
Defines functions summary.ewing fini.timing set.timing init.timing setTemp getTemp initTemp setEvents updateEvents setCount set.step getCount initCount setOrgMeanValue getOrgInfo getOrgData setOrgInfo initOrgInfo get.base get.individual put.individual put.species get.species.element get.species get.organisms

Documented in summary.ewing

## $Id: community.R,v 1.0 2002/12/09 yandell@stat.wisc.edu Exp $
## Functions for Bland Ewing's modeling.
##     Copyright (C) 2000,2001,2002 Brian S. Yandell.
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
## Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
## later version.
## These functions are distributed in the hope that they will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## The text of the GNU General Public License, version 2, is available
## as http://www.gnu.org/copyleft or by writing to the Free Software
## Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
get.organisms <- function(datafile = "") {
  org <- list(species = c("host", "parasite"), substrates = "substrate")
  if(datafile != "") {
    if(tools::file_ext(datafile) %in% c("xls","xlsx")){
      sheets <- readxl::excel_sheets(datafile)
      species <- stringr::str_remove(
        sheets[stringr::str_detect(sheets, "future\\.")],
      substrates <- unique(stringr::str_remove(
        sheets[stringr::str_detect(sheets, paste("\\.", species, sep = "", collapse = "|")) &
        !stringr::str_detect(sheets, paste(c("future", species), "\\.", sep = "", collapse = "|"))],
      org <- list(species = species, substrates = substrates)
get.species <- function( community, species ) {
  if( missing( species ))
    names( community$pop )
get.species.element <- function( community, species, rows, cols )
put.species <- function( community, species, value )
  community$pop[[species]] <- value
put.individual <- function( community, species, individual,
                           id = get.base( community, species ))
  community$pop[[species]][,id] <- individual
get.individual <- function( community, species,
                           id = get.base( community, species ))
get.base <- function( community, species )
### simulation organism administration
initOrgInfo <- function( package, messages = TRUE, datafile = "", ... )
  community <- list( pop = list( ))
  community$org <- list( )
  community$org$package <- package
  ## Get data
  community$org$Feature <- getOrgData(community, "organism", "features",
                                      messages, datafile)

  community$pop <- list()
setOrgInfo <- function( community, species, hosts, package, messages = TRUE,
                        datafile = "", ... )
  Organism <- community$org

  if( is.null( Organism$Future ))
    Organism$Future <- list( )
  if( is.null( Organism$Interact ))
    Organism$Interact <- list( )

  for( j in hosts )
    if( is.null( Organism$Interact[[j]] ))
      Organism$Interact[[j]] <- list( )
  ## Do not reset MeanValue as it may have important spline fits!
  if( is.null( Organism$MeanValue ))
    Organism$MeanValue <- list( )

  for( i in species ) {
    future <- getOrgData(community, "future", i,
                         messages, datafile)
    # Check that future agrees with organism.feature information
    subclass <- Organism$Feature[i,"subclass"]
    if(!(subclass %in% unique(future$ageclass))) {
      stop(paste("Future table", paste("future", i, sep = "."),
                 "does not include", subclass))

    level.ageclass <- unique( future$ageclass )
    level.ageclass <- as.character( level.ageclass[ !is.na( level.ageclass ) ] )
    future$ageclass <- ordered( future$ageclass, level.ageclass )
    Organism$Future[[i]] <- future
    for( j in hosts )
      if( i != j ) {
        Organism$Interact[[j]][[i]] <- getOrgData(community, j, i,
                                                  messages, datafile)
        # Check that interaction agrees with host current stage information
        # This is messy!
        if(j %in% species) {
          if(!all(row.names(Organism$Interact[[j]][[i]]) %in%
                  c(as.character(Organism$Future[[j]]$current), i))) {
            stop(paste("Interaction table", paste(j, i, sep = "."),
                       "does not match", j, "current stages"))
    if( is.null( Organism$MeanValue[[i]] ))
      Organism$MeanValue[[i]] <- list( )
      cat( "Keeping Mean Value information for", i, "if any\n" )
  for( i in unique( getOrgFeature( community, species, "substrate" ))) {
    Organism$Interact[[i]][[i]] <- getOrgData(community, i, i,
                                              messages, datafile)
  community$org <- Organism
getOrgData <- function(community, left, right,
                       messages = TRUE, datafile = "")
  # Get Organism Data from
  #     package data
  #     global data supplied by user
  #     external data file supplied by user
  sheet <- paste( left, right, sep = "." )
  if((data_exists <- (datafile != ""))) {
    if(dir.exists(datafile)) {
      extensions <- c(".txt", ".tsv", ".csv", ".xls", ".xlsx")
      datafile <- file.path(datafile, paste0(sheet, extensions))
      data_exists <- file.exists(datafile)
      if(any(data_exists)) {
        datafile <- datafile[data_exists][1]
        data_exists <- TRUE
      } else {
        data_exists <- FALSE
      sheet <- ""
    } else { # datafile is a file, which must be xls or xlsx
      data_exists <- TRUE
  if(!data_exists) {
    # Load package data or get user-provided global data.
    mydata( sheet, getOrgInfo( community, "package" ), messages = messages)
    my.eval( sheet )
  } else {
    # Read data file from user if provided.
    if(sheet == "")
    else {
      out <- as.data.frame(readxl::read_excel(datafile, sheet = sheet, .name_repair = "none"))
      if(names(out)[1] == "") { # first column is actual row names
        rownames(out) <- out[[1]]
        out[[1]] <- NULL
getOrgInfo <- function( community, element )
setOrgMeanValue <- function( community, species, stage, mvalue )
  ## The global Organism$MeanValue[[species]] contains mean value information.
  community$org$MeanValue[[species]][[stage]] <- mvalue
### Simulation count object administration
initCount <- function( community, species, debugit = FALSE, file = NULL, append = FALSE,
                       messages = TRUE, ... )
  if(messages) {
    cat( "initial" )
    for( i in species)
      cat( ":", i, sum( apply( get.species( community, i ), 2,
                              function(x) !all(x[c("dist","left","right","up")]==1))) - 1 )
    cat( "\n" )

  count <- list()
  ## leftist tree counters
  count$mintime <- numeric( length( species ))
  count$base <- numeric( length( species ))
  names( count$base ) <- names( count$mintime ) <- species
  count$free <- list()

  ## initialize lists to keep track of events
  count$events <- count$countage <- count$countsub <- count$nameage <- count$namesub <- list()

  ## Set up hour to degreeday spline based on range of hours if any
  simmin <- c(hr=Inf,DD=Inf)
  for( i in species ) {
    if( is.null( get.species( community, i )))
      stop( paste( "Missing species", i ))
    count$free[[i]] <- 1
    count$base[i] <- get.base( community, i )
    units <- getOrgFeature( community, i, "units" )
    tmp <- get.individual( community, i )["time"]
    if( tmp < simmin[units] )
      simmin[units]<- tmp
  if( max( simmin ) < Inf ) {
    community <- activeTemp( community, simmin["hr"], , simmin["DD"], messages = messages )
  esums <- c("initial","during","final")
  tmpfn <- function( counter )
    rownames <- levels( counter )
    array( 0, length( rownames ), dimnames = list( rownames ))
  subclass <- getOrgFeature( community, species, "subclass" )
  names( subclass ) <- species
  for( i in species ) {
    species.time <- get.individual( community, i )["time"]
    count$mintime[i] <- getTime( community, i, species.time )
    future <- getOrgFuture( community, i )
    ## possible future events
    count$events[[i]] <- matrix( 0, nrow( future ), length( esums ),
                               dimnames = list( as.character( future$current ), esums ))
    ## current record of future events
    count$countage[[i]] <- tmpfn( getOrgFuture( community, i, "ageclass" ))
    count$countsub[[i]] <- tmpfn( getOrgInteract( community,, i, "substrate" ))

    if( species.time < Inf ) {
      ## count by age groups
      stage <- getOrgAlive( community, i, "stage" )
      if( length( stage )) {
        classes <- getOrgAgeClass( community, i, stage )
        tmp <- table( classes )
        count$countage[[i]][ names( tmp ) ] <- tmp
      ## count by substrate
      substage <- getOrgAlive( community, i, "sub.stage" )
      ## only for individuals of class = subclass[i]
      substage <- substage[ subclass[i] == getOrgAgeClass( community, i, stage ) ]
      if( length( substage )) {
        classes <- getOrgInteract( community,, i, "substrate" )
        tmp <- table( classes[substage] )
        count$countsub[[i]][ names( tmp ) ] <- tmp
  count$debug <- debugit

  # If file is NULL, then don't write to file; keep counts internal
  count$file <- file
  community$count <- count
  ## Put counts in file
  community <- putCount( community, append )
  ## tally events at start of simulation
  setEvents( community, "initial" )
getCount <- function( community, species, element )
  count <- community$count[[element]]
  if( !missing( species ))
    count <- count[[species]]
set.step <- function( community, step )
  setCount( community,, list( step = step ))
setCount <- function( community, species, elements )
  count <- community$count
  for( i in names( elements )) {
    if( missing( species ))
      count[[i]] <- elements[[i]]
      count[[i]][[species]] <- elements[[i]]
  community$count <- count
updateEvents <- function( community, species, event, increment = 1 )
  community$count$events[[species]][event,"during"] <-
    community$count$events[[species]][event,"during"] + increment
setEvents <- function( community, period )
  count <- community$count
  for( species in get.species( community )) {
    current <- getOrgFuture( community, species, "current" )
    events <- rep( 0, length( current ))
    names( events ) <- as.character( current )

    stage <- getOrgAlive( community, species, "stage" )
    if( !length( stage ))
      return( events )

    tmp <- tapply( stage, current[stage], length )
    tmp[ is.na( tmp ) ] <- 0
    events[ names( tmp ) ] <- tmp
    count$events[[species]][,period] <- events
  community$count <- count
### simulation temperature administration
initTemp <- function( community, lo.hour = 0, hi.hour = getTemp( community, "Unit" ),
                     days = TemperaturePar["Days"], 
                     messages = TRUE, datafile = "", ... )
  if(messages) {
    cat( "Initializing Temperature Profile ...\n" )
  Temperature <- list()
  TemperaturePar <- getOrgData(community, "temperature", "par", messages, datafile)
#  mydata( "TemperaturePar", getOrgInfo( community, "package" ), messages = messages)
  TemperaturePar <- array( TemperaturePar[,"value"],
                          dimnames = list( row.names( TemperaturePar )))
  Temperature$Unit <- TemperaturePar["Unit"]
  Temperature$Min <- TemperaturePar["Min"]

  ## set up daily temperature base
  TemperatureBase <- getOrgData(community, "temperature", "base", messages, datafile)
#  mydata( "TemperatureBase", getOrgInfo( community, "package" ), messages = messages)
  Temperature$Time <- split( TemperatureBase$Time, TemperatureBase$Day )
  Temperature$Base <- split( TemperatureBase$Base, TemperatureBase$Day )

  community$temp <- Temperature
  tmp <- seq( lo.hour / Temperature$Unit,
             days + 1 + ( hi.hour / Temperature$Unit ),
             length = TemperaturePar["Length"] )
  tmp0 <- seq( 0, 1, length = TemperaturePar["Length"] )
  tmp1 <-  0.25 * ( TemperaturePar["HighBeg"] - TemperaturePar["LowBeg"] )
  Temperature$Low <- splines::interpSpline( tmp, TemperaturePar["LowBeg"] * ( 1 - tmp0 ) +
                                  TemperaturePar["LowEnd"] * tmp0 +
                                  sin( pi * 4 * tmp0 ) * tmp1 )
  Temperature$High <- splines::interpSpline( tmp, TemperaturePar["HighBeg"] * ( 1 - tmp0 ) +
                                   TemperaturePar["HighEnd"] * tmp0 +
                                   sin( pi * ( 0.125 + 4 * tmp0 )) * tmp1 )

  Temperature$DegreeDay <- NULL

  if(messages) {
    cat( "Base daily temperature fluctuation:\n" )
  for( i in names( Temperature$time )) {
    cat( "From day", i, ":\n" )
    tmp <- Temperature$Base[[i]]
    names( tmp ) <- Temperature$Time[[i]]
    print( tmp )
  community$temp <- Temperature
  if(messages) {
    showTemp( community )
    cat( "Initial active temperature:\n" )
  activeTemp( community, lo.hour, hi.hour, getTemp( community, "Time", 1 )[1],
              messages = messages)
getTemp <- function( community, element, sub )
  tempelem <- community$temp[[element]]
  if( !missing( sub ))
    tempelem <- tempelem[[sub]]
setTemp <- function( community, element, value )
  community$temp[[element]] <- value
### Timing of simulation run
init.timing <- function( community )
  ## initialize timing
  events <- NULL
  for( species in get.species( community ))
    events <- c( events, levels( getOrgFuture( community, species, "event" )))
  events <- sort( unique( events ))
  tmp <- c("total",events,"refresh","other")
  cpu <- matrix( 0, 3, length( tmp ),
                dimnames = list( c("user","system","total"), tmp ))
  community$cpu <- cpu
  community <- set.timing( community, "total" )
set.timing <- function( community, string, flag = -1 ) {
  if( !is.null( community$cpu ))
    community$cpu[,string] <- community$cpu[,string] + flag * proc.time()[1:3]
fini.timing <- function( community )
  if( !is.null( community$cpu )) {
    community <- set.timing( community, "total", 1 )
    community$cpu[,"other"] <- community$cpu[,"total"] - apply( community$cpu[,-1], 1, sum )

#' summary of Ewing simulation models
#' Summary of various aspects of simulation.
#' @param object object of class \code{ewing} with population data by species
#' @param ... other summary parameters
#' @author Brian S. Yandell, \email{yandell@@stat.wisc.edu}
#' @seealso \code{\link{init.simulation}}, \code{\link{future.events}},
#' \code{\link{plot.ewing}}
#' @references \url{www.stat.wisc.edu/~yandell/ewing}
#' @keywords utilities
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' summary.ewing( community )
#' }
#' @importFrom splines interpSpline
#' @importFrom utils data
summary.ewing <- function( object, ... )
  cat( "Data initialization package:", object$org$package, "\n" )
  species <- names( object$org$Future )
  cat( "Community species:", paste( species, collapse = ", " ), "\n" )
  cat( "Community hosts:", paste( names( object$org$Interact ), collapse = ", " ), "\n" )
  cat( "Mean Value curves by species:" )
  mv <- FALSE
  for( i in species ) {
    meanvalue <- names( object$org$MeanValue[[i]] )
    mv <- mv | !is.null( meanvalue )
    if( !is.null( meanvalue )) {
      cat( "\n  ", species, ":", paste( meanvalue, collapse = ", " ), "\n" )
  if( !mv )
      cat( " none\n" )
  if( length( object$pop )) {
    species <- get.species( object )
    stage <- list()
    for( i in species )
      stage[[i]] <- table( object$org$Future[[i]]$current[
                             getOrgAlive( object, i, "stage" ) ] )
    cat( "\nSimulation community has following counts:\n",
        paste( species, lapply( stage, sum ), sep = "=", collapse = ", " ), "\n" )
    print( stage )
  if( !is.null( object$temp )) {
  if( !is.null( object$count )) {
    events <- object$count$events
  for( i in seq( length( events )))
    events[[i]] <- apply( events[[i]], 2,
      function( x ) {
        tmp <- sum( x, na.rm = TRUE )
        if( tmp > 0 )
          c( round( 100 * x / tmp, 1 ), total = tmp )
          c( x, total = 0 )
    print( events )
  if( !is.null( object$cpu )) {
    cat( "CPU timing by event in simulation\n" )
    print( object$cpu )
byandell/ewing documentation built on Jan. 3, 2024, 7:27 p.m.