = statistic,
             "p.value" = p.value))

## * .ChisqTest
.ChisqTest <- function(estimate, covariance, df, ...){
    df1 <- length(estimate)
    ## q * statistic ~ chisq or fisher
    statistic <- as.double(matrix(estimate, nrow = 1) %*% solve(covariance) %*% matrix(estimate, ncol = 1)) / df1
        return(c("statistic" = statistic,
                 "p.value" = 1-stats::pf(statistic, df1 = df1, df2 = df)))
        return(c("statistic" = statistic,
                 "p.value" = 1-stats::pchisq(statistic, df = df1)))

bozenne/lavaSearch2 documentation built on Feb. 13, 2024, 10:18 p.m.