withr::local_options(list(ISAnalytics.verbose = FALSE))
# Global vars
test_sharing_input <- tibble::tribble(
~chr, ~integration_locus, ~strand, ~SubjectID, ~CellMarker, ~Tissue,
"1", 10032, "+", "S1", "CD34", "BM",
"10", 20162, "-", "S1", "CD34", "BM",
"5", 45612, "-", "S1", "CD34", "BM",
"2", 21206, "+", "S1", "CD13", "PB",
"1", 10102, "+", "S1", "CD13", "PB",
"3", 38167, "-", "S1", "CD14", "PB",
"1", 10032, "+", "S2", "CD14", "PB",
"5", 45612, "-", "S2", "CD34", "BM",
"6", 12542, "-", "S2", "CD13", "PB",
"1", 42571, "-", "S2", "CD14", "PB",
"4", 21054, "+", "S2", "CD14", "PB",
"4", 12072, "-", "S2", "CD13", "PB",
"11", 25722, "-", "S2", "CD34", "BM",
"10", 11725, "+", "S2", "CD14", "PB",
"10", 12247, "+", "S2", "CD34", "BM",
"11", 25722, "-", "S2", "CD13", "PB",
"1", 10032, "+", "S3", "CD14", "PB",
"2", 21206, "+", "S3", "CD14", "PB",
"6", 12542, "-", "S3", "CD14", "PB",
"1", 42571, "-", "S3", "CD34", "BM",
"2", 51232, "+", "S3", "CD13", "PB"
# Test .sh_obtain_lookup
test_that(".sh_obtain_lookup correct output", {
key <- c("SubjectID", "Tissue", "CellMarker")
lu <- .sh_obtain_lookup(key, test_sharing_input)
expect_true(length(lu$group_id) == 9)
counts <- purrr::map_int(lu$is, ~ nrow(.x))
expect_equal(counts, c(3, 2, 1, 4, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1))
# Testing duplicated is
key <- c("SubjectID")
lu <- .sh_obtain_lookup(key, test_sharing_input)
expect_true(length(lu$group_id) == 3)
counts <- purrr::map_int(lu$is, ~ nrow(.x))
counts, c(6, 9, 5)
) # S2 has duplicated is that is removed --> 9
# Test .find_in_common
test_that(".find_in_common works as expected", {
key <- c("SubjectID", "CellMarker")
lu <- .sh_obtain_lookup(key, test_sharing_input)
labels <- tibble::tibble(g1 = "S1_CD34", g2 = "S2_CD14")
common_is <- purrr::pmap(labels, .find_in_common,
lookup_tbl = lu,
keep_genomic_coord = FALSE
expect_equal(common_is[[1]], tibble::tibble(shared = 1))
common_is <- purrr::pmap(labels, .find_in_common,
lookup_tbl = lu,
keep_genomic_coord = TRUE
is_1 <- (lu |>
dplyr::filter(.data$group_id == "S1_CD34") |>
is_2 <- (lu |>
dplyr::filter(.data$group_id == "S2_CD14") |>
shared = 1,
is_coord = list(
is_1 |>
dplyr::inner_join(is_2, by = mandatory_IS_vars())
# Test .count_group_union
test_that(".count_group_union works as expected", {
key <- c("SubjectID", "CellMarker")
lu <- .sh_obtain_lookup(key, test_sharing_input)
labels <- c("S1_CD34", "S2_CD14")
c_union <- .count_group_union(
g1 = labels[1], g2 = labels[2],
col_groups = c("g1", "g2"), lookup_tbl = lu
expect_equal(c_union$count_union, 6)
# Test .sh_truth_tbl_venn
test_that(".sh_truth_tbl_venn works as expected", {
key <- c("SubjectID", "CellMarker")
lu <- .sh_obtain_lookup(key, test_sharing_input)
truth_tbl <- .sh_truth_tbl_venn(
g1 = "S2_CD13", g2 = "S2_CD34", lookup = lu,
groups = c("g1", "g2")
all(truth_tbl |>
dplyr::filter(.data$S2_CD34 == TRUE & .data$S2_CD13 == TRUE) |>
dplyr::pull(.data$int_id) == "11_25722_-")
# Test .sh_row_permut
test_that(".sh_row_permut works as expected", {
test_row <- list(
g1 = "S2_CD13",
g2 = "S2_CD34",
shared = 1,
is_coord = list(tibble::tibble(
chr = "11",
integration_locus = 25722,
strand = "-"
count_g1 = 3,
count_g2 = 3,
count_union = 5,
truth_tbl_venn = list(tibble::tibble(
int_id = c(
"5_45612_-", "11_25722_-", "10_12247_+", "6_12542_-",
perm <- .sh_row_permut(
g_names = c("g1", "g2"),
counts = TRUE
expect_equal(perm$truth_tbl_venn[[1]], test_row$truth_tbl_venn[[1]])
expect_equal(perm$truth_tbl_venn[[2]], test_row$truth_tbl_venn[[1]])
expect_equal(perm$is_coord[[1]], test_row$is_coord[[1]])
expect_equal(perm$is_coord[[2]], test_row$is_coord[[1]])
expect_equal(nrow(perm), 2)
test_that(".sh_row_permut does nothing for same ids", {
test_row <- list(
g1 = "S2_CD34",
g2 = "S2_CD34",
shared = 3,
count_g1 = 3,
count_g2 = 3,
count_union = 3
perm <- .sh_row_permut(
g_names = c("g1", "g2"),
counts = TRUE
expect_equal(nrow(perm), 1)
test_that(".sh_row_permut works as expected - 3 groups", {
test_row <- tibble::tibble(
g1 = "S1_CD34",
g2 = "S2_CD14",
g3 = "S2_CD13",
shared = 0,
count_g1 = 3,
count_g2 = 4,
count_g3 = 3,
count_union = 9
perm <- .sh_row_permut(
g1 = test_row$g1,
g2 = test_row$g2,
g3 = test_row$g3,
shared = test_row$shared,
count_g1 = test_row$count_g1,
count_g2 = test_row$count_g2,
count_g3 = test_row$count_g3,
count_union = test_row$count_union,
g_names = c("g1", "g2", "g3"),
counts = TRUE
expect_true(nrow(perm) == 6)
expect_true(all(perm$shared == 0))
expect_true(all(perm$count_union == 9))
expect_true(all(perm |>
dplyr::filter(.data[["g1"]] == "S1_CD34") |>
dplyr::pull("count_g1") == 3))
expect_true(all(perm |>
dplyr::filter(.data[["g1"]] == "S2_CD14") |>
dplyr::pull("count_g1") == 4))
expect_true(all(perm |>
dplyr::filter(.data[["g1"]] == "S2_CD13") |>
dplyr::pull("count_g1") == 3))
expect_true(all(perm |>
dplyr::filter(.data[["g2"]] == "S1_CD34") |>
dplyr::pull("count_g2") == 3))
expect_true(all(perm |>
dplyr::filter(.data[["g2"]] == "S2_CD14") |>
dplyr::pull("count_g2") == 4))
expect_true(all(perm |>
dplyr::filter(.data[["g2"]] == "S2_CD13") |>
dplyr::pull("count_g2") == 3))
expect_true(all(perm |>
dplyr::filter(.data[["g3"]] == "S1_CD34") |>
dplyr::pull("count_g3") == 3))
expect_true(all(perm |>
dplyr::filter(.data[["g3"]] == "S2_CD14") |>
dplyr::pull("count_g3") == 4))
expect_true(all(perm |>
dplyr::filter(.data[["g3"]] == "S2_CD13") |>
dplyr::pull("count_g3") == 3))
# No counts
test_row <- tibble::tibble(
g1 = "S1_CD34",
g2 = "S2_CD14",
g3 = "S2_CD13",
shared = 0
perm <- .sh_row_permut(
g1 = test_row$g1,
g2 = test_row$g2,
g3 = test_row$g3,
shared = test_row$shared,
g_names = c("g1", "g2", "g3"),
counts = FALSE
expect_true(nrow(perm) == 6)
expect_true(all(perm$shared == 0))
# Self row
test_row <- tibble::tibble(
g1 = "S1_CD34",
g2 = "S1_CD34",
g3 = "S1_CD34",
shared = 3,
count_g1 = 3,
count_g2 = 3,
count_g3 = 3,
count_union = 3
perm <- .sh_row_permut(
g1 = test_row$g1,
g2 = test_row$g2,
g3 = test_row$g3,
shared = test_row$shared,
count_g1 = test_row$count_g1,
count_g2 = test_row$count_g2,
count_g3 = test_row$count_g3,
count_union = test_row$count_union,
g_names = c("g1", "g2", "g3"),
counts = TRUE
expect_true(nrow(perm) == 1)
# Test .single_row_sharing
test_that(".single_row_sharing works as expected", {
test_row <- tibble::tibble(
g1 = c("S1_CD13"),
g2 = c("S1_CD14"),
g3 = c("S1_CD34")
key <- c("SubjectID", "CellMarker")
lu <- .sh_obtain_lookup(key, test_sharing_input)
is_counts <- tibble::tibble(
group_id = c(
"S1_CD34", "S1_CD13", "S1_CD14", "S2_CD14", "S2_CD34",
"S2_CD13", "S3_CD14", "S3_CD34", "S3_CD13"
count = c(3, 2, 1, 4, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1)
result <- .single_row_sharing(
lookup = lu,
is_counts = is_counts,
add_is_count = TRUE,
keep_genomic_coord = TRUE,
rel_sharing = TRUE, venn = TRUE,
minimal = FALSE, progress = NULL
expected <- tibble::tibble(
g1 = c("S1_CD13", "S1_CD13", "S1_CD14", "S1_CD14", "S1_CD34", "S1_CD34"),
g2 = c("S1_CD14", "S1_CD34", "S1_CD13", "S1_CD34", "S1_CD13", "S1_CD14"),
g3 = c("S1_CD34", "S1_CD14", "S1_CD34", "S1_CD13", "S1_CD14", "S1_CD13"),
shared = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
count_g1 = c(2, 2, 1, 1, 3, 3),
count_g2 = c(1, 3, 2, 3, 2, 1),
count_g3 = c(3, 1, 3, 2, 1, 2),
count_union = c(6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6),
on_g1 = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
on_g2 = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
on_g3 = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
on_union = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
result |>
dplyr::select(-dplyr::all_of(c("is_coord", "truth_tbl_venn"))) |>
expected |>
# Test .sharing_singledf_single_key
test_that(".sharing_singledf_single_key ok", {
ISAnalytics.parallel_processing = FALSE
key <- c("SubjectID", "CellMarker")
sh <- .sharing_singledf_single_key(
df = test_sharing_input,
key = key,
minimal = TRUE,
n_comp = 2,
is_count = FALSE,
rel_sharing = FALSE,
include_self_comp = FALSE,
keep_genomic_coord = FALSE,
venn = FALSE
expect_true(nrow(sh) == 36 & ncol(sh) == 3)
sh <- .sharing_singledf_single_key(
df = test_sharing_input,
key = key,
minimal = TRUE,
n_comp = 2,
is_count = FALSE,
rel_sharing = FALSE,
include_self_comp = TRUE,
keep_genomic_coord = FALSE,
venn = FALSE
expect_true(nrow(sh) == 36 + 9 & ncol(sh) == 3)
sh <- .sharing_singledf_single_key(
df = test_sharing_input,
key = key,
minimal = FALSE,
n_comp = 2,
is_count = FALSE,
rel_sharing = FALSE,
include_self_comp = TRUE,
keep_genomic_coord = FALSE,
venn = FALSE
expect_true(nrow(sh) == 36 * 2 + 9 & ncol(sh) == 3)
sh <- .sharing_singledf_single_key(
df = test_sharing_input,
key = key,
minimal = FALSE,
n_comp = 2,
is_count = TRUE,
rel_sharing = FALSE,
include_self_comp = TRUE,
keep_genomic_coord = FALSE,
venn = FALSE
expect_true(nrow(sh) == 36 * 2 + 9 & ncol(sh) == 6)
sh <- .sharing_singledf_single_key(
df = test_sharing_input,
key = key,
minimal = FALSE,
n_comp = 2,
is_count = TRUE,
rel_sharing = TRUE,
include_self_comp = TRUE,
keep_genomic_coord = FALSE,
venn = FALSE
expect_true(nrow(sh) == 36 * 2 + 9 & ncol(sh) == 9)
sh <- .sharing_singledf_single_key(
df = test_sharing_input,
key = key,
minimal = FALSE,
n_comp = 2,
is_count = TRUE,
rel_sharing = TRUE,
include_self_comp = TRUE,
keep_genomic_coord = TRUE,
venn = FALSE
expect_true(nrow(sh) == 36 * 2 + 9 & "is_coord" %in% colnames(sh))
sh <- .sharing_singledf_single_key(
df = test_sharing_input,
key = key,
minimal = FALSE,
n_comp = 2,
is_count = TRUE,
rel_sharing = TRUE,
include_self_comp = TRUE,
keep_genomic_coord = TRUE,
venn = TRUE
expect_true(nrow(sh) == 36 * 2 + 9 & "truth_tbl_venn" %in% colnames(sh))
test_that(".sharing_singledf_single_key works with 1 group", {
ISAnalytics.parallel_processing = FALSE
sub <- test_sharing_input |>
dplyr::filter(.data$SubjectID == "S1")
key <- "SubjectID"
sh <- .sharing_singledf_single_key(
df = sub,
key = key,
minimal = FALSE,
n_comp = 2,
is_count = TRUE,
rel_sharing = TRUE,
include_self_comp = TRUE,
keep_genomic_coord = TRUE,
venn = TRUE
expect_true(nrow(sh) == 1)
expect_equal(sh$g1, "S1")
expect_equal(sh$g2, "S1")
expect_equal(sh$shared, 6)
expect_equal(sh$count_g1, 6)
expect_equal(sh$count_g2, 6)
expect_equal(sh$count_union, 6)
expect_equal(sh$on_g1, 100)
expect_equal(sh$on_g2, 100)
expect_equal(sh$on_union, 100)
sh_1 <- .sharing_singledf_single_key(
df = sub,
key = key,
minimal = FALSE,
n_comp = 2,
is_count = TRUE,
rel_sharing = TRUE,
include_self_comp = FALSE,
keep_genomic_coord = TRUE,
venn = TRUE
# Test .sharing_singledf_mult_key
test_that(".sharing_singledf_mult_key ok", {
ISAnalytics.parallel_processing = FALSE
keys <- list(g1 = c("SubjectID", "CellMarker"), g2 = c("SubjectID"))
sh <- .sharing_singledf_mult_key(
df = test_sharing_input,
keys = keys, minimal = TRUE,
is_count = TRUE,
rel_sharing = TRUE,
keep_genomic_coord = FALSE,
venn = FALSE
expect_true(nrow(sh) == 27 & ncol(sh) == 9)
stringr::str_detect(sh$g1, "^S(1|2|3)_CD[1-9]{2}$") &
stringr::str_detect(sh$g2, "^S[1-3]{1}$")
sh <- .sharing_singledf_mult_key(
df = test_sharing_input,
keys = keys, minimal = FALSE,
is_count = TRUE,
rel_sharing = TRUE,
keep_genomic_coord = FALSE,
venn = FALSE
expect_true(nrow(sh) == 54 & ncol(sh) == 9)
sh <- .sharing_singledf_mult_key(
df = test_sharing_input,
keys = keys, minimal = FALSE,
is_count = TRUE,
rel_sharing = TRUE,
keep_genomic_coord = TRUE,
venn = TRUE
expect_true("is_coord" %in% colnames(sh))
expect_true("truth_tbl_venn" %in% colnames(sh))
# Test .sharing_multdf_single_key
test_that(".sharing_multdf_single_key ok", {
ISAnalytics.parallel_processing = FALSE
df1 <- test_sharing_input |> dplyr::filter(CellMarker == "CD34")
df2 <- test_sharing_input |> dplyr::filter(CellMarker == "CD13")
key <- c("SubjectID", "CellMarker")
sh <- .sharing_multdf_single_key(
dfs = list(df1, df2),
key = key, minimal = TRUE,
is_count = TRUE,
rel_sharing = TRUE,
keep_genomic_coord = FALSE,
venn = FALSE
expect_true(nrow(sh) == 9)
sh <- .sharing_multdf_single_key(
dfs = list(df1, df2),
key = key, minimal = FALSE,
is_count = TRUE,
rel_sharing = TRUE,
keep_genomic_coord = FALSE,
venn = FALSE
expect_true(nrow(sh) == 18)
test_that(".sharing_multdf_single_key handles limit cases", {
ISAnalytics.parallel_processing = FALSE
df1 <- test_sharing_input |>
dplyr::filter(CellMarker == "CD34", SubjectID == "S1") |>
dplyr::filter(!.data$chr == "1")
df2 <- test_sharing_input |>
dplyr::filter(CellMarker == "CD34", SubjectID == "S1")
key <- c("SubjectID", "CellMarker")
sh <- .sharing_multdf_single_key(
dfs = list(df1, df2),
key = key, minimal = FALSE,
is_count = TRUE,
rel_sharing = TRUE,
keep_genomic_coord = TRUE,
venn = TRUE
expect_true(all(sh$shared == 2))
expect_true(nrow(sh) == 2)
expect_true(sh[1, ]$count_g1 == sh[2, ]$count_g2 &
sh[2, ]$count_g1 == sh[1, ]$count_g2)
expect_equal(sh[1, ]$truth_tbl_venn[[1]], sh[2, ]$truth_tbl_venn[[1]])
expect_equal(sh[1, ]$is_coord[[1]], sh[2, ]$is_coord[[1]])
# Test .sharing_multdf_mult_key
test_that(".sharing_multdf_mult_key ok", {
ISAnalytics.parallel_processing = FALSE
df1 <- test_sharing_input |> dplyr::filter(CellMarker == "CD34")
df2 <- test_sharing_input |> dplyr::filter(CellMarker == "CD13")
keys <- list(g1 = c("SubjectID"), g2 = c("SubjectID", "CellMarker"))
sh <- .sharing_multdf_mult_key(
dfs = list(df1, df2),
keys = keys,
minimal = TRUE,
is_count = TRUE,
rel_sharing = TRUE,
keep_genomic_coord = FALSE,
venn = FALSE
stringr::str_detect(sh$g2, "^S(1|2|3)_CD13-2$") &
stringr::str_detect(sh$g1, "^S[1-3]{1}-1$")
expect_true(nrow(sh) == 9)
sh |>
dplyr::filter(.data$g1 == "S2-1", .data$g2 == "S2_CD13-2") |>
dplyr::pull("shared") == 1
sh <- .sharing_multdf_mult_key(
dfs = list(df1, df2),
keys = keys,
minimal = FALSE,
is_count = TRUE,
rel_sharing = TRUE,
keep_genomic_coord = TRUE,
venn = TRUE
expect_true(nrow(sh) == 18)
# Test is_sharing
test_that("is_sharing detects single key in list", {
keys <- list(c("SubjectID", "CellMarker"))
ISAnalytics.parallel_processing = FALSE
withr::with_options(list(ISAnalytics.verbose = TRUE), {
sharing <- is_sharing(test_sharing_input,
group_keys = keys
class = "one_key_list"
keys <- list(
c("SubjectID", "CellMarker"), c("SubjectID", "CellMarker"),
c("SubjectID", "CellMarker")
withr::with_options(list(ISAnalytics.verbose = TRUE), {
sharing <- is_sharing(test_sharing_input,
group_keys = keys
class = "one_key_list"
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