
# summary.scantwo.R
# copyright (c) 2001-2012, Karl W Broman, Hao Wu, and Brian Yandell
# last modified Mar, 2012
# first written Nov, 2001
#     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#     modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
#     version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#     but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
#     merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.  See the GNU
#     General Public License, version 3, for more details.
#     A copy of the GNU General Public License, version 3, is available
#     at http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/GPL-3
# Part of the R/qtl package
# Contains: summary.scantwo, print.summary.scantwo,
#           max.scantwo, clean.scantwo, print.scantwo, subset.scantwo
#           summary.scantwoperm, print.summary.scantwoperm
#           condense.scantwo, summary.scantwocondensed
#           max.scantwocondensed, print.summary.addpair
#           rbind.scantwoperm, c.scantwoperm, subset.scantwoperm
#           [.scantwoperm
# summarize the result from scantwo
summary.scantwo <-
function(object, thresholds, 
         what=c("best", "full", "add", "int"),
         perms, alphas, lodcolumn=1, pvalues=FALSE,
         df=FALSE, allpairs=TRUE, ...)
  if(!any(class(object) == "scantwo") &&
     !any(class(object) == "scantwocondensed")) 
    stop("Input should have class \"scantwo\".")

  addpair <- attr(object, "addpair")
  if(!is.null(addpair) && addpair) { # results from addpair() that need special treatment
    if("lod.minus1" %in% names(attributes(object))) { # asymmetric formula
      attr(object, "addpair") <- NULL
      x <- summary.scantwo(object, allpairs=allpairs)
      class(x) <- "data.frame"
      x <- x[,c(1,2,8,9,10,3,4,5),drop=FALSE]

      mlod.minus1 <- tapply(attr(object, "lod.minus1"), object$map$chr, max, na.rm=TRUE)
      mlod.minus2 <- tapply(attr(object, "lod.minus2"), object$map$chr, max, na.rm=TRUE)
      w <- which(x[,1] == x[,2])
      for(i in seq(along=w))
        if(x[w[i],5] < x[w[i],8]) x[w[i],3:5] <- x[w[i],c(7,6,8)]
      if(any(x[,1] != x[,2])) {
        w <- which(x[,1] != x[,2])
        y <- x[w,,drop=FALSE]
        for(i in 1:nrow(y))
          y[,1:5] <- y[,c(2,1,7,6,8)]
        neworder <- cbind(1:nrow(x), rep(NA, nrow(x)))
        neworder[w,2] <- nrow(x) + 1:nrow(y)
        neworder <- as.numeric(t(neworder))

        x <- rbind(x, y)[neworder[!is.na(neworder)],,drop=FALSE]
      x <- cbind(x[,1:5], lod.2v1b=rep(NA,nrow(x)), lod.2v1a=rep(NA,nrow(x)))
      names(x)[5] <- "lod.2v0"

      x[,6] <- x[,5] - mlod.minus1[as.character(x[,2])]
      x[,7] <- x[,5] - mlod.minus2[as.character(x[,1])]

      if(!missing(thresholds)) {
        if(length(thresholds) > 2)
          warning("Only the first two values in thresholds are used.")
        if(length(thresholds) == 1) thresholds <- c(thresholds, 0)
        x <- x[!is.na(x[,5]) & x[,5] >= thresholds[1] &
               ((!is.na(x[,6]) & x[,6] >= thresholds[2]) |
                (!is.na(x[,7]) & x[,7] >= thresholds[2])),,drop=FALSE]

      class(x) <- c("summary.addpair", "data.frame")
    else { # symmetric formula
      attr(object, "addpair") <- NULL
        x <- summary.scantwo(object, allpairs=allpairs)
        x <- summary.scantwo(object, thresholds=thresholds, allpairs=allpairs)

      x <- x[,1:6]
      colnames(x)[5:6] <- c("lod.2v0", "lod.2v1")

      if(!missing(thresholds)) {
        if(length(thresholds) > 2)
          warning("Only the first two values in thresholds are used.")

        if(length(thresholds) == 1) thresholds <- c(thresholds, 0)
        x <- x[!is.na(x[,5]) & x[,5] >= thresholds[1] &
               !is.na(x[,6]) & x[,6] >= thresholds[2],,drop=FALSE]

      class(x) <- c("summary.addpair", "data.frame")

  what <- match.arg(what)

  if(!missing(thresholds)) {
    if(length(thresholds) != 5)
      stop("If thresholds are given, there must be 5 of them.")
    else if(!is.numeric(thresholds))
      stop("thresholds should be a numeric vector")

  if(!missing(alphas)) {
    if(length(alphas) != 5) {
        alphas <- rep(alphas, 5)
        stop("If alphas are given, there must be 5 of them.")
    else if(!is.numeric(alphas))
      stop("alphas should be a numeric vector")

  if(!missing(perms) && !any(class(perms) == "scantwoperm"))
    stop("perms must be in scantwoperm format.")

  # subset object and permutations, if necessary
  if(any(class(object) == "scantwo")) {
    d <- dim(object$lod)
    if(length(d)==3) {
      if(!missing(perms)) {
        ncp <- sapply(perms, ncol)
        if(all(ncp==1)) onepermcol <- TRUE
        else onepermcol <- FALSE
        if(any(ncp != d[3])) {
          if(onepermcol)  {
            if(lodcolumn > 1)
              warning("Just one column of permutation results; assuming they apply to all LOD score columns.")
            stop("perms have different numbers of columns as object input.\n")
      if(lodcolumn < 1 || lodcolumn > d[3])
        stop("lodcolumn must be between 1 and ", d[3])
      object$lod <- object$lod[,,lodcolumn]
      if(!missing(perms) && !onepermcol)
        perms <- lapply(perms, function(a, b) a[,b,drop=FALSE], lodcolumn)
  else { # condensed version
    if(is.matrix(object$pos1.jnt)) {
      d <- ncol(object$pos1.jnt)
      if(!missing(perms)) {
        ncp <- sapply(perms, ncol)
        if(all(ncp==1)) onepermcol <- TRUE
        else onepermcol <- FALSE
        if(any(ncp != d[3])) {
            warning("Just one column of permutation results; reusing for all LOD score columns.")
            stop("perms have different numbers of columns as object input.\n")
      if(lodcolumn < 1 || lodcolumn > d)
        stop("lodcolumn must be between 1 and ", d)
      for(i in 3:length(object))
        object[[i]] <- object[[i]][,lodcolumn]

      if(!missing(perms) && !onepermcol)
        perms <- lapply(perms, function(a, b) a[,b,drop=FALSE], lodcolumn)
  # check input
  if(missing(perms) && !missing(alphas))
    stop("If alphas are to be used, permutation results must be provided.")
  if(!missing(thresholds) && !missing(alphas)) 
    stop("Only one of threshold and alpha should be specified.")
  if(pvalues && what != "best") {
    pvalues <- FALSE
    warning("pvalues shown only with what=\"best\".")
  if(pvalues && missing(perms)) {
    pvalues <- FALSE
    warning("p-values may be calculated only if perms are provided.")

  if(any(class(object) == "scantwo"))
    out <- subrousummaryscantwo(object, for.perm=FALSE)
    out <- as.data.frame(object)

  if(!allpairs) # only look at self-self cases
    out <- out[out$chr1==out$chr2,]
  if(!missing(alphas)) { # get thresholds
    thresholds <- rep(0,5)
    for(i in 1:5)
      thresholds[i] <- quantile(perms[[i]], 1-alphas[i])
    thresholds[alphas==1] <- 0
    thresholds[alphas==0] <- Inf

  if(what=="best") {
    p1.f <- out$pos1.jnt
    p2.f <- out$pos2.jnt
    p1.a <- out$pos1.add
    p2.a <- out$pos2.add

    lf <- out$jnt.lod.full
    li <- out$jnt.lod.full - out$add.lod.add
    lfv1 <- out$jnt.lod.full - out$lod.1qtl
    la <- out$add.lod.add
    lav1 <- out$add.lod.add - out$lod.1qtl
  else if(what=="full") {
    p1.f <- p1.a <- out$pos1.jnt
    p2.f <- p2.a <- out$pos2.jnt

    lf <- out$jnt.lod.full
    li <- out$jnt.lod.full - out$jnt.lod.add
    lfv1 <- out$jnt.lod.full - out$lod.1qtl
    la <- out$jnt.lod.add
    lav1 <- out$jnt.lod.add - out$lod.1qtl
  else if(what=="add") {
    p1.f <- p1.a <- out$pos1.add
    p2.f <- p2.a <- out$pos2.add

    lf <- out$add.lod.full
    li <- out$add.lod.full - out$add.lod.add
    lfv1 <- out$add.lod.full - out$lod.1qtl
    la <- out$add.lod.add
    lav1 <- out$add.lod.add - out$lod.1qtl
  else { # what == "int"
    p1.f <- p1.a <- out$pos1.int
    p2.f <- p2.a <- out$pos2.int

    lf <- out$int.lod.full
    li <- out$int.lod.full - out$int.lod.add
    lfv1 <- out$int.lod.full - out$lod.1qtl
    la <- out$int.lod.add
    lav1 <- out$int.lod.add - out$lod.1qtl

  out <- data.frame(chr1=out$chr1, chr2=out$chr2,
                    lod.full=lf, lod.fv1=lfv1, lod.int=li, 
                    lod.add=la, lod.av1=lav1)
  if(what != "best") {
    out <- out[,-(8:9)]
    names(out)[3:4] <- c("pos1", "pos2")

  if(!missing(thresholds) || !missing(alphas)) { # apply thresholds
    out <- out[(out$lod.full >= thresholds[1] & (out$lod.fv1 >= thresholds[2] |
                  out$lod.int >= thresholds[3])) |
               (out$lod.add >= thresholds[4] & out$lod.av1 >= thresholds[5]),,drop=FALSE]

  if(pvalues && nrow(out) > 0) {
    result <- as.data.frame(matrix(ncol=11+5, nrow=nrow(out)))
    wh <- c(1,2,3,4,5,7,9,11,12,13,15)
    wh2 <- (1:16)[-wh]
    result[,wh] <- out
    names(result)[wh] <- names(out)
    colnames(result)[wh2] <- rep("pval",5)
    for(i in 1:5) {
      for(j in 1:nrow(out))
        result[j,wh2[i]] <- mean(perms[[i]] >= result[j,wh2[i]-1], na.rm=TRUE)
    out <- result

  attr(out, "df") <- revisescantwodf(attr(object, "df"))

  if(!missing(perms) && "df" %in% names(attributes(out)) &&
     "df" %in% names(attributes(perms))) {
    df.o <- attr(out, "df")
    df.p <- attr(perms, "df")
    if(length(df.o) != length(df.p) ||
       any(df.o != df.p))
      warning("Degrees of freedom in input object and perms do not match.")

  if(!df) attr(out, "df") <- NULL
  class(out) <- c("summary.scantwo", "data.frame")


# subroutine for summary.scantwo; pulls out the key info
#     on each pair of chromosomes
subrousummaryscantwo <-
function(object, for.perm=FALSE)
  lod <- object$lod
  lod[is.na(lod) | lod == Inf | lod == -Inf] <- 0
  map <- object$map

  pos <- map[,2]
  chr <- factor(map[,1])
  tchr <- as.numeric(chr)
  n.chr <- max(tchr)
  xchr <- tapply(map[,4], map[,1], function(a) a[1])
  xchr <- xchr[!is.na(xchr)]
  n.phe <- 1
  if(length(dim(lod)) == 3) n.phe <- dim(lod)[3]

  if(!("scanoneX" %in% names(object)) ||
     is.null(object$scanoneX) || length(object$scanoneX)==0) {
    if(n.phe==1) scanoneX <- diag(lod)
    else {
      if(nrow(lod)==1) scanoneX <- lod[1,1,1]
      else scanoneX <- diag(lod[,,1])
      for(i in 2:n.phe) {
        if(nrow(lod)==1) scanoneX <- cbind(scanoneX, lod[1,1,i])
        else scanoneX <- cbind(scanoneX, diag(lod[,,i]))
  else scanoneX <- object$scanoneX

  if((is.matrix(scanoneX) && nrow(scanoneX) != nrow(lod)) ||
     (!is.matrix(scanoneX) && length(scanoneX) != nrow(lod)))
    stop("scanoneX component has length ", length(scanoneX), " but should have length ", nrow(lod))

  n.chrpair <- n.chr*(n.chr+1)/2

  fill <- matrix(0, nrow=n.chrpair, ncol=n.phe)

  out <- .C("R_summary_scantwo",
  chr1 <- levels(chr)[out$chr1+1]
  chr2 <- levels(chr)[out$chr2+1]

  if(n.phe == 1)
    out <- data.frame(chr1=chr1, chr2=chr2,
    out <- list(chr1=chr1, chr2=chr2,
                pos1.jnt=matrix(out$pos1.jnt, ncol=n.phe),
                pos2.jnt=matrix(out$pos2.jnt, ncol=n.phe),
                jnt.lod.full=matrix(out$jnt.lod.full, ncol=n.phe),
                jnt.lod.add=matrix(out$jnt.lod.add, ncol=n.phe),
                pos1.add=matrix(out$pos1.add, ncol=n.phe),
                pos2.add=matrix(out$pos2.add, ncol=n.phe),
                add.lod.full=matrix(out$add.lod.full, ncol=n.phe),
                add.lod.add=matrix(out$add.lod.add, ncol=n.phe),
                pos1.int=matrix(out$pos1.int, ncol=n.phe),
                pos2.int=matrix(out$pos2.int, ncol=n.phe),
                int.lod.full=matrix(out$int.lod.full, ncol=n.phe),
                int.lod.add=matrix(out$int.lod.add, ncol=n.phe),
                lod.1qtl=matrix(out$lod.1qtl, ncol=n.phe))

  if(for.perm) {
    if(n.phe==1) {
      out <- c("full"=max(out$jnt.lod.full,na.rm=TRUE),
               "fv1"=max(out$jnt.lod.full - out$lod.1qtl, na.rm=TRUE),
               "int"=max(out$jnt.lod.full - out$add.lod.add, na.rm=TRUE),
               "add"=max(out$add.lod.add, na.rm=TRUE),
               "av1"=max(out$add.lod.add - out$lod.1qtl, na.rm=TRUE),
               "one"=max(out$lod.1qtl, na.rm=TRUE))
    else {
      out <- list("full"=apply(out$jnt.lod.full, 2, max, na.rm=TRUE),
                  "fv1"=apply(out$jnt.lod.full - out$lod.1qtl, 2, max, na.rm=TRUE),
                  "int"=apply(out$jnt.lod.full - out$add.lod.add, 2, max, na.rm=TRUE),
                  "add"=apply(out$add.lod.add, 2, max, na.rm=TRUE),
                  "av1"=apply(out$add.lod.add - out$lod.1qtl, 2, max, na.rm=TRUE),
                  "one"=apply(out$lod.1qtl, 2, max, na.rm=TRUE))

print.summary.scantwo <-
function(x, ...)
  if(nrow(x)==0) {
    cat("    There were no pairs of loci meeting the criteria.\n")

  if("df" %in% names(attributes(x))) {
    df <- attr(x, "df")
    cat("Degrees of freedom:\n")
    rownames(df) <- paste("   ", rownames(df), ": ", sep="")

  z <- as.character(unlist(x[,1]))

  if(max(nchar(z)) == 1)
    rownames(x) <- apply(x[,1:2], 1, function(a)
                         paste("c", a, collapse=":", sep=""))
    rownames(x) <- apply(x[,1:2], 1, function(a)
                         paste(sprintf("c%-2s", a), collapse=":"))

  x <- x[,-(1:2)]

  cn <- colnames(x)
    cn[cn=="pos1a"] <- "    pos1a"

  wh <- grep("^pval", cn)
  if(length(wh) > 0)
    cn[wh] <- "pval"
  colnames(x) <- cn

  print.data.frame(x, digits=3)

print.summary.addpair <-
function(x, ...)
  if(nrow(x)==0) {
    cat("    There were no pairs of loci meeting the criteria.\n")

  z <- as.character(unlist(x[,1]))

  if(max(nchar(z)) == 1)
    rownames(x) <- apply(x[,1:2], 1, function(a)
                         paste("c", a, collapse=":", sep=""))
    rownames(x) <- apply(x[,1:2], 1, function(a)
                         paste(sprintf("c%-2s", a), collapse=":"))

  x <- x[,-(1:2), drop=FALSE]

  print.data.frame(x, digits=3)

print.scantwo <-
function(x, ...)
  d <- dim(x$lod)
  dn <- dimnames(x$lod)[[3]]
  if(is.null(dn)) dn <- attr(x, "phenotypes")

  if(nrow(x$lod) == 0)
    cat("Empty scantwo object.\n")
  else {

    else {
      for(i in 1:d[3]) {
        if(is.null(dn)) cat("Phenotype", i, "\n")
        else cat(dn[i], "\n")
        print(summary(x, lod=i))

# max.scantwo:  Give pair of chromosome with maximum 2-locus LOD score

max.scantwo <-
function(object, lodcolumn=1,
         what=c("best", "full", "add", "int"),
         df=FALSE, na.rm=TRUE, ...)
  if(class(object)[1] != "scantwo" &&
     class(object)[1] != "scantwocondensed")
    stop("Input must have class \"scantwo\".")

  addpair <- attr(object, "addpair")
  if(!is.null(addpair) && addpair) { # special treatment for output for addpair
    temp <- summary(object)
    mx <- max(temp[,5],na.rm=TRUE)
    return(temp[!is.na(temp[,5]) & temp[,5]==mx,])

  what <- match.arg(what)
  if(class(object)[1] == "scantwo") {
    d <- dim(object$lod)
    if(length(d)==3) {
      if(lodcolumn < 1 || lodcolumn > d[3])
        stop("lodcolumn must be between 1 and ", d[3])
      object$lod <- object$lod[,,lodcolumn]

    out <- subrousummaryscantwo(object, for.perm=FALSE)
  else { # condensed version
    if(is.matrix(object$pos1.jnt)) {
      d <- ncol(object$pos1.jnt)
      if(lodcolumn < 1 || lodcolumn > d)
        stop("lodcolumn must be between 1 and ", d)
      for(i in 3:length(object))
        object[[i]] <- object[[i]][,lodcolumn]
    out <- as.data.frame(object)

  if(what=="best") {
    wh <- which(!is.na(out$jnt.lod.full) & out$jnt.lod.full==max(out$jnt.lod.full, na.rm=TRUE))
    p1.f <- out$pos1.jnt[wh]
    p2.f <- out$pos2.jnt[wh]
    p1.a <- out$pos1.add[wh]
    p2.a <- out$pos2.add[wh]

    lf <- out$jnt.lod.full[wh]
    li <- out$jnt.lod.full[wh] - out$add.lod.add[wh]
    lfv1 <- out$jnt.lod.full[wh] - out$lod.1qtl[wh]
    la <- out$add.lod.add[wh]
    lav1 <- out$add.lod.add[wh] - out$lod.1qtl[wh]
  else if(what=="full") {
    wh <- which(!is.na(out$jnt.lod.full) & out$jnt.lod.full==max(out$jnt.lod.full, na.rm=TRUE))
    p1.f <- p1.a <- out$pos1.jnt[wh]
    p2.f <- p2.a <- out$pos2.jnt[wh]

    lf <- out$jnt.lod.full[wh]
    li <- out$jnt.lod.full[wh] - out$jnt.lod.add[wh]
    lfv1 <- out$jnt.lod.full[wh] - out$lod.1qtl[wh]
    la <- out$jnt.lod.add[wh]
    lav1 <- out$jnt.lod.add[wh] - out$lod.1qtl[wh]
  else if(what=="add") {
    wh <- which(!is.na(out$add.lod.add) & out$add.lod.add==max(out$add.lod.add, na.rm=TRUE))
    p1.f <- p1.a <- out$pos1.add[wh]
    p2.f <- p2.a <- out$pos2.add[wh]

    lf <- out$add.lod.full[wh]
    li <- out$add.lod.full[wh] - out$add.lod.add[wh]
    lfv1 <- out$add.lod.full[wh] - out$lod.1qtl[wh]
    la <- out$add.lod.add[wh]
    lav1 <- out$add.lod.add[wh] - out$lod.1qtl[wh]
  else { # what == "int"
    lod.int <- out$int.lod.full - out$int.lod.add
    wh <- which(!is.na(lod.int) & lod.int == max(lod.int, na.rm=TRUE))
    p1.f <- p1.a <- out$pos1.int[wh]
    p2.f <- p2.a <- out$pos2.int[wh]

    lf <- out$int.lod.full[wh]
    li <- out$int.lod.full[wh] - out$int.lod.add[wh]
    lfv1 <- out$int.lod.full[wh] - out$lod.1qtl[wh]
    la <- out$int.lod.add[wh]
    lav1 <- out$int.lod.add[wh] - out$lod.1qtl[wh]

  out <- data.frame(chr1=out$chr1[wh], chr2=out$chr2[wh],
                    lod.full=lf, lod.fv1=lfv1, lod.int=li, 
                    lod.add=la, lod.av1=lav1)
  if(what != "best") {
    out <- out[,-(8:9)]
    names(out)[3:4] <- c("pos1", "pos2")

  class(out) <- c("summary.scantwo", "data.frame")
  rownames(out) <- what
  if(df && "df" %in% names(attributes(object)))
    attr(out, "df") <- revisescantwodf(attr(object,"df"))


# clean.scantwo
# sets LOD scores that are missing or < 0 to 0
# If full LOD < add've LOD, set full = add've
# sets LOD scores, for pairs of positions that are not separated
#     by n.mar markers and distance cM, to 0

clean.scantwo <-
function(object, n.mar=1, distance=0, ...)
  if(class(object)[1] != "scantwo")
    stop("Input should have class \"scantwo\".")
  addpair <- attr(object, "addpair")
  if(is.null(addpair)) addpair <- FALSE
  lod <- object$lod
  map <- object$map
  if(!("fullmap" %in% names(attributes(object))))
    stop("clean.scantwo only works on scantwo objects created with R/qtl ver >= 1.04-38.\n")
  fmap <- attr(object, "fullmap")

  lod[is.na(lod) | lod < 0] <- 0
  subrou <- function(x,y,z)
      out <- x
      for(i in seq(along=x))
          out[i] <- sum((z > x[i] & z < y[i]) | (z < x[i] & z > y[i])) +
            (x[i] == y[i])

  last <- 0
  for(i in seq(along=fmap)) {
    m <- map[map[,1]==names(fmap)[i],2]
    idx <- 1:length(m)+last
    last <- last + length(m)

    toclean <- (outer(m, m, subrou, fmap[[i]]) < n.mar) | (abs(outer(m, m, "-")) <distance)
    diag(toclean) <- FALSE
    if(length(dim(lod))==3) # case of multiple phenotypes
      lod[idx,idx,][toclean] <- 0
      lod[idx,idx][toclean] <- 0

  # if full LOD < add've LOD, set full = add've
  if(!addpair) {
    if(length(dim(lod)) == 2) {
      lo <- lower.tri(lod)
      wh <- (lod[lo] < t(lod)[lo])
        lod[lo][wh] <- t(lod)[lo][wh]
    else {
      lo <- lower.tri(lod[,,1])
      for(i in 1:dim(lod)[3]) {
        wh <- (lod[,,i][lo] < t(lod[,,i])[lo])
          lod[,,i][lo][wh] <- t(lod[,,i])[lo][wh]

  object$lod <- lod


# subset.scantwo
subset.scantwo <-
function(x, chr, lodcolumn, ...)
  if(class(x)[1] != "scantwo")
    stop("Input should have class \"scantwo\".")

  if((missing(chr) || length(chr)==0) && missing(lodcolumn)) return(x)

  if(!missing(lodcolumn)) {
    if(any(lodcolumn>0) && any(lodcolumn<0))
      stop("lodcolumn values can't be both >0 and <0.")

    if(any(lodcolumn<0) || is.logical(lodcolumn))
      lodcolumn <- (1:(dim(x$lod)[3]))[lodcolumn]
      stop("You must retain at least one LOD column.")
    if(any(lodcolumn < 1 || lodcolumn > dim(x$lod)[3]))
      stop("lodcolumn values must be >=1 and <=",dim(x$lod)[3])

    x$lod <- x$lod[,,lodcolumn]
    if("scanoneX" %in% names(x))
      x$scanoneX <- x$scanoneX[,lodcolumn]

  if(!missing(chr)) {
    chr <- matchchr(chr, unique(x$map[,1]))

    wh <- x$map[,1] %in% chr

    x$map <- x$map[wh,,drop=FALSE]

      x$lod <- x$lod[wh,wh,drop=FALSE]
      x$lod <- x$lod[wh,wh,,drop=FALSE]

      x$scanoneX <- x$scanoneX[wh]

    if("fullmap" %in% names(attributes(x))) {
      fmap <- attr(x, "fullmap")
      fmap <- fmap[chr]
      attr(x, "fullmap") <- fmap

    df <- attr(x, "df")
    if(any(!is.na(match(c("AX","XX"), rownames(df)))) &&
      attr(x, "df") <- df["AA",,drop=FALSE]


# summary.scantwoperm
# Give genome-wide LOD thresholds on the basis of results of
# scantwo permutation test (from scantwo with n.perm > 0)
summary.scantwoperm <-
function(object, alpha=c(0.05, 0.10), df=FALSE, ...)
  if(!any(class(object) == "scantwoperm"))
    stop("Input should have class \"scantwoperm\".")

  out <- lapply(object, apply, 2, quantile, 1-alpha)

  for(i in 1:length(out)) {
      out[[i]] <- matrix(out[[i]], nrow=length(alpha))
    rownames(out[[i]]) <- paste(alpha*100, "%", sep="")

  if(df && "df" %in% names(attributes(object)))
    attr(out, "df") <- attr(object, "df")

  attr(out, "n.perm") <- nrow(object[[1]])
  class(out) <- c("summary.scantwoperm", "list")

print.summary.scantwoperm <-
function(x, ...) 
  nam <- names(x)
  rn <- rownames(x[[1]])
  n.perm <- attr(x, "n.perm")

  nc <- sapply(x, ncol)
  if(length(unique(nc)) != 1)
    stop("The components shouldn't have varying numbers of columns.\n")
  nc <- nc[1]

  if("df" %in% names(attributes(x))) {
    df <- attr(x, "df")
    cat("Degrees of freedom:\n")
    rownames(df) <- paste("   ", rownames(df), ": ", sep="")

  if(nc==1) {
    phe <- colnames(x[[1]])
    if(is.null(phe)) phe <- ""

    x <- matrix(unlist(x), nrow=length(rn))
    dimnames(x) <- list(rn, nam)

      cat("(", n.perm, " permutations)\n", sep="")
      cat(phe, " (", n.perm, " permutations)\n", sep="")
    print(x, digits=3)
  else {
    phe <- colnames(x[[1]])
    if(is.null(phe)) phe <- paste("pheno", 1:nc)

    for(i in 1:nc) {
      y <- matrix(ncol=length(x), nrow=nrow(x[[1]]))
      for(j in 1:length(x))
        y[,j] <- x[[j]][,i]
      dimnames(y) <- list(rn, nam)

      cat(phe[i], " (", n.perm, " permutations)\n", sep="")
      print(y, digits=3)
      if(i != nc) cat("\n")

# combine scantwo results ... paste the phenotype columns together
cbind.scantwo <- c.scantwo <-
  dots <- list(...)

  cl1 <- class(dots[[1]])
  if(length(dots)==1 && length(cl1)==1 && cl1=="list") dots <- dots[[1]]

  if(length(dots)==1) return(dots[[1]])
  for(i in seq(along=dots)) {
    if(!any(class(dots[[i]]) == "scantwo"))
      stop("Input should have class \"scantwo\".")

  # check dimensions of LODs
  nr <- sapply(dots, function(a) nrow(a$lod))
  nc <- sapply(dots, function(a) ncol(a$lod))
  nd3 <- sapply(dots, function(a) dim(a$lod)[3])
  if(any(nr[-1]!=nr[1]) || any(nc[-1] != nc[1]))
    stop("Input objects are not the same dimensions.")

  # check maps 
  map1 <- dots$map[[1]]
  for(i in 2:length(dots)) {
    if(!all(dots$map[[i]] != map1))
      stop("Maps are not all the same.")

  output <- dots[[1]]
  nd3[is.na(nd3)] <- 1
  output$lod <- array(dim=c(nr[1], nc[1], sum(nd3)))
  start <- cumsum(c(0,nd3))[-length(nd3)-1]
  end <- start+nd3

  for(i in seq(along=dots))
    output$lod[,,(start[i]+1):end[i]] <- dots[[i]]$lod
  attr(output, "phenotypes") <- unlist(lapply(dots, attr, "phenotypes"))
  dimnames(output$lod) <- list(NULL, NULL, attr(output, "phenotypes"))

  # check scanoneX
  if(is.null(dots[[1]]$scanoneX)) {
    for(i in 2:length(dots)) {
        stop("Some but not all input objects have null scanoneX.")
  else {
    nrx <- sapply(dots, function(a) nrow(a$scanoneX))
      stop("Mismatch in scanoneX dimensions.")
    for(i in 2:length(dots))
      output$scanoneX <- cbind(output$scanoneX, dots[[i]]$scanoneX)
    colnames(output$scanoneX) <- attr(output, "phenotypes")

  methods <- sapply(dots, attr, "method")
  if(length(unique(methods)) != 1)
    attr(output, "method") <- rep(sapply(dots, attr, "method"), nd3)

  fm <- lapply(dots, attr, "fullmap")
  for(i in 2:length(fm)) {
    if(length(fm[[1]]) != length(fm[[i]]) || !all(names(fm[[1]]) == names(fm[[i]])))
      stop("Mismatch in \"fullmap\" attributes (1).")
    for(j in 1:length(fm[[1]])) {
      if(length(fm[[1]][[j]]) != length(fm[[i]][[j]]) ||
         !all(names(fm[[1]][[j]]) == names(fm[[i]][[j]])) ||
         max(abs(fm[[1]][[j]] - fm[[i]][[j]])) > 0.001)
        stop("Mismatch in \"fullmap\" attributes (2).")

  df <- lapply(dots, attr, "df")
  for(i in 2:length(df)) {
    if(length(df[[1]]) != length(df[[i]]) || any(df[[1]] != df[[i]])) {
      warning("Mismatch in degrees of freedom.")
      attr(output, "df") <- NULL

# combine scantwoperm results ... paste the rows together
rbind.scantwoperm <- c.scantwoperm <-
  dots <- list(...)

  cl1 <- class(dots[[1]])
  if(length(dots)==1 && length(cl1)==1 && cl1=="list") dots <- dots[[1]]

  if(length(dots)==1) return(dots[[1]])
  for(i in seq(along=dots)) {
    if(!any(class(dots[[i]]) == "scantwoperm"))
      stop("Input should have class \"scantwoperm\".")

  nc <- sapply(dots, function(a) ncol(a[[1]]))
  if(length(unique(nc)) != 1)
    stop("Number of LOD columns in the input objects must be constant.\n")

  flag <- 0
  for(j in 1:length(dots[[1]])) {
    for(i in 2:length(dots)) {
      dots[[1]][[j]] <- rbind(dots[[1]][[j]], dots[[i]][[j]])
      if(any(colnames(dots[[i]][[j]]) != colnames(dots[[1]][[j]]))) flag <- 1
  if(flag) warning("Mismatch in column names; input may not be consistent.\n")

  df <- lapply(dots, attr, "df")
  flag <- 0
  for(i in 2:length(df)) {
    if(length(df[[i]]) != length(df[[1]]) ||
       any(df[[i]] != df[[1]])) 
      flag <- 1
  if(flag) {
    warning("Mismatch in degrees of freedom; may cause problems.")
    attr(dots[[1]], "df") <- NULL


# condensed scantwo output

condense <- 

condense.scantwo <-
  out <- subrousummaryscantwo(object, for.perm=FALSE)
  attr(out, "df") <- attr(object, "df")
  class(out) <- c("scantwocondensed", "list")

summary.scantwocondensed <- summary.scantwo
max.scantwocondensed <- max.scantwo

# subset.scantwoperm: pull out a set of lodcolumns
subset.scantwoperm <-
function(x, repl, lodcolumn, ...)
  att <- attributes(x)

  if(any(!sapply(x, is.matrix)))
    x <- lapply(x, as.matrix)

  if(missing(lodcolumn)) lodcolumn <- 1:ncol(x[[1]])
  else if(!is.null(attr(try(x[[1]][,lodcolumn], silent=TRUE),"try-error")))
    stop("lodcolumn misspecified.")

  if(missing(repl)) repl <- 1:nrow(x[[1]])
  else if(!is.null(attr(try(x[[1]][repl,], silent=TRUE),"try-error")))
    stop("repl misspecified.")

  cl <- class(x)
  x <- lapply(x, function(a,b,d) unclass(a)[b,d,drop=FALSE], repl, lodcolumn)
  class(x) <- cl

  for(i in seq(along=att)) {
    if(names(att)[i] == "dim" || length(grep("names", names(att)[i]))>0) next
    attr(x, names(att)[i]) <- att[[i]]


# subset.scantwoperm using [,]
`[.scantwoperm` <-
function(x, repl, lodcolumn)
  subset.scantwoperm(x, repl, lodcolumn)

# end of summary.scantwo.R
byandell/qtl documentation built on May 13, 2019, 9:28 a.m.