
Defines functions clean_eval_exp comp_stdboth comp_stderr comp_stdout merge_lists unique_path pretty_path relativize_path normalize_path history_write history_release history_capt filename_to_storeid path_clean unitizer_quit identical_fun env_name env_ancestry

Documented in filename_to_storeid

# Copyright (C) Brodie Gaslam
# This file is part of "unitizer - Interactive R Unit Tests"
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# Go to <https://www.r-project.org/Licenses/GPL-2> for a copy of the license.

# Retrieves Environment Ancestry
# @keywords internal
# @param env the environment to start with
# @param stop.env the environment to stop with

env_ancestry <- function(env, stop.env=globalenv()) {
  if(!is.environment(env) || !is.environment(stop.env)) stop("Arguments `env` and `stop.env` must both be environments")
  out <- character()
  repeat {
    out <- c(out, env_name(env))
    if(identical(env, stop.env)) break
    if(identical(env, emptyenv())) stop("Hit empty environment while traveling up environment ancestry")
    env <- parent.env(env)
# Gets Environment Name / Memory Code
# Captures the name that \code{`\link{print.default}`} displays when one
# prints and environment
# @keywords internal
# @param env an environemnt
# @return character 1 length

env_name <- function(env) {
  if(!is.environment(env)) stop("Argument `env` must be an environment")
  sub("<environment: (.*)>", "\\1", capture.output(print.default(env))[[1]])

# Functions To Ignore
# DEPRECATED.  Now handled by visibility status.
# Ignored functions are not considered tests if they are called from
# the top level.
# Also, provide a function to compare functions even when traced.
# @keywords internal
# @param x the reference function, if is traced then y must be identical
# @param y the current function, if \code{`x`} is not traced and \code{`y`}
#   is traced, will compare using \code{`y@@original`} instead of \code{`y`}

funs.ignore <- list(base::`<-`, base::library, base::`=`, base::set.seed)
identical_fun <- function(x, y) {
  if(!is.function(x) || !is.function(y))
    stop("Arguments `x` and `y` must both be functions.")
  if(is(x, "functionWithTrace")) {
    return(identical(x, y))
  } else if(is(y, "functionWithTrace")) {
    return(identical(x, y@original))
  identical(x, y)
## Overrides Default quit() Behavior
## Necessary because quit short circuits the \code{on.exit} clean-up functions
## and would leave stuff in a weird state (history not reset, etc.).
## This is used in \code{\link{unitize}}.
## @keywords internal

unitizer_quit <- function(
  save = "default", status = 0, runLast = TRUE, truly.quit=TRUE
) {
    "You are attempting to quit R from within `unitizer`.  If you do so ",
    "you will lose any unsaved `unitizers`.  Use `Q` to quit `unitizer` ",
    "gracefully.  Are you sure you want to exit R?"
  quit.count <- 5
    !(res <- head(tolower(read_line("Quit R? [y/n]: ")), 1L)) %in% c("y", "n")
  ) {
    quit.count <- quit.count - 1L
    if(quit.count < 0) {
      meta_word_msg("Sorry, could not understand you, quitting then.")
      res <- "y"
  if(res == "y" && truly.quit) {
    quit(save=save, status=status, runLast=runLast)  # nocov
  } else if (res == "y") TRUE else FALSE
# Cleans a Path to be In Standard Format
# Uses \code{`\link{dirname}`} to convert paths on windows machines with back
# slasshes to forward slash based names, and then removed excess forward
# slashes.
# @keywords internal
# @param path character the path name to clean up
# @return the cleaned up path

path_clean <- function(path) {
  if(!is.character(path)) stop("Argument `path` must be character")
  path.norm <- paste0(dirname(path), "/", basename(path))
  sub("/+", "/", path.norm)
#' Create a Store ID from a Test File Name
#' @param x character(1L) file name ending in .r or .R
#' @return store id name, or NULL if \code{x} doesn't meet expectations
#' @export
#' @examples
#' filename_to_storeid(file.path("tests", "unitizer", "foo.R"))
#' filename_to_storeid(file.path("tests", "unitizer", "boo.r"))
#' # does not end in [rR]
#' filename_to_storeid(file.path("tests", "unitizer", "boo"))

filename_to_storeid <- function(x) {
  if(is.character(x) && length(x) == 1L){
    r.regex <- "\\.[rR]$"
    if((y <- sub(r.regex, ".unitizer", x)) != x) return(y)
      "Unable to translate file name '", x, "' to `store.id` because ",
      "it does not match regex '", r.regex, "', please provide explicit ",
      "`store.id` or rename to end in '.R'.  Returning in NULL for ",
  } else
      "Unable to generate store id from non `character(1L)` file \"name\""
# History Management Funs
# @keywords internal

history_capt <- function(hist.file=NULL, interactive.mode) {
  # set up local history

  if(is.null(hist.file)) return(list(con=NULL, file=NULL))
  # nocov start
  if(!interactive()) {
    if(!interactive.mode) {
        "Unable to capture history in non-interactive mode.",
    ) }
    return(list(con=NULL, file=NULL))
  hist.try <- try(savehistory(), silent=TRUE)
  if(inherits(hist.try, "try-error"))
    warning(conditionMessage(attr(hist.try, "condition")))
  hist.con <- try(file(hist.file, "at"))
  if(inherits(hist.con, "try-error"))
    stop("Unable to open a connection to file provided for history")
    "## <unitizer> (original history will be restored on exit)\n",
  hist.try <- try(
    loadhistory(showConnections()[as.character(hist.con), "description"]),
  if(inherits(hist.try, "try-error")) {
    warning(conditionMessage(attr(hist.try, "condition")))
    attr(hist.con, "no.hist") <- TRUE
  list(con=hist.con, file=hist.file)
  # nocov end
history_release <- function(hist.obj) {
  if(all(vapply(hist.obj, is.null, logical(1L))))
  # nocov start
  no.hist <- attr(hist.obj$con, "no.hist")
  if(isTRUE(attr(hist.obj$file, "hist.tmp"))) file.remove(hist.obj$file)
  if(!isTRUE(no.hist)) {
    # covr runs non-interactively; can't have history
    hist.try <- try(loadhistory(), silent=TRUE)
    if(inherits(hist.try, "try-error"))
      warning(conditionMessage(attr(hist.try, "condition")))
  # nocov end
history_write <- function(hist.con, data) {
  if(is.null(hist.con)) return(invisible(NULL)) # probably in non-interactive
  # nocov start
  stopifnot(inherits(hist.con, 'connection'), is.character(data))
  if(isOpen(hist.con)) {
    cat(data, file=hist.con, sep="\n")
    if(!isTRUE(attr(hist.con, "no.hist"))) {
      hist.save <- try(loadhistory(summary(hist.con)$description), silent=TRUE)
      if(inherits(hist.save, "try-error"))
        warning(attr(hist.save, "condition"), immediate.=TRUE)
  } }
  # nocov end
## Variation on 'normalizePath' with \code{winslash} Pre-Specified, additionally
## will only return the normalized path if the path actually exists, if not it
## just returns the input.
## Note, for a file that doesn't exist, normalizePath may (windows?) or not (OS
## X) prepend the working directory.
## @param exists check whether the expanded path actually exists, and if it does
##   not return the original path.  Set to TRUE for consistent behavior across
##   platforms.

normalize_path <- function(path, mustWork=NA, exists=FALSE) {
  res <- normalizePath(path, winslash=.Platform$file.sep, mustWork=mustWork)
  if(isTRUE(mustWork) || exists) {
    res.exists <- file.exists(res)
    res[!res.exists] <- path[!res.exists]

# Simplify a Path As Much as Possible to Working Directory
# \itemize{
#   \item \code{relativize_path} returns a path that can actually be used
#     to access an actual file from the current working directory
#   \item \code{pretty_path}  returns the most readable path that we can
#     produce, but may not usable to access an actual file, main difference with
#     \code{relativize_path} is that it will figure out if a file is in a
#     package and return a path relative to the package directory if it turns
#     out that one is shorter than the one produced with relativize path
#   \item \code{unique_path} is used to separate out a common path from a list
#     of files, the unique paths are returned as a value, with the common
#     directory attached as an attribute
# }
# There are many types of windows paths that may not be handled correctly.
# https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/io/file-path-formats
# A big problem is if we try to combine a drive letter path "d:/a/b/c" with an
# absolute path relative to the drive "/a/b/c".  In theory the code isn't
# difficult; we could analyze the two paths and per windows rules we know we can
# just add the working directory letter to the path, but then the testing of it
# becomes annoying (essentially need to reproduce this functions code in the
# test proper, which becomes silly).  So we're just not testing that scenario.
# @param wd NULL or character(1L) resolving to a directory, if NULL will be
#   resolved to \code{getwd}; used primarily for testing
# @param only.if.shorter logical(1L) whether to relativize only if the
#   resulting \code{path} is shorter than the input
# @keywords internal

relativize_path <- function(path, wd=NULL, only.if.shorter=TRUE, exists=FALSE) {
  if(!is.character(path) || any(is.na(path)))
    stop("Argument `path` must be character and may not contain NAs")
    stop("Argument `only.if.shorter` must be TRUE or FALSE")
    !is.null(wd) && !is.character(wd) && !identical(length(wd), 1L) &&
    !file_test("-d", wd)
    stop("Argument `wd` must be NULL or a reference of to a directory")
  if(is.null(wd)) wd <- getwd()
  wd <- try(normalize_path(wd, mustWork=TRUE, exists=exists), silent=TRUE)
  res <- if(
    !inherits(wd, "try-error") && is.character(.Platform$file.sep) &&
    identical(length(.Platform$file.sep), 1L)
  ) {
    norm <- normalize_path(path, mustWork=FALSE, exists=exists)
    to.norm <- TRUE  # used to be only for existing files, but can't recall why

    # Break up into pieces; we re-append "" to make sure the root shows up if
    # appropriate

    path.pieces <- lapply(
      strsplit(norm[to.norm], .Platform$file.sep, fixed=TRUE),
      function(x) c("", Filter(x, f=nchar))
    wd.pieces <- c("",
        nchar, unlist(strsplit(wd, .Platform$file.sep, fixed=TRUE))
    ) )
    # /a/b/c/d/e
    # /a/b/c/F/G
    reled <- vapply(
      function(x) {
        up.to <- min(length(x), length(wd.pieces))
        if(!up.to) return(x)
        first.diff <-
          min(up.to + 1L, which(x[1:up.to] != wd.pieces[1:up.to])) - 1L
        path <- if(identical(first.diff, 0L)) {
        } else {
          end <- min(up.to, first.diff)
          c(rep("..", length(wd.pieces) - end), x[-(1:end)])
        if(length(path)) do.call(file.path, as.list(path)) else ""
    norm[to.norm] <- reled
  } else path
  res[!nzchar(res)] <- "."
  if(only.if.shorter) {
    ifelse(nchar(res) < nchar(path), res, path)
  } else res
pretty_path <- function(path, wd=NULL, only.if.shorter=TRUE) {
  path.norm <- normalize_path(path, mustWork=FALSE, exists=TRUE)
  rel.path <- relativize_path(path.norm, wd, only.if.shorter, exists=TRUE)
  pkg.dir <- get_package_dir(path.norm)
    !length(pkg.dir) ||
    !identical(substr(path.norm, 1L, nchar(pkg.dir)), pkg.dir)

  pkg.name <- try(get_package_name(pkg.dir))
  if(inherits(pkg.name, "try-error")) {
    # nocov start
    stop("Internal Error: failed getting package name; contact maintainer")
    # nocov end
  pkg.path <- file.path(
    paste0("package:", pkg.name),
    substr(path.norm, nchar(pkg.dir) + 2L, nchar(path.norm))
  if(nchar(rel.path) <= nchar(pkg.path)) rel.path else pkg.path
unique_path <- function(files) {
  stopifnot(is.character(files), !any(is.na(files)))
  dirs <- dirname(files)
  uniq.dir <- str_reduce_unique(dirs)
  com.dir <- substr(dirs[[1L]], 1L, nchar(dirs[[1L]]) - nchar(uniq.dir[[1L]]))
  full.dir <- dirs[[1L]]

  repeat {
    dir.tmp <- dirname(full.dir)
      nchar(dir.tmp) < nchar(com.dir) || !nchar(dir.tmp)
      || identical(dir.tmp, ".")
    ) break
    full.dir <- dir.tmp
  test.files.trim <- if(sum(nchar(uniq.dir))) {
    file.path(uniq.dir, basename(files))
  } else basename(files)
  structure(test.files.trim, common_dir=full.dir)
# Merge Two Lists
# Values in \code{y} ovewrite existing values in \code{x}.  This is similar to
# \code{modifyList} but is non-recursive
# @keywords internal
# @param x a list
# @param y a list

merge_lists <- function(x, y, keep.null=TRUE) {
    is.list(x), is.list(y),
    !identical(length(names(x)), x), !identical(length(names(y)), y)
  if(!isTRUE(keep.null)) stop("Currently `keep.null` must be TRUE")
  x[names(y)] <- y

# Comparison functions that output to stdout/stderr for testing of effect of
# doing so (should be captured and ignored, then at end warn about it)

comp_stdout <- function(x, y) {
  cat("I'm outputting to stdout\n")
comp_stderr <- function(x, y) {
  cat("I'm outputting to stderr\n", file=stderr())
comp_stdboth <- function(x, y) {
  cat("I'm outputting to both 1\n")
  cat("I'm outputting to both 2\n", file=stderr())

# Cleanup text output that contains "Error|Warning in eval(...)" because of how
# that behaves differently between 3.3.2 and 3.4

clean_eval_exp <- function(x) {
  clean_elem <- function(y)
    gsub("^(Error|Warning) in eval\\(.*?\\) :", "\\1 in :", y)

  if(is.list(x)) {
    x[] <- lapply(x, clean_elem)
  } else if(is.character(x))  clean_elem(x) else x
brodieG/unitizer documentation built on Oct. 14, 2023, 6:26 a.m.