#' Get images from an Episode/yarn object
#' @param yrn an Episode/yarn object
#' @param process if `TRUE` (default), images will be processed via
#' [process_images()] to add the alt attribute and extract images from HTML
#' blocks. `FALSE` will present the nodes as found by XPath search.
#' @return an xml_nodelist
#' @details Markdown users can write images as either markdown or HTML. If they
#' write images as HTML, then the commonmark XML parser recognises these as
#' generic "HTML blocks" and they can't be found by just searching for
#' `.//md:image`. This function searches both `md:html_block` and
#' `md:html_inline` for image content that it can extract for downstream
#' analysis.
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' tmp <- tempfile()
#' on.exit(unlink(tmp))
#' txt <- '
#' ![a kitten](https://placekitten.com/200/200){alt="a pretty kitten"}
#' <!-- an html image of a kitten -->
#' <img src="https://placekitten.com/200/200">
#' an inline html image of a kitten <img src="https://placekitten.com/50/50">
#' '
#' writeLines(txt, tmp)
#' ep <- Episode$new(tmp)
#' ep$show()
#' # without process = TRUE, images in HTML elements are not converted
#' ep$get_images()
#' # setting process = TRUE will extract the HTML elements for analysis
#' # (e.g to detect alt text)
#' ep$get_images(process = TRUE)
get_images <- function(yrn, process = TRUE) {
img <- ".//md:image"
hblock <- ".//md:html_block[contains(text(), '<img')]"
# comment blocks should not be included in the image processing.
nocomment <- "[not(starts-with(normalize-space(text()), '<!--'))]"
hline <- ".//md:html_inline[starts-with(text(), '<img')]"
xpath <- glue::glue("{img} | {hblock}{nocomment} | {hline}")
images <- xml2::xml_find_all(yrn$body, xpath, yrn$ns)
images <- if (process) process_images(images) else images
#' Set alt attribute for image nodes; extract images from HTML blocks
#' Markdown specification is not always clear about what goes in the text part
#' of an image. Pandoc specifies a markdown image as
#' ![caption text](img.png){alt="alt text"}
#' Since commonmark does not recognize the alt-text, we need to find it
#' ourselves.
#' Moreover, it's possible to include HTML images, so we need to parse the HTML
#' to expose the alt text.
#' @param images an XML nodelist that contains blocs with image information
#' @param ns the namespace to use
#' @return a copy of the nodelist
#' @keywords internal
process_images <- function(images, ns = tinkr::md_ns()) {
xpath <- "self::*/following-sibling::*[1]/self::*[starts-with(text(), '{')]"
have_alts <- xml2::xml_find_lgl(images, glue::glue("boolean({xpath})"), ns)
have_no_attr <- is.na(xml2::xml_attr(images[have_alts], "alt"))
html_nodes <- grepl("html_", xml2::xml_name(images))
if (sum(have_alts) && all(have_no_attr)) {
set_alt_attr(images[have_alts], xpath, ns)
if (sum(html_nodes)) {
# This creates a copy of the nodes
# HTML nodes are tricky because you can pack a whole bunch of images in
# there, so what we do is extract them and then figure out if we have to
# add new nodes on to the end.
img_blocks <- extract_img_from_html(images[html_nodes])
nh <- sum(html_nodes)
which_node <- which(html_nodes)
# Replace the existing HTML nodes
for (i in seq(nh)) {
images[[which_node[i]]] <- img_blocks[[i]]
# Append any remaining nodes at the end
if (length(img_blocks) > nh) {
n <- length(images)
for (i in seq(length(img_blocks) - nh)) {
images[[n + i]] <- img_blocks[[nh + i]]
#' Set the alt text for a nodeset of images
#' This finds the attribute curly braces after an image declaration, extracts
#' the alt text, and adds it as an attribute to the image, which is useful in
#' parsing the XML, and will not affect rendering.
#' @note this function assumes that the images entering have a curly brace
#' following.
#' @param images a nodeset of images
#' @param xpath an XPath expression that finds the first curly brace immediately
#' after a node.
#' @param ns the namespace of the XML
#' @return the nodeset, invisibly.
set_alt_attr <- function(images, xpath, ns) {
attrs <- xml2::xml_find_all(images, glue::glue("./{xpath}"), ns = ns)
# We have the text of the alt text here, but it's possible that the alt text
# was separated on different lines
attr_texts <- xml2::xml_text(attrs)
no_closing <- !grepl("[}]", attr_texts)
if (any(no_closing)) {
fixed_text <- purrr::map_chr(attrs[no_closing], get_broken_attr_text, ns)
attr_texts[no_closing] <- fixed_text
htmls <- paste(gsub("[{](.+)[}]", "<img \\1/>", attr_texts), collapse = "\n")
htmls <- xml2::read_html(htmls)
alts <- xml2::xml_find_all(htmls, ".//img")
alts <- xml2::xml_attr(alts, "alt")
purrr::walk2(images, alts, function(img, alt) {
if (!is.na(alt)) xml2::xml_set_attr(img, "alt", alt)
#' @noRd
#' @param attr_node an attribute node following an image. This should be a
#' text node that will start with `\{`.
#' @param ns the xml namespace
get_broken_attr_text <- function(attr_node, ns) {
closer <- xml2::xml_find_first(attr_node, closing_attr_xpath(), ns)
# find all the sibling nodes between the attr_node and the closer
# and extract the text
txt <- xml2::xml_text(find_between_nodes(attr_node, closer))
# collapse the text without the newlines
paste(txt[txt != ''], collapse = " ")
closing_attr_xpath <- function() {
# This XPath satement is _really_ hairy. Effectively, we are looking for
# _closing_ bracket with the possibility that there could be brackets that
# look like our closer. We will know a bracket is a closer if it is the last
# one on the line or if it is preceded by a quote or space.
# 1. a bracket at the end of the line is a closing bracket
# (this could be violated but I think it's a safe edge case)
ender <- "substring(text(), string-length(text)) = '}'"
# 2. a bracket that is preceded by a single quote
single_quote <- "contains(text(), concat(\"'\", \"}\"))"
# 3. a bracket that is preceded by a space
# 4. a bracket that is preceded by a double quote
possible_closers <- paste0(c(" ", '"'), "}")
closer_pred <- paste0("contains(text(), '", possible_closers, "')")
# collapsing everything together
final_pred <- paste(c(closer_pred, single_quote, ender), collapse = " or ")
paste0("./following-sibling::md:text[", final_pred, "][1]")
extract_img_from_html <- function(html_blocks) {
res <- purrr::map(html_blocks,
~xml2::xml_find_all(xml2::read_html(xml2::xml_text(.x)), ".//img")
srcpos <- purrr::map_chr(html_blocks, ~xml2::xml_attr(.x, "sourcepos"))
purrr::walk(res, ~xml2::xml_set_attr(.x, "destination", xml2::xml_attr(.x, "src")))
purrr::walk2(res, srcpos, ~xml2::xml_set_attr(.x, "sourcepos", .y))
res <- purrr::map(res, c)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.