frg_path <- lesson_fragment()
frg <- Lesson$new(path = frg_path, rmd = FALSE)
test_that("Lesson class will fail if given a bad path", {
nopath <- fs::path(tempdir(), "does", "not", "exist")
err <- glue::glue("the directory '{nopath}' does not exist or is not a directory")
expect_error(Lesson$new(path = nopath), err)
test_that("styles-based lessons can not read in built files", {
expect_message(frg$load_built(), "Only lessons using sandpaper can load built files")
test_that("Sandpaper lessons can be read", {
snd <- Lesson$new(path = lesson_fragment("sandpaper-fragment"), jekyll = FALSE)
expect_s3_class(snd, "Lesson")
expect_named(snd$episodes, "intro.Rmd")
expect_s3_class(snd$episodes[[1]], "Episode")
expect_s3_class(snd$extra[[1]], "Episode")
# lineages will return the source file
expect_equal(snd$trace_lineage(snd$episodes[[1]]$path), snd$episodes[[1]]$path)
expect_equal(snd$trace_lineage(snd$extra[[1]]$path), snd$extra[[1]]$path)
test_that("Sandpaper lessons with incomplete conversions will throw an error", {
tmp <- withr::local_tempdir()
test_dir <- fs::path(tmp, "ohno")
fs::dir_copy(lesson_fragment("sandpaper-fragment"), test_dir)
fs::dir_copy(fs::path(frg_path, "_episodes"), test_dir)
fs::file_copy(fs::path(frg_path, "_config.yml"), test_dir)
expect_error(Lesson$new(path = test_dir, jekyll = FALSE),
"config files in the lesson.+?_config.yml")
test_that("Jekyll workshop overview lessons with no episodes can be read", {
tmp <- withr::local_tempdir()
# the key is that they end with -workshop
test_dir <- fs::path(tmp, "jekyll-test-workshop")
fs::dir_copy(frg_path, test_dir)
fs::dir_delete(fs::path(test_dir, "_episodes"))
# We are expecting this to _not fail_
lsn <- Lesson$new(path = test_dir, jekyll = TRUE)
# the lesson should have an empty episode slot
lnks <- lsn$validate_links()
expect_s3_class(lnks, "data.frame")
expect_equal(nrow(lnks), 0L)
test_that("Jekyll workshop overview lessons with episodes can be read (but won't be overview)", {
tmp <- withr::local_tempdir()
# the key is that they end with -workshop
test_dir <- fs::path(tmp, "jekyll-test-workshop")
fs::dir_copy(frg_path, test_dir)
# We are expecting this to _not fail_
lsn <- Lesson$new(path = test_dir, jekyll = TRUE)
# the episodes should still exist for an overview lesson
expect_type(lsn$episodes, "list")
expect_length(lsn$episodes, 4L)
expect_s3_class(lsn$episodes[[1]], "Episode")
# the lesson should throw warnings about the missing files in the lesson
# fragment demo because the episodes will still exist.
suppressMessages(expect_message(lnks <- lsn$validate_links(), "missing file"))
expect_s3_class(lnks, "data.frame")
expect_equal(nrow(lnks), 14L)
test_that("Sandpaper workshop overview lessons with no episodes can be read", {
tmp <- withr::local_tempdir()
# the key is that they end with -workshop
test_dir <- fs::path(tmp, "sandpaper-test-workshop")
fs::dir_copy(lesson_fragment("sandpaper-fragment"), test_dir)
fs::dir_delete(fs::path(test_dir, "episodes"))
cat("\noverview: true\n",
file = fs::path(test_dir, "config.yaml"), append = TRUE)
# We are expecting this to _not fail_
lsn <- Lesson$new(path = test_dir, jekyll = FALSE)
# the lesson should have an empty episode slot
# the setup page should throw warnings about two HTTP links
suppressMessages(expect_message(lnks <- lsn$validate_links(), "HTTPS"))
expect_s3_class(lnks, "data.frame")
expect_equal(nrow(lnks), 2L)
if (requireNamespace("cli")) {
cli::test_that_cli("Sandpaper Lessons can be validated", {
snd <- Lesson$new(path = lesson_fragment("sandpaper-fragment"), jekyll = FALSE)
withr::local_envvar(list(CI = 'true'))
expect_snapshot(vhead <- snd$validate_headings())
expect_equal(nrow(vhead), 8L)
expect_snapshot(vlink <- snd$validate_links())
expect_equal(nrow(vlink), 3L)
test_that("Sandpaper Lessons can be _quietly_ validated", {
snd <- Lesson$new(path = lesson_fragment("sandpaper-fragment"), jekyll = FALSE)
expect_message(vhead <- snd$validate_headings(verbose = FALSE), NA)
expect_message(vlink <- snd$validate_links(), "There were errors in 2/3 links")
test_that("Sandpaper lessons have getter and summary methods", {
snd <- Lesson$new(path = lesson_fragment("sandpaper-fragment"), jekyll = FALSE)
# sandpaper lessons will have their divs pre-labeled.
expect_length(snd$challenges()[[1]], 1L)
expect_length(snd$solutions()[[1]], 2L)
expect_length(snd$get("headings")[[1]], 6L)
expect_length(snd$get("code", TRUE)[[1]], 3L)
expect_length(snd$get("links")[[1]], 1L)
expect_length(snd$get("images")[[1]], 0L)
withr::local_options(list(width = 200))
# summary for all files can exist
# summary for episodes can exist
test_that("Sandpaper lessons can read in built files", {
snd <- Lesson$new(path = lesson_fragment("sandpaper-fragment"), jekyll = FALSE)
withr::local_options(list(width = 200))
test_that("Sandpaper lessons will throw a warning for $load_built()", {
lf <- lesson_fragment("sandpaper-fragment")
fs::path(lf, "site", "tliub"),
fs::path(lf, "site", "built")
fs::path(lf, "site", "built"),
fs::path(lf, "site", "tliub")
snd <- Lesson$new(path = lf, jekyll = FALSE)
"No files built. Run `sandpaper\\:\\:build_lesson\\(\\)` to build.")
test_that("Sandpaper lessons can create handouts", {
# handout can have solution and no solution
snd <- Lesson$new(path = lesson_fragment("sandpaper-fragment"), jekyll = FALSE)
expect_snapshot(cat(snd$handout(solution = TRUE)))
tmp <- fs::file_temp(ext = "Rmd")
# handout can write to a file
expect_length(snd$handout(tmp, solution = TRUE)$solutions, 1L)
# the handout can be read by tinkr
expect_snapshot(cat(tinkr::yarn$new(tmp)$show(), sep = "\n"))
test_that("Lesson class contains the right stuff", {
expect_s3_class(frg, "Lesson")
expect_length(frg$episodes, 4)
expect_s3_class(frg$episodes[[1]], "Episode")
expect_s3_class(frg$episodes[[2]], "Episode")
expect_s3_class(frg$episodes[[3]], "Episode")
expect_s3_class(frg$episodes[[4]], "Episode")
expect_true(all(purrr::map_lgl(frg$files, fs::file_exists)))
expect_equal(names(frg$episodes), unname(purrr::map_chr(frg$episodes, "name")))
expect_equal(frg$path, unique(purrr::map_chr(frg$episodes, "lesson")))
expect_equal(frg$n_problems, c("" = 0, "" = 0, "" = 0, "" = 0))
expect_length(frg$show_problems, 0)
if (requireNamespace("cli")) {
cli::test_that_cli("Lessons can be validated", {
withr::local_envvar(list(CI = 'true'))
expect_snapshot(vhead <- frg$validate_headings())
expect_equal(nrow(vhead), 37L)
expect_snapshot(vlink <- frg$validate_links())
expect_equal(nrow(vlink), 14L)
test_that("Lessons can be _quietly_ validated", {
expect_message(vhead <- frg$validate_headings(verbose = FALSE), "There were errors in 13/37 headings")
expect_message(vlink <- frg$validate_links(), "There were errors in 4/14 images")
test_that("Lesson class can get the challenges", {
expected <- c("" = 0, "" = 7, "" = 3, "" = 2)
chal <- frg$challenges()
expect_length(chal, 4)
expect_equal(lengths(chal), expected)
expect_s3_class(chal[[""]], "xml_nodeset")
test_that("Lesson class can get challenge graphs", {
# The number of nodes is equal to the contents + fenceposts
n <- sum(purrr::map_int(
~length(xml2::xml_contents(.x)) + length(.x)
chal <- frg$challenges(graph = TRUE, recurse = FALSE)
expect_s3_class(chal, "data.frame")
expect_named(chal, c("Episode", "Block", "from", "to", "pos", "level"))
expect_equal(nrow(chal), n)
# all of the elements should be top level
expect_equal(sum(chal$level), n)
chalr <- frg$challenges(graph = TRUE, recurse = TRUE)
expect_s3_class(chalr, "data.frame")
expect_named(chalr, c("Episode", "Block", "from", "to", "pos", "level"))
expect_gt(nrow(chalr), n)
test_that("Lesson class can get the solutions", {
expected <- c("" = 0, "" = 10, "" = 3, "" = 0)
chal <- frg$solutions()
expect_length(chal, 4)
expect_equal(lengths(chal), expected)
expect_s3_class(chal[[""]], "xml_nodeset")
test_that("Lessons can isolate code", {
frg2 <- frg$clone(deep = TRUE)
expect_equal(xml2::xml_length(frg2$episodes[[1]]$body), 2)
expect_equal(xml2::xml_length(frg2$isolate_blocks()$episodes[[1]]$body), 0)
# The deep cloning does not affect the original data
expect_equal(xml2::xml_length(frg$episodes[[1]]$body), 2)
test_that("Lesson class can remove episodes with $thin()", {
frg2 <- frg$clone(deep = TRUE)
expect_length(frg2$episodes, 4)
expect_message(frg2$thin(), "Removing 1 episode:", fixed = TRUE)
expect_length(frg2$episodes, 3)
expect_named(frg2$episodes, c("", "", ""))
expect_message(frg2$thin(), "Nothing to remove!")
# resetting is possible
expect_message(frg2$reset()$thin(), "Removing 1 episode:", fixed = TRUE)
expect_length(frg$episodes, 4)
expect_silent(frg$thin(verbose = FALSE))
expect_length(frg$episodes, 3)
expect_named(frg$episodes, c("", "", ""))
expect_message(frg2$thin(), "Nothing to remove!")
expect_silent(frg$thin(verbose = FALSE))
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