#' Plot CNA segments.
#' @description
#' CNAqc can plot genome-wide segments showing major and minor allele counts as
#' red and blue bars. Bottom circles annotate breakpoints; by default this plot
#' has limited y-axis and breakpoints for segments outside the plot (e.g. very
#' high amplifications) are in black. Areas in the genome that are mapped to
#' the most prevalent karyotype are shadowed by default. Note that the colour
#' scheme in CNAqc is fixed for certain segments. The colour scheme is adopted
#' also for other information, e.g., to report the segment where a certain driver
#' is mapped. A circular layout for this plot is also available, and total
#' copy numbers can also be plot.
#' Note that two distinct colour schemas distinguish clonal and subclonal segments.
#' @param x A CNAqc object.
#' @param chromosomes The chromosome to plot.
#' @param max_Y_height Maximum height for the Y-axis of the plot. Segments witht total copy
#' number (Major plus minor) above \code{max_Y_height} are not showm; in that case a point
#' annotation is put on top of the plot, and \code{max_Y_height} is annotated in the grid.
#' @param highlight A list of karyotype ids in \code{"Major:minor"} notation
#' (e.g., \code{"1:1", "2,1", ...}) that will be shadowed with a transparent area.
#' By default, it plots the most prevalent karyotype using `x$most_prevalent_karyotype`.
#' @param highlight_QC Similar to \code{highlight} but shadows segments based on the QC results and
#' takes a boolean as an input. By default, it overrrides \code{highlight}, while if no peak analysis
#' has been performed reverts back to \code{highlight}
#' @param circular Uses a circular layout in polar coordinates to make the segments
#' look like a circos plot. This visualisation can save space.
#' @param cn Type of copy number segment to show on the plot. Either \code{"absolute"} for
#' Major and minor annotation, or \code{"total"} for the total (Major plus minor) annotation.
#' @param ... Extra parameters passed to the hidden function \code{blank_genome}.
#' @return A \code{ggplot2} plot.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data('example_dataset_CNAqc', package = 'CNAqc')
#' x = init(mutations = example_dataset_CNAqc$mutations, cna = example_dataset_CNAqc$cna, purity = example_dataset_CNAqc$purity)
#' # Default view, works for most cases
#' plot_segments(x)
#' # A subset of chromosomes
#' plot_segments(x, chromosomes = 'chr13')
#' # Total CNAs
#' plot_segments(x, cn = 'total')
#' # Shadows all simple clonal CNAs
#' plot_segments(x, highlight = c('1:0', '1:1', '2:0', '2:1', '2:2'))
plot_segments = function(x,
chromosomes = paste0('chr', c(1:22, 'X', 'Y')),
max_Y_height = 6,
circular = FALSE,
cn = 'absolute',
highlight = x$most_prevalent_karyotype,
highlight_QC = FALSE,
stopifnot(inherits(x, 'cnaqc'))
# Circular layout
if (circular) {
base_plot = plot_segments_circular(x, chromosomes = chromosomes)
# Standard plot -- baseline genome reference
base_plot = blank_genome(chromosomes = chromosomes,
ref = x$reference_genome,
# Segments
segments = x$cna %>%
dplyr::filter(chr %in% chromosomes) %>%
total = Major + minor,
karyotype = paste0(Major, ':', minor)
segments = CNAqc:::relative_to_absolute_coordinates(x, segments)
# =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
# Shadow for highligthing
# =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
if(highlight_QC & !is.null(x$peaks_analysis)) {
base_plot = CNAqc:::add_shadow_to_plot_QC(segments, base_plot)
} else {
base_plot = CNAqc:::add_shadow_to_plot(segments, base_plot, highlight)
# =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
# Draw Segments
# =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
base_plot = add_segments_to_plot(
segments = segments %>% dplyr::filter(total <= max_Y_height),
base_plot = base_plot,
cn = cn)
# Extract subclonal segments
subclonal_segments = NULL
if (!is.null(x$cna_subclonal) & nrow(x$cna_subclonal) > 0)
subclonal_segments = x$cna_subclonal %>%
dplyr::filter(chr %in% chromosomes)
if (nrow(subclonal_segments) > 0)
base_plot = add_subclonal_segments_to_plot(
segments = subclonal_segments %>%
relative_to_absolute_coordinates(x = x),
base_plot = base_plot,
cn = cn
# Fragmentation ~ add some annotation to hihglight that
if (!is.null(x$arm_fragmentation))
fragmented = x$arm_fragmentation$table %>%
dplyr::filter(significant, chr %in% chromosomes) %>%
dplyr::mutate(label = paste0(chr, arm)) %>%
if (length(fragmented) > 0)
expanded_reference = CNAqc:::expand_reference_chr_to_arms(x) %>%
dplyr::filter(chr %in% fragmented)
# base_plot = base_plot +
# geom_rect(
# data = expanded_reference,
# aes(
# xmin = from,
# xmax = to,
# ymin = -Inf,
# ymax = Inf
# ),
# alpha = .2,
# fill = NA,
# color = 'purple4'
# )
# base_plot +
# geom_segment(
# data = expanded_reference,
# aes(
# x = from,
# xend = to,
# y = -0.2,
# yend = -0.2,
# ),
# color = 'purple4',
# linetype = 1,
# size = 2
# )
base_plot = base_plot +
data = expanded_reference,
x = from,
label = gsub(pattern = 'chr', replacement = '', chr),
y = -0.2
fill = 'purple4',
color = 'white',
size = 2,
label.padding = unit(0.05, 'cm')
# Caption
capt_label = paste0(
"Ploidy ", x$ploidy, "; Purity ", x$purity,
'; n = ', x$n_mutations, ' mutations in ',
' segments'
# Add extras
if (!is.null(x$arm_fragmentation))
capt_label = paste0(
'; ',
x$arm_fragmentation$table %>%
dplyr::filter(significant, chr %in% chromosomes) %>%
' fragmented arms'
base_plot = base_plot + ggplot2::labs(caption = capt_label)
# =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
# Breakpoints annotations
# =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
base_plot = CNAqc:::add_breakpoints_to_plot(segments, base_plot, max_Y_height, circular)
# =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
# Drivers annotations
# =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
drivers_list = CNAqc:::get_drivers(x, chromosomes = chromosomes)
base_plot = CNAqc:::add_drivers_to_segment_plot(x,
drivers_list = drivers_list,
color_by = ifelse(highlight_QC & !is.null(x$peaks_analysis),
"QC_PASS", "karyotype"))
# Internal function -- implements a circular layout using plot_segments
plot_segments_circular = function(x, chromosomes = paste0('chr', c(1:22, 'X', 'Y')))
# Uses the standard function, but rotates the coordinate system,
# offsets the y-axis and add a new set of labels
max_Y_height = 5,
chromosomes = chromosomes,
circular = FALSE,
label_chr = NA
) +
theta = 'x',
start = 0,
clip = 'off'
) +
ggplot2::ylim(-2, 5) +
ggplot2::labs(x = "",
y = "") +
axis.text.y = ggplot2::element_blank(),
panel.grid.major = ggplot2::element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = ggplot2::element_blank(),
panel.border = ggplot2::element_rect(size = .3)
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