
## required packages

## settings
options(scipen = 999)

## helper functions
readxl <-
  function (...) {
    xl <- read_excel(...)
    class(xl) <- "data.frame"
    colnames(xl) <- make.names(colnames(xl))

expit <-
  function(x) {
    exp(x)/(1 + exp(x))

logit <-
  function(x) {
    log(x/(1 - x))

## main wrapper function
fit_all <-
  function(file, level, yearrange) {
    ## extract sheet names
    sheets <- excel_sheets(file)
    ## define years of analysis
    years <- yearrange
    ## transfer to appropriate function
    if ("Tout Programmation" %in% sheets) {
      fit_discrete(file, years, level)
    } else {
      fit_continuous(file, years, level)

## fit models to discrete data
fit_discrete <-
  function(file, years, level) {
    ## parameters
    par <- readxl(file, "Tout Programmation", range = cell_limits(c(NA, 11), c(4, NA)))
    par <- par[, complete.cases(t(par)), drop = FALSE]
    n_par <- ncol(par)
    ## data
    x <- readxl(file, "Tout Programmation", range = cell_limits(c(5, 3), c(NA, NA)))
    x <- cbind(x[as.numeric(level)], x[, -c(1:7)])
    x <- head(x, -1)             # strip last row
    x <- x[, seq(1, ncol(x)-4)]  # strip last columns
    ## restrict observations to year range
    x <- x[x[[2]] %in% years, ]    
    ## remove dots (used for thousands)
    x[, -1] <- sapply(x[, -1], function(y) gsub("\\.", "", y))
    ## to numeric
    x[, -1] <- sapply(x[, -1], as.numeric)
    ## matrices
    mat <- factor(x[[1]])
    n_mat <- length(levels(mat))
    ## year
    year <- x[[2]]
    ## prepare output table
    out_tab <- matrix(ncol = 6, nrow = n_par * n_mat)
    ## prepare output list
    out_list <- vector("list", n_par * n_mat)
    ## fit all models
    for (i in seq(n_par)) {
      xy <- as.matrix(x[, (4:3)+(4*(i-1))])
      xy[] <- 0
      for (j in seq(n_mat)) {
        id <- which(mat == levels(mat)[j])
        xy_mat <- data.frame(year[id],
                             as.numeric(xy[id, 1]),
                             as.numeric(xy[id, 2]))
        names(xy_mat) <- c("year", "NC", "C")
        xy_mat <- aggregate(cbind(NC, C) ~ year, sum, data = xy_mat)
        mx <- matrix(NA, ncol = 2, nrow = length(years))
        yr <- match(xy_mat$year, years)
        mx[yr, ] <- as.matrix(xy_mat[, -1])
        fit <- NA
        if (sum(mx, na.rm = TRUE) > 0 && length(unique(yr)) > 1) {
          fit <- glm(mx ~ years, family = binomial)  # standard logistic regression
          # firth logistic regression
          # n_years <- nrow(mx)
          # regy <- rep(rep(c(1, 0), each = n_years), times = c(mx))
          # regx <- rep(years, times = rowSums(mx))
          # fit <- logistf(regy ~ regx)
          if (![2])) {
            p <- round(coef(summary(fit))[2, 4], 3)
            # p <- round(fit$prob[2], 3)
            COEF <- round(exp(coef(fit)[2]), 3)
          } else {
            p <- COEF <- NA
        } else {
          p <- COEF <- NA
        ## complete output table
        row <- j + n_mat * (i-1)
        out_tab[row, ] <-
          c(par[3, i],
            sum(mx, na.rm = TRUE),
        ## complete output list
        out_list[[row]] <-
          list(years = years,
               mx = mx,
               fit = fit,
               p = p,
               PAR = par[3, i],
               MAT = levels(mat)[j])
    out_tab <- data.frame(out_tab, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    colnames(out_tab) <-
      c("Parameter", "Matrix", "Samples", "Years", "Annual change", "P-value")

    out_tab[[3]] <- as.numeric(out_tab[[3]])
    out_tab[[4]] <- as.numeric(out_tab[[4]])
    out_tab[[5]] <- as.numeric(out_tab[[5]])
    out_tab[[6]] <- as.numeric(out_tab[[6]])
    out_tab$Interpretation <-
      "No trend analysis possible"
      which(out_tab$'P-value' > 0.05)] <-
      which(out_tab$'P-value' < 0.05 & out_tab$'Annual change' < 1)] <-
      "Decreasing trend"
      which(out_tab$'P-value' < 0.05 & out_tab$'Annual change' > 1)] <-
      "Increasing trend"

    return(list(out_tab = out_tab, out_list = out_list, type = "discrete"))

## fit models to continuous data
fit_continuous <-
  function(x, years, level) {
    ## helper functions
    Pval <- function(x) summary(x)@.Data[[9]]["year", "p"]
    ## remove observations without year
    x <- x[complete.cases(x$year), ]
    ## restrict observations to year range
    x <- x[x$year %in% years, ]

    ## define censored observations
    x$cen <- grepl("<", x$result) | grepl("[[:alpha:]]", x$result)
    ## .. extract LOQ/LOD from entry
    x$result <- gsub(",", ".", sub("\\D+$", "", sub("^\\D+", "", x$result)))

    ## .. convert values to numeric
    x$result <- as.numeric(x$result)
    ## remove non-numeric observations
    x <- x[!$result), ]
    ## remove zero observations
    x <- x[x$result != 0, ]
    ## define unique parameters
    par <- unique(x$parameter)
    n_par <- length(par)
    ## define unique matrices
    mat <- unique(x$matrix)
    n_mat <- length(mat)
    ## prepare output table
    out_tab <- matrix(ncol = 7, nrow = n_par * n_mat)
    ## prepare output list
    out_list <- vector("list", n_par * n_mat)
    ## fit models for all parameter-matrix pairs
    for (i in seq(n_par)) {
      xi <- subset(x, parameter == par[i])
      for (j in seq(n_mat)) {
        xim <- subset(xi, matrix == mat[j])
        n_years <- length(unique(xim$year))
        if (n_years == 1 | length(unique(xim$result)) == 1 | all(xim$cen)) {
          P <- COEF <- NA
        } else {
          fit <- with(xim, cenreg(Cen(result, cen) ~ year))
          COEF <- coef(fit)
          P <- Pval(fit)
        ## complete output table
        row <- j + n_mat * (i-1)
        out_tab[row, ] <-
        ## complete output list
        out_list[[row]] <-
          list(x = xim,
               COEF = COEF,
               P = P,
               years = years)
    ## remove non-existing combinations
    is_empty <- sapply(out_list, function(x) nrow(x$x) == 0)
    out_tab <- out_tab[!is_empty, , drop=FALSE]
    out_list <- out_list[!is_empty]
    ## compile and return results
    out_tab <- data.frame(out_tab, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    colnames(out_tab) <-
      c("Parameter", "Matrix", "Samples", "Years", "Annual change", "P-value", "CEN")
    out_tab[[3]] <- as.numeric(out_tab[[3]])
    out_tab[[4]] <- as.numeric(out_tab[[4]])
    out_tab[[5]] <- round(as.numeric(out_tab[[5]]), 3)
    out_tab[[6]] <- round(as.numeric(out_tab[[6]]), 3)
    out_tab[[7]] <- as.numeric(out_tab[[7]])
    out_tab$Interpretation <-
      "No trend analysis possible"
      which(out_tab$'P-value' > 0.05)] <-
      which(out_tab$'P-value' < 0.05 & out_tab$'Annual change' < 1)] <-
      "Decreasing trend"
      which(out_tab$'P-value' < 0.05 & out_tab$'Annual change' > 1)] <-
      "Increasing trend"

    out_tab[["Non-detects"]] <- sprintf("%s (%s%%)", out_tab$CEN, round(100*out_tab$CEN/out_tab$Samples))
    out_tab$CEN <- NULL
    return(list(out_tab = out_tab, out_list = out_list, type = "continuous"))
brechtdv/trends documentation built on March 11, 2020, 11:16 a.m.