
# effectplot.R
# copyright (c) 2002-2012, Hao Wu and Karl W. Broman
# Last modified Sep, 2012
# first written Jul, 2002
#     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#     modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
#     version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#     but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
#     merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.  See the GNU
#     General Public License, version 3, for more details.
#     A copy of the GNU General Public License, version 3, is available
#     at http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/GPL-3
# Modified by Hao Wu Feb 2005 for the following:
# 1. function will take marker, pseudomarker or phenotype as input;
# 2. separate functions to extract marker genodata given marker names
# and calculate means and ses;
# Part of the R/qtl package
# Contains: effectplot, effectplot.getmark, effectplot.calmeanse

effectplot <-
function (cross, pheno.col = 1, mname1, mark1, geno1, mname2, 
          mark2, geno2, main, ylim, xlab, ylab, col, add.legend = TRUE,
          legend.lab, draw=TRUE, var.flag=c("pooled","group")) 
  if(!sum(class(cross) == "cross")) 
    stop("The first input variable must be an object of class cross")

  if(LikePheVector(pheno.col, nind(cross), nphe(cross))) {
    cross$pheno <- cbind(pheno.col, cross$pheno)
    pheno.col <- 1

  # if mname2 is given but not mname1, switch it around
  if((missing(mname1) && missing(mark1) && missing(geno1)) &&
     any(!missing(mname2) || missing(mark2) || missing(geno2))) {
    if(!missing(mname2)) { mname1 <- mname2; mname2 <- NULL }
    if(!missing(mark2)) { mark1 <- mark2; mark2 <- NULL }
    if(!missing(geno2)) { geno1 <- geno2; geno2 <- NULL }
  if(missing(mark2)) mark2 <- NULL
  if(missing(mname2)) mname2 <- NULL

  if(length(pheno.col) > 1) {
    pheno.col <- pheno.col[1]
    warning("effectplot can take just one phenotype; only the first will be used")
  if(is.character(pheno.col)) {
    num <- find.pheno(cross, pheno.col)
      stop("Couldn't identify phenotype \"", pheno.col, "\"")
    pheno.col <- num

  if(pheno.col < 1 | pheno.col > nphe(cross))
    stop("pheno.col values should be between 1 and the no. phenotypes")

    stop("phenotype \"", colnames(cross$pheno)[pheno.col], "\" is not numeric.")

  var.flag <- match.arg(var.flag)

  # local variables
  n.ind <- nind(cross)
  pheno <- cross$pheno[, pheno.col]
  type <- class(cross)[1]
  chrtype1 <- chrtype2 <- "A"
  gennames1 <- gennames2 <- NULL

  # If imputations are not available, create them
  if(!("draws" %in% names(cross$geno[[1]]))) {
    warning(" -Running sim.geno.")
    cross <- sim.geno(cross, n.draws=16)
  # get genotype data for markers given marker name
  # if marker genodata were given, this will be skipped
  # used for alternative print name for pseudomarkers
  pm.pattern <- "^c.*\\.loc.*$" # pseudomarker names will be like "c1.loc10"
  dig <- 1
  step <- attr(cross$geno[[1]]$draws, "step")
  if(!is.null(step)) {
    if(step > 0) dig <- max(dig, -floor(log10(step)))
  else {
    stepw <- attr(cross$geno[[1]]$draws, "stepwidth")
    if(!is.null(stepw) && stepw > 0) dig <- max(dig, -floor(log10(stepw)))

  printname1 <- printname2 <- NULL
  # Get marker 1 genotype data
  if(missing(mark1)) { # no data given
    if(missing(mname1)) # no marker data or marker name, have to stop
      stop("Either mname1 or mark1 must be specified.")
    # get marker data according to marker name
    tmp <- effectplot.getmark(cross, mname1)
    tmptmp <- attr(tmp, "mname")
    if(!is.null(tmptmp)) mname1 <- tmptmp
    mark1 <- tmp$mark
    gennames1 <- tmp$genname

    # perhaps alternative print name
    if(length(grep(pm.pattern, mname1))>0) {
      tmp <- find.pseudomarkerpos(cross, mname1, "draws")
      printname1 <- paste(tmp[1,1], charround(tmp[1,2],dig), sep="@")
  else {
    # make mark1 a matrix if it's not
    if(class(mark1) != "matrix")
      mark1 <- matrix(mark1, ncol=1)
    if(dim(mark1)[1] != n.ind) 
      stop("Marker 1 data hass the wrong dimension")
      mname1 <- "Marker 1"
  if(is.null(printname1)) printname1 <- mname1

  # Deal with marker 2
  if(!is.null(mname2) || !is.null(mark2)) {
    if(is.null(mark2)) {
      # get marker data according to marker name
      tmp <- effectplot.getmark(cross, mname2)
      tmptmp <- attr(tmp, "mname")
      if(!is.null(tmptmp)) mname2 <- tmptmp
      mark2 <- tmp$mark
      gennames2 <- tmp$genname

      # perhaps alternative print name
      if(length(grep(pm.pattern, mname2))>0) {
        tmp <- find.pseudomarkerpos(cross, mname2, "draws")
        printname2 <- paste(tmp[1,1], charround(tmp[1,2],dig), sep="@")
    else { # mark2 data is given
      # make mark2 a matrix if it's not
      if(class(mark2) != "matrix")
      mark2 <- matrix(mark2, ncol=1)
      if(dim(mark2)[1] != n.ind) 
        stop("Marker 2 data has the wrong dimension")
        mname2 <- "Marker 2"
    if(is.null(printname2)) printname2 <- mname2
  else {
    mark2 <- NULL
    geno2 <- NULL
  ### till now, mark1 and mark2 are genotype data in matrix
  # deal with the data - if one of them is a pseudomarker,
  # make the other one the same number of draws
  # determine number of draws - this part of codes works even if mark2 is NULL
  ndraws1 <- dim(mark1)[2]
    ndraws2 <- 1
    ndraws2 <- dim(mark2)[2]
  # make them the same number of draws
  if( (ndraws1>1) && (ndraws2>1) ) {
    # two pseudomarkers, they must have the same number of draws
    if(ndraws1 != ndraws2)
      stop("Input two pseudomarkers have different number of draws.")
      ndraws <- ndraws1
  else if( (ndraws1>1) && (ndraws2==1) ) {
    # one pm and one typed marker
      mark2 <- matrix(rep(mark2,ndraws1), ncol=ndraws1)
    ndraws <- ndraws1
  else if( (ndraws1==1) && (ndraws2>1) ) {
    # one pm and one typed marker
    mark1 <- matrix(rep(mark1,ndraws2), ncol=ndraws2)
    ndraws <- ndraws2
  else # they are all real markers
    ndraws <- 1
  # drop data for individuals with missing phenotypes or genotypes
  keepind <- !is.na(pheno)
    keepind <- keepind & apply(mark1, 1, function(a) all(!is.na(a))) 
    keepind <- keepind & apply(mark2, 1, function(a) all(!is.na(a))) 

  mark1 <- mark1[keepind,]
  mark2 <- mark2[keepind,]
  pheno <- pheno[keepind]

  # 1. get level names - this part will be executed when
  # user only input mark without mname and geno
  # 2. adjust marker data if the input is not numeric
  tmpf <- factor(mark1)
  if(!missing(geno1)) { # geno1 is given
    # check if it has the correct length
    if(length(geno1) < length(levels(tmpf))) 
      stop("geno1 is too short.")
  else {
    # geno1 is not given
    if(!is.null(gennames1)) # get it from genname1
      geno1 <- gennames1
    else if(is.factor(mark1)) { # or if it's factor, get it from level
      geno1 <- levels(mark1)
      mark1 <- as.numeric(mark1)
    else if(!is.numeric(mark1)) { 
      # if it's neither factor nor numeric, it must be a string vector
      # such like c("F","M","F")...
      geno1 <- levels(tmpf)
    else { # otherwise, generate a standard one
      geno1 <- getgenonames(type, "A", cross.attr=attributes(cross))
      if(length(levels(tmpf)) > length(geno1)) 
        geno1 <- c(geno1, rep("?", length(levels(tmpf)) - 
  # adjust marker data - if the input is not numeric, convert them into numeric
    mark1 <- matrix(as.numeric(tmpf, levels=sort(levels(tmpf))), ncol=ndraws)

  # Now work on mark2
  if(!is.null(mark2)) {
    tmpf <- factor(mark2)
    if(!missing(geno2)) { # geno2 is given
      # check if it has the correct length
      if(length(geno2) < length(levels(tmpf))) 
        stop("geno2 is too short.")
    else {
      # geno2 is not given
      if(!is.null(gennames2)) # get it from genname2
        geno2 <- gennames2
      else if(is.factor(mark2)) { # or if it's factor, get it from level
        geno2 <- levels(mark2)
        mark2 <- as.numeric(mark2)
      else if(!is.numeric(mark2)) { 
        # if it's neither factor nor numberic, it must be a string vector
        # such like c("F","M","F")...
        geno2 <- levels(tmpf)
      else { # otherwise, generate a standard one
        geno2 <- getgenonames(type, "A", cross.attr=attributes(cross))
        if(length(levels(tmpf)) > length(geno2)) 
           geno2 <- c(geno2, rep("?", length(levels(tmpf)) - 
    # adjust marker data - if the input is not numeric, convert them into numeric
      mark2 <- matrix(as.numeric(tmpf, levels=sort(levels(tmpf))), ncol=ndraws)
  # number of genotypes
  ngen1 <- length(geno1)
    ngen2 <- length(geno2)

  # calculate means and ses
  # and make output object
  # the output will be a data frame. For two-marker case,
  # the rows corresponding to the first marker and the columns
  # corresponding to the second marker
  result <- effectplot.calmeanse(pheno, mark1, mark2, geno1, geno2, ndraws, var.flag)
  means <- result$Means
  ses <- result$SEs

  # assign column and row names
  if(is.null(mark2)) {
    if(length(means) != length(geno1)) {
      warning("Number of genotypes is different than length(geno1).")
      if(length(means) < length(geno1)) 
        geno1 <- geno1[1:length(means)]
      else geno1 <- c(geno1, rep("?", length(means) - length(geno1)))
      ngen1 <- length(geno1)
    names(result$Means) <- paste(printname1, geno1, sep = ".")
    names(result$SEs) <- paste(printname1, geno1, sep = ".")
  else {
    if(nrow(means) != length(geno1)) {
      warning("Number of genotypes in marker 1 is different than length(geno1).")
      if(nrow(means) < length(geno1)) 
        geno1 <- geno1[1:nrow(means)]
      else geno1 <- c(geno1, rep("?", nrow(means) - length(geno1)))
      ngen1 <- length(geno1)
    if(ncol(means) != length(geno2)) {
      warning("Number of genotypes in marker 2 is different than length(geno2).")
      if(ncol(means) < length(geno2)) 
        geno2 <- geno2[1:ncol(means)]
      else geno2 <- c(geno2, rep("?", ncol(means) - length(geno2)))
      ngen2 <- length(geno2)
    rownames(result$Means) <- paste(printname1, geno1, sep = ".")
    colnames(result$Means) <- paste(printname2, geno2, sep = ".")
    rownames(result$SEs) <- paste(printname1, geno1, sep = ".")
    colnames(result$SEs) <- paste(printname2, geno2, sep = ".")

  # calculate lo's and hi's for plot
  lo <- means - ses
  hi <- means + ses

  ######### Draw the figure if requested ############
  if(draw) {
    # graphics parameters
    old.xpd <- par("xpd")
    old.las <- par("las")
    par(xpd = FALSE, las = 1)
    on.exit(par(xpd = old.xpd, las = old.las))
    # colors (for case of two markers)
    if(missing(col)) {
      if(ngen1 <= 5) {
        if(ngen1 == 1) int.color <- "black"
        else if(ngen1 == 2) int.color <- c("red", "blue")
        else int.color <- c("black", "red", "blue", "orange", "green")[1:ngen1]
        int.color <- c("black", rainbow(ngen1-1, start=0, end=2/3))
    else int.color <- col

    # plot title
    if(missing(main)) {
        main <- paste("Effect plot for", printname1)
      else main <- paste("Interaction plot for", printname1, "and", 

    # y axis limits
    if(missing(ylim)) {
      ylimits <- range(c(lo, means, hi), na.rm = TRUE)
      ylimits[2] <- ylimits[2] + diff(ylimits) * 0.1
    else ylimits <- ylim
    # x axis limits
    if(is.null(mark2)) { # one marker
      u <- seq(along=geno1)
      d <- diff(u[1:2])
      xlimits <- c(min(u) - d/4, max(u) + d/4)
    else { # two markers
      u <- seq(along=geno2)
      d <- diff(u[1:2])
      xlimits <- c(min(u) - d/4, max(u) + d/4)

    ## fix of x limits
    d <- 1
    xlimits <- c(1 - d/4, length(u) + d/4)

    if(is.null(mark2)) { # single marker
      if(missing(xlab)) xlab <- printname1
      if(missing(ylab)) ylab <- names(cross$pheno)[pheno.col]
      if(missing(col)) col <- "black"

      # plot the means
      plot(1:ngen1, means, main = main, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, 
           pch = 1, col = col[1], ylim = ylimits, xaxt = "n", 
           type = "b", xlim = xlimits)
      # confidence limits
      for(i in 1:ngen1) {
        if(!is.na(lo[i]) && !is.na(hi[i])) 
          lines(c(i, i), c(lo[i], hi[i]), pch = 3, col = col[1],
                type = "b", lty = 3)

      # X-axis ticks
      a <- par("usr")
      ystart <- a[3]
      yend <- ystart - diff(a[3:4]) * 0.02
      ytext <- ystart - diff(a[3:4]) * 0.05
#      for(i in 1:ngen1) {
#        lines(x = c(i, i), y = c(ystart, yend), xpd = TRUE)
#        text(i, ytext, geno1[i], xpd = TRUE)
#      }
      axis(side=1, at=1:ngen1, labels=geno1)
    else { # two markers
      if(missing(xlab)) xlab <- printname2
      if(missing(ylab)) ylab <- names(cross$pheno)[pheno.col]
      # plot the first genotype of marker 1
      plot(1:ngen2, means[1, ], main = main, xlab = xlab, 
           ylab = ylab, pch = 1, col = int.color[1], 
           ylim = ylimits, xaxt = "n", type = "b", xlim = xlimits)
      # confidence limits
      for(i in 1:ngen2) {
        if(!is.na(lo[1, i]) && !is.na(hi[1, i])) 
          lines(c(i, i), c(lo[1, i], hi[1, i]), pch = 3, 
                col = int.color[1], type = "b", lty = 3)
      for(j in 2:ngen1) { # for the rest of genotypes for Marker 1
        lines(1:ngen2, means[j, ], col = int.color[j], pch = 1, 
              type = "b")
        # confidence limits
        for(i in 1:ngen2) {
          if(!is.na(lo[j, i]) && !is.na(hi[j, i])) 
            lines(c(i, i), c(lo[j, i], hi[j, i]), pch = 3, 
                  col = int.color[j], type = "b", lty = 3)

      # draw X-axis ticks
      a <- par("usr")
      ystart <- a[3]
      yend <- ystart - diff(a[3:4]) * 0.02
      ytext <- ystart - diff(a[3:4]) * 0.05
#      for(i in 1:ngen2) {
#        lines(x = c(i, i), y = c(ystart, yend), xpd = TRUE)
#        text(i, ytext, geno2[i], xpd = TRUE)
#      }
      axis(side=1, at=1:ngen2, labels=geno2)

      # add legend
      if(add.legend) {
        col <- int.color[1:ngen1]
        # legend position
        x.leg <- a[1]*0.25+a[2]*0.75
        y.leg <- a[4] - diff(a[3:4]) * 0.05
        y.leg2 <- a[4] - diff(a[3:4]) * 0.03
        legend(x.leg, y.leg, geno1, lty = 1, pch = 1, col = col, 
               cex = 1, xjust = 0.5)
        if(missing(legend.lab)) legend.lab <- printname1
        text(x.leg, y.leg2, legend.lab)

# function to get genotype data for a marker
# given marker name

effectplot.getmark <-
function (cross, mname)
  # cross type
  type <- class(cross)[1]
  # return variables
  mark <- NULL
  gennames <- NULL

  # for pseudomarkers refered to as "1@10.5":
  #    - check that it is not a phenotype or marker name
  #    - otherwise convert to the usual name via find.pseudomarker
  pmalt.pattern <- "@-*[0-9]+" # alternate way to refer to a pseudomarker ("1@10.5")
  if(length(grep(pmalt.pattern, mname))>0 && 
    !(mname %in% names(cross$pheno) || mname %in% colnames(pull.geno(cross)))) {      
    ss <- unlist(strsplit(mname, "@"))
    if(!(ss[1] %in% names(cross$geno)))
      stop("Don't understand the marker name ", mname)
    mname <- find.pseudomarker(cross, ss[1], as.numeric(ss[2]), "draws")

  # determine marker type - it could be a marker, a pseudomarker or a phenotype
  mar.type <- "none"
  # regular expression pattern for a pseudomarker names
  pm.pattern <- "^c.*\\.loc.*$" # pseudomarker names will be like "c1.loc10"
  if(mname %in% names(cross$pheno)) { # this is a phenotype
    mar.type <- "pheno"
    idx.pos <- which(mname==names(cross$pheno))
  else if(length(grep(pm.pattern, mname)) > 0) { # like "c1.loc10", this is a pseudomarker
    # note that the column names for draws is like "loc10",
    # so I need to take the part after "." in mname
    tmp <- unlist(strsplit(mname, "loc"))
    chr <- substr(tmp[1],2,nchar(tmp[1])-1) # this will be like 1 or "X"
    if( !(chr %in% names(cross$geno)) )
      stop("Couldn't find marker ", mname)
    mar.type <- "pm"
    chrtype <- class(cross$geno[[chr]])
    pm.name <- paste("loc", tmp[2],sep="") # this will be like loc10
    idx.pos <- which(pm.name==colnames(cross$geno[[chr]]$draws))
    if(length(idx.pos) == 0)
      stop("Couldn't find marker ", mname)
    else if(length(idx.pos)>1) # take the first one for multiple markers with the same name
      idx.pos <- idx.pos[1]
  else { # this is a real marker name but it could be a observed or imputed 
    for(i in 1:length(cross$geno)) {
      if(mname %in% colnames(cross$geno[[i]]$draws)) { # this is a pseudomarker
        mar.type <- "pm"
        chr <- i
        chrtype <- class(cross$geno[[chr]])
        idx.pos <- which(mname == colnames(cross$geno[[i]]$draws))
      else if(mname %in% colnames(cross$geno[[i]]$data)) { # this is a typed marker
        mar.type <- "marker"
        chr <- i
        chrtype <- class(cross$geno[[i]])
        idx.pos <- which(mname == colnames(cross$geno[[i]]$data))

  # if didn't find this marker
  if(mar.type == "none")
    stop("Marker ", mname, " not found")
  # get data from typed marker, pseudomarker or phenotype
  if(mar.type == "pheno") { # this is a phenotype
    mark <- cross$pheno[,idx.pos]
    # the phenotype need to be categorical
    if(length(unique(mark)) > 5) { # I'm using arbitrary number here
      stop("The input phenotype ", mname, " is not a categorical trait")
    gennames <- sort(unique(mark))
  else if(mar.type=="marker") { # this is a real marker
    mark <- cross$geno[[chr]]$data[, idx.pos]
    # if X chr and backcross or intercross, get sex/dir data + revise data
    if(chrtype == "X" && (type %in% c("bc","f2","bcsft"))) {
      sexpgm <- getsex(cross)
      mark <- as.numeric(reviseXdata(type, "full", sexpgm, 
                                     geno = as.matrix(mark),
      gennames <- getgenonames(type, chrtype, "full", sexpgm, attributes(cross))
  else if(mar.type=="pm") { # this is a pseudomarker
    # get the imputed genotype data for this marker
    mark <- cross$geno[[chr]]$draws[,idx.pos,,drop=FALSE]

    # if X chr and backcross or intercross, get sex/dir data + revise data
    if(chrtype == "X" && (type %in% c("bc","f2","bcsft"))) {
      sexpgm <- getsex(cross)
      mark <- reviseXdata(type, "full", sexpgm, draws=mark,
      gennames <- getgenonames(type, chrtype, "full", sexpgm, attributes(cross))
    else mark <- mark[,1,]

  else  # none of the above
    stop("Couldn't find marker ", mname)
  # make mark a matrix if it's not one
  if(class(mark) != "matrix")
    mark <- matrix(mark, ncol=1)
  # return
  ret <- list(mark=mark, gennames=gennames)
  attr(ret, "mname") <- mname

# function to calculate the means and ses
# if ndraws is 1, it's easy
# if ndraws > 1 (has pseudomarker),
# loop thru the draws
effectplot.calmeanse <-
function(pheno, mark1, mark2, geno1, geno2, ndraws, var.flag=c("pooled","group"))
  # local variables
  nind <- length(pheno) 
  # method to calculate variances for estimated QTL effects
  var.flag <- match.arg(var.flag)
  result <- NULL
  nind <- sum(!is.na(pheno)) # number of individuals
  if(is.null(mark2)) { # if mark2 is missing
    if(ndraws > 1) { # more than one draws
      mark1.level <- seq(along=geno1) # level for mark1
      # init 
      means.all <- matrix(NA, nrow=ndraws, ncol=length(mark1.level))
      colnames(means.all) <- mark1.level
      vars.all <- matrix(NA, nrow=ndraws, ncol=length(mark1.level))
      colnames(vars.all) <- mark1.level
      weight <- rep(0, ndraws) # weight for draws
      # loop thru draws
      for(i in 1:ndraws) {
        mark1.tmp <- mark1[,i] # data for current draw
        # fit a regression - this is used to calculate the weights
        mark1.factor <- factor(mark1.tmp, mark1.level)
        lm.tmp <- lm(pheno~mark1.factor-1)
        rss <- sum(lm.tmp$residuals^2)
        # compute the weight
        weight[i] <- (-nind/2)*log(rss)
        # group means
        means.tmp <- tapply(pheno, mark1.tmp, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
        # calculate group means and variances
        if(var.flag=="group") { # use variance in each group
          vars.tmp <- tapply(pheno, mark1.tmp, function(a) var(a,na.rm = TRUE)/length(a))
        else { # use pooled variance
          vars.tmp <- tapply(mark1.tmp, mark1.tmp, function(a) rss/nind/length(a))
        # note that there could be missing categories in draws
        means.all[i, names(means.tmp)] <- means.tmp
        vars.all[i, names(vars.tmp)] <- vars.tmp
      # average across draws - for vars, it should be
      # mean of variance plus variance of means
      weight <- exp(weight-max(weight))
      means <- apply(means.all, 2, function(a) weighted.mean(a,weight,na.rm=TRUE))
      meanvar <- apply(vars.all, 2, function(a) weighted.mean(a,weight,na.rm=TRUE)) # mean of vars
      varmean <- apply(means.all, 2, function(a) weighted.mean((a-mean(a,na.rm=TRUE))^2,weight,na.rm=TRUE)) # var of means
      measured <- apply(means.all, 2, function(a) sum(!is.na(a)))
      means[measured==0] <- meanvar[measured==0] <- varmean[measured==0] <- NA
      # standard error
      ses <- sqrt(meanvar+varmean)
    else { # ndraws is 1
      u <- sort(unique(mark1))
      if(any(!(u %in% seq(along=geno1)))) {
        newmark1 <- mark1
        for(i in seq(along=u)) 
          newmark1[mark1==u[i]] <- i
        mark1 <- newmark1
      means <- tapply(pheno, mark1, mean, na.rm = TRUE)

      if(var.flag == "group") { # use group variance
        ses <- tapply(pheno, mark1, function(a) sd(a, na.rm = TRUE)/sqrt(sum(!is.na(a))))
      else { # use pooled variance
        mark1.factor <- factor(mark1, seq(along=geno1))
        lm.tmp <- lm(pheno~mark1.factor-1)
        rss <- sum(lm.tmp$residuals^2)
        ses <- tapply(mark1, mark1, function(a) sqrt(rss/nind/length(a)))
  else { # with mark2
    if(ndraws > 1) {
      mark1.level <- seq(along=geno1) # level for mark1
      mark2.level <- seq(along=geno2) # level for mark2

      u <- sort(unique(as.numeric(mark1)))
      if(any(!(u %in% seq(along=geno1)))) {
        newmark1 <- mark1
        for(i in seq(along=u)) 
          for(j in 1:ncol(mark2)) 
            newmark1[mark1[,j]==u[i],j] <- i
        mark1 <- newmark1

      u <- sort(unique(as.numeric(mark2)))
      if(any(!(u %in% seq(along=geno2)))) {
        newmark2 <- mark2
        for(i in seq(along=u)) 
          for(j in 1:ncol(mark2)) 
            newmark2[mark2[,j]==u[i],j] <- i
        mark2 <- newmark2

      # init 
      means.all <- array(NA, c(length(mark1.level), length(mark2.level), ndraws))
      dimnames(means.all) <- list(mark1.level, mark2.level, NULL)
      vars.all <- array(NA, c(length(mark1.level), length(mark2.level), ndraws))
      dimnames(vars.all) <- list(mark1.level, mark2.level, NULL)
      weight <- rep(0, ndraws) # weight for draws
      # loop thru draws
      for(i in 1:ndraws) {
        mark1.tmp <- mark1[,i] # data for current draw
        mark2.tmp <- mark2[,i]
        # fit a regression - this is used to calculate the weights
        mark1.factor <- factor(mark1.tmp, mark1.level)
        mark2.factor <- factor(mark2.tmp, mark2.level)
        lm.tmp <- lm(pheno~mark1.factor+mark2.factor+1)
        rss <- sum(lm.tmp$residuals^2)
        # compute the weight
        weight[i] <- (-nind/2)*log(rss)
        # group means
        means.tmp <- tapply(pheno, list(mark1.tmp, mark2.tmp), mean, na.rm = TRUE)
        # calculate group means and variances
        if(var.flag=="group") { # use variance in each group
          vars.tmp <- tapply(pheno, list(mark1.tmp,mark2.tmp),
                             function(a) var(a,na.rm = TRUE)/length(a))
        else { # use pooled variance
          vars.tmp <- tapply(mark1.tmp, list(mark1.tmp,mark2.tmp),
                             function(a) rss/nind/length(a))
        # note that there could be missing categories in draws
        means.all[dimnames(means.tmp)[[1]], dimnames(means.tmp)[[2]],i] <- means.tmp
        vars.all[dimnames(vars.tmp)[[1]], dimnames(vars.tmp)[[2]], i] <- vars.tmp
      # average across draws - for vars, it should be
      # mean of variance plus variance of means
      weight <- exp(weight-max(weight))
      means <- apply(means.all, c(1,2), function(a) weighted.mean(a,weight,na.rm=TRUE))
      meanvar <- apply(vars.all, c(1,2), function(a) weighted.mean(a,weight,na.rm=TRUE))
      varmean <- apply(means.all, c(1,2), function(a) weighted.mean((a-mean(a,na.rm=TRUE))^2,weight,na.rm=TRUE)) # var of means
      measured <- apply(means.all, c(1,2), function(a) sum(!is.na(a)))
      means[measured==0] <- meanvar[measured==0] <- varmean[measured==0] <- NA
      # standard error
      ses <- sqrt(meanvar+varmean)
    else { # ndraws is 1
      u <- sort(unique(mark1))
      if(any(!(u %in% seq(along=geno1)))) {
        newmark1 <- mark1
        for(i in seq(along=u)) 
          newmark1[mark1==u[i]] <- i
        mark1 <- newmark1

      u <- sort(unique(mark2))
      if(any(!(u %in% seq(along=geno2)))) {
        newmark2 <- mark2
        for(i in seq(along=u)) 
          newmark2[mark2==u[i]] <- i
        mark2 <- newmark2
      mark1 <- factor(mark1, seq(along=geno1))
      mark2 <- factor(mark2, seq(along=geno2))

      means <- tapply(pheno, list(mark1, mark2), mean, na.rm = TRUE)
      if(var.flag=="group") { # use group variance
        ses <- tapply(pheno, list(mark1, mark2), function(a) sd(a, na.rm = TRUE)/sqrt(sum(!is.na(a))))
      else {# use pooled variance
        lm.tmp <- lm(pheno~mark1+mark2-1)
        rss <- sum(lm.tmp$residuals^2)
        ses <- tapply(mark1, list(mark1, mark2), function(a) sqrt(rss/nind/length(a)))

  # result
  result$Means <- means
  result$SEs <- ses

# end of effectplot.R
byandell/qtl documentation built on May 13, 2019, 9:28 a.m.