
# mqmutil.R
# Copyright (c) 2009, Danny Arends
# Modified by Pjotr Prins and Karl Broman
# first written Februari 2009
# last modified December 2009
#     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#     modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
#     version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#     but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
#     merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.  See the GNU
#     General Public License, version 3, for more details.
#     A copy of the GNU General Public License, version 3, is available
#     at http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/GPL-3
# Part of the R/qtl package
# Contains: ourstop
#           ourline
#           mqmextractmarkers
#           estimatemarkerlod
#           stringPhenoToInt
#           addmarkerstointervalmap
#           mqmtestnormal
#           mqmgetmodel

# Returns the effective version of R/qtl and MQM. This is used for testing,
# debugging, and error reporting on MQM itself. We could also R/qtl tagged
# releases, but they may be faster/slower than the development version. Also
# the C libraries may be used outside R. Returns a list with values for

mqm_version <- function() {
  rqtl_version = packageDescription("qtl")["Version"]$Version
  rmqm_version  = "0.90-pre1"
  mqm_version   = rmqm_version # fetch from C code, later
  list(RQTL=rqtl_version, RMQM=rmqm_version, MQM=mqm_version)

groupclusteredheatmap <- function(cross, clusteredheatmapresult, height){
  items <- cut(clusteredheatmapresult$Rowv,h=height)$lower
  phenotypes <- names(pull.pheno(cross))
  groups <- vector(length(items), mode="list")
  cnt <- 1
  for(x in items){
    nam <- labels(x)
    groups[[cnt]] <- which(phenotypes %in% nam)
    cnt <- cnt+1

ourstop <- function(...){

ourline <- function(){

simulatemissingdata <- function(cross,percentage=5){
		stop("No cross object. Please supply a valid cross object.") 
  for(x in 1:length(cross$geno)){
    numtoDROP <- length(cross$geno[[x]]$data)*(percentage/100)
    toDROP <- sample(length(cross$geno[[x]]$data))[1:numtoDROP]
    cross$geno[[x]]$data[toDROP] <- NA

# Return the real markers in the set (remove fake ones)
mqmextractmarkers <- function(mqmresult){
  if(!("scanone" %in% class(mqmresult))){
    stop("Wrong type of result file, please supply a valid scanone (from MQM) object.") 
  result <- NULL
  for(x in 1:nrow(mqmresult)){
    # for every marker...
    marker = mqmresult[x,]
    found = grep('.loc',rownames(marker))
    if (length(found)==0) {
      result <- rbind(result,marker)
  class(result) <- class(mqmresult)

# Return the fake markers in the set (remove real ones)
mqmextractpseudomarkers <- function(mqmresult){
  if(!("scanone" %in% class(mqmresult))){
    stop("Wrong type of result file, please supply a valid scanone (from MQM) object.") 
  result <- NULL
  for(x in 1:nrow(mqmresult)){
    # for every marker...
    marker = mqmresult[x,]
    found = grep('.loc',rownames(marker))
    if(length(found)!=0) {
      result <- rbind(result,marker)
  class(result) <- class(mqmresult)

stepsize <- function(mqmpseudomarkers){
  step <- as.numeric(strsplit(rownames(mqmpseudomarkers)[2],"loc")[[1]][2])-as.numeric(strsplit(rownames(mqmpseudomarkers)[1],"loc")[[1]][2])

estimatemarkerlod <- function(interresults){
  #For an okay return, with all markers filled every REAL marker has to be surrounded by interval markers
  #It does skip markers untill we reach the next pseudomarker. When one of the assumptions fails
  #we return, so there could be markers without a LOD score
  if(all(is.na(interresults[,3]))) return (interresults) 
	pY <- interresults[1,3]		
	pX <- interresults[1,2]
  if(is.na(pY) || is.na(pX)) return (interresults) #The first marker needs to be a interval marker
  for(x in 2:nrow(interresults)){
			y <- x
			while(y <= nrow(interresults) && is.na(interresults[y,3]) && interresults[y,1] == interresults[x,1]){
				y <- y + 1
			nY <- interresults[y,3]     
			nX <- interresults[y,2]
      if(is.na(nY) || is.na(nX)) return (interresults) #The next marker also needs to be a interval marker
			distp = interresults[x,2] - pX
			distn = nX - interresults[x,2]
			disttot = distn+distp
			interresults[x,3] <- (((nY-pY)/disttot) * distp) + pY
			interresults[x,4] <- 1
			interresults[x,5] <- interresults[x,3]
		pY <- interresults[x,3]		
		pX <- interresults[x,2]		

#Function to go from character phenotypes to numeric column numbers
#Based on the code in the scanone function
stringPhenoToInt <- function(cross,pheno.col){
  if(is.character(pheno.col)) {
    num <- find.pheno(cross, pheno.col)
    if(any(is.na(num))) {
      if(sum(is.na(num)) > 1){
        stop("Couldn't identify phenotypes ", paste(paste("\"", pheno.col[is.na(num)], "\"", sep=""),collapse=" "))
        stop("Couldn't identify phenotype \"", pheno.col[is.na(num)], "\"")
    pheno.col <- num
  if(any(pheno.col < 1 | pheno.col > nphe(cross))) stop("pheno.col values should be between 1 and the no. phenotypes")

addmarkerstointervalmap <- function(cross,intervalresult,verbose=FALSE){
		stop("No cross object. Please supply a valid cross object.") 
  if(!("scanone" %in% class(intervalresult))){
    stop("Wrong type of result file, please supply a valid scanone (from MQM) object.") 
	map <- pull.map(cross)
	newres <- NULL
	intervalmaploc <- 1
	n <- NULL
	for(chr in 1:length(map)){
		for(mar in 1:length(map[[chr]])){

			if(verbose) cat(chr,"Placing marker: ",names(map[[chr]])[mar]," at ",map[[chr]][mar],"\t",intervalresult[intervalmaploc,2],"\n")
			while(intervalresult[intervalmaploc,2] < map[[chr]][mar]  || intervalresult[intervalmaploc,1] < chr ){
				newres <- rbind(newres,intervalresult[intervalmaploc,])
				n <- c(n,rownames(intervalresult)[intervalmaploc])
				intervalmaploc <- intervalmaploc+1
			if(intervalresult[intervalmaploc,2] == map[[chr]][mar]){
				newres <- rbind(newres,c(chr,map[[chr]][mar],intervalresult[intervalmaploc,3],intervalresult[intervalmaploc,4],intervalresult[intervalmaploc,5]))
				while(intervalresult[intervalmaploc,2] == map[[chr]][mar]){
					intervalmaploc <- intervalmaploc+1
				newres <- rbind(newres,c(chr,map[[chr]][mar],NA,NA,NA))
			n <- c(n,names(map[[chr]])[mar])
			colnames(newres) <- colnames(intervalresult)
    while(intervalmaploc < nrow(intervalresult) && intervalresult[intervalmaploc,1] <= chr ){
      newres <- rbind(newres,intervalresult[intervalmaploc,])
			n <- c(n,rownames(intervalresult)[intervalmaploc])
      intervalmaploc <- intervalmaploc+1
#	if(intervalmaploc <= nrow(intervalresult)){
	#	newres <- rbind(newres,intervalresult[intervalmaploc,])
		#n <- c(n,rownames(intervalresult)[intervalmaploc])
#		intervalmaploc <- intervalmaploc+1		
#	}
	rownames(newres) <- n
	newres <- estimatemarkerlod(newres)
	class(newres) <- c("scanone",class(newres))

mqmtestnormal <- function(cross, pheno.col=1,significance=0.05, verbose=FALSE){
		stop("No cross object. Please supply a valid cross object.") 

  # if augmented data, pull out just the unique individuals
  if("mqm" %in% names(cross)) {
    theind <- cross$mqm$augIND
    cross <- subset(cross, ind=match(unique(theind), theind))

  # shapiro.test works only for 3 <= n <= 5000
  if(nind(cross) < 3 || nind(cross) > 5000) {
    warning("Can perform test of normality only if 3 <= n <= 5000")
    return(TRUE)   # I guess this should be NA

  if(significance > 1 || significance <= 0){
    stop("significance should be between 0 and 1")

  # if pheno.col has multiple entries
  if(length(pheno.col) > 1) {
    returnval <- rep(NA, length(pheno.col))
    for(i in seq(along=pheno.col))
      returnval[i] <- mqmtestnormal(cross, pheno.col=pheno.col[i], significance=significance, verbose=verbose)
    names(returnval) <- colnames(cross$pheno)[pheno.col]

     	returnval <- FALSE
	if(pheno.col <0 || pheno.col > nphe(cross)){
		stop("No such phenotype (pheno.col = ",pheno.col,")")
		stop("Please supply a numeric trait (pheno.col = ",pheno.col," is not numeric)")

  if((shapiro.test(cross$pheno[[pheno.col]])$p.value)  > significance){
    if(verbose) cat("Trait distribution normal\n")
    returnval<- TRUE
    if(verbose) cat("Trait distribution not normal\n")
    returnval<- FALSE

mqmgetmodel <- function(scanresult){
		model <- attr(scanresult,"mqmmodel")
		stop("Please supply a scan result made by using mqm with cofactors")

# end of mqmutil.R
byandell/qtl documentation built on May 13, 2019, 9:28 a.m.