
Defines functions readDWD.pdf readDWD.grib2 readDWD.rklim readDWD.asc readDWD.radar readDWD.hyras readDWD.nc readDWD.raster readDWD.binary readDWD.meta readDWD.stand readDWD.multia readDWD.deriv readDWD.data readDWD

Documented in readDWD readDWD.asc readDWD.binary readDWD.data readDWD.deriv readDWD.grib2 readDWD.hyras readDWD.meta readDWD.multia readDWD.nc readDWD.pdf readDWD.radar readDWD.raster readDWD.rklim readDWD.stand

# read dwd ----

#' @title Process data from the DWD CDC FTP Server
#' @description Read climate data that was downloaded with [dataDWD()].
#' The data is unzipped and subsequently, the file(s) are read, processed and
#' returned as a data.frame / terra raster object.\cr\cr
#' For observational data, new users are advised to set `varnames=TRUE` 
#' to obtain more informative column names.\cr\cr
#' `readDWD` will call internal (but documented) subfunctions depending on the
#' argument `type`, see the overview in [fileType()].\cr\cr
#' Not all arguments to `readDWD` are used for all subfunctions, e.g.
#' `fread` is used only by [`readDWD.data`], while `dividebyten`
#' is used in [`readDWD.raster`] and [`readDWD.asc`].\cr\cr
#' `file` can be a vector with several filenames. Most other arguments can
#' also be a vector and will be recycled to the length of `file`.
#' @return For observational data, an invisible data.frame of the desired dataset,
#'         or a named list of data.frames if length(file) > 1.\cr
#'         For gridded data, terra raster objects.
#' @author Berry Boessenkool, \email{berry-b@@gmx.de}, Jul-Oct 2016, Winter 2018/19
#' @seealso [dataDWD()], [readVars()], [readMeta()], [selectDWD()], [fileType()]\cr
#'          <https://bookdown.org/brry/rdwd>
#' @keywords file chron
#' @importFrom utils read.table unzip read.fwf untar write.table
#' @importFrom berryFunctions checkFile na9 twarning tstop l2df owa
#' @importFrom pbapply pblapply
#' @importFrom tools file_path_sans_ext
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # see dataDWD and readDWD.* subfunctions
#' @param file   Char (vector): name(s) of the file(s) downloaded with
#'               [dataDWD()],
#'               e.g. "~/DWDdata/tageswerte_KL_02575_akt.zip" or
#'               "~/DWDdata/RR_Stundenwerte_Beschreibung_Stationen.txt"
#' @param type   Character (vector) determining which subfunction to call.
#'               DEFAULT:  [`fileType`]`(file)`.
#' @param varnames Logical (vector): Expand column names?
#'               Only used in [readDWD.data()]. 
#'               DEFAULT: FALSE (for backward compatibility)
#' @param fread  Logical (vector): read fast? Used in [readDWD.data()].
#'               DEFAULT: NA
#' @param format,tz Format and time zone of time stamps, see [readDWD.data()]
#' @param hr     Integer code to merge historical and recent file. 
#'               Used here, but documented in detail in [readDWD.data()].
#'               DEFAULT: 0 (ignore argument)
#' @param dividebyten Logical (vector): Divide the values in raster files by ten?
#'               That way, \[1/10 mm] gets transformed to \[mm] units.
#'               Used in [readDWD.radar()], [readDWD.raster()] and [readDWD.asc()].
#'               DEFAULT: TRUE
#' @param var    var for [readDWD.nc()]. DEFAULT: ""
#' @param progbar Logical: present a progress bar with estimated remaining time?
#'               If missing and length(file)==1, progbar is internally set to FALSE,
#'               unless binary files are to be read.
#'               DEFAULT: !quiet
#' @param quiet  Logical: suppress messages? DEFAULT: FALSE through [rdwdquiet()]
#' @param quietread Logical: suppress message like 
#'               "Reading 1 file with readDWD.data() and fread=TRUE ...".
#'               DEFAULT: `quiet`
#' @param \dots  Further arguments passed to the internal `readDWD.*`
#'               subfunctions (see [`fileType`]) and from those to the 
#'               underlying actual reading functions
readDWD <- function(
# recycle arguments:
len <- length(file)
if(missing(progbar) & len==1 & all(!type %in% c("binary","asc","rklim"))) progbar <- FALSE

wrongtype <- !type %in% validFileTypes # should be caught by fileType, but just in case
if(any(wrongtype)) tstop("invalid type (",type[wrongtype][1],") given for file '",
                         file[wrongtype][1],"'. See  ?fileType")

if("data" %in% type)
if(!is.numeric(hr)) tstop("hr must be an integer, not ", toString(class(hr)), 
                          " with the value ", toString(hr))
# fast reading with fread:
  haspack <- requireNamespace("data.table", quietly=TRUE)
  if(haspack && Sys.which("unzip")=="") 
   twarning("R package 'data.table' available for fast reading of files, ",
            "but system command 'unzip' could not be found. Now reading slowly.\n",
            "See   https://bookdown.org/brry/rdwd/fread.html")
  fread[is.na(fread)] <- haspack && Sys.which("unzip")!=""
  checkSuggestedPackage("data.table", "rdwd::readDWD with fread=TRUE")
  checkSuggestedPackage("bit64",      "rdwd::readDWD with fread=TRUE")
  if(Sys.which("unzip")=="") twarning("system command 'unzip' could not be found. ",
                                     "Expect trouble with data.table::fread.\n",
                                     "See   https://bookdown.org/brry/rdwd/fread.html")
# end hr + fread / unzip checks

  fread       <- rep(fread,       length.out=len)
  varnames    <- rep(varnames,    length.out=len)
  var         <- rep(var,         length.out=len)
  format      <- rep(format,      length.out=len)
  tz          <- rep(tz,          length.out=len)
  dividebyten <- rep(dividebyten, length.out=len)
  type        <- rep(type,        length.out=len)
# Optional progress bar:
if(progbar) lapply <- pbapply::pblapply
# Handle German Umlaute:
if(any(type=="meta")) # faster to change locale once here, instead of in each readDWD.meta call
lct <- Sys.getlocale("LC_CTYPE")
on.exit(Sys.setlocale(category="LC_CTYPE", locale=lct), add=TRUE)
if(!grepl(pattern="german", lct, ignore.case=TRUE))
  lctry <- c("German","de_DE","de_DE.UTF-8","de_DE.utf8","de")
  for(lc in lctry) if(suppressWarnings(Sys.setlocale("LC_CTYPE", lc))!="") break

# subfunctions message:
nt <- function(x, pre="readDWD.", post="()") # nt: nice table
  if(length(unique(x))==1) return(paste0(pre,x[1],post))
  x <- table(x)
  x <- paste0(names(x), " (", x, ")")
  paste0(pre,x, collapse=" / ")
msg <- paste0("Reading ",length(file)," file", if(length(file)>1)"s", " with ",nt(type))
if(any("data" %in% type)) msg <- paste0(msg, " and fread=",nt(fread,"",""))
if(any(c("radar", "raster", "asc") %in% type)) 
  msg <- paste0(msg, " and dividebyten=",nt(dividebyten,"",""))
if(any("grib2" %in% type))
 message(msg, appendLF=FALSE) else
message(msg, " ...")

# loop over each filename
readDWDloopfun <- function(i, ...){
arg <- NULL
if(type[i]=="data")   arg <- list(fread=fread[i], varnames=varnames[i], format=format[i], tz=tz[i])
if(type[i]=="binary") arg <- list(progbar=progbar)
if(type[i]=="rklim")  arg <- list(progbar=progbar)
if(type[i]=="raster") arg <- list(dividebyten=dividebyten[i])
if(type[i]=="radar")  arg <- list(dividebyten=dividebyten[i])
if(type[i]=="nc")     arg <- list(var=var[i])
if(type[i]=="asc")    arg <- list(progbar=progbar, dividebyten=dividebyten[i])
# arguments to subfunction:
arg <- c(list(file=file[i], quiet=quiet, ...), arg)
# call subfunction:
out <- try(do.call(paste0("readDWD.",type[i]), arg), silent=TRUE)
if(inherits(out, "try-error")) tstop("failure reading file:\n", file[i], "\n", out)
output <- lapply(seq_along(file), readDWDloopfun, ...)

names(output) <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(file))
output <- if(length(file)==1) output[[1]] else output
output <- invisible(output)

# hr for merging historical + recent data:
if("data" %in% type && hr>0){
if(!quiet) message("merging historical and recent file.")
h <- grep("historical", names(output), fixed=TRUE)
if(length(h)<1) tstop("hr=", hr, ", but ", length(h), " files have 'historical' in the name (must be 1).")
fn <- basename(file[h])
fnp <- strsplit(fn,"_")[[1]] # fnp: file name path
# fnp <- paste0(fnp[1],"/",fnp[2],"/",substr(fnp[3],1,1))
fnp <- paste(fnp[1:2], collapse="/")
fnid <- as.numeric(sub("\\D*(\\d{5}).*", "\\1", fn)) # first five digits after non-digits
fnid <- unique(fnid)
if(length(fnid)>1) tstop("hr=", hr, ", but ", length(fnid), " ids are given:", 
                         truncMessage(fnid, prefix=""))
fny <- sub(".*(\\d{8}).*(\\d{8})\\D*$", "\\1-\\2", fn) # fn years
fnu <- base::lapply(strsplit(fny,"-"), as.Date, format="%Y%m%d") # fn to be used
fnu <- which.max(sapply(fnu, diff))
twarning("For ID '",fnid,"' at path '",fnp,"', ",length(h)," files have 'historical' in the name.\n",
         "Using longest range ",fny[fnu]," (not ",toString(fny[-fnu]),"). ",
         "Use hr=0 to read all data.")
h <- h[fnu] # for selection in output[c(h,r)]
r <- grep("recent", names(output), fixed=TRUE)
if(length(r)!=1) tstop("hr=", hr, ", but ", length(r), " files have 'recent' in the name (must be 1).")
output <- output[c(h,r)] # to have the right order
output <- do.call(rbind, output) # historical and recent data
if(hr>=2) output <- output[!duplicated(output$MESS_DATUM),] # keep only hist for overlap
if(hr>=2) rownames(output) <- NULL
if(hr>=3) output[,c("QN_3", "QN_4", "eor")] <- NULL # unneeded columns
if(hr>=4) output$STATIONS_ID <- NULL
} # End of hr merging


# read observational data ----

# ~ data ----

#' @title read regular dwd data
#' @description Read regular dwd data.
#' Intended to be called via [readDWD()].
#' @return data.frame
#' @author Berry Boessenkool, \email{berry-b@@gmx.de}
#' @seealso [readDWD()], Examples in [dataDWD()]
#' @param file     Name of file on harddrive, like e.g.
#'                 DWDdata/daily_kl_recent_tageswerte_KL_03987_akt.zip
#' @param fread    Logical: read faster with [data.table::fread]?
#'                 When reading many large historical files, speedup is significant.
#'                 When called from [readDWD()], `fread=NA` can also be used, which means 
#'                 TRUE if R package `data.table` and system command `unzip` are available.
#'                 Hint for Windows users: `unzip` comes with Rtools.
#'                 See <https://bookdown.org/brry/rdwd/fread.html>
#'                 DEFAULT: FALSE
#' @param varnames Logical (vector): add a short description to the DWD variable
#'                 abbreviations in the column names?
#'                 E.g. change `FX,TNK` to `FX.Windspitze,TNK.Lufttemperatur_Min`,
#'                 see [newColumnNames()].
#'                 DEFAULT: FALSE (for backwards compatibility)
#' @param format   Char (vector): Format passed to [as.POSIXct()] (see [strptime()])
#'                 to convert the date/time column to POSIX time format.\cr
#'                 If NA (the default), `readDWD` tries to find a suitable format 
#'                 based on the number of characters. 
#'                 Since rdwd version 1.8.7 (2024-05-14), timestamps with 8 digits
#'                 (e.g. in daily data) is converted with [as.Date()].
#'                 If NULL, no conversion is performed (date stays a factor).
#'                 DEFAULT: NA
#' @param tz       Char (vector): time zone for [as.POSIXct()].
#'                 "" is the current time zone, and "GMT" is UTC (Universal Time,
#'                 Coordinated). DEFAULT: "GMT"
#' @param hr       Integer code to automatically merge historical and recent datasets.
#'                 If set, `readDWD` returns a data.frame instead of a list.
#'                 If multiple historical files are present, 
#'                 the longest date range (per file name) is used.
#'                 This is not actually used in `readDWD.data`, but in [readDWD()].\cr
#'                 0 (default): ignore this argument\cr
#'                 1: sort by hr (if given) + merge\cr
#'                 2: also remove duplicated dates from recent\cr
#'                 3: also remove columns QN3,QN4,eor\cr
#'                 4: also remove column STATIONS_ID\cr
#'                 DEFAULT: 0
#' @param quiet    Suppress empty file warnings?
#'                 DEFAULT: FALSE through [rdwdquiet()]
#' @param \dots    Further arguments passed to [read.table()] or [data.table::fread()]
readDWD.data <- function(file, fread=FALSE, varnames=FALSE, format=NA, tz="GMT",
                         hr=0, quiet=rdwdquiet(), ...)
if(grepl("meta_data_Meta_Daten", file)) tstop("This 'meta_data_Meta_Daten' file should be read with readMeta(",file,")")
  # http://dsnotes.com/post/2017-01-27-lessons-learned-from-outbrain-click-prediction-kaggle-competition/
  fp <- unzip(file, list=TRUE) # file produkt*, the actual datafile
  fp <- fp$Name[grepl("produkt",fp$Name)]
  if(length(fp)!=1) tstop("There should be a single 'produkt*' file, but there are ",
                        length(fp), " in\n  ", file, "\n  Consider re-downloading (with force=TRUE).")
  dat <- data.table::fread(cmd=paste("unzip -p", file, fp), na.strings=na9(nspace=0),
                           header=TRUE, sep=";", stringsAsFactors=TRUE, data.table=FALSE, ...)
  } else
# temporary unzipping directory
fn <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(file))
exdir <- paste0(tempdir(),"/", fn)
unzip(file, exdir=exdir)
on.exit(unlink(exdir, recursive=TRUE), add=TRUE)
# Read the actual data file:
f <- dir(exdir, pattern="produkt*", full.names=TRUE)
if(length(f)!=1) tstop("There should be a single 'produkt*' file, but there are ",
                      length(f), " in\n  ", file, "\n  Consider re-downloading (with force=TRUE).")
dat <- read.table(f, na.strings=na9(), header=TRUE, sep=";", as.is=FALSE, ...)
} # end if(!fread)
if(varnames)  dat <- newColumnNames(dat)
# return if file is empty, e.g. for daily/more_precip/hist_05988 2019-05-16:
  if(!quiet) twarning("File contains no rows: ", file)
# process time-stamp: http://stackoverflow.com/a/13022441
  # for res=monthly data:
  if("MESS_DATUM_BEGINN" %in% colnames(dat))
    dat <- cbind(dat[,1, drop=FALSE], MESS_DATUM=dat$MESS_DATUM_BEGINN + 14, dat[,-1])
  if(!"MESS_DATUM" %in% colnames(dat))
    twarning("There is no column 'MESS_DATUM' in ",file) else
    nch <- nchar(as.character(dat$MESS_DATUM[1]))
    naformat <- is.na(format)
    if(naformat) format <- if(nch== 8) "%Y%m%d" else
                           if(nch==12) "%Y%m%d%H%M" else # for 201804270020 10min data
                           if(nch==13) "%Y%m%d%H:%M" else"%Y%m%d%H"
    dat$MESS_DATUM <- as.POSIXct(as.character(dat$MESS_DATUM), format=format, tz=tz)
    if(naformat && nch==8) dat$MESS_DATUM <- as.Date(dat$MESS_DATUM)
# final output:

# ~ deriv ----

#' @title read derived dwd data
#' @description Read dwd data from /CDC/derived_germany/.
#' Intended to be called via [readDWD()].
#' @return data.frame
#' @author Berry Boessenkool, \email{berry-b@@gmx.de}
#' @seealso [readDWD()], https://bookdown.org/brry/rdwd/use-case-derived-data.html
#' @param file     Name of file on harddrive, like e.g.
#'                 DWDdata/soil_daily_historical_derived_germany_soil_daily_historical_3987.txt.gz
#' @param gargs    If fread=FALSE: Named list of arguments passed to
#'                 [R.utils::gunzip()], see [readDWD.raster()]. DEFAULT: NULL
#' @param todate   Logical: Convert char column 'Datum' or 'Monat' with [as.Date()]?
#'                 The format is currently hard-coded. Monthly data gets mapped to yyyy-mm-15
#'                 DEFAULT: TRUE
#' @param quiet    Ignored.
#'                 DEFAULT: FALSE through [rdwdquiet()]
#' @param \dots    Further arguments passed to [read.table()] or [data.table::fread()]
readDWD.deriv <- function(file, gargs=NULL, todate=TRUE, quiet=rdwdquiet(), ...)
# I tried data.table::fread(file, na.strings=na9(nspace=0), header=TRUE, sep=";", data.table=FALSE, ...)
# but it's not really faster in most cases. 
# gunzip is very fast in subsequent calls, only slow in the first call.
checkSuggestedPackage("R.utils", "rdwd:::readDWD.derived")
gdef <- list(filename=file, remove=FALSE, skip=TRUE) # gunzip arguments
gfinal <- berryFunctions::owa(gdef, gargs, "filename")
file2 <- do.call(R.utils::gunzip, gfinal)
dat <- read.table(file2, header=TRUE, sep=";", ...)
# convert time-stamp:
  if(!any(c("Datum","Monat") %in% colnames(dat)))
    twarning("There is no column 'Datum' or 'Monat' in ",file) else
    dat$Monat <- as.Date(paste0(dat$Monat, "15"), format="%Y%m%d") else
    dat$Datum <- as.Date(as.character(dat$Datum), format="%Y%m%d")
# final output:

# ~ multia ----

#' @title read multi_annual dwd data
#' @description read multi_annual dwd data.
#' Intended to be called via [readDWD()].\cr
#' All other observational data at [`dwdbase`] can be read
#' with [readDWD.data()], except for the multi_annual and
#' subdaily/standard_format data.
#' @return data.frame
#' @author Berry Boessenkool, \email{berry-b@@gmx.de}, Feb 2019
#' @seealso [readDWD()]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{ # Excluded from CRAN checks, but run in localtests
#' # Temperature aggregates (2019-04 the 9th file, 2022-05 the 8th):
#' durl <- selectDWD(res="multi_annual", per="mean_81-10")[8]
#' murl <- selectDWD(res="multi_annual", per="mean_81-10", meta=TRUE)[8]
#' # encoding issue not tested enough to be in the source code:
#' ma_temp <- dataDWD(durl)
#' ma_meta <- dataDWD(murl)
#' head(ma_temp)
#' head(ma_meta)
#' ma <- merge(ma_meta, ma_temp, all=TRUE)
#' berryFunctions::linReg(ma$Stationshoehe, ma$Jahr, main="annual average ~ elevation")
#' op <- par(mfrow=c(3,4), mar=c(0.1,2,2,0), mgp=c(3,0.6,0))
#' for(m in colnames(ma)[8:19])
#'   {
#'   berryFunctions::linReg(ma$Stationshoehe, ma[,m], xaxt="n", xlab="", ylab="", main=m)
#'   abline(h=0)
#'   }
#' par(op)
#' par(bg=8)
#' berryFunctions::colPoints(ma$geogr..Laenge, ma$geogr..Breite, ma$Jahr, add=F, asp=1.4)
#' DEU <- terra::vect(system.file("extdata/DEU.gpkg", package="rdwd"))
#' pdf("MultiAnn.pdf", width=8, height=10)
#' par(bg="grey90")
#' for(m in colnames(ma)[8:19])
#'   {
#'   terra::plot(DEU, border="grey40")
#'   berryFunctions::colPoints(ma[-262,]$geogr..Laenge, ma[-262,]$geogr..Breite, ma[-262,m],
#'                             asp=1.4, # Range=range(ma[-262,8:19]),
#'                             col=berryFunctions::divPal(200, rev=TRUE), zlab=m, add=T)
#'   }
#' dev.off()
#' berryFunctions::openFile("MultiAnn.pdf")
#' }
#' @param file  Name of file on harddrive, like e.g.
#'              DWDdata/multi_annual_mean_81-10_Temperatur_1981-2010_aktStandort.txt or
#'              DWDdata/multi_annual_mean_81-10_Temperatur_1981-2010_Stationsliste_aktStandort.txt
#' @param fileEncoding [read.table()] file encoding. DEFAULT: "latin1"
#' @param tryenc Logical. If reading fails, try with encoding ="". This was added
#'              in version 1.8.5 (2023-09-27) because of non-reproducible 
#'              issues in runLocalTests.
#'              DEFAULT: TRUE
#' @param comment.char [read.table()] comment character.
#'              DEFAULT: "\\032" (needed 2019-04 to ignore the binary
#'              control character at the end of multi_annual files)
#' @param quiet Ignored.
#'              DEFAULT: FALSE through [rdwdquiet()]
#' @param \dots Further arguments passed to [read.table()]
readDWD.multia <- function(file, fileEncoding="latin1", tryenc=TRUE,
                           comment.char="\032", quiet=rdwdquiet(), ...)
out <- try(read.table(file, sep=";", header=TRUE, fileEncoding=fileEncoding,
                      comment.char=comment.char, ...), silent=TRUE)
if(inherits(out, "try-error") && tryenc) # try with encoding ""
out <- try(read.table(file, sep=";", header=TRUE, fileEncoding="",
                      comment.char=comment.char, ...), silent=TRUE)
if(inherits(out, "try-error")) stop(out)
nc <- ncol(out)
# presumably, all files have a trailing empty column...
if(colnames(out)[nc]=="X") out <- out[,-nc]

# ~ stand ----

#' @title read subdaily/standard_format dwd data
#' @description read subdaily/standard_format dwd data.
#' Intended to be called via [readDWD()].\cr
#' All other observational data at [`dwdbase`] can be read
#' with [readDWD.data()], except for the multi_annual and
#' subdaily/standard_format data.
#' @return data.frame with column names as per [`formatIndex`].
#' "Q"-columns have "_parameter" appended to their name. A "Date" column has been added.
#' NA-indicators have been processed into NAs.
#' @author Berry Boessenkool, \email{berry-b@@gmx.de}, Oct 2019
#' @seealso [readDWD()]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{ # Excluded from CRAN checks, but run in localtests
#' link <- selectDWD(res="subdaily", var="standard_format", per="r")
#' link <- link[grepl("10381", link, fixed=TRUE)]
#' # Not ID, according to meta data, hence no longer in column id (2023-04).
#' file <- dataDWD(link, dir=locdir(), read=FALSE)
#' sf <- readDWD(file)
#' sf2 <- readDWD(file, fast=FALSE) # 20 secs!
#' stopifnot(all.equal(sf, sf2))
#' plot(sf$Date, sf$SHK, type="l")
#' # Plot all columns:
#' if(FALSE){ # not run in any automated testing
#' tmp <- tempfile(fileext=".pdf")
#' char2fact <- function(x)
#'  {
#'  if(all(is.na(x))) return(rep(-9, len=length(x)))
#'  if(!is.numeric(x)) as.factor(x) else x
#'  }
#' pdf(tmp, width=9)
#' par(mfrow=c(2,1),mar=c(2,3,2,0.1), mgp=c(3,0.7,0), las=1)
#' for(i in 3:ncol(sf)-1) plot(sf$Date, char2fact(sf[,i]), type="l", main=colnames(sf)[i], ylab="")
#' dev.off()
#' berryFunctions::openFile(tmp)
#' }
#' }
#' @param file  Name of file on harddrive, like e.g.
#'              DWDdata/subdaily_standard_format_kl_10381_00_akt.txt or
#'              DWDdata/subdaily_standard_format_kl_10381_bis_1999.txt.gz
#' @param fast  Logical: use [readr::read_fwf()] instead of [read.fwf()]?
#'              Takes 0.1 instead of 20 seconds but requires package to be installed.
#'              if fast=TRUE, `fileEncoding` is ignored.
#'              DEFAULT: TRUE
#' @param fileEncoding [read.table()] file encoding.
#'              DEFAULT: "latin1" (potentially needed on Linux,
#'              optional but not hurting on windows)
#' @param formIndex Single object: Index used to select column widts and NA values.
#'              To use a current / custom index, see the source code of
#'              [updateIndexes()] at
#'              <https://github.com/brry/rdwd/blob/master/R/updateIndexes.R>.
#'              DEFAULT: [`formatIndex`]
#' @param quiet Ignored.
#'              DEFAULT: FALSE through [rdwdquiet()]
#' @param \dots Further arguments passed to [read.fwf()] or [readr::read_fwf()]
readDWD.stand <- function(file, fast=TRUE, fileEncoding="latin1",
                          formIndex=formatIndex, quiet=rdwdquiet(), ...)
# check column existence
musthave <- c("Pos","Fehlk","dividebyten","Label")
has <- musthave %in% colnames(formIndex)
if(any(!has)) tstop("formIndex must contain column(s) ", musthave[!has])
# get column widths:
width <- diff(as.numeric(formIndex$Pos))
width <- c(width, 1)
# read fixed width dataset:
  checkSuggestedPackage("readr", "readDWD.stand with fast=TRUE")
  coltypes <- readr::cols(X22=readr::col_character()) # 22 is S column
  # if not specified, will guess logical and then complain about character input later in file
  sf <- readr::read_fwf(file, readr::fwf_widths(width), col_types=coltypes, progress=FALSE)
  sf <- data.frame(sf) # loose tibble attributes and printing methods
  # mimick read.fwf behaviour:
  sf[is.na(sf)] <- " " # to avoid NA comparison
  for(i in c(2,4,5,6)) sf[,i] <- as.integer(sf[,i])
  } else # see developmentNotes for speed comparison
  sf <- read.fwf(file, widths=width, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, fileEncoding=fileEncoding, ...)
# dimension check:
if(ncol(sf) != nrow(formIndex)) tstop("incorrectly read file: ", file,"\n",
   ncol(sf), " columns instead of ", nrow(formIndex), " as dictated by formIndex.")
# NAs (starting with column 7):
for(i in which(formIndex$Fehlk!=""))
  isNA <- as.character(sf[,i])==formIndex$Fehlk[i]
  if(anyNA(isNA)) tstop("NAs in comparison in column ", i, " of file ", file)
  sf[isNA, i] <- NA
# divide by ten:
for(i in which(formIndex$dividebyten)) sf[,i] <- sf[,i]/10
# column names:
cn <- formIndex$Label
Qind <- which(cn=="Q")
cn[Qind] <- paste0(cn[Qind], "_", cn[Qind-1])
cn[cn==""] <- "Leer"
colnames(sf) <- cn
# add Date column:
sf$Date <- as.Date(paste(sf$JA,sf$MO,sf$TA,sep="-"), "%F")

# ~ meta ----

#' @title read dwd metadata (Beschreibung*.txt files)
#' @description read dwd metadata (Beschreibung*.txt files).
#'  Intended to be called via [readDWD()].\cr
#'  Column widths for [read.fwf()] are computed internally.\cr
#'  if(any(meta)), [readDWD()] tries to set the locale to German
#'  (to handle Umlaute correctly). It is hence not recommended to call
#'  `rdwd:::readDWD.meta` directly on a file!\cr
#'  Names can later be changed to ascii with
#'  [berryFunctions::convertUmlaut()].
#' @return data.frame
#' @author Berry Boessenkool, \email{berry-b@@gmx.de}
#' @seealso [readDWD()]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{ # Excluded from CRAN checks, but run in localtests
#' link <- selectDWD(res="daily", var="kl", per="r", meta=TRUE)
#' link <- link[!grepl("mn4", link)] # for mn4 file May 2022
#' link <- grep(".txt$", link, value=TRUE)
#' if(length(link)!=1) stop("length of link should be 1, but is ", length(link),
#'                 ":\n", berryFunctions::truncMessage(link,prefix="",sep="\n"))
#' file <- dataDWD(link, dir=locdir(), read=FALSE)
#' meta <- readDWD(file)
#' head(meta)
#' cnm <- colnames(meta)
#' if(length(cnm)!=8) stop("number of columns should be 8, but is ", length(cnm),
#'                         ":\n", toString(cnm))
#' }
#' @param file  Name of file on harddrive, like e.g.
#'              DWDdata/daily_kl_recent_KL_Tageswerte_Beschreibung_Stationen.txt
#' @param quiet Ignored.
#'              DEFAULT: FALSE through [rdwdquiet()]
#' @param \dots Further arguments passed to [read.fwf()]
readDWD.meta <- function(file, quiet=rdwdquiet(), ...)
# read a few lines to get column widths and names
oneline <- readLines(file, n=60, encoding="latin1")
# n=60 or 15 has no influence on total readDWD.meta time for 97 meta files (16 secs)
oneline <- sub("Berlin-Dahlem (LFAG)", "Berlin-Dahlem_(LFAG)", oneline, fixed=TRUE)
oneline <- sub("Berlin-Dahlem (FU)"  , "Berlin-Dahlem_(FU)"  , oneline, fixed=TRUE)
# Fix reading error if only these two exist, like in daily/kl/hist mn4_Beschreibung_Stationen.txt 2022-04-07

# column names:
# remove duplicate spaces (2018-03 only in subdaily_stand...Beschreibung....txt)
while( grepl("  ",oneline[1]) )  oneline[1] <- gsub("  ", " ", oneline[1])
cnames <- strsplit(oneline[1], " ")[[1]]
choehe <- grep("hoehe", cnames, ignore.case=TRUE) - 1

# column widths (automatic detection across different styles used by the DWD)
spaces <- Reduce(intersect, gregexpr(" ", oneline[-(1:2)]) )
breaks <- spaces[which(diff(spaces)!=1)]
breaks[choehe] <- breaks[choehe] - 3 #  to capture 4-digit Stationshoehen (1134 m Brocken, eg)
widths <- diff(c(0,breaks,200))
# actually read metadata, suppress readLines warning about EOL:
stats <- suppressWarnings(read.fwf(file, widths=widths, skip=2, strip.white=TRUE,
                                   fileEncoding="latin1", ...) )
if(!grepl("subdaily_standard_format", file)) colnames(stats) <- cnames
if(grepl("subdaily_standard_format", file))
 # deal with linebreaks before bundesland 2024-05-14:
 stats <- stats[1:234,] # what a messud up file...
 ns <- nrow(stats)
 stats <- stats[-seq(3,ns,by=3), ]
 stats <- cbind(stats[seq(1,ns,by=2), ],stats[seq(2,ns,by=2), ])
 stats <- na.omit(stats[,1:8])
 stats[,1] <- substr(stats[,1],22,1e3)
 # do other things for this weird file that I already did before 2024-05:
 stats <- stats[ ! stats[,1] %in% c("","ST_KE","-----") , ]
 tf <- tempfile()
 # write.table(stats[,-1], file=tf, quote=FALSE, sep="\t") # originally what's needed
 write.table(stats, file=tf, quote=FALSE, sep="\t") # currently needed
 stats <- read.table(tf, sep="\t")
 colnames(stats) <- c("Stations_id", "von_datum", "bis_datum", "Stationshoehe",
                      "geoBreite", "geoLaenge", "Stationsname", "Bundesland", "Abgabe")
# check classes:
if(ncol(stats)!=9) tstop(ncol(stats)," columns detected instead of 9 for ", file)
classes <- c("integer", "integer", "integer", "integer", "numeric", "numeric", "character", "character", "character")
actual <- sapply(stats, class)
if(actual[4]=="numeric") classes[4] <- "numeric"
if(!all(actual == classes))
  msg <- paste0(names(actual)[actual!=classes], ": ", actual[actual!=classes],
                " instead of ", classes[actual!=classes], ".")
  msg <- paste(msg, collapse=" ")
  twarning("reading file '", file,"' did not give the correct column classes. ", msg)
# return meta data.frame:

# read gridded data ----

# ~ binary ----

#' @title read dwd gridded radolan binary data
#' @description read gridded radolan binary data.
#' Intended to be called via [readDWD()].\cr
#' @return list depending on argument `toraster`, see there for details
#' @author Berry Boessenkool, \email{berry-b@@gmx.de}, Dec 2018.
#'         Significant input for the underlying [dwdradar::readRadarFile()] came
#'         from Henning Rust & Christoph Ritschel at FU Berlin.
#' @seealso [readDWD()], especially [readDWD.radar()]\cr
#'   <https://wradlib.org> for much more extensive radar analysis in Python\cr
#'   Kompositformatbeschreibung at <https://www.dwd.de/DE/leistungen/radolan/radolan.html>
#'   for format description
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{ # Excluded from CRAN checks, but run in localtests
#' # SF file as example: ----
#' SF_link <- "/daily/radolan/historical/bin/2017/SF201712.tar.gz"
#' SF_file <- dataDWD(url=SF_link, base=gridbase, joinbf=TRUE,   # 204 MB
#'                      dir=locdir(), read=FALSE)
#' # exdir radardir set to speed up my tests:
#' SF_exdir <- "C:/Users/berry/Desktop/DWDbinarySF"
#' if(!file.exists(SF_exdir)) SF_exdir <- tempdir()
#' # no need to read all 24*31=744 files, so setting selection:
#' SF_rad <- readDWD(SF_file, selection=1:10, exdir=SF_exdir) #with toraster=TRUE
#' if(length(SF_rad)!=2) stop("length(SF_rad) should be 2, but is ", length(SF_rad))
#' SF_radp <- plotRadar(SF_rad$dat, layer=1:3, main=SF_rad$meta$date)
#' plotRadar(SF_radp, layer=1, project=FALSE)
#' # RW file as example: ----
#' RW_link <- "hourly/radolan/reproc/2017_002/bin/2017/RW2017.002_201712.tar.gz"
#' RW_file <- dataDWD(url=RW_link, base=gridbase, joinbf=TRUE,   # 25 MB
#'                   dir=locdir(), read=FALSE)
#' RW_exdir <- "C:/Users/berry/Desktop/DWDbinaryRW"
#' if(!file.exists(RW_exdir)) RW_exdir <- tempdir()
#' RW_rad <- readDWD(RW_file, selection=1:10, exdir=RW_exdir)
#' RW_radp <- plotRadar(RW_rad$dat[[1]], main=RW_rad$meta$date[1], extent="rw")
#' # ToDo: why are values + patterns not the same?
#' # list of all Files: ----
#' data(gridIndex)
#' head(grep("historical", gridIndex, value=TRUE))
#' }
#' @param file      Name of file on harddrive, like e.g.
#'                  DWDdata/daily_radolan_historical_bin_2017_SF201712.tar.gz
#' @param exdir     Directory to unzip into. If existing, only the needed files
#'                  will be unpacked with [untar()]. Note that exdir
#'                  size will be around 1.1 GB. exdir can contain other files,
#'                  these will be ignored for the actual reading with
#'                  [dwdradar::readRadarFile()].
#'                  DEFAULT exdir: sub(".tar.gz$", "", file)
#' @param toraster  Logical: convert output (list of matrixes + meta informations)
#'                  to a list with dat ([`terra::rast`]) +
#'                  meta (list from the first subfile, but with vector of dates)?
#'                  DEFAULT: TRUE
#' @param quiet     Suppress progress messages?
#'                  DEFAULT: FALSE through [rdwdquiet()]
#' @param progbar   Show progress bars? [readDWD()] will
#'                  keep progbar=TRUE for binary files, even if length(file)==1.
#'                  DEFAULT: !quiet, i.e. TRUE
#' @param selection Optionally read only a subset of the ~24*31=744 files.
#'                  Called as `f[selection]`. DEFAULT: NULL (ignored)
#' @param \dots     Further arguments passed to [dwdradar::readRadarFile()],
#'                  i.e. `na` and `clutter`
readDWD.binary <- function(file, exdir=sub(".tar.gz$", "", file), toraster=TRUE,
                           quiet=rdwdquiet(), progbar=!quiet, selection=NULL, ...)
checkSuggestedPackage("dwdradar", "rdwd:::readDWD.binary")
pmessage <- function(...) if(!quiet) message(...)
# Untar as needed:
pmessage("\nChecking which files need to be untarred to ", exdir, "...")
f <- sort(untar(file, list=TRUE))
if(!is.null(selection)) f <- f[selection]
tountar <- !f %in% dir(exdir)
  pmessage("Unpacking ",sum(tountar), " of ",length(f), " files from ",file,"...")
  ufiles <- if(any(!tountar) | !is.null(selection)) f[tountar] else NULL
  # warning message if all(tountar) for non-empty exdir
  # cannot read the message because of max options(warning.length) 8170
  # but this workaround does the job, so whatever.
  untar(file, files=ufiles, exdir=exdir)
  } else
  pmessage("All files were already untarred.")
# hourly files:
fd <- dir(exdir, full.names=TRUE) # 31*24 = 744 files  (daily/hist/2017-12)
# read only the ones from file, not other stuff at exdir:
f <- fd[basename(fd) %in% f]
pmessage("Reading ",length(f)," binary files...")
if(progbar) lapply <- pbapply::pblapply
# Read the actual binary file:
rb <- lapply(f, dwdradar::readRadarFile, ...)
# list element names (time stamp):
time <- sapply(rb, function(x) as.character(x$meta$date))
names(rb) <- time
if(!toraster) return(invisible(rb))
# else if toraster:
checkSuggestedPackage("terra", "rdwd:::readDWD.binary with toraster=TRUE")
pmessage("Converting to terra raster...")
rbmat <- base::lapply(rb,"[[",1)
rbmat <- lapply(rbmat, terra::rast)
rbmat <- terra::rast(rbmat)
rbmeta <- rb[[1]]$meta
rbmeta$filename <- file
rbmeta$date <- as.POSIXct(time)
return(invisible(list(dat=rbmat, meta=rbmeta)))

# ~ raster ----

#' @title read dwd gridded raster data
#' @description Read gridded raster data.
#' Intended to be called via [readDWD()].\cr
#' Note that `R.utils` must be installed to unzip the .asc.gz files.
#' @return [`terra::rast`] object
#' @author Berry Boessenkool, \email{berry-b@@gmx.de}, Dec 2018
#' @seealso [readDWD()]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{ # Excluded from CRAN checks, but run in localtests
#' rasterbase <- paste0(gridbase,"/seasonal/air_temperature_mean")
#' ftp.files <- indexFTP("/16_DJF", base=rasterbase, dir=tempdir())
#' localfiles <- dataDWD(ftp.files[1:2], base=rasterbase, joinbf=TRUE,
#'                       dir=locdir(), read=FALSE)
#' rf <- readDWD(localfiles[1])
#' rf <- readDWD(localfiles[1]) # runs faster at second time due to skip=TRUE
#' terra::plot(rf)
#' plotRadar(rf, proj="seasonal", extent=NULL)
#' testthat::expect_equal(c(terra::minmax(rf)), c(-8.2,4.4))
#' rf10 <- readDWD(localfiles[1], dividebyten=FALSE)
#' terra::plot(rf10)
#' testthat::expect_equal(c(terra::minmax(rf10*1)), c(-82,44))
#' }
#' @param file        Name of file on harddrive, like e.g.
#'                    DWDdata/grids_germany/seasonal/air_temperature_mean/
#'                    16_DJF_grids_germany_seasonal_air_temp_mean_188216.asc.gz
#' @param gargs       Named list of arguments passed to [R.utils::gunzip()].
#'                    The internal defaults are: `remove=FALSE` (recommended to
#'                    keep this so `file` does not get deleted) and `skip=TRUE`
#'                    (which reads previously unzipped files as is).
#'                    If `file` has changed, use `gargs=list(temporary=TRUE)`.
#'                    The `gunzip` default `destname` means that the
#'                    unzipped file is stored at the same path as `file`.
#'                    DEFAULT gargs: NULL
#' @param dividebyten Logical: Divide the numerical values by 10? See [readDWD].
#'                    DEFAULT: TRUE
#' @param quiet       Ignored.
#'                    DEFAULT: FALSE through [rdwdquiet()]
#' @param \dots       Further arguments passed to [terra::rast()]
readDWD.raster <- function(file, gargs=NULL, dividebyten, quiet=rdwdquiet(), ...)
checkSuggestedPackage("R.utils", "rdwd:::readDWD.raster")
checkSuggestedPackage("terra",  "rdwd:::readDWD.raster")
# gunzip arguments:
gdef <- list(filename=file, remove=FALSE, skip=TRUE)
gfinal <- berryFunctions::owa(gdef, gargs, "filename")
rdata <- do.call(R.utils::gunzip, gfinal)
# raster reading:
r <- terra::rast(rdata, ...)
if(dividebyten) r <- r/10

# ~ nc ----

#' @title read dwd netcdf data
#' @description Read netcdf data.
#' Intended to be called via [readDWD()].\cr
#' Note that `R.utils` and `ncdf4` must be installed to unzip and read the .nc.gz files.
#' @return [terra::rast()] object. Alternatively,
#' if toraster=FALSE, a list with time, lat, lon, var, varname, file and cdf.
#' **cdf** is the output of [ncdf4::nc_open()].
#' @author Berry Boessenkool, \email{berry-b@@gmx.de}, Aug 2019
#' @seealso [readDWD.hyras()] for non-packed .nc files, [readDWD()] 
#' @importFrom utils menu tail capture.output
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{ # Excluded from CRAN checks, but run in localtests
#' library(berryFunctions) # for seqPal and colPointsLegend
#' url <- "daily/Project_TRY/pressure/PRED_199606_daymean.nc.gz"  #  5 MB
#' url <- "daily/Project_TRY/humidity/RH_199509_daymean.nc.gz"    # 25 MB
#' file <- dataDWD(url, base=gridbase, joinbf=TRUE, dir=locdir(), read=FALSE)
#' nc <- readDWD(file)
#' ncp <- plotRadar(nc, main=paste(terra::longnames(nc), terra::time(nc)), layer=1:3,
#'                  col=seqPal(), proj="nc", extent="nc")
#' str(terra::values(nc[[1]])) # obtain actual values into memory
#' terra::plot(nc[[1]]) # axes 0:938 / 0:720, the number of grid cells
#' terra::plot(ncp[[1]])# properly projected, per default onto latlon
#' rng <- range(terra::global(nc[[1:6]], "range", na.rm=TRUE))
#' terra::plot(nc, col=seqPal(), zlim=rng, maxnl=6)
#' # Array instead of terra rast:
#' nc <- readDWD(file, toraster=FALSE)
#' image(nc$var[,,1], col=seqPal(), asp=1.1)
#' colPointsLegend(nc$var[,,1], title=paste(nc$varname, nc$time[1]))
#' # interactive selection of variable:
#' # nc <- readDWD(file, toraster=FALSE, var="-") # commented out to not block automated tests
#' str(nc$var)
#' }
#' @param file        Name of file on harddrive, like e.g.
#'                    DWDdata/grids_germany/daily/Project_TRY/humidity/RH_199509_daymean.nc.gz
#' @param gargs       Named list of arguments passed to
#'                    [R.utils::gunzip()], see [readDWD.raster()]. DEFAULT: NULL
#' @param toraster    Read file with [terra::rast()]?
#'                    All further arguments will be ignored. Specify e.g. `var` 
#'                    through \dots as `varname`. DEFAULT: TRUE
#' @param var         if toraster=FALSE: Charstring with name of variable to be read with
#'                    [ncdf4::ncvar_get()]. If not available,
#'                    an interactive selection is presented.
#'                    DEFAULT: "" (last variable)
#' @param quiet       Logical: Suppress time conversion failure warning?
#'                    DEFAULT: FALSE through [rdwdquiet()]
#' @param \dots       Further arguments passed to [terra::rast()] or [ncdf4::nc_open()]
readDWD.nc <- function(file, gargs=NULL, var="", toraster=TRUE, quiet=rdwdquiet(), ...)
checkSuggestedPackage("ncdf4", "rdwd:::readDWD.nc") # also needed if toraster=TRUE
checkSuggestedPackage("R.utils", "rdwd:::readDWD.nc")
# gunzip arguments:
gdef <- list(filename=file, remove=FALSE, skip=TRUE)
gfinal <- berryFunctions::owa(gdef, gargs, "filename")
ncfile <- do.call(R.utils::gunzip, gfinal)
  checkSuggestedPackage("terra", "rdwd:::readDWD.nc with toraster=TRUE")
  # ignore ncdf print, see https://github.com/rspatial/raster/issues/143
  capture.output(out <- terra::rast(ncfile, ...))
# NCDF File
mycdf <- ncdf4::nc_open(ncfile, ...)
# Time stamp:
unit <- mycdf$dim$time$units
 if(!quiet) message("Time could not be read from cdf file and is set to 1.")
 time <- 1
 } else
 start <- sub("days since", "", unit)
 start <- strsplit(trimws(start), " ")[[1]][1]
 start <- as.Date(start)
 time <- start + ncdf4::ncvar_get(mycdf,'time')
 } else
 start <- trimws(sub("hours since", "", unit)) # always hours?
 start <- strptime(start, format="%F %T")
 time <- start + ncdf4::ncvar_get(mycdf,'time')*3600
# Var name
# select one of the possible variable names if not given:
varnames <- names(mycdf$var)
if(var=="") var <- tail(varnames, 1)
while(! var %in% varnames)
 pos <- varnames[!varnames %in% c("lon","lat")] # pos: possible
 if(length(pos)==1) var <- pos else
 var <- pos[menu(pos, title="Which variable do you want?")]
# Actually extract the desired variables:
LAT <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(mycdf, "lat")
LON <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(mycdf, "lon")
VAR <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(mycdf, var)
# output:
return(invisible(list(time=time, lat=LAT, lon=LON, var=VAR, varname=var,
                      file=mycdf$filename, cdf=mycdf)))

# ~ hyras ----

#' @title read dwd hyras netcdf data
#' @description Read hyras netcdf data.
#' Intended to be called via [readDWD()].\cr
#' Note that `terra` must be installed to read the .nc files.
#' @return [terra::rast()] object.
#' @author Berry Boessenkool, \email{berry-b@@gmx.de}, Jun 2023
#' @seealso [readDWD.nc()] for packed .nc.gz files, [readDWD()]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{ # Excluded from CRAN checks, but run in localtests
#' link <- "monthly/hyras_de/humidity/hurs_hyras_5_2020_v5-0_de_monmean.nc"
#' hyras <- dataDWD(link, gridbase, joinbf=TRUE) # 0.9MB
#' plotRadar(hyras, proj="nc", extent=NULL, 
#'           main=substr(terra::time(hyras),1,7), layer=1:2)
#' }
#' @param file        Name of file on harddrive, like e.g.
#'                    DWDdata/monthly_hyras_de_humidity_hurs_hyras_5_2020_v5-0_de_monmean.nc
#' @param quiet       Currently not used.
#'                    DEFAULT: FALSE through [rdwdquiet()]
#' @param \dots       Further arguments passed to [terra::rast()]
readDWD.hyras <- function(file, quiet=rdwdquiet(), ...)
checkSuggestedPackage("terra", "rdwd:::readDWD.hyras")
out <- terra::rast(file, ...)

# ~ radar ----

#' @title read dwd gridded radolan radar data
#' @description read gridded radolan radar data.
#' Intended to be called via [readDWD()].\cr
#' @return Invisible list with `dat` (matrix or raster, depending on `toraster`)
#' and `meta` (list with elements from header)
#' @author Berry Boessenkool, \email{berry-b@@gmx.de}, Aug 2019.
#'         Significant input for the underlying [dwdradar::readRadarFile()] came
#'         from Henning Rust & Christoph Ritschel at FU Berlin.
#' @seealso [readDWD()], especially [readDWD.binary()]\cr
#'   <https://wradlib.org> for much more extensive radar analysis in Python\cr
#'   Kompositformatbeschreibung at <https://www.dwd.de/DE/leistungen/radolan/radolan.html>
#'   for format description
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{ # Excluded from CRAN checks, but run in localtests
#' # recent radar files
#' rrf <- indexFTP("hourly/radolan/recent/bin", base=gridbase, dir=tempdir())
#' lrf <- dataDWD(rrf[773], base=gridbase, joinbf=TRUE, dir=tempdir(), read=FALSE)
#' r <- readDWD(lrf)
#' plotRadar(r$dat, main=paste("mm in 24 hours preceding", r$meta$date))
#' }
#' @param file      Name of file on harddrive, like e.g.
#'                  DWDdata/hourly/radolan/recent/bin/
#'                  raa01-rw_10000-1802020250-dwd---bin.gz
#' @param gargs     Named list of arguments passed to
#'                  [R.utils::gunzip()], see [readDWD.raster()]. DEFAULT: NULL
#' @param toraster  Logical: convert output (list of matrixes + meta informations)
#'                  to a list with data ([`terra::rast`]) +
#'                  meta (list from the first subfile, but with vector of dates)?
#'                  DEFAULT: TRUE
#' @param dividebyten Logical: Divide the numerical values by 10? See [readDWD].
#'                  toraster???  DEFAULT: TRUE
#' @param quiet     Ignored.
#'                  DEFAULT: FALSE through [rdwdquiet()]
#' @param \dots     Further arguments passed to [dwdradar::readRadarFile()],
#'                  i.e. `na` and `clutter`
readDWD.radar <- function(file, gargs=NULL, toraster=TRUE, dividebyten=TRUE, quiet=rdwdquiet(), ...)
checkSuggestedPackage("R.utils", "rdwd:::readDWD.radar")
# gunzip arguments:
gdef <- list(filename=file, remove=FALSE, skip=TRUE)
gfinal <- berryFunctions::owa(gdef, gargs, "filename")
rdata <- do.call(R.utils::gunzip, gfinal)
rf <- dwdradar::readRadarFile(rdata, ...)
if(toraster) checkSuggestedPackage("terra", "rdwd:::readDWD.radar with toraster=TRUE")
if(toraster) rf$dat <- terra::rast(rf$dat)
if(dividebyten) rf$dat <- rf$dat/10

# ~ asc ----

#' @title read dwd gridded radolan asc data
#' @description read grid-interpolated radolan asc data.
#' Intended to be called via [readDWD()].\cr
#' All layers (following `selection` if given) in all .tar.gz files are
#' combined into a terra raster with [terra::rast()].\cr
#' To project the data, use [projectRasterDWD()]
#' @return data.frame
#' @author Berry Boessenkool, \email{berry-b@@gmx.de}, April 2019
#' @seealso [readDWD()]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{ # Excluded from CRAN checks, but run in localtests
#' # File selection and download:
#' radbase <- paste0(gridbase,"/hourly/radolan/historical/asc/")
#' radfile <- "2018/RW-201809.tar" # 25 MB to download
#' file <- dataDWD(radfile, base=radbase, joinbf=TRUE, read=FALSE)
#' #asc <- readDWD(file) # 4 GB in mem. ~ 20 secs unzip, 10 secs read, 2 min divide
#' asc <- readDWD(file, selection=1:5, dividebyten=TRUE)

#' plotRadar(asc[[1]], main=names(asc)[1])
#' viddir <- paste0(tempdir(),"/RadolanVideo")
#' dir.create(viddir)
#' png(paste0(viddir,"/Radolan_%03d.png"), width=7, height=5, units="in", res=300)
#' plotRadar(asc, layer=1:3, main=names(asc)) # 3 secs per layer
#' dev.off()
#' berryFunctions::openFile(paste0(viddir,"/Radolan_001.png"))
#' # Time series of a given point in space:
#' plot(unlist(asc[800,800,]), type="l", xlab="Time [hours]")
#' # if dividebyten=FALSE, terra stores things out of memory in the exdir.
#' # by default, this is in tempdir, hence you would need to save asc manually:
#' # terra::writeRaster(asc, tempfile(fileext="/RW2018-09.gpkg"), overwrite=TRUE)
#' }
#' @param file        Name of file on harddrive, like e.g.
#'                    DWDdata/grids_germany/hourly/radolan/historical/asc/
#'                    2018_RW-201809.tar.
#'                    Must have been downloaded with `mode="wb"`!
#' @param exdir       Directory to unzip into. Unpacked files existing therein
#'                    will not be untarred again, saving up to 15 secs per file.
#'                    DEFAULT: NULL (subfolder of [tempdir()])
#' @param dividebyten Divide numerical values by 10? See [readDWD].
#'                    If dividebyten=FALSE and exdir left at NULL (tempdir), save
#'                    the result on disc with [terra::writeRaster()].
#'                    Accessing out-of-memory raster objects won't work if
#'                    exdir is removed! -> Error in .local(.Object, ...)
#'                    DEFAULT: TRUE
#' @param quiet       Suppress progress messages?
#'                    DEFAULT: FALSE through [rdwdquiet()]
#' @param progbar     Show progress bars? [readDWD()] will
#'                    keep progbar=TRUE for asc files, even if length(file)==1.
#'                    DEFAULT: !quiet, i.e. TRUE
#' @param selection   Optionally read only a subset of the ~24*31=744 files.
#'                    Called as `f[selection]`. DEFAULT: NULL (ignored)
#' @param \dots       Further arguments passed to [terra::rast()]
readDWD.asc <- function(file, exdir=NULL, dividebyten=TRUE,
                        selection=NULL, quiet=rdwdquiet(), progbar=!quiet, ...)
checkSuggestedPackage("terra", "rdwd:::readDWD.asc")
if(progbar) lapply <- pbapply::pblapply
# prepare to untar data (two layers):
fn <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(file))
if(is.null(exdir)) exdir <- paste0(tempdir(),"/", fn)
# untar layer 1:
daydir <- paste0(exdir,"/dayfiles")
untar(file, exdir=daydir) # 30/31 .tar.gz files (one for each day). overwrites existing files
dayfiles <- dir(daydir, full.names=TRUE)
# untar layer 2:
if(!quiet) message("\nChecking if already unpacked: ", file, "...")
to_untar <- lapply(dayfiles, untar, list=TRUE)
untarred <- dir(exdir, pattern=".asc$")
to_untar <- !sapply(to_untar, function(x) all(x %in% untarred))
  if(!quiet) message("Unpacking tar files into ",exdir,"...")
  lapply(dayfiles[to_untar], untar, exdir=exdir)
} else if(!quiet) message("Tar file was already unpacked into ",exdir," :)")
# yields 31 * 24 .asc files each 1.7MB, takes ~20 secs
# read data (hourly files):
f <- dir(exdir, pattern=".asc$", full.names=TRUE) # 720 files
if(!is.null(selection)) f <- f[selection]
if(!quiet) message("Reading ",length(f)," files...")
# slow variant:
# dat <- terra::rast(f)
# if(!quiet & dividebyten) message("Dividing values by ten...")
# if(dividebyten) dat <- dat/10 # this loads it into memory and then takes 10 minutes
dat <- lapply(f, terra::rast, ...)
if(!quiet & dividebyten) message("Dividing values by ten...")
if(dividebyten) dat <- lapply(dat, function(x) x/10) # this takes 2 minutes
dat <- terra::rast(dat)
# output:

# ~ rklim ----

#' @title read dwd gridded radklim binary data
#' @description read gridded radklim binary data.
#' Intended to be called via [readDWD()].\cr
#' Note: needs dwdradar >= 0.2.6 (2021-08-08)
#' @return list depending on argument `toraster`, see there for details
#' @author Berry Boessenkool, \email{berry-b@@gmx.de}, Aug 2021.
#' @seealso [readDWD.binary()], radar locations from \url{https://www.dwd.de/DE/leistungen/radarklimatologie/radklim_kompositformat_1_0.pdf?__blob=publicationFile&v=1}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{ # Excluded from CRAN checks, but run in localtests
#' yw_link <- "/5_minutes/radolan/reproc/2017_002/bin/2022/YW2017.002_202203.tar"
#' # 202006 has untar error on Mac, 2023-04, maybe due to incomplete download
#' yw_file <- dataDWD(url=yw_link, base=gridbase, joinbf=TRUE, read=FALSE) # 207 MB
#' x <- readDWD(yw_file, selection=3641:3644)
#' # 00:30 for tar files, 01:40 for unpacking. 
#' # If you need a preselection argument, let me know.
#' terra::plot(x$dat)
#' plotRadar(x$dat[[1]], extent="rw") # better extent below
#' f <- system.file("tests//raa01-yw2017.002_10000-2006131525-dwd---bin", package="dwdradar")
#' # https://stackoverflow.com/a/72207233/1587132 on how to install with tests folder
#' if(!file.exists(f)){
#' # Clone from https://github.com/brry/dwdradar:
#' f <- locdir(file="binary_testfile")
#' download.file(paste0("https://github.com/brry/dwdradar/raw/master/tests/",
#'                      "raa01-yw2017.002_10000-2006131525-dwd---bin"), f, mode="wb")
#' }
#' x <- dwdradar::readRadarFile(f)
#' x$dat <- terra::rast(x$dat)
#' terra::plot(x$dat)
#' plotRadar(x$dat, extent=c(-360, 380, -4730 ,-3690))
#' radloc <- read.table(header=T, sep=",", text="
#' ND, NM, NS  ,   ED, EM, ES
#' 53, 33, 50.4,   06, 44, 53.9
#' 51, 07, 26.5,   13, 45, 48.5
#' 51, 24, 18.5,   06, 57, 49.8
#' 47, 52, 21.3,   08, 00, 24.6
#' 54, 10, 23.2,   12, 06, 25.3
#' 52, 28, 40.3,   13, 23, 13.0
#' 54, 00, 15.8,   10, 02, 48.7
#' 51, 07, 28.7,   13, 46, 07.1
#' 49, 32, 26.4,   12, 24, 10.0
#' 53, 20, 19.4,   07, 01, 25.5
#' 51, 24, 20.2,   06, 58, 01.6
#' 47, 52, 25.0,   08, 00, 13.0
#' 51, 20, 06.0,   08, 51, 09.0
#' 51, 18, 40.3,   08, 48, 07.2
#' 50, 03, 06.0,   08, 34, 05.0
#' 50, 01, 20.8,   08, 33, 30.7
#' 53, 37, 16.5,   09, 59, 47.6
#' 52, 27, 47.0,   09, 41, 53.9
#' 52, 27, 36.2,   09, 41, 40.2
#' 48, 10, 28.9,   12, 06, 06.3
#' 48, 02, 31.7,   10, 13, 09.2
#' 48, 20, 10.9,   11, 36, 42.1
#' 50, 30, 00.4,   11, 08, 06.2
#' 50, 06, 34.7,   06, 32, 53.9
#' 49, 59, 05.1,   08, 42, 46.6
#' 52, 38, 55.2,   13, 51, 29.6
#' 54, 10, 32.4,   12, 03, 29.1
#' 48, 35, 07.0,   09, 46, 58.0
#' 52, 09, 36.3,   11, 10, 33.9")
#' radloc$x <- radloc$ED + radloc$EM/60 + radloc$ES/3600
#' radloc$y <- radloc$ND + radloc$NM/60 + radloc$NS/3600
#' for(i in 1:29) berryFunctions::circle(radloc$x[i], radloc$y[i], 0.9)
#' }
#' @param file      Name of file on harddrive, like e.g.
#'                  DWDdata/5_minutes_radolan_reproc_2017_002_bin_2020_YW2017.002_202006.tar
#' @param exdir     Directory to unzip into. If existing, only the needed files
#'                  will be unpacked with [untar()]. Note that exdir
#'                  size will be around 17 GB for 5-minute files.
#'                  If `unpacked=FALSE`, exdir can contain other files
#'                  that will be ignored for the actual reading.
#'                  DEFAULT: basename(file) at tempdir
#' @param unpacked  Manually indicate whether .tar.gz files within .tar file
#'                  have already been unpacked before.
#'                  DEFAULT: NULL: checks if 'yw.*--bin' file(s) are present
#' @param selection Optionally read only a subset of the ~ 12 x 24 x 30/31 = 8640 files.
#'                  Called as `f[selection]`. DEFAULT: NULL (ignored)
#' @param toraster  Logical: convert to [terra::rast]? see [readDWD.binary]
#'                  DEFAULT: TRUE
#' @param quiet     Suppress progress messages?
#'                  DEFAULT: FALSE through [rdwdquiet()]
#' @param progbar   Show progress bars?
#'                  DEFAULT: !quiet, i.e. TRUE
#' @param \dots     Further arguments passed to [dwdradar::readRadarFile()],
#'                  i.e. `na` and `clutter`

readDWD.rklim <- function(file, exdir=NULL, unpacked=NULL, selection=NULL,
                            toraster=TRUE, quiet=rdwdquiet(), progbar=!quiet, ...)
checkSuggestedPackage("dwdradar", "rdwd:::readDWD.radklim")
if(progbar) lapply <- pbapply::pblapply
# exdir:
fn <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(file))
if(is.null(exdir)) exdir <- paste0(tempdir(),"/", fn)
unpacked <- any(grepl("yw.*--bin", dir(exdir)))
if(!quiet) if(unpacked) message("Assuming files have been unpacked.") else
                        message("Assuming files need to be unpacked.")

# untar layer 1:
daydir <- paste0(exdir,"/dayfiles")
untar(file, exdir=daydir) # 30/31 .tar.gz files (one for each day). overwrites existing files
dayfiles <- dir(daydir, full.names=TRUE)
# untar layer 2:
if(!quiet) message("Listing contents of ",length(dayfiles)," .tar files ...")
original <- lapply(dayfiles, untar, list=TRUE) # needed for dir file selection
if(!quiet) message("Unpacking .tar files into ",exdir,"...")
lapply(dayfiles, untar, exdir=exdir)
# yields 30 * 24 * 12 = 8640 files each 1.7MB, takes ~25 secs
f <- dir(exdir, full.names=TRUE) # 8641 files (including "dayfiles" folder name)
# use only the files from file, not other stuff at exdir:
f <- f[basename(f) %in% unlist(original)]
unlink(daydir, recursive=TRUE)
} else
message("Assuming exdir ",exdir," \n         only contains binary files from file '",file,"'")
f <- dir(exdir, full.names=TRUE)

# read data (e.g 5-minutely files):
if(!is.null(selection)) f <- f[selection]
if(!quiet) message("Reading ",length(f)," files...")
rb <- lapply(f, dwdradar::readRadarFile, ...)

# list element names (time stamp):
time <- sapply(rb, function(x) format(x$meta$date, "%F %T"))
names(rb) <- time

if(!toraster) return(invisible(rb))
# else if toraster:
checkSuggestedPackage("terra", "rdwd:::readDWD.radklim with toraster=TRUE")
if(!quiet) message("Converting to terra raster...")
rbmat <- base::lapply(rb,"[[",1)
rbmat <- lapply(rbmat, terra::rast)
rbmat <- terra::rast(rbmat)
rbmeta <- rb[[1]]$meta
rbmeta$filename <- file
rbmeta$date <- as.POSIXct(time)
return(invisible(list(dat=rbmat, meta=rbmeta)))

# ~ grib2 ----

#' @title read nwp forecast data
#' @description read gridded numerical weather prediction data.
#' Intended to be called via [readDWD()].\cr
#' @return terra or stars object, depending on `pack`
#' @author Berry Boessenkool, \email{berry-b@@gmx.de}, Jan 2021.
#' @seealso [readDWD()]\cr
#' <https://www.dwd.de/EN/ourservices/nwp_forecast_data/nwp_forecast_data.html>\cr
#' <https://www.dwd.de/EN/aboutus/it/functions/Teasergroup/grib.html>\cr
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{ # Excluded from CRAN checks, but run in localtests
#' nwp_t2m_base <- "ftp://opendata.dwd.de/weather/nwp/icon-d2/grib/15/soiltyp"
#' nwp_urls <- indexFTP("", base=nwp_t2m_base, dir=tempdir())
#' # for p instead of soiltyp, icosahedral_model-level files fail with GDAL errors,
#' # see https://github.com/brry/rdwd/issues/28
#' # regular-lat-lon_pressure-level files work with pack="terra" or "stars"
#' nwp_file <- dataDWD(tail(nwp_urls,1), base=nwp_t2m_base, dir=tempdir(), 
#'                     joinbf=TRUE, dbin=TRUE, read=FALSE)
#' nwp_data <- readDWD(nwp_file)
#' terra::plot(nwp_data)
#' addBorders() # the projection seems to be perfectly good :)
#' # index of GRIB files
#' if(FALSE){ # indexing takes about 6 minutes!
#' grib_base <- "ftp://opendata.dwd.de/weather/nwp/icon-d2/grib"
#' grib_files <- indexFTP("", base=grib_base, dir=tempdir())
#' for(f in unique(substr(grib_files, 1,3))) print(grib_files[which(substr(grib_files, 1,3)==f)[1]])
#' View(data.frame(grep("regular",grib_files, value=TRUE)))
#' }
#' }
#' @param file      Name of file on harddrive, like e.g.
#'                  cosmo-d2_germany_regular-lat-lon_single-level_2021010100_005_T_2M.grib2.bz2
#' @param pack      Char: package used for reading. 
#'                  One of "terra" or "stars".
#'                  "rgdal" (for the deprecated cosmo-d2 data) is no longer available,
#'                  see [issue](https://github.com/brry/rdwd/issues/28).
#'                  DEFAULT: "terra"
#' @param bargs     Named list of arguments passed to
#'                  [R.utils::bunzip2()], see `gargs` in [readDWD.raster()]. DEFAULT: NULL
#' @param quiet     Silence readGDAL completely, including warnings on 
#'                  discarded ellps / datum. 
#'                  DEFAULT: FALSE through [rdwdquiet()]
#' @param \dots     Further arguments passed to [terra::rast()] or
#'                  [stars::read_stars()].
readDWD.grib2 <- function(
checkSuggestedPackage("R.utils", "rdwd:::readDWD.grib2")
# bunzip arguments:
bdef <- list(filename=file, remove=FALSE, skip=TRUE)
bfinal <- berryFunctions::owa(bdef, bargs, "filename")
# unzip:
bdata <- do.call(R.utils::bunzip2, bfinal)

# actual reading:
# TERRA ---
if(!quiet) message(" with pack='terra' ...")
checkSuggestedPackage("terra"  , "rdwd:::readDWD.grib2")
out <- terra::rast(bdata, ...)
} else
# STARS ---
if(!quiet) message(" with pack='stars' ...")
checkSuggestedPackage("stars"  , "rdwd:::readDWD.grib2")
out <- stars::read_stars(bdata, quiet=quiet, ...)
} else
# WRONG pack ---
tstop("pack='",pack,"' is not a valid option.")
# Output:

# ~ pdf ----

#' @title open pdf data
#' @description open pdf file. This leads to less failures in the new `meta=TRUE`
#' # system in [selectDWD()].\cr
#' Intended to be called via [readDWD()].\cr
#' @return [berryFunctions::openFile()] output
#' @author Berry Boessenkool, \email{berry-b@@gmx.de}, May 2022.
#' @seealso [readDWD()]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{ # Excluded from CRAN checks, but run in localtests
#' link <- selectDWD(res="hourly", var="solar", per="r", meta=TRUE)
#' if(!any(endsWith(link,"pdf"))) stop("no pdf file here anymore") 
#' # hourly/sun no longer has a pdf file anymore 2023-09
#' link <- link[endsWith(link,"pdf")][1]
#' file <- dataDWD(link, read=FALSE)
#' readDWD(file)
#' }
#' @param file      Name of file on harddrive, like e.g.
#'                  monthly_kl_historical_DESCRIPTION_obsgermany_climate_monthly_kl_historical_en.pdf
#' @param quiet     Ignored. DEFAULT: FALSE through [rdwdquiet()]
#' @param \dots     Further arguments passed to [berryFunctions::openFile()] and from there to [system2()]

readDWD.pdf <- function(file, quiet=rdwdquiet(), ...)
berryFunctions::openFile(file, ...)
brry/rdwd documentation built on Sept. 7, 2024, 11:23 p.m.